Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nin."" "subject:"niin.""
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Prétraitement d'un isolat de protéines de lin par haute pression hydrostatique : impacts sur la structure protéique, l'hydrolyse enzymatique et les capacités antioxydantes des hydrolysats finauxPerreault, Véronique 07 November 2024 (has links)
Les graines de lin sont des oléagineux largement cultivés au Canada. Cependant, les résidus générés suite au processus d’extraction de l’huile contiennent une importante quantité de protéines et peuvent être valorisées dans l’alimentation humaine en raison, principalement, de certaines fractions peptidiques possédant des propriétés bioactives. Dans le cadre de ce travail, l’influence des hautes pressions hydrostatiques (HPH) sur un isolat de protéines de lin a été étudiée concernant les modifications de la structure protéique, l’hydrolyse enzymatique ainsi que l’activité antioxydante des hydrolysats. Ainsi, des solutions protéiques de lin (1% m/v) ont été soumises à un traitement de HPH à 600 MPa pendant 5 et 20 minutes, à 20°C et comparés à des échantillons non-pressurisés. Deux traitements subséquents d’hydrolyse ont été effectués suite au traitement ou non de pressurisation : une première hydrolyse trypsique suivie d’une deuxième par la pronase. Dans un premier temps, la caractérisation de l’isolat protéique de lin pressurisé et non pressurisé a été réalisée par spectrofluorimétrie et par une analyse de la taille des particules afin d’étudier l’effet de la pressurisation sur les HPH la matrice protéique végétale. Par la suite, les hydrolysats protéiques ont été caractérisés par HPLC-MS et leur capacité antioxydante a été déterminée par ORAC. Les résultats ont démontré que le niveau de pressurisation et la durée du traitement ont un impact sur la structure protéique en induisant la dissociation des protéines, et la formation d’agrégats. Ceux-ci seraient occasionnés par la décompression ou créés durant l’entreposage des isolats. Suite à l’hydrolyse enzymatique des solutions protéiques pressurisées ou non par la trypsine seule et par la trypsine-pronase, les analyses chromatographiques ont révélé que la concentration de certains peptides a été modifiée lorsque la trypsine seule était utilisée après un traitement à HPH. Enfin, les HPH ont amélioré la capacité antioxydante des hydrolysats obtenus lors de l’hydrolyse trypsine-pronase comparativement au contrôle non-pressurisé. / Flaxseed is an oilseed widely cultivated in Canada. However, residues generated after oil extraction contains large amount of proteins and then can be much-valued in human diet due to its bioactive peptide fractions. The influence of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on flaxseed protein isolate was studied especially in terms of protein structures, enzymatic hydrolysis and final hydrolysate antioxidant activity. Flaxseed protein solutions (1% w/v) were subjected first to 600 MPa HHP treatments during 5 and 20 minutes at 20°C and were compared to non-pressurized samples. Two subsequent hydrolysis treatments were performed on pressure or non-pressure treated samples: tryptic hydrolysis was carried out and another hydrolysis was performed using pronase on tryptic hydrolysates. Firstly, the characterization of treated and untreated flaxseed protein isolates was done by spectrofluorometric and particle size analyses. Thereafter, flaxseed hydrolysates were analyzed by HPLC-MS and antioxidant capacity by ORAC. These results demonstrated that the pressurizing level and duration had an impact on proteins structure, inducing the dissociation of protein leading subsequently to aggregates. These aggregates were formed by decompression or during further storage. After enzymatic hydrolysis of pressurized or non-pressurized samples by trypsin and trypsin-pronase, chromatographic analyses showed that HHP treatments modified the concentration of certain peptides of the tryptic hydrolysates only. Finally, HHP increases antioxidant capacity (ORAC) of final trysin-pronase hydrolysates when compared to a control.
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La lingua dell'insegnante: Un modello per l'insegnamento e per l'apprendimento. Fondamenti metodologici dell'insegnamento CLIL. / DIE SPRACHE DER LEHRPERSON: EIN LEHR-LERN-MODELL METHODISCHE GRUNDLAGEN DES BILINGUALEN SACHFACHUNTERRICHTS / The language of the teacher: A model for teaching and learning. Methodological principles of CLIL.ZANIN, RENATA 23 March 2015 (has links)
L’insegnamento disciplinare in una lingua straniera (Content and Language Integrated Learning - CLIL) richiede al docente DNL (discipline non linguistiche) una particolare attenzione alla lingua comune, alla lingua della disciplina, ma soprattutto alle frasi fatte, ai frasemi, alle parole sintagmatiche e alle espressioni multiparola (Masini 2009). La categoria degli atti linguistici attenti alla lingua (Leisen 2010) può essere definita in relazione alla lingua franca, caratterizzata da un minor uso di parole sintagmatiche, di espressioni multiparola, di frasi idiomatiche (Aguado 2002b) come anche da una minore attenzione alle relative forme prosodiche. Se da un lato sembra in questo modo definito uno degli obiettivi principali della formazione linguistica degli insegnanti DNL (discipline non linguistiche), dall’altro devono essere analizzate e verificate le vie che permettano il raggiungimento di tale obiettivo. Il lavoro di ricerca svolto traccia un modello di insegnamento e di apprendimento basato proprio sulle espressioni multiparola e sulla loro espressione prosodica. Tre i filoni scientifici alla base del modello: il "competition model" (Bates 1999), la "idiomatisch geprägte Sprache" e la "Anschließbarkeit" (Feilke 1994, 1996) e la lettura silente (Perrone-Bertolotti et al. 2013). Da essi nasce l’indicazione della "prosodische Prägung" di grande importanza per il modello di insegnamento e apprendimento proposto che trova nelle fonti letterarie tedesche testi eccellenti per una didattica interdisciplinare, che sappia valorizzare il ruolo del docente di lingua straniera nel suo apporto all’apprendimento della lingua tedesca nella classe CLIL. / Teaching a CLIL-class (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is a big challenge for teachers of non-linguistic disciplines (NLD), as they need to pay particular attention not only to the specialized language but also to the everyday language, in particular to chunks and formulaic sequences. The discourse structure necessary for a ‘good’ Clil lesson contrasts with the lingua franca, which is characterized by a reduced use of chunks and formulaic sequences (Aguado 2002, Wray 2002) and by a reduced attention for prosodic features. Teacher training on Content Language Integrated Learning needs therefore to raise and to foster language awareness of discipline teachers. The research presented in this work proposes a model for teaching and learning in CLIL-classes, which is based on chunks, formulaic sequences and their prosodic features. The scientific foundations of this model are the competition model (Bates 1999), the "idiomatisch geprägte Sprache" as well as the "Anschließbarkeit" (Feilke 1994, 1996) and the silent reading (Perrone-Bertolotti et al. 2013). The central point of the model for teaching and learning is the "prosodische Prägung", which can be successfully exercised and learned with poems from the great German literature giving new value to the role of the foreign language teacher in supporting the discipline teachers in CLIL-classes.
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Considerato, in generale, l’impatto sempre più massiccio e pervasivo che le tecnologie hanno sulla vita di tutti i giorni e partendo dal presupposto del valore aggiunto derivante dall’impiego delle tecnologie per l’educazione linguistica, in questo lavoro dapprima abbiamo fatto alcune considerazioni in merito a tecnologie e apprendimento/insegnamento linguistico, soffermandoci su Internet e sui media digitali (Capitolo 1), quindi abbiamo selezionato, analizzato e organizzato, in forma di repertorio, diverse risorse online, gratuite, per l’apprendimento/insegnamento del russo (Capitolo 7). L’idea di realizzare un repertorio dei siti Internet e delle risorse è nata dall’intento di creare uno strumento utile, sia ai discenti, sia ai docenti. In particolare, nella prima parte di questo studio abbiamo proposto l’uso di alcune risorse online per presentare l’alfabeto russo (Capitolo 2) e per lo sviluppo della competenza fonologica (Capitolo 3), lessicale (Capitolo 4), morfosintattica (Capitolo 5) e testuale (Capitolo 6). Nella seconda parte, invece, una volta analizzate le caratteristiche di alcune modalità di apprendimento, in presenza, a distanza e in rete (FaD, e-learning, blended learning, didattica 2.0) e delineati i nuovi scenari di apprendimento, tra formale e informale (Capitolo 8), abbiamo realizzato due proposte didattiche, una in ambito universitario (Capitolo 9) e una in ambito scolastico (Capitolo 10), che prevedono sia esperienze di apprendimento collaborativo in rete, sia l’utilizzo di tecnologie e risorse online. / The influence of technologies on everyday life, as it emerges clearly, is increasingly pervasive. Assuming that the use of technologies adds a certain value to language education, in this dissertation we first considered some connections between technologies and learning and teaching languages, in particular dwelling upon Internet and media education (Chapter 1). Then we selected and analysed several websites and free online resources dealing with the Russian language. The result of this work is the inventory of websites and online resources, which we conceived as a useful tool for students and teachers of Russian as a foreign language (Chapter 7). In detail, in the first part of this research work we suggested some online resources to teach absolute beginners the Russian alphabet (Chapter 2) and to develop different competences and skills: phonological (Chapter 3), lexical (Chapter 4), morphological and syntactical (Chapter 5), and textual (Chapter 6). Whereas, in the second part, we dealt with the main characteristics of various types of learning (face-to-face, distance and online learning, blended learning, formal and informal learning etc.) (Chapter 8). In addition we developed two different proposals, the first for University level (Chapter 9), the second conceived for the school classroom (Chapter 10). Our proposals are based on both experiences of collaborative learning and on the use of technologies and online resources.
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Cell fate specification by Ras-mediated cell signalling in C. elegansTiensuu, Teresa January 2003 (has links)
<p>Induction of vulval fates in the C. elegans hermaphrodite is mediated by a conserved RTK/Ras/MAP kinase signalling pathway, in which the core components can be placed into a linear genetic and biochemical pathway. However, the events that occur downstream of this pathway are not yet well understood. This thesis describes studies on three genes, lin-1, lin-25 and sur-2 that function genetically downstream of the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase pathway in vulva induction. lin-1 encodes an ETS protein that appears to be a direct target of the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase pathway during the induction of vulval fates. To understand more in detail how Ras signalling in C. elegans affects cell fate specification we have analysed the effects of lin-1 mutations on various Ras-mediated cell fate specification events. Our results show that lin-1, besides its function in vulval induction, functions in most other Ras-mediated cell fate specification events in C. elegans, and that lin-1 appears to have a negative function in a majority of these events. Two other genes, lin-25 and sur-2, also function genetically downstream of the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase pathway during induction of vulval fates. Previously, two different models have been proposed for the function of these genes (I) that they function together with a gene in the homeotic cluster to specify the identity of the vulval precursor cells or (II) that they constitute components of the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase signalling pathway. To help clarify the role of lin-25 and sur-2, we have caried out studies of the effects of lin-25 and sur-2 mutations on other cells in the worm in which the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase pathway functions. The results exclude the possibility that lin-25 and sur-2 solely function in vulva induction and suggest that the two genes are intimately involved in Ras-mediated signalling. In addition we show that the major focus for lin-25 during vulval induction is in the vulva precursor cells themselves. Furthermore, results presented here suggest that LIN-25 and SUR-2 function together in the same process in the cell. We show here by both genetic and immunological experiments that LIN-25 is associated with Mediator in C. elegans, a multiprotein complex required for transcriptional regulation. Taken together, these results suggest that lin-25 and sur-2 function in regulating transcription of genes in response to Ras signalling.</p>
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Cell fate specification by Ras-mediated cell signalling in C. elegansTiensuu, Teresa January 2003 (has links)
Induction of vulval fates in the C. elegans hermaphrodite is mediated by a conserved RTK/Ras/MAP kinase signalling pathway, in which the core components can be placed into a linear genetic and biochemical pathway. However, the events that occur downstream of this pathway are not yet well understood. This thesis describes studies on three genes, lin-1, lin-25 and sur-2 that function genetically downstream of the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase pathway in vulva induction. lin-1 encodes an ETS protein that appears to be a direct target of the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase pathway during the induction of vulval fates. To understand more in detail how Ras signalling in C. elegans affects cell fate specification we have analysed the effects of lin-1 mutations on various Ras-mediated cell fate specification events. Our results show that lin-1, besides its function in vulval induction, functions in most other Ras-mediated cell fate specification events in C. elegans, and that lin-1 appears to have a negative function in a majority of these events. Two other genes, lin-25 and sur-2, also function genetically downstream of the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase pathway during induction of vulval fates. Previously, two different models have been proposed for the function of these genes (I) that they function together with a gene in the homeotic cluster to specify the identity of the vulval precursor cells or (II) that they constitute components of the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase signalling pathway. To help clarify the role of lin-25 and sur-2, we have caried out studies of the effects of lin-25 and sur-2 mutations on other cells in the worm in which the RTK/Ras/MAP kinase pathway functions. The results exclude the possibility that lin-25 and sur-2 solely function in vulva induction and suggest that the two genes are intimately involved in Ras-mediated signalling. In addition we show that the major focus for lin-25 during vulval induction is in the vulva precursor cells themselves. Furthermore, results presented here suggest that LIN-25 and SUR-2 function together in the same process in the cell. We show here by both genetic and immunological experiments that LIN-25 is associated with Mediator in C. elegans, a multiprotein complex required for transcriptional regulation. Taken together, these results suggest that lin-25 and sur-2 function in regulating transcription of genes in response to Ras signalling.
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La tesi presenta un’analisi sociolinguistica del ruolo delle lingue francese e italiano nel contesto dell’immigrazione, in particolare presso la comunità senegalese francofona immigrata a Brescia. Nella prima parte, il primo capitolo è dedicato al Senegal, che viene illustrato nei suoi tratti storici, etnici, culturali, religiosi e di cui viene descritto l’attuale quadro linguistico. Viene anche ricostruita l’evoluzione della diaspora senegalese in Europa e in Italia nelle sue diverse fasi. Il secondo capitolo si focalizza su Brescia, città d’elezione dei migranti senegalesi in Italia, a causa delle sue caratteristiche socio-economiche che la rendono territorio particolarmente adatto alla creazione di reti di solidarietà fra senegalesi e autoctoni. La seconda parte è interamente dedicata all’analisi sociolinguistica delle lingue in gioco in questo contesto d’immigrazione. L’indagine si basa su venti interviste fatte a un campione di senegalesi residenti a Brescia, dalle quali emergono le pratiche linguistiche e le rappresentazioni linguistiche dei soggetti rispetto alle lingue conosciute e parlate. Le conclusioni della tesi consistono in un bilancio d’insieme del lavoro svolto e in una rilettura del metodo adottato per la conduzione dell'inchiesta. / This thesis presents a sociolinguistic analysis of the role of French and Italian in the migration context, notably in the community of francophone Senegalese immigrants in Brescia. In the first part, the first chapter is dedicated to Senegal, which is described in its historical, ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic features. The evolution of the Senegalese diaspora in Europe and Italy is also tackled in its different stages. The second chapter focuses on Brescia, elective hometown of the Senegalese in Italy, because of it socio-economic features which make it a territory particularly favorable to the creation of solidarity networks between Senegalese and Italians. The second part is entirely dedicated to the sociolinguistic analysis of the languages involved in this context. The survey is based on twenty interviews made with a sample of Senegalese immigrants in Brescia, from which the linguistic practices and representations of the subjects, about the languages known and spoken, emerge. In the conclusions of the thesis, a global view on the research carried out and on the method adopted for the survey will be given.
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Struttura del discorso e gerarchizzazione sintattica tra linguospecificità e universalità: una ricerca sperimentale sull'acquisizione del russo da parte di italofoni / Discourse structure and syntactic hierarchy between language specificity and universality: an experimental research on the acquisition of Russian by italophonesSTOYANOVA, NATALIYA 12 March 2013 (has links)
Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è stato quello di determinare, tramite una ricerca sperimentale sull’acquisizione del russo da parte di italofoni, come la struttura del discorso e la gerarchizzazione sintattica si collocano reciprocamente sull’asse tra linguospecificità e universalità. Per questo è stato creato un corpus (4101 clausole) di racconti narrativi scritti in russo L2, russo L1 e italiano L1, che è stato analizzato in termini di scelte preferenziali dei parlanti. Sono state confrontate le dinamiche acquisizionali tra vari gruppi di parlanti in base al seguente criterio: “più un livello è linguospecifico, più è resistente all’acquisizione delle norme della seconda lingua”. I risultati della ricerca hanno dimostrato che la struttura del discorso oppone più resistenza all’acquisizione delle norme della seconda lingua rispetto alla gerarchizzazione sintattica. Ciò suggerisce che la prima, che è il livello linguistico più vicino al pensiero, è più linguospecifica dell’ultima, e che quindi la linguospecificità del livello del discorso è maggiore di zero. Inoltre nel corpus sono state rilevate evidenze che sostengono che l’uso della lingua è strutturato e la sua struttura è linguospecifica, e che probabilmente il thinking for speaking viene formato non tanto dalle caratteristiche formali della lingua madre quanto dalle specifiche del suo uso. / The goal of this thesis is to position discourse structure and macro-syntax on the axis between language specificity and language universality through an experimental investigation of the acquisition of the Russian language by italophones. To conduct my research, I collected a 4,101-clause corpus of written narratives in Russian L2, Russian L1 and Italian L1, and I analyzed it from the point of view of the speakers’ preferential choices. I compared the acquisition dynamics within different groups of speakers using the following criterion: “more a phenomenon is resistant to the acquisition of the second language norms, more it is language specific”. My research indicated that preferences on the discourse level are more resistant than those on the macro-syntactic level. This suggests that the former, which is the linguistic level closest to thought, is more language specific than the latter, and that thereby the language specificity of the discourse level is greater than zero. I also provide evidence that the habitual structures of the linguistic use are language specific, and that the phenomenon of first language thinking in second language speaking is more significantly impacted by the specifics of the language use than by the formal structure of the mother tongue.
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Characterization of LIN-61 methyl mark binding and its function in C. elegans vulva development / Charakterisierung der Bindung von LIN-61 an methylierte Histonlysine und der Funktion von LIN-61 in der C. elegans VulvaentwicklungKöster-Eiserfunke, Nora 02 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Déclinaisons de la nostalgie dans la poésie européenne de la deuxième moitié du 20e siècleMasi, Jacopo <1978> 07 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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L'interface etre humain/technologie dans la Litterature Europeenne des Annees 60 a aujord'huiFenga, Valentina <1978> 07 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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