Spelling suggestions: "subject:"listening 5strategy"" "subject:"listening bstrategy""
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Understanding the processing of degraded speech: Electroencephalographic measures as a surrogate for recovery from concussionJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: The recent spotlight on concussion has illuminated deficits in the current standard of care with regard to addressing acute and persistent cognitive signs and symptoms of mild brain injury. This stems, in part, from the diffuse nature of the injury, which tends not to produce focal cognitive or behavioral deficits that are easily identified or tracked. Indeed it has been shown that patients with enduring symptoms have difficulty describing their problems; therefore, there is an urgent need for a sensitive measure of brain activity that corresponds with higher order cognitive processing. The development of a neurophysiological metric that maps to clinical resolution would inform decisions about diagnosis and prognosis, including the need for clinical intervention to address cognitive deficits. The literature suggests the need for assessment of concussion under cognitively demanding tasks. Here, a joint behavioral- high-density electroencephalography (EEG) paradigm was employed. This allows for the examination of cortical activity patterns during speech comprehension at various levels of degradation in a sentence verification task, imposing the need for higher-order cognitive processes. Eight participants with concussion listened to true-false sentences produced with either moderately to highly intelligible noise-vocoders. Behavioral data were simultaneously collected. The analysis of cortical activation patterns included 1) the examination of event-related potentials, including latency and source localization, and 2) measures of frequency spectra and associated power. Individual performance patterns were assessed during acute injury and a return visit several months following injury. Results demonstrate a combination of task-related electrophysiology measures correspond to changes in task performance during the course of recovery. Further, a discriminant function analysis suggests EEG measures are more sensitive than behavioral measures in distinguishing between individuals with concussion and healthy controls at both injury and recovery, suggesting the robustness of neurophysiological measures during a cognitively demanding task to both injury and persisting pathophysiology. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Speech and Hearing Science 2014
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A Preliminary Study on the Effects of "Note-taking" Strategy on Different Proficiency Levels of Junior High School Students / 作筆記策略對不同程度的國中生在英語聽力訓練成效之初探林惠嫻, Lin, Huie-hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本實驗期約四個月,包含國三學生兩個班70個學生。一班為實驗班,另一班為對照班。為了進一步的比較,每一班再分為高、低分群。實驗班考聽力測驗時要作筆記,對照班則無此要求。所有的教材全取自康軒出版社,詹麗馨,李欣蓉編著的 “國中英語聽力測驗”第五冊。
由統計分析及問卷調查得到下列結論:(1)國中生認為最困難的聽力測驗題型為聽完短文或對話後選出最適當的答案; (2)在實驗後,對照班及實驗班均進步並達顯著水準。由此可見若老師提供學習者重聽同樣的內容及測後講解聽力內容讓學生有更正的機會,學習者仍可以改善聽力能力;(3)雖然實驗班也進步並達顯著水準,但和對照班比較結果,不論是全班或高低分群,均未有顯著差異。可見做筆記的學習者並沒有比未做筆記者進步。這意謂著並非每種學習策略適合每個人,而且也沒有保證成功的學習策略。因此,老師應介紹各種學習策略以供學習者選擇有利個人學習的策略;(4)在實驗班中,低分群進步分數達顯著水準且和高分群的進步分數達顯著差異。顯然,作筆記策略嘉惠低分群但可能導致高分群無法專心聽;(5) 問卷調查結果發現大多數受試者認為老師試後講解聽力內容幫助最大;知道不同的口音助益最小。此外,依受試者意見顯示,作
關鍵字;聽力訓練,作筆記策略,國中生 / This study aims to explore if note-taking could assist EFL junior high school students to improve their listening comprehension in the test style of “selecting anoptimal choice after listening to a dialogue or a short passage.” According to the researcher’s experience and the personal profile questionnaires of students, studentsfeel frustrated easily when they have a listening test on a dialogue or a short passage.
Thus, the researcher tries to help them improve their listening comprehension in the test style by teaching them how to take notes.
The research questions of this study included: (1) What is the most difficultlistening test style? (2) Could junior high school students improve their listening ability in understanding a dialogue or a short passage bylistening to the same content several times and through the teacher’s teaching instruction? (3) Did junior high school students who were asked to take notes perform better than those who were not? (4) Does note-taking benefit only high proficiency subjects or only low proficiency subjects? (5) How did the subjects feel about the experiment? What are the most useful and useless ways in a listening activity? What are the first three improved
aspects the subjects felt after the experiment?
The duration of this experiment was four months. Seventy of the third junior high school students from two classes were involved in the study. One class was assigned as an experiment class and the other as a control class. For further
comparison, each class was subdivided into high and low proficiency groups. The experiment class was asked to take notes while listening but the control class was not.All the materials were adopted from “English Listening Comprehension for Junior High School”(Li-shin Jan, Shin-rung Li, 2001, Kan-shiuan Publisher).
The statistical analyses and the questionnaires showed the following conclusions: (1) The most difficult listening test style was selecting an optimal choice after listening to a dialogue or a passage.(2) The classes made significant progress
after the experiment. The result indicated that learners improved their listening ability when a teacher provided the students with sufficient practice by letting them listen to
the same content several times and explained the meanings of the sentences after a listening test; (3) Although making significant progress, the experiment class, compared with the control class, did not improve significantly. The two different
proficiency groups did not make significant progress, either. This could imply that not every learning strategy fits every learner. Also, no learning strategy assures success. Therefore, a teacher had better introduce different kinds of learning strategies for learners to choose an optimal learning strategy on their own; (4) In the experiment class, low proficiency learners made more progress than high proficiency ones at a
significant level. Apparently, note-taking benefited low proficiency learners but may hinder high proficiency learners from concentrating on listening. (5) The subjects chose “teacher’s explanation of the content after a listening test” as the most useful way to improve their listening ability. However, they thought “knowing the different
accents” as the least useful way. In addition, as seen in the result of the feedback questionnaire, note-taking helped learners listen without distraction, acquire a habit of
writing down key words and remember the content easily.
The research suggested that a teacher should let students listen to the same content several times on the tape, explain the meanings of the sentences after a listening test, and instruct learners how to take notes. However, note-taking was good for low proficiency learners, but not for high proficiency ones. Thus, a teacher might not need to ask high achievers to take notes, which might block them to concentrate on listening. In addition, it seems not easy for learners to predict the coming message.
Key words: listening training, “note-taking strategy”, junior high school students
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臺灣五專學生英語聽力學習信念與聽力學習策略之研究 / Taiwanese Five-year Junior College EFL Students’ Beliefs楊名暖, Yang, Ming Nuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文並提出英聽教學上之應用建議。本研究結果可以幫助教師了解學生的聽力信念及學習困擾,幫助老師教導學生正確的學習信念及有效的學習策略,讓學生的英語聽力學習更有成效,進而改善英語聽力。 / Despite the importance of studying listening in foreign language learning, we still have very limited understanding of learners’ listening beliefs, and a more comprehensive system of listening beliefs is still not in sight. Hence, this study investigated junior college students’ listening beliefs, their listening strategy use, the relationship between their listening beliefs and strategies and the possible effects of English listening proficiency on junior college students’ listening beliefs and listening strategy use.
This study mainly employed a quantitative approach to understanding junior college students’ beliefs about English listening comprehension, their strategy use and the relationship between listening beliefs and strategies. The participants were 406 students from one junior college in northern Taiwan. The instruments of the study were the Learner Profile Questionnaire (LPQ), the Belief About English Listening Comprehension Questionnaire (BELCQ), and English Listening Strategy Questionnaire (ELSQ) and the listening comprehension test.
The results of the study suggested that: (1) most learners endorsed the belief that listening plays an important role in their English learning process and may facilitate the development of other language skills, (2) learners showed a medium level use of listening strategies and used a wide variety of strategies including cognitive and metacognitive strategies, (3) learners’ listening beliefs were associated with their use of listening strategies, (4) compared with ineffective learners, effective learners tended to report positive beliefs about listening comprehension, and (5) effective learners used a wider variety of strategies than ineffective listeners.
Results of this study regarding junior college students’ listening beliefs and listening strategy use may provide rich implications for English education in Taiwan. It is hoped that through this study, more attention will be drawn to listening instruction in junior college students. Understanding students’ beliefs about listening may help English teachers become more aware of students’ frustrations and difficulties in listening to English. Moreover, it might enable EFL teachers to help students develop effective learning strategies and ultimately improve students’ English listening abilities.
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全民英檢聽力測驗題型對國中生聽力策略選擇影響之研究 / A study of effects of question types on junior high students' listening strategy choice while taking GEPT listening test何佩融, Ho, Pei Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對象為宜蘭一所公立國中八年級六個班級共177位學生。研究工具為全民英檢初級聽力測驗以及聽力策略問卷。問卷內容以Vandergrift(1997)的聽力策略分類為架構,改編自蘇曉雯(2007)自編問卷。問卷回收後資料以統計軟體SPSS 17.0進行敘述性統計、單因子變異數分析及雙因子變異數分析,獲得結果簡述如下:
2.整體來說,在聽力測驗作答時,國中學生較常使用後設認知策略。例如:理解監測(monitoring),選擇性專注(selective attention)和前導組織(advance organizers)。然而,若細究不同的聽力題型,學生則較常使用不同認知策略。例如:當遇到較長的聽力內容,學生較常使用摘要(summarization)策略。而遇到較難的聽力內容,學生則慣用由下自上(bottom-up)策略。
根據統計及問卷調查結果,本研究最後提供教學上相關建議以供參考。第一,教師可協助學生分析試題題型,以幫助作答。第二,教師應提供學生不同類型之聽力練習,讓學生嘗試使用不同聽力策略。第三,教師可請高成就學生分享聽力理解過程,以幫助低成就學生能有更好的聽力表現。 / The major purpose of the study is to examine whether question types influence junior high students’ listening performance and their listening strategy choice. The study is mainly concerned with three aspects: (1) whether students performed differently among the four different question types of GEPT listening section; (2) what kind of strategies did junior high students tend to use in the four types of questions; (3) whether proficiency level played a significant role in listening strategy choice among four question types.
GEPT elementary level of listening comprehension test and a questionnaire were used to collect quantitative data from 177 students in one public junior high school in Yilan Area. The items in the questionnaire were mainly adapted from Su (2007), which followed Vandergrift’s (1997) classification of strategy use. In this study, statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA with Scheffe post- hoc test and two-way ANOVA were used to analyze the collected data.
The major findings are summarized as follows:
1.Junior high students performed differently in the four different types of listening questions. Factors that differentiate the four question types include the number of speaker, the content itself and the presence of pictures.
2.Generally speaking, junior high students tended to use metacognitive strategies, such as monitoring, selective attention and advance organizers more often in different question types. However, in specific question types, students appeared to have preference in using certain cognitive strategies. For example, students were
inclined to use summarization when encountering question type with longer listening text. They also tended to use bottom-up strategies to tackle with more difficulty text.
3.There was no significant interaction effect between question types and proficiency level. Overall on the four question types, students with high and low levels used same strategies. However, when examining strategy items specifically, high and low achievers had different preference for using strategy in different question types.
Finally, based on the findings in this study, several suggestions and implications were presented in the conclusion of the paper. First, teachers could help students analyze question types before listening test. Second, teachers could give students more kinds of listening activities to make students experience the effectiveness of using different kinds of listening strategies. Third, teachers could invite high level listeners to share their listening process so that low level listeners might learn from them.
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台灣高中生聽力策略教學之研究 / A Study of Listening Strategy Instruction on Senior High School Students in Taiwan蔡青倩, Tsai,Ching-chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究歷時23 週,受試者分成實驗組,對照組各一班,對照組只做聽力練
1. 受試者聽力策略運用有達中等標準,顯示高中生在進行聽力測驗時,運用
2. 在教完聽力策略後,聽力成績雖未達顯著差異,但實驗組明顯地進步多於
3. 在教完聽力策略後,四個所教的聽力策略在不同的解釋上都有顯著差異,
4. 在教完聽力策略後,受試者不管在動機,自信心,或自動學習上都有顯著
5. 大多數受試者在問卷或訪談中,對聽力策略教學都持肯定的態度。
的聽力,聽力策略,與聽力自主學習,希望對台灣的聽力教學有所貢獻。 / The present study is aimed at investigating the effects of listening strategy instruction. Two classes of 12th-grade senior high school students participated in this study as the experimental and control groups. There are two stages in this study. In the first stage, the participants’ use of listening strategies was analyzed. In the second stage, the participants were taught the four least frequently used listening strategies and then the effects of listening strategy instruction were discussed in three ways: listening proficiency progress, listening strategy improvement and the betterment of listening autonomy.
This study lasted for 23 weeks. The students in the control group had the listening activities in the textbook as usual. However, besides the same listening materials and activities, students in the experimental group received explicit listening strategy instruction. The data collected in this study include the grades in the intermediate GEPT listening tests, listening strategy and autonomy questionnaires. Based on the data, the major findings are as follows.
First, the participants in this study used listening strategies with medium frequency, meaning senior high school students did employ some listening strategies while listening. They used cognitive strategies most frequently and affective strategies the least.
Second, after the listening strategy instruction, they did not make significant progress in their listening test scores. However, the students in the experimental group made more progress than those in the control group, showing the strategy instruction did help promote their listening proficiency.
Third, the four listening strategies chosen to be taught all improved significantly in different ways. Among the three categories, cognitive and affective strategies use increased and reached significant levels.
Fourth, after the instruction, participants made significant progress in motivation, self-confidence and independent activities.
Fifth, the majority of the participants had positive attitudes towards listening strategy instruction based on the results in the questionnaire and interview.
This study demonstrated that listening strategy instruction could be integrated into the classroom activities and successfully improved senior high school students’ listening proficiency, listening strategies and autonomy. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the listening instruction in Taiwan.
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