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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application of lean manufacturing in a peruvian clothing company to reduce the amount of non-conforming products

Cuellar-Valer, Stephanie, Gongora-Vilca, Angie, Altamirano-Flores, Ernesto, Aderhold, Daniel 01 January 2021 (has links)
This article describes how Lean Manufacturing tools were applied in a Peruvian textile company. A production management model is proposed whose goal is to reduce the number of non-conforming products in the pants manufacturing line. For this, all information was gathered from the production area of the company under study. With the use of quality tools, the diagnosis of the current situation of the pants line was made, identifying the most significant defects, which were 19.43% of produced units in 2018. It was determined that the main causes of the observed defects refer to non-standardized sewing processes, quality control errors, non-standardized cutting processes, and poor production planning. The application of VSM and SMED allowed the correct standardization of denim pants production, TQM allowed proper control and quality management of the production process, and JIT for optimal production planning.

Lean Manufacturing Production Management Model using the Johnson Method Approach to Reduce Delivery Delays for Printing Production Lines in the Digital Graphic Design Industry

Gomero-Campos, A., Mejia-Huayhua, R., Leon-Chavarri, C., Raymundo-Ibañez, C., Dominguez, F. 06 April 2020 (has links)
Several factors compel graphic design companies to improve efficiency and competitiveness in their production lines. However, these companies are not prepared to take on this challenge, as they report delays in 20% of their deliveries, caused by high setup times, low machine availability, and poor work scheduling. In this context, this study proposes a new production management model fed by the interaction of lean manufacturing tools and the Johnson scheduling method. This model has been validated by direct application at the SISSA. The results obtained were the reduction of the setup time to 15 minutes, increased machine availability up to 24%, and an efficient scheduling of its tasks. All of these reduced the percentage of delivery delays from 20% to 6%.

Implementation of Green and Lean manufacturing in post processing activities : A qualitative case study at a barrier coating facility

Tagesson, Daniel, Karlsson, Isak January 2021 (has links)
To reach the sustainable development goals of agenda 2030, mankind must continuously work towards developing sustainable industrial processes. The concept of Total Quality Management, Lean/Green manufacturing has been frequently applied separately, but studies indicate that the combination of the concepts can yield synergically benefits from an economic and environmental perspective. The process industry has a continuous flow of residuals which is a potential opportunity to gain a competitive edge through eliminating waste and embracing a circular economy system. The lack of exploring operational methods to achieve better results in relation to waste management and utilization of waste have inspired this thesis. This study has established a chain of events that enable other researchers and managers to find, define, explain and solve problems connected to waste management systems. The results indicate that it is possible to find opportunities within the organization to reuse already procured resources but also that the utility of storage vessels is connected to the overall efficiency of the waste management system. Interestingly, the results also indicate that there is an industrial culture related to the case that hampers the increase of efficiency which can be explained by the cornerstones of Total Quality Management and Lean manufacturing. Lean waste i.e., unused creativity thrives and hampers new ways to decrease cost and lower environmental impact when employees are not encouraged to communicate or innovate. Monetary gains and environmental savings is achievable by measuring, including and involving personal combined with a dedicated management. / <p>En väl genomförd och beskriven studie där studenterna lyckas ge bidrag av både praktisk naturoch teoretisk.</p>

Propuesta de mejora para incrementar la eficiencia del proceso de vulcanización en una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de neumáticos empleando herramientas Lean y Estudio del Trabajo / Improvement proposal to increase the efficiency of the vulcanization process in a company dedicated to the manufacture of tires using Lean tools and Work Study

Aucasime Gonzales, Paola Priscilla, Tremolada Cruz, Sofia Fernanda 26 November 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo, se aborda la problemática de la baja eficiencia del proceso de vulcanización de neumáticos en una empresa del Perú, lo cual tiene como consecuencia pérdidas monetarias en hora hombre y máquina; y pedidos no atendidos. Esta Tesis busca analizar, integrar y modelar diferentes herramientas utilizadas en la ingeniería, lo cual ayude a la obtención de una propuesta de mejora basada en un modelo más eficiente de trabajo y que evite costos altos de mantenimiento de los equipos de producción, sin incurrir en elevados costos por implementación. En tal sentido, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal incrementar la eficiencia del proceso de vulcanización empleando herramientas Lean Manufacturing y Estudio del Trabajo. Las diferentes herramientas de ingeniería utilizadas buscan reducir el tiempo de set up, desarrollar una gestión del mantenimiento adecuada para lograr el incremento de la Eficiencia General de los Equipos (OEE) y mejorar el método de trabajo actual a través de procedimientos. La validación de la propuesta de mejora en la empresa en estudio arrojó resultados positivos, lo cual permitió cumplir con los objetivos previstos mejorando el método de trabajo de los operarios e incrementando el índice de conocimientos de las partes involucradas en la propuesta. Finalmente, se obtuvieron conclusiones respecto a lo trabajado y se establecieron recomendaciones que aporten a la efectividad del modelo propuesto, analizando las posibles mejoras que puedan surgir en un futuro. / In this work, the problem of the low efficiency of the tire vulcanization process in a company in Peru is addressed, which results in monetary losses in man and machine hours; and unmet orders. This thesis seeks to analyze, integrate and model different tools used in engineering, which helps to obtain an improvement proposal based on a more efficient work model and that avoids high maintenance costs of production equipment, without incurring in high implementation costs. In this sense, this research has the main objective of increasing the efficiency of the vulcanization process using Lean Manufacturing and Work Study tools. The different engineering tools used seek to reduce set-up time, develop adequate maintenance management to achieve an increase in General Equipment Efficiency (OEE) and improve the current work method through procedures. The validation of the improvement proposal in the company under study yielded positive results, which allowed meeting the planned objectives by improving the working method of the operators and increasing the knowledge index of the parties involved in the proposal. Finally, conclusions were obtained regarding the work and recommendations were established that contribute to the effectiveness of the proposed model, analyzing the possible improvements that may arise in the future. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Metodología SMED para aumentar el nivel de servicio en una empresa envasadora de bidones de agua de mesa

Castañeda Cabrera, Camila Alejandra January 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo aumentar el nivel de servicio de una empresa envasadora de bidones de agua de mesa, a partir de la disminución de los tiempos de cambio de formato los cuales inciden en el tiempo de producción por unidad de bidón de agua. La metodología SMED fue utilizada para la mejora de los tiempos de cambio de formato en el área de envasado mediante la cual pasó de 83,406 minutos a 44,01 minutos de cambio de formato, disminuyendo el tiempo de producción unitario, el cual es cercano al takt time, y es por ello que el nivel de servicio aumentó de 84,43% a 96,73% haciendo más competitiva a la empresa.

Propuesta de mejora de proceso en el área de producción para el cumplimiento de la programación en una empresa de fabricación de papel higiénico / Proposed process improvement in the production area for compliance with programming in a toilet paper manufacturing company

Arenas Salazar, Eduardo Enrique 03 July 2020 (has links)
En la empresa que es motivo de esta investigación se evidencian tiempos perdidos en la línea de conversión Línea 60 que pertenece al área de producción; Estas pérdidas de tiempo, que se contabilizan en S/. 4’ 639,858 al año, se encuentran vinculadas a la falta de control, estandarización de actividades y falta de competencias en la parte operativa que garanticen la obtención de mayores y mejores indicadores de producción. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir una propuesta metodológica para el establecimiento del lean manufacturing, a través de algunas de sus herramientas como el SMED, 5S, Takt time, Mantenimiento autónomo y JIT y, con el apoyo del estudio de tiempos y diagrama de precedencias, establecer planes de acción y estándares de operación. Con esta implementación se logró una reducción de tiempos improductivos del orden del 10% llegando a obtener un ahorro trimestral de S/. 633,318.82. / In the company that is the reason for this investigation are evidenced times lost in the line of conversion Line 60 that belongs to the area of production; These losses of time, which are accounted for in S/. 4’ 639,858 a year, are linked to the lack of control, standardization of activities and lack of competencies in the operative part that guarantee the obtaining of greater and better production indicators. The objective of this research was to describe a methodological proposal for the establishment of lean manufacturing, through some of its tools such as SMED, 5S, Takt time, autonomous maintenance and JIT and, with the support of the time study and precedence diagram, to establish action plans and Standards of operation. With this implementation, a reduction of unproductive times of the order of 10% was achieved, obtaining a quarterly saving of S /. 633,318.82. / Tesis

Propuesta de mejora del flujo productivo en la línea de producción de fanales de una pyme dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de productos a base de parafina

Córdova Cruces, Noel Francisco 27 September 2018 (has links)
Tanha Design es una empresa dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de productos a base de parafina. Actualmente, la empresa tiene 2 líneas de productos (velas y fanales) y una amplia variedad de modelos y diseños en ambas categorías. Esta empresa se encuentra en constante crecimiento y comercializa sus productos tanto en venta directa como en venta de sus productos para eventos sociales y corporativos. Actualmente, los eventos corporativos son los que representan mayor parte de sus ventas. Las entregas de productos para los eventos tienen una fecha limite; lo cual conlleva a una problemática para la capacidad de la línea de producción provocando que en ocasiones se rechacen ventas. En el presente proyecto se analiza la línea de producción de fanales de parafina debido a que estos productos representan mayor ingreso para la empresa. Asimismo, la capacidad de esta línea de producción no puede satisfacer la demanda actual y para ello requiere de personal adicional y horas extras. Dentro del análisis preliminar realizado se identificó que las causas de la disminución de la productividad son la falta de estandarización en el proceso, una deficiencia en el flujo productivo y desorden en las áreas de trabajo. Con la finalidad de solucionar esta problemática se implementó las 5”S” y el estudio de métodos, y con ello poder mejorar la productividad de la línea de elaboración de fanales con el objetivo de incrementar la capacidad productiva y disminuir las ventas perdidas. / Tanha Design is a company dedicated to the elaboration and commercialization of paraffin-based products. Currently, the company has 2 product lines (candles and lanterns) and a wide variety of models and designs in both categories. This company is constantly growing and markets its products both in direct sales and sale of its products for social and corporate events. Currently, corporate events are the ones that represent most of their sales. Product deliveries for events have a deadline; This leads to a problem for the capacity of the production line, causing that sales are sometimes rejected. This project analyzes the production line of paraffin lanterns because these products represent higher income for the company. In addition, the capacity of this production line cannot meet the current demand and requires additional staff and overtime. In the preliminary analysis, it was identified that the causes of the decrease in productivity are the lack of standardisation in the process, a deficiency in the productive flow and disorder in the areas of work. In order to solve this problem was implemented the 5 "S" and the study of methods, and thus be able to improve the productivity of the line of elaboration of lanterns with the aim of increasing the productive capacity and decrease the lost sales. / Tesis

Evaluation of the impact of Lean Manufacturing implementation on operational performance in Zimbabwean industries

Maware, Catherine January 2019 (has links)
The rapid rate of increase in competition among the manufacturing industries has caused many organizations to continuously seek improvement in the quality of the products they manufacture to meet and exceed customer expectations. Organizations are under pressure to minimize the production costs to offer competitive prices for their products. The success story of Toyota Motor Company in implementing Lean Manufacturing (LM) has inspired many organizations around the world to adopt LM in order to improve their operational performance. There are, however, mixed results on the impact of LM on operational performance. Some studies have shown that its implementation increases operational performance while others have shown little to no improvement or even negative results. Institutional and contingency theories may provide insight into some of these contradictions and give a perception of why the implementation of LM has yielded different results on operational performance. The institutional theory states that organizations mimic the actions and practices of other organizations because of the pressure to remain competitive. Organizations in the developing countries also seem to have been imitating the Toyota Motor company that has been successful in implementing LM. On the other hand, the contingency theory states that corporations are organized according to external situations. Related to the contingency theory is the effect of Industry Clockspeed (IC). Some industries are transforming at a high speed while others are transforming at a low speed. The high IC industries are characterized by the quick development and release of new products, shorter development time and frequent changes in organizational structures. Low IC industries, however, manufacture products with a long life cycle, thus the products, processes and organizational structures for these industries change only after a long period. This study opines that the environment under which an organisation operates may affect the results of LM implementation process. The research was conducted in three parts and each of these parts is presented as chapters in this thesis. The first part (Chapter 4) gives a review and classifies the impact measurement models that have been used by various researchers to measure the success of implementing LM. These models can be classified as quantitative, qualitative, simulation-based and graphical measurement models. Pareto analysis is used to select the type of measurement model and Lean practices that are frequently used by researchers to develop Lean measurement models. The qualitative measurement model was preferred for evaluating the effect of implementing LM on operational performance because of its ability to use question structures that allow qualitative data collection for a rich analysis of opinion. With a proper structure, the questionnaire items can also be parsed and analyzed quantitatively with modern statistical techniques like Structural Equation Modelling. The Lean practices selected were Just In Time (JIT), Jidoka, People integration and Stability and standardization for building the model. This part concludes by developing a structural model that can be used to measure the impact of Lean implementation in industry, using Zimbabwean industry data. The second part (Chapter 5) evaluates the effect of implementing LM tools on operational performance across various industries in Zimbabwe. The major goal of this chapter was to develop an operational model (based on the lead from chapter 4) and test it in manufacturing organizations across various industries. A structured survey questionnaire was used for the collection of data in identified companies and 214 useful responses were obtained. The results of the study indicated that operational performance was improved by implementing the selected LM tools. The performance improvement variables that were significantly influenced were speed, flexibility and dependability. The third part (Chapter 6) analyzed the moderation effect of IC on the relationship between LM tools and operational performance. The industries grouped under low IC were pharmaceutical, agrochemicals, steel, automobile, timber production, battery, chemical and plastics. The high IC industries were food, beverage, electronics and garment. A structural equation model was proposed and investigated across the two groups. A structured survey questionnaire was used to collect empirical data from manufacturing companies. The data obtained from the responses was analysed using Smart PLS 3 and SPSS version 25. The results of the study showed that IC had a moderating effect on the relationship between LM practices and operational performance for both low and high IC industries. The last chapter summarises the findings, made recommendations and proposes directions for further research. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) / Industrial and Systems Engineering / PhD / Unrestricted

The current understanding of lean warehousing principles in a third party logistic provider in South Africa

Swart, Alexander Daniël January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering, October 2015 / A single case study of a major third party logistics provider (3PL) in South Africa was completed for this research. A total of four warehouses, including 43 workers partook in the study. The primary objective of this research was to determine how well employees within the warehousing industry understand Lean principles, and to illustrate the gap in Lean knowledge between the employment levels, i.e. Managers, Supervisors and Material Handlers. Group-administered questionnaires were used as the principle means of gathering data. All participants for each respective warehouse were present in a “classroom” format during completion of the questionnaires. The author was also present during all sessions to ensure consistency and to clarify any questions that participants had. The questionnaire tested each participant’s understanding with regards to seven key Lean principles in warehousing. These seven principles were identified from previous research on Lean within warehousing. The results gathered from the questionnaires were then validated using semi-structured follow-up interviews. It was found that a real gap in Lean knowledge exists between Managers and Material Handlers (shop-floor workers). Managers understand the key Lean principles within warehousing, as well as the importance thereof. While the employees actually working on the floor do not. The main reasons for this are due to a lack of suitable training and knowledge sharing. Based on the seven key Lean warehousing principles, the following were identified in the study as the most important ones to focus on: Continuous Improvement and Visual Management. These are believed to be basics in warehousing. However, employees still seem to struggle with the true understanding and significance thereof. It is imperative that the understanding of Lean principles and the involvement of management exist when striving to be successful with Lean. The gaps in Lean knowledge have been identified and laid out in this report. The reasons for each gap have also been investigated and discussed in detail. Finally, pertinent areas have been highlighted to assist with the development of Lean training material. This will ensure that the current gap of Lean understanding among warehousing employees is closed.

Quality performance by deploying instant feedback technologies to automotive manufacturing

Shawhan, Jason 30 April 2021 (has links) (PDF)
There are many contributing factors that influence the development, deployment, and use of lean manufacturing techniques. This study will focus on an automotive factory production system but will gather data across many areas. The concepts presented in the available research will then be related to lean manufacturing techniques at a union-based automotive factory. Several factors to focus on during this study are the Industry 4.0 movement, production systems, deployment and implementation strategies, lean manufacturing, persuasive technology, and manufacturing culture. These factors play a significant role in developing and implementing core techniques, which would lead to best in class metrics. The study will also experiment with different technologies and apply these finding to an assembly line. Two contributions that this research will add to the body of knowledge: 1. An action research deployment of instant feedback stations at operators’ workstations with results and analysis of quality outputs. 2. An action research deployment of instant feedback production check sheets from operators to management with results and analysis of quality outputs.

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