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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

廠商技術創新與文化創意活動之關係-台灣地區製造業之實證分析 / Relationships between technology innovation and creative activities-an empirical study of manufacturing industries in Taiwan

張駿義 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來文化創意已逐漸成為顯學。英國政府於1997年首先定義「創意產業」(Creative Industry),並制訂政策致力發展之。從文化創意產業被獨立為一個研究領域並大量討論後,也有學者開始關心文化創意產業與其他產業創新的關係。 在企業的行銷創新中,也能看到文化創意的影子。吳思華等(2008)所進行之台灣地區第二次產業創新活動調查中,將創新分為技術創新與非技術創新。非技術創新中又分為組織創新與行銷創新。行銷創新再細分為六項:產品外觀形象設計、包裝、銷售通路、產品展示方式/管道、訂價付款方式,廣告促銷推廣。其中外觀形象設計、包裝、廣告促銷推廣,這三項行銷創新活動的內容,正是文化創意產業分類中的廣告、設計業的活動內容。由此觀之,廣告、設計等文化創意活動與企業創新的關連性也因此不言可喻。 本研究由廣告、設計,與包裝的面向來切入,探討這些文化創意活動與企業技術創新的關連;此外也提出廠商特性與市場方面之相關因素加入自變數中,使分析內容更為豐富周全。而為了從不同產業的角度看文化創意之相關連結,且因為製造業在台灣產業中的重要性,故選擇此產業為研究對象。 本研究分析方法採用logistic迴歸,實證結果為: 1. 廠商特性之規模因素對廠商進行文化創意活動之傾向較不相關,自有品牌則有相關。 2. 市場因素對廠商進行文化創意活動之傾向有顯著相關。 3. 產品創新因素對廠商進行文化創意活動之傾向非常相關,製程創新則較不相關。 / The study on Creative industries has been raging for a decade. The Government of Unite Kingdom came up with the first definition of creative industries and formulated policies to develop the industries, other countries defined their own definitions afterwards. Recently, researchers started to study about the relationships between creative industries and innovation in other industries. Se-Hwa Wu(2008)classified marketing innovation as six criteria: design, packaging, channel, display, advertising, and pricing. Among the six criteria, design, packaging, advertising are intrinsically the activities implemented in the core creative industries. As the same concept of the relationships between creative industries and innovation in other industries, there might be connections between these creative activities and innovations in enterprises. The main purpose of this research is to find out relationships between technology innovation and creative activities of design, packaging, and advertising. To enhance the quality of this study, four other variables obtained from literature review are taken into account. Due to the importance of manufacturing industries in Taiwan, this study uses firms of manufacturing industries in Taiwan as samples. The main findings of this research are as below: 1. OBM has significant relationship with creative activities while sales does not. 2. Market factors have significant relationship with creative activities. 3. Product innovation has strong relationship with creative activities while process innovation does not.

兩國模型下R&D 競爭對國際貿易之影響 / The Effect of R&D Competition on International Trate in a Two Country Model

張靜玫, Ching Mei Chang Unknown Date (has links)
傳統Heckscher-Ohlin 理論認為要素稟賦之差異形成各國相對比較利益 貿易型態乃因而決定。綜觀國際經濟現況,技術創新對於國際貿易的影 響 益重大,本研究為納入此一論點,乃就傳統之H-O模型中,加入一R&D 部門試圖推衍一較完整之理論模型,可兼顧技術創新對國際貿易之影響與 一般衡之完整性:為顧及一般均衡,R&D 部門以預期值來處理,使得本文 得以用靜態分析來探討相關議題。在強調R&D 特性--外部性(外溢效果、 競爭效果)及不確定性之際,本研推導出納入研發部門時之一般均衡分析 ,並適時與傳統貿易理論相對照,觀察R&D 部門之影響程度。進而著重於 研發部門之討論,探究保護措施及他產業之特性對其規模之影響,以及各 國如何選定最適保護智慧財產權的策。

筆記型電腦代工產業的技術創新之研究-以C公司為例 / The technical innovation study of notebook ODM industry- by C company

潘惠仁 Unknown Date (has links)
2010年蘋果將已知技術配合使用介面的改變,推出一個全新手持行動裝置「iPAD」平板電腦後,iPAD改變了人們以往對筆記型電腦使用的高度依賴,iPAD平板電腦創造了一個新市場,同樣的它也重挫了筆記型電腦現有的市場。全球主要品牌筆記型電腦的生產大都以ODM代工模式進行,90%的訂單掌握在台灣ODM廠商手中。面對這樣產業的改變,臺灣的筆記型電腦ODM廠商如何透過技術創新來改變現況是本研究所探討。經由對筆記型電腦主要的ODM廠商「C公司」探討,本研究結論如下: 1. 筆記型電腦代工廠商與他重要的品牌客戶對新產品技術的看法會是一致的。 2. 筆記型電腦代工廠商會為重要客戶建立專屬研發、業務團隊,全權處理所有專屬客戶的一切業務要求。 3. 筆記型電腦代工廠商大都採用矩陣式組織管理來進行產品開發管理。 4. 筆記型電腦代工廠商在整個筆記型電腦產業扮演的是技術「跟隨者」角色而非產業的技術「領導者」角色。 5. 筆記型電腦代工廠商的研發團隊較重視零組件的關鍵技術開發。 6. 筆記型電腦代工廠商在技術創新的三個階段中,集中在「產品創新」階段。

日常生活中的科技實踐:以台北市YouBike系統為例 / Practice of Technology in Everyday Life: the YouBike System in Taipei

呂采穎, Lu, Tsai Ying Unknown Date (has links)
市區型公共自行車系統(YouBike)在台北市的發展如何可能?本研究採用行動者網絡理論(Actor-Network Theory)的分析取徑,透過追隨網絡裡人與非人行動者的實作軌跡,攤開YouBike自民國98年至今將近7年的網絡鋪陳,並重新檢視YouBike網絡發生轉變的三個關鍵時刻:技術移轉、重新組裝與創造市場。首先,地方政府作為早期關鍵行動者,藉由一連串的轉譯(translate)工作將全球性的問題化作台北市的問題,從而位移(displace)市場、政府與業界的力量,讓YouBike成為問題的唯一解方。而後信義區試營運時期,捷安特重新配置他方(台北市早期河濱與他國)的公共自行車技術要件,展現出技術自由連結(free association)的特性。最後本文主張,民國101年擴大營運後YouBike所經歷的劇烈轉折,乃因其以專業/業餘市場區分,取代了自行車市場既有的通勤/休閒定位,甚至影響到一般販賣低階車款的自行車零售商。從移轉他方知識,到成為全球公共自行車系統典範之一,YouBike案例亦讓我們看見台灣以代工起家的技術能力創新之可能。 / How is it possible to set up an urban public system such as YouBike in Taipei? According to actor-network theory, I expose the extending passage of YouBike network since 2009, exploring the trajectories of human and non-human actors involved in the process. I highlight three significant moments of the YouBike development: technology transferring, elements reassembling, and market creating. First, by way of translating the global concern to a local debate and mobilizing triple forces of market, government, and industries, as an important translator, Taipei city government advocated the YouBike as the only solution. Second, the Giant Bicycle applied the experience of public bicycle system learning from the abroad and the operation of riverside bike rental system in Taipei to the trial run of YouBike in Xinyi district. It shows a “free association” of technology. Finally, this study argues a dramatic transition of YouBike happened when the system expanded after 2012. YouBike network creates a new market based on professional and amateur bikers that change a traditional idea assuming the YouBiker’s motivation are only for commuting and recreation. Furthermore, this change even decreases sales of low-end bikes. In the making of YouBike, we see how Giant Bicycle is able to transfer abroad knowledge and becomes a paradigm in the global public bicycle business. It has been forecasted the potential of technological innovation in Taiwan (a country starts from OEM).

R &D 部門工作環境對技術創新之影響

張鴻文, ZHANG, HONG-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
論文,分六章二十一節,約五萬字,共壹冊,扼要內容說明如后: 研究發展部門是科技公司的主體,其產出一技術創新更關係著整公司未來的生存與成 長。因此,科技公司的管理人員所面臨最大的挑戰,莫過於如何激勵研究發展部門人 員,以孕育更多的技術創新。根據許多學者研究結果發現,研究人員所處的工作環境 是影響技術創新的最大因素,並且存在著顯著的正相關。本研究的目的,在探討國內 科技公司研究發展部門的技術創新,是否亦受其所處工作環境的影響,其關係為何, 又如何改變工作環境中的各個變數,去創造一個合適的工作環境,以孕育更多的技術 創新,來維持科技公司的領導地位。

鶯歌陶瓷產業網絡型態及研發之研究 / Study on the Network and Development of Yingge Ceramics Industry

洪茂傑 Unknown Date (has links)
置身於全球化的發展趨勢下,產業更迭快速的今日,知識傳播、延續、管理與創新成為重要課題。為了在快速成長的市場上爭取佔有率,或為了創造新的應用、新的市場,必須採取競爭與成長的手段。基於此一創新概念,由於鶯歌陶瓷產業肇因歷史緣由,致使其產業發展早已融入當地居民日常生活,具在地文化傳統特色,形成獨特的陶瓷文化生活氛圍,並已形成全國聚集規模最大的陶瓷產業區位。爰鎖定在「技術創新」層次,並以鶯歌鎮當地陶瓷廠商為實證對象,聚焦廠商對外網絡連結、內部屬性等兩類面向進行探討實證。 透過對合作內容暨廠商內部職能進行社會合作網絡分析,描繪出鶯歌目前陶瓷產業網絡樣貌外,進一步分析鶯歌陶瓷產業合作網絡各行動者間所處之網絡位置關係,並觀察其創新知識來源。繼之以廠商內在驅力之動機進行鶯歌陶瓷廠商外部合作網絡分類並釐析各廠商內部屬性,運用計量模型來進一步實證分析探討其與創新研發投入曁成效間的關聯性。從創新研發角度出發,觀察各行動者所扮演之角色及其彼此間互動連結關係,並就其影響創新投入暨成效關鍵性因素加以分析探討。 本研究經由上述實證分析鶯歌陶瓷產業後,獲致如下四項結論: 一、現階段主要為大台北地區間產業網絡連結型態,雖具關鍵性行動者,惟未能充分藉助廠商間彼此鄰近的地緣關係達臻知識外溢往來交流,以促使廠商將接收之沉默知識轉化為「再投入」來提升創新成效。 二、工廠規模指標均與創新成效具高度反向相關,而研發部門的設立及充分的研發人力均顯著地正向影響創新成效。 三、透過正式契約所建構的合作網絡並非基於高度信任之創新資訊交流,而非正式的社會關係網絡合作亦僅以行銷能見度及拓展通路之合作交流為主,未能進一步有效地將之挹注於創新研發。 四、當地陶瓷產業網絡尚未形塑高度創新氛圍及環境,惟各家陶瓷工廠內部屬性卻顯著地影響其創新成效,對於促進產業創新研發而言,格外著實重要。 / Propagation, continuity, management, and innovation of knowledge become important themes in the era of the globalization and ever-changing industries. Either for taking more market shares from the fast-growing market or for more new application and new niches, approaches to competitiveness and growth are needed. Yingge ceramics awash with local traditions and a unique culture of its own has a long history of development and hence not only is a part of locals’ daily lives but also becomes the chief ceramics cluster in Taiwan. Therefore, this study looks from the view of “technical innovation” into the ceramics dealers in Yingge and discusses their trade networks and internal attributes. After analyzing the details and internal functions of the cooperation network, this study describes this network in Yingge and then looks closer into the role each industrial party plays in this network, in order to know their sources of knowledge for innovation. Next, based on the ceramics dealers’ innovative motives, external cooperation networks are classified and the dealers’ internal attributes are distinguished. Further, this study adopts a computational model to empirically discuss the correlation between efforts on innovation and effectiveness, and tries to understand the role each industrial party plays in this network and how the parties interact with one another, so as to further probe into factors affecting the said correlation. With the empirical study on Yingge ceramics, this study makes four conclusions: 1.For now, Yingge ceramics industry network is a part of grand Taipei where ceramics dealers are main momentum, but they cannot utilize the geographical intimacy to have knowledge spilled over, so that they can absorb received “tacit knowledge” for more effective innovation. 2.The scale of a factory is highly in inverse proportion to the effectiveness of innovation; the establishment of R&D is directly related to research manpower. 3.That an agreement-based cooperation network without high trust is not for innovative information sharing, and an unofficial cooperation network aims only at higher profile and more outlets, cannot lead to effective innovation 4.Although the external ceramics industry shows no innovative atmosphere and environment, internal attributes of each ceramics factory can significantly influence on the effectiveness of innovation and hence are weighty factors to industry innovation.

臺北市立圖書館館員對組織創新與組織效能認知之研究 / The Librarian Cognition of the Organizational Innovation and Effectiveness of Taipei Public Library

羅素貞 Unknown Date (has links)
受新公共管理思潮影響,政府組織部門近年積極向企業私部門學習 創新改革,惟創新範圍與方式廣泛,且隨組織結構及需求不同而有所差 異。就組織經營管理內涵而言,創新的引用涵括了管理創新與技術創新, 主要目的乃在回應外在環境變遷及需求,並藉由資源的重新整合與運作 ,以提升組織內部整合及外部生存之有效運作,亦即達成整體組織效能 之有效發揮。 本研究以臺北市立圖書館為研究主體,以服務之館員為實證對象 ,同時以組織創新、組織效能及人口統計資料為研究變項,歸納研究架 構,旨在探討: 一、臺北市立圖書館館員對組織創新認知程度 二、臺北市立圖書館館員對組織效能認知程度 三、臺北市立圖書館不同背景之館員對組織創新認知差異情形 四、臺北市立圖書館不同背景之館員對組織效能認知差異情形 五、臺北市立圖書館組織創新與組織的相關性 本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,經篩取有效樣本265份,並以SPSS for Windows 12.0統計軟體進行資料分析,研究結果發現: 一、不同年齡館員對組織創新、組織效能認知程度具顯著差異。 二、不同服務年資館員對組織創新、組織效能認知程度具顯著差異。 三、不同工作職位館員對組織創新程度具顯著差異,但對組織效能則無 顯著差異。 四、圖書館組織創新各構面與組織效能各構面具有顯著相關。 關鍵字:組織創新、技術創新、管理創新、組織效能 / Under the impact of the new public management ideas, government departments have been actively learning innovative reforms from the private sector in recent years. But the scope and ways of innovation are broad and multiple and they vary when the organizational structures and needs have changed. As for the content of the operational management of an organization, innovative applications cover managerial and technological innovation. The main purpose is to respond to a changed external environment and its needs. Organizations increase their internal integration and external survival and achieve higher organizational efficiency through the renewed integration and operation of resources. This study mainly focuses on the Taipei City Library and makes its librarians as the empirical objects. At the same time, organizational innovation, effectiveness and demographic information are used as variables and the research structure is summarized to example: 1.The level of cognition over organizational innovation of the librarians of the Taipei City Library. 2.The level of cognition over organizational effectiveness of the librarians of the Taipei City Library. 3.The different cognition over organizational innovation among the librarians of the Taipei City Library. 4.The different cognition over organizational effectiveness among the librarians of the Taipei City Library. 5.The connection between the organizational innovation and effectiveness of the Taipei City Library. This study has used a questionnaire to collect information, which includes 265 valid samples selected from a poll and has been analyzed by the statistics software SPSS for Windows 12.0. The study has found: 1.Librarians of different ages have significantly different cognition over organizational innovation and effectiveness. 2.Librarians of different seniorities have significantly different cognition over organizational innovation and effectiveness. 3.Librarians of different positions have significantly different cognition over organizational innovation but not significantly different cognition over organizational effectiveness. 4.Library’s organizational innovative dimensions and effective dimensions are significantly correlation. Keywords: Organizational innovation; technological innovation; managerial innovation; organizational effectiveness


吳怡靜, Wu, I-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
因應全世界電信自由化潮流,台灣自1997年開始解禁電信事業,開放民營,其相關產業-通訊產業更因此而相繼頭角崢嶸、蓬勃發展,通訊產業已然繼半導體產業之後成為二十一世紀的明星產業。  本研究採取個案訪談方式,探討台灣地區通訊產業的技術創新策略與績效表現間的關聯性,以及外部環境如何影響廠商對技術創新策略組合的選擇與績效表現。由於通訊產業涵蓋範圍極廣,因此根據有線、無線傳輸方式、其間子產業的特性以及上、下游廠商可能的關聯性,將其細分為通訊原料、微波通訊、行動通訊、寬頻通訊、光纖通訊、電信服務等六大類,因行動通訊部份無法找到配合訪談廠商因此作罷,然因此部份研究近來亦頗為盛行,讀者或可從其他相關文獻一窺端倪。除實際深度探訪九家個案公司之外,亦蒐集相關產業資料以資比對,因而歸納、推導出以下結論:  一、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別而採行不同的技術創新策略組合,明顯地可以劃分出三種組合,分別是「冒險型」、「積極型」與「穩健型」,另有一種「模仿跟進型」,通常於成熟期產業可發現,並未出現在本研究個案中。訪談結果發現當企業採行冒險或積極型態的策略組合時,其績效表現會優於同類型產業的平均水準。  二、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別,具有不同的子產業特性,因而具有不盡相同的外部環境,明顯地可以劃分出四種類型的外部環境。分別是第一類的高度動態、高度競爭與高度異質性;第二類的高度動態、高度競爭與中度異質性;第三類的高度動態、中度競爭與中度異質性;第四類的中度動態、中度競爭與中度異質性。  三、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別,或為因應身處不同類型的外部環境,因而採取不同積極程度的技術創新策略組合,以求取最佳績效表現。訪談結果發現在第一類與第三類環境下採取冒險型的策略組合,以及在第二類與第四類環境下採取積極型態的策略組合,皆具有不錯的績效表現。  綜上所述,我們可看出通訊產業內廠商除應瞭解本身所屬專業領域特質、所處子產業細部環境的變動情況,更應慎選合適的技術創新策略組合,以為企業謀取最大、最佳的績效表現。 / Communication Industry has become the leading industry in 21st century in Taiwan ever since the deregulation of telecommunication in Taiwan. In order to investigate the relationship between the technology innovation strategy conducted by the Communication Industry and firm's performance, as well as the impact of environment as a moderator to the relationship between technology innovation strategy and performance, we have conducted the research by case study. As the widespread coverage of Communication Industry, we roughly classify the industry into six categories including communication chip, microwave communication, mobile communication, broadband communication, fiber communication and telecommunication service based on the way of transmission and vertical relationship in industry. However, mobile communication was not interviewed due to reasons. In addition to the findings from case study, we also collect the specific industry information for cross reference. Research findings are described as follows: 1. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry conduct numerous portfolio of technology innovation strategy. There are three types of portfolio formed, which are adventurous, aggressive and conservative type. The findings show that the financial performance will be better than the industry average when companies adopt adventurous or aggressive portfolio.  2. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry face various types of competitive environment; we find four types of environment formed. The environment are measured by three dimensions including dynamism, hostility, and heterogeneity which impact are distinguished into three levels, high, moderate, and low separately. The first type is high in three dimensions. The second is the same as the first one except its heterogeneity is moderate. The third is high in dynamism, moderate in hostility and in heterogeneity. The fourth is all-moderate.  3. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry have various types of competitive environment;therefore they have to conduct different portfolio of technology innovation strategy for best performance. The findings show that companies adopt the adventurous portfolio under the first and the third type of environment, and companies adopt the aggressive portfolio under the second and fourth type will have better financial performance.  To sum up, we suggest the Communication Industry know clearly about the competitive environment and its characteristics before conducting an appropriate portfolio of technology innovation strategy to acquire the best financial performance.

資訊服務業技術創新策略與績效關連性之研究 / A Performance Study on Information Service Industry Technology Innovation Strategy

黃敏慧, Huang, Min-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
近年來以技術為主要生產因素的高科技產業帶動全球經濟的發展,而建設台灣成為綠色矽島是政府揭櫫的產業發展方向,也是台灣未來產業生存的利基所在。資訊服務業屬於高科技產業之一,在網際網路蓬勃發展之下,各個市場區隔潛藏著無限商機。而如何透過策略的制定以取得競爭優勢,技術創新策略的考量是重點之一。 本研究將技術創新策略以策略觀點進行探討,並深入探討技術創新策略與績效之關連性,以及外在產業環境對此關連性之影響。本研究之技術策略構面包含內部研發、產品升級、智慧財產權、突破性創新產品、外部技術來源等技術創新策略;產業環境構面探討外在產業環境之異質性、變動性、競爭性等;績效構面包含投資報酬率、市場佔有率及營業額等。 研究成果發現技術創新策略會對績效產生影響,且採用積極預應型之技術創新策略之績效優於採用消極反應型之技術創新策略。就技術創新策略與環境配合而言,採用積極預應型技術創新策略配合高不確定產業環境之企業,其績效最佳。 / The high-tech industries with technology as the main production factor bring the great economic growth around the world. Information service industry is one of the high-tech industries and there is potential profit in every market segment with the fast developing Internet application. Technology innovation strategy is the key strategy to gain the competitive advantage. In this research, we explore the relationship between the technology innovation strategy and performance and the moderating role of external environment. The technology innovation strategy construct contains R&D spending level, product upgrade, intellectual property right, radical innovations, and external technology sources. The environment construct contains heterogeneity, dynamism, hostility. The performance construct contains return on investment, market share, and sales revenue. The result shows that technology innovation strategy affect the performance. Companies with the pioneer technology innovation posture have better performance than the follower. The pioneer technology innovation posture fit with uncertain environment will have the best performance.

工業4.0下企業技術創新活動影響因素之探討 / How does Industry 4.0 affect the industrial practices of technological innovation?

李明濬, Lee, Ming Jiunn Unknown Date (has links)
製造業是台灣經濟發展的重點產業,科技快速的發展加速工業技術的革新,面對全球的競爭,我國製造業需透過持續的創新來維持其在國際上的競爭地位。工業4.0下的技術創新即是製造業在尋求發展與成長的最佳動能。近年來的文獻多半針對工業4.0的概念進行介紹,較少研究工業4.0這個新興的議題,亦較少談論企業如何進行工業4.0的技術創新活動。本研究藉由個案訪談了解我國企業在面對工業技術快速變化之下,推動工業4.0技術創新活動的實際作為,並以「組織方式」與「知識管理」兩大構面為主軸,針對我國三家在不同產業中具優異表現的公司進行研究,得到了以下的結論: 結論一:企業在推動工業4.0下的技術創新活動時,會從公司內部原有業務內容進行延伸,依產業類別的不同而有不同的發展方向。 結論二:企業推動工業4.0技術創新活動的團隊,會具有較高的權力層級及跨功 能整合程度,且團隊領導者特別強調溝通與整合的能力。 結論三:企業在整合工業4.0相關知識時,會同時強調整合的廣度與深度。 最後,本研究提出對於產業實務上以及後續學術研究上的建議。 / Manufacturing industry is one of the backbones of Taiwanese economy. As the rapid development of technology accelerates the innovation of industry, Taiwan’s manufacturing should be more aggressive in innovation in order to maintain its competitiveness in the global world. “Industry 4.0” provides the best opportunity for manufacturing companies for growth. In the past few years, the research and studies of Industry 4.0 focused more on providing an overall preliminary introduce and rarely mention how companies can apply it to the innovation activities. This study aims to investigate the actual responses of companies while doing technology innovation activities in "Industry 4.0". A framework with two major constructs: organizing, knowledge management is adopted for this study. And three leading companies in different industry are selected. Three conclusions from this study are as follows: 1. Enterprises that promote Industry 4.0 technology innovation activities will be usually extended from their existing business, and have different direction for business development according to their industry types. 2. Enterprises that promote Industry 4.0 technology innovation activities will require the responsible teams to have higher level of authority and cross functional integration. The ability to communicate and integrate will be also emphasized by the team leaders. 3. The breadth and depth of integration will be emphasized when the enterprises try to integrate the related knowledge of Industry 4.0. Finally, there are some recommendations for industry and follow-up researcher.

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