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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

List-mode SPECT reconstruction using empirical likelihood

Lehovich, Andre January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation investigates three topics related to imagereconstruction from list-mode Anger camera data. Our mainfocus is the processing of photomultiplier-tube (PMT)signals directly into images. First we look at the use of list-mode calibration data toreconstruct a non-parametric likelihood model relating theobject to the data list. The reconstructed model can thenbe combined with list-mode object data to produce amaximum-likelihood (ML) reconstruction, an approach we calldouble list-mode reconstruction. This trades off reducedprior assumptions about the properties of the imaging systemfor greatly increased processing time and increaseduncertainty in the reconstruction. Second we use the list-mode expectation-maximization (EM)algorithm to reconstruct planar projection images directlyfrom PMT data. Images reconstructed by EM are compared withimages produced using the faster and more common techniqueof first producing ML position estimates, then histogramingto form an image. A mathematical model of the human visualsystem, the channelized Hotelling observer, is used tocompare the reconstructions by performing the Rayleigh task,a traditional measure of resolution. EM is found to producehigher resolution images than the histogram approach,suggesting that information is lost during the positionestimation step. Finally we investigate which linear parameters of an objectare estimable, in other words may be estimated without biasfrom list-mode data. We extend the notion of a linearsystem operator, familiar from binned-mode systems, tolist-mode systems, and show the estimable parameters aredetermined by the range of the adjoint of the systemoperator. As in the binned-mode case, the list-modesensitivity functions define ``natural pixels'' with whichto reconstruct the object.

Calculating Center of Mass Using List Mode Data from PET Biograph128 mCT-1104 / Beräkning av masscentrum genom användning av list mode data från PET Biograph128 mCT-1104

Rane, Lukas, Runeskog, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
A common problem within positron emission tomography examinations of the brain is the motion of the patient. If the patients ́ head moves during an examination all the data acquired after the movement will not be suited for clinical use. This means that a lot of data recovered from PET is not used at all. Motion tracking during PET acquisitions of the brain is not a well explored issue within medical imaging in relation to the magnitude of the problem. Due to the radiation risks of the examination and the logistics at the hospital, a second acquisition is not preferred. Therefore a method to avoid a second acquisition would be welcome. PET data saved in list mode makes it possible to analyze the data during an examination. By calculating the center of mass of the object examined in list mode only using the raw data from PET and use it as a tracking point, it would be possible to track a motion during an acquisition. The center of mass could therefore possibly be used as a reference to connect two different time intervals on each side of the moment were the motion occurred. The raw PET data used for this project was acquired in the Nuclear Medicine Department in Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge and covered four turns of one minute acquisitions in different positions and with two different objects that were saved in list mode. The acquisitions were analyzed with the Siemens software e7-tools and sliced into time intervals. To calculate the center of mass within these time intervals, two methods were developed. One method only used the Siemens software e7-tools and histogrammed the time of flight bin position. The other method used each event position in its sinogram to calculate a center of mass sinusoidal equation. This equation lead to coordinates describing the center of mass in a specific slice. / Ett vanligt problem inom positronemissiontomografiundersökningar av hjärnan är rörelser från patienten. Om patienten rör sitt huvud under undersökningen kommer all förvärvad data inte vara kliniskt lämpad. Detta innebär att en stor del av datan från en PET-undersökning inte används över huvud taget. Rörelsespårning under PET undersökningar av hjärnan är ett relativt outforskat ämne inom medicinsk bildgivning i relation till amplituden av problemet. På grund av strålningsrisken av un- dersökningen och logistiken på sjukhusen, är en andra bildtagning inte att föredra. Därför skulle en metod för att undvika en andra bildtagning vara uppskattad. PET-rådata sparad i list mode möjliggör analys av data inom tidsspektrat av en undersökning. Genom att beräkna det undersökta objektets barocentrum genom att enbart använda rådata sparad i list mode och använda detta som en referenspunkt, så finns en möjlighet att följa en rörelse under en undersökning. Objektets barocentrum skulle kunna fungera som en referenspunkt för att binda ihop två olika tidsegment på varsin sida om tillfället då en rörelse har skett. Rådatan som användes i detta projekt var förvärvad vid nukleärmedicinska avdelningen på Karolinska Universetetssjukhuset i Huddinge och täckte fyra stycken undersökningar på en minut vardera i olika positioner och två olika objekt som sparades i list mode. Datainsamlingarna över- sattes med Siemens-mjukvaran e7-tools och delades sedan upp i tidsegment. För att räkna ut ett barocentrum i dessa tidssegment så utvecklades två metoder. En metod använde sig enbart av Siemens-mjukvaran e7-tools och använde dess funktion ”histogramming” för att dela upp alla events time of flight position. Den andra metoden använde varje events position i dess sinogram för att beräkna en barocentrisk sinusformad funktion. Denna funktion ledde till koordinater som beskrev masscentrum i en specifik skiva.

ModPET: Novel Applications of Scintillation Cameras to Preclinical PET

Moore, Stephen K. January 2011 (has links)
We have designed, developed, and assessed a novel preclinical positron emission tomography (PET) imaging system named ModPET. The system was developed using modular gamma cameras, originally developed for SPECT applications at the Center for Gamma Ray Imaging (CGRI), but configured for PET imaging by enabling coincidence timing. A pair of cameras are mounted on a exible system gantry that also allows for acquisition of optical images such that PET images can be registered to an anatomical reference. Data is acquired in a super list-mode form where raw PMT signals and event times are accumulated in events lists for each camera. Event parameter estimation of position and energy is carried out with maximum likelihood methods using careful camera calibrations accomplished with collimated beams of 511-keV photons and a new iterative mean-detector-response-function processing routine. Intrinsic lateral spatial resolution for 511-keV photons was found to be approximately 1.6 mm in each direction. Lists of coincidence pairs are found by comparing event times in the two independent camera lists. A timing window of 30 nanoseconds is used. By bringing the 4.5 inch square cameras in close proximity, with a 32-mm separation for mouse imaging, a solid angle coverage of ∼75% partially compensates for the relatively low stopping power in the 5-mm-thick NaI crystals to give a mea- sured sensitivity of up to 0.7%. An NECR analysis yields 11,000 pairs per second with 84 μCi of activity. A list-mode MLEM reconstruction algorithm was developed to reconstruct objects in a 88 x 88 x 30 mm field of view. Tomographic resolution tests with a phantom suggest a lateral resolution of 1.5 mm and a slightly degraded resolution of 2.5 mm in the direction normal to the camera faces. The system can also be configured to provide (99m)Tc planar scintigraphy images. Selected biological studies of inammation, apoptosis, tumor metabolism, and bone osteogenic activity are presented.

Task Performance with List-Mode Data

Caucci, Luca January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the application of list-mode data to detection, estimation, and image reconstruction problems, with an emphasis on emission tomography in medical imaging. We begin by introducing a theoretical framework for list-mode data and we use it to define two observers that operate on list-mode data. These observers are applied to the problem of detecting a signal~(known in shape and location) buried in a random lumpy background. We then consider maximum-likelihood methods for the estimation of numerical parameters from list-mode data, and we characterize the performance of these estimators via the so-called Fisher information matrix. Reconstruction from PET list-mode data is then considered. In a process we called "double maximum-likelihood" reconstruction, we consider a simple PET imaging system and we use maximum-likelihood methods to first estimate a parameter vector for each pair of gamma-ray photons that is detected by the hardware. The collection of these parameter vectors forms a list, which is then fed to another maximum-likelihood algorithm for volumetric reconstruction over a grid of voxels. Efficient parallel implementation of the algorithms discussed above is then presented. In this work, we take advantage of two low-cost, mass-produced computing platforms that have recently appeared on the market, and we provide some details on implementing our algorithms on these devices. We conclude this dissertation work by elaborating on a possible application of list-mode data to X-ray digital mammography. We argue that today's CMOS detectors and computing platforms have become fast enough to make X-ray digital mammography list-mode data acquisition and processing feasible.

Estimation of Kinetic Parameters From List-Mode Data Using an Indirect Approach

Ortiz, Joseph Christian, Ortiz, Joseph Christian January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores the possibility of using an imaging approach to model classical pharmacokinetic (PK) problems. The kinetic parameters which describe the uptake rates of a drug within a biological system, are parameters of interest. Knowledge of the drug uptake in a system is useful in expediting the drug development process, as well as providing a dosage regimen for patients. Traditionally, the uptake rate of a drug in a system is obtained via sampling the concentration of the drug in a central compartment, usually the blood, and fitting the data to a curve. In a system consisting of multiple compartments, the number of kinetic parameters is proportional to the number of compartments, and in classical PK experiments, the number of identifiable parameters is less than the total number of parameters. Using an imaging approach to model classical PK problems, the support region of each compartment within the system will be exactly known, and all the kinetic parameters are uniquely identifiable. To solve for the kinetic parameters, an indirect approach, which is a two part process, was used. First the compartmental activity was obtained from data, and next the kinetic parameters were estimated. The novel aspect of the research is using listmode data to obtain the activity curves from a system as opposed to a traditional binned approach. Using techniques from information theoretic learning, particularly kernel density estimation, a non-parametric probability density function for the voltage outputs on each photo-multiplier tube, for each event, was generated on the fly, which was used in a least squares optimization routine to estimate the compartmental activity. The estimability of the activity curves for varying noise levels as well as time sample densities were explored. Once an estimate for the activity was obtained, the kinetic parameters were obtained using multiple cost functions, and the compared to each other using the mean squared error as the figure of merit.

Image Reconstruction From a Simulated Compton Imaging Detector Using List-Mode Likelihood Methods

Winroth, Hjalmar, Nordmark, Tove January 2024 (has links)
Traditionally, medical imaging techniques such as PET (positron emission tomography) and SPECT (single-photon emission computed tomography) have relied on mechanical collimators to detect the sources of photons. This limits the image's resolution and field of view. To improve upon this, Compton cameras have emerged as a promising alternative. The principle is to measure the angle of a photon scattered in the detector, which indicates the likely sources in the form of a cone culminating in the position of the interaction. The cones from multiple events may be superimposed in order to generate an image. The object of this work is to use list-mode likelihood methods to better reconstruct the source image from the data recorded by a simulated Compton camera in the case of a solid detector volume with good spatial- and energy resolution.  The results demonstrate an improvement of image quality for reconstructions of single point source and multiple extended sources. In addition, the results indicate that our used algorithm converges for point sources. The minimum number of measured events for accurate reconstruction for different source distributions remains to be determined, and the algorithm's ability to resolve closely adjacent sources should be investigated more.

Event-Driven Motion Compensation in Positron Emission Tomography: Development of a Clinically Applicable Method

Langner, Jens 11 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a well-established functional imaging method used in nuclear medicine. It allows for retrieving information about biochemical and physiological processes in vivo. The currently possible spatial resolution of PET is about 5 mm for brain acquisitions and about 8 mm for whole-body acquisitions, while recent improvements in image reconstruction point to a resolution of 2 mm in the near future. Typical acquisition times range from minutes to hours due to the low signal-to-noise ratio of the measuring principle, as well as due to the monitoring of the metabolism of the patient over a certain time. Therefore, patient motion increasingly limits the possible spatial resolution of PET. In addition, patient immobilisations are only of limited benefit in this context. Thus, patient motion leads to a relevant resolution degradation and incorrect quantification of metabolic parameters. The present work describes the utilisation of a novel motion compensation method for clinical brain PET acquisitions. By using an external motion tracking system, information about the head motion of a patient is continuously acquired during a PET acquisition. Based on the motion information, a newly developed event-based motion compensation algorithm performs spatial transformations of all registered coincidence events, thus utilising the raw data of a PET system - the so-called `list-mode´ data. For routine acquisition of this raw data, methods have been developed which allow for the first time to acquire list-mode data from an ECAT Exact HR+ PET scanner within an acceptable time frame. Furthermore, methods for acquiring the patient motion in clinical routine and methods for an automatic analysis of the registered motion have been developed. For the clinical integration of the aforementioned motion compensation approach, the development of additional methods (e.g. graphical user interfaces) was also part of this work. After development, optimisation and integration of the event-based motion compensation in clinical use, analyses with example data sets have been performed. Noticeable changes could be demonstrated by analysis of the qualitative and quantitative effects after the motion compensation. From a qualitative point of view, image artefacts have been eliminated, while quantitatively, the results of a tracer kinetics analysis of a FDOPA acquisition showed relevant changes in the R0k3 rates of an irreversible reference tissue two compartment model. Thus, it could be shown that an integration of a motion compensation method which is based on the utilisation of the raw data of a PET scanner, as well as the use of an external motion tracking system, is not only reasonable and possible for clinical use, but also shows relevant qualitative and quantitative improvement in PET imaging. / Die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) ist ein in der Nuklearmedizin etabliertes funktionelles Schnittbildverfahren, das es erlaubt Informationen über biochemische und physiologische Prozesse in vivo zu erhalten. Die derzeit erreichbare räumliche Auflösung des Verfahrens beträgt etwa 5 mm für Hirnaufnahmen und etwa 8 mm für Ganzkörperaufnahmen, wobei erste verbesserte Bildrekonstruktionsverfahren eine Machbarkeit von 2 mm Auflösung in Zukunft möglich erscheinen lassen. Durch das geringe Signal/Rausch-Verhältnis des Messverfahrens, aber auch durch die Tatsache, dass der Stoffwechsel des Patienten über einen längeren Zeitraum betrachtet wird, betragen typische PET-Aufnahmezeiten mehrere Minuten bis Stunden. Dies hat zur Folge, dass Patientenbewegungen zunehmend die erreichbare räumliche Auflösung dieses Schnittbildverfahrens limitieren. Eine Immobilisierung des Patienten zur Reduzierung dieser Effekte ist hierbei nur bedingt hilfreich. Es kommt daher zu einer relevanten Auflösungsverschlechterung sowie zu einer Verfälschung der quantifizierten Stoffwechselparameter. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Nutzbarmachung eines neuartigen Bewegungskorrekturverfahrens für klinische PET-Hirnaufnahmen. Mittels eines externen Bewegungsverfolgungssystems wird während einer PET-Untersuchung kontinuierlich die Kopfbewegung des Patienten registriert. Anhand dieser Bewegungsdaten führt ein neu entwickelter event-basierter Bewegungskorrekturalgorithmus eine räumliche Korrektur aller registrierten Koinzidenzereignisse aus und nutzt somit die als "List-Mode" bekannten Rohdaten eines PET Systems. Für die Akquisition dieser Daten wurden eigens Methoden entwickelt, die es erstmals erlauben, diese Rohdaten von einem ECAT Exact HR+ PET Scanner innerhalb eines akzeptablen Zeitraumes zu erhalten. Des Weiteren wurden Methoden für die klinische Akquisition der Bewegungsdaten sowie für die automatische Auswertung dieser Daten entwickelt. Ebenfalls Teil der Arbeit waren die Entwicklung von Methoden zur Integration in die klinische Routine (z.B. graphische Nutzeroberflächen). Nach der Entwicklung, Optimierung und Integration der event-basierten Bewegungskorrektur für die klinische Nutzung wurden Analysen anhand von Beispieldatensätzen vorgenommen. Es zeigten sich bei der Auswertung sowohl der qualitativen als auch der quantitativen Effekte deutliche Änderungen. In qualitativer Hinsicht wurden Bildartefakte eliminiert; bei der quantitativen Auswertung einer FDOPA Messung zeigte sich eine revelante Änderung der R0k3 Einstromraten eines irreversiblen Zweikompartment-Modells mit Referenzgewebe. Es konnte somit gezeigt werden, dass eine Integration einer Bewegungskorrektur unter Zuhilfenahme der Rohdaten eines PET Systems sowie unter Nutzung eines externen Verfolgungssystems nicht nur sinnvoll und in der klinischen Routine machbar ist, sondern auch zu maßgeblichen qualitativen und quantitativen Verbesserungen in der PET-Bildgebung beitragen kann.

Event-Driven Motion Compensation in Positron Emission Tomography: Development of a Clinically Applicable Method

Langner, Jens 28 July 2009 (has links)
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a well-established functional imaging method used in nuclear medicine. It allows for retrieving information about biochemical and physiological processes in vivo. The currently possible spatial resolution of PET is about 5 mm for brain acquisitions and about 8 mm for whole-body acquisitions, while recent improvements in image reconstruction point to a resolution of 2 mm in the near future. Typical acquisition times range from minutes to hours due to the low signal-to-noise ratio of the measuring principle, as well as due to the monitoring of the metabolism of the patient over a certain time. Therefore, patient motion increasingly limits the possible spatial resolution of PET. In addition, patient immobilisations are only of limited benefit in this context. Thus, patient motion leads to a relevant resolution degradation and incorrect quantification of metabolic parameters. The present work describes the utilisation of a novel motion compensation method for clinical brain PET acquisitions. By using an external motion tracking system, information about the head motion of a patient is continuously acquired during a PET acquisition. Based on the motion information, a newly developed event-based motion compensation algorithm performs spatial transformations of all registered coincidence events, thus utilising the raw data of a PET system - the so-called `list-mode´ data. For routine acquisition of this raw data, methods have been developed which allow for the first time to acquire list-mode data from an ECAT Exact HR+ PET scanner within an acceptable time frame. Furthermore, methods for acquiring the patient motion in clinical routine and methods for an automatic analysis of the registered motion have been developed. For the clinical integration of the aforementioned motion compensation approach, the development of additional methods (e.g. graphical user interfaces) was also part of this work. After development, optimisation and integration of the event-based motion compensation in clinical use, analyses with example data sets have been performed. Noticeable changes could be demonstrated by analysis of the qualitative and quantitative effects after the motion compensation. From a qualitative point of view, image artefacts have been eliminated, while quantitatively, the results of a tracer kinetics analysis of a FDOPA acquisition showed relevant changes in the R0k3 rates of an irreversible reference tissue two compartment model. Thus, it could be shown that an integration of a motion compensation method which is based on the utilisation of the raw data of a PET scanner, as well as the use of an external motion tracking system, is not only reasonable and possible for clinical use, but also shows relevant qualitative and quantitative improvement in PET imaging. / Die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) ist ein in der Nuklearmedizin etabliertes funktionelles Schnittbildverfahren, das es erlaubt Informationen über biochemische und physiologische Prozesse in vivo zu erhalten. Die derzeit erreichbare räumliche Auflösung des Verfahrens beträgt etwa 5 mm für Hirnaufnahmen und etwa 8 mm für Ganzkörperaufnahmen, wobei erste verbesserte Bildrekonstruktionsverfahren eine Machbarkeit von 2 mm Auflösung in Zukunft möglich erscheinen lassen. Durch das geringe Signal/Rausch-Verhältnis des Messverfahrens, aber auch durch die Tatsache, dass der Stoffwechsel des Patienten über einen längeren Zeitraum betrachtet wird, betragen typische PET-Aufnahmezeiten mehrere Minuten bis Stunden. Dies hat zur Folge, dass Patientenbewegungen zunehmend die erreichbare räumliche Auflösung dieses Schnittbildverfahrens limitieren. Eine Immobilisierung des Patienten zur Reduzierung dieser Effekte ist hierbei nur bedingt hilfreich. Es kommt daher zu einer relevanten Auflösungsverschlechterung sowie zu einer Verfälschung der quantifizierten Stoffwechselparameter. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Nutzbarmachung eines neuartigen Bewegungskorrekturverfahrens für klinische PET-Hirnaufnahmen. Mittels eines externen Bewegungsverfolgungssystems wird während einer PET-Untersuchung kontinuierlich die Kopfbewegung des Patienten registriert. Anhand dieser Bewegungsdaten führt ein neu entwickelter event-basierter Bewegungskorrekturalgorithmus eine räumliche Korrektur aller registrierten Koinzidenzereignisse aus und nutzt somit die als "List-Mode" bekannten Rohdaten eines PET Systems. Für die Akquisition dieser Daten wurden eigens Methoden entwickelt, die es erstmals erlauben, diese Rohdaten von einem ECAT Exact HR+ PET Scanner innerhalb eines akzeptablen Zeitraumes zu erhalten. Des Weiteren wurden Methoden für die klinische Akquisition der Bewegungsdaten sowie für die automatische Auswertung dieser Daten entwickelt. Ebenfalls Teil der Arbeit waren die Entwicklung von Methoden zur Integration in die klinische Routine (z.B. graphische Nutzeroberflächen). Nach der Entwicklung, Optimierung und Integration der event-basierten Bewegungskorrektur für die klinische Nutzung wurden Analysen anhand von Beispieldatensätzen vorgenommen. Es zeigten sich bei der Auswertung sowohl der qualitativen als auch der quantitativen Effekte deutliche Änderungen. In qualitativer Hinsicht wurden Bildartefakte eliminiert; bei der quantitativen Auswertung einer FDOPA Messung zeigte sich eine revelante Änderung der R0k3 Einstromraten eines irreversiblen Zweikompartment-Modells mit Referenzgewebe. Es konnte somit gezeigt werden, dass eine Integration einer Bewegungskorrektur unter Zuhilfenahme der Rohdaten eines PET Systems sowie unter Nutzung eines externen Verfolgungssystems nicht nur sinnvoll und in der klinischen Routine machbar ist, sondern auch zu maßgeblichen qualitativen und quantitativen Verbesserungen in der PET-Bildgebung beitragen kann.

Les algorithmes de haute résolution en tomographie d'émission par positrons : développement et accélération sur les cartes graphiques

Nassiri, Moulay Ali 05 1900 (has links)
La tomographie d’émission par positrons (TEP) est une modalité d’imagerie moléculaire utilisant des radiotraceurs marqués par des isotopes émetteurs de positrons permettant de quantifier et de sonder des processus biologiques et physiologiques. Cette modalité est surtout utilisée actuellement en oncologie, mais elle est aussi utilisée de plus en plus en cardiologie, en neurologie et en pharmacologie. En fait, c’est une modalité qui est intrinsèquement capable d’offrir avec une meilleure sensibilité des informations fonctionnelles sur le métabolisme cellulaire. Les limites de cette modalité sont surtout la faible résolution spatiale et le manque d’exactitude de la quantification. Par ailleurs, afin de dépasser ces limites qui constituent un obstacle pour élargir le champ des applications cliniques de la TEP, les nouveaux systèmes d’acquisition sont équipés d’un grand nombre de petits détecteurs ayant des meilleures performances de détection. La reconstruction de l’image se fait en utilisant les algorithmes stochastiques itératifs mieux adaptés aux acquisitions à faibles statistiques. De ce fait, le temps de reconstruction est devenu trop long pour une utilisation en milieu clinique. Ainsi, pour réduire ce temps, on les données d’acquisition sont compressées et des versions accélérées d’algorithmes stochastiques itératifs qui sont généralement moins exactes sont utilisées. Les performances améliorées par l’augmentation de nombre des détecteurs sont donc limitées par les contraintes de temps de calcul. Afin de sortir de cette boucle et permettre l’utilisation des algorithmes de reconstruction robustes, de nombreux travaux ont été effectués pour accélérer ces algorithmes sur les dispositifs GPU (Graphics Processing Units) de calcul haute performance. Dans ce travail, nous avons rejoint cet effort de la communauté scientifique pour développer et introduire en clinique l’utilisation des algorithmes de reconstruction puissants qui améliorent la résolution spatiale et l’exactitude de la quantification en TEP. Nous avons d’abord travaillé sur le développement des stratégies pour accélérer sur les dispositifs GPU la reconstruction des images TEP à partir des données d’acquisition en mode liste. En fait, le mode liste offre de nombreux avantages par rapport à la reconstruction à partir des sinogrammes, entre autres : il permet d’implanter facilement et avec précision la correction du mouvement et le temps de vol (TOF : Time-Of Flight) pour améliorer l’exactitude de la quantification. Il permet aussi d’utiliser les fonctions de bases spatio-temporelles pour effectuer la reconstruction 4D afin d’estimer les paramètres cinétiques des métabolismes avec exactitude. Cependant, d’une part, l’utilisation de ce mode est très limitée en clinique, et d’autre part, il est surtout utilisé pour estimer la valeur normalisée de captation SUV qui est une grandeur semi-quantitative limitant le caractère fonctionnel de la TEP. Nos contributions sont les suivantes : - Le développement d’une nouvelle stratégie visant à accélérer sur les dispositifs GPU l’algorithme 3D LM-OSEM (List Mode Ordered-Subset Expectation-Maximization), y compris le calcul de la matrice de sensibilité intégrant les facteurs d’atténuation du patient et les coefficients de normalisation des détecteurs. Le temps de calcul obtenu est non seulement compatible avec une utilisation clinique des algorithmes 3D LM-OSEM, mais il permet également d’envisager des reconstructions rapides pour les applications TEP avancées telles que les études dynamiques en temps réel et des reconstructions d’images paramétriques à partir des données d’acquisitions directement. - Le développement et l’implantation sur GPU de l’approche Multigrilles/Multitrames pour accélérer l’algorithme LMEM (List-Mode Expectation-Maximization). L’objectif est de développer une nouvelle stratégie pour accélérer l’algorithme de référence LMEM qui est un algorithme convergent et puissant, mais qui a l’inconvénient de converger très lentement. Les résultats obtenus permettent d’entrevoir des reconstructions en temps quasi-réel que ce soit pour les examens utilisant un grand nombre de données d’acquisition aussi bien que pour les acquisitions dynamiques synchronisées. Par ailleurs, en clinique, la quantification est souvent faite à partir de données d’acquisition en sinogrammes généralement compressés. Mais des travaux antérieurs ont montré que cette approche pour accélérer la reconstruction diminue l’exactitude de la quantification et dégrade la résolution spatiale. Pour cette raison, nous avons parallélisé et implémenté sur GPU l’algorithme AW-LOR-OSEM (Attenuation-Weighted Line-of-Response-OSEM) ; une version de l’algorithme 3D OSEM qui effectue la reconstruction à partir de sinogrammes sans compression de données en intégrant les corrections de l’atténuation et de la normalisation dans les matrices de sensibilité. Nous avons comparé deux approches d’implantation : dans la première, la matrice système (MS) est calculée en temps réel au cours de la reconstruction, tandis que la seconde implantation utilise une MS pré- calculée avec une meilleure exactitude. Les résultats montrent que la première implantation offre une efficacité de calcul environ deux fois meilleure que celle obtenue dans la deuxième implantation. Les temps de reconstruction rapportés sont compatibles avec une utilisation clinique de ces deux stratégies. / Positron emission tomography (PET) is a molecular imaging modality that uses radiotracers labeled with positron emitting isotopes in order to quantify many biological processes. The clinical applications of this modality are largely in oncology, but it has a potential to be a reference exam for many diseases in cardiology, neurology and pharmacology. In fact, it is intrinsically able to offer the functional information of cellular metabolism with a good sensitivity. The principal limitations of this modality are the limited spatial resolution and the limited accuracy of the quantification. To overcome these limits, the recent PET systems use a huge number of small detectors with better performances. The image reconstruction is also done using accurate algorithms such as the iterative stochastic algorithms. But as a consequence, the time of reconstruction becomes too long for a clinical use. So the acquired data are compressed and the accelerated versions of iterative stochastic algorithms which generally are non convergent are used to perform the reconstruction. Consequently, the obtained performance is compromised. In order to be able to use the complex reconstruction algorithms in clinical applications for the new PET systems, many previous studies were aiming to accelerate these algorithms on GPU devices. Therefore, in this thesis, we joined the effort of researchers for developing and introducing for routine clinical use the accurate reconstruction algorithms that improve the spatial resolution and the accuracy of quantification for PET. Therefore, we first worked to develop the new strategies for accelerating on GPU devices the reconstruction from list mode acquisition. In fact, this mode offers many advantages over the histogram-mode, such as motion correction, the possibility of using time-of-flight (TOF) information to improve the quantification accuracy, the possibility of using temporal basis functions to perform 4D reconstruction and extract kinetic parameters with better accuracy directly from the acquired data. But, one of the main obstacles that limits the use of list-mode reconstruction approach for routine clinical use is the relatively long reconstruction time. To overcome this obstacle we : developed a new strategy to accelerate on GPU devices fully 3D list mode ordered-subset expectation-maximization (LM-OSEM) algorithm, including the calculation of the sensitivity matrix that accounts for the patient-specific attenuation and normalisation corrections. The reported reconstruction are not only compatible with a clinical use of 3D LM-OSEM algorithms, but also lets us envision fast reconstructions for advanced PET applications such as real time dynamic studies and parametric image reconstructions. developed and implemented on GPU a multigrid/multiframe approach of an expectation-maximization algorithm for list-mode acquisitions (MGMF-LMEM). The objective is to develop new strategies to accelerate the reconstruction of gold standard LMEM (list-mode expectation-maximization) algorithm which converges slowly. The GPU-based MGMF-LMEM algorithm processed data at a rate close to one million of events per second per iteration, and permits to perform near real-time reconstructions for large acquisitions or low-count acquisitions such as gated studies. Moreover, for clinical use, the quantification is often done from acquired data organized in sinograms. This data is generally compressed in order to accelerate reconstruction. But previous works have shown that this approach to accelerate the reconstruction decreases the accuracy of quantification and the spatial resolution. The ordered-subset expectation-maximization (OSEM) is the most used reconstruction algorithm from sinograms in clinic. Thus, we parallelized and implemented the attenuation-weighted line-of-response OSEM (AW-LOR-OSEM) algorithm which allows a PET image reconstruction from sinograms without any data compression and incorporates the attenuation and normalization corrections in the sensitivity matrices as weight factors. We compared two strategies of implementation: in the first, the system matrix (SM) is calculated on the fly during the reconstruction, while the second implementation uses a precalculated SM more accurately. The results show that the computational efficiency is about twice better for the implementation using calculated SM on-the-fly than the implementation using pre-calculated SM, but the reported reconstruction times are compatible with a clinical use for both strategies.

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