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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鶯歌陶瓷產業網絡型態及研發之研究 / Study on the Network and Development of Yingge Ceramics Industry

洪茂傑 Unknown Date (has links)
置身於全球化的發展趨勢下,產業更迭快速的今日,知識傳播、延續、管理與創新成為重要課題。為了在快速成長的市場上爭取佔有率,或為了創造新的應用、新的市場,必須採取競爭與成長的手段。基於此一創新概念,由於鶯歌陶瓷產業肇因歷史緣由,致使其產業發展早已融入當地居民日常生活,具在地文化傳統特色,形成獨特的陶瓷文化生活氛圍,並已形成全國聚集規模最大的陶瓷產業區位。爰鎖定在「技術創新」層次,並以鶯歌鎮當地陶瓷廠商為實證對象,聚焦廠商對外網絡連結、內部屬性等兩類面向進行探討實證。 透過對合作內容暨廠商內部職能進行社會合作網絡分析,描繪出鶯歌目前陶瓷產業網絡樣貌外,進一步分析鶯歌陶瓷產業合作網絡各行動者間所處之網絡位置關係,並觀察其創新知識來源。繼之以廠商內在驅力之動機進行鶯歌陶瓷廠商外部合作網絡分類並釐析各廠商內部屬性,運用計量模型來進一步實證分析探討其與創新研發投入曁成效間的關聯性。從創新研發角度出發,觀察各行動者所扮演之角色及其彼此間互動連結關係,並就其影響創新投入暨成效關鍵性因素加以分析探討。 本研究經由上述實證分析鶯歌陶瓷產業後,獲致如下四項結論: 一、現階段主要為大台北地區間產業網絡連結型態,雖具關鍵性行動者,惟未能充分藉助廠商間彼此鄰近的地緣關係達臻知識外溢往來交流,以促使廠商將接收之沉默知識轉化為「再投入」來提升創新成效。 二、工廠規模指標均與創新成效具高度反向相關,而研發部門的設立及充分的研發人力均顯著地正向影響創新成效。 三、透過正式契約所建構的合作網絡並非基於高度信任之創新資訊交流,而非正式的社會關係網絡合作亦僅以行銷能見度及拓展通路之合作交流為主,未能進一步有效地將之挹注於創新研發。 四、當地陶瓷產業網絡尚未形塑高度創新氛圍及環境,惟各家陶瓷工廠內部屬性卻顯著地影響其創新成效,對於促進產業創新研發而言,格外著實重要。 / Propagation, continuity, management, and innovation of knowledge become important themes in the era of the globalization and ever-changing industries. Either for taking more market shares from the fast-growing market or for more new application and new niches, approaches to competitiveness and growth are needed. Yingge ceramics awash with local traditions and a unique culture of its own has a long history of development and hence not only is a part of locals’ daily lives but also becomes the chief ceramics cluster in Taiwan. Therefore, this study looks from the view of “technical innovation” into the ceramics dealers in Yingge and discusses their trade networks and internal attributes. After analyzing the details and internal functions of the cooperation network, this study describes this network in Yingge and then looks closer into the role each industrial party plays in this network, in order to know their sources of knowledge for innovation. Next, based on the ceramics dealers’ innovative motives, external cooperation networks are classified and the dealers’ internal attributes are distinguished. Further, this study adopts a computational model to empirically discuss the correlation between efforts on innovation and effectiveness, and tries to understand the role each industrial party plays in this network and how the parties interact with one another, so as to further probe into factors affecting the said correlation. With the empirical study on Yingge ceramics, this study makes four conclusions: 1.For now, Yingge ceramics industry network is a part of grand Taipei where ceramics dealers are main momentum, but they cannot utilize the geographical intimacy to have knowledge spilled over, so that they can absorb received “tacit knowledge” for more effective innovation. 2.The scale of a factory is highly in inverse proportion to the effectiveness of innovation; the establishment of R&D is directly related to research manpower. 3.That an agreement-based cooperation network without high trust is not for innovative information sharing, and an unofficial cooperation network aims only at higher profile and more outlets, cannot lead to effective innovation 4.Although the external ceramics industry shows no innovative atmosphere and environment, internal attributes of each ceramics factory can significantly influence on the effectiveness of innovation and hence are weighty factors to industry innovation.


黃昱虹 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代中,經由知識的創造、傳遞與應用獲得創新、異質性的知識和技術,對於產業競爭力的提升具有關鍵影響力。而生物科技產業擁有知識密集、產學互動關係密切、重視創新研發活動的特性,亦與本研究關注知識創新活動相符。加上生物科技的發展,不僅是全球大力投入的新興高科技產業,同時也被定位成國家競爭力的新指標。 所以本文即以生物科技產業為對象,從創新系統脈絡所提及的地理鄰近性和網絡關係切入,透過因素分析及系統分析(SEM)方法分別建構出在生技產業中創新系統行動者--廠商、大學和研究機構的知識傳遞路徑模型。透過所建構出的知識傳遞路徑模型,觀察在廠商和學研機構的知識傳遞活動中,同時考量地理鄰近性與網絡因素前提下,兩者對於知識傳遞路徑的影響程度及其所產生直接或間接的影響、與彼此間的因果關係所形成影響路徑的先後順序,以及地理鄰近性和網絡關係間是否可能存有互補或替代關係。更進一步針對產學研三者間的知識傳遞連結關係進行整體性的結構分析。 研究結果發現: 1.知識傳遞路徑確實存在先後因果關係引發對知識取得直接或間接之影響。在廠商模型中只有廠商聚集直接影響知識取得;而學研機構模型中則是由廠商鄰近與產業網絡直接影響知識獲取。並且因為因果關係的存在而形成知識傳遞路徑的先後順序。 2.在兩個知識傳遞路徑模型中,大學與研究機構都扮演主導創新研發活動的重要角色。 3.在廠商模型中,地理鄰近性與網絡存有互補關係,學研機構模型中則否。 4.地理空間的聚集對於廠商和學研機構的知識取得都具有舉足輕重的地位。 / During the era of knowledge-based economy, acquirement of innovative and heterogeneous knowledge by knowledge and technology creating , transmitting and using has key influence to improvement of industry's competitiveness. Characteristics of Biotechnology industry, which conform to this research pays close attention to the knowledge innovation activity are knowledge -intensive , close interactions between industry – university and emphasizing innovative and research development .It is not merely a new developing Hi-Tech industry of global great input, but also the new index of national competitiveness at the same time . This thesis regards biotechnology industry as the research subject promptly, based on viewpoints of geographical proximity and networks to understand the relations between innovative actors -- firm, university and research institution -- and to construct out the route model of transmission through factor analysis and systematic analysis(SEM).According to route model , while observing in the activities of knowledge transmitting, find out the actors’ influence degree and exert a direct or indirect influence in the route model , and try to figure out geographical proximity may be complementary or substitute to the networks. Go still one step further to concern the structure analysis which among the firms, universities and research institutes. The result of study is found: 1.The causality of knowledge transmission exists positively in the route to cause direct or indirect influences on knowledge acquiring and form the priority order .Only it influences knowledge to be obtained directly that the firms gather in firm's model; geographical proximity and firm's network influencing knowledge acquisition directly while learning to university and research institution's model . 2.In both route model, the university and research institution all act as leading actor in innovative activities. 3.In firm's model, the geographical proximity has complementary relations with the network, which has opposite relation in university and research institution's model. 4.The gathering in the geographical space has a very important position in the process of knowledge acquiring to all innovative actors.

艋舺商圈產業網絡與都市再生關係之研究 / The study between Industrial Network Relationship and urban regeneration in Monga commercial district

蔡明穎, Tsai, Ming Ying Unknown Date (has links)
在十九世紀早期工業革命時期,工業國家的主要城市如倫敦、紐約與巴黎,都經歷了快速的都市成長。大量的勞工湧入城市,後來都經歷了由政府主導的大規模都市更新。透過區域、經濟與產業發展,與都市更新、都市再生策略緊密結合,城市競爭力將建立在城市空間的再生之上。 區域與城市經濟結構的重組,使得原本城市車站做為製造業中心或集散中心的功能漸漸消失或沒落。老舊城市的車站周邊出現大量公有/私有閒置建築和土地,或是商圈產業的沒落與凌亂,還有空間上的無組織與去中心化,艋舺商圈正是處在如此的時空之中。 今萬華車站的新建與捷運的連結,以及商圈再造計畫,似乎將為艋舺地區注入一線希望;然而夕陽產業除了觀光資源之外,是否能迎接大量觀光客的衝擊,或是能否承受新產業的入駐;產業聚落的轉型是必然的過程,其須成為能支撐城市發展、創造就業機會的新產業,且城市空間也需要尋求新的意義定位與吸引新住民的進入,都市再生的過程進而能透過中心車站的重新發展,逐步轉為重視歷史文化、街區紋理、文化創意、引進投資與創業機會等等,讓老舊的街區重新轉型。 透過產業群聚理論及地方經濟發展體系架構,以都市再生策略研究艋舺商圈區內產業聚落與空間連結關係,進而分析艋舺商圈產業與未來經濟發展之網絡與空間樣貌;以中萬華的艋舺商圈,從歷史地理脈絡、傳統/創意產業、基地空間特性、規劃政策與實施框架等面向,梳理台北市如何從老舊街區串連多元空間/產業網絡而讓都市再生成為永續發展的城市。

鄰近性、吸收能力與廠商創新績效之研究 / Proximity, absorptive capacity, and innovation performance of firms

陳泓汝 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟的時代,創新已成為廠商競爭優勢的主要來源。知識的創造、傳遞、轉化和應用,促成廠商創新活動的產生。同時,連結地域空間與廠商創新績效的研究,已成為近代區域經濟與產業發展的重要議題。又,研究者逐漸意識到廠商個體的異質性,進而探求個別廠商的內部能力,吸收能力即成為研究焦點之一。 基此,本研究以全台灣生物技術產業為研究對象,透過廠商問卷之發放,運用因素分析與結構方程模型為分析工具,探討鄰近性-地理鄰近性和組織鄰近性的內涵,以及吸收能力如何扮演外部知識與廠商內部能力的介面,並結合外部知識、內部吸收能力與創新績效之影響路徑。 所得結果如下: 1.從外部知識層面,地理鄰近性扮演重要角色。對於組織鄰近性、創新績效有正面影響效果。其中,組織鄰近性隱含了組織網絡與社會網絡的成分; 2.觀察外部知識與內部能力的連結,外部知識獲取對於吸收能力有正面影響效果; 3.吸收能力對於創新績效亦有正向影響關係; 4.然而,考量到外部知識因素時,吸收能力對於創新績效的效果轉為正向卻不顯著,外部知識直接影響創新績效。 關鍵字:地理鄰近性、組織鄰近性、產業網絡、吸收能力、創新績效 / In the knowledge-based economy, innovation has become a key source of firms’ competitive advantage.The process of knowledge creation, transmission, transformation and application promotes the innovative activities. Meanwhile, the link geographical proximity and innovation performance of firms has become a modern issue of regional economic and industrial study. Also, the researchers gradually realized that the heterogeneity of individual firms, and then pay more ateentionon the internal capabilities of individual firms, thence the absorptive capacity seems to be a decisive element. Our research regards bio-technology industry as the subject promptly.Through sending questionnaires and using factor analysis and structural equation modeling as analysis tool, we observe “proximity” – the nature of geographical proximity and organizational proximity, and how can absorptvie capacity play the interface role between external knowledge and internal capacity, and further connect the external knowledge with internal absorptive capacity and innovation performance. The major results of study were found: 1. In the respect of external knowledge, geography proximity plays a crucial role in affecting organizational proximity and innovation performance. 2. External knowledge has a positive influence on absorptive capacity. 3. On the other hand, absorptive capacity affects the innovation permance of firms. 4. However, concerning the external knowledge, absorptive capacity results to positive but not significant on innovation performance.It implies that external knowledge directly impacts on innovation performance. Keyword:Geographical proximity, Organizational proximity, Industerial network, Absorptive capacity, Innovation performance

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