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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

組織文化與組織創新績效關聯性之研究-以臺北縣政府稅捐稽徵處為例 / The Study of Relationship between the Organizational Culture - A Case of Taipei County Revenue Service office

周美華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解稅務機關組織文化與組織創新績效的現況,分析不同背景變項在組織文化與組織創新績效的差異情形並探討兩者間之相關情形及預測力。本研究採問卷調查法,以臺北縣政府稅捐稽徵處員工500位為研究對象,回收有效問卷共達465份,資料分析方法係以SPSS for Windows 14.0視窗版套裝軟體進行處理分析,統計方法有項目分析、因素分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、LSD事後多重比較檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析及多元逐步迴歸分析。實證結果發現: 一、稅務機關員工知覺組織文化現況,以支持型文化得分最高,其次依序為官僚型文化、效率型文化,得分最低為創新型文化。稅務機關員工知覺組織創新績效現況,以技術創新得分最高,其次依序為數位創新、觀念創新、管理創新,得分最低為研發創新。 二、稅務機關組織文化對組織創新績效有顯著且正向的關聯性存在。 三、稅務機關組織文化對組織創新績效及其構面具預測力。創新型文化對研發創新、觀念創新、整體組織創新績效具有較高的預測力;支持型文化對管理創新、數位創新具有較高的預測力;官僚型文化則對技術創新具有較高的預測力。 關鍵字:組織文化、組織創新績效、稅務機關 / The purpose of this research is to understand current status, analyze differences and investigate correlation between the organizational culture and innovation performances of tax affairs institution. A questionnaire survey is applied in this study, with 465 effective questionnaires collected among 500 staffs from Taipei County Revenue Service Office. ‘SPSS for windows 14.0’ statistical software was used for data processing and analysis of this survey, whose statistical methods include item analysis, factor analysis, reliance analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple comparison test following LSD, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The following results have been found: 1. Tax affairs institution staff toward consciousness organizational culture present situation: supportive culture gets the highest score, bureaucratic culture, efficient culture, innovative culture in sequence. Tax affairs institution staff toward consciousness organizational innovation performance present situation: technical innovation gets the highest score, digital technology innovation, conceptual innovation, administrative innovation and R&D innovation in sequence. 2. There exists positive and obvious correlation between the organizational culture and innovation performances of tax affairs institution. 3. Predictability is observed between the organizational culture and innovation performances of tax affairs institution. The innovative culture has higher forecasting ability in R&D innovation, conceptual innovation, and entire organizational innovation performances. The supportive culture has higher forecasting ability in administrative innovation, digital technology innovation. The bureaucratic culture has higher forecasting ability in the technical innovation. Keywords: organizational culture, organizational innovation performance, tax affairs institutio


簡培峻 Unknown Date (has links)
激烈的市場競爭突顯了知識的重要性,企業透過知識的創造而不斷追求創新,為了使知識得以具有生產力,因此使得知識的分享日漸受到各方的關注。組織的知識存在於企業的員工中,而人們願意分享彼此擁有知識的基礎在於互相的信任,人們彼此的信任,可降低了人際之間知識分享的障礙,因此本研究欲討論信任、知識分享以及夠透過知識分享所帶來創新表現,此三者關聯性的研究。除此之外,本研究要研究的第二個問題是知識分享在信任對創新績效的影響上,是否扮演中介變數的角色。 本研究之研究對象分為兩個研究層次,第一個層次是以個人為研究對象,討論信任與知識分享之關係;第二個層次則以研究單位作為研究對像,討論信任、知識分享以創新績效三者之關聯性。 最後結果發現,在個人研究層次時,組織內跨部門的知識分享受到主管信任、同事信任、策略信任以及組織程序正義的影響;而團隊內的知識分享則受到同事信任、策略信任以及同仁對於組織誠信的影響。 在以部門作為研究層次,討論信任、知識分享以創新績效三者關聯性的結果時,信任對創新績效的影響以及知識分享對創新績效的影響,皆未有正向的影響,並不支持本研究之假設。 而在討論知識分享在信任對創新績效的影響效果上,是否扮演中介變數的角色,本研究最後之研究成果為部分支持。

國民小學校長創新技巧、學校智慧資本與學校創新績效關係之研究 / The Study of Relationship of Principal’s Innovative Skills, School Intellectual Capital and School InnovativePerformance for Elementary School

紀家雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學校長創新技巧、學校智慧資本與學校創新績效之內涵與現況,探討其關係,並依研究結果提出建議。 首先進行文獻探討,作為架構研究的理論基礎,發展研究工具,再以問卷調查426位國民小學主任及組長(臺北市、新北市、基隆市、桃園縣、宜蘭縣共發出630份問卷,有效問卷426份),以分析現況、驗證理論,最後,依研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下: 一、國民小學校長創新技巧、學校智慧資本及學校創新績效內涵與現況 (一)校長創新技巧包括提問技巧、社交技巧、實驗技巧、觀察技巧與聯想技巧五個向度;其整體量表與分向度得分均屬中上程度,其中以社交技巧得分最高。 (二)學校智慧資本包括學校結構資本、學校人力資本與學校關係資本三個向度,其整體總量表與分向度得分均屬中上程度,其中以學校關係資本得分最高。 (三)學校創新績效包括行政管理創新、專業能力創新與課程教學創新三個向度;其整體總量表與分向度得分均屬中上程度,其中以課程教學創新得分最高。 二、不同背景變項在校長創新技巧、學校智慧資本與學校創新績效之差異情形 (一)不同背景變項在校長創新技巧的得分方面:研究發現在服務年資、擔任職務、學校規模、學校所在地有顯著差異,性別、年齡、最高學歷沒有顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在學校智慧資本的得分方面:研究發現在年齡、服務年資、擔任職務、學校規模、學校所在地有顯著差異,性別、最高學歷沒有顯著差異。 (三)不同背景變項在學校創新績效的得分方面:研究發現在年齡、服務年資、擔任職務、學校規模、學校所在地有顯著差異,性別、最高學歷沒有顯著差異。 三、校長創新技巧、學校智慧資本與學校創新績效之相關情形 (一)整體校長創新技巧與整體學校智慧資本間,呈現顯著的中度正相關,校長創新技巧各分向度中,以「聯想技巧」與學校智慧資本總量表之相關程度最高。 (二)整體校長創新技巧與整體學校創新績效間,呈現顯著的中度正相關,校長創新技巧各向度中,以「聯想技巧」與學校創新績效總量表之相關程度最高。 (三)整體學校智慧資本與整體學校創新績效間,呈現顯著的中度正相關,學校智慧資本各向度中以「學校結構資本」與學校創新績效總量表之相關程度最高。 四、國民小學校長創新技巧、學校智慧資本對學校創新績效之互動模式 (一)校長創新技巧對學校創新績效的互動模式,各項適配度指標俱佳,上游潛在變項(校長創新技巧)對下游潛在變項(學校創新績效)具有顯著影響力。 (二)學校智慧資本對學校創新績效的互動模式,各項適配度指標俱佳,上游潛在變項(學校智慧資本)對下游潛在變項(學校創新績效)具有顯著影響力。 (三)校長創新技巧與學校智慧資本對學校創新績效的互動模式,各項適配度指標佳,上游潛在變項一(校長創新技巧)與上游潛在變項二(學校智慧資本)對下游潛在變項(學校創新績效)具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究根據研究的發現,提出相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民小學校長及後續研究參考。


劉珊芳 Unknown Date (has links)
在面對全球化趨勢、知識經濟潮流及中國興起的挑戰與機會下,台灣產業所面臨升級及轉型的壓力與急迫均較以往劇烈,未來各地方專業化的形成已成必然之趨勢。台灣地區目前工業結構或屬勞力密集產業亦或是高機械化、科技化之產業,雖具有彈性、合作、活化網絡等特性,但卻面臨了自行研發資金不足及創新能力薄弱之難處,因此亟需中央政府利用各種政策工具增加地方之研發能力,以促進地方之創新發展,進而治理地方、活化地方之產業,最後回饋至地方經濟成長。在此同時,縣市政府又應如何營造出產業群聚獨特經濟的優勢環境?如何就重點產業尋求技術創新及中央政府的預算支持?台灣地區22個縣市的創新表現有何差異?哪一縣市的創新表現較為突出?創新表現佳的縣市,其產業優勢呈現於哪些面向?另創新表現不佳的縣市,又應如何改善其劣勢項目?如何再創地方競爭力? 準此,本文將從地方與產業之間多投入與多產出的特性,利用資料包絡分析法,以台灣地區22個縣市製造業為實證對象,依據生產要素與產出,結合創新、知識外溢及地理鄰近性的觀點,新增創新績效之代理變數,探究22個縣市在製造業方面的生產力與創新績效的差異為何,藉由評估22個地方製造業之整體效率、技術效率、規模效率,指出相對有效率或無效率的縣市,及各縣市之優、劣勢項目;另對於無效率的縣市要如何重新調整其投入產出值,才能達到有效率的狀況,亦提出改善幅度和方向;另一方面藉由國內產業政策不斷升級轉型之背景分析,來說明中央政府在創新政策方面所扮演的角色為何,又以何種政策工具提升縣市之創新能力,各縣市政府為了爭取更多的資金投入,人口及廠商進駐,又以何種作為來因應。研究成果在於,解釋各地方製造業生產力與創新績效良好或不佳的原因,指出各地方製造業無效率的來源,並提供改進的方向及幅度。而後續研究可從不同的產業別、空間尺度或研究方法進行討論。

資源基礎、跨組織間知識共同演化行為與創新績效之研究 / The study of Resource Base, Inter-organizational Kowledge Co-evolutionary Behavior and Innovation Performance

方亮淵, Fang,Liang-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
從理論而言,本論文企圖從生態演化的觀點,針對組織與組織間,或事業體與事業體間,觀察組織是否具有同生物物種間共同演化的現象,並從組織知識與學習的觀點,探討組織與組織間知識共同演化的行為機制與其對創新績效的關係。過去的文獻中,針對組織或事業體間之策略與績效間的關係,多數均從多角化的觀點出發,探討組織、市場或產品間的相關度,來預測績效的成果,但從資源基礎的角度觀察實務的現象,組織間的資源基礎,並非均可在組織間自由的流動或轉移,組織亦非只單純依賴於相關度高的其他事業組織才足以創造績效。因此,組織如何與其他的事業體組織進行資源的移轉以創造策略績效,特別是對於創新績效相關的知識資源,在現今的理論及文獻中,並沒有特別的加以探討。本研究針對此一研究的缺口,乃試圖利用生態學說之共同演化的觀點,奠基於Eisenhardt and Galunic(2000)之共同演化策略的文獻作出發點,來探討組織與組織間知識共同演化的行為機制,以及其對組織創新績效的影響。 經由文獻的探討與先導個案的觀察,本研究提出了主要的研究架構,在資源基礎構面上,本研究觀察了自我組織與其他對偶組織間三種資源:實體設備資源、技術知識資源、網絡關係資源;而在知識屬性構面上,本研究提出了領域相似性及功能互補性二個子構面,而在應變數創新績效上,本研究則觀察組織的創新件數、創新件數變動率及創新產業競爭力;創新績效類別上則觀察組織四種創新類型:產品創新、製程創新、技術創新以及市場創新等四個組織績效。而針對調節變數上,本研究則著由文獻歸納及個案觀察發展出組織間知識共同演化的四個行為構面:交互學習吸收、自我學習強化、相關變異適應與共有例規保留。藉由此四個構面所發展出的行為子構面題項問卷,本研究可以觀察組織與組織間知識共同演化行為的強度,以作為影響組織間資源基礎與組織創新績效關係的調節變數。 本研究藉由質性之個案研究法之先導個案─長興化工的觀察,發展出量化之問卷調查法之研究問卷,並針對潤泰企業集團之營建事業體與紡織事業體共十四個事業組織,二十八位受訪者進行實證研究,調查此十四個事業組織間所構成之364個對偶關係之組織關係,一一進行問卷調查及記錄。並依據此十四個事業組織受訪者問卷,進行數值分析及多變量分析工作。本研究係採用SPSS統計分析工具。 經由問卷統計分析的結果,本研究得到研究成果及結論如下: 1. 從資源基礎論的觀點,對於組織的創新績效,除自我組織的實體設備、技術知識及網絡關係資源有正向助益效果外,組織的資源亦可跨越組織疆界的概念,延伸至組織生態系統中其他對偶組織之資源基礎的層次。 2. 組織與其生態系統中其他對偶組織間的知識共同演化行為活動愈強,對偶組織之實體設備資源、技術知識資源及網絡關係資源,愈有助於組織之創新績效表現 2-1.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的交互學習吸收行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 2-2.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的自我學習強化行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 2-3.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的相關變異適應行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 3. 組織與對偶組織間之知識屬性不同,其彼此間之知識共同演化行為的強度亦有所不同。知識領域相似性愈高,功能互補性愈高的組織,其知識共同演化的四個構面(交互學習吸收、自我學習強化、相關變異適應及共有例規保留)行為強度均較強。 4. 具有深度知識共同演化行為的事業部組織,其在創新的件數及創新的產業競爭力上,表現均會較其他中度知識共同演化或低度知識共同演化的事業部組織來得佳,且在新產品創新、新製程創新及新技術創新等方向上,與其他事業部具有深度知識共同演化的事業部組織,其創新績效較佳。 / The research, based on the evolutionary theory, tries to find is there any kind of the co-evolution relationship between organizations or business-units. Starting from the organization knowledge management and organizational learning, the research studies the co-evolution behavior mechanism between dyad organizations and also studies the impact of the knowledge co-evolution behavior on innovation performance. Reviewing the research which study the strategy and performance mechanism between organizations or business units, lot of them use the diversification point of view to propose the market relatedness or the product relatedness are important on estimating the performance of organization, especially the new market that organization will enter. The researcher finds there is a theatrical gap between the resource transferability of dyad organizations and innovation performance creating. However, based on the research of Eisenhardt and Galunic (2000), the research will use the evolutionary theory to study how organization adopting the knowledge resource from another organization to create organization innovation performance. The research concept structure proposed by the research will have four constructs. The first one, in resource based construct, this research propose three kinds of resource in self-organization and dyad organization: (1) tangible resource and asset in practice facility; (2) intangible resource and asset in technical knowledge; (3) network resource and asset between organizations. The second construct is the knowledge attribute. This research proposes two kind of attribute between organizations, (1)similarity of field knowledge and (2) complementarity of functional knowledge. In the dependent construct, the research proposes innovation performance in innovation success cases, innovation growth and competence of product innovation, technical innovation, process innovation and market innovation. In the final construct of moderator variable, the research propose four dimensions of the knowledge co-evolutionary mechanism: (1) knowledge learning and absorbing; (2) knowledge combining and creating; (3) knowledge adapting on relative variance; (4) practicing on mutual organization routine. The methodologies of the research are case study and questionnaire interview and analyze. We review 14 organizations of textile division and civil engineering divisions of Ruentex Group. After analyzing the questionnaire of 28 interviewers, the research generates four conclusions as below: (1) From the resource-based view, not only the resource of self-organization could have positive benefit on the performance of organization innovation, but also the resource from dyad organization could contribute on innovation performance. The concept of organization resource could break through the organization boundary and extend to the dyad organization in the same organizational environment. (2) The more knowledge co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. A. The more knowledge learning and absorbing on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. B. The more knowledge combining and creating on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. C. The more knowledge adapting on relative variance on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. (3) The knowledge attribute of the two dyad organizations will effect on the degree of the knowledge co-evolutionary behavior. The higher the similarity of field knowledge and complementarity of functional knowledge, the heavier the inter-organizational knowledge co-evolutionary behavior. (4) The innovation performance of the organization which have heavier knowledge co-evolutionary behavior will better then the ones have medium or lighter knowledge co-evolutionary behavior, especially on the product innovation, process innovation and technical innovation performance.

團隊偵錯與創新之相關研究 / A study of team failure-detection and team innovation

林燊揚, Lin, Shen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
現今變化快速的環境下,科技團隊面對研發過程中日益增高的失敗率,失敗帶來打擊但也可能是創新的來源。然而,團隊創新的研究卻少有團隊失敗、錯誤與創新關係的研究。有鑑於此,本研究以國內485位研發工程師(某法人單位35個團隊共323位成員、科技產業38個團隊共162位成員)共計73個團隊為研究對象。本研究檢視錯誤管理實務(團隊偵錯能力與團隊錯誤溝通能力)與團隊創新績效之間的關係、錯誤管理實務與錯誤管理氛圍(錯誤學習信念與情緒)的關係、錯誤管理氛圍與前導因子(鼓勵實驗、教導型領導、目標清晰度、衝突處理方式)的關係。結果發現:(1)團隊偵錯能力越高時,團隊創新績效越高;(2)群體從錯誤中學習信念越高時,團隊偵錯能力越高;(3)團隊鼓勵小型實驗與主管進行教導型領導時,群體錯誤學習信念越高。顯示錯誤管理是團隊創新中不可忽視的一環。   另本研究發現教導型領導、鼓勵實驗對團隊形成錯誤學習信念有正向影響,與社會認知理論呼應。本研究也發現,團隊之年資多樣性與錯誤處理情緒與錯誤溝通能力皆呈負向影響。 / Extending previous research on team error management, this thesis is conducted to examine the antecedents, error management climate, error management practice and consequences of team innovation. Data is collected from 35 R&D teams (an anonymous government research institutions in Taiwan) and 38 R&D teams (Top 1000 Technology enterprises in Taiwan). We give the following three hypotheses. First, we hypothesize that detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills influence team innovation performance. Second, we hypothesize that error management climate (shared belief and emotion) influence detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills. Third, we hypothesize that effective coaching, clear direction, conflict management and encouragement of experiment influence error management culture (belief and emotion). The results of structural equation model analysis revealed that detecting capability positively predicts team innovation performance. Shared belief positively predicts team detecting capability. The results also show effective coaching and encouragement of experiment positively predict shared belief which is extended from social cognitive theory. Results of the analysis also indicate that tenure diversity negatively predicts error management emotion and misunderstanding communication skills.

智慧資本與動態能耐對研發團隊創新績效的影響 / The Impact of Intellectual Capital and Dynamic Capabilities on R&D Teams’ Innovative Performance

林良陽, Lin,Liang-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
研究智慧資本領域的學者認為,智慧資本是組織競爭優勢的主要來源,而且也會影響組織績效(智慧資本愈高,其組織績效愈好)。但是,智慧資本與創新績效之間是否存在有正向關係,卻值得進一步探討。本研究認為,在動態環境下,智慧資本觀點並無法適當地解釋,為何組織有能力回應快速變動的外在環境,以產生較好的創新績效。智慧資本領域的學者與專家鮮少對「『靜態的』智慧資本」與「『動態的』運用智慧資本能力」進行區辨;而本研究認為這是兩種不相同的概念。本研究目的即希望瞭解研發團隊「運用」智慧資本對其創新績效的影響。 另一方面,為了解釋為何某些企業在快速變動與無法預期的市場中依然可以保有其競爭優勢,某些學者擴張資源基礎觀點到動態市場中,並提出「動態能耐」觀點(Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1997)。本研究主張,研發團隊的動態能耐除了直接影響創新績效之外,也是其「運用」智慧資本的關鍵因素。動態能耐對組織績效與創新績效的關連,雖有學者著墨;但,其實證研究並不多見,有待相關學者提出更多的貢獻。再則,動態能耐是一複雜的概念,若要對其進行衡量,應該要進一步釐清該構念,甚至建構適合的衡量指標,提出較為完整的、且符合信度與效度的衡量量表,方能正確地衡量動態能耐。 本研究同時採用質化與量化的研究方法。質性研究是從動態能耐相關文獻出發,在釐清各個學者對動態能耐的定義後,萃取出動態能耐之不同構面與架構,再經由各項假說之推演,提出本論文之初步研究架構。之後,選取N大學無線奈米生醫研究團隊為個案,深入瞭解該團隊兩項突破式創新計畫,分別是「抗SARS一號」與「無線奈米生醫感測晶片」研發計畫,用以觀察該團隊如何回應變動的外在環境,來說明智慧資本與研發團隊的動態能耐對其創新績效的影響。透過不同階段的觀察,進行分析與歸納,並找出其共同的特性,以瞭解本研究架構的初步解釋力,並進一步依個案研究的新發現修正各項假說,最後提出本研究之實證研究架構。 在量化研究方面,首先,為了能精確地衡量動態能耐概念,本研究依照Hinkin(1998)量表發展步驟,以五階段三個樣本群來發展動態能耐的衡量量表。其次,在發展出符合信度、內容效度、模型適配度、收斂效度、鑑別效度的動態能耐衡量量表後,以第三群樣本進行本研究之假說檢定,以確認智慧資本與研發團隊的動態能耐對其創新績效的影響關係。 研究發現,動態能耐是一個多面向多層次構念,可以以三構面八因子共19題項的問卷來衡量,三構面是指結合能耐、吸收能耐與彈性。在假說檢定部分,本研究共提出9項假說,結果有7項假說受到支持,另有2項假說未獲得支持。結果驗證本研究的主要論點,亦即智慧資本對研發團隊創新績效的影響並不顯著;而研發團隊如何運用智慧資本的能耐(亦即動態能耐),顯著地影響其創新績效。此外本研究發現,結合能耐是中介變項,它完全中介了吸收能耐對創新績效的影響;吸收能耐也是中介變項,它完全中介了人力資本以及關係資本對結合能耐的影響;而彈性則是交互變項,它會正向地強化各項智慧資本對吸收能耐的影響。最後,本研究也得到兩項特別的觀察,一是,具有動態能耐的研發團隊在研發能量提升上的兩種向度,二是,它是一種「彈性球體」的組織型態,方得以快速地回應外在環境的改變。 / The scholars who studied the field of intellectual capital (IC) argued that IC was the main source of organizational competitive advantages. Besides, they thought that the better the IC a company has, the better the business can have the ability to generate innovative performance. However, the relationship between IC and innovative performance needs to be explored further, because of being inconsistent with some practical cases. This research proposed that the view of IC could not explain appropriately why organizations could generate better innovative performance in the dynamic environment. Besides, the scholars who studied IC seldom distinguished “static IC” from “dynamic ability for utilizing IC”. Whereas, this research proposed that these two constructs were different concepts, and would like to explore the impact of utilizing IC on innovative performance. On the other hand, in order to explain why some enterprises could keep their competitive advantages in the rapidly changing environment, some scholars proposed the viewpoints of dynamic capabilities (DCs). This research argues that it has a directly significant effect of DCs on innovative performance, and DCs are the critical factors for utilizing IC. This research proposes that DCs are complex constructs. Therefore, we should clarify these constructs and provide an appropriate measurement tool with reliability and validity, if we would like to measure them. This research adopted qualitative and quantitative researches simultaneously to demonstrate these arguments. After clarifying the definition of DCs and extracting the components of DCs from the literature review, this research deduced several hypotheses and formed the research framework. This research selected the research team of N University for developing wireless nano-bio systems as a case, and thoroughly explored two of its radically innovative projects, including Anti-SARS R&D project and sensor chip for wireless nano-biotach R&D project. Through observing their response to the rapidly changing external environment, this research illustrated the impact of IC and DCs of R&D team on its innovative performance. By the two-stage observation, analysis and induction of this case, we could understand the preliminary power in explaining this research model, and amend the hypotheses. As for quantitative research, first, according to the scale developing steps, suggested by Hinkin (1998), this research developed the measurement tool of DCs with five stages and three samples to measure the concept of DCs precisely. Secondly, after developing the measurement scale of DCs, which surpassed the acceptable level for reliability, content validity, goodness of fit, convergent validity and discriminate validity, this research utilized the third sample testing the hypotheses to confirm the relationships among IC, DCs, and innovative performance of the R&D teams. The results showed that the concept of DCs is a multi-level and multi-dimension construct, which is composed of combinative capabilities, absorptive capacity and flexibility. In addition, it can be measured by three-dimension and eight-factor scale with nineteen items. As for the hypothesis testing, there were nine hypotheses in this research. Seven of them were supported, however, two of them were not supported. The results confirmed the main arguments of this research. That is, it doesn’t have a significant effect of IC on R&D team’s innovative performance. However, it does have a significant effect of DCs on R&D team’s innovative performance. In addition, the results showed that combinative capabilities and absorptive capacity are mediators. The combinative capabilities fully mediated the effect of absorptive capacity on innovative performance. The absorptive capacity also fully mediated the effects of human capital and relationship capital on the combinative capabilities. Meanwhile, the results showed that flexibility is a moderator, which enhanced the effects of different ICs on absorptive capacity. Finally, this research got two special observations. First, there are two dimensions of R&D energy promotion for R&D teams with DCs. Secondly, it is a type of “flexible sphere organization” for the R&D teams with DCs, so that they can respond to the rapidly changing external environment.

專案團隊內創意構想守門與創新績效關係之研究-以業界參與科專廠商為例 / The Study of Gatekeeping Mechanisms of Creative and Innovative Products

項維欣, Hsiang, Wei-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
當社會進入以創意為主的經濟型態,如何促進豐沛創意快速衍生,是大眾關注的焦點,也為企業興衰的關鍵。創意泉源始於創造新構想的個人。許多文獻多以探究創意者出發,卻忽略創新實為創意者、守門者、社會系統互動所建構。因此,過去創新管理,多以創意者角度思考,鮮以守門觀點探討;創新、研發、創造力理論脈絡,也甚少直接研究守門內涵。 因此,本文以Lewin守門理論為基礎,整合演化、技術守門、創造力系統、體制理論,推衍何為創意構想守門,提出其運作包含:守門能耐-贏取信任基礎的能力、提供動機誘因的能力、具備專業能力;體制規則-評估標準、互動程度等二構念五因子。之後,依此多構念架構,Hinkin(1998)嚴謹發展程序,以三群不同獨立樣本,發展具信效度的量表,驗證專案團隊內創意構想守門概念結構模型的合宜性;接著,本研究進一步嘗試以上述整合性的守門觀點,探討其內涵與創新績效的關係,釐清篩選構想的守門活動,是否真為阻礙創新的絆腳石,或其實為促進創新的關鍵;最後,本研究釐清篩選創意構想的守門活動,是阻礙創新的絆腳石,或為扶植創意構想成長,催化創新的關鍵後,探討創意構想守門是如何促進創新的發生。 本研究以結構方程模式,分析專案團隊創意構想守門之守門能耐及體制規則、創新實踐作為與專案團隊創新績效的關係,以具創意構想守門經驗之專案團隊為研究對象,自433家公司回收111份團隊有效問卷。 結果發現,創意構想守門能耐及創新型體制規則與專案團隊創新績效呈正相關,且體制規則調節守門能耐與創新績效之關係,且創新實踐作為亦中介創意構想守門與創新績效之關係。而本文除強調以守門角度思考對管理創新的重要性;也提出創意構想守門內涵供經理人設計創意構想守門時,一個有系統的思考框架;而所發展具信效度之量表及創意構想守門與創新績效關係的實證結果,亦可作為後續研究的基礎。 / Nowadays, the raise of economy in our society is from creative ideas. Thus, people care about how to promote abundance creative ideas growing fast. In addition, firms also get survive in serious competitions by these creative ideas. The sources of creative ideas are from brilliant creators. So, researchers of innovation management often begin their studies from the creator’s perspective. There are rarely researchers starting their researches from another actor’s view. However, this perspective ignores that the creativity is the interactions among creators, gatekeepers, and whole society. Therefore, this study tried to clarify what the gatekeeping is. The study follows the logic of Lewin’s gatekeeping theory, introduces the evolution perspective, and integrates the technology gatekeeper, Csikszentmihaly’s system model, and institutional theory to approach the gatekeeping in selecting creative ideas. This study proposes there are five key factors, the abilities of earning creators’ trust, raising creator’s motivation, selecting ideas’ professional abilities, evaluating standards, and the degree of interactions in the gatekeeping construct. Then, according to the Lewin’s gatekeeping theory, this study classifies these five factors into two dimensions, the gatekeeping capabilities and institutional routines. Then, basis of this theoretical model and Hinkin’s (1998) procedure, this study develops and tests the questionnaire of the gatekeeping creative ideas inside the project teams. After that, the aim of this article explores how and why the gatekeeping and the innovation performance are related. This research involved a survey, comprised of four sets of questionnaires concerning the gatekeepong capabilities, institutional routines, innovative enabling behaviors, and innovation performances. 111 project teams participated in the study. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and structural equation modeling in order to indicate the direction and relationships among the four sets of variables. The result proves the concept theoretical model of gatekeeping creative ideas is reasonable and the questionnaire has fair reliability and validity. Furthermore, results of this study also showed a medium level of consistence among the four variables of the gatekeeping capabilities, institution routines, innovative enabling behaviors, and innovation performances. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining the relationship between gatekeeping and innovation performance, as well as in providing the researchers and managers with a better understanding of how and why gatekeeping in creative ideas relate to the innovation performances. Therefore, this research can be the foundation of creative ideas’ gatekeeping for innovation studies in the future. It also reminds the managers the importance of gatekeeping and provides a thinking model in managing innovations.

鄰近性、吸收能力與廠商創新績效之研究 / Proximity, absorptive capacity, and innovation performance of firms

陳泓汝 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟的時代,創新已成為廠商競爭優勢的主要來源。知識的創造、傳遞、轉化和應用,促成廠商創新活動的產生。同時,連結地域空間與廠商創新績效的研究,已成為近代區域經濟與產業發展的重要議題。又,研究者逐漸意識到廠商個體的異質性,進而探求個別廠商的內部能力,吸收能力即成為研究焦點之一。 基此,本研究以全台灣生物技術產業為研究對象,透過廠商問卷之發放,運用因素分析與結構方程模型為分析工具,探討鄰近性-地理鄰近性和組織鄰近性的內涵,以及吸收能力如何扮演外部知識與廠商內部能力的介面,並結合外部知識、內部吸收能力與創新績效之影響路徑。 所得結果如下: 1.從外部知識層面,地理鄰近性扮演重要角色。對於組織鄰近性、創新績效有正面影響效果。其中,組織鄰近性隱含了組織網絡與社會網絡的成分; 2.觀察外部知識與內部能力的連結,外部知識獲取對於吸收能力有正面影響效果; 3.吸收能力對於創新績效亦有正向影響關係; 4.然而,考量到外部知識因素時,吸收能力對於創新績效的效果轉為正向卻不顯著,外部知識直接影響創新績效。 關鍵字:地理鄰近性、組織鄰近性、產業網絡、吸收能力、創新績效 / In the knowledge-based economy, innovation has become a key source of firms’ competitive advantage.The process of knowledge creation, transmission, transformation and application promotes the innovative activities. Meanwhile, the link geographical proximity and innovation performance of firms has become a modern issue of regional economic and industrial study. Also, the researchers gradually realized that the heterogeneity of individual firms, and then pay more ateentionon the internal capabilities of individual firms, thence the absorptive capacity seems to be a decisive element. Our research regards bio-technology industry as the subject promptly.Through sending questionnaires and using factor analysis and structural equation modeling as analysis tool, we observe “proximity” – the nature of geographical proximity and organizational proximity, and how can absorptvie capacity play the interface role between external knowledge and internal capacity, and further connect the external knowledge with internal absorptive capacity and innovation performance. The major results of study were found: 1. In the respect of external knowledge, geography proximity plays a crucial role in affecting organizational proximity and innovation performance. 2. External knowledge has a positive influence on absorptive capacity. 3. On the other hand, absorptive capacity affects the innovation permance of firms. 4. However, concerning the external knowledge, absorptive capacity results to positive but not significant on innovation performance.It implies that external knowledge directly impacts on innovation performance. Keyword:Geographical proximity, Organizational proximity, Industerial network, Absorptive capacity, Innovation performance

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