Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mean anufacturing"" "subject:"mean amanufacturing""
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Improving quality and productivity through lean manufacturing at an automotive manufacturing organisation in DurbanRathilall, Raveen January 2011 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of
Master of Technology: Quality, Durban University of Technology, 2011 / The manufacturing sector, considered to be an important industry in any country, is often plagued with a significant degree of competition due to global marketing. In order to cope with this challenge, organisations attempt to improve their manufacturing operations by using different tools and techniques to reduce costs while remaining profitable.
This study investigated the existing lean production system of an automotive manufacturing organisation in Durban. The objective of the study was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current lean manufacturing process in an attempt to improve quality and productivity. An empirical study was conducted, using a survey questionnaire with an assessment score ranking to gather and evaluate employees’ responses pertaining to lean application in the production environment. The quantitative method of research was adopted.
The results of the study showed evidence of misalignment and inconsistencies for lean adoption in the organisation. There were significant relationships established between departments and job positions. The analysis demonstrated that operators within production showed the highest sentiment of disagreement for certain lean principles. The validity of the operators’ responses was significant as operators are the frontline of all processes and were in the best position to rank the extent of lean adoption.
Several important findings on the implications of lean activities that affect manufacturing performance were revealed. The study concluded that a significant gap exists between the actual adoption of lean principles on the shop floor to those that are documented. It is recommended that organisations develop structured follow up procedures in order to have more control of the production system and thus ensure sustainability. Future research should focus at incorporating better and more efficient lean assessment tools to identify gaps in the production system and to replicate this study to track other South African organisations that claim to manufacture lean.
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Lean management pilosophy and its impact on employee attitudes and perfomance : the critical role of first line supervisors.Roberts, Joanne January 2014 (has links)
Abstract : Using a quantitative research design and survey data from 83 supervisor - employee dyads working in North American facilities of a large multinational healthcare organization, this study explores the critical role of first line supervisors in a lean environment. Many organizations have adopted the Toyota Production System (TPS, also known as lean management or the Toyota Way) in an effort to improve organizational effectiveness. Implementation success has been surprisingly limited. The predominantly negative effects documented in the scientific literature are attributable to the introduction of lean as a series of tools and techniques for cost cutting. In environments that truly manage according to the TPS, all share the belief that the development and participation of all employees is essential to maintain competitiveness. Increased emphasis on teamwork and worker involvement in a lean environment places rising demands on the first - line supervisor. The supervisor role in a lean environment is considered critical and becomes one of encouraging more participation, and creating an environment of continuous improvement. Given that leadership is a complex construct, the current paper uses a multi - domain approach proposed by Graen and Uhl - Bien (1995) to study the effect of empowering leadership behaviours (leader domain), leader - member exchange (relational domain) and psychological empowerment (follower domain) on individual performance (measured as in - role performance and organizational citizenship behaviours) through the mediating variable of job involvement in the work setting. Findings indicate that the role of the first line supervisor in a lean environment is critical. The follower (psychological empowerment) and relational (leader - member exchange) domains of leadership are significant in predicting variations of job involvement in the work setting, and job involvement mediates the relationship between the relation domain variable of leader - member exchange and individual performance (organizational citizenship behaviours targeted at the individual). Empowering leadership behaviours are significantly related and directly related to in - role performance. Development of first line supervisors should emphasize building high quality relationships, facilitating employee psychological empowerment, and demonstrating empowering leadership behaviours in order to enhance involvement in a team setting and individual performance. // Résumé : En utilisant une méthode de recherche quantitative ainsi que les résultats de sondages auprès de 83 dyades superviseur-employé travaillant dans des établissements nord-américains d’une grande organisation multinationale du domaine de la santé, cette étude explore le rôle clé des superviseurs de premier niveau dans un environnement de production « lean ». Plusieurs organisations ont adopté le Système de production Toyota (SPT, aussi connu sous les vocables de « lean management » ou de « méthode Toyota ») dans le but d’améliorer l’efficacité organisationnelle. De façon surprenante, le succès de l’implantation de cette méthode de production s’est montré limité. L’effet négatif prédominant documenté dans la littérature scientifique est attribuable à l’introduction du « lean » comme une série d’outils et de techniques pour réduire les coûts. Dans les environnements véritablement gérés selon le SPT, on partage la croyance que le développement et la participation de tous les employés est essentielle pour maintenir la compétitivité. L’accent sur le travail d’équipe et sur l’implication des travailleurs dans un environnement « lean » place des attentes élevées sur les superviseurs de premier niveau. Le rôle du superviseur dans ce type d’environnement est considéré comme critique et consiste à encourager la participation et la création d’un environnement d’amélioration continue. Étant donné que le leadership est un construit complexe, la présente étude utilise une approche multi-domaines proposée par Graen and Uhl-Bien (1995) pour étudier l’effet des comportements de leadership habilitant (empowering leadership; domaine du leader), de l’échange leader-membre (leader-member exchange; domaine de la relation) et de l’habilitation psychologique (psychological empowerment; domaine de l’employé) sur la performance individuelle (performance dans le rôle et comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle) via la variable médiatrice de l’implication au travail, et plus spécifiquement dans l’environnement de travail (job involvement in the work setting). Les résultats indiquent que le rôle du superviseur est crucial. Les domaines de leadership de l’employé (c.-à-d. l’habilitation psychologique) et de la relation (c.-à-d. l’échange leader-membre) sont significatifs lorsqu’il s’agit de prévoir les variations de l’implication au travail, et l’implication au travail agit comme médiateur entre les variables des domaines de leadership et la performance individuelle (comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle). Le développement des superviseurs de premier niveau devrait mettre l’accent sur la formation de relations superviseur-supervisés de grande qualité et faciliter l’habilitation psychologique des employés afin d’encourager l’implication dans le travail d’équipe, et par le fait même, la performance individuelle.
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Can a tools-based implementation of lean in the manufacturing industry provide attractive investment opportunities for shareholdersHardman, Stephen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of a business existing to fulfil the wants and needs of the various stakeholders acknowledges that the prime goal of any commercial business is that of profit maximisation and the resultant stock price maximisation (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2002:10). Any decision by the senior management or the board of an organisation should be primarily in the interest of its shareholders. It follows that any decision that does not add shareholder value subtracts from shareholder value; in other words, decisions must impact the bottom line financially. The manufacturing sector has seen its fair share of methods, interventions and programmes aimed at cost reduction and profit maximisation through a variety of total quality management (TOM), statistical process control (SPC), right/downsizing, efficiency improvements and yield maximisation. One of the most enduring and successful of these has been the advent of the lean manufacturing philosophy, defined as the complete and thorough elimination of waste to reduce the time line from receipt of customer order to delivery. It is a process-focused philosophy and not results focused, the belief being that the elimination of waste from all aspects of the process will ultimately result in financial success. Toyota have developed, and perfected more than most, the concept of lean manufacturing. They have termed their lean initiative the Toyota Production System (TPS). At the core of TPS is the concept of one piece flow controlled by customer pull. Given the success derived from TPS by Toyota it is only natural that other organisations have shown interest and have attempted, in varying degrees of success, to copy the TPS. But the magnitude of attempting to change the philosophy of an organisation in the short term is a daunting task and it is understandable why adopters of a lean way forward have rather turned to the lean tools as drivers of the process and value. The attraction of lean tools is that they can be applied in many areas of an organisation independent of one another. Organisations have a range of needs that need to be satisfied which include growth, increased profits, cash now and talent retention. The need to decide what interventions to apply when and where and what impact to profit and share value is of paramount importance to decision makers of organisations. By analysis of the results of a global industrial packaging company's efforts to implement lean through a tool-based approach, this study attempts to offer guidance to those organisations interested in implementing lean tools. The tools employed comprise four operational and three commercial tools. A financial model examining the impact of the tools on financial metrics is then developed and tested. The results show that the impact of the applied tools impact directly financial metrics used by investors to assess the relative attractiveness of an organisation's shares for the period 2003 to 2007. Further research should be conducted to determine the performance of the organisation for a ten to fifteen-year period to determine future success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konsep dat 'n sakeondememing bestaan om die verwagtinge en behoeftes van die onderskeie rolspelers te dien erken dat maksimale wins en die gevolglike optimale aandeleprys die primere doelwitte van enige kommersiele onderneming is (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2002:10). Enige besluit deur die senior bestuur of the direksie van 'n ondememing behoort dus primer in die belang van sodanige ondememing se aandeelhouers te wees. Gevolglik sal enige besluit wat geen waarde tot die aandeelhouer bied nie, sodanige waarde verminder en moontlik lei tot disinvestering; met ander woorde, besluite moet finansieel 'n invloed op winsgewendheid he. Die vervaardigingsektor het al verskeie metodes, ingrypings en programme beleef wat gemik is op kostevermindering en winsverhoging deur middel van 'n verskeidenheid van algehele kwaliteitsbestuur ("total quality management"), statistiese prosesbeheer ("statistical process control"), herstrukturering deur middel van sogenaamde afskaling ("rightdownsizing"), verbetering van effektiwiteit en opbrengs. Een van die standhoudendste en suksesvolste van hierdie is die skep van die "spilvrye" vervaardigingsfilosofie ("lean manufacturing philosophy") wat gedefinieer word as: die totale en volledige eliminering van verspilling om die tydsverloop tussen die ontvangs van die klient se bestelling tot die aflewering te verminder. Die aanname word gemaak dat die eliminering van verspilling vanuit alle aspekte van die proses uiteindelik finansiele sukses tot gevolg sal he. Die filosofie is dus gefokus op die proses en nie op resultate nie. Toyota het die konsep van "spilvrye"-vervaardiging ontwikkel en, meer as ander, vervolmaak en verwys na hul inisiatief as die "Toyota Production System" of TPS. Sentraal tot die TPS is die konsep van enkel-aaneenlopende produksievloei beheer deur klienteopdrag en -behoefte. As gevolg van Toyota se sukses met die toepassing van die TPS is dit te verwagte dat ander organisasies belangstelling sou toon en met wisselende sukses gepoog het om die TPS na te boots. Om die filosofie van 'n organisasie in die kort termyn te verander is so 'n omvangryke taak dat dit begryplik is waarom nuwe bekeerlinge tot die "spilvrye" -filosofie eerder "spilvrye"-instrumente verkies as die dryfvere van die proses en waarde. Die aantrekkingskrag van "spilvrye"-instrumente is dat dit onafhanklik van mekaar in baie areas van 'n organisasie deur individue, werkspanne of konsultante aangewend kan word. Insluitend groei, die verhoging van wins, kontantvloei en die behoud van talent, het organisasies uiteenlopende behoeftes wat aangespreek moet word. Dit is van die uiterste belang vir besluitnemers van organisasies om te besluit op toepaslike ingryping, wanneer en waar, asook die uitwerking op wins en aandeelwaarde. As 'n poging om belangstellende organisasies te help, bied hierdie studie 'n analise van die resultate voortspruitend uit 'n globale industriele verpakkingsmaatskappy se pogings om die "spilvrye" konsep deur middel van 'n instrument-gebaseerde benadering te implementeer. Die resultate toon dat die impak van die toegepaste instrumente 'n direkte invloed het op die finansiele meetinstrumente, wat deur beleggers aangewend word om die relatiewe aantrekkingskrag van 'n organisasie se aandele vir die tydperk 2003 tot 2007 te bepaal. Om toekomstige sukses te bepaal behoort verdere navorsing egter gedoen te word ten opsigte van die organisasie se prestasie oor 'n tien- tot vyftien-jaar tydperk.
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The impact of implementing world class manufacturing on company performance : a case study of the ArcelorMittal South Africa Saldanha Works Business UnitMey, Jan Hendrik Phillipus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Purpose:
Literature on World Class Manufacturing is very limited. Some information exists on the concepts
behind it, but very little exist on the framework and physical implementation. Also, a lot of
information is available on other productivity improvement initiatives but not a lot is mentioned
about the implementation thereof and the difficulties experienced during the implementation. This
paper aims to provide not only an overview of the framework of World Class Manufacturing as
interpreted by ArcelorMittal, but also a case study of such an implementation.
The approach taken with this paper is to give an overview of the World Class Manufacturing
framework as interpreted by ArcelorMittal and to provide a case study of an actual implementation
Productivity improvement initiatives have real value for the companies that implement them, but
this value can only be sustained if the principles behind them are entrenched in the company’s
Practical Implications:
The result of this paper is the design of a Business Management Framework that will support the
sustainability of a World Class Manufacturing implementation.
The value of this paper lies not only with the building of the body of knowledge with respect to
World Class Manufacturing but also in the design of a new concept for the support of sustained
value creation of World Class Manufacturing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel:
Literatuur oor “World Class Manaufacturing” is baie beperk. Daar is wel literatuur oor die konsepte
agter dit, maar daar bestaan baie min literatuur oor die raamwerk asook die fisiese implementering.
Daar bestaan ook baie literatuur oor ander produktiwiteits verbetering initiatiewe, maar daarin word
daar ook baie min melding gemaak van die implementering asook die probleme wat ondervind
word gedurende die tyd. Die verslag se mikpunt is om ’n oorsig te gee van die raamwerk van
“World Class Manufacturing” soos wat dit deur ArcelorMittal geinterpreteer word, asook om ’n
voorbeeld te gee van so ’n implementering.
Die aanslag wat geneem is met die verslag is om ‘n oorsig te gee van die raamwerk van “World
Class Manufacturing” soos wat dit geinterpreteer word deur ArcelorMittal asook om ‘n voorbeeld te
gee van die implementering daarvan.
Produktiwiteits verbetering initiatiewe lewer regte waarde aan die maatskappye wat dit
implementeer, maar die waarde kan net volhou word as die beginsels agter die initiatiewe
ingeburger word in die maatskappy se strategie.
Praktiese Implikasies:
Die resultaat van die verslag is die ontwerp van ‘n Besigheids Bestuur Raamwerk wat die
volhoubaarheid van die implementering van “World Class Manufacturing” sal ondersteun.
Die waarde van die verslag le nie net in die opbou van die kennis wat beskikbaar is oor “World
Class Manufacturing” nie, maar ook in die ontwerp van ’n nuwe konsep for the onderhouding van
volhoubare waarde skepping met “World Class Manufacturing”.
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Developing a lean enablers training program using virtual reality (VR) systemKayumi, Walid January 2013 (has links)
Training plays a major role in improving work within organisations by ensuring that the appropriate level of knowledge and skills are shared among personnel. It moulds the thinking process and leads to quality performance. However, training which includes a practical aspect usually targets a specific type of trainee and can limit the learning of an individual coming from a different background than that taken into consideration when the training programme was originally developed. This research focuses on training, and attempts to develop a program using a virtual reality (VR) system as a platform to create a simulated working environment which has the flexibility to train staff members of an organisation, who may come from a variety of different professional backgrounds, in the concept of the lean enablers. The main concern of this research is the adaptation of lean training for a virtual environment. Existing training methods have been analysed, along with the various ways in which they can be implemented, and these have been used in this research as a starting point from which to construct the virtual work environment. Through the research, a method has been developed to set up and run a training session using a virtual reality (VR) system by generating a structure to design the modelling elements that compose the virtual workplace, as well as establishing a method so that a trainee can navigate the simulated environment and perform tasks. A program to collect the performance measures and visualise the results has also been developed, with the aim of enabling the evaluation of a simulation run by assessors/trainers. This research covers new ground in providing a simulated working environment, which can suit any trainee’s professional background, to facilitate learning about the lean enablers. It offers the capacity of establishing a simulated work environment which can represent the trainee’s workplace and provide the necessary practical experience in order to grasp the concept taught through the training program. Additionally it offers the capacity for assessors/trainers to observe the performance measures and the trainee’s behaviour, simultaneously, while undertaking a simulation run. These combinations of information can be complementary and enable assessors/trainers in providing the best feedback while improving the learning curve of a trainee. Although training programmes in organisations have provided a number of improvements in completing work with high efficiency and minimum waste, the outcomes collected in this research demonstrate that their benefits can be pushed further in terms of providing a training method which can be accessible to a large variety of sectors.
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The introduction of lean manufacturing in a selected South African organizationMoorthi, Vougan January 2008 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Business Administration, Durban Institute of Technology, 2008. / The aim of this research is to analyze the introduction of lean manufacturing in a selected South African organization viz. Smiths Manufacturing. The research, together with its conclusions, may identify problematic areas which, once addressed, will improve the implementation in other areas and identify the benefits, if any, of lean manufacturing. Three research objectives exist and two methods of research were used to solve the research questions. The first and second research objectives (i.e. to analyze the manner in which lean manufacturing was introduced in Smiths Manufacturing and its benefit on the company's competitive position and future existence) were analyzed qualitatively with the aid of personal interviews. The third research objective (i.e. to determine the financial benefit of lean manufacturing introduction on the respective assembly line) was analyzed quantitatively. This research revealed three pertinent findings: Firstly, Smiths Manufacturing has adhered to eight of Liker's 13 Step Implementation Procedure with two areas of non-conformance being identified and insufficient information present to comment on the remaining three steps. Secondly, improvements in the manufacturing process have enabled the company to be more price competitive. Areas of improvement were in labour, raw materials and finished goods. These improvements will assist in ensuring the company's future existence. Thirdly, there has been a substantial amount of savings by the introduction of lean manufacturing. This research has identified that communication involving lean manufacturing is vital to introducing a system into a company. This communication enables people at all levels to understand the roll out procedure and the corresponding actions of the company. In addition, the research revealed that the / M
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Critical Factors for Production Ramp-up in High Technology Companies : A case study at an aerospace companySvensson, Philip, Blom, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
Purpose - A research gap was identified in relation to the production related factors during ramp-up. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to “simplify production ramp-up by defining how measures could be prioritised in high technology company.” Method – The study used a single-case study method with a qualitative and explorative approach. This method was used to gain in-depth knowledge of the case. The study was conducted at Saab, a high technology company within the aerospace industry. Findings – The findings included a list of critical factors for ramp-up control and two additional critical factors that are relevant to high technology companies, along with five additional measures. From the case the main critical factors were related to personnel, education and experience. Implications – The study has contributed with a simplified ramp-up control method with implications for high technology industries. The new method will contribute to a more effective time to volume phase relevant for both practitioners and researchers. Limitations - As the study uses a new ramp-up control method it has only been applied to one case. The complete data from the case cannot be showcased due to secrecy.
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Exploring The Efficiency – Flexibility Dilemma Of A Manual Assembly ProcessOhlsson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find a method for exploring the potential of increasing the efficiency of a manual manufacturing process while simultaneously maintaining the flexibility and the ability to adjust to changes in demand. The study has been conducted in cooperation with Scania CV AB Engine Assembly in Södertälje, Sweden. This explorative study has been conducted using a framework mixing traditional Quality and Process Management literature, with theories of Innovation Management and ways of designing a production process. The framework was designed by focusing on perspectives to help explain and optimize the dynamics of a manual assembly process characterized by high variation. Increasing the efficiency has included the elimination of waste and disturbances while creating opportunities for continuous improvement. Improving the ability to adjust to changes in demand and volume has included reorganization of the information flow. Activities aimed at increasing the efficiency and improving flexibility requires a base of information which is sufficient and enables fact-based decision-making. An analysis of the current state was conducted using triangulation of data collection methods. Interviews, observations, focus groups, surveys, and numeric data was analyzed. Tools of Quality Management, Lean Management, and the Productivity Potential Assessment method were used to develop a framework for evaluating a manual production process and aim to collect, process, compile, weigh, prioritize, and visualize the processes and the identified challenges. Identification of improvement activities and the design of a future state was conducted through extensive interviews and focus groups and by interpreting relevant literature. Mapping of the current state generated five primary challenges which are complicating the daily work in different ways. The challenge estimated to have the highest overall impact on the studied process is Time Data Management. This challenge refers to the lack of valid and correct data on which to accurately plan and control the process.
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Busca da P+L por meio da produção enxuta: estudo de casos múltiplos em indústrias de fundição. / Reaching cleaner production through lean manufacturing practices: multiple case study in foundry industries.Manzan, Ronaldo 03 October 2013 (has links)
Essa dissertação pretende identificar uma forma de fazer com que as indústrias incorporem objetivos de preservação ambiental aos seus sistemas de produção de forma mais fácil, rápida e sem perda da competitividade, para contribuírem mais significativamente com o esforço mundial pela sustentabilidade do planeta. Para isso, o trabalho se propõe a alcançar dois objetivos. O primeiro é organizar o conhecimento disponível até agora em torno dos modelos de produção com preocupação ambiental e fazer uma comparação entre eles, de modo a auxiliar o gestor interessado em adotá-los a fazer sua opção. O segundo objetivo é pesquisar a viabilidade da utilização de ferramentas de gerenciamento de produção simples e disponíveis a qualquer empresa, para obter uma melhoria de rendimento também no aspecto ambiental, além da melhoria da produtividade e da qualidade. A pesquisa foi feita com empresas do setor de fundição no Estado de São Paulo, por ser este um setor de grande importância na economia e apresentar um alto potencial de degradação ambiental. O método escolhido foi o estudo de casos múltiplos, com levantamento de dados em 10 empresas. Através de entrevista pessoal, foram avaliados quesitos referentes à aderência das empresas ao modelo da Produção Enxuta e ao modelo da Produção mais Limpa. O modelo da PE foi escolhido como objeto de estudo por ser um modelo muito difundido e suas práticas serem bem conhecidas. Além disso, baseia-se na redução de desperdícios, que tem uma identificação grande com a racionalização de recursos do modelo da P+L. Este modelo, por sua vez, foi selecionado a partir do resultado das comparações efetuadas na busca do objetivo 1. Por ser um modelo ligado mais diretamente aos processos de transformação, este modelo mostra-se mais adequado para ser adotado nos processos de produção. Os dados coletados serviram para responder a três questões de pesquisa, através da análise da correlação entre o grau de aderência aos dois modelos. Além dessa relação, foram estudadas a influência da certificação do sistema de gerenciamento ambiental e a necessidade de medidas complementares à PE para melhorar o rendimento ambiental. A conclusão da pesquisa mostrou que é possível alcançar metas de desempenho ambiental com a utilização de práticas de PE. Além de não implicar em aumento de custos, por não se tornar uma atividade extra, a empresa ainda se beneficia com o aumento da produtividade e da redução de desperdícios. / This thesis aims to identify a way to make the industries incorporate goals of environmental preservation to their production systems more easily, quickly and without loss of competitiveness, and then to contribute more significantly to the global effort for sustainability of the planet. For this, this paper aims to achieve two goals. The first is to organize the available knowledge about the production models with environmental concerns and make a comparison between them, to assist managers of manufacturing firms interested in adopting them to make his choice. The second objective is to investigate the feasibility of using simple management tools production, available to any company, to get increased revenue, also to the environmental aspects, as well as improving productivity and quality. The research was conducted with companies in the foundry sector in the State of São Paulo, because it is a very important sector to the economy and has a high potential for environmental degradation. The method chosen was multiple case study with data collection in 10 companies. Through personal interview, questions were evaluated regarding adherence to the model of Lean Manufacturing and to the model of Cleaner Production. The LM model was chosen as the object of study to be a widespread model and its practices well known. Furthermore, it is based on the reduction of waste, which has a large identification with the resource rationalization aspects of the model of P + L. This model, in turn, was selected from the results of the comparisons made in the pursuit of the goal number one. Being a model more directly linked to the transformation processes, this model seems to be more suitable to be adopted in production processes. The data collected served to answer three research questions by analyzing the correlation of the adherence level to the two models. Besides this relationship, it has been studied the influence of the certification of environmental management systems and the need for additional actions to the LM to improve environmental performance. The conclusion of this study showed that it is possible to achieve environmental performance goals by the use of LM practices. Besides not resulting in increased costs, because it will not become an extra activity, the company will still have benefits from increased productivity and reduction of waste.
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Uma avaliação do potencial de aplicação da Mentalidade Enxuta (Lean Thinking) na construção naval: estudo de casos múltiplos. / An evaluation of the potential application of Lean Thinking in shipbuilding: multiple-case study.Thompson, Christopher Granville 27 November 2009 (has links)
A indústria de construção naval é competitiva a nível mundial e os principais estaleiros procuram reduzir os seus custos de modo a oferecerem preços atraentes aos clientes, em geral armadores. Redução de custos pode ser alcançada através da constante eliminação de desperdícios aplicando uma filosofia gerencial que é a Mentalidade Enxuta (Lean Thinking). Esta filosofia iniciou em uma indústria automotiva (Toyota Motor Corporation) e hoje é aplicada em diversas áreas tais como construção civil, mecânica, aeronáutica, química, elétrica, alimentícia, farmacêutica, médica e serviços. No caso do Brasil, há várias indústrias procurando adotar a filosofia enxuta nos seus processos produtivos. Nesta dissertação procura-se explorar o potencial de aplicação desta filosofia em estaleiros. Para a avaliação, foi realizado um estudo de casos múltiplos em estaleiros brasileiros, inclusive de diferentes tamanhos e segmentos, aço e fibra. As análises tiveram como base um modelo proposto da filosofia Lean para a indústria naval, onde os casos são avaliados segundo determinados elementos. O objetivo é orientar os estaleiros em relação às oportunidades de redução de custos e tempo de fabricação, com aumento da qualidade e consequente maior satisfação do cliente. / The shipbuilding industry is very competitive at a global level and the major shipyards are searching ways to reduce their costs in order to offer attractive prices to the shipowners. Cost reduction can be achieved through the constant reduction of waste applying a managerial philosophy that is known as Lean Thinking. This philosophy was initiated by an automotive industry (Toyota Motor Corporation) and today is applied in many industries such as civil construction, mechanics, aeronautics, chemical, electric, food, pharmaceutical, medical and services. In Brazil many industries are implementing the Lean Thinking philosophy in their productive processes. In this thesis the potential of the application of this philosophy is explored in shipyards. For the evaluation a multiple-case study was carried out in Brazilian shipyards, of different sizes and segments, steel and fiber. The analyses had as a base a proposed model for Lean in shipbuilding, where the cases are evaluated under determined elements. The objective is to guide shipbuilders in relation to the opportunities to reduce cost and construction time, with greater quality and consequently greater customer satisfaction.
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