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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LERGJORD : Stampad lerjord som ett innovationsmaterial i Skåne / EARTHMADE : Rammed earth as innovation material in Scania

Dovberg, Ludvig, Tobias, Löfgren January 2021 (has links)
Lergjord is a thesis that puts emphasis on the possibility of innovation by using local biobased material in the building industry of Skåne in Sweden. The thesis examines if rammed earth can be used in the implementation of LFM30 (Translated into English: Local Sustainable Goals in Malmö by 2030). By use of qualitative research methods, views on rammed earth as a building technique was explored by three stakeholders. This research has concluded if rammed earth is possible in Skåne as a conventional material in the future. We (Ludvig Dovberg and Tobias Löfgren) have examined the practical aspect of rammed earth on Urban Living Lab in the municipality of Lund by the use of local clay material from excavation for an expansion of a new railway between Malmö and Lund in collaboration with Trafikverket. This thesis concludes that rammed earth is feasible with clay from the excavation masses through project LERGJORD. Also, due to the vast quantity of it the resource might be useful for future rammed earth projects in Skåne. However, the building technique itself has some major drawbacks such as time-consumption and the knowledge gap is easily addressed. Although, there has been a development of a pre-fabrication concept of the building technique in Germany since the late 1990s, that could be a solution to the problem. The thesis also concludes that  higher education and research is compulsory to establish a knowledge base for architects to work by. The case study showcased that a standardization of the material is needed to prevent vast material testing before being accepted for construction, like the Lehmbau-praxis in Germany. According to the material’s low impact in CO₂-emission and circularity this resourceful extraction could be of interest by the members of LFM30 to implement in the building industry of Skåne. / Lergjord är ett arbete som undersöker möjligheten till innovation genom att utnyttja lokala biobaserade material i Skåne i Sverige. Arbetet undersöker om stampad jordbyggnad kan användas för att genomföra de Lokala Färdplansmålen som Malmö Stad sätter fram till år 2030 (förk. LFM30). Genom kvalitativa forskningsmetoder undersöktes stampad lerjord som byggnadsteknik hos tre intressenter. Studien har sammanfattat möjligheten om hur stampad lerjord i Skåne kan bli ett konventionellt byggmaterial i framtiden. Vi (Ludvig Dovberg och Tobias Löfgren) har utvärderat den praktiska aspekten i stampad lerjord på Urban Living Lab i Lund med användandet av lokal lerjord från utgrävningar av tillbyggnation för järnvägsspår mellan Malmö och Lund i samarbete med Trafikverket. Arbetet visar att stampjordstekniken är möjlig med utvunnen lera från schaktmassorna mellan Lund och Malmö med hänvisning till projekt LERGJORD. Med tanke på den stora kvantitet av lera som finns kan denna utvinning vara användbar för andra projekt i Skåne. Hursomhelst, byggtekniken besitter på utmaningar såsom tidskrav och kunskapsluckan är tämligen lätt att adressera. Trots det, har ett prefabriceringskoncept inom byggtekniken utvecklats sedan slutet på 1990-talet i Tyskland, som kan vara en lösning på problemet. Arbetet tyder också på att högre utbildning och forskning krävs för att etablera en kunskapsbas som arkitekter kan arbeta vidare på. Fallstudien visar på att en standardisering av materialet krävs för att undvika långa och omständliga materialtester innan godkännande för konstruktion, likt Lehmbau-lagstiftningen i Tyskland. Materialets låga klimatpåverkan och cirkularitet gör det relevant för LMF30’s medlemmar att se vidare på alternativet för implementering i den skånska byggindustrin.

A escola do urbano no campo do município de Catalão/GO : ensino de geografia nas especificidades do lugar

Cláudia Lúcia da Costa 19 February 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais / O estudo analisa o ensino de Geografia na Comunidade Morro Agudo (Cisterna) no município de Catalão/GO, onde se localiza a Escola Municipal Maria Bárbara Sucena. O educandário é resultado da nucleação nos anos de 1990, de várias escolas isoladas que funcionavam nas comunidades rurais da região. Após a nucleação, essas escolas foram reunidas em uma sede, com isso muitos alunos passaram a se deslocar por longas distâncias para lá estudar. A Comunidade Morro Agudo (Cisterna) se destaca na produção de alho; os anos de 1990 foram o auge e o declínio dessa cultura na região. Formada por pequenas propriedades, principalmente habitadas por descendentes de portugueses, conta também com a Vila Sucena, onde moram trabalhadores migrantes nordestinos que trabalham nas propriedades rurais do entorno da escola, singularizando o lugar e proporcionando especificidades às relações sociais e ao sentido de escola rural. A diversidade sócio-cultural do lugar chega à escola gerando tensões de várias ordens. No processo ensino-aprendizagem, a escola lida com as diversidades e, entre leis e diretrizes, realiza um ensino de Geografia que nem sempre é capaz de valorizar o conhecimento acumulado no lugar. Na análise desses desencontros é que surgiram os apontamentos metodológicos para um ensino de Geografia na escola do campo. O estudo também considera os “resíduos”, aquilo que não se reduz ao programado, o que não é cooptado. No lugar, são analisadas as políticas públicas implementadas pelo Estado para as escolas do campo no Brasil. Analisa-se como as políticas para o ensino no campo chegam até as escolas, como os diversos programas se efetivam e também o papel do livro didático. Problematiza-se esses mecanismos, principalmente se atendem à realidade e às necessidades do lugar; valoriza-se as representações sociais trazidas por professores e alunos a partir de suas vivências, saberes e fazeres cotidianos. / This study makes an approach to the Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) located in Catalão city(GO) rural area where stands the Maria Bárbara Sucena Municipal School. This school center is a result of getting together several small and isolated schools, which worked, scattered in many rural communities in the region. After this centralization in a single school, many students had to move along inconvenient distance to get their classes. Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) was outstanding at garlic cultivation throughout the 1990`s when eventually this activity came to a decline. The region is constituted by properties of small tract of land. The landowners come from a Portuguese background and there are, in addit ion, migrant workers from the northeast region of Brazil. These northeasterners work for these local landowners, and that brings an additional meaning to the social relations in the region and to the rural schooling. The social and cultural diversity of the region has a feedback at the school arising tensions in many ways. In the teaching and learning process the school deals with this diversity, combined with rules and goals that, in the end, delivers a geography teaching not able to value the local knowledge accumulated in the region by its own inhabitants. New methodological approaches to rural school communities emerged out of the analysis of these unmet expectations. Furthermore, this study takes into consideration some “residues”, that means not all events are fit into programs; there are unintended consequences in an open process. All these are object of deep review in this doctoral dissertation. In this community, an analysis of the public policies implemented by Federal and municipal governments to rural schools communities in Brazil was conducted. The way in which public policies toward rural communities are implemented at the schools was reviewed; the goals they pursue and the role played by textbooks are also object of analysis. This study questions the relevance of this tools, mainly if they meet the real needs of the local people. The social representations of teachers and students are considered carefully based on their everyday lives and experiences. / Tese (Doutorado)

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