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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekens förekomst i Ludvikatrakten

Åkerström, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Ekens (Quercus robur) nordgräns sägs gå vid Dalälven, Limes Norrlandicus – den biologiska Norrlandsgränsen. Ludvikabygden skiljer sig naturgeografiskt och topografiskt från övriga Dalarna och tillhör Mälarens avrinningsområde. Trakten runt sjön Väsman har ett varmare klimat och fler soltimmar än den övriga bygden. För mellan 5.000-8.000 år sedan vandrade eken in i Sverige efter den senaste istiden. Det tog 3.000 år för den att sprida sig över hela Sverige som då hade en medeltemperatur 2-3? högre än idag.Ekens vegetationsperiod – när dygnsmedeltemperaturen överstiger 5? – är ca 7 månader för att ekollonen skall bli groningsdugliga och därmed kunna föröka sig naturligt. I Ludvikatrakten är vegetationsperioden ca 6 månader. Dalarnas skogar består av ? 1% ek. Årsmedeltemperaturen har i Mellansverige ökat ungefär 1? de senaste 30 åren. I framtiden får vi räkna med temperaturhöjningar på mellan 2-6? beroende på hur stort utsläpp som sker till atmosfären. Detta innebär att vi på dessa breddgrader får ett klimat liknande det i Centraleuropa med längre odlingssäsong. Det innebär också ökande skador på skog och växtlighet samt fler och mer extrema väderväxlingar.Syftet med den här undersökningen är att se om etablering av ek har skett i Ludvikatrakten de senaste decennierna samt vilka faktorer som kan påverka detta. Två separata områden om vardera 1,0 ha undersöktes. På område 1 i nordvästsluttning registrerades 20 exemplar av ek. På område 2 i västsluttning registrerades 28 exemplar av ek. Gamla ekar är en nyckelbiotop för sällsynta insekter och kryptogamer. Ek är stormfast p g a dess djupa rotsystem. Blandskog motverkar parasit-, insektsangrepp och rotröta samt gynnar biologisk mångfald och etablering av fältskikt. Ekens virke är dessutom eftertraktat då det är hårt och slitstarkt.

A Diocletianic Roman castellum of the Limes Arabicus in its local context a final report of the 2001 Da'janiya survey /

Rucker, John. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2007. / The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file. Title from title screen of research.pdf file (viewed on November 5, 2007) Includes bibliographical references.

Les celtiques : servitude et grandeur des auxiliaires bretons dans l'Empire romain /

Kerneis, Soazick. January 1998 (has links)
Th. univ.--Hist. du droit--Paris 10, 1991. / Bibliogr. p. 265-281.

Experimentální výzkum paleozoických vápenců barrandienské oblasti s ohledem na jejich možné využití pro výpal hydraulických vápen a přírodního cementu / Experimental study of Palaeozoic limestones of the Barrandian and their possible use for burning of hydraulic limes and natural cement

Kozlovcev, Petr January 2012 (has links)
54 Summary In this experimental study, selected Devonian limestones of the Prague Basin (i.e. samples from the historic quarry of Branické skály) were examined to find their suitability for production of hydraulic limes or for natural cement. Four representative samples of the dvorecko-prokopské limestone were sampled in the form of blocks weighing approximately 10 kg each, from the layer of the quarry wall that had been chosen based on literature research. A detailed mineralogical-petrographic examination of samples was the first step, in an attempt to obtain their mineralogical composition, microstructure and texture. Samples were analysed by polarizing microscopy and cathodoluminescence of thin sections, and X-ray diffraction of insoluble residues determined by treatment with both the hydrochloric acid and the acetic acid solution. Mineralogical composition of the insoluble residuals was illite, kaolinite, quartz and Na-plagioclase (albite). Two samples contained among above mentioned mineral phases also chlorite. The utility of studied limestones for the production of hydraulic binders (hydraulic limes and natural cement) was derived from both the calculations based on obtained chemical analyses (included standard cement and lime indexes and modules) and the firing experiments. The firing experiments...

Římský limes v Noriku a Pannonii / Roman Limes in Noricum and Pannonia

Salášková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Author's name: Veronika Salášková Instititution: Charles University, Prague Filosofical faculty Institute for Classical Archaeology Celetná 20, Prague 1 Discipline: Classical archaeology Title: Roman Limes in Noricum and Pannonia Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Jiří Musil, PhD. Number of pages: Number of attachments: Year of vindication: 2012 Keywords: Limes Romanus, legio, auxilia, provinces, camp, castellum, castra This thesis proposes to describe origin and evolution of Roman limes in provinces Noricum and Pannonia. At first will summarize the sources, history and evolution of Roman limes generally including particular types of fortifications, their evolution and troops of Roman army from it's beginning until it's end. Then will describe sections of limes in Noricum and Pannonia. Part of the thesis is also catalogue of images.

Les pourparlers de paix entre Rome et les Barbares le long du limes rhéno-danubien de 337 à 375

Mbadinga, William Charlis 04 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Malgré le redressement accompli par les Tétrarques et Constantin, les relations avec les barbares restent un problème essentiel pour Rome. En témoignent les 25 séquences de pourparlers de paix engagés le long du limes rhéno-danubien entre la mort de Constantin (337) et celle de Valentinien (375). Après une typologie des circonstances dans lesquelles s'engagent ces pourparlers, la thèse analyse la façon concrète dont ils se déroulent. Ils s'organisent en deux étapes : premiers contacts par l'intermédiaire de délégués puis cérémonie de conclusion de la paix. Tout se passe en général dans le barbaricum, quand les barbares, impressionnés par l'adversaire, terrorisés par les ravages subis ou vaincus, envoient des délégués au camp romain pour solliciter la paix. Les sources les présentent en suppliants, mais loin de faire leur deditio, ils viennent discuter les clauses de la paix. Lors de la deuxième phase, chefs et guerriers doivent se livrer à une supplicatio, rappelant le rituel de deditio. Puis ils jurent de respecter la paix et fournissent des otages en garantie. En échange, Rome offre sa fides probablement par un traité (foedus), qui fait du chef barbare un " client ", à qui est sans doute remis un document écrit. Deux fois la cérémonie dérape et se termine par le massacre des barbares. Plus rarement, les pourparlers se déroulent dans l'Empire, alors que les barbares y sont encore. Rome se contente alors d'obtenir leur départ (sans conclure semble-t-il de foedus), ou accepte leur deditio et renonce à les expulser. Enfin, quand Rome accepte de conclure la paix en terrain neutre en 369 et en 374, et de traiter le barbare en " ami ", c'est le signe d'une détérioration du rapport de forces entre les deux parties, dont les effets se font sentir en 376 quand Valens doit accepter l'entrée des Wisigoths dans l'Empire.

Leven en sterven langs de Limes het fysisch-antropologisch onderzoek van vier grafveldpopulaties uit de noordelijke grenszone van Germania inferior in de Vroeg- en Midden-Romeinse tijd /

Smits, Elisabeth. January 2006 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Auteursnaam op omslag: Liesbeth Smits. Met lit. opg.-Met samenvatting in het Engels.

Diskretisierung und Approximation von Bildern und morphologischen Bildoperatoren

Holderbaum, Michael. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2007--Darmstadt.

Gerulata: Lampy. Římské lampy v provinciálním kontextu / Gerulata: The Lamps. Roman Lamps in a Provincial Context

Frecer, Robert January 2016 (has links)
What should a catalogue of archaeological material contain? This book is a comprehensive index of 210 lamps from the Roman fort at Gerulata and its adjoining civilian settlement. The lighting devices were excavated during the last 50 years from the houses, cemeteries, barracks and fortifications of this Roman outpost on the Danube Limes and span almost three centuries from AD 80 to AD 350. For the first time, they are published in full and in color with detailed analysis of lamp types, workshop marks and discus scenes. The first chapter describes the history of Roman Pannonia and the archaeological record of Gerulata. Three successive catalogues - of the lamps, of the stamps, and of the iconography - illustrate the material thoroughly. An inquiry into the lamps' function as grave goods is presented, followed by four studies focused on the statistical analysis of types, the organization of the lamp industry, signs of personal ownership, and the cultural significance of lamplight in a provincial milieu, respectively. Together, they paint a picture of a community on the edge of the Empire and its use of artificial light in both life and death. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

LIMES M/R: Parallelization of the LInk discovery framework for MEtric Spaces using the Map/Reduce paradigm

Hillner, Stanley 26 February 2018 (has links)
The World Wide Web is the most important information space in the world. With the change of the web during the last decade, today’sWeb 2.0 offers everybody the possibility to easily publish information on the web. For instance, everyone can have his own blog, write Wikipedia articles, publish photos on Flickr or post status messages via Twitter. All these services on the web offer users all around the world the opportunity to interchange information and interconnect themselves with other users. However, the information, as it is usually published today, does not offer enough semantics to be machine-processable. As an example, Wikipedia articles are created using the lightweight Wiki markup language and then published as HyperText Markup Language (HTML) files whose semantics can easily be captured by humans, but not machines.

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