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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potencial antioxidante de extratos de especiarias em sistemas modelo e na estabilidade oxidativa do óleo de soja / Antioxidant activity of spices extracts in model systems and in the oxidative stability of soybean oil

Ana Paula Marques Pino Sichieri 18 October 2013 (has links)
A degradação oxidativa dos lipídeos é um fator preponderante que limita a vida útil dos alimentos, reduzindo suas qualidades nutricionais e organolépticas. A utilização de antioxidantes durante o processo de fabricação pode diminuir consideravelmente a extensão da oxidação lipídica, desencadeada pela reação de radicais livres. A crescente preocupação pelo consumo de alimentos mais saudáveis e livres de aditivos sintéticos tem recebido maior atenção pelas indústrias, que atualmente tem procurado por alternativas mais naturais, como o uso de antioxidantes provenientes de especiarias, como uma forma promissora de substituição dos compostos sintéticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as condições de obtenção de extratos hidroalcoólicos de cravo (Syzygium aromaticum), canela (Cinnamomum verum) e pimenta dedo-de-moça (Capsicum annuum) e sua aplicação em óleos de soja refinado, armazenado em embalagens de vidro, em comparação com amostras adicionadas de antioxidante sintético TBHQ e amostras livres de antioxidantes (controle), durante sete meses, simulando a comercialização em supermercados. Foram verificados também as propriedades antioxidantes dos extratos de especiarias produzidos nas condições selecionadas através das metodologias de DPPH e ABTS. O estudo do efeito da temperatura de extração e do grau de hidratação do etanol sobre o rendimento de compostos fenólicos totais dos extratos destas especiarias foi realizado com aplicação de planejamento experimental e metodologia de superfícies de resposta. As condições para uma extração eficiente dos compostos fenólicos do cravo, da canela e da pimenta foram o emprego de etanol a 49,5 % (v/v). As melhores temperaturas estiveram entre 45 a 50 °C para o cravo e canela, e 60 °C para a pimenta. Os extratos de cravo, canela e pimenta dedo-de-moça preparados nas condições otimizadas, foram adicionados nas proporções de 50 mg kg-1, 100 mg kg-1, 150 mg kg-1 e 200 mg kg-1 às amostras de óleo de soja refinado e submetido a um teste acelerado em estufa a 65 °C juntamente com amostras adicionadas nas mesmas proporções de TBHQ e amostras isentas de antioxidantes (controle), para verificação da concentração mais eficiente no retardar a oxidação. Em seguida, após os resultados do teste de estufa, os óleos adicionados de 100 mg kg-1 de extratos, TBHQ, e isento de antioxidantes foram acondicionados em embalagens de vidro transparente de 250 mL e armazenados sob condições de comercialização (incidência de luz fluorescente por 15 horas / 24 horas e 331,71 Lux). Os resultados de Índice de Peróxido, Acidez e Absortividade na faixa do ultravioleta evidenciaram que os extratos foram capazes de oferecer proteção antioxidante ao óleo de soja refinado em diferentes níveis, sendo que o tratamento adicionado de extrato de cravo foi o que mais se destacou na inibição da oxidação lipídica do óleo de soja, seguido do extrato adicionado de canela e pimenta (p<0,05). / Lipid deterioration is a major cause of shorter food shelf life, reducing its nutritional and organoleptical quality. The use of antioxidants during the manufacturing process can significantly decrease the extent of lipid oxidation reactions triggered by free radicals. The growing concern about the consumption of healthier foods and free from synthetic additives has received increased attention by the industry, which is currently looking for more natural alternatives, such as the use of antioxidants from herbs and spices, as a promising replacement of synthetic compounds. The objective of this work was to study the conditions for obtaining hydroalcoholic extracts of cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and red pepper (Capsicum annuum) and its application in soybean oil refined, stored in glass containers, compared with samples added of synthetic antioxidant TBHQ and samples free antioxidant (control) during 7 months simulating marketing conditions in supermarkets. Extracts were analyzed by DPPH and ABTS methods. The study of the effect of extraction temperature and the degree of hydration of ethanol on the yield of total phenolic compounds of the extracts of these spices was carried out with application of experimental design and response surface methodology. The best solvent concentration for efficient extraction of phenolic compounds from clove, cinnamon and pepper was 49.5% ethanol (v / v). The best temperatures were between 45 and 50°C for cloves and cinnamon, and 60 ° C for pepper. The extracts of clove, cinnamon and red pepper prepared under optimized conditions were added in concentration of 50 mg kg-1 , 100 mg kg-1, 150 mg kg-1 and 200 mg kg-1 to samples of refined soybean oil and subjected to an accelerated storage test at 65°C with samples containing the same concentrations of TBHQ and samples free of antioxidant (control) in order to check the most efficient concentrations to slow the oxidation. The best extracts concentration 100 mg kg-1 from the Schaal oven test was added to oil packed in glass containers against oil with 100 mg kg-1 of TBHQ, and oils free of antioxidants and stored under normal commercialization conditions (fluorescence light exposure for 15 hours / 24 hours and 333,71 Lux). Peroxide, acid values and absorptivity in the ultraviolet range showed that the extracts were able to offer antioxidant protection to soybean oil at different levels. Clove extract, showed the best performance in the inhibition soybean oil oxidation, followed by cinnamon and pepper (p<0,05).

Hemoglobin-mediated oxidation of marine liposomes / Hemoglobin-mediated oxidation of marine liposomes

Škrabalová, Lada January 2012 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo studium mechanismu oxidace lipidů katalyzované hovězím methemoglobinem a zhodnocení účinků různých experimentálních podmínek a antioxidantů (EDTA, askorbová kyselina, kávová kyselina, a-tokoferol, d-tokoferol, astaxanthin a L-askorbyl-6-palmitát) na methemoglobinem zprostředkovanou oxidaci lipidů v modelovém systému liposomů připravených z fosfolipidů. K monitorování oxidace lipidů při pH 5,5 a teplotě 30 °C bylo použito spotřeby kyslíku. Pro zhodnocení antioxidační aktivity v modelovém systému liposomů se ukázaly být důležitými faktory typ prooxidantu a koncentrace prooxidantu a antioxidantu. Dalšími důležitými faktory jsou struktura molekuly antioxidantu, jeho hydrofilita/lipofilita a umístění v systému. Všechny testované antioxidanty ve všech koncentracích (kromě koncentrace 0.1 % astaxanthinu and 0.1 % askorbyl palmitátu) inhibovaly oxidaci vyvolanou methemoglobinem. Účinnost antioxidantu stoupala s jeho zvyšující se koncentrací. Koncentrace 0.1 % astaxanthinu neměla žádný vliv na oxidaci liposomů. Koncentrace 0.1 % askorbyl palmitátu měla prooxidační efekt, který lze vysvětlit prooxidačním působením radikálu askorbylu, který může urychlit štěpení hydroperoxidů. Volné železo uvolněné z methemoglobinu se podílelo jen velmi málo na oxidaci liposomů, zatímco část prooxidační aktivity methemoglobinu byla přisouzena tvorbě singletového kyslíku (methemoglobin jako fotosenzitizátor). Antioxidační aktivita astaxanthinu, askorbyl palmitátu a tokoferolu byla z části přisouzena schopnosti zhášet singletový kyslík. Ovšem hlavním prooxidačním mechanismem methemoglobinu se ukázal být rozklad lipidových hydroperoxidů, tvorba volných radikálů a hypervalentních forem hemoglobinu. EDTA utlumila oxidaci liposomů díky chelataci přechodných kovů obsažených v liposomech a chelataci volného železa přítomného v methemoglobinovém roztoku. Velmi důležitým antioxidačním mechanismem (který vykazují askorbyl palmitát, askorbová a kávová kyselina) se ukázala být redukce hypervalentních forem hemoglobinu. Askorbová kyselina, kávová kyselina, tokoferoly a astaxanthin inhibovaly methemoglobinem zprostředkovanou oxidaci lipidů odstraňováním volných radikálů. Při použití peroxidu vodíku nebyl pozorován žádný vliv na oxidaci liposomů vyvolanou methemoglobinem. Působení vysoké teploty (tepelná denaturace) mírně utlumilo oxidaci. Významná inhibice oxidace byla pozorována u liposomů obsahujících TPP (triphenylphosphin), což značí, že je methemoglobinem vyvolaná oxidace liposomů závislá na přítomnosti již vzniklých lipidových peroxidů. Výsledky této práce přispívají k hlubšímu pochopení prooxidačních a antioxidačních mechanismů a faktorů, které ovlivňují oxidaci liposomálních roztoků, buněčných membrán a emulzí typu olej ve vodě stabilizovaných fosfolipidy.

Action antioxydante et antimicrobienne de composés phénoliques dans des milieux modèles et des émulsions riches en lipides insaturés / Antioxidant and antimicrobial action of some phenolic compounds in model media and in emulsions rich in unsaturated lipids

Pernin, Aurélia 20 December 2018 (has links)
Les composés phénoliques pourraient être de bons candidats pour assurer la qualité et la sécurité des produits périssables tels que les aliments prêts-à-consommer. Très répandus dans les plantes et les co-produits agro-industriels, ils peuvent limiter l’oxydation de lipides insaturés d’intérêt nutritionnel (omega-3, dont DHA et EPA) et le développement de bactéries pathogènes alimentaires telles que Listeria monocytogenes.L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer la double activité antioxydante et antimicrobienne de ces composés phénoliques dans des milieux alimentaires complexes et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'action associés.L’étude en milieux modèles a tout d’abord permis de mettre en évidence des relations structure-activités et de décrypter certains mécanismes d’action mettant en jeu des paramètres tels que le nombre et l’environnement chimique des groupements phénoliques, le logP, les formes dissociées / non dissociées des acides phénoliques. Les performances de trois composés sélectionnés (eugénol, acide férulique et α-tocophérol) ont ensuite été évaluées dans des milieux alimentaires complexes plus réalistes : des émulsions h/e composées d'huile de poisson, d’une phase aqueuse et de protéines de lactosérum ou Tween 80 en tant qu'émulsifiant. L’acide férulique ne présente aucune activité antioxydante mais peut inhiber le développement de L. monocytogenes. En revanche, l’eugénol et l’α-tocophérol sont de bons antioxydants dans les émulsions à base de protéines de lactosérum alors qu’ils n’y sont pas antimicrobiens. Quelques mécanismes d’action sont proposés pour expliquer ces comportements. / Phenolic compounds appear to be good candidates for ensuring the quality and safety of several perishable products like ready-to-eat food. Widely found in plants and byproducts from agro-industries, they offer a potential solution to limit the oxidation of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g. DHA and EPA) and the growth of foodborne pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes.The aim of this PhD is to evaluate dual antioxidant and antimicrobial activity in complex food media and to better understand the associated mechanisms of action.First experiments carried out with a series of phenolic compounds in simple model media confirmed this dual efficiency.Interesting structure/activity relationships were highlighted and some mechanisms of action were decrypted, involving parameters like number and chemical environment of phenolic groups, logP, dissociated/undissociated forms of phenolic acids. The performances of three selected phenolic compounds, i.e. eugenol, ferulic acid and α-tocopherol (added alone or as a mixture), were evaluated in more realistic complex food media: o/w emulsions composed of fish oil, aqueous phase and whey proteins or Tween 80 as emulsifiers. Ferulic acid shows no antioxidant activity but can inhibit the development of L. monocytogenes. In contrast, eugenol and α-tocopherol are good antioxidants but not antimicrobials in emulsions formulated with whey proteins. Mechanisms of action are proposed to explain these behaviors.


Wang, Hua 21 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of diet induced obesity on mouse skeletal muscle health: metabolism, growth and regeneration.

Trajcevski, Karin E. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Prediabetes can lead to Type II Diabetes Mellitus, yet Prediabetes is a disease in its own right with its own physiological complications. Despite the pervasiveness of Prediabetes in our society and the negative impact on current and future health the extent of myopathy, short of muscle insulin resistance, and the mechanisms behind development of muscle insulin resistance remains unclear. Animal models of diet-induced obesity (DIO) have been employed to assess development of muscle insulin resistance and changes to muscle health. However there is a lack of clarity as to the molecular mechanisms leading to muscle insulin resistance. The goal of the studies presented here was to elucidate changes to muscle health and potential mechanisms contributing to muscle insulin resistance in response to DIO. Since the ability to perform exercise is to date one of the best therapies for Prediabetes and exercise contributes to a healthy muscle mass, the ability of muscle to undergo proper regeneration was also assessed following DIO. The results presented in this work demonstrate that skeletal muscle tissue adapts to increased dietary lipid by an early increase in functional lipid oxidation, mitigating IMCL deposition, despite glucose intolerance. Unfortunately this adaptive response is reversed with prolonged dietary fat intake and the development of muscle insulin resistance. Of note was the stronger link between IMCLs and muscle insulin resistance, compared to inflammation. DIO also led to decrements in satellite cell functionality which, along with physiological changes to HGF content and signaling, likely resulted in the observed impairment in regenerative ability. The results reported here improve our understanding of changes to muscle health and the mechanisms behind development of muscle insulin resistance with DIO. These findings have implications for therapies and treatments for Prediabetes.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science)

Storage Stability of an Antioxidant Active Packaging Coated with Citrus Extract Following a Plasma Jet Pretreatment

Contini, C., Katsikogianni, Maria, O'Neill, F.T., O'Sullivan, M., Boland, F., Dowling, D.P., Monahan, F.J. 05 October 2013 (has links)
Yes / Antioxidant active packaging was prepared by coating a citrus extract on the surface of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays which had been either treated with an atmospheric pressure plasma jet or left untreated. The surface characteristics of the packaging were examined, as were its stability and antioxidant efficacy following storage for up to 24 weeks under the following three storage conditions: room temperature, 0 % relative humidity (RH) or 50 °C. Plasma pretreatment increased coating density, thickness and roughness, and oxygenated functional groups at the polymer surface, whereas water contact angle decreased. Trays stored at room temperature did not lose their antioxidant efficacy over 24 weeks and plasma pretreatment enhanced the efficacy from week 8 onwards. Gravimetric analysis of the coating revealed a loss of antioxidant compounds only after 16 weeks. Trays stored at 0 % RH lost coating from week 1 onwards, with lower loss in plasma pretreated trays, while loss of coating was highest at 50 °C, with lower loss in plasma pretreated trays only after 24 weeks. Overall, the surface characteristics of the antioxidant active packaging were modified by plasma pretreatment of the PET surface, with some improvement in antioxidant efficacy, and the efficacy of the packaging in delaying oxidative deterioration in cooked meats was retained during storage at ambient temperature.

Macromolecular Reactions and Sensory Perception at the Air-Water-Human Interface

Omur-Ozbek, Pinar 28 October 2008 (has links)
During 20th century main concern was to have sanitary water flowing through the tap. In 21st century constant supply of safe drinking water is common at any home in USA. Hence consumers pay attention to aesthetic quality of tap water. Odorous algal metabolites in source water and metals introduced to drinking water due to corrosion of pipes in the distribution system cause taste, odor and color problems, and result in complaints and perception of tap water as unhealthy. Millions of dollars are spent each year by water industry to address and prevent these issues. This research focused on some of the taste-and-odor issues associated with drinking water. First aim was to understand when geosmin, 2-MIB, and nonadienal become detectable, employing two-resistance mass transfer theory to determine the concentration of odorants in bathroom air. Results showed that water temperature and odorant concentration in water play an important role. Next focus was to develop an international odor standard to be used for training of sensory analysis panelists. There are many sensory methods to monitor drinking water to detect the off-flavors however an odor standard has been missing. Hexanal was studied with trained flavor profile analysis panels and was proposed as an ideal odor reference standard to be used for training and sensory assessment of water samples. Main focus was to understand metallic flavor of drinking water caused by iron and copper. It was shown that metallic sensation has taste and retronasal components creating the flavor and humans are very sensitive to it. Occurrence of lipid oxidation in the oral cavity was shown when metals were ingested, that produces carbonyls which are responsible for the metallic flavor. Antioxidants and chelators were investigated to study prevention of lipid oxidation and, chelators were determined to be more effective. Oral epithelial cell cultures were developed as a model for oral cavity to further investigate lipid oxidation and effectiveness of the antioxidants and chelators. This dissertation is a result of inter-disciplinary work and possibly a good example for how problems may be solved by incorporating different methods and point of views from several disciplines. / Ph. D.

Technologies for tissue preservation: the role of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants in preserving tissue function in chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

Tuckey, Nicholas Pierre Lemieux January 2008 (has links)
The seafood industry is of considerable importance to both the New Zealand and global economies and therefore tissue preservation technologies that increase product quality and/or prolong shelf life have the potential to add significant value. Technologies for maintaining the viability of isolated tissues also have a wide range of other medical and industrial applications. This thesis examines the relationship between metabolic function, oxidation and cell death and the resulting stability of the non-viable tissues during long term storage in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) red and white skeletal muscle tissue. This research also looks at the role of the aquatic anaesthetic AQUI-S™, in which the active ingredient is isoeugenol (a lipid soluble antioxidant), and other antioxidant compounds in preserving metabolic function in viable tissues and tissue stability in nonviable tissues. Perfusion of salmon tails at 15℃ over 5 or 10 hours with oxygen saturated saline resulted in significant increases in protein and lipid oxidation (protein carbonyl and TBARS concentrations respectively) in the red muscle, but not the white muscle. The introduction of ascorbic acid and uric acid into the saline did not reduce the oxidation in the red muscle despite significantly increasing their respective concentrations in the tissue. This indicates the difficulties associated with attempting to extend tissue viability by delivering free oxygen to the tissue and also highlights the difference in susceptibility of the two muscle types to oxidation. Tail fillets from salmon harvested in both rested and exhausted physiological states using AQUI-S™, and fillets from exhausted salmon harvested without AQUI-S™, were exposed to air at 15℃ for up to 96 hours. Protein carbonyls increased in a roughly linear fashion over the entire 96 hours in all three groups. Both lipid peroxides (TBARS) and uric acid concentrations began to increase in the exhausted group after 30 hours. In contrast, no significant increases in lipid peroxides or uric acid was seen in the fillets from either group harvested using AQUI-S™. Vitamin E concentrations reduced slowly but did not change significantly despite the oxidation that was evident in the tissue. These processes also occurred in salmon tail fillets during storage at 6℃. The measurement of ATP related compounds provides an effective indicator of both the metabolic state of the tissue post-harvest and the quality. The breakdown of these compounds is also associated with the production of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Fresh rested salmon fillets had high concentrations of ATP and creatine phosphate, which were both depleted after 12 hours storage at 15℃. This indicates that cell viability lasted a number of hours following harvesting. These metabolites were depleted in exhausted fillets and metabolic potential appeared to be immediately compromised. The concentration of the taste enhancing compound IMP was significantly reduced in fresh rested tissue, but increased during storage, and was significantly higher than in exhausted tissues following 12 hours of storage at 15℃. This indicates that some properties of rested tissues may improve with limited storage times. The accumulation of uric acid - the metabolic end point for ATP related compounds - was also significantly reduced in rested tissue and increases in K-value were slowed. AQUI-S™ showed an ability to preserve tissue function through its anaesthetic action allowing tissue to be harvested in a rested state, and to reduce late stage lipid oxidation in stored salmon tail fillets. The antioxidant action of isoeugenol in salmon fillets may be mediated through its ability to chelate transition metals released during tissue degradation. This research shows that during reperfusion and during fillet storage there is a significant level of oxidative stress, which needs to be minimized while maintaining basic tissue metabolism to prolong tissue and cellular viability. The development of future technologies to preserve tissue viability may depend on the development of a synthetic oxygen carrying compound with properties similar to red blood cells. This may allow more control over oxygen delivery, potentially reducing the oxidative stress associated with high concentrations of free oxygen in solution. However, preserving cell viability will also require the maintenance of endogenous antioxidant function and there is also the potential to use iron chelating compounds including plant derived flavonoids to preserve non-viable tissues. Future research in these areas is necessary.

Stabilité de microconstituants de la tomate (composés phénoliques, caroténoïdes, vitamines C et E) au cours des procédés de transformation : études en systèmes modèles, mise au point d'un modèle stoechio-cinétique et validation pour l’étape unitaire de préparation de sauce tomate / Stability of tomato microconstituents (phenolic compounds, carotenoids, vitamins C and E) during processing : studies in model systems, development of a stoichio-kinetic model and validation for the unit step of tomato sauce preparation

Chanforan, Céline 17 September 2010 (has links)
La tomate, fruit largement consommé frais mais aussi sous forme transformée, est reconnue pour ses qualités nutritionnelles. Riche en microconstituants, tels les caroténoïdes (le lycopène en particulier), les composés phénoliques et la vitamine C, sa consommation régulière permettrait de réduire les risques de maladies cardiovasculaires et de certains cancers. Cependant, les traitements thermiques appliqués lors de la préparation industrielle de produits à base de tomate peuvent être à l'origine de réactions chimiques entraînant la dégradation de ces antioxydants. D'autre part, l'ajout d'huile végétale, pour la préparation de la sauce tomate notamment, met en jeu des réactions d'oxydation des lipides pouvant contribuer à l'instabilité de ces microconstituants. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est la détermination des cinétiques réactionnelles impliquées dans l’évolution des microconstituants de la tomate lors des procédés industriels de transformation.Dans un premier temps, une étude qualitative et quantitative sur plusieurs produits industriels (concentrés, pulpe, sauces) à base de tomate a été menée afin de déterminer les microconstituants marqueurs de la qualité nutritionnelle : (E)-lycopène et (E)-β-carotène pour les caroténoïdes, rutine, 7-O-glucosyl-naringénine et acide chlorogénique pour les composés phénoliques ainsi que les vitamines C et E ont été retenus. Cette première étude a permis de déterminer l’impact de procédés industriels sur les teneurs en microconstituants pour des produits collectés en entrée et en sortie de process pour deux usines de la région PACA.Par la suite, la stabilité des 7 marqueurs sélectionnés a été étudiée dans trois systèmes modèles modélisant la sauce tomate à des températures simulant des conditions de cold et hot breaks. Ces systèmes modèles comprennent un milieu aqueux acide (pH 3,8) contenant de l’amidon, un milieu lipidique constitué d'huile et de phospholipides végétaux et une émulsion H/E (huile dans eau) intégrant ces divers constituants. L’oxydation des lipides et son éventuelle protection par les microconstituants ont été évaluées par détermination de l'évolution des teneurs en diènes conjugués et trilinoléine. Parmi tous les antioxydants, la vitamine C s'est avérée être le moins stable en émulsion comme en milieu aqueux; sa vitesse d'oxydation est influencée par la teneur en oxygène dans le milieu. Les teneurs en composés phénoliques sont peu affectées, même à haute température (95 °C) tandis que les caroténoïdes s'isomérisent rapidement quelles que soient les conditions appliquées. Dans l'émulsion modèle, l'oxydation lipidique est nettement accélérée quand la température s'élève et tous les marqueurs se dégradent plus rapidement qu'en milieu aqueux ou lipidique.La détermination des constantes de vitesses a été réalisée, soit individuellement pour chaque cinétique, soit par desapproches globales (modèle oxydation lipidique et modèle stoechio-cinétique). Ce dernier modèle a pour but de proposer des conditions limitant l’oxydation lipidique et la dégradation des microconstituants de la tomate au cours des procédés / Tomato is a fruit widely consumed either fresh or processed possessing recognized nutritional qualities. Rich in microconstituents like carotenoids (such as lycopene), phenolic compounds and vitamin C, its regular consumption could reduce risks of cardio-vascular diseases and cancers. However, thermal treatments applied during industrial preparation of tomato products may involve various chemical reactions leading to the degradation of these antioxidants. Besides, addition of vegetable oil for the preparation of tomato sauce may lead to lipid oxidation contributing to the microconstituent instability.The main objective of this thesis is the determination of reaction kinetics for tomato microconstituents during industrial processing.First, a qualitative and quantitative study on several industrial tomato products (pastes, pulp, sauces) was carried out in order to select markers of the nutritional quality: (E)-lycopene and (E)-β-carotene for carotenoids, rutin, naringenin 7-O-glucoside and chlorogenic acid for phenolics as well as vitamins C and E. Additionally, an impact of processing was determined for industrial products collected before and after processing in two different plants in the PACA Region. Then, the stability of the selected markers was studied in model systems mimicking tomato sauce at hot and cold break temperatures. For this purpose, three model systems were developed: an aqueous model containing starch, a lipidic model consisting of vegetable oil and phospholipids and an O/W (oil-in-water) emulsion integrating all these constituents. Lipid oxidation and its possible protection by antioxidants were evaluated by the follow-up of conjugated dienes and trilinolein. Among all the antioxidants, vitamin C proved to be the least stable in both the emulsion and aqueous models. Its oxidation rate was found to be oxygen dependent. Phenolic compounds were little affected, even at high temperature (95 °C) whereas carotenoids rapidly isomerised whatever the conditions applied. In the emulsion model, lipid oxidation is clearly accelerated when the temperature increases and all markers are more rapidly degraded than in the aqueous or lipidic model. Rate constants were determined, either individually for each kinetics, either using global approaches (lipid oxidationmodel and stoichio-kinetic model). This last model aims at giving process conditions limiting lipid oxidation and microconstituent degradation

Caracterização química e estabilidade oxidativa de produto reestruturado de frango sob ação de embalagem ativa adicionada de extratos de resíduos agroindustriais / Chemical and oxidative stability of restructured chicken product stored under active packaging with addition of agro-industrial residues extracts

Leon, Juan Sebastian Serrano 13 July 2015 (has links)
A qualidade, aceitabilidade e a vida útil da carne de frango e principalmente seus produtos industrializados, dependem de vários fatores, sendo a oxidação lipídica um dos principais problemas de estabilidade do produto. O crescimento da tendência de consumo de compostos naturais por parte da população mundial e a demanda das indústrias de alimentos para controle da oxidação lipídica, surge como alternativa muito promissora a utilização de antioxidantes naturais. O Brasil, com uma grande produção de produtos vegetais e a economia fortemente baseada na agroindústria gera grandes quantidades de resíduos vegetais, sendo os resíduos de película de amendoim e pimenta-rosa potenciais fontes de antioxidantes. Estes resultados confirmados conforme ensaios preliminares in vitro, uma vez que são ricos em compostos bioativos, como compostos fenólicos. Além disto, a quitosana apresenta-se como uma boa matriz para incorporação de extratos contendo compostos bioativos, além de ter capacidade de formar filmes. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi desenvolver filmes de quitosana com incorporação de antioxidantes naturais a partir dos extratos de resíduos de película de amendoim e pimenta rosa, e avaliar seu efeito sobre a oxidação lipídica em produto reestruturado de frango. O estudo foi dividido em três etapas: a primeira foi utilização da metodologia de superfície de resposta para determinação de uma concentração ótima de extrato de resíduo agroindustrial que incorporado ao filme de quitosana promova inibição da oxidação lipídica (valor de sustâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico, TBARS). Na segunda etapa, foi avaliada a incorporação da concentração ótima dos extratos diretamente na carne e nos filmes ativos de quitosana, sobre as características físico-químicas (pH, cor instrumental, índice de peróxidos, e valor de TBARS) e microbiológicas dos tratamentos. Na terceira etapa foram avaliadas as características sensoriais e de aceitabilidade dos tratamentos que apresentaram menor oxidação lipídica. Os resultados revelaram que, na primeira etapa foram otimizadas as concentrações dos extratos de resíduos nos filmes ativos de quitosana. Os teores otimizados foram 80 mg de compostos fenólicos totais (CFT) / kg de carne para os resíduos de película de amendoim e de 90 mg CFT / kg de carne para pimenta rosa. Na segunda etapa, ao final do tempo de armazenamento, pode-se observar que não houve diferença significativa (p > 0,05) para os parâmetros de cor, pH e contagem de mesófilos totais. Para oxidação lipídica, todos os tratamentos apresentaram diferença significativa (p < 0,05), quando comparados com o controle. Para contagem de micro-organismos psicrotróficos totais houve diferença significativa para os tratamentos com filme ativo + extratos, quando comparados com os demais tratamentos. Na terceira etapa, os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa na aceitabilidade entre os tratamentos. Adicionalmente também foi realizada uma caracterização sensorial com consumidores usando a metodologia Check-all-that-apply (CATA). Assim pode-se concluir que foram desenvolvidos filmes ativos de quitosana com adição de extratos de resíduos agroindustriais, com exelente potencial na atividade antioxidante e antimicrobiana em produtos carneos, sem influenciar na aceitabilidade sensorial. / Quality, accessibility, shelf life of chicken meat and mainly of its processed products depends on several factors, wherein lipid oxidation is a major stability product problem. The growth of the consumption trend of natural compounds by the world\'s population, and the demand from the food industry to control lipid oxidation appear as a very promising alternative to the use of natural antioxidants. Brazil, with a large production plant products and a strong economy based on agro-industry generates large amounts of crop residues where peanut shells and pink pepper residues are potential sources of antioxidants. According to preliminary in-vitro tests of these residues, these are rich in bioactive substances such as phenolic compounds. Moreover, chitosan presents itself as a good matrix for incorporation of extracts containing bioactive compounds, in addition to having the ability to form films. The aim of this study was to develop chitosan films incorporating natural antioxidants from peanut shells and pink pepper residues extracts, as well as to evaluate their effect on the lipid oxidation of a chicken restructured product. The study was divided into three stages: first was the use of response surface methodology to determine an optimal concentration of agro-industrial waste extract, which was incorporated into the chitosan film to promote inhibition of lipid oxidation (as an amount of reactive substances to thiobarbituric acid, TBARS). The second stage evaluated the incorporation of this optimal concentration of extracts applied directly in both the meat and the chitosan active films, in relation to the physicalchemical (pH parameters, instrumental color, peroxide value, and TBARS value) and microbiological characteristics of the treatments. The third stage evaluated the sensory characteristics and acceptability of treatments that had a lower lipid oxidation. The results revealed that the first stage optimized the concentrations of extracts from residues into the active chitosan films. The optimized concentration was 80 mg of total phenolic content (TPC) / kg of meat for peanut shells residue extract, and 90 TPC mg / kg of meat for the pink pepper extract. On the second stage, at the end of the storage time, it can be seen that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in parameters like color, pH and total mesophylls counts. For the lipid oxidation parameters, all treatments showed significant differences (p < 0.05) when compared with the control treatment. The microbial count of total psychrotrophic microorganisms showed significant differences for treatments with active films + residues extracts when compared with the other treatments. In the third stage, the results showed no significant difference in acceptability between treatments. Additionally, a sensory characterization with consumers using the Check-all-thatapply (CATA) methodology was also performed. Thus, it was concluded that the development of active chitosan films incorporated with extracts of agro-industrial waste was possible, which possess an antioxidant and antimicrobial potential activity without altering the sensory acceptability of the final product.

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