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The Influence of GEPT on the Promotion of Civil Servants¡GA Case Study of civil Servants of National Universities in Kaohsiung City.Cheng, Tsai-Tien 16 June 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to test the effect of the GETP on the Promotion of Civil Servants. The methodology of this study is to design the questionnaire and interview survey by SPSS as a tool with quantitative analysis of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis. Demographic factor as moderator is also to examine the perception of GETP and job satisfaction to predict the effect of GETP on the Promotion of Civil Servants.
The result of this research shows that there is no empirical evidence to support the statistical significance relationship between GEPT and the Promotion of Civil Servants. However, the research finding concludes that the higher the perception of GEPT level is, the more the fairness of the Promotion of Civil Servants is. Thus, this is not difficult to understand that the positive correlation existence on the high advancedment fairness with the high job satisfaction. In other words, there is no statistical significance relationship among the Civil Servants perception, fairness, job neglect, and job satisfaction.
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全民英檢聽力測驗題型對國中生聽力策略選擇影響之研究 / A study of effects of question types on junior high students' listening strategy choice while taking GEPT listening test何佩融, Ho, Pei Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對象為宜蘭一所公立國中八年級六個班級共177位學生。研究工具為全民英檢初級聽力測驗以及聽力策略問卷。問卷內容以Vandergrift(1997)的聽力策略分類為架構,改編自蘇曉雯(2007)自編問卷。問卷回收後資料以統計軟體SPSS 17.0進行敘述性統計、單因子變異數分析及雙因子變異數分析,獲得結果簡述如下:
2.整體來說,在聽力測驗作答時,國中學生較常使用後設認知策略。例如:理解監測(monitoring),選擇性專注(selective attention)和前導組織(advance organizers)。然而,若細究不同的聽力題型,學生則較常使用不同認知策略。例如:當遇到較長的聽力內容,學生較常使用摘要(summarization)策略。而遇到較難的聽力內容,學生則慣用由下自上(bottom-up)策略。
根據統計及問卷調查結果,本研究最後提供教學上相關建議以供參考。第一,教師可協助學生分析試題題型,以幫助作答。第二,教師應提供學生不同類型之聽力練習,讓學生嘗試使用不同聽力策略。第三,教師可請高成就學生分享聽力理解過程,以幫助低成就學生能有更好的聽力表現。 / The major purpose of the study is to examine whether question types influence junior high students’ listening performance and their listening strategy choice. The study is mainly concerned with three aspects: (1) whether students performed differently among the four different question types of GEPT listening section; (2) what kind of strategies did junior high students tend to use in the four types of questions; (3) whether proficiency level played a significant role in listening strategy choice among four question types.
GEPT elementary level of listening comprehension test and a questionnaire were used to collect quantitative data from 177 students in one public junior high school in Yilan Area. The items in the questionnaire were mainly adapted from Su (2007), which followed Vandergrift’s (1997) classification of strategy use. In this study, statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA with Scheffe post- hoc test and two-way ANOVA were used to analyze the collected data.
The major findings are summarized as follows:
1.Junior high students performed differently in the four different types of listening questions. Factors that differentiate the four question types include the number of speaker, the content itself and the presence of pictures.
2.Generally speaking, junior high students tended to use metacognitive strategies, such as monitoring, selective attention and advance organizers more often in different question types. However, in specific question types, students appeared to have preference in using certain cognitive strategies. For example, students were
inclined to use summarization when encountering question type with longer listening text. They also tended to use bottom-up strategies to tackle with more difficulty text.
3.There was no significant interaction effect between question types and proficiency level. Overall on the four question types, students with high and low levels used same strategies. However, when examining strategy items specifically, high and low achievers had different preference for using strategy in different question types.
Finally, based on the findings in this study, several suggestions and implications were presented in the conclusion of the paper. First, teachers could help students analyze question types before listening test. Second, teachers could give students more kinds of listening activities to make students experience the effectiveness of using different kinds of listening strategies. Third, teachers could invite high level listeners to share their listening process so that low level listeners might learn from them.
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國中師生認知風格與學生英語學習表現之相關研究 / The Relationship between Student-Teacher Cognitive Styles and Students' English Performance in Junior High School廖惠君, Hui-chun,Liao Unknown Date (has links)
最後,研究者根據研究發現提出數點建議。首先,對於師生認知風格的確認在教學上有其必要性。其次,教師的教學應力求多樣化,並且對於不同認知風格的學生能施予不同的教學法。再者,師資培育者應提供相關的教學訓練,幫助英語教師在教學上能依據學生不同的認知風格予以不同的教法。最後,本研究建議未來能有更多的研究探討場地獨立型或場地依賴型的師生在英語教學或學習中所扮演的角色,並提供更多更有建設性的貢獻。 / The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between student-teacher field-independence-dependence cognitive styles and students’ English performance in a Taiwanese junior high school. The purpose of this study was to explore: (a) different language tasks achieved successfully by students with different cognitive styles, (b) the teaching effectiveness of teachers with different cognitive styles, and (c) language performance under matching cognitive styles between students and teachers.
Two hundred forty-two student participants and four teacher participants from a junior high school in Hsin-chu city were chosen in this study. The Hidden Figures Test (HFT) was conducted to measure the participants’ cognitive styles to be field independence (FI) or field dependence (FD). These 242 students took the General English Proficiency Tests (GEPT) with regard to listening, reading and writing. Interview was also given to both the student and teacher participants.
The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson product-moment correlations. The results show: (a) FI students performed better than FD students in the listening, reading and writing test, and there was a significant correlation between FI students and students’ English performance in the listening, reading and writing test; (b) students with FI teachers outperformed students with FD teachers in the listening, reading and writing test, but there was no significant correlation between teachers’ cognitive styles and students’ performance in the listening, reading and writing test; but when the data were re-tested between female groups and male groups, female students with FI teachers were found to perform better than those with FD teachers in the listening test, and there was a significant correlation between female with FI teachers and students’ performance in the listening test; (c) student-teacher FI/FD mismatch groups performed better than student-teacher FI/FD match groups in the listening, reading and writing test, but there was no significant correlation between student-teacher FI/FD mismatch groups and students English performance in the listening, reading and writing test; however, the further examination indicated that FD mismatch groups performed better than FD match groups in the listening and writing test, and there was a significant correlation between FD mismatch groups and students’ performance in the listening and writing test; and the further examination also revealed that FI students with FD teachers outperformed FD students with FD teachers in the reading test, and there was a significant correlation between FI students with FD teachers and students’ English performance in the reading test. The result of the interview revealed that FI match groups benefited from the teacher instruction while FD match groups benefited from the interpersonal aspect of the teachers.
Pedagogically, the findings of the study suggested the necessity of the awareness of students’ and teachers’ cognitive styles; in addition, teachers were suggested to be cognitive-flexible, and teacher education programs were also advised to offer related language training to assist teachers in achieving cognitive flexibility. Further research should be conducted to understand to what extent field independence/dependence plays a role in how students learn and how teachers teach, hence providing more constructive insights for English language education.
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