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國中生英語聽力需求之分析研究:以一個台北市國中為個案 / Assessment of English Listening Needs: A Case Study of Taipei Junior High School Students黃馨葳, Huang, Hsin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示:(1) 學術方面的英聽能力需求高於會話方面;(2)「能跟得上不同的授課方式:口說、聽、視聽」的需求度最高;(3) 最被認為重要的會話方面英聽能力則是「能辨別英語中音位相對但意思不同的音」;(4)「高」英聽能力群組的學生比「中」或「低」英聽能力群組的學生在不管會話方面還是學術方面都有較多需求;(5) 女學生在會話方面或學術方面也比男學生有較多需求。 / Over the past two decades, a great deal of attention has been devoted to the teaching, learning, and testing of foreign language listening ability. This increased attention is due (at least in part) to the realization of the importance of listening in language learning (Rubin, 1994). While there is an increased research focusing on English listening, there is still much work that needs to be done.
The present study, therefore, aimed at assessing the English listening needs of junior high school students in Taipei, investigating their English conversational and academic listening abilities. In addition, the study also examined the differences in listening needs between the students with different levels of English listening proficiency or with different genders. In this study, the questionnaire utilized was based on Richards’ (1983) proposition of the taxonomy of listening skills. It consisted of two major need types, including 51 listening abilities altogether—33 conversational listening abilities and 18 academic ones. The scale of importance and its frequency counting are the ways of measurement and comparison. As for the participants, 208 eighth-graders of all the classes from a junior high school in Taipei took part in this study, with 202 successfully completing the questionnaire form. Finally, t-tests and ANOVA were both used to analyze the quantitative data and to find out the possible patterns of the students’ thoughts in terms of the English listening needs.
The study completed, the results first indicated that junior high school students had more needs for academic listening than for conversational one. The most important English listening need was the academic ability to follow different modes of lecturing: spoken, audio, audio-visual, whereas the most need for conversational listening abilities was being able to discriminate among the distinctive sounds of the target language. The results then demonstrated that students with high level of English listening proficiency had significantly more needs for both conversational and academic listening than either the ‘intermediate’ or the ‘low’ proficiency participants. Finally, it was discovered that female listeners, no matter for academic or conversational listening abilities, had more needs than males.
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國片閱聽眾之動機與滿意度研究 / Audience for local-made films in Taiwan賴正翔 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
根據上述研究結果,本研究向國片業者提出建議,國片業者在策劃與開拍電影響,應針對學生、三十歲以下的主力族群,走向年輕化、更接近市場的核心;而國片觀眾中也有為數不少的大眾傳播行業與藝術行業的背景者,因此,也應就行銷角度,就這二類職業背景的閱聽眾,進行市場調查,以拍出符合他們動機與滿意度的國片。並搭配包括口碑、人際行銷,與其他的行銷工具,才能讓國片在市場上立足。 / Thesis Abstract
This paper is mainly dealing with the subject on " Audience for local-made films in Taiwan" and trying to find out the reasons why people go to the local-made movies, and how they felt about the movies afterwards. Such study is approached in two ways—general questionnaire and in-depth interviews with individuals. After the general questionnaire, in-depth interviews with selected individuals from questionnaire results are proceeded.
This study indicates that most people go to a local-made movie once every six months. They often find the movies uninteresting and not worth watching, either. Moreover, the questionnaires reveal that even one goes to a local-made movie more frequently is not necessarily more satisfied . Such results imply the unpopularity and the unsuccessfulness of the local movie industry.
Although the general public is not quite satisfied with local-made movies, there is a specific group of moviegoers who are often more supportive and they go to a domestic movie at least once every other month.
This supporting group of domestic movies primarily consists of students majoring in mass media or arts. Most of them are under the age of thirty. They also have more thoughts and ideas about domestic movies.
In deeper investigations of this study, we generalize the following reasons why people dislike domestic movies: “an awarded movie is not necessarily worth watching,” “domestic movies are not relaxing enough,” “the plots are not easy to relate to,” “it’s disappointing,” “the sound effects and the pictures are not as attractive as foreign movies,” and “the picture is not well-filmed.”
Moviegoers suggest that the domestic movie directors to improve their directing skills, plots, and advertisement/propaganda. Furthermore, the training of the actors , the role of the government, and the innovative changes of domestic film industry are the main point of views from the interviewees.
In conclusion, analyzing all questionnaires and interviews , we suggest those who associate with domestic movie industry, in terms of filming and playwriting, aim at younger population, and those who associate with media and arts as well. In marketing, more surveys will help the movie associates understand the trends of the market and film better , and hopefully obtain a better reputation for local-made movies in Taiwan.
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解析收聽率的迷思—分析與應用之研究 / none楊惠晴, none Unknown Date (has links)
節目(programming)、促銷(promotion)和業務(sales)三大要項可說是廣播電視事業的關鍵成功要素時,而「閱聽眾研究」 (audience research)更是上述關鍵之重要基礎。Carroll&Davis(1993)也強烈主張閱聽眾研究是降低媒介經營風險的作法,他們還認為閱聽人相關知識是媒介組織經理人擬定經營決策所需具備之重要特質和資格。
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Sony Walkman:掀起台灣MP3影音隨身聽的顛覆浪潮 / Sony Walkman:Revolutionizing the Portable MP3 Player in Taiwan袁安琪, Yuan, Angel Unknown Date (has links)
Sony Walkman:掀起台灣MP3影音隨身聽的顛覆浪潮 / Sony Walkman: Revolutionizing the Portable MP3 Player in Taiwan
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《看見台灣》,看見什麼? - 一個紀錄片閱聽人研究 / A Case Study of Audience Perspectives on Screen Documentary葉子寧 Unknown Date (has links)
2013年紀錄片《看見台灣》創下台灣影史多項票房紀錄並引發社會迴響,讓紀錄片對於與觀眾溝通嚴肅公共議題的效力再度受到關注;然而,儘管學界對紀錄片的學術性趣有日漸興盛的趨勢,觀眾觀點卻仍舊是有待開發的領域。本文一方面意圖重新指陳這個重要的研究問題,一方面也意圖透過開展一個紀錄片閱聽人研究討論未來相關研究發展的可能。 /
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網路色情現象初探:從閱聽人的角度談起黃登榆 Unknown Date (has links)
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結合社會福利制度與產業競爭力之研究-以聽障福利為例 / Combined with the social welfare system and industrial competitiveness - the welfare of the hearing-impaired.林文正 Unknown Date (has links)
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閱聽人研究實踐轉向初探 / The Practice Turn of the Audience Research王宜燕 Unknown Date (has links)
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國中學生接受聽力策略訓練後聽力策略發展之研究 / An Investigation of Junior High School Students' Listening Strategies Development after Explicit Listening Instruction馮羽欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中學生在接受為期十二周的聽力策略訓練(LSI)之後,其後設認知、認知、社會情感策略的使用和發展以及了解國中學生聽力策略學習的過程。研究對象為36名北部國中七年級學生。其中,後設認知策略和認知策略將在課堂上明確的(explicitly)教導;而社會情感策略則是暗示的(implicitly)教導。從反思日記中所收集的資料以質化和量化的方式分析。量化資料以SPSS 11.5 來做描述統計分析;而質化資料則以逐字稿打出並由研究者和另一名英文老師來做分析與歸類的工作。
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A Case Study on the Effects of Applying Authentic Materials as Listening Comprehension Supplements for Senior High School Students / 使用真實語料做為高中生英語聽力輔助教材成效之個案研究林宜如, Yi-ju Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析探討以廣播真實語料 (authentic broadcast materials) 做為台灣高中生英語聽力輔助教材之可能性,並兼論不同題型設計 (task types) 對不同程度學生聽力表現上的影響,以期能夠提供高中英語教師在英聽教學教材上的另一選擇及英聽測驗的方針。
本研究採用質與量的分析方法。質的分析涵蓋:(一)實驗對象的英文學習背景;(二)學生英聽困難的分析;(三)學生對選材及不同題型的看法。量的分析則以SPSS統計法,包括(一)前後測統計數值的差異;(二)取材(text types)與後測英聽成效的關係;(三)題型(task types)與後測英聽成效的關係。
研究結果發現:受試者在收聽廣播真實語料上最大的困難在於速度及連音。但經過廣播真實語料的英聽訓練後,高程度組不但在後測表現上有明顯進步,且較習慣於外國人的速度及連音,並能接受更長篇的真實語料。至於題型設計對英聽成效影響不大,但是,從學生問卷發現,高程度者認為克漏字題型較有助於英聽訓練,而中、低程度者則都認為選擇題較有助於英聽訓練。最後,本研究提出一些英語聽力教學上的建議:(一)教學初期只要求學生達到重要但簡單的基本目標;(二)教導學生分辨中英文語言的差異以及口說與書寫英文的不同特性;(三)設計多樣化的題型。最後,希望本研究能對台灣的高中英語聽力教學有所助益。 / ABSTRACT
This study aims chiefly at the feasibility of using authentic English broadcast programs as supplementary materials in listening comprehension training for EFL senior high school students. It also discusses the effect of different task types on different proficiency levels in English listening comprehension performance, in the hope that the research would provide other alternative of supplementary listening materials and test designs as a reference for senior high school teachers.
The research is conducted among 41first-year senior high school students. In the beginning of the first semester in fall, 2002, the subjects were divided into three proficiency levels (high, middle and low) according to the results of their performance on the GEPT listening comprehension as a pretest. Then they were given a ten-week authentic English broadcast listening training. During the course of training, different task types were provided to evaluate students’ listening proficiency and to help them to the focus of the test. At the end of the semester, the same GEPT listening task was administered as a posttest.
The research adopts both qualitative and quantitative data analyses. Qualitative analyses consist of (1) the subjects’ English learning background, (2) the English listening comprehension difficulties encountered by the subjects, and (3) students’ views on different test and task types. By using SPSS, the quantitative analyses incorporate (1) the difference of statistical values between the pretest and posttest, (2) the correlation between text types and proficiency performance on the posttest, and (3) the correlation between task types and proficiency performance on the posttest.
The research has found out that in listening to authentic English broadcast, the major difficulties encountered by the subjects are speed and linkage. Nevertheless, after the ten-week systematic training, the high-achievers are found to have improved obviously in their posttest performance. Little by little the subjects, especially the high-achievers, are not only adapted to the speed and linkage in authentic speech but also used to longer utterance by native speakers. Furthermore, it is also found in the research that the task types have little effect on the subjects’ listening performance. However, from the analysis of the subjects’ feedback questionnaire, the research has found that high-proficiency students reveal that cloze test types are helpful for the training of listening comprehension, while the middle- and low-achievers prefer the multiple choices.
It is suggested that in teaching English listening comprehension teachers should (1) start with requiring students to achieve the basic goals the teacher considers essential in comprehension certain types of tasks, (2) teach students to differentiate the features between English and Chinese as well as those between spoken English and written English, and (3) design diverged types of tasks for students to practice listening skills. It is hoped that this research would make some contribution to English listening comprehension teaching in senior high schools in Taiwan.
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