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設備供應商實施工業4.0轉型之研究 -以A公司為例 / A Research of implementation of Industry 4.0 transformation by equipment suppliers -Case study of Company A潘佳憶 Unknown Date (has links)
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工業4.0與作業價值管理(AVM)之結合 / The integration of Industry 4.0 and Activity Value Management林上育, Lin, Shang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究以管理議題作為工業4.0與作業價值管理結合之方式,並擬定各管理議題之資訊,使工業4.0下之公司能夠即時獲得原因型與結果型之整合性資訊,以利其即時作出良好之管理決策。 / Industry 4.0 only puts emphasis on acquiring real-time cause information, which is the cause of the causality, e.g., quality, time, and capacity. However, the cause information is not sufficient for the managers to make good decisions. By obtaining complete information, i.e., cause and effect information, the decision-makers would have a comprehensive perspective to evaluate the situation and then make effective decisions. Therefore, this study adopts management issues to integrate Industry 4.0 and AVM, and defines information for a variety of management issues for the Industry 4.0 companies to access the complete information to make a better management decision immediately.
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自動化流程機器人與人工智慧發展之探討 / The Research of Robotic Process Automation Optimization and Artificial Intelligence Development李龍憲, Lee, Lung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
自動化流程機器人(Robotic Process Automation)能自動的管理並執行企業大量耗費時間與人力的業務流程,可用於客戶服務、人力管理、供應鏈管理、採購、會計等範疇。物聯網(IoT)時代下的機器人自動化流程加入了認知運算等新興技術,更能進一步提升企業效率並降低成本。自動化流程機器人(Robotic Process Automation)儼然成下一個新的生產力革命。
市場研究機構IDC預測,2017年全球在認知和人工智慧系統支出將達到125億美元,和2016年相比成長達59.3%。Google母公司Alphabet公開測試無人駕駛汽車、阿里宣佈投資千億成立達摩院、百度機器人入駐肯德基等等。人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)將顛覆商業思維、改寫商業模式。在2020年,人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)將成為市場上真正的「主流」技術思維。IDC並且認為亞洲將在2020年成為全球第二大認知與人工智慧輸出區域。
本文探討自動化流程機器人與人工智慧之間的關聯,以及流程優化後對企業所產生的影響與變革.並且針對個案的自動化解決方案所達到的效益與後續發展進行評估與檢討,藉以提升自動化解決方案,協助企業在未來挑戰的競爭環境中創造最佳化優勢. / “The Economist” stated in 2017 that “the world’s most precious resource is no longer oil but data”. With the advent of the Internet of Things, industrial applications have begun to integrate various technologies and set off a new wave of industrial revolution. Because of a large amount of automation and data, in addition to upgrading automation soluitons, integrating netcom systems, and monitoring the big data generated by the solutions, analysis is performed through industrial computers, and conditions are generated through the logic judgment of artificial intelligence, and then the solutions autonomously handles various processes. It can produce better products, optimize the process and reduce business costs to focus on automation of big data and to save a lot of labor hiring.
Robotic Process Automation can automate the management and execution of a large number of business processes that consume time and manpower, and can be used in areas such as customer service, manpower management, supply chain management, procurement, finance and accounting. The robotic automation process in the Internet of Things (IoT) era has added emerging technologies such as cognitive computing to further enhance the efficiency of enterprises and to reduce costs. Robotic Process Automation becomes the next new productivity revolution.
In 2017, marketing research firm, IDC, predicts that global spendings on cognitive and artificial intelligence systems will reach US$12.5 billion, which represents a growth of 59.3% compared to 2016. Google, the parent company of Alphabet, publicly tests driverless cars, Ali announced that it has invested 100 billion to establish Daruma House, Baidu Robots has settled in Kentucky. Artificial Intelligence will disrupt business thinking and rewrite business models. In 2020, Artificial Intelligence will become the real "mainstream" technical thinking in the market. IDC also believes that Asia will become the world’s second largest cognitive and artificial intelligence output region in 2020.
The article discusses the relationships between robotic process automation and artificial intelligence, and also the impact and changes after implementing the solutions. It has also evaluated and reviewed the effectiveness and following development of the automated solutions, so as to enhance the values of automation solutions and to help companies create optimal advantages in the future challenging and competitive environment.
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工業4.0下企業技術創新活動影響因素之探討 / How does Industry 4.0 affect the industrial practices of technological innovation?李明濬, Lee, Ming Jiunn Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究提出對於產業實務上以及後續學術研究上的建議。 / Manufacturing industry is one of the backbones of Taiwanese economy. As the rapid development of technology accelerates the innovation of industry, Taiwan’s manufacturing should be more aggressive in innovation in order to maintain its competitiveness in the global world. “Industry 4.0” provides the best opportunity for manufacturing companies for growth. In the past few years, the research and studies of Industry 4.0 focused more on providing an overall preliminary introduce and rarely mention how companies can apply it to the innovation activities. This study aims to investigate the actual responses of companies while doing technology innovation activities in "Industry 4.0". A framework with two major constructs: organizing, knowledge management is adopted for this study. And three leading companies in different industry are selected. Three conclusions from this study are as follows:
1. Enterprises that promote Industry 4.0 technology innovation activities will be usually extended from their existing business, and have different direction for business development according to their industry types.
2. Enterprises that promote Industry 4.0 technology innovation activities will require the responsible teams to have higher level of authority and cross functional integration. The ability to communicate and integrate will be also emphasized by the team leaders.
3. The breadth and depth of integration will be emphasized when the enterprises try to integrate the related knowledge of Industry 4.0.
Finally, there are some recommendations for industry and follow-up researcher.
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工業4.0的浪潮下台灣電子代工廠轉型策略之研究 / A study on EMS Company transformational strategies under industry 4.0 trend趙韻毅, Chao, Yuni Unknown Date (has links)
透過案例分析,本研究針對代工廠的轉型策略提出以下幾點建議:一、導入自動化生產,進一步提高生產效率以及降低生產成本。二、全球製造板塊移動,代工企業從生產製造走向技術服務,善用以人為中心的技術與服務,致力於發展關鍵技術。三、轉型勢在必行,調整策略符合市場需求,將技術導向的研發轉向消費者導向的創新,開創產業的新價值。 / The timing of conducting this study is that EMS providers in Taiwan encounter the slow growth of market demand as well as China’s taking over the leading role of the world factory gradually. Moreover, the conventionally vertical Taiwan-China collaboration turns out horizontal competition increasingly. Over decades, thanks to competitive advantages of relatively low labor cost, raw material cost and land acquired cost, Taiwan PC manufacturing providers dominated in the market. However, the previously-mentioned advantages are approximately disappearing.
The objectives of this study are to discuss the potential impact of macro-environment change to electronic manufacturers and their counter actions to the impact. Hopefully, these players can not only cask off conventional manufacturing stereotype but also search optimal transformational strategies through core resource approach to embrace the waves of Industry 4.0.
By demonstrating some cases, the suggestions of transformational strategy for Taiwan EMS providers are as follows: firstly, the introduction of manufacturing automation and then the improvement of manufacturing efficiency and cost reduction; secondly, turning past-manufacturing-centered toward human-centered technologies and services, dedicated to developing critical technologies; lastly, initiating meeting market-needed strategies, shifting technology-driven research and development to customer-driven innovation and creating values of the industry.
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以服務設計思維建構專業代工緯創的未來 / The Future of Wistron through the Service Design Lens劉昌奇, Liu, Chang Chi Unknown Date (has links)
「台灣的代工製造產業應該如何發展」的問題,是困擾PC產業的管理難題,特別是在公司面臨產品成熟、訂單驟減、毛利下滑的時刻。所有台灣的代工製造產業亟思轉型的方法和方向,但是轉型到的新的產品市場或產品也是非常複雜、動態、多重因素多相互依存及影響。屬於複雜難解的問題(Wicked Problem)、問題本身都還需要定義及釐清。本論文將列出想解決的議題並定義為服務設計的議題。
因此本研究的服務設計議題(Service Design Challenge)可定義如下:「以服務設計思維建構專業代工緯創的未來」。本論文經由訪談傳統PC產業的品牌公司、IC供應商、作業系統公司和工業PC的公司,研究過程藉由運用服務設計(Service Design)手法並發掘洞見(Insights)與價值,據此將真正符合客戶需求,在找出表面及深層需求後、設計新的服務模式,得到其反饋之後再修正設計;接著結合最新科技趨勢,例如:物聯網、工業4.0、感測器和機器手臂,以提供客戶安心的代工服務;最後希望藉由改變運營模式,達到緯創成功轉型的目標。
雖然新的科技尚未成熟,只要方向正確,這些模式或能力成熟後,可以快速讓公司保持彈性,能充分利用的資源,進行個別化差異設計。 / “How to develop the ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) industry in Taiwan” is plagued by PC industry management problems, especially for those companies facing product maturity, orders plummeted and the decline in gross margin. The ODM in Taiwan is trying to change the way and direction, but the transition to the new product market or product is very complex, dynamic and involves multiple inter-dependent factors. It is a complex problem (Wicked Problem), and the problem itself also needs to be defined and clarified. The aim of this thesis is to address and define the issues through the lens of service design.
Therefore, our Service Design Challenge Problems can be defined as: “The Future of Wistron through the Service Design Lens". This thesis, through interviews with traditional PC industry brand companies, IC suppliers, operating systems companies and industrial PC companies, adopts the research process of the service design approach and explores the insights and value, which will truly meet Customer needs, identify the surface and deep demand, attain the design of new service model, and integrate the latest technology trends, such as Internet of things, industry 4.0, the sensor and the robot arm, in order to provide customers with reliable and assured ODM services. Our final hope is to change the operating mode and achieve a successful Enterprise Transformation of Wistron.
Although the new technology is not yet mature, as long as the direction is correct in light of these models or abilities to mature, the company can remain flexible, make full use of resources, and create individualized design differences.
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雲端ERP帶動傳統產業生產力升級之個案分析 / A Case Study on the Cloud ERP for Enhancing Productivity of of Traditional Industry江若綸, Chiang, Juo-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討生產力4.0計畫推進ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, Gartner Group Inc. 1990)軟體在產業管理系統的關鍵地位。從ERP軟體系統一直未能在企業百分之百順利建置的角度,分析企業在系統軟體導入過程中,內外關係人影響力造成的失效率,探討以羊群行為減低失效率,提升ERP成功比率,期以降低經營管理的沉沒成本。
通常企業要成功導入ERP系統,是取決於有效的專案管理(Loh and Koh, 2004)。而BPR (business process reengineering)是導入ERP系統的關鍵作業標準,例如Oracle的AIM(application, implementation, methodology)、SAP的ASAP(accelerated SAP)、鼎新的TIM(top implementation methodology)和江氏的FIT(fine implementation tool)。在過去24年來卻已緩緩偏離了企業實作科技(operational technology, OT)的基礎,包括經驗與務實(empirical and practice)的運作程序,依靠以資訊科技(information technology, IT)的標準節點為入口導向。
設若BPR標準操作流程,於導入期間重視經驗與務實的影響力,能夠妥適引導轉移(proper piloting migration, PPM)作最佳化適配(adaptation)。則建置和使用ERP系統(system)的策略,是整合網際網路(cyber)的市場價值和實體(physical)的執行績效,達成企業生產力4.0計畫的CPS虛實整合,為運營上帶來一項資產(asset),而非遺產(legacy)。 / The study investigates possibly raising successful installation rate by Herd Behivor for the software of Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP (Gartner Group Inc. 1990) under Industry 4.0 Project. According to the historical data that reducing available rate of stakeholder influence would drop the sunk cost of information technology management.
Usually enterprises in order to get an effectiveness of ERP installation, it depends on whether using proper project management (Loh and Koh, 2004). However, BPR (business process reengineering) was acting a key factor of standard operation procedure under project management in past 24 years, such as the Oracle’s AIM (application, implementation, methodology)、SAP’s ASAP (accelerated SAP)、Digiwin’s TIM (top implementation methodology) and Chiang’s FIT (fine implementation tool) . What failed rate of ERP installation is still high around industry, due to information technology (IT) instead of operational technology (OT).
Meanwhile, the BRP could switch over to emphasize the empirical experience of piloting migration (PPM) of ERP on individual business. It would guide an optimal adaptation between operational site and information platform, the strategy of using ERP system is in order to combine both benefits as the marketing value of cyber and the manufacturing productivity of physical. There is the synergy coming from Industry 4.0 Project as well as an asset for the enterprise under a systematic integration of virtual cyber and physical reality.
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傳統機械業雲端應用效益之研究 / The application of cloud services in traditional mechanical industry譚潤安, Tan, Jun-An Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,雲端應用已是非常普遍現象,雲端計算是推動巨量資料( Big Data)分析與與開放資料界面等關鍵服務之營運模式,同時在近來熱門話題如物聯網、智慧城市、工業4.0等扮演著重要角色。
關鍵字:雲端應用、傳統機械業、增加企業效益、 創新服務、增進顧客滿意度、
工業4.0. / Cloud applications have become prevalent in recent years. In particular, cloud computing is the operational model in key services for promoting big data analysis and open data interface. It also plays the vital roles in recent popular subjects, such as the internet of things, smart city, and industry 4.0.
The objective of this study is to explore the current conditions of how cloud services are utilized in the traditional machine factories in Taiwan and to create benefits. With Company F as the case, this study examines how cloud applications are used to improve corporate benefits and customer satisfaction, as well as how strategies should be formulated for market differentiation to increase competitiveness, connect with current trends, and prepare for the prototype of industry 4.0.
Through data collection, literary review, and interview with project implementation staff of the case, the study explores the benefits that cloud applications generate for the traditional manufacturing businesses. There are four focuses of investigation in this study—challenges encountered and strategies formulated by the traditional mechanical industry; case study of company F, including company background and the existing operation concerning the company, product and customers; applications of cloud computing; benefits of cloud applications on traditional mechanical industry.
It is indicated in research findings that in the traditional mechanical industry, the benefits of cloud computing will not only become corporate sales strategy and improve existing service quality, but also provide diagnosis and recommendations on energy saving for corporations with innovative services. This will help clients cut costs, and improve customer satisfaction and adhesion. An additional finding is that cloud applications can further manage the supply chain, minimize lead time, and reduce inventory, which enable corporations to reduce costs, increase gross profits, and create long term corporate advantages in a competitive environment to prepare for the upcoming industry 4.0.
Keywords: Cloud applications, traditional mechanical industry, improve corporate benefit, innovative service, increase customer satisfaction, industry 4.0.
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論4.0高科技發展策略對未來工作型態及種類之影響及因應-以量販流通業R公司為例 / The study of the 4.0 High-Tech Strategy’s impacts and responses on future work styles and types - the case of R retailing company洪冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
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