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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Demand for Individual health care Management-A case study of VIP health care services

Tu, Ju-lin 02 September 2010 (has links)
Abstracts Under the medical environment change, medical institutions must take the strategy of diversification for personalized health management services, such as high-grade health examination. High-grade health examination has a extensive of medical market, becoming the main target markets of the various medical institutions. The high-grade consumers are the target customer of high-grade health examination. Knowing their demands is necessary. This study sample consists of two major groups: 16 persons who in charge of health examination department, and 31 high-grade consumers. The data was collected by questionnaires and based on the statistical analysis to investigate the demands of high-grade health examination. The purpose of this study is to identify the difference between the customers and the medical institutions. Providing information for high¡Vgrade health examination marketing. The results show that high-grade consumers more emphasis on "progressive facilities ", "doctors¡¦speciality", " hygienic environment", "explain the details before examination "and "explain the results by the doctors ". Medical institutions more care the factors about "dealing with customers¡¦ complaints "," reasonable price "," customization "," doctors¡¦speciality " and" explain the process of examination ". A comparison of the two groups indicates that the medical institutions care much more than consumers on ¡§ insurance provided "," reasonable price "," dealing with customers¡¦ complaints "," medical information providing "," health promotion consultation "and" customized exercise prescription " . Attention on " environment comfortable and spacious " is pronounced in high-grade consumers . Key words ¡Ghealth examination, high-grade consumers, choice of hospital

Pedagogų požiūris į profilatinius sveikatos patikrinimus ir privalomuosius sveikatos mokymus / Pedagogues attidute to preventive health examinations and mandatory health training

Miniotaitė, Gintarė 04 July 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas pedagogų požiūris į privalomuosius sveikatos patikrinimus ir mokymus. Tyrime dalyvavo 60 pedagogų, po 20 iš „Ringuvos“ specialiosios mokyklos, „Vijolių“ vidurinės mokyklos ir „Medelyno“ pagrindinės mokyklos. Tyrimas atliktas 2012 m. balandžio mėnesį. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirtos nuostatos į imunoprofilaktiką ir traumų profilaktiką, požiūris į profilaktinę sveikatos patikrą ir į privalomą profilaktinę saugą. / Bachelor work analyzes the educators attitude towards the mandatory health examinations and training. The investigation involved 60 pedagogues. Twenty of the "Ringuvos" special schools "Vijolių" secondary school and "Medelyno" basic school. The research was conducted on April in 2012. By using the method of the questionnaire the propertys towards vaccination and prevention of injuries were investigated. The attitudes of maintenance check-up health examinations and mandatory maintenance check-up safety was analyzed.

Erfarenheter av den digitala modellen av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar / The experiences of the digital model of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme

Kanon, Elisabeth, Hultin, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I och med Sveriges vision om e-hälsa och den ökade digitaliseringen ställs högre krav på sjuksköterskor avseende mötet med patienten via olika kanaler. Befolkningen ökar över tid och allra mest ökar de som är 80 år och äldre. För att hantera denna utmaning är distriktssköterskor viktiga i och med att de arbetar med hälsorådgivning och preventivt arbete som bland annat utgörs av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar (VHU). Hälsoundersökningar har skalats ner och blivit allt mer digitaliserade. Digitalisering ger möjlighet till en jämlik vård. VHU har sedan mars 2021 påbörjat en övergång av verksamheten till en ny digital modell. Olika personalgrupper i vården rapporteras vara mindre positivt inställda till övergången till digitala arbetssätt, men efterfrågas av patienter. Motiv: Det finns inte någon studie om hur VHU-sjuksköterskor upplever att arbeta i den digitala modellen av VHU. Vår studie kan bidra med kunskap om detta och inverka på hur den fortsatta implementeringen fortskrider.  Syfte: Belysa VHU-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med den digitala modellen av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar. Metod: Individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med VHU-sjuksköterskor. Insamlad data analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Deltagarnas erfarenheter av den nya digitala modellen var i stort sett positiva. Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier: ”Utgår från patientens behov”, ”Stödjer och motverkar livsstilsförändring”, ”Smidig och tidsbesparande modell”, ”Stimulerar och utmanar VHU-sjuksköterskor arbetssätt” och ”Organisationen utmanas och förändringar krävs”. Konklusion: Resultatet av studien kan leda till förbättringsarbete inom VHU men även inom riktade hälsosamtal i övriga delar av Sverige och förhoppningsvis internationellt. Fortsatt forskning och utveckling inom ämnet behövs. / Background: Since Sweden has a vision of e-health and the increased digitization, higher demands are made on nurses regarding the meeting with the patient through different channels. The population increases over time and mostly those who are 80 years and older. To manage this challenge, district nurses are important because they work with health counseling and preventive work, which among other things consists of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme (VIP). Health examinations have been downscaled and become more digitized. Digitization provides the opportunity for equal care. Since March 2021, VIP has begun a transition to a new digital model. Different staff in healthcare are reported to be less positive about the transition to digital working methods but the methods are requested by patients. Motive: There are no study on how VIP-nurses experience working with the digital model of VIP. Our study can contribute knowledge about this and influence how the continued implementation proceeds. Aim: Highlight VIP-nurses experiences of working with the digital model of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme.  Methods: Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with VIP-nurses. Collected data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis.  Result: The participants’ experiences of the new digital model were positive in general. The analysis resulted in five categories: “Based on the patient’s needs”, “Supports and counteracts lifestyle change”, “Flexible and time-saving model”, “Stimulates and challenges VIP-nurses way of work” and “The organization is challenged and changes are needed” Conclusion: The results of the study can lead to improvement work within VIP but also within health examinations in other parts of Sweden and hopefully internationally. Continued research and development in the subject are needed.

La recherche-action au service de l’examen périodique de santé senior / The action research, assistance in setting up a periodical health examination for the elderly

Vannier-Nitenberg, Christiane 18 October 2013 (has links)
La longévité est un enjeu majeur des prochaines décennies. La conséquence de cette longévité est l’émergence des maladies chroniques. Il est aujourd’hui admis que le vieillissement individuel est fortement influencé par des variables biologiques, psychologiques, environnementales et sociales. La prévention commence à la naissance pour se poursuivre tout au long de la vie. C’est pourquoi, une consultation de prévention à des moments clés du parcours de vie notamment au moment de la retraite est largement conseillée. Notre travail de doctorat a consisté, grâce à la mise en place de plusieurs recherches-actions dans les Centres d’examens de santé de l’Assurance maladie, à documenter par la preuve scientifique, démarche qui rejoint celle de l’Evidence-Based Medecine, la construction d’un examen périodique de santé dédié aux séniors. Les recherches-actions ont concerné trois problématiques de santé publique des personnes âgées que sont la chute, les troubles cognitifs et la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge. Chaque recherche-action a apporté sa contribution à la construction de cet examen de santé senior : une meilleure connaissance des caractéristiques des chuteurs avec élaboration d’un score prédictif de chute et de stratégies de prise en charge de ce risque, des outils simples de repérage des troubles cognitifs légers, un dépistage de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge via la télémédecine. D’autres thématiques de santé seront à explorer mais les Centres d’examens de santé se positionnent d’ores et déjà, comme des acteurs déterminants de la prise en charge des populations vieillissantes / The increase of life expectancy is a major issue to face in the decades to come. A consequence of this increasing life expectancy is the emergence of chronic diseases. It is now acknowledged that individual ageing is strongly influence by biological, psychological, environmental and social variables. Prevention begins at birth and continues throughout life. It is for this reason, that a prevention consultation at certain key moments in life, such as at retirement, is strongly advised. Our doctorate work consisted of documenting the setup of periodic health examinations dedicated to seniors. This was supported by scientific proof provided by carrying out many action researches in the Health Examination centres of French Health Insurance, an approach similar to ‘Evidence Based Medicine’. The action researches were directed towards three main public health issues amongst the elderly which include falling, memory cognitive impairment and macular degeneration related to age. Each action research contributed to the establishment of this health examination for seniors. Indeed, now there is a better recognition of characteristics amongst seniors who have suffered falls thanks to the development of a tool which gives a predictive score a falling, and in turn action strategies. In addition, there is a tool to spot and identify mild cognitive impairment and screening for macular degeneration related to age through the use of telemedicine. Other health topics will need to be explored but French Health Examination Centres already position themselves as responsible decisive actors for the ageing population

健康服務產業創新服務之研究-以健檢中心為例 / Innovative service of health industry: a study on health examination institutions.

郭育成, Kuo, Yuh Chen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區生活型態與人口結構的急遽變遷、老年人口快速增長、疾病型態改變、國民所得提高、醫療支出持續增加以及政府民間對預防醫學的重視,「預防醫學」之風氣逐漸形成,也帶動台灣健檢產業像雨後春筍般蓬勃發展。   本研究透過個案研究的方式,使用Betz(1987)的創新類型及Gobeli & Brown(1993)的創新過程兩種不同的創新理論,對7家專業健檢中心及2家醫院附設健檢中心,進行現況分析,分類並歸納出各個案的創新特性及差異,提出可能產生的問題因應策略。   研究發現,不同本質健檢機構的創新靈活度就會有很大的差距; 在開創階段重視形象塑立、業務開發,及硬體投資多於強調本業-「健康服務」,.在「商品開發力」方面朝分「主題式商品」、「檢驗設備」、「擴展市場」及「異業服務」四類,以主題式商品居多,其次為強化檢驗設備,健檢市場發展成熟,為因應醫療環境的改變,更擅於利用「應變元素」避險佈局。   根據研究結果,建議健檢中心仍應先著重於預防醫學專業及檢驗技術,定義能契合顧客價值的創新性產品,執行一套內隱的系統制度,其創新的核心靈魂是回歸到「健康」、對生命的尊重,提供顧客永難忘懷的服務,才是撼動人心的競爭優勢。 / During the past decades, the change of life style and growing of aging population in Taiwan have leaded to a great alteration of disease patterns. As the Gross Domestic Product increased in this country, the global medical expenditure increased year by year. Due to the widely accepted concept of “prevention is better than cure”, the importance of health examination is becoming more and more significant. Thus, the number of health examination institutions in Taiwan is growing rapidly. In this research, cases studies using two innovation theories including “Types of Innovation” (Betz, 1987) and “Innovation Process” (Gobeli and Brown, 1993) were implemented. Current situations of seven health screening clinics and the health screening center of two hospitals in Taipei metropolitan area were analyzed, re-classified, and compared to identify the distinct innovation characteristics in different health examination institutions. The problems that might happen in these institutions were disclosed and their resolutions were tried to found. This study discovered that there is a great difference in innovation flexibility between health examination institutions of different nature. In the initial stage of these institutions, most of them focused on image-shaping, business development and hardware investment rather than on the fundamental medical services itself (i.e. health examination). There were four ways used to strengthen product development: theme product, investment on instrument facilities, market expansion and strategic alliance. Among them, theme product was the most popular and investment on instrument facilities, the second popular method used. As health examination market was well grown, these institutions were skilled in using there reality-confronting ability to face the competitive healthcare market. According to our results, we suggest the health examination institutions still need to focus on their basic competence: preventive medicine, and health care technology. In addition, they should be able to develop a tacit system to define innovative products that match customers’ value. The core of innovation in this industry should begin from “health”. By having respect to human life and creating the health and empathy business model, health examination institutions can provide the value co-created with customers and thus, maintain competition advantage.

Análise da percepção e registro das medidas de prevenção de doenças por profissionais da atenção primária / Analysis of the Perception among and Documentation of Disease Prevention Measures by Healthcare Workers in Primary Care.

Santos, Luciane Loures dos 26 November 2010 (has links)
A aplicação das medidas preventivas, principalmente das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT), tem sido debatida mundialmente, já que poucos fatores de risco respondem pela maioria das mortes por DCNT, como o tabagismo, alcoolismo, obesidade e dislipidemias. A sistematização das medidas de promoção de saúde e prevenção de doenças (PSPD) pode contribuir para o trabalho das equipes de Saúde da Família, potencializando as suas ações e fortalecendo a Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Face ao baixo registro das medidas de prevenção das DCNTs no Brasil e à ausência de parâmetros na literatura nacional, comparamos a percepção dos profissionais e o registro das medidas de PSPD dos centros de saúde brasileiros com os serviços espanhóis, considerados referência no assunto. Realizamos um estudo descritivo e quantitativo, por meio da aplicação de um questionário aos profissionais e da análise dos prontuários dos serviços de APS de municípios de pequeno, médio e grande porte do Brasil e da Espanha. Entrevistamos 82 profissionais entre médicos (50%) e enfermeiros (50%), com elevado grau de especialização (77,5%). A maioria dos espanhóis tinha mais de 10 anos de formado (73%), e 54% atuavam na APS há mais de 10 anos, ao contrário dos brasileiros (63,2%) com uma formação mais jovem (menos de 6 anos de formado) e alta rotatividade na APS. Quase metade dos entrevistados (47,6%) relatou que qualquer encontro com o usuário é adequado para prevenção, enquanto outros preferem a consulta agendada (43,9%), a visita domiciliar (22%) e os grupos (22%). Já 86,6% desaprovam a consulta eventual como local para prevenção. A medida mais empregada pelos profissionais entrevistados foi o aconselhamento, seguida da vacinação e do rastreamento entre brasileiros, para os espanhóis o rastreamento foi mais citado que a vacinação. Apesar do aconselhamento ter sido o mais citado, o rastreamento foi a medida mais registrada pelos serviços estudados. O aconselhamento teve mais registros nos prontuários brasileiros que nos espanhóis, e o inverso ocorreu com a vacinação. Apesar de todos concordarem que a prevenção é importante parte da assistência, estarem motivados (96%) e possuírem conhecimento para aplicá-lo (94%), houve um baixo percentual de registro do rastreamento de tabagismo, alcoolismo e vacinação nos dois países. No Brasil, encontramos um alto percentual de rastreamento em algumas medidas entre os usuários, porém, quando analisamos a cobertura populacional (5%), esse valor fica abaixo da média espanhola (25%). Segundo os espanhóis, os obstáculos para aplicar as medidas preventivas são a falta de tempo, orientações conflitantes das sociedades, falta de incentivo e outras prioridades. Já para os brasileiros, a falta de incentivo e de interesse, o desconhecimento e a presença de medidas conflitantes são os maiores desafios. Os obstáculos refletem as realidades distintas e a necessidade de investimento em diferentes áreas. No Brasil faz-se necessário investir na formação dos profissionais e em instrumentos que auxiliem a equipe na aplicação das ações preventivas, enquanto na Espanha é possível que a reorganização do serviço, principalmente quanto à administração do tempo e criação de recomendações consensuais entre as sociedades, favoreça a aplicação das medidas preventivas pelos profissionais. / The discussion on preventive measures, specially of non-transmissible chronic degenerative diseases (NTCD), is in vogue worldwide, as very few risk factors, such as smoking, alcoholism, obesity and dyslipidemia, are responsible for most of the deaths due to NTCD. The organization of the measures of health promotion and disease prevention (HPDP) would greatly contribute to the work of family practioners and strengthen primary care. Insufficient documentation on the screening of NTCD in Brazil and the paucity of international parameters of comparison, stimulated us to evaluate the opinions of and documentation by healthcare workers in primary care, of the HPDP measures in Brazil compared to those in Spain, considered by many as a reference in this matter. A descriptive, quantitative study was undertaken by analysing a questionnaire filled out by healthcare workers as well as the primary care documentation of HPDP measures in small, medium and large municipalities in Brazil and Spain. Eighty two healthcare workers responded to the questionnaire, which included doctors (50%) and nurses (50%), most of whom were specialized in their respective fields (77.5%). Most of the workers in Spain had graduated more than 10 years earlier (73%) and have been working in primary care for more than 10 years (54%), while in Brazil most of the workers had graduated less than 6 years earlier (63.2%) with correspondingly lesser time in primary care. Almost half of the healthcare workers consider any encounter with the clients as adequate for implementing preventive measures(47.6%), while others prefered routine consultations (43.9%), house calls (22%) or group meetings (22%). Unplanned or emergency consultation was considered an inappropriate moment for implementing preventive measures by 86.6%. The most commonly employed measure according to the questionnaires in Brazil, is counselling, followed by vaccination and screening, while the Spanish reported screening more often than vaccination. In spite of counselling being considered the most frequently applied measure, screening was most frequently documented. Counselling was the most documented measure in Brazil, while vaccination was in Spain. Although everyone agreed that prevention is an important part of primary care, with enough motivation (96%) and knowledge (94%) to apply them, the documentation of screening for smoking, alcoholism and vaccination was low in both countries. In Brazil, although we found a high percentage of screening among those who were seen in the primary care units, when we considered the coverage of the area under the respective units, this percentage (5%) is very much below the Spanish average (25%). The barriers to the application of preventive measures in Spain were reported to be the lack of time, conflicting guidelines, lack of incentive and other priorities. While in Brazil, the lack of interest, incentive, knowledge as well conflicting guidelines were considered the main barriers. These barriers reflect the different realities and consequently need different investments. Brazil needs to invest in human resources and the development of instruments to help the primary care personnel in implementing preventive measures. While in Spain, its possible that better time management and more consensual recommendations could favor the applications of these measures in primary care.

Análise da percepção e registro das medidas de prevenção de doenças por profissionais da atenção primária / Analysis of the Perception among and Documentation of Disease Prevention Measures by Healthcare Workers in Primary Care.

Luciane Loures dos Santos 26 November 2010 (has links)
A aplicação das medidas preventivas, principalmente das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT), tem sido debatida mundialmente, já que poucos fatores de risco respondem pela maioria das mortes por DCNT, como o tabagismo, alcoolismo, obesidade e dislipidemias. A sistematização das medidas de promoção de saúde e prevenção de doenças (PSPD) pode contribuir para o trabalho das equipes de Saúde da Família, potencializando as suas ações e fortalecendo a Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Face ao baixo registro das medidas de prevenção das DCNTs no Brasil e à ausência de parâmetros na literatura nacional, comparamos a percepção dos profissionais e o registro das medidas de PSPD dos centros de saúde brasileiros com os serviços espanhóis, considerados referência no assunto. Realizamos um estudo descritivo e quantitativo, por meio da aplicação de um questionário aos profissionais e da análise dos prontuários dos serviços de APS de municípios de pequeno, médio e grande porte do Brasil e da Espanha. Entrevistamos 82 profissionais entre médicos (50%) e enfermeiros (50%), com elevado grau de especialização (77,5%). A maioria dos espanhóis tinha mais de 10 anos de formado (73%), e 54% atuavam na APS há mais de 10 anos, ao contrário dos brasileiros (63,2%) com uma formação mais jovem (menos de 6 anos de formado) e alta rotatividade na APS. Quase metade dos entrevistados (47,6%) relatou que qualquer encontro com o usuário é adequado para prevenção, enquanto outros preferem a consulta agendada (43,9%), a visita domiciliar (22%) e os grupos (22%). Já 86,6% desaprovam a consulta eventual como local para prevenção. A medida mais empregada pelos profissionais entrevistados foi o aconselhamento, seguida da vacinação e do rastreamento entre brasileiros, para os espanhóis o rastreamento foi mais citado que a vacinação. Apesar do aconselhamento ter sido o mais citado, o rastreamento foi a medida mais registrada pelos serviços estudados. O aconselhamento teve mais registros nos prontuários brasileiros que nos espanhóis, e o inverso ocorreu com a vacinação. Apesar de todos concordarem que a prevenção é importante parte da assistência, estarem motivados (96%) e possuírem conhecimento para aplicá-lo (94%), houve um baixo percentual de registro do rastreamento de tabagismo, alcoolismo e vacinação nos dois países. No Brasil, encontramos um alto percentual de rastreamento em algumas medidas entre os usuários, porém, quando analisamos a cobertura populacional (5%), esse valor fica abaixo da média espanhola (25%). Segundo os espanhóis, os obstáculos para aplicar as medidas preventivas são a falta de tempo, orientações conflitantes das sociedades, falta de incentivo e outras prioridades. Já para os brasileiros, a falta de incentivo e de interesse, o desconhecimento e a presença de medidas conflitantes são os maiores desafios. Os obstáculos refletem as realidades distintas e a necessidade de investimento em diferentes áreas. No Brasil faz-se necessário investir na formação dos profissionais e em instrumentos que auxiliem a equipe na aplicação das ações preventivas, enquanto na Espanha é possível que a reorganização do serviço, principalmente quanto à administração do tempo e criação de recomendações consensuais entre as sociedades, favoreça a aplicação das medidas preventivas pelos profissionais. / The discussion on preventive measures, specially of non-transmissible chronic degenerative diseases (NTCD), is in vogue worldwide, as very few risk factors, such as smoking, alcoholism, obesity and dyslipidemia, are responsible for most of the deaths due to NTCD. The organization of the measures of health promotion and disease prevention (HPDP) would greatly contribute to the work of family practioners and strengthen primary care. Insufficient documentation on the screening of NTCD in Brazil and the paucity of international parameters of comparison, stimulated us to evaluate the opinions of and documentation by healthcare workers in primary care, of the HPDP measures in Brazil compared to those in Spain, considered by many as a reference in this matter. A descriptive, quantitative study was undertaken by analysing a questionnaire filled out by healthcare workers as well as the primary care documentation of HPDP measures in small, medium and large municipalities in Brazil and Spain. Eighty two healthcare workers responded to the questionnaire, which included doctors (50%) and nurses (50%), most of whom were specialized in their respective fields (77.5%). Most of the workers in Spain had graduated more than 10 years earlier (73%) and have been working in primary care for more than 10 years (54%), while in Brazil most of the workers had graduated less than 6 years earlier (63.2%) with correspondingly lesser time in primary care. Almost half of the healthcare workers consider any encounter with the clients as adequate for implementing preventive measures(47.6%), while others prefered routine consultations (43.9%), house calls (22%) or group meetings (22%). Unplanned or emergency consultation was considered an inappropriate moment for implementing preventive measures by 86.6%. The most commonly employed measure according to the questionnaires in Brazil, is counselling, followed by vaccination and screening, while the Spanish reported screening more often than vaccination. In spite of counselling being considered the most frequently applied measure, screening was most frequently documented. Counselling was the most documented measure in Brazil, while vaccination was in Spain. Although everyone agreed that prevention is an important part of primary care, with enough motivation (96%) and knowledge (94%) to apply them, the documentation of screening for smoking, alcoholism and vaccination was low in both countries. In Brazil, although we found a high percentage of screening among those who were seen in the primary care units, when we considered the coverage of the area under the respective units, this percentage (5%) is very much below the Spanish average (25%). The barriers to the application of preventive measures in Spain were reported to be the lack of time, conflicting guidelines, lack of incentive and other priorities. While in Brazil, the lack of interest, incentive, knowledge as well conflicting guidelines were considered the main barriers. These barriers reflect the different realities and consequently need different investments. Brazil needs to invest in human resources and the development of instruments to help the primary care personnel in implementing preventive measures. While in Spain, its possible that better time management and more consensual recommendations could favor the applications of these measures in primary care.

就業之體格檢查與基本權利保障 / Study on “the Relationship between the Physical Examination of Employment and Protection of Basic Rights

范瑞珠, Fan,Juei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
由於不同的行業,其工作內涵差別極大,而不同的工作,其特性更是相去甚遠,自然,對於工作所需之人員,其應具備之資格條件也就大不相同,例如社會各種職場之報考者常常面臨著體格檢查限制的壓力,日常的生活、人際交往、求學、就業、失業、等等問題無時無刻不在困擾著他們,甚至在人生的每一個階段,他們都必須在縫隙中尋求生存的空間。 有些人事用人機關認為體格檢查限制並非是一種歧視行為,而是基於公共利益的需要而給予的合理的差別待遇,所謂「歧視」一詞具有多義性,在此應從侵害「國民就業機會平等」理解之。針對體格檢查限制之問題,本文擬先就體格檢查之意涵予以說明,並舉例說明公務人員考試之體格檢查限制,例如對B型肝炎帶原者限制其報考各類國家考試,這樣一個涉及健康標準的問題,其所設限之體檢標準是否合理?其唯一標準是「醫學標準」,如果科學證明B型肝炎帶原者對他人不構成傳染或雖有傳染性但並不嚴重且可以採取措施加以預防,則上開有關體檢之資格限制標準,構成對B型肝炎帶原者平等競爭公職權利的侵犯,是違憲的,因大量的醫學證明,B型肝炎帶原者並不會對公眾的健康構成威脅。 本文係以有關人民參加需經國家考試公務人員就業體格檢查限制所涉及之基本權利之保障與限制(干預)為研究之課題,人民就業體格檢查是否可以予以差別待遇?而該差別待遇是否合理?合乎比例原則?手段與目的之間如不符比例原則,恐有違憲之虞,故國家於設定體格檢查限制條件時,必須有合理的限制標準,並能依據合理的判斷基準予以救濟,避免侵害人民之權利,且立法、司法及行政各部門,更應負起積極的責任,研擬相關配套措施,以保障人民憲法上的基本權利,全文共分6章:第一章緒論,旨在說明本文之研究動機並界定研究範圍,同時提出本文之研究目的和方法。第二章體格檢查之基本概念,先敘明體格檢查之意涵,包括體格檢查之概念、目的(功能)、意義及特點(執行機構),再加以整理公務人員體格檢查標準之法規依據。第三至第五章構成本文之本論。旨在依序探討公務人員就業體格檢查限制所涉之基本權利保障與限制(干預),並檢討相關行政救濟案例,各章內容以我國憲法所保障之就業基本權利探討為主,並以憲法對於限制人權之相關原則的討論為輔。第六章結論,則在將前述各章之研究結果作綜合性的簡要陳述,並嘗試提出檢討及建議作為本論文之歸結。 / Each career has unique requirements for employees due to the different entity of the career. Therefore the job applicants have to face the pressure of physical examination during application to a new job frequently. Some human resource organizations consider “the abridgement of physical examination” as a rational differential treatment based on the public interests, rather than a discriminative behavior. As the term “discrimination” has versatile meanings, it will be interpreted as an interference of “the equal opportunity for civil employment” in this thesis. In this article, the meaning of the abridgement of physical examination on employment will be illustrated, followed by an example from the abridgement of the physical examination on professional examination. For example, it should be scrutinized whether it is appropriate to abridge a hepatitis B carrier of attending the civil examination, which is concerned from a view of health judged by the medical standard. Some researchers argued that the scientific evidences showed hepatitis B will not be transmitted via carriers, or even can be transmitted but not severely and can be prevented. Then standards of the physical examination on employment would invade the right of equal competition for civil service. Those would be unconstitutional because hepatitis B carriers would not make any threat to public health, which were proved through lots of medical evidences. The main purpose of this thesis concentrated on the protection and interference of basic rights involved in the abridgement of physical examination on civil service. The study will scrutinize the appropriateness, rationality, equality of discriminative treatment in the physical examination on civil service. If the goal and the means of public deeds are not proportional, it would be unconstitutional. To set up the conditions for the abridgement of physical examination, the government should have reasonable standards of restriction and also reasonable judgment criteria of relief for the abridgement of physical examination to avoid invading civil rights. The organization of legislation, justice and administration should take the responsibility of drafting relevant integrated measures to guard the civil privilege. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one (prolegomenon) includes the motive, scope, goal and methods of this study. Chapter two (introduction) elucidates the concept, goal (function), construction and characteristics (an executive body) of the physical examination, and regulations related to standards for the physical examination on the civil service. Chapter three to five (main body) center on the protection and abridgement (interference) of basic rights and the review of administrative relief cases involved in the physical examination of employment. We will study the protection of right of work in our constitution mainly, accompanied by discussion of the relative principles of interference of human rights as well. Chapter six (conclusion) summarizes the research results in previous chapters and make conclusions and suggestions.

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