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技術移轉與組織學習之研究-以中華汽車為例 / Techology transferring and organization learning--A case study of China Motor Coporation賴宜美, Lai, Yi-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
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廠商內外部因素對創新績效影響之研究 / The effect of firms' internal and external factors on innovation performance林哲宇, Lin, Chu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣的ICT產業為研究對象,而空間單位劃分則依據工業區分布情形與天然及人為界線分佈,將台灣劃分為39個空間分析單元,以供實證分析所需。研究結果發現,廠商所處地區之聚集效果確實會對廠商研發網絡的形成產生影響,進而影響廠商所能吸收的外部知識流的多寡,最終造成不同區域的廠商創新績效的不同。廠商的研發網絡會隨群聚內的社會經濟狀況、產業組成和多樣性等不同而有所不同。此外,本研究同時從廠商外部環境的聚集效果、研發網絡關係以及廠商內部的吸收能力探討對廠商創新績效的影響,以期更全面地了解創新績效的影響因素。本研究的實證結果證實了聚集效果、研發網絡與廠商內部吸收能力確實對廠商創新績效產生影響,而內部吸收能力確實會對經由研發網絡所獲取的外部知識和創新績效產生調節效果。 / Innovation is the key of the firm to survive in a rapidly globalizing and competitive environment. The factors affecting firms’ innovation performance can be divided into external and internal factor. For the external factors, this studies use the view of regional agglomeration effects and R&D networks to study the impact of external environment on innovation performance. In the same time, we also discuss whether the regional agglomeration effects affect the firms’ R&D networks. Aside from the external environment, the internal absorption capacity is also important for innovation performance. Absorption capacity is defined as the capacity of firm to recognize, absorb and apply external knowledge. Absorption capacity has not only direct impact on innovation, but also adjusted effects between the knowledge acquired from R&D networks and innovation performance.
The object of this study is the ICT industry in Taiwan, and Taiwan was divided into 39 spatial units for empirical analysis. The empirical results indicate that the regional agglomeration effects of firms indeed influence the firms’ R&D network ,and then affect the amount of the external knowledge that the firm can absorb, ultimately result in different innovation performance. Firms’ R&D networks will vary depends on the cluster’s socio-economic conditions, industry composition and diversity. Besides, this study also discusses the impact factor of firms’ innovation performance from the external agglomeration effects, R&D networks, and internal absorption capacity to have a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between those factors and the innovation performance. The empirical results indicate that agglomeration effects, R&D networks, absorption capacity do affect the firms’ innovation performance, and the internal absorption capacity do have adjusted effects between the knowledge acquired from R&D networks and innovation performance.
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鄰近性、吸收能力與廠商創新績效之研究 / Proximity, absorptive capacity, and innovation performance of firms陳泓汝 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:地理鄰近性、組織鄰近性、產業網絡、吸收能力、創新績效 / In the knowledge-based economy, innovation has become a key source of firms’ competitive advantage.The process of knowledge creation, transmission, transformation and application promotes the innovative activities. Meanwhile, the link geographical proximity and innovation performance of firms has become a modern issue of regional economic and industrial study. Also, the researchers gradually realized that the heterogeneity of individual firms, and then pay more ateentionon the internal capabilities of individual firms, thence the absorptive capacity seems to be a decisive element.
Our research regards bio-technology industry as the subject promptly.Through sending questionnaires and using factor analysis and structural equation modeling as analysis tool, we observe “proximity” – the nature of geographical proximity and organizational proximity, and how can absorptvie capacity play the interface role between external knowledge and internal capacity, and further connect the external knowledge with internal absorptive capacity and innovation performance.
The major results of study were found:
1. In the respect of external knowledge, geography proximity plays a crucial role in affecting organizational proximity and innovation performance.
2. External knowledge has a positive influence on absorptive capacity.
3. On the other hand, absorptive capacity affects the innovation permance of firms.
4. However, concerning the external knowledge, absorptive capacity results to positive but not significant on innovation performance.It implies that external knowledge directly impacts on innovation performance.
Keyword:Geographical proximity, Organizational proximity, Industerial network, Absorptive capacity, Innovation performance
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影響跨公司合作創新的因素之研究-融合知識基礎觀點與組織學習觀點鄭景華 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 跨公司合作為企業所帶來的創新績效,可以用知識整合的觀點來解釋,當企業知識整合能力越好,跨公司合作創新績效會越好。
2. 知識整合能力受到企業知識吸收能力的影響,吸收能力係企業先前知識的蓄積量,以及應用這些知識的能力之綜合。
3. 知識整合能力亦受到企業與夥伴合作的能力之影響,合作能力包括企業與夥伴建立信任關係,以及溝通、協調的能力。
4. 知識特質受知識整合機制的中介而影響創新績效,跨公司合作所帶來組織的創新績效,主要不受合作所牽涉知識之外顯╱內隱與複雜性特質的影響,必須應知識特質的不同而採取適當的整合機制後,才能因知識整合而產生創新績效。
5. 吸收能力、合作能力與知識整合機制是相互影響的因素,三者形成企業知識整合創新能力的主要構面,是企業追求跨公司合作創新必須重視的要素。 / Inter-firm collaboration has been an important strategy for firms to integrate and apply knowledge among their partners in order to obtain innovation performance under uncertainty circumstances. This study combining the knowledge based view and the organizational learning perspective, considers the innovation performance improvement as the result of knowledge integration. Besides examining the relation between innovation performance and knowledge integration, the purpose of this study is to find the factors influencing inter-firm collaboration performance and the relationships among these factors. The data collecting from Taiwan’s high-tech, information service and finance industry were used in the exploratory and confirmatory phases to evaluate the instruments and test the hypotheses. The conclusions are listed as below:
1. The innovation performance gaining from inter-firm collaboration can be considered as the result of knowledge integration. While the knowledge integration capability of a firm is better, the firm’s innovation performance in inter-firm collaborations will be better too.
2. The knowledge integration capability of a firm is influenced by the absorptive capacity of the firm. And the firm’s absorptive capacity derives from the firm’s prior knowledge accumulation and the capability to apply their knowledge.
3. The knowledge integration capability of a firm is also influenced by their cooperative competency. The cooperative competency is composed of three interrelated facets: trust, communication and coordination.
4. Firm’s innovation performance in an inter-firm collaboration doesn’t directly influenced by the explicit/tacit and complexity characteristics of the knowledge which appeared in the collaboration. To produce innovation performance, knowledge with different characteristics should be integrated by suitable integration mechanisms.
5. Absorptive capacity, corporative competency and knowledge integration mechanism construct firm’s “knowledge integration and innovation capability”, which is important to firm’s innovation performance in inter-firm collaborations.
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吸收能力,網路關係與企業創新之關聯許強, Hsucheang Unknown Date (has links)
第壹章 緒論 6
第一節 研究動機 6
第二節 研究目的與問題 9
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 知識管理理論 12
壹,知識的內涵及分類 12
貳,知識移轉 15
參,知識整合蓄積與擴散 18
肆,知識創造 19
伍,知識管理理論小結 23
第二節 吸收能力理論探討 23
壹,吸收能力定義 23
貳,組織學習理論探討 27
參,吸收能力理論小結 28
第三節 網路關係 29
壹,網路定義 29
貳,網路類型 31
參,網路利益 32
伍,網路關係小結 33
第四節 企業創新 35
壹,創新的定義與分類 35
貳,知識創造與企業創新的影響因素 38
參,企業創新小結 39
第參章 研究方法 40
第一節 研究架構 40
第二節 研究變項 43
壹,影響吸收能力的構面 43
貳,知識網路關係 45
參,影響吸收能力的其他因素 45
肆,吸收能力,知識網路與知識流通間的關聯 47
伍,吸收能力,知識網路與企業創新間的關聯 48
第四節 研究範圍 48
第五節 研究方法 51
第六節 研究限制 52
第肆章 個案分析 53
第一節 專業消費性IC設計業 53
---凌陽科技 53
壹,IC設計產業簡介 53
貳,凌陽科技公司簡介 54
參,吸收能力之構面 58
肆,吸收能力與網路關係之交互關係 63
伍,吸收能力其他影響因數 69
伍,吸收能力,網路關係與知識流通的關係 77
陸,吸收能力,知識網路與企業創新之關聯 77
第貳節 IDM大廠---旺宏電子 85
壹, 旺宏公司簡介 85
貳,吸收能力之構面 86
參,吸收能力與網路關係間之間的交互關係 90
肆,吸收能力其他影響因素 94
伍,吸收能力,網路關係與知識流通之關係 99
陸,吸收能力,網路關係與企業創新之關係 100
第三節 專業記憶體IC設計---鈺創科技 105
壹,記憶體IC產業介紹 106
貳,鈺創科技簡介 107
參,吸收能力之構面 111
肆,吸收能力與網路關係間的交互關係 115
伍,吸收能力其他影響因素 119
陸,吸收能力,網路關係與知識流通間之關係 123
柒,吸收能力,網路關係與企業創新的影響 123
第四節橫跨3C的IC設計公司---瑞昱半導體 127
壹,IC設計產業簡介 128
貳,瑞昱半導體簡介 129
參,吸收能力之構面 134
肆,吸收能力與網路關係間之交互關係 137
伍,吸收能力其他影響因素 142
陸,吸收能力,網路關係與企業創新之關聯 148
第伍章 命題發展 153
第一節 吸收能力影響構面之探討 154
第二節 吸收能力與外部知識網路關係間之交互影響 170
第三節 吸收能力其他影響因素之探討 175
第四節 吸收能力,知識網路關係與知識流通的關聯 182
第五節 吸收能力,知識網路關係與企業創新之關聯 183
第陸章 結論與建議 188
第一節 研究結論 188
第二節 理論與實務含意 195
壹,對理論的貢獻 195
貳,對實務的貢獻 196
第三節,對後續研究的建議 197
第柒章 參考文獻 204
英文部分 204
中文部分 206
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