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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Business Model of Web2.0 Innovative Application

Lin, Po-Feng 05 September 2007 (has links)
With the cyber environment getting more mature gradually, the advancement of technologies and techniques, the net users increasing, and the rapid development of the peripheral digital products, the net has evolved into a new generation that emphasizes on users co-constructing the cyber contents¡XWeb2.0. Up to now, quite few research essays talk about this field in Taiwan, so it lacks an applicable analytical structure to help the related industries develop the business. In view of this, this research will focus on constructing an analytical model for Web2.0 cyber sites through making a systematic analysis on references, to talk about the business models of Web2.0 cyber sites in Taiwan. Further, we can learn the way how these cyber sites run their businesses and also realize the identity and difference. This research essay will take the method of case study. Through the comparison among diverse cases, this study may find the identity and difference among these varied business models, even to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of this analytical structure, which both might be beneficial to the industry development and also help the analytical structure set up. According to Web2.0¡¦s three main characteristics¡Xuser involvement, openness, network effect, also accompanied with segmentation strategy, product strategy, service strategy, technique strategy, profit model, this study builds ¡§UCCT Model¡¨ which comprises four key factors to run business of Web2.0 cyber sites¡Xuser, content, community, and tool. This study further indicates that we could analyze the business model of Web2.0 cyber sites through UCCT Model; even, we could try to figure out what different Web2.0 cyber sites look upon greatly. This study found that UCCT Model could effectively narrate the business model of Web2.0 cyber sites. Through the comparison among cases by case studying with UCCT Model, this study found the business model of Web2.0 cyber sites have the following attribute. First, users play the role of the producer and also the consumer. Second, sharing fails to be the main purpose for users. Third, abundant and various contents could make websites be main databases. Fourth, websites could enrich users¡¦ experiences to enhance their involvement. Fifth, websites could fortify the stickiness with community relationship. Finally, the profit model would be divided into three categories¡Xthe content one, the community one, and the tool one.

健康服務產業創新服務之研究-以健檢中心為例 / Innovative service of health industry: a study on health examination institutions.

郭育成, Kuo, Yuh Chen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區生活型態與人口結構的急遽變遷、老年人口快速增長、疾病型態改變、國民所得提高、醫療支出持續增加以及政府民間對預防醫學的重視,「預防醫學」之風氣逐漸形成,也帶動台灣健檢產業像雨後春筍般蓬勃發展。   本研究透過個案研究的方式,使用Betz(1987)的創新類型及Gobeli & Brown(1993)的創新過程兩種不同的創新理論,對7家專業健檢中心及2家醫院附設健檢中心,進行現況分析,分類並歸納出各個案的創新特性及差異,提出可能產生的問題因應策略。   研究發現,不同本質健檢機構的創新靈活度就會有很大的差距; 在開創階段重視形象塑立、業務開發,及硬體投資多於強調本業-「健康服務」,.在「商品開發力」方面朝分「主題式商品」、「檢驗設備」、「擴展市場」及「異業服務」四類,以主題式商品居多,其次為強化檢驗設備,健檢市場發展成熟,為因應醫療環境的改變,更擅於利用「應變元素」避險佈局。   根據研究結果,建議健檢中心仍應先著重於預防醫學專業及檢驗技術,定義能契合顧客價值的創新性產品,執行一套內隱的系統制度,其創新的核心靈魂是回歸到「健康」、對生命的尊重,提供顧客永難忘懷的服務,才是撼動人心的競爭優勢。 / During the past decades, the change of life style and growing of aging population in Taiwan have leaded to a great alteration of disease patterns. As the Gross Domestic Product increased in this country, the global medical expenditure increased year by year. Due to the widely accepted concept of “prevention is better than cure”, the importance of health examination is becoming more and more significant. Thus, the number of health examination institutions in Taiwan is growing rapidly. In this research, cases studies using two innovation theories including “Types of Innovation” (Betz, 1987) and “Innovation Process” (Gobeli and Brown, 1993) were implemented. Current situations of seven health screening clinics and the health screening center of two hospitals in Taipei metropolitan area were analyzed, re-classified, and compared to identify the distinct innovation characteristics in different health examination institutions. The problems that might happen in these institutions were disclosed and their resolutions were tried to found. This study discovered that there is a great difference in innovation flexibility between health examination institutions of different nature. In the initial stage of these institutions, most of them focused on image-shaping, business development and hardware investment rather than on the fundamental medical services itself (i.e. health examination). There were four ways used to strengthen product development: theme product, investment on instrument facilities, market expansion and strategic alliance. Among them, theme product was the most popular and investment on instrument facilities, the second popular method used. As health examination market was well grown, these institutions were skilled in using there reality-confronting ability to face the competitive healthcare market. According to our results, we suggest the health examination institutions still need to focus on their basic competence: preventive medicine, and health care technology. In addition, they should be able to develop a tacit system to define innovative products that match customers’ value. The core of innovation in this industry should begin from “health”. By having respect to human life and creating the health and empathy business model, health examination institutions can provide the value co-created with customers and thus, maintain competition advantage.

Service Design durch Emotionen: Wertvolle Interaktionen im stationären Einzelhandel

Meyer, Michael, Geiger, Manuel, Robra-Bissantz, Susanne 11 March 2022 (has links)
Der stationäre Einzelhandel ist eine Domäne, die sowohl unter der digitalen Transformation als auch unter dem Einfluss der COVID-19-Pandemie leidet. Besonders das Wachstum des E-Commerce und die Möglichkeit des mobilen Einkaufs über Smart Devices schaffen neue Herausforderungen (Fulgoni, 2015; Reinartz et al., 2019). Dabei zeigen sich eine rückläufige Kund:innenfrequenz und stagnierende Umsätze als Folge eines veränderten Kund:innenverhaltens (Handelsverband Deutschland, 2019, 2020). Diese Situation macht es für den stationären Einzelhandel unerlässlich innovative Services zu gestalten, um den neuen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden (Doherty & Ellis-Chadwick, 2010; Fulgoni, 2015; Geiger et al., 2021; Reinartz et al., 2019). Eine vielversprechende Herangehensweise kann es sein, an dem Alleinstellungsmerkmal des stationären Einzelhandels, der Serviceinteraktion (Interaktion zwischen Servicepersonal und Kund:innen), anzusetzen und diese zu stärken. Emotionen sind im Servicekontext hochrelevant und machen einen wichtigen Teil der Serviceerfahrung aus (Bagozzi et al., 1999; Burns & Neisner, 2006). Insbesondere die Fähigkeit des Servicepersonals, die Emotionen der Kund:innen zu verstehen und darauf zu reagieren, ist erfolgsentscheidend für Serviceinteraktionen (Bahadur et al., 2018; Bitner et al., 1994; Mattila & Enz, 2002). ... Im Rahmen dieses Betrags adressieren wir folgende Forschungsfrage: Wie kann eine digital gestützte und emotionsbasierte Interaktion zwischen Kund:innen und Servicepersonal wertvoll gestaltet werden? Methodisch orientiert sich der Beitrag an dem Design Science Research (DSR) Paradigma (Hevner et al., 2004; Vaishnavi et al., 2015). Zunächst werden der theoretische Hintergrund zur Relevanz von Emotionen in Serviceinteraktionen und der Wert von Interaktionen vermittelt. Danach wird in zwei Designzyklen die Entwicklung und Evaluation eines IT-Artefakts und eines Interaktionsartefakts vorgestellt. Dabei werden insbesondere die Auswirkungen der Interaktion hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf die emotionale Situation der Kund:innen und den resultierenden Value in Interaction untersucht. [Aus: Einleitung]

傳統機械業雲端應用效益之研究 / The application of cloud services in traditional mechanical industry

譚潤安, Tan, Jun-An Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,雲端應用已是非常普遍現象,雲端計算是推動巨量資料( Big Data)分析與與開放資料界面等關鍵服務之營運模式,同時在近來熱門話題如物聯網、智慧城市、工業4.0等扮演著重要角色。 本文研究目的係探討台灣傳統機械業製造廠使用雲端服務的狀況及如何運用雲端服務創造效益;本研究是以F公司為研究個案,研究個案如何透過雲端應用增加企業效益、顧客滿意度,在當前環境下如何以擬訂之策略增加競爭對手門檻及產品區隔市場,並符合現在趨勢,以迎接工業4.0雛型做準備。 本研究透過個案資料收集、相關文獻探討及個案執行人員訪談,探討雲端服務在傳統製造業為公司經營所創造之效益。本研究從「傳統機械業遇到的挑戰與策略」、「個案F公司背景及營運現況(公司、產品、顧客)」、「雲端計算的應用」、「傳統機械業加上雲端應用後的效益」四個面向切入探討。 研究發現,傳統機械業在雲端應用的利益,不僅可以成為公司銷售策略、提升現有服務的品質更能以創新服務協助企業做節能診斷與建議,這樣不僅替客戶節省成本,並且增進顧客滿意度及黏著度。而另一個發現是透過雲端應用,可進一步作供應鏈管理,減少企業備料時間及降低庫存,使企業在激烈的競爭環境中,降低成本、增加毛利並創造企業長期的競爭優勢,同時為未來工業4.0之引進做準備。 關鍵字:雲端應用、傳統機械業、增加企業效益、 創新服務、增進顧客滿意度、 工業4.0. / Cloud applications have become prevalent in recent years. In particular, cloud computing is the operational model in key services for promoting big data analysis and open data interface. It also plays the vital roles in recent popular subjects, such as the internet of things, smart city, and industry 4.0. The objective of this study is to explore the current conditions of how cloud services are utilized in the traditional machine factories in Taiwan and to create benefits. With Company F as the case, this study examines how cloud applications are used to improve corporate benefits and customer satisfaction, as well as how strategies should be formulated for market differentiation to increase competitiveness, connect with current trends, and prepare for the prototype of industry 4.0. Through data collection, literary review, and interview with project implementation staff of the case, the study explores the benefits that cloud applications generate for the traditional manufacturing businesses. There are four focuses of investigation in this study—challenges encountered and strategies formulated by the traditional mechanical industry; case study of company F, including company background and the existing operation concerning the company, product and customers; applications of cloud computing; benefits of cloud applications on traditional mechanical industry. It is indicated in research findings that in the traditional mechanical industry, the benefits of cloud computing will not only become corporate sales strategy and improve existing service quality, but also provide diagnosis and recommendations on energy saving for corporations with innovative services. This will help clients cut costs, and improve customer satisfaction and adhesion. An additional finding is that cloud applications can further manage the supply chain, minimize lead time, and reduce inventory, which enable corporations to reduce costs, increase gross profits, and create long term corporate advantages in a competitive environment to prepare for the upcoming industry 4.0. Keywords: Cloud applications, traditional mechanical industry, improve corporate benefit, innovative service, increase customer satisfaction, industry 4.0.

Application of web 2.0 tools to enhance knowledge management

Mosha, Neema Florence 02 1900 (has links)
The emergence of Web 2.0 tools has transformed the operation of Knowledge Management (KM) practices in the academic libraries. This study has investigated the application of Web 2.0 tools to enhance KM practices in academic libraries in Tanzania. Eight out of twelve academic libraries located in public universities in Tanzania were purposively selected in this study. The study included two categories of respondents: ordinary library staff and senior library staff (directors, heads of libraries, library managers, and Information and Technology (IT) specialists in the library etc). The findings of the study were determined after applying methodological triangulation within quantitative and qualitative research contexts. This included the use of questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and observations. In the first instance, questionnaires were used to collect data from 278 library staff selected using systematic sampling technique. Interviewing targeted 69 senior library staff was done using purposive sampling technique. In total, 254 (91.4%) ordinary library staff completed the questionnaire; while 57 (82.6%) senior librarians were interviewed. The study findings have indicated the low level of KM application in academic libraries. Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science (MUHAS) Library showed the strongest application of KM practices, followed by State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) Library. Lack of KM enablers in academic libraries was indicated as one of the significant challenges that hinder the application of KM practices in academic libraries. It was noted that most of the academic libraries visited had websites. On the other hand, the majority of respondents acknowledged that they had personal accounts of the various Web 2.0 tools. The study findings imply that most library staff had some level of experience with a variety of Web 2.0 tools. It was further established that despite the high level of familiarity and use of Web 2.0 tools, respondents were not frequent users of their library websites. The study findings have also indicated a low level of access and use of Web 2.0 tools within academic libraries. Mzumbe University (MU) and SUZA Libraries were the main users of Web 2.0 tools; followed by University of Dar-es-Salaam (UDSM) Library. Knowledge Management System (KMS) Success Model was employed to investigate factors that affect the application of Web 2.0 tools to enhance KM practices. The study findings have demonstrated that the KMS Success Model is suitable for guiding the understanding of the contributing factors with respect to library staff‟s intention to reuse Web 2.0 tools. The study findings supported the KMS Success Model well, whereby seven of the twelve hypothesised relationships were found to be significant. The study recommends that academic libraries in Tanzania should promote and integrate KM practices in their daily operations as well as the use of KM enablers such as; reliable budget, Web 2.0 tools, reliable power supply, internet connectivity availability and adequate ICTs infrastructure. / Information Science / D. Litt. et. Phil. (Information Science)

Intégration par les usages d’une innovation en santé : La télédermatologie / Usage scenario to integrate an innovative service in healthcare : teledermatology

Duong, Tu-Anh 15 December 2016 (has links)
La conception d’un produit ou d’un service en Santé est un processus complexe et risqué. Il doit intégrer dans les phases précoces de conception les normes, les contraintes réglementaires, les données de surveillance et d’évaluation de la sécurité jusqu’à l’autorisation de mise sur le marché pour les dispositifs médicaux, mais également les préférences des utilisateurs experts : professionnels de santé ou non-experts : patients. Dans le marché compétitif des nouveaux produits ou services en Santé, l’enjeu pour les ingénieurs est de faire coïncider les besoins des utilisateurs à leur contexte et usages tout en intégrant toutes les parties prenantes du système de soin. Innovation médicale, technologique et organisationnelle, la télémédecine (TM) est l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies pour délivrer des actes médicaux. L’objectif de cette thèse est la mise au point d’une méthodologie centrée sur les utilisateurs et leurs usages pour concevoir, développer, intégrer et valider une application dermatologique de la TM : la télédermatologie. L’opportunité de validation de cette méthodologie pour intégrer et déployer un service innovant dans un service de dermatologie y est également discutée. / Designing product or services for healthcare system is highly complex, costly and risky. It combines constraints such as being a multi decisional and multilevel system with specific financial model linked to the state the healthcare system organization belongs to. In the highly marketing-time sensitive context of innovative products or services, there is challenge for designers to be able to match the new design to the users’ needs, answering to their context or usages while integrating all system stakeholder components. Telemedicine (TM) is the use of ITtechnologies to provide medical care or medical advice. It is considered a care delivery transformation combining medical, technological and organizational innovation. Using the example of Teledermatology a dermatological application of TM, this PhD develops a methodology based upon users contexts and usages to design integrate and provide an assessment model to decision makers. The opportunity to implement and integrate the service in French department of dermatology is discussed.

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