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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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運用層級分析法與案例式推理建立脂肪肝預測模型 / A fatty liver prediction model utilizing analytical hierarchy process and case-based reasoning

陳姵潔, Chen, Pei Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
從現今社會的進步與發展,可以發現人們的生活品質不斷提升且生活型態逐 漸改變,生活型態的改變使得疾病的型態隨之改變,從過去的傳染病演變成現今 的社會文明病─ 慢性疾病。近年來的社會繁榮與經濟進步,使國人有更良好的 飲食營養,且工商進步使得應酬喝酒的機會增加,逐漸使肥胖、血脂過高、糖尿 病的國人越來越多,因此有脂肪肝的人也越來越多,幾乎高達三分之一。脂肪肝 盛行所帶來的健康問題使國人不得不更注意身體的健康,更擴展到疾病預防的概 念,希望能透過及早發現與及早治療來促進健康並省下龐大的醫療費用。因此醫 療照護需求更廣更高。在科技的進步下使得醫學界使用越來越多的資訊科技來輔 助疾病診斷、進行健康管理,另外,醫學界亦越來越注重預防醫學的概念用以面 對龐大的慢性疾病患者,故疾病預測的概念更加被醫學界所關注,不論是在醫療 的前中後期,都依賴著資訊科技輔助其管理與診斷。   目前大多數醫院的健康檢查僅提供檢查報告的數值並隨報告附上正常標準 值的對照資訊,用以提供給健檢者做為建議與自我健康管理的參考。但是對於僅 進行最基本健康檢查的健檢者,如:員工、校園新生等,透過健檢報告的數值來 提供個人化疾病資訊建議的情況較為少見,故本研究希望能透過案例式推理脂肪 肝預測模型來給予患者透過健康檢查報告的數值與日常健康行為的問卷,進行脂 肪肝疾病的預測,幫助健檢者提升對於健檢報告與疾病關係的瞭解,加強健檢者 的自我健康管理,期望幫助未進行完整付費健康檢查的健檢者也能夠透過簡單的 脂肪肝預測模型來初步評估自我健康情況,並作為是否進一步就醫的參考依據; 並提供許多相似案例給醫生從更宏觀的角度去診斷病患,幫助降低診斷錯誤且改 善醫療品質及醫療治療的成效,以達到更完善的自我健康管理及降低個人、社會 醫療成本的負擔。

高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之衡量:模式建立、構念驗證與資訊科技應用 / Measuring Service Capability Maturity Level for Advanced Health Checkup Businesses: Model Building, Construct Validation and IT Application

張芳凱, Chang, Fang Kai Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,企業核心競爭能力早已被公認是企業獲利以及維繫的驅動者,對於服務業當然也不例外。為了有效生存於現今惡劣的商業環境,服務業必須維護其服務能力之成熟度,以使用者為服務的核心,並以消費者的需求為服務的出發點。唯有以客戶為本,才能使企業永續經營,故台灣服務業若要加入國際市場營運,企業服務能力將扮演一個相當重要的角色。 隨著人類壽命的延長、以及關心個人健康的中產階級崛起,健康檢查已逐漸成為新全民運動。由於市場龐大與需求旺盛,為了服務有健康意識且經濟條件佳的客群,全台醫院和專業診所紛紛設立健康管理中心,提供燈光美、氣氛佳、餐點好、服務親切的健檢環境,其中不少醫院更是砸下重金,重新改造內部裝潢與購買最新式的檢查儀器。因此,高階健檢產業如雨後春筍般的蓬勃成長。 本研究認為,為了實現更高的服務品質,高階健康檢查事業應適當的進行商業流程再造。藉由不斷地改善流程,企業得以回應並滿足顧客的需求,增加企業服務顧客的能力,持續提升服務品質。因此,本研究引用服務企業流程模式的架構,以高階健康檢查事業為研究對象,主要的研究問題分為三大部分:一為適用高階健康檢查事業的服務能力評量模式發展,其二為編輯符合實務用詞的流程領域描述說明,其三為提供高階健康檢查事業品質成長的參考軌跡。 本研究之結果,定義了高階健康檢查事業服務能力等級與成熟等級之表述方式,主動性的給予被評鑑機構一個品質提升的建議與參考的軌跡。本研究設計一套『高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之自我評鑑與改善建議系統』,協助高階健康檢查事業自我評量服務成熟等級,並提供透過資訊科技應用來提升等級的建議。透過階段性的資訊科技應用採納,可妥善配置資訊科技採納進程並編製預算執行順序,來強化醫療照護服務的能力成熟度等級。 / Core competitiveness of enterprise has long been recognized as the driver of profits and sustainability of a business. Service industry is certainly in no exception. In order to effectively survive in today's harsh business environment, services business must maintain its maturity of service capabilities, treat consumer as the core of the services and serve the consumer need as the basic of services. Such consumer-oriented strategy is the key to ensure the long term prosperity of business. It is also essential to Taiwan's service industry for her successful operations in international market. With the extended human lifespan, as well as the rise of the middle class with concern about personal health, health checkup service has become a new national sport. In order to serve customers, who have health-conscious mind and favorable financial affordability, hospitals in Taiwan provide specialized clinics and health management centers. They offer soothing lights and good atmosphere as well as healthy meals and friendly services. Such reformation in health checkup business has seen vigorous market growth and received significant investment on both medical equipment and interior remodeling of examination facility. This study suggests that in order to achieve a higher quality of advanced health checkup service, adequate business process reengineering should be carried out as per need. With constantly improving processes, the service unit would be able to respond and fulfill the customer needs, increase the customer service capacity of the enterprise, and continue to improve service quality. Therefore, this study adapts service business process model as research framework and chooses advanced health checkup business as the research subject. The main research questions are divided into three parts: first is developing a service capability evaluation model for advanced health checkup business; second is editing descriptions of process areas in line with practical terms; third is providing a roadmap of advanced health checkup business to improve their service quality. Results of this study helps to define the capability level representations and maturity level representations for advanced health checkup business. It could proactively provide suggestions to and also be adopted as a reference roadmap for service quality improvement by the evaluated companies. This study also implements a “self-evaluation and improvement recommendation system for advanced health checkup service capability maturity level”, which assists advanced health checkup business to self-assess the maturity level of service capability, and provide recommendations to enhance the level through IT applications. Through the stage-wise IT application adoption, it could properly arrange IT adoption schedule, prepare budget execution order and strengthen the maturity level of health care services capability.

就業之體格檢查與基本權利保障 / Study on “the Relationship between the Physical Examination of Employment and Protection of Basic Rights

范瑞珠, Fan,Juei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
由於不同的行業,其工作內涵差別極大,而不同的工作,其特性更是相去甚遠,自然,對於工作所需之人員,其應具備之資格條件也就大不相同,例如社會各種職場之報考者常常面臨著體格檢查限制的壓力,日常的生活、人際交往、求學、就業、失業、等等問題無時無刻不在困擾著他們,甚至在人生的每一個階段,他們都必須在縫隙中尋求生存的空間。 有些人事用人機關認為體格檢查限制並非是一種歧視行為,而是基於公共利益的需要而給予的合理的差別待遇,所謂「歧視」一詞具有多義性,在此應從侵害「國民就業機會平等」理解之。針對體格檢查限制之問題,本文擬先就體格檢查之意涵予以說明,並舉例說明公務人員考試之體格檢查限制,例如對B型肝炎帶原者限制其報考各類國家考試,這樣一個涉及健康標準的問題,其所設限之體檢標準是否合理?其唯一標準是「醫學標準」,如果科學證明B型肝炎帶原者對他人不構成傳染或雖有傳染性但並不嚴重且可以採取措施加以預防,則上開有關體檢之資格限制標準,構成對B型肝炎帶原者平等競爭公職權利的侵犯,是違憲的,因大量的醫學證明,B型肝炎帶原者並不會對公眾的健康構成威脅。 本文係以有關人民參加需經國家考試公務人員就業體格檢查限制所涉及之基本權利之保障與限制(干預)為研究之課題,人民就業體格檢查是否可以予以差別待遇?而該差別待遇是否合理?合乎比例原則?手段與目的之間如不符比例原則,恐有違憲之虞,故國家於設定體格檢查限制條件時,必須有合理的限制標準,並能依據合理的判斷基準予以救濟,避免侵害人民之權利,且立法、司法及行政各部門,更應負起積極的責任,研擬相關配套措施,以保障人民憲法上的基本權利,全文共分6章:第一章緒論,旨在說明本文之研究動機並界定研究範圍,同時提出本文之研究目的和方法。第二章體格檢查之基本概念,先敘明體格檢查之意涵,包括體格檢查之概念、目的(功能)、意義及特點(執行機構),再加以整理公務人員體格檢查標準之法規依據。第三至第五章構成本文之本論。旨在依序探討公務人員就業體格檢查限制所涉之基本權利保障與限制(干預),並檢討相關行政救濟案例,各章內容以我國憲法所保障之就業基本權利探討為主,並以憲法對於限制人權之相關原則的討論為輔。第六章結論,則在將前述各章之研究結果作綜合性的簡要陳述,並嘗試提出檢討及建議作為本論文之歸結。 / Each career has unique requirements for employees due to the different entity of the career. Therefore the job applicants have to face the pressure of physical examination during application to a new job frequently. Some human resource organizations consider “the abridgement of physical examination” as a rational differential treatment based on the public interests, rather than a discriminative behavior. As the term “discrimination” has versatile meanings, it will be interpreted as an interference of “the equal opportunity for civil employment” in this thesis. In this article, the meaning of the abridgement of physical examination on employment will be illustrated, followed by an example from the abridgement of the physical examination on professional examination. For example, it should be scrutinized whether it is appropriate to abridge a hepatitis B carrier of attending the civil examination, which is concerned from a view of health judged by the medical standard. Some researchers argued that the scientific evidences showed hepatitis B will not be transmitted via carriers, or even can be transmitted but not severely and can be prevented. Then standards of the physical examination on employment would invade the right of equal competition for civil service. Those would be unconstitutional because hepatitis B carriers would not make any threat to public health, which were proved through lots of medical evidences. The main purpose of this thesis concentrated on the protection and interference of basic rights involved in the abridgement of physical examination on civil service. The study will scrutinize the appropriateness, rationality, equality of discriminative treatment in the physical examination on civil service. If the goal and the means of public deeds are not proportional, it would be unconstitutional. To set up the conditions for the abridgement of physical examination, the government should have reasonable standards of restriction and also reasonable judgment criteria of relief for the abridgement of physical examination to avoid invading civil rights. The organization of legislation, justice and administration should take the responsibility of drafting relevant integrated measures to guard the civil privilege. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one (prolegomenon) includes the motive, scope, goal and methods of this study. Chapter two (introduction) elucidates the concept, goal (function), construction and characteristics (an executive body) of the physical examination, and regulations related to standards for the physical examination on the civil service. Chapter three to five (main body) center on the protection and abridgement (interference) of basic rights and the review of administrative relief cases involved in the physical examination of employment. We will study the protection of right of work in our constitution mainly, accompanied by discussion of the relative principles of interference of human rights as well. Chapter six (conclusion) summarizes the research results in previous chapters and make conclusions and suggestions.

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