Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1eadership innovation"" "subject:"aleadership innovation""
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An investigation into the impact of transformational leadership on innovation process and knowledge sharing : the case of UAE Ministry of Interior (MoI)Aldarmaki, Khaled January 2017 (has links)
The current socio-economic and political challenges, globalisation, introduction of information technology and competition with private firms are challenging the way governments operate. In recent years, the UAE Government have thus invested heavily in the innovative projects to achieve the UAE vison 2021, which is to become one of the most innovative governments globally. Developing a better understanding of how innovation happens in governments appears to be gaining increased traction among policy makers and researchers alike. This study examined the relationship between Transformational leadership (TL), Innovation process (INN) and Knowledge sharing (KS) within public sector organisation the case of the UAE Ministry of Interior (MoI). There are several models of innovation available, however, most of them are based on product innovation and derived from private sector experiences. Moreover, there is a lack of models linking transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, and innovation within public organisation of developing countries in general and the UAE in particular The main research objective is to investigate the impact of the four main components of transformational leadership on knowledge sharing and innovation process within the public sector organisation, and the impact of knowledge sharing on the innovation process. To achieve the research objectives, a positivist paradigm is used throughout the research process. Using deductive approach, ten hypotheses were tested in the MoI context. Respondents no. The survey was administered to employees of the ministry of Interior as a method of data collection. Applying SPSS 23 and AMOS 23, the data was analysed and a structural model was developed, which can be serve as a predictive model for workplace innovation. Paragraph3 The findings of this research reveal that inspirational motivation (IM) has non-significant influence on the innovation process within the MoI, while the other three components of transformational leadership were found to have a significant influence on innovation process. Similarly, inspirational motivation (IM), and idealised influence (IF) were found to have non-significant influence on knowledge sharing. In addition, knowledge sharing (KS) was significantly associated with the innovation process. Finally, demographic variables specifically position and level of education were found to have a significant difference in terms of the respondents' views towards the innovation process within the MoI. This study contributes to the field of organizational innovation in public sector as the outcome of the research provides a specific framework for the conditions and needs of the public sector organisation. The study contributes to the theory by providing new insights into the factors that influence innovation process in the MoI. The study identifies four factors that directly and indirectly affect innovation process; these factors based on the degree of their importance are IC, IS, KS and IF. Moreover, the study contributes to the knowledge by investigating the mediating role of knowledge sharing in supporting the relationship between transformational leadership and innovation process. Finally, one major contribution of this study is the development of a 33-item instrument which measures factors affecting innovation process, particularly in the context of public sector of the UAE. From a practical perspective, MoI leaders trying to implement innovation can use the final model and set of recommendations provided to implement innovation effectively.
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Analýza existujících způsobů měření inovační firemní kultury / Analysis of existing methods of measuring innovation corporate cultureŠkolová, Alena January 2015 (has links)
The presented thesis addresses the topic of innovation corporate culture and instruments of measurement. The thesis is built systematically from the general to the specific. The first part deals with the general definition of culture and its characteristics, and further it is described the phenomenon of organizational culture with the elements, by which is determined. The last theoretical part is about the definition of a specific type of corporate culture, of which domain is to support long-term innovation capability. It is based on literature review on this topic. Then it is introduced several tools that try to measure innovation culture or similar concepts and these are commented in relation just to the definition of an innovation culture. The following part is research, which contains the results of the use of tools, which was developed by Rao and Weintraub (2013) and evaluation of this tool. This tool was applied to a company, by which business is consulting in the field of innovation and designing of new products and services. The research was conducted for the basic purpose of the tool - measuring the innovation corporate culture, but to evaluate the quality of the measurement instrument from the perspective of validity and from the methodology of the creation of the questionnaire, too. The...
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Návrh nového informačního systému ve firmě / Proposal for New Information System in the CompanyKunc, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The main theme of this diploma thesis is the drafting of the implementation information system for company, which is defined by the individual's requirements and objectives for which it is drawn up. In the theoretical part deals with basic information about the innovation, especially implementation information system for company, based on the theoretical knowledge and the information collected. The practical part is directly focused on implementation information system including economic assessment and analysis of risk join with this innovation process.
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Leadership & The importance of Corporate EntrepreneurshipJohansson, Erik, Frisk, Aava January 2023 (has links)
Due to the importance of corporate entrepreneurship and leadership innovation when nurturing and building the company, along with keeping up with competition in an ever developing world these concepts have become more of an importance over the past few years. Corporate Entrepreneurship has an important role in building innovation and is needed to avoid disruption. However, the level of conscious attention given to CE within Swedish SMEs is still to some extent unknown. This study aims to investigate the CE initiatives produced and the active awareness put towards it along with the extent entrepreneurial leadership plays a role in the organizational innovation. The two research questions are: How are corporate leaders paying attention to corporate entrepreneurship? & How is entrepreneurial leadership enhancing leadership innovation in Swedish SMEs? This study focuses on Swedish small to medium-sized companies of various sizes and within different industries but also acting within the same ownership structure. For this reason, the relationship and entrepreneurial culture within the whole organization is also of interest. Therefore, a total of four interviews with six individuals from four different companies were conducted. The data was analyzed using a thematic analysis method. The results showed that there is an unconscious use of CE approaches and initiative along with the important role of entrepreneurial leadership to maintain and develop the organization.
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Militär kreativitet : en militär konstform?Blomberg, Björn January 2021 (has links)
Kreativitet är en förmåga som Försvarsmakten önskar att militär personal behärskar och använder. Samtidigt saknas en tydlig beskrivning av vad militär kreativitet är, hur det ska tolkas och om det påverkas av yttre påverkansfaktorer. Trots vikten av att officerare ska kunna behärska kreativitet i en militär kontext, återfinns det inte en entydig sammanhållen definition av begreppet att förhålla sig till. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för militär kreativitet och de drivkrafter som påverkar kreativiteten i en militär kontext. De två frågeställningar som ligger till grund för studien var: Hur tolkas kreativitet i en militär kontext av yrkesofficerare i Försvarsmakten? Vilka drivkrafter hämmar alternativt stimulerar kreativitet i en militär kontext hos den enskilde yrkesofficeren? Frågeställningarna undersöktes genom intervjuer med yrkesofficerare i Försvarsmakten och analyserades i enlighet med en Grounded Theory-ansats. Studiens resultat visar att det finns en militär kreativitet som uppstår då militär personal befinner sig i en militär kontext och ständigt tänker nytt. Mer specifikt kan denna militära kreativitet definieras som: när militär personal på ett nytt och nyttigt eller generativt sätt skapar progression i en militär kontext. Denna studie bidrar således med att belysa progression som en viktig utgångspunkt för förståelsen av militär kreativitet. Studien visar också att den organisatoriska miljön har en central betydelse för den militära kreativiteten eftersom den stimulerar eller hämmar den militära personalen i sitt utövande. Studiens resultat pekar särskilt på att förekomsten av negativ korrigering, eller bestraffning, inom Försvarsmakten har en påtagligt hämmande effekt på militär kreativitet. / Creativity is an ability that the Swedish Armed Forces want their military personnel to master and use. At the same time, there is no clear description of what military creativity is, how it should be interpreted and whether it is influenced by external influencing factors. Despite the importance of officers being able to master creativity in a military context, there is no unambiguously coherent definition of the term to relate to. The purpose of this study was to contribute to a better understanding of military creativity and the driving forces that influence creativity in a military context. The two questions that form the basis of the study were: How is creativity interpreted in a military context by professional officers in the Armed Forces? What driving forces inhibit or stimulate creativity in a military context of the individual professional officer? The issues were examined through interviews with professional officers in the Swedish Armed Forces and analyzed in accordance with a Grounded Theory approach. The results of the study show that there is a military creativity that arises when military personnel are in a military context and constantly think new. More specifically, this military creativity can be defined as: when military personnel in a new and useful or generative way create progression in a military context. This study thus helps to shed light on progression as an important starting point for the understanding of military creativity. The study also shows that the organizational environment is central to military creativity because it stimulates or inhibits military personnel in their practice. The results of the study indicate in particular that the presence of negative correction, or punishment, within the Swedish Armed Forces has a significant inhibiting effect on military creativity.
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Reinženjering preduzeća kao tehnika savremenog menadžmenta / Reengineering the company as modern management techniquePecić LJiljana 29 April 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu se iskazuje potreba za obavljanjem reinţenjeringa preduzeća (RP), kao radikalno novog totalnog procesnog organizovanja preduzeća sa tendencijom ostvarivanja TQM-a (totalno procesno organizovanje preduzeća po prvi put je inţenjering preduzeća (IR)). Takođe, u radu se daje odgovarajuća metodologija za obavljanje inţenjeringa I reinţenjeringa preduzeća i iskazuje ĉinjenica da obavljanje svakog inţenjeringa i reinţenjeringa preduzeća, kao i funkcionisanje TQM-a podrazumeva postojanje menadţmenta u preduzeću koji se stalno inovira.<br />Rad istiĉe ĉinjenicu da u procesnom organizovanju preduzeća treba da se razlikuje selekcionistiĉki pristup koji prvenstveno odgovara naprednim preduzećima u razvijenoj svetskoj privredi i totalistiĉki pristup, koji rad obrađuje, a koji prevashodno odgovara svim ostalim preduzećima. Osnovni kriterijum koji odreĊuje kad koji pristup treba da bude upotrebljen je kvalitet posedovanne marketinške organizacione culture. Ako je posedovana marketinška organizaciona kultura zadovoljavajuća onda za ostvarivanje procesnog organizovanja treba da bude upotrebljen postojeći selekcionistiĉki pristup, dok u suprotnom sluĉaju, koji je daleko rasprostranjeni, treba da bude primenjen totalistiĉki pristup, koga rad obrađuje.<br />U radu je obrađen model za identifikaciju kvaliteta postojeće marketinške organizacione kulture preduzeća i iskazan naĉin pokretanja reinţenjeringa na primeru konkretnog preduzeća sloţenog karaktera i naĉin kako se identifikuju koristi od njegovog obavljanja u poĉetnoj fazi obavljanja (prve dve godine od njegovog pokretanja).<br />Obavljeno istraţivanje je prevashodno analitiĉko deskriptivnog karaktera u okviru kog se dokazivanje postavljenih operativnih hipoteza vršilo po odgovarajućim radnim poglavljima koja nose njihove nazive. Takođe, u sklopu obavljanja istraţivanja data su odgovarajuća razjašnjenja pojmova: vizija, misija, opšti cilj, strategija ostvarivanja opšteg cilja, identifikovanje radne strukture i strukture radnih procesa, modeliranje poslovne strukture i strukture poslovnih procesa, i definisanje procesne organizacione strukture preduzeća sa uspostavljanjem novog baziĉnog marketinški orjentisanog organizacionog modela. Ostvarivanje ovakvog organizacionog poduhvata definisano je odgovarajućom specijalnom grafiĉkom interpretacijom. Na primeru jednog sloţenog preduzeća dokazano je, kroz poĉetne rezultate, da jedan ovakav pristup daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate.</p> / <p>The paper shows the need for the re-engineering of the company (RP), as performing a radical new process of organizing the total tendency of TQM implementation, called Enterprise Engineering (IE). It also provides an appropriate methodology for their performing and reflect the fact that the performance of each engineering and re-engineering enterprises, as well as the functioning of TQM, implies the existence of management in a company, that is constantly innovating.<br />The paper highlights the fact that in the process organizing the company we shoulddistinguish differ process selection approach (that is suitable for advanced enterprises in developed world economy) and totalistic approach (which mainly corresponds to other companies). The main criterion that determines when that approach should be used, is the quality of subsumed marketing organizational culture. If the marketing possessed organizational culture is satisfactory then for the process of organizing should be used selection approach, while in the opposite case, which is far distributed, should be applied totalistic approach, which this paper deals with.<br />The paper describes a model for identification the quality of the existing marketing organizational culture, of the company and shown the way to start re-engineering through example of a particular complex company and find way how to identify the benefits of its performance in the beginning phase (the first two years of its launch).<br />Conducted research has primarily analytical-descriptive character, within which is done proving the set of operational hypotheses through relevant chapters which take their names. Also, through research performing are given adequate clarifications of terms: vision, mission, objective, strategy for achieving public goals, identifying the labor structure and structure of work processes, modeling the business structure and the structure of business processes, defining process organized structure of the company to establish a new base market oriented organizational model. The exercise of such organizational enterprise defines appropriate special graphical interpretation.</p>
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