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國際法上承認理論與實踐之研究潘祖蔭, PAN, ZU-YIN Unknown Date (has links)
國際法上的主體,例如國家,因此國際法中便有「承認 (RECOGNITION)」的制度,
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以創新擴散觀點探討政策實踐過程-公糧檢驗管理個案研究閻安琪 Unknown Date (has links)
「創新」在目前競爭激烈的知識經濟時代中,可說是決定勝負之加分關鍵所在,「創新(Innovation) 」是企業型政府的主要核心價值,並強調理念設計與務實執行雙重層面之積極作為。
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閃現的城市地景與遊牧者:創意市集中的行動者 / Flashing urban landscape and nomads: actors in the creative bazaar翁芷雲, Wong, Tzu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Michel de Certeau所說的日常實踐之視角出發,檢視了2010年以後創意市集的發展與變化,以及市集組織者和擺攤者的重要性。時序上以2010年作為活動的分界,創意市集的樣貌有了顯著的轉變,這除了反映台灣社會環境的時代變化外,同時也勾勒出在後工業城市之中的空間理性的展現。首先,本文從創意市集中,行動者之一的組織者開始談起,以台北與台南各自起家的創意市集——「邊緣人市集」和「手_手市集」為例,從中可以看到創意市集分化出不同的樣態,而這樣的變化使得創意市集變成一種工具、手段或媒介,並能以一種軟性的方式來達到其目的。接著,延續對創意市集中的行動者之討論,從市集擺攤者的面向切入,透過擺攤者跟他們販售物的關係中,我們得以一窺他們如何藉由其所販賣的商品來彰顯自身對於勞動的想像和生活的態度,並藉由創意市集和行動者,在面對難以撼動的社會環境與產業結構,我們能夠看到他們如何展現自身的能動性,並藉由其所學的技術與能力,試圖在結構限制下找尋新的可能。最後,將創意市集作為城市地景的角度分析,談及它所具有的特殊性和空間彈性、以及其美學特性之實踐。 / In the perspective of Michel de Certeau’s 'practices of everyday life', this study explores the development of creative bazaar (market) and highlights the importance of the organizers and vendors in the market after 2010. The significant changes of creative bazaar since 2010 have shown current social transformation and forms of spatial rationality of post-industrial cities in Taiwan. First, by taking two pioneer creative bazaars, “The Edge Man Market” and “Hand-in-hand Market”, as examples, it displays multiple modals of creative bazaar which are able to be considered as a soft approach for engendering urban community capacity and promoting socio-cultural events. Then, it turns to young vendors, examining how they express their imaginary for labor and life style through their relationships with the things they make and sale. In particular, in facing the challenge of hard social circumstance and rigid industrial structure, how do the organizers and vendors show their capability of business craftsmanship and cultural taste for beyond structural limits? Finally, this thesis aims to understand how creative bazaar can be adaptively and flexibly located in the urban landscape.
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現代化的儒學實踐—以閻錫山為例尤石川 Unknown Date (has links)
中國在五四以後,對儒學的態度兩極化,閻錫山能堅持對儒學的擁護與力行,相當不容易,應該是透徹了儒學的思維以後,所產生的自信與堅定。雖然我對閻錫山的認識只得十分之一二,但透過這些認識,打開了眼界與心胸,使我深深體會到,儒學的實踐是來自人的本性,這裡沒有玄虛的道理與高深的學問,只是在日常生活之間,在人的一念之間。因此,結論以「安」來敘述儒學,安即是仁,即是均衡與和諧。 / This paper focuses on three aspects: 1) sincerely discussing about the crises brought forth by the modern western civilization; 2) reflecting once again on the possibility of the practice of Confucianism; 3) getting to know the Chinese culture again. The three aspects happen to string up the life of Yen Hsi-shan. By studying the learning environment of Yen’s early age (from late Ching Dynasty to the beginning of Republic of China period), one has the chance to review the influence of western culture on the eastern world. Through analyzing the construction in Shanshi Province in Yen’s middle age as a real practice and the calm reflections on the modern meaning of Chinese culture in Yen’s late life, one can probably learn more clearly the obstacles and valuable experiences gained from the modernization of China. It is expected that the result will play as a mirror for seeking peace and harmony.
The first chapter of the paper narrates the initiative of the writing in an active and free style, offering some viewpoints from scholars in China and the west. Chapter Two to Five are the main body of the paper, corresponding Yen’s experiences to the modernization and Confucianism in China. Chapter Two starts with Yen’s growing background and places the question of modernization in the “Reflection and Learning” section. The “Faith and Practice” section in Chapter Three is connected to Confucianism, leading to further illustrations in this chapter, in which the thought of Confucianism is arranged between theory and practice. The middle course and benevolence are the theory as the concept and guideline, and magnanimity and empiricism are the practical principles. The inter-related illustration unveils Yen’s Confucianism thought. Chapter Four states the reflection on time by supplementing Yen’s viewpoints on modernization from his reflections on history, economic stand, democratic politics, education and humanity. These reflections are his peculiar views. By studying his views, one manages to see how he faced with the new and old, moderated the contradictions within, and became more intelligent. Yen’s two important books, Three Hundred Years of China and One World, were written upon his experiences before 67 years old and how he governed Shanshi Province as the blueprints for future China and the world. Many of the contents in the two books matched Confucianism. His construction results in Shanshi are condensed in the first section “Practice in Shanshi”. The second section “The Future of China” talks about Three Hundred Years of China, and the third section “Road to One World” focuses on One World, constructing the beautiful scenery of one world in the eyes of Yen, which is not only the dream of Confucianism, but also the dream of human beings.
After the May Fourth Movement, the attitudes towards Confucianism became polarized. It was not an easy job for Yen to persist in and practice Confucianism. His confidence and persistence were generated after he learned thoroughly the essence of Confucianism. Though knowing only very little about Yen, one deeply realizes that the practice of Confucianism comes from human nature. Confucianism is not an abstruse theory but exists in daily life and one thought. Therefore, the paper is concluded on illustrating Confucianism by “peace”. Peace is benevolence, meaning balance and harmony.
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從理念到實踐: 台北地區高中英語教師文法教學之信念與實踐鍾雅蓓 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 教師在文法教學的角色為幫助學生正確地溝通。
2. 教師的文法教學法主要採取演繹法且經過課前設計。
3. 教師的教學內容主要取決於學生程度及教材。
4. 教師的教學信念與實踐大致符合。
5. 教師的學術背景主要影響教師針對文法教學的時間問題上;
6. 而參加研習會影響教師的信念較顯著,表現在文法教學的方法和內容上。
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初任幼師專業認同的演化與建構--一種自我敘事取向之研究陳奕圻 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣英文教師對文法教學信念與實踐之差異研究 / A Taiwanese Teacher's Tensions between Grammar Teaching Beliefs and Practices林珊琪, Lin, Shan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本個案研究旨在深入研究一位國中英文教師在文法教學信念與實際教學之間的差異之處。本研究以Green (1971) 所提出的core belief和peripheral belief為基本架構,採用質性之資料收集及分析方式,以期對教師的教學信念、教學行為及兩者之間的不一致做出較詳盡的描繪及討論。參與本研究的教師為一位新北市公立國中的資深英文教師,對文法教學及英語教育有自己的一套理解及看法,備受同校老師的尊重。資料收集方式以課堂錄音觀察、半結構式訪談為主,教師的教學資料、自編的段考考卷、校內英文老師的領域會議紀錄為輔。
研究結果顯示,此教師的文法教學信念和行為的確有些許落差,主要反映在課外英語學習資源的使用、文法教學所佔的比重、以及文法術語的使用頻率上。造成此落差的原因主要是教師的core beliefs和peripheral beliefs內容的不一致,導致在教學現場上大部分的時間都用來完成core beliefs,因此peripheral beliefs的實施時間便受到壓縮了。此外研究者還發現,這位老師的core beliefs主要以較傳統、較常見的知識傳輸模式為主,而peripheral beliefs則是和英語教學理念較有直接相關,這部分呼應了Phipps and Borg (2009)所提出的假設,且此一現象是在教師信念的文獻中較少被提到的。根據這些發現,本研究提出對教師文法教學信念及實踐之差異的看法及未來研究的建議,以期對台灣的英語文法教學能有更多建設性的研究貢獻。 / The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the tensions between an English teacher’s grammar teaching beliefs and practices. The participant was an experienced junior high school English teacher who had her own principles in grammar teaching and English education. Green’s (1971) distinction of core beliefs and peripheral beliefs was adopted as the framework to analyze the participant’s grammar teaching beliefs. Data were collected from multiple sources such as semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, stimulated recall interviews, and documents such as the teacher’s teaching notes and test paper. By using initial coding and second level coding, these data were carefully examined to obtain the most salient themes of the participant’s grammar teaching tensions.
The findings revealed three most significant tensions between the participant’s grammar teaching beliefs and practices: tension on the use of extracurricular teaching resources, on the proportion of grammar instruction, and on the use of grammatical terminology. The participant’s tensions were mainly due to the inharmonious relationship between core beliefs and peripheral beliefs. The former were more related to teaching philosophy in general, and the latter were more related to English teaching itself. In other words, the tensions between participant’s beliefs and practices were actually the gaps between knowledge transmission perspective and ideal English teaching principles. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions and pedagogical implications were raised for future research as well as English education field in Taiwan.
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閱聽人研究實踐轉向初探 / The Practice Turn of the Audience Research王宜燕 Unknown Date (has links)
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異文化經驗對課程學者實踐教育改革之影響—以黃炳煌教授為例 / How does strange-culture influence a curriculum scholar's praxis on education reform in taiwan?—the case study of professor Ping Huang Huang柯方渝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於探析課程學者黃炳煌教授之異文化經驗對其教改實踐的影響。首先以深度訪談的方式勾勒研究對象從童年至今的生命軌跡,在對其整個生命概況有了基本的認識之後,再針對其在美國生活十四年的異文化經驗與其回國後教改實踐的部分進行連結與分析。研究結果主要以兩部分呈現:一為研究對象的生命故事,二為分析研究對象異文化經驗與其參與教改實務的關連性。前者旨在幫助對後者的理解與判斷。研究發現課程學者所接觸到的異文化對其在實踐教育改革上有一定程度的影響,主要層面如下:一、使研究對象對原文化與異文化的教育理念抱持著比較和融合的觀點。二、異文化對主體在教育改革意識上產生增強、削弱或是視野上的拓展。直接且顯著的影響是在觀念意識上的轉變與突破,體現在課堂發言、政策擬定、相關著作發表等方面。其中在推敲影響的過程中,發現異文化的吸收是一種經驗批判,植基於受影響者的人格特質,以及參與的動機和時機,這些也是在談論影響時不可忽略的因素。 / This research focuses on one curriculum scholar and the purpose of the research is to explore the effects of Professor Bing-huang Huang’s foreign cultural experiences on his practice of educational reforms. At first, this paper depicts Professor Huang’s life history since his childhood with profound interviews. After having a basic studying of his whole life history, the paper focuses on his foreign cultural experiences during his fourteen-year-long life in America. Then, the paper connects and analyzes those experiences with his practice of educational reforms after he came back to Taiwan. The results of this research are shown in two parts. One is his life history, and the other is the analysis of the connections between his foreign cultural experiences and his participation in the educational reforms. The former part aims to help the understanding and judging of the latter part. The research finds out that the foreign cultural experiences of this curriculum scholar do have effects on his practice of educational reforms to some extent. The main aspects are as follows, 1. Professor Huang’s educational concepts for his original culture and for the foreign culture are compared and integrated. 2. The foreign cultural experiences have strengthening, weakening, or broadening influences on the professor’s thoughts for educational reforms. One of the most direct and obvious influences is the alternation and breakthrough of the thoughts, and they are carried out in in-class speeches, arrangements of the policies, and the publication of related writings. In the process of considering the effects, it is noticed that the acquirement of foreign cultural experiences is a kind of empirical evaluation, which is rooted in the personality and the motives and time of participation. These factors can not be neglected when discussing the influences.
Key words: strange-culture , education reform , praxis
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校園人權實踐現況之研究-以台北縣一所國民中學為例 / A research on the praxis of human rights in campus- a case study of junior high school in Taipei County林婉婷, Lin, Wan Tin Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:校園人權、友善校園、人權實踐 / The purpose of this study is to explore the human rights understanding and behavior of the students and teachers among the junior high school in Taipei County. This study explore the teachres’ and students’ real awareness and feelings on campus. With the questionnaire survey to be the guiding investigation, the research methods of this study are participant observation and in-depth interview. Accoriing to the data of “evaluation’s category and item for campus human rights milieu”, to frame the questions of the interview.
The study comes to the conclusions as follows on the baisis of the findings:
1. The praxis of on-campus human rights in the said school is general identified.
2. The circumstance of lending courses has been improved than ever before.
3. The right of body autonomy has been respected gradually.
4. The budget of barrier free facilities and other facilities hold up each other.
5. The safety of campus and students’ privacy strike a balance.
6. To make students’ scores public and ranking is as usual.
7. Diplomaism constrains the development of on-campus human rights.
8. Physical Punishment has been reduced.
9. It should establish complete system to eliminate and guidance incompetent teachers
in order to ensure student’s learning rights.
10. The affairs of student government does not develop well.
11. Teachers should realize students’ values and establish students’ confidence.
12. Teachers join other teachers and paretns’ supports.
13. The institute of teacher education should offer more the curriculum of human
rights and law-related education.
14. normalized class grouping makes students develop normalized and test
teachers’ abilities of classroom management and teaching.
15. The concept of on-campus human rights is at the initial stage that needs to be
implemented completely on campus.
Finally, some recommendations for education administration units, teachers and further study are suggested. It is hoping that the results of this paper can be a good reference for school to praxis human on campus.
Keywords:on-campus human rights, friendly campus, the praxis of human rights
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