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教師專業成長、教師在職進修動機與教師專業倫理實踐關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Teacher Professional Growth, Motivation of In-Service Education and Teachers’ Practice of Professional Ethic顏伊君 Unknown Date (has links)
根據以上研究結果,提出具體建議,提供教育行政機關、學校行政及教師,以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the current development of teacher professional growth, motivation of in-service education, and teachers’ practive of professional ethic in senior high school of Kaohsiung City.
To achieve the research purposes, a literature review was conducted to understand the teacher professional growth, motivation of in-service education, and teachers’ practive of professional ethic, and then to establish the fundamental theory of this study and develop questionnaires. This is a cross-sectional survey study using stratified random sampling design. The study recruited teachers in Kuohsiung senior high schools. A sample of senior high school teachers in Kuohsiung City, stratified random sampling, issued a total of 570 parts, 552 valid questionnaires, the effective rate of 96.8% questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive analyses, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis.
The main findings of the study include:
一、Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of teacher professional growth were shown, and three of the visions had the same level.
二、Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of the motivation of in-service education were shown, in which the item “cognitive interest” and “escape / stimulate” was the higher, “social development”and “other people affected” was the lower.
三、Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of teachers’ practive of professional ethic were shown, in which the item and “the relationship between students’parents” was the highest, and “the relationship between community and society” was the lowest.
四、There are significant differences in the senior high school teachers’perception of teacher professional growth in terms of gender, years of service, position, and school location.
五、There are significant differences in the senior high school teachers’perception of the motivation of in-service education in terms of position.
六、There are no significant difference in the senior high school teachers’perception of teachers’ practive of professional ethic.
七、There is a positive correlation among teacher professional growth and motivation of in-service education.
八、There is a positive correlation among teacher professional growth and teachers’ practive of professional ethic.
九、There is a positive correlation among motivation of in-service education and teachers’ practive of professional ethic.
十、Teacher professional growth and motivation of in-service education have a predictive effect on teachers’ practive of professional ethic.
According to the above research conclusions, the suggestions are proposed to be used as reference by educational institutions, school administrative units, and teachers in the future.
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自我與權利-受婚姻暴力女性的權利實踐 / Self and rights-the practice of women's rights in the intimacy violence case李姿佳, Lee, Tzu-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最後根據研究結果提出四項結論與建議,一、自我和權利是臺灣受婚姻暴力女性權利實踐的樣貌;二、在婚姻中的人權與權利主張中間有一段很大的落差;三、影響自我與權利的關鍵因素是距離和情;最後第四點,對臺灣婚姻暴力防治提出建議。 / Since ancient times, intimacy violence in Taiwan society is a neglected issue, until 1998, Taiwan through the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, to become the first in Asia to complete the legislation of the country, but also a protection of the human rights of the law. In practice, the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act 19 years, the effectiveness of the law on the prevention of domestic violence, there have been different debates. In Taiwan, the protection of intimacy violence by the violence, from the protection of human rights to the right to the right to give, and then given the rights from the right to see the social impact of the law after years of practice to see the protection of human rights and rights, the middle of the very The big gap, and the cause of the drop is the answer to this question.
In recent years, the West created the fourth new theory of rights, breaking the framework of the previous theory of rights, the self and the right is recursive (recursive) the impact of view, but the Chinese self and Western self is very different. Psychologists help us to self-inner basic psychological structure to do a lot of description and distinction; anthropology is that the Chinese self and Western self is different, the Chinese self is the pattern of differences, self-leisurely in the relationship between parents and brothers and sisters. The difference between the self and the new right theory of this study is that the self of the new right theory is an individualistic self, and the self of the study contains other people, which are important in the complementarity of psychology and anthropology. The basis of the discussion.
This article has three kinds of literature review, qualitative depth interview and case analysis. Qualitative depth of interviews, to intimacy violence women's rights awareness as the main axis, interview two pairs of marriages have marriages, intimacy violence in the marriage, and the court issued a protection order, the study of two couples as a case study Object. This study concludes that Taiwan's self affects rights, and distance and love are the key factors influencing the size and severity of self-development. Gender will affect the causes of the perceived distance between the two sides and the key to the change of husband and wife's feelings Different.
In the end of this study, four conclusions and suggestions are put forward according to the research results. First, the self and the right are the practice of women's sexual rights in Taiwan. Second, there is a great gap between the human rights and rights in marriage. The key factors influencing the self and the right are the distance and the situation. Finally, the fourth point is to make suggestions on the prevention and control of intimacy violence in Taiwan.
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天理教在台灣的信仰型態之變遷:一個宗教人類學的考察 / Transformations of Tenrikyo in Taiwan: An Anthropological Study山西弘朗, Hiroaki YAMANISHI Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文分析、比較明修堂法會、明道堂收驚儀式和天理教的神授儀式,探討儀式的變遷,指出私人建立寺廟的優點,如和信徒保持密切的關係,能夠對信徒提供非常貼心的服務。因此法會也有使用信徒各自準備的衣服舉行保持平安的儀式,收驚儀式用佛教經典舉行等,這些都是儀式為因應當地信徒的需求,以及與鄰接廟宇的競爭等相互影響所形成的。本文引用三尾裕子對中國宗教的說法,寺廟為了確保存續,必需要有理論上的武裝,所以民眾操作各種理論,必須重視菁英所有的文化和大眾所有的文化之間的相互作用。筆者將此一觀點與Lévi-Strauss提出的「bricolage」概念加以聯想,希望據以繼續發展未來相關的研究。 / According to the research of Fujii Takeshi, professor at Tokyo Gakugei University, there are 19 kinds of Japanese new religious organizations carrying out mission works in Taiwan now, and the earliest of them is Tenrikyo. Tenrikyo started their mission works during Japanese rule of Taiwan, and had acquired Taiwanese believers. Therefore, Tenrikyo is a very suitable example for the study of Japanese new religion’s development and changes in Taiwan.
The object of this paper is the unique religious phenomena that is found during my study in Taiwan, the temple(natives call ‘miao’ in their language), namely the religious center of Taiwanese popular beliefs but used to be Tenrikyo’s branch in Japanese colonial period. This paper analyzes the syncretism of their religious ceremonies and beliefs, which have elements of both Chinese popular beliefs and Tenrikyo. It bases on qualitative interviews, participant observation and methods of textual analysis to make clear the historical and cultural contexts, changes of Japanese new religions there, to interpret their meanings and explicate causes of the transformations.
This paper contains four chapters besides the introduction and conclusion. Its organization and summary are presented as follows.
In chapter one, it explains teachings, the organization and history of Tenrikyo, focuses on the relations between god and human, influences of Japanese religious policy and the related socio-cultural system during the latter half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. According to the classification proposed by Masako Watanbe, Tenrikyo is define as of “Vertical axis Parent-child model” and “Laity-focused propagation model”. This paper shows that one can find the same pattern working in missions in Taiwan.
In chapter two it analyzes the methods of Tenrikyo’s mission work during the colonial period in Taiwan, especially the so-called “individual mission” and “organizational mission” and explains its manner of training for native elite believers. It also focuses on the intercultural processes in the mission work, which adapt to the differences between diverse cultural contexts and religious schemas, and the transformed interpretations of Tenrikyo’s doctrine and meanings of ceremony for Taiwanese native believers. Based on the analysis of historical materials and statistic records, characteristics of the development of Tenrikyo in the colonial period are presented as well. It finally presents accounts for some Toroku churches, which used to belong to Tenrikyo and have changed their identification in the postcolonial period after the World War II.
In chapter three, this paper attempts to explain causes and the background of transformations of Tenrikyo beliefs and ceremony. One reason is due to the cultural policy of KMT government, and influences of the policy to Tenrikyo in Taiwan are analyzed. It also makes clear other related historical and cultural situation and context. For the adaptations under changes of the social and political situation, this paper especially draws attention to the unique process of decolonization in Taiwan.
In chapter four, based on the author’s participant observation, it focuses on some religious practices in related temples and rituals, analyzes their transformations and provides interpretations of the changes and their meanings. With reference to the concept and schema about Chinese popular beliefs provided by previous Japanese scholars and the concept of ‘bricolage’ by Levi-Strauss, this paper’s contribution and interpretation will be able to lead the author for the research in the future.
Despite many Japanese new religions implement their mission works in Taiwan, there is few research so far to mention it. This paper has introduced previous researches on it, and tries to point out the value and position of the study on Japanese new religions in Taiwan. Focusing especially on tasks and difficulties special for Japanese new religions, it actually has provided suggestions about prospects for anthropological study of Japanese new religion and Chinese popular beliefs in Taiwan.
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從《皇 訓子十誡》談一貫道的修行實踐 / A study on the cultivation and practice of I-Kuan Tao basic on《Ten commandments of Huang Mu teaching the sons》王延平 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採取的研究方法包括文本分析、田野調查與問卷調查。先從《皇 訓子十誡》訓文本中提出一貫道的修行觀,並從中歸納一貫道信仰的核心價值為無生老 的概念,由此概念才能推展出其他的修行觀。再從田野調查中觀察一貫道的宗教實踐,分為宗教儀式、個人修辦與社會公益三類。最後則以問卷調查分析的方式來探討修行觀與宗教實踐的關聯性,從寶光崇正道場中對特定族群做不分年齡、性別、學歷的抽樣調查,分析結果發現,宗教實踐確實和修行觀有所關聯,而影響最多的選項為「行功了愿」的修行觀,這也和研究觀察的發現相符,但其內在的觀念仍是無生老 。
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Bitch-Style男街舞舞者的妖、騷、婊-其舞蹈實踐、跨性別展演與自我 / Bitch-Style Male Street Dancers - Their Dance Practices, Transgender Performances, and Self-fashioning林青儀 Unknown Date (has links)
街舞圈中,有一群特別的男舞者,他們擅長各種在台灣偏女性意象的風格。妖、騷、婊,是大家最常用來形容他們舞蹈肢體的詞彙。這群Girl’s Style男舞者帶給觀眾對於性別的不安全感,是這份研究的出發點,並且提出兩個研究問題,第一,他們性別越界特質的舞蹈實踐為何,反映了什麼性╱別意涵;第二,他們如何從舞蹈實踐中形塑自我。
研究發現,這群特別的男舞者在街舞圈中,透過服裝、話語、性別腳本等多重文本的實踐,構成Bitch-Style這個新的意義系統,並且在實踐中翻轉了妖、騷、婊等污名話語,亦形塑跨性別的自我。舞者亦會在不同的情境中會自動調校性化的位置,以自我保護、展演符合社會期待的性別角色。未來期望更舞蹈與性/別的相關研究,能和本文的婊子們彼此激盪、對話。 / There’s a group of male street dancers call themselves “bitches”. Started with the uncertain feeling toward their sex/gender dancing image, the study tried to figure out what are their transgender dance practices, what kinds of meaning it contains with sex/gender, and how they fashion themselves by dancing.
To understand their dance practices, the researcher took " Participant Observation" and "In-Depth Interview" as the two ways of data-collecting. After gathering with them for one year, I take dance practice, transgender performances and dance orientation of self as three approaches to analyze data. Self in this study is treated as dancers’ dancing body.
In conclusion, the researcher argue that Girl’s Style male street dancers should be named as Bitch-Style male dancers. They form themselves by multi-textual practices such as discourses, dressing and gender script. Those insulting phrases like 妖、騷、婊 are transformed into positive words to them by dance practicing. Also, researcher found that they change sexed position quickly and well whenever they change scenarios. In the future,I hope there could be more researches about dance and sexuality which can support and dialogize with Bitches in my study.
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從父母照顧工作外包論子女孝道實踐的意義:以聘僱外籍看護的家庭為例 / Understanding the Meanings of Children’s Practice of Filial Piety from Outsourcing Parental Care Work: The Examples of Families Hiring Foreign Caregivers陳育伶, Chen, Yu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,家庭成員選擇外包照顧工作的過程中,受到子女輩成員間的經濟能力、角色與長輩的情感關係等各種因素所影響,主要的決策者與執行者會由不同的家庭子女輩成員擔任。對於將奉養工作外包給外籍看護的子女/媳婦來說,他們透過將自己的角色轉換成「監督者」或「主導者」,以確保外籍看護維持高品質照顧的方式,來重新定義自己的孝道實踐。「父母在家終老」以及「主導照顧過程」成為孝的核心條件。此外,透過敘述外籍看護的「專業」與「像對待家人」般的良好照顧,來證明他們將長輩的孝道外包是對長輩「有利的」。同時這個利益並不只是對於長輩,聘請外籍看護還有許多對其他家庭成員有利的外溢效果;例如整理家務,煮飯等等。對子女輩成員來說,聘請外籍看護是一個多方考量後,在現今照顧工作逐漸走向市場化下,對整體家庭最具利益的選擇。 / The need for long-term care increases with Taiwan’s aging population. According to the Chinese tradition as well as current social norms and expectations, care work is considered women’s responsibility. However, with women’s increasing participation in the labor force, many financially-abled women started to outsource care work to relieve their responsibility. The rise in the rate of hiring foreign caregivers in Taiwan manifests this trend. Current literature on outsourcing maternal care work has pointed out the ways mothers maintain family intactness and justify their behavior of outsourcing maternal care. Does the same situation happen in outsourcing filial piety? How do sons, daughters and daughter-in-laws justify such behavior? How would they reinterpret the meaning of ‘filial piety’ after sourcing parental care?
The study found that the choice of outsourcing parental care work was affected by factors such as children's financial conditions, roles in the family, and relationship with parents. Sons, daughters and daughters-in-law often played different roles of decision makers and managers in outsourcing parental care. For those who outsourced parental care work to foreign caregivers, their roles were changed from 'primary caregiver' to 'supervisor' or 'manager' to ensure that their parents would obtain high quality care. In this way, the meaning and practice of filial piety were redefined. 'Parents living at home till the end of life' and 'quality control of parental care' became the core considerations of filial piety. By emphasizing foreign caregivers' professionalism and their family-like relationship with foreign caregivers, those children who outsourced parent care work justified their choice of outsourcing and claimed that such arrangement was beneficial to parents who were cared for. In addition, the care work provided by foreign caregivers often generated 'spillover effects' for the whole household; not only parents but other family members could also obtain benefits from hiring foreign caregivers. For example, foreign caregivers helped cleaning house, cooking and so on. Consequently, the choice of outsourcing parental care work to foreign caregiver was considered most appropriate for the whole family.
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專案團隊內創意構想守門與創新績效關係之研究-以業界參與科專廠商為例 / The Study of Gatekeeping Mechanisms of Creative and Innovative Products項維欣, Hsiang, Wei-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
結果發現,創意構想守門能耐及創新型體制規則與專案團隊創新績效呈正相關,且體制規則調節守門能耐與創新績效之關係,且創新實踐作為亦中介創意構想守門與創新績效之關係。而本文除強調以守門角度思考對管理創新的重要性;也提出創意構想守門內涵供經理人設計創意構想守門時,一個有系統的思考框架;而所發展具信效度之量表及創意構想守門與創新績效關係的實證結果,亦可作為後續研究的基礎。 / Nowadays, the raise of economy in our society is from creative ideas. Thus, people care about how to promote abundance creative ideas growing fast. In addition, firms also get survive in serious competitions by these creative ideas. The sources of creative ideas are from brilliant creators. So, researchers of innovation management often begin their studies from the creator’s perspective. There are rarely researchers starting their researches from another actor’s view. However, this perspective ignores that the creativity is the interactions among creators, gatekeepers, and whole society.
Therefore, this study tried to clarify what the gatekeeping is. The study follows the logic of Lewin’s gatekeeping theory, introduces the evolution perspective, and integrates the technology gatekeeper, Csikszentmihaly’s system model, and institutional theory to approach the gatekeeping in selecting creative ideas. This study proposes there are five key factors, the abilities of earning creators’ trust, raising creator’s motivation, selecting ideas’ professional abilities, evaluating standards, and the degree of interactions in the gatekeeping construct. Then, according to the Lewin’s gatekeeping theory, this study classifies these five factors into two dimensions, the gatekeeping capabilities and institutional routines. Then, basis of this theoretical model and Hinkin’s (1998) procedure, this study develops and tests the questionnaire of the gatekeeping creative ideas inside the project teams. After that, the aim of this article explores how and why the gatekeeping and the innovation performance are related.
This research involved a survey, comprised of four sets of questionnaires concerning the gatekeepong capabilities, institutional routines, innovative enabling behaviors, and innovation performances. 111 project teams participated in the study. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and structural equation modeling in order to indicate the direction and relationships among the four sets of variables.
The result proves the concept theoretical model of gatekeeping creative ideas is reasonable and the questionnaire has fair reliability and validity. Furthermore, results of this study also showed a medium level of consistence among the four variables of the gatekeeping capabilities, institution routines, innovative enabling behaviors, and innovation performances. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining the relationship between gatekeeping and innovation performance, as well as in providing the researchers and managers with a better understanding of how and why gatekeeping in creative ideas relate to the innovation performances. Therefore, this research can be the foundation of creative ideas’ gatekeeping for innovation studies in the future. It also reminds the managers the importance of gatekeeping and provides a thinking model in managing innovations.
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以變為常,台灣另類╱獨立媒體的新聞實踐—以《上下游新聞市集》為例 / The Journalistic Practices of Alternative Media in Taiwan : The Analysis of News & Market盧易詩, Lu, Yi Shih Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,隨著組織受到各種內外情境變動的刺激,上下游新聞成員逐漸展現各自對於媒體角色定位的見解差異,成員紛紛在突破疆域界線的分裂點上,表明自己如何認知媒體角色定位,並由此開創不同於以往的新聞實踐樣貌。 / This thesis takes the notion of rhizome as a research approach to explore the journalistic practices of alternative media in Taiwan.
Considering time limitation and the purpose of this research, the researcher adopts the methods of depth interview and participable observation to examine the journalistic practice of research object in this thesis—“News & Market.” At the same time, the researcher looks into journalistic practices via Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of “rhizome” and “becoming.”
According to the study, along with the context change, News & Market constantly adjusts its organizational structure and the way it produces news. However, since journalists cannot often reach an agreement altogether, the organizational conflicts would gradually increase. For now, News & Market manages to reduce the possibilities of organizational conflicts through the ways of “joint gatekeeping production mode” and “institutional operation of the organization.”
Moreover, the study indicates that social media platform, taking the example of Facebook, has a huge influence on the news production of News & Market.
At last, because of the growing influence of context change, the journalists of News & Market show different cognition on their role positions. When there is the time of different points of view, the journalists would cross the border to provide different ideas and develop the journalistic practices that are different from the past.
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從逆覺體證到理一分殊新釋----試析現代新儒學的內在發展 / From ni-chüeh-t'i-cheng to the New Interpretation of li-i-fen-shu: An Enquiry into the Inner Development of Contemporary Neo-Confucian Philosophy張子立 Unknown Date (has links)
逆覺體證本質上是從工夫論導出哲學理論之系統。可使儒學在指引效力之外逐漸展現出解釋效力,成為一種可以在學術上掌握與論析的理論系統。理一分殊的方法論為這種走向之延續。理一作為人文學科中的規約原則,有別於經驗科學的歸納(induction),因為歸納的方式是取同略異,理一分殊秉持的是存異求同之精神。筆者即嘗試就如何順成朱子所謂「去兩短,合兩長」,以及內聖外王雙向互動之兩行,作為這種方法論應用的實例。這兩個觀點雖非理一分殊新釋之內容,卻可藉由其方法予以證成,正可說明理一分殊方法的普遍意義。 / Nowadays, the situation of Confucianism is rather dubious. It used to be the guidelines of politics and everyday life in Chinese society. However, Confucianism is now not as influential as it was before. Its practical role has given way to theoretical one. This phenomenon, for many, means the loss of the essence of Confucianism.
In my opinion, the prospect of turnaround lies in the development of ni-chüeh-t'i-cheng to the New Interpretation of li-i-fen-shu. The content of this progress can be divided into three: the secularization of moral practice, the wide-ranging creation of values and a formation of methodology. At first, ni-chüeh-t'i-cheng emphasizes the request of being sages while the New Interpretation of li-i-fen-shu focuses on the obedience to rules of law and decorum. As a result, the moral practice of Contemporary Neo-Confucian Philosophy is easy for normal people to abide by. Secondly, the New Interpretation of li-i-fen-shu advocates not so much moral practice as the creation of values. Accordingly, people belonging to every walk of life are regarded as a Neo-Confucian on condition that he or she has faith in jen(humanity) and sheng-sheng(creative creativity). Taken together, these theses indicate that Contemporary Neo-Confucian Philosophy tends to lives of modern people.
Finally, ni-chüeh-t'i-cheng is a kind of kung-fu-lun which doubles as a academic theory. Nevertheless, li-i-fen-shu has a facet of methodology. I manage to apply this methodology to two issues in Confucianism: the necessity of ch’u-liang-tuan, ho-liang-ch’ang by Chu-Hsi and the interaction between nei-shen and wai-wang. The significance of li-i-fen-shu will be highlighted if my analysis is justified.
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民國初年親權法制的開展—以大理院的司法實踐為中心 / The initial implementation of parental rights during the early years of the Republic of China:focus on the judicial practice of Ta-Li-Yuan黃琴唐, Huang, Chin Tang Unknown Date (has links)
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