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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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許焜耀 Unknown Date (has links)
憲法解釋之目的在於澄清憲法文字上的疑義、補充憲法之缺漏、違憲立法之審查及排除憲法適用上之障礙,因此,憲法解釋是促使憲政成長的重要途徑之一。除了各成文憲法國家普遍採用釋憲制度外,我國憲法中亦明定司法院大法官為我國最高釋憲權威機構,職司憲法解釋及統一解釋法律命令之權。 自民國三十七年九月十五日,司法院大法官舉行第一次會議以來,至今年七月二十三日止,大法官計完成三二五號解釋案,本研究將其中涉及人民平等權與受益權之解釋案,篩檢出五十二件,作為本文研究分析的標的。 希望透過大法官會議之產物-解釋案內容之分析、歸納與演繹,來闡明我國憲法中有關人民平等權與受益權條文之實際意涵及精神,期使憲政之理論與實務能相結合,並收互補之效。 本文並希望經由憲法解釋之結果及影響,審視司法院大法官是否扮演好「憲法之維護者」角色,達成釋憲機關解決憲法疑義及爭議、補充憲法與法令、貫徹憲法之優越性及保障人民權利之功能。 本文共分五章十四節,全文約計十三萬言。茲將各章節要旨說明如下: 第一章「導論」,旨在敘明研究動機、目的、範圍、方法與限制。並就我國釋憲制度之演變,予以概略分析、檢討。 第二章「憲法解釋案中平等權的探討與評析」,是就平等權之憲法規定、學者看法及實務上之憲法解釋分別論述,以釐清平等權之實質內涵與精神。 第三章「憲法解釋案中受益權的探討與評析」,則偏重受益權之意涵評述及解釋案之內容分析,以闡明大法官保障人民訴訟權益之原則與貢獻。 第四章「平等權與受益權解釋案的整體分析」,在於評述平等權與受益權之解釋案後,歸納演繹大法官之解釋方法、原則及特色,並述明解釋之影響及功能。 第五章「結論與建議」,乃總括全文論述,綜合本文研究結論,並提出多項建議,擬供相關機關參酌改進。


楚恆惠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化影響,國際人口移動日增,以及兩岸開放交流,衍生國人與外籍或大陸人民通婚現象,且近十年來通婚數量急遽增加,對我國人口結構及社會造成相當程度之影響。我國過去並未有如此多外籍或大陸人士來台,近幾年方有較具規模移民法制之建置,目前相關移民法規約有「入出國及移民法」、「國籍法」、「台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例」等,這些法規對於外籍配偶與大陸配偶移入分別設有不同規定,外界遂有認形成差別待遇之情形。 本論文首先檢視我國憲法對於外國人或是移民之保障範圍,釐清婚姻移民是否得享有我國憲法保障之權利,探討法制上何以將外國人與大陸人民區分,並比較兩者差別待遇情形,再以平等權觀點加以檢視其差別待遇是否合理。我國法制對於外籍配偶與大陸配偶之法律地位及差別待遇,由於對於大陸配偶安全顧慮較高且兩岸婚姻成長迅速卻又較不穩定,以致於其實際待遇尤其是工作權與居留權略遜於外籍配偶。本文以美國法模式之平等權觀點審查,外籍配偶與大陸配偶有其法律地位及實際情形之不同,並非不能差別待遇,重要的是差別待遇是否合理的問題,本文經探討認為:居留權部分,涉及家庭團聚權,採「中度審查標準」,認仍屬合憲,惟有關工作權部分,大陸配偶來台制度目前偏重於對兩岸婚姻弱勢經濟家庭之保障,相較於外籍配偶居留即取得完整工作權,此一差別待遇則難符合平等權。另有關參政權及服公職權之規定,由於取得公民身分制度及程序之不同,就忠誠衝突及安全考量,為維護我國生存發展及民主憲政秩序,兩岸條例第21條之規定尚屬合憲,惟有關對於大陸人民設籍滿10年始得擔任公職,本文認為尚得考量公職對國家安全與利益之影響及所需民主素養程度,分類後區分限制擔任公職種類。 外籍配偶與大陸配偶來台制度之差別待遇問題,本文認為須從實際來台狀況予以檢驗及解決,重要的是基本權益的實質保障,另為解決此一問題,應從改善兩岸關係著手,如能減緩或解決兩岸間政治、軍事對立及衝突,能有良好正常的互動與發展,同時有效改善虛偽結婚或異常、非法情事,當能更提昇大陸人民或是大陸配偶權益及待遇。此外,我國應參照國際人權保障趨勢,擬訂符合我國需要之移民政策,朝保障外來移民之權益繼續努力。 / As globalization goes on, the movement of international population is increasing. For Taiwan, cross-strait communication speeds up this trend. International marriage, including that with the foreigners and PRC citizens, grows up drastically in the number over the past ten years. There were not so many immigrants from foreign countries or from Mainland China before in this country. In response thereto, Taiwan government has set up legal systems and particular rules to regulate immigration lately, for example, “Immigration Law”, “Nationality Law”, “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area”, and so on. These laws include different articles to regulate foreign spouses and Mainland China spouses respectively. Some people therefore get the impression that there is involved discrimination in legal systems. One aspect of this study is firstly devoted to an investigation of the protection as imparted by our Constitution in order to clarify the issue whether a foreign spouse is entitled to rights under the Constitution. Another aspect is to discuss the difference in legal status between a foreigner and people from Mainland China. Then, the legitimacy of such a differentiation is examined from the angle of equity. Actually, the rationale under such a differentiation comes from the cross-strait relations. Relatively, the regulations are stricter for the mainland spouses than for the foreign spouses, in particular in terms of the right to work and residence. As for political right and the right to become civil servants, the problem is more complicated. Since the foreigners and mainland people are regulated differently in respect of the procedures and requirements for getting the citizenship, in consideration of the loyalty conflict and security and in order to ensure the existence and maintain the constitutional democracy of our country, the 10-year minimum requirement for mainland people to become civil servants upon getting the citizenship as prescribed in Article 21 of “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area” is supposed to be in conformity with the constitution. On the other hand, the author of this dissertation opines that upon specifying the restriction on the positions open to the mainland people, the legal system should take into account the impact of their becoming civil servants upon the national security and their accommodation to democracy as required. The author investigates the differentiation in law between foreign and mainland spouses from the angle of American law and the theory of equal protection. Currently, the policy on the mainland spouses’ right to work is focused on the maintenance of low-income families. It might amount to a kind of discrimination that does not quite comply with the equal protection if compared with the phase of foreigners. However, due to the difference in citizenship system between the foreign and mainland spouses, the legal status of these two might not be identical. The foreign spouses who intend to be naturalized in Taiwan must accept the loyalty examination. But for mainland people, the steps to get Taiwanese citizenship lack the loyalty examination procedure. The mainland people who get Taiwanese citizenship are not required to abandon the nationality of mainland China. The mainland people come from communist system; they need a period time to get accommodated to democracy. Therefore, by virtue of loyalty conflict and national security consideration, it is constitutional that the law may prescribe some restriction in this regard. Nonetheless, there remains room for review of the 10-year minimum requirement. It is incumbent upon the legal system to regulate the civil positions to be open in accordance with the impact upon the national security and the accommodation to democracy as required. On the basis of this study, it is suggested that the differentiation between foreign and mainland spouses, having its institutional sector, should be examined and solved in consideration of national circumstances and practical phase. Of particular importance is how to promote the substantial protection of basic human right. Besides, another critical factor is to improve the cross-strait relationship. The tasks such as: to ease and avoid cross-strait political and military confrontation or conflicts, to foster normal and friendly bilateral relations and interaction, etc., all play a critical role. Meanwhile, an effective solution to the problem of fake marriage and other crimes or illegal events will help enhance the interest and status of mainland people furthermore. Also, our country should keep following the trend of international human right protection so as to work toward realistic immigration policy and a satisfactory legal system without compromising the right protection of immigrants.


李玉璽, Lee, Yu-Shi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究方法上,乃主要以法史學的觀點來加以闡述,何謂法史學呢?日本法制史學者林毅提出四項要件: 1.需有多少證據說多少話,重視史料的價值。 2.不單只是事實的呈現,還得能歸納出原理原則來才行。 3.必須與歷史的發展法則相結合,配合歷史的發展提出客觀的解釋。 4.必須面對價值觀的問題提出說明。 準此,本論文在方法論上,便以法史學為主軸,輛以法社會學以及比較法學之方式來加以開展,且為避免就與倫理觀念有關的條款一一加以研究,會發生蕪蔓龐雜的窘境,因此將範圍限縮在針對孝道觀念的演變方面加以研究。 為達到有多少證據說多少話的法史學要求,因此在第二章中,首先運用語言詮釋學的方式,將遠古典籍中「孝」的意義蒐羅後列表為一探討,以分析孝的原始意義以及儒家對其意義的轉化與改進,再則蒐集歷代相關法律規定以及實際案例等史料,以便有多少證據說多少話,並以簡要評析的方式試圖達到林毅教授的法史學其他三項要求:原則之歸納、配合歷史進展而為客觀解釋、說明其價值觀之演變。 在此章中,特別著重比較「忠」與「孝」的觀念之關係,從先秦的「孝先於忘口,一直到董仲舒實際建立三綱五常觀念後「忠等於孝」,以及魏晉的回歸先秦之「孝先於忠」思想,而後又演變成「移孝作忠」的「忠先於孝」之歷史價值觀演變之考察。 至於在案例蒐集方面,則詳今而略古,是以案例蒐集上,獨以清朝案例為多,將秋讞輯要相關案例一併予以收集,但為避免與其他朝代相較篇幅過長,因此未及於刑案匯覽的部分,先說明如上。 而因為傳統中華法系大部分是立基在身份等差的倫理價值觀上,就孝道的價值觀念而言,少見巨幅波動及改變,因此第二章中主要是側重在史料之整理分析,而在第三章的地方,由於西方與東方文化的激烈碰撞,因此價值觀念也有了改變,其幅度之大,可說是曠古未有,因此援引清末維新思想家王韜、郭嵩燾、譚嗣同、康有為等人之言論,以見人們思想之轉化於一斑,並輔以清末變法中針對倫理性條款的爭議、江庸的回憶,以及張之洞的論點等等,乃至於進入民國後時而激進(如民初吳虞、陳獨秀的反孝言論)、時而保守(如民國三十八年時之唐君毅),以及改良的言論(如梁漱溟、梁啟超),更有本持改良立場而晚年轉趨保守者(如董康),因此第三章中,將著重對價值觀念改變之提出說明,並輔以修法史料之蒐集,以滿足法史學之上述需求。 在第四章中本於史料蒐集應詳近而略遠的態度,因此對於民國以還歷年之案例,就能力所及,配合條文修正輔以相關案例,並試圖加以解釋說明,附上近年殺尊親屬罪的案例加以檢討分析,並對於變法修律當時法典編纂者之立場、嗣後我國學者對於殺尊親屬罪的立法理由意見,本於法史學之角度加以說明,以期達到法史學「配合歷史的發展提出客觀的解釋」的要求。 循著法史學觀點的一貫理路,在基於相類似的情況可以為相類似的比較之想法下,我們在第五章試圖探討日本的殺尊親屬罪的存廢之爭,先從靜態法令變遷以及思想背景、價值觀念為一說明,再則根據動態的案例實情以及因而引發的學術論爭,為一簡單整理,再則於第六章中綜合前述,提出結論來。

同性婚姻憲法權利之研究 / The constitutional right of same-sex marriage

楊詠誼 Unknown Date (has links)
憲法保障人民婚姻自由,但現行實務上卻僅承認異性戀婚姻,而拒絕同性婚姻之組成,這其中的差距究竟是從何而來?是憲法本來就不保障同性婚姻之權利?還是現行法令抵觸了憲法保障同性婚姻之意旨? 本文第二章從探討同性婚姻是不是具有「正當性」出發,先從過往歷史的觀點來看同性戀者是不是具有同性結合之需求?除此之外,現代政府或國家賦予婚姻制度諸多權利及利益,而這些權利或利益是不是賦予同性戀者更多步入婚姻的動機?接下來探討支持同性婚姻以及反對同性婚姻所持之論點,包含傳統上對於婚姻之定義、允許同性婚姻會造成「滑坡效應」、同性婚姻並無生殖能力是否會對人類繁衍造成負面影響、同性婚姻組成的家庭是否符合「子女之最佳利益」等問題。 第三章主要探討美國聯邦及各州對於同性婚姻之看法,就結論上來說,於聯邦的層級中,「婚姻防衛法」仍然為合法有效之法律,而有拘束聯邦的效果,代表美國聯邦政府表面上對於同性婚姻仍是採行禁止的作法,然而近年來歐巴馬政府一再地放寬對同性戀者的限制措施,本人甚至在媒體訪問中表達自己對於同性婚姻合法化的寬容態度,顯見美國政府已逐漸邁向同性婚姻合法化的道路。而就各州的角度來看,目前美國各州對於同性婚姻仍有眾多不同的看法,有容許者亦有禁止者,然而不能否認的是,自從2008年之後,開放同性婚姻合法化的州已有越來越多的趨勢,換言之,容許同性婚姻的浪潮已逐漸席捲整個美國。更重要的是,美國法院對於同性婚姻合法化爭議中,有關結婚權、性傾向歧視、審查基準之選擇、法令是否具備合法的政府利益、手段與目的間之關連等問題均已有詳細的探討。而這些討論,在我國憲法同性婚姻合法化的討論上,尤其是平等權的審查上,均有值得參考借鏡之處。 第四章首先從國民法及大法官解釋的觀點,檢視同性婚姻之爭議,結論認為我國民法即我國大法官解釋,均沒有明文規定我國婚姻制度限於一男一女之結合。而我國憲法不論從自由權、平等權或者是平等公民權之觀點,均應容許同性婚姻。 第五章則討論應如何確立憲法保障同性婚姻之誡命?是應該修正民法親屬編之相關規定?還是額外立法保障同性婚姻?於確立保障同性婚姻之前提後,是否應額外立法創設「民事結合」或「家庭伴侶」制度?就結論來說,本文認為,基於憲法保障同性婚姻,且我國民法並無明文規定婚姻限於一男一女之情形下,我國民法容許同性婚姻,無須另行修正民法之相關規定。

論公共廣電集團制度之建構-以平等使用媒體為核心 / The Construction of Public Broadcasting System-Equal Access to the Media

周宇修, Chou, Yu-Shiou Unknown Date (has links)
人民有言論、著作、出版、講學自由之權利,係由我國憲法第十一條所明文保障。而依照相關大法官解釋與學說,言論自由之意涵尚可包含廣電自由、通訊傳播自由與新聞自由。由以上的討論可以知道,我國大法官於第十一條言論自由的內涵中,試圖加入給予廣電媒體更多保障的特別性質基本權。本研究在綜合歷來大法官解釋與學者之見解,認為可將其對於廣電媒體的期待整理為一個上位的媒體自由之概念,而使廣電媒體有其獨立發展的空間。但所謂的媒體自由,並不能影響人民基本言論自由、傳播權及公民權之行使。 面對日趨複雜的廣電媒體問題,近年來解除管制已經成為一種世界性的潮流,其主要原因就在於對於言論自由的尊重,以及將其視為一個市場:政府的管制除了可能不當限制言論自由之外,更容易破壞市場的秩序。但學者指出,廣電市場與一般經濟學所認知的市場有性質上的不同,且若任由廣電媒體發展,將使得部份的人民無法享有合理的傳播權利。 為了解決此一爭議,學者有認為政府有憲法上管制廣電媒體的正當性。而如前所述,媒體自由並不能夠影響言論自由與公民權的行使,因此政府有義務落實上述的人民權利。至於落實的方法,便是對商業媒體進行更加嚴格的管制,而有效的保障少數人民。 惟上述市場論、管制論等方式皆有缺陷存在,本研究認為,較好的方式,應是以折衷的方法建立雙元的廣電體系,使商業電台與公廣集團各自擁有相當的組織,並且採取「不對稱的管制方式」。但要成立一個如此龐大的公廣集團,在應然性與憲法上都有必須解決的問題。於應然性上,在數位匯流的今天,公共電視可以藉由網路影音的方式而不受時間、頻道的限制成立公視二台甚至三台,是否有必要成為龐大的集團?若要成立此一龐大的公廣集團,首先遇到的將是應如何組織公廣集團,滿足我們對公共電視的想像? 其次,建立理想的公廣集團,是否有憲法上之限制?首先遇到的,將是在滿足傳播多樣性下的憲法問題,例如為了落實原住民文化或女性主義,公共電視要求某單位應優先錄取原住民或女性,以增進節目製作的多元化,此種積極平權措施(Affirmative Actions)是否有憲法上的問題?其次,則是擴大公廣集團後,應如何處理過多的商業電台,此將涉及憲法上廣電自由、財產權等問題的實踐。 綜上所述,本文從傳播政策切入,並為其尋得憲法上之基礎,使國家有義務採取合理的雙元廣電體系,而落實人民的言論自由與平等公民權,進而與廣電媒體的媒體自由做適度調和。 / The Article 11 of the Constitution guarantees the people’s freedom of speech, publication, writing and teaching. According to the view point of Grand Justices and scholars, the freedom of speech also contains freedom of opinion via radio or television broadcast media, freedom of communications, and freedom of press. From the above discussionwe can know that Grand Justices try to give the radio and television broadcast media much special nature of the constitutional right in the Article 11 of the Constitution. This study integrates the opinion of the interpretation and the scholars, and consider that the constitutional right of the radio and television broadcast media can be the superordinate concept- freedom of media to make it develop Independently. But the freedom of media can’t impede the people’s basic freedom of speech, communication right and citizenship. Facing the problems of the growing complex media, deregulation becomes the world trend in recent year. The main causes are the respect of freedom of speech, and the theory of marketplace: the regulation of the government may violate freedom of speech, and distort the order of the market. However, people point out that the media market is different from the economics market in the nature. Besides, if we indulgedmedia, some people didn’t have had reasonable communication right. For solving this controversial, The Scholars think that the government can regulate the media with Legitimacy in the Constitution. As mentioned earlier, the freedom of media can’t disturb people’s freedom of speech and citizenship, so the government has the duty to ensure the value. As to ensure that, the government must regulate the commercial media strictly and protect the minority in effect. However, the Market Doctrine or the Regulation Doctrine is not perfect. The better method that this study considers is constructing the dual media system eclectically to make the public as the same strong as the commercial and take the “unsymmetric regulation”. Many problems have existed in ought-to-be and constitution if we wanted to construction the Public Broadcasting System. In ought-to-be, should Public TV be a System in convergence which can be as PTV2, PTV3 by internet? How to construct TBS to satisfy with our imagination? Second, Does the constitution limit the desirable TBS? Like the Diversity in the constitution, for example, is it unconstitutional that TBS make affirmative actions for aborigine or women? Besides, how should we limit the commercial media in freedom of media and property? Above of all, this study find the conclusion that the government has to make reasonable dual media system to protect people’s freedom of speech and equal citizenship from the commercial media.


葛廣薇, Ke, Kuang Wei Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:非法移民、非法外來人口、收容、非刑事拘禁、人身自由、家庭權、平等權、法官保留、正當法律程序、異議、追究、提審 近年來,我國隨著人權國際化的發展,特別是在兩公約施行法公布之後,非法外來人口的收容問題成為熱門的人權議題之ㄧ,因此,引發作者研究的動機。 由於我國國情特殊,外來人口並不限於「外國人」或「無國籍人」,尚包含「無戶籍國民」、「大陸地區人民」、「香港居民」與「澳門居民」等類人士;次查,該等外來人口來臺,未必都有「移民」的意圖,為周延起見,因此,本文將「非法移民」一詞改稱為「非法外來人口」。 經查目前我國非法外來人口以「外國人」與「大陸地區人民」居多,故本文的研究對象乃聚焦於該兩種人士。另外,本文將收容對象限縮於「已入境」且「違反移民法規」的非法外來人口,並將「收容」定義為「主管機關為達成遣返任務,於遣返前,將非法外來人口暫時留置於收容處所的行政行為」,因此,非法外來人口收容之法律性質,為行政處分,屬遣返非法外來人口前之暫時性行政保全措施,不具裁罰性,故非屬行政罰,當然,更非屬刑事處分,自應與刑事訴訟法之「羈押」有所區別。 本論文計分「緒論」、「收容制度之外國借鏡」、「我國收容制度」、「受收容人基本權之保障與衝突」、「收容實務現況及其困境」、「我國收容在合憲性之探討」、「收容與行政救濟」及「結論與建議」等八章。 首先,由美、日及其他世界主要國家對於非法移民的收容制度觀察,發現大多數國家對於非法移民之收容並未採行「法官保留」制度,各國對於收容期限的規定也不一致,而隨著非法移民的日漸增多,近年各國對於非法移民的防杜、查緝與管理,亦較以前積極且嚴格。 我國收容制度主要分為對外國人(含一般外國人與外籍勞工)與對大陸地區人民兩大類,分別由入出國及移民法第38條、就業服務法第68條第4項及臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例(以下簡稱兩岸條例)第18條規範。就外國人與大陸地區人民收容制度之比較發現,二者其實大同小異。有關收容處分機關、法律性質、期間、處分方式、收容處所、對於已取得居留許可且具備一定要件之受處分人遣返前得召開審查會審查、給予當事人陳述意見之機會以及在收容處所內之處遇均相同;主要差異在於「收容要件」、「異議程序之有無」、「折抵刑期或罰金額數之程序」、「驅逐出國(強制出境)前,應否先經司法機關之同意」等程序,此外,大陸地區人民之強制出境,因二十年來,兩岸依循金門協議機制定期運作,尚未發生無法遣返問題,故兩岸條例並無類似外國人得因無法遣返而廢止收容處分之規範。 基本權利的保障,應遵守「層級化法律保留原則」與「重要性理論」,而法益衝突問題,則應依人權調整原理處理。受收容人之基本權利保障與法益衝突,亦應遵守前述法理加以處理,本文爰以受收容人之人身自由、家庭權與平等權三面向加以探討。 繼之,由收容相關處理流程、近4年外國籍與大陸籍受收容人之人數與平均收容天數、外國籍涉案與未涉案人數與比例、收容天數的比較等統計數據,呈現收容實務的現況,並簡要敘述收容行政所面臨的困境及主管機關移民署所做的具體改善措施(包含研擬入出國及移民法修正草案等)。 有關收容的合憲性,分為「法官保留與受收容人之人身自由」、「令從事勞務與工作權保障」、「收容期間與明確性原則」、「刑期折抵與羈押之錯置」、「概括條款之濫用」與「刑事收容之新構思」六方面論述,研究結果發現,現行收容相關規定之合憲性與適法性,尚無疑義。惟查,具體個案執行上,對於涉及刑案之受收容人的「延長收容」,發現有單純僅為順應司法機關犯罪偵審需要而為,並未嚴格審視收容是否具備「保全遣返必要性」之前提要件,與立法目的尚屬有間,恐有違反比例原則之虞。次查,現行規定中,「令從事勞務」一詞,容易引人誤解有侵害工作權之虞,且不符實務現況;而「收容天數得刑期折抵」的權宜措施,不但不能消除「以收容代替羈押」有侵害人權的疑慮,反而,更混淆了收容的法律性質,也讓司法機關有藉口將涉及刑案之非法外來人口「責付」行政機關「收容」,使問題更形嚴重;至於入出國及移民法第38條第1項第4款之概括規定,也容易使收容變相成為刑事追訴之保全機制。凡此種種,均待澈底檢討。 關於非法外來人口收容的行政救濟方面,本文則分別就「異議」、「訴願」、「行政訴訟」、「國家賠償」、「提審」與「追究」等面向觀察,研究發現受收容人提起行政救濟的案例不多,而就實務案例觀察,現行救濟程序對於受收容人之權益保障,確實有緩不濟急的現象發生,亟待改善。 本文對於現行非法外來人口收容法制,歸結如下: 一、非法外來人口收容,未採「法官保留」原則,並未違反憲法第八條之規定,其合憲性尚無疑慮。 二、現行非法外來人口收容法制,符合「公民與政治權利國際公約」相關規定,亦無適法性問題。 三、程序權保障部分 現行非法外來人口收容法制中,有關外國人與大陸地區人民之程序權保障規定未盡一致,且欠缺公正第三人介入審查之強制機制,應加以改善。 四、欠缺事後即時司法審查機制 非法外來人口收容,性質上屬「非刑事拘禁」,受收容人除得依憲法第8條第4項規定向法院聲請「追究」外,亦得依公民與政治權利國際公約第13條規定聲請法院「提審」,惟查,現行提審法、行政訴訟法、法院組織法等法規尚欠缺相關配套機制,有賴司法機關正視並積極建置。 五、刑事程序與行政程序應有所區隔 現行規定,將偵審中或待服刑之犯罪嫌疑人或刑事被告,納入得收容之對象,而遣返刑案被告前,又必須得到司法機關之同意,而收容延長之次數亦未明文限制,收容日數並得折抵刑期,不但再再混淆收容之法律性質,也是遭來「以收容代替羈押」批評的導火線。為切合收容之立法目的,提升人權保障,本文認為對於涉刑案之非法外來人口,應依「先刑事後行政」原則辦理,收容對象應限縮為單純待遣返之非法外來人口。 六、得命服勞役之規定,未切合實務現況,且容易引發侵害人權之誤解,應配合兩公約施行法之公布施行,儘速刪除之。 七、非法外勞收容之法源依據亟待修正 經查就業服務法迄未配合移民署之成立而加以修正,為符法制,減少疑義,勞政與立法機關應積極推動修法事宜。 至於本文對於非法外來人口收容法制之主要建議如下: 一、對於移民法、兩岸條例之修正建議 (一)收容對象應修正為以「單純等待遣返之非法外來人口」為限,刪除司法機關得將涉及刑案且尚待偵審之非法外來人口「責付」移民署收容之規定。 (二)刪除「遣返前應經司法機關同意」之規定。 (三)刪除「收容日數得折抵刑期或罰金」之規定。 (四)俟司法院建置「追究」或「提審」等事後即時司法審查機制後,刪除「收容異議制度」。 (五)於入出國及移民法修正草案中,增列大陸地區人民與港澳居民得「準用」外國人收容相關規定。 二、建議司法院研修提審法、法院組織法與行政訴訟法,建立非法外來人口收容「追究」、「提審」等事後即時司法審查機制;此外,為提升對於涉及刑案受收容人之權益保障,則建議司法院研修刑事訴訟法,針對觸犯微罪且有逃亡或逃亡之虞之犯罪嫌疑人或被告,增列「刑事收容」制度,以符刑事偵審實需。 三、建議勞委會儘速修正就業服務法相關法規,增列移民署查緝、收容非法外勞之法源依據,並建置完善之外籍勞工相關制度,減少非法外勞之發生率。 四、修正國家安全法第3條不合時宜之規定。 五、行政院應建置跨部會整合平台,釐定完整妥適之移民政策後,相關部會應配合修訂移民配套法規。 / Keywords: illegal immigration, illegal alien population, detention, liberty, family rights, equal rights, due process of law, dissent, legal investigation, Habeas Corpus In the recent years, Taiwan, following the international development in human rights and especially after the release of Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (hereby referred to as the “Two Covenants”) has started the popular discussion of illegal alien population detention. This paved the way to the subject of my thesis. Because of Taiwan's special political situation, the immigrant population is defined as not only "foreigners" or "stateless people", but also as "non-permanent nationals", "Mainland citizens", "Hong Kong residents", "Macao residents" and other categories of people. The foreign population that comes to Taiwan may not all have "migration intent”, so for the sake of being thorough, in this thesis, the term "illegal immigrants" will be changed to the broader term of "illegal aliens." As the current investigation shows illegal alien population is mostly from Mainland China and foreign countries, this study will focus on these two groups. Aliens that can be “detained” are limited in this study to illegal aliens that have entered Taiwan and have violated immigration laws. The term “detention" is defined as "an administrative act of keeping illegal aliens in temporary premises during pre-removal process until their repatriation”. The detention of illegal alien population is an executive sanction given prior to the repatriation of illegal aliens. It is a temporary executive protection measure, not a punitive one. It is not an administrative penalty and a non-criminal sanction. It differs from the term “custody” of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The thesis is divided into the following eight sections: 1. Introduction 2. Foreign-Based Detention System 3. Taiwan’s Detention System 4. Basic Human Rights of the Detained Aliens and Their Conflicts 5. Plight of Current Detention Practices 6. Constitutionality of Taiwan’s Detention System 7. Remedies for Detaining and Executive Practices 8. Conclusions and Recommendations In the first place, most of the detention systems in the United States, Japan and other developed countries in the world do not adopt the " Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes " system. The periods for detention around the world are also different. As the number of illegal immigration cases increases in these countries, the prevention, investigation and management of illegal immigration have also become more proactive and stricter than ever before. Taiwan's detention system can be subdivided into two major groups, foreigners (including foreign workers) and Chinese Mainlanders, overseen by the Immigration Act Section 38 of the Employment Service Law Article 68, Paragraph 4, and the Taiwanese and the Mainland Regional Relations (hereinafter referred to as Cross Strait Ordinance) Article 18. The detention system for foreigners and Mainlanders are essentially the same in Taiwan. They both share the same agencies for detention, regulations, detention duration, decisions, detention locations, resident alien pre-repatriation reviews, opportunities for legal defense, and detention treatment. The main differences between the two groups are: the requirements for detention, the presence or absence of objection procedures, the procedure for sentence set-off or penalty fines, the requirement of judicial consent prior to expulsion (forced exit) from the country, and other similar processes. In the last two decades, through the Golden Gate Agreement between Taiwan and Mainland China, there are regularly scheduled forced exits of Mainlanders from Taiwan. Repatriation of Mainlanders has not had any issues yet. That is why there has not been the need for regulations stopping their detention due to inability to repatriate them like in the cases of foreigners. The protection of fundamental rights should comply with "the hierarchy of legal reservation" and "the importance theory". The conflicts among legal interests should be adjusted in accordance with human rights principles. And the fundamental rights of the detained people should be addressed by the past legal principles. This thesis will cover three directions: people's personal freedom, family rights and equal rights. Through detention-related processes, the statistical comparisons between the number of detained aliens and average days in the detention centers of foreign nationals and Mainlanders, and the statistical comparison between foreign nationals involved and not involved in detention and the number of days in detention, one can see the current condition of detention and can describe the difficulties faced by the Administration and the implementation of specific improvement plans (including entry and exit information, drafts to amend the Immigration Act sent to the Legislature, etc.) by the various related authorities within the Department of Immigration. The constitutionality of the detention is divided into six discussion topics: "Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes and Detainee’s Personal Freedom", "Right to Work and Protection of that Right", "Clear Detention Period," "Difference Between Sentence Set-Off and Detention," "Abuse of General Terms" and "Constructive Thoughts of Criminal Custody". From my research, the constitutionality and applicability of existing regulations are clear. However, during actual prosecution of individual cases, detained aliens involved in criminal cases may "extend detention" and are tried simply as criminal cases, not evaluating beforehand the necessity of repatriation, whether there is a gap with the legislative goal and whether it violates the principle of proportionality. In current regulations, the phrase “serve labor sentence” easily leads to misunderstanding that there exists labor rights violation. And the implementation of right to off-set imprisonment by detention days not only does not eliminate the question of whether administrative detention replaces imprisonment has human rights violation, but it confuses the nature of detention laws. It also lets judicial agencies use criminal cases involving illegal aliens to be part of Administrative agencies’ responsibility, worsening the problem. The Border Entry and Exit and Immigration Act Article 38, Section 1, paragraph 4, also easily transforms detention into a mechanism of shielding against criminal prosecution. All this should be reviewed and analyzed in its entirety. Concerning the detained illegal aliens’ executive relief, this thesis will analyze from the points of "dissent", "petition", "executive action", "National Compensation", "Habeas Corpus" and "accountability". Studies found there are not too many cases of executive relief filed by the detained aliens. From observing the practical cases, the current relief program for the protection of the detained aliens’ rights is quite slow and needs improvement. The detention laws regarding the current illegal alien population can be summarized as followed: 1. Although the detention of illegal alien population does not to adopt "Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes " principle, it does not violate the provisions of Article 8 of the Constitution and there is no doubt of its constitutionality. 2. The current detention laws of illegal alien population fit the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights," and related provisions, there is no issue of applicability. 3. The part related to the protection of process right In the current laws related to detention of illegal aliens, the sections related to foreigners and Mainlanders that guarantee the process right are not entirely consistent, and they lack the enforcement mechanism of requiring reviews by impartial third parties. This should be improved. 4. Lack of mechanism that requires immediate judicial review The detention of illegal alien population is a "non-criminal detention". Article 8 of the Constitution, Paragraph 4 provides that illegal aliens may ask the Court for investigation; or the alien may ask for a judicial habeas corpus according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 13. The current Habeas Corpus, Administrative Procedure Laws, Court Organization Laws and other related regulations still need supporting structure and that responsibility falls on the judiciary branch to address directly and actively. 5. The separation of criminal and administrative procedures Existing regulations consider aliens in the mist of investigation, alien suspects awaiting sentencing, and criminal alien defendants are possible subjects for detention. There must be judicial consent prior to repatriation of criminal case defendants. However the fact that limitation on the number of times that detention may be extended has not been clearly set and that the days in the detention may set off the imprisonment not only creates massive legal confusion, but also invites criticism that "detention is now replacing imprisonment". To meet the legislative goal of establishing detention laws to enhance human rights, this thesis argues for the illegal aliens involved in criminal cases should first be tried as criminals, then as administrative defendants. And detention laws should be limited to repatriation of illegal alien population only. 6. Regulations requiring serving labor sentence do not fit current reality or practices. This easily leads to misunderstanding of human rights violation. It should be deleted immediately. The regulations should be compatible with the release of the Two Covenants. 7. The laws related to illegal alien workers detention should be corrected The Employment Service Act is not consistent with the establishment of the Department of Immigration. The Act should be amended to meet the current legal system and reduce ambiguity. Labor Administration and Legislative agencies should proactively promote the amendment of this Act. The main recommendations for the legal system around detention of illegal aliens are: A. Suggested amendments for immigration laws and cross-strait ordinance (a) Candidates for detention should be amended to accommodate illegal aliens that are simply awaiting repatriation. The need for judicial involvement should be deleted. And illegal aliens involved in criminal investigation and hearing should be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Immigration. (b) The regulation requiring judicial consent prior to repatriation should be deleted. (c) The allowance for reducing length of sentence or fines by detention days should be removed. (d) After the Judicial Branch establishes investigation and habeas corpus and the judicial review, there should not be a separate detention system. (e) During border entries and exits and during immigration law amendments, more provisions for detaining illegal foreign aliens should apply to Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao residents. B. The Judicial Branch should analyze and edit current habeas corpus laws, court organization laws and administrative procedure laws in order to establish immediate judicial review process after illegal aliens enters custody. In addition, to improve the protection of the rights of the detaining aliens who are involved in criminal cases, the Judicial Ministry should review and edit criminal proceedings laws and add “criminal custody” system to meet current needs. C. The Council of Labor Affairs should amend as soon as possible the Employment Services Act and related regulations, to increase additional investigation by the Department of Immigration, detention laws related to illegal alien workers, and build a complete legal system for foreign workers in order to reduce cases of illegal foreign workers. D. Section 3 of the National Security Act is obsolete and should be amended to reflect current reality. E. The Executive Branch should build cross-agency integration platform, determining the suitable immigration policies, and relevant departments need to support the amended immigration regulations.

我國視障者從事醫療按摩之法制建構—以英國視障物理治療師之促進法制為借鏡 / Draft law about visually impaired persons engaged in medical massage – with British visually impaired physiotherapists as a example

陳奇威 Unknown Date (has links)

限制原大陸地區人民出任公務人員合憲性之研究-以平等權為中心的觀察 / On the Constitutionality of Restriction on Former Mainland Chinese People Serving as Civil Servants from the Perspectives of Right of Equality

陳靜慧, Chen, Ching Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的,是要探討兩岸人民關係條例第二十一條限制設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民不得出任公務人員規定之合憲性,並擇定以平等權觀點作為切入論述的角度。全文共分為六大部分:第一部分確認大陸地區人民與設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民在我國之法律地位為得享有平等服公職權之主體。第二部分確立平等權審查之基準,包括事務本質、憲法整體價值、體系正義及比例原則,是為檢證系爭條文合憲性及貫穿本文之核心價值標準。第三部分分析各國及我國公務員法制中,以忠誠度為考量來設定之審核申請出任公務員者「適任性」之法定任用條件之立法目的及法則,以找出與申請者適任公務人員與否重要相關之本質要素為何。第四部分則是分析設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民之本質屬性,是否具有不適出任公務人員之重要本質要素。第五部分檢討系爭條文所採差別待遇之手段及內容,是否符合比例原則。最後,本文就系爭條文是否符合憲法平等保障人民基本權利之意旨作一綜合評析,並嘗試提出修正系爭條文之具體建議。 / The Mainland Chinese people have become Taiwan people since they settled down in Taiwan area. However, Article 21 of the Statute Governing the Relations between People in Taiwan Area and People in Mainland Area stipulates that the former Mainland Chinese people registered residences in Taiwan area within 10 years (hereafter “former Mainland Chinese people” ) couldn’t serve as civil servants. It is debatable whether said stipulation constituting a discriminatory treatment to part of nationals serving in public service violates Article 7 of the Constitution guaranteeing the right of equality. To begin with, this paper defines the legal status of Mainland Chinese people as nationals from Constitution point of view. Then, the paper looks into the subject from several points of view, including the nature of the addressed subject, the value system of the Constitution, and the purpose of enactment. It is find that the preclusion of the former Mainland Chinese people serving as civil servants is in harmony with amendment to the Constitution. It is furthermore not in conflict with the equal protection of law provided in Article 7 of the Constitution. However, part of the measure of the above said statute not in accord with the principle of Proportion should be amended in order to concur with preservation of state security and the adequate exercise of rights to serve in public service of the people. The Germany’s civil service law, which provides conditions of reappointment of former civil servants under German Democratic Republic after German unification serves as a most valuable reference model.

同性戀者權利平等保障之憲法基礎 / On Equal Protection for Lesbian and Gay Men

張宏誠, Maurice Hong-cheng Zhang Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討於我國憲法架構下,同性戀者的權利保障議題。期以引介國外相關學說與法制,解決我國日漸浮現的相關爭議。 第一章,緒論。說明研究動機與研究範圍,並揭櫫科際整合的研究方法,兼採社會學等其他學門對於同性戀議題的既有研究成果,作為法學研究的背景。 第二章以憲法平等權保障為核心,從美國聯邦最高法院所建立的三重審查基準,討論其於「性傾向歧視」案件的適用。研究發現,對於同性戀者所為的差別待遇,基於「代表強化論」等政治程序參與保障、構成違憲「可疑分類」與根據從社會學等理論,同性戀者與異性戀者並無不同,應享有同等基本權利的憲法保障,除非政府所為分類具有一「優位」政府利益,且手段與目的緊密關連,否則應屬違憲。值得注意的是,美國聯邦最高法院於Romer v. Evans一案中揭示「本質原則」(per se rule),於立法者「惡意」對「孤立的弱勢族群」,根據偏見予以全面性不利的差別待遇,法院即得直接認定違憲。本文認為此項平等權審查途徑的突破,仍有其適用上的爭議與缺陷,其影響有待進一步觀察。 其後,針對「同性性行為」的除罪化,與「同性婚姻」的合法化等兩個當前最具爭議性,與同性戀者生活關係密切的問題,本文嘗試以第二章所建立的理論基礎,檢視其正當性。第三章討論同性性行為的除罪化。首先以社會生物學反駁同性性行為的「不自然論據」。其次,基於「自由主義」的「傷害原則」,除非對第三人造成傷害,否則對性行為均不應加以管制。再者,針對管制同性性行為的「雞姦法」,論者雖謂該法並非僅就同性戀者加以處罰,然,實際上處罰者確均為同性戀者,況立法本意往往隱涵對同性戀者的偏見等,此即與憲法平等權保障相悖,應屬違憲。惟,美國聯邦最高法院於Bowers v. Hardwick一案中則肯定該法的合憲性,本文亦就該項判決予以批判。最後則就台灣同性性行為管制或相關立法與行政措施之現狀,提出修法建議。 第四章討論最具爭議的「同性婚姻」合法化問題。研究發現,同性婚姻於本文第二章所提出自由主義傷害原則,以及平等權理論之下應予合法。首先,駁斥反對者所提出的「滑坡理論」等諸項疑懼。其次,剖析美國司法實務就同性婚姻所提出的若干論據,發現,其於同性戀者的刻板印象,深受「同性戀恐懼症」所影響,均屬情緒性反應與理所當然的偏見,是項見解,亦於夏威夷州最高法院所為指標性判決得到回應。此外,比較全球各國對同性婚姻保障的制度,「準婚姻」及「登記伴侶」等制度雖然給予同性戀者若干保障,本文認為,此項制度仍凸顯同性戀者有異於異性戀者,婚姻的形式意義與實質保障均應爭取之。基於平等權理論,國家應該提供人民相同的法律保障,既然並無禁止異性戀者合法結婚,亦不應該禁止同性戀者結婚。 第五章則總結研究發現:一、從美國聯邦最高法院、歐洲人權法院、加拿大最高法院,乃至於聯合國人權委員會對於同性戀者權利保障議題的關注,而於「亞洲人權憲章」草案中,亦明白規定對於同性戀者的平等保障,對同性戀者的人權保障,已為全球逐漸形成的共識。以比較法的觀點而言,不同法律制度所形成的理論,亦在同性戀人權保障議題上,獲得相互引證與批判,有助於理論的成熟發展。二、本文提出同性戀者權利保障的理論基礎,雖然從不同學門理論、自由主義、政治哲學等出發,然而最終關注的焦點仍在於憲法平等權保障的理念。而相關理論於晚進各國司法實務上已見採納與實踐。三、雖然台灣社會目前對同性戀者權利保障議題,其問題意識形成與公眾討論仍未熱烈,關注議題與焦點亦較未全面性深入。本文認為,法律於社會改革具有其功能,從法律與平權運動的互動,呼籲有識者重視司法途徑以解決法律限制,並提出修法建議與審查基準,作為立法機關制訂法律與法院(包括大法官)審查相關議題的參考。 關鍵詞:同性戀、隱私權、平等權、審查基準、同性婚姻、自由主義、社會建構論、法律經濟學、同性性行為、防衛婚姻法。 目次 中文摘要 英文摘要 表次 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………………1 第二章 同性戀者權利保障的理論基礎…………………………………………27 第三章 同性性行為的除罪化……………………………………………………115 第四章 同性婚姻的合法化………………………………………………………164 第五章 結論:同性戀與憲法-兼論台灣同性戀者權利保障的未來…………240 參考書目……………………………………………………………………………247 附錄……………………………………………………………………………………I 詳目 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.2 問題意識:同性戀議題的法學發問基礎……………………………………………………9 1.2.1 同性戀者在憲法基本權利主體的定位…………………………………………………14 1.2.2 同性戀者權利保障的議題取向與理論基礎……………………………………………15 1.2.3 憲法平等權審查基準的建立……………………………………………………………16 1.2.4 同性戀者權利保障的終極關懷:後續法律關係的確定與爭端解決…………………17 1.3 研究方法………………………………………………………………………………………18 1.3.1 科際整合的研究途徑……………………………………………………………………19 1.3.2 比較法的研究方法………………………………………………………………………21 1.4 本文架構:從理論到實用,從私領域到公領域……………………………………………24 第二章 同性戀者權利保障的理論基礎 2.1 理論前提:社會建構論的觀察………………………………………………………………27 2.1.1 同性戀:一個歷史的偶然?……………………………………………………………28 古代西方文化中的同性戀………………………………………………………28 古代西方文化以外的同性戀……………………………………………………30 近代文化中的同性戀……………………………………………………………32 中國傳統文化中的同性戀………………………………………………………33 同性戀醫學定義的歷史演變……………………………………………………36 2.1.2 同性戀的釋疑:同性戀(者)的刻板印象及現代科學的解釋………………………37 對同性戀(者)的刻板印象……………………………………………………38 同性戀危害社會………………………………………………………38 同性戀者無法生殖,對人類繁衍構成威脅…………………………39 同性戀者對兒童與青少年構成威脅…………………………………40 同性戀者的生活方式並不幸福………………………………………41 同性戀者性關係複雜…………………………………………………42 同性戀等同愛滋病……………………………………………………43 同性戀破壞宗教道德,影響社會安定………………………………44 同性戀者要求特殊權利………………………………………………44 同性戀對家庭構成威脅………………………………………………45 小結…………………………………………………………………46 現代科學的正面回應……………………………………………………………46 同性戀並非病態………………………………………………………46 同性戀作為一種精神疾病﹕從歷史的角度來看……………………48 同性戀從精神疾病除名………………………………………………50 同性戀的成因…………………………………………………………53 x染色體上的發現………………………………………55 生物醫學的研究:荷爾蒙與腦部構造變異……………56 後天環境論………………………………………………56 2.1.3 社會建構論對於同性戀的意義…………………………………………………………57 異性戀主義:同性戀刻板印象的形成與同性戀恐懼症………………………57 Foucault的社會建構理論………………………………………………………58 現代概念下的同性戀:一個性文化的興起…………………………58 Foucault的性理論……………………………………………………59 坦白是性之根本…………………………………………59 性科學……………………………………………………60 權力關係…………………………………………………61 建構主義…………………………………………………62 Foucault對性概念的重建……………………………………………62 性是否已成為一個不夠用的概念﹖……………………62 快感與慾望………………………………………………63 Foucault的性與同性戀政治觀………………………………………63 Foucault對同性戀關係的詮釋:友誼…………………………………64 2.2 自由主義的哲學基礎與隱私權保障…………………………………………………………65 2.2.1 同性戀者自由的界限:「俄芬登報告」的論爭………………………………………66 2.2.2 白紙上的墨漬:傷害與容忍的法的詮釋………………………………………………68 憲法上保障基本權利的性質及其界限…………………………………………69 傷害原則的具體化:憲法第二十三條的適用…………………………………69 基本權利的「容忍」義務?……………………………………………………70 同性戀的傷害性?………………………………………………………………70 破壞社會?回應社會解構論…………………………………………70 破壞家庭生活幸福……………………………………………………71 同性性行為容易傳染疾病……………………………………………72 小結……………………………………………………………………73 2.2.3 當代自由主義者的理論對於同性戀議題的實用………………………………………73 John Rawls的「政治自由主義」:權利的道德基礎與優先性…………………73 Ronald Dworkin的「倫理的自由平等」…………………………………………75 Joseph Raz的「至善論者自由主義」……………………………………………76 法律道德主義的「圍城」:德國戰後「新自然法」浪潮……………………77 自由主義法典範下對於同性戀者權利保障的危機……………………………79 2.2.4 理性與自治:自由主義下隱私權的保障目的…………………………………………80 理性的人:一個古老的哲學問題………………………………………………80 同性戀者是否為理性的人?……………………………………………………82 2.2.5. Richard Posner的「法律經濟分析」……………………………………………………84 功效主義與同性戀………………………………………………………………84 Posner的法律經濟分析與同性戀者權利保障…………………………………87 Posner的性理論與同性戀……………………………………………87 Posner理論的適用……………………………………………………89 2.2.6 小結………………………………………………………………………………………90 2.3 平等權保障……………………………………………………………………………………90 2.3.1 一個新歷史的開始:Romer v. Evans……………………………………………………91 背景事實與纏訟經過……………………………………………………………91 多數意見…………………………………………………………………………94 不同意見…………………………………………………………………………95 Romer案的評析及其影響………………………………………………………97 本質原則對於平等權審查基準的定位………………………………98 同性戀者在憲法上的定位不明………………………………………98 Hardwick案於Romer案的關係懸而未決……………………………99 民主價值與憲法基本權利保障……………………………………100 2.3.2 同性戀者平等權審查基準的選擇……………………………………………………101 平等權審查基準的概說………………………………………………………101 從「性別歧視」主張同性戀者平等權:中度審查基準的適用………………102 性別歧視審查基準的早期見解……………………………………102 性別歧視的新視點…………………………………………………103 中度審查基準的形成………………………………………………104 「性傾向歧視」是「性別歧視」?性別角色的迷思………………106 同性戀作為「可疑分類」︰適用「嚴格審查基準」的坦途?………………108 缺乏政治力量………………………………………………………110 「隔離但平等」與「不同但平等」…………………………………111 與生俱來、不可改變的特徵…………………………………………112 小結…………………………………………………………………113 第三章 同性性行為的除罪化 3.1 從社會生物學看同性戀與同性性行為……………………………………………………115 3.1.1 社會生物學概說………………………………………………………………………115 3.1.2 社會生物學與同性戀…………………………………………………………………117 3.1.3 同性性行為是「不自然」?……………………………………………………………121 描述性的自然法則……………………………………………………………121 「人為的」就是不自然…………………………………………………………122 凡是不常見或不正常的東西不自然…………………………………………123 與一個器官或工具的主要目的或功能相反的使用方式不自然……………124 凡是不自然的就是不好的……………………………………………………125 3.2 各國管制現況與除罪化趨勢………………………………………………………………126 3.2.1 美國雞姦法在憲法上的爭議…………………………………………………………126 性行為管制的憲法爭議:隱私權的保障範圍…………………………………127 隱私權保障的負面教材:Bowers v. Hardwick…………………………………129 一個不存在的事實:事實與判決經過………………………………129 多數意見……………………………………………………………131 協同意見……………………………………………………………133 不同意見……………………………………………………………134 Hardwick案的評析及其對同性戀者平權運動的影響………………………138 本案應不應該受理?………………………………………………138 隱私權保障的目的…………………………………………………140 性行為受隱私權保障的範圍:滑坡論證的疑慮……………………141 創設基本權利類型的理由:歷史傳統?……………………………142 法律與道德的界限…………………………………………………142 Hardwick案對同性戀者權利保障的影響…………………………142 行為與地位的混淆……………………………………142 公領域與私領域的切割………………………………143 3.2.2 美國經驗的對照:歐洲國家與全球同性性行為除罪化的努力………………………143 歐洲同性性行為的管制歷史…………………………………………………144 歐洲人權法院的判決分析……………………………………………………144 保障範圍……………………………………………………………145 侵害類型與干涉程度………………………………………………146 比例原則……………………………………………………………149 「歐洲共識」…………………………………………………………151 同性性行為作為一種普遍人權………………………………………………152 3.3 我國關於同性性行為與刑法管制的可能議題……………………………………………154 3.3.1 刑法「性別意識」與「姦淫」、「猥褻」的定義……………………………………154 同性戀及其性行為的刑法評價………………………………………………154 刑法的性別意識………………………………………………………………155 3.3.2 合法性行為同意年齡…………………………………………………………………160 3.3.3 後天免疫症候群防治條例與性行為告知義務………………………………………162 第四章 同性婚姻的合法化 4.1 同性婚姻的歷史與正反意見的陳述………………………………………………………166 4.1.1 婚姻的意義及其對同性戀者的重要性………………………………………………166 不只是「婚姻」…………………………………………………………………166 同性戀社群內部對婚姻的爭論………………………………………………168 4.1.2 同性婚姻的歷史………………………………………………………………………170 4.1.3 反對同性婚姻的主要理由及其反駁…………………………………………………171 4.2 同性婚姻在各國的憲法爭議與法律實踐…………………………………………………173 4.2.1 美國同性婚姻的憲法爭議……………………………………………………………173 同性婚姻的爭訟………………………………………………………………173 Baker v. Nelson………………………………………………………173 Jones v. Hallahan……………………………………………………175 Singer v. Hara………………………………………………………176 Adams v. Howerton…………………………………………………179 Dean v.District of Columbia(Barry)…………………………………181 小結:結婚權的憲法意義……………………………………………182 隱私權與結婚權………………………………………182 結婚權與婚姻的社會意義……………………………183 Baehr v. Lewin(Baehr I)…………………………………………………………185 事實及爭訟經過……………………………………………………185 多數意見……………………………………………………………185 協同意見……………………………………………………………187 不同意見……………………………………………………………187 Baehr v. Miike(Baehr II)………………………………………………………190 事實及爭訟經過……………………………………………………190 法院意見……………………………………………………………191 Baehr二案的評析及其影響……………………………………………………193 「防衛婚姻法」的合憲性………………………………………………………194 「防衛婚姻法」的制定與其內容……………………………………195 「防衛婚姻法」的合憲性:Romer一案的適用……………………196 平等的極致:「滑坡論證」的失序挑戰………………………………………199 禁止童婚與同性婚姻………………………………………………200 禁止一夫多妻與同性婚姻…………………………………………201 禁止亂倫與同性婚姻………………………………………………202 小結…………………………………………………………………204 4.2.2 歐洲人權公約對於同性婚姻的保障…………………………………………………204 家庭關係的隱私權保障………………………………………………………205 婚姻權的保障…………………………………………………………………206 「禁止歧視」條款與同性婚姻…………………………………………………208 適用範圍及其限制…………………………………………………208 合理審查基準………………………………………………………209 「比例原則」審查基準………………………………………………211 4.2.3 「婚姻」定義的突破:加拿大最高法院M v. H判決…………………………………212 背景事實………………………………………………………………………212 多數意見………………………………………………………………………213 不同意見………………………………………………………………………214 本案評析及其影響……………………………………………………………214 4.2.4 同性婚姻在全球各國的制度實現……………………………………………………215 實質法律保障:伴侶登記或認可法……………………………………………216 從契約到身分………………………………………………………216 從身分到契約………………………………………………………218 現行制度的適用與評估………………………………………………………219 北歐國家對於同性婚姻態度開放的原因…………………………219 異性戀婚姻適用於同性戀者的評估………………………………220 4.3 我國同性婚姻合法性的憲法挑戰…………………………………………………………220 4.3.1 中國傳統下對婚姻的看法……………………………………………………………221 4.3.2 現行民法下同性婚姻的合法性及其衍生議題………………………………………221 4.3.3 同性婚姻合法化在我國的可能性:大法官解釋的評估………………………………224 性別歧視下的平等:我國大法官對於「男女平等」的解釋…………………224 釋字第三六五號解釋/男女「合理」差別待遇︰多合理?…………224 釋字第二四二號解釋/「婚姻」作為「制度性保障」………………229 小結…………………………………………………………………235 我國憲法第七條「男女平等」與同性戀平等權保障…………………………235 憲法文本的詮釋……………………………………………………235 性解放下的男女平等………………………………………………237 小結……………………………………………………………………………239 第五章 結論:同性戀與憲法-兼論台灣同性戀者權利保障的未來 5.1 平權運動策略建言…………………………………………………………………………240 5.1.1 建立共識,尋求認同…………………………………………………………………240 5.1.2 具體可行的目標………………………………………………………………………241 組織化…………………………………………………………………………241 持續化…………………………………………………………………………242 議題化…………………………………………………………………………242 司法化…………………………………………………………………………243 5.2 法律修正方向與司法審查基準……………………………………………………………243 5.2.1 國際人權公約與內國法律……………………………………………………………243 5.2.2 制定反歧視法?………………………………………………………………………244 5.2.3 司法審查基準…………………………………………………………………………245 表次 表1-1:同性戀者權利保障議題一覽表 ………………………………………………………………11 表2-1:Romer v. Evans案判決意見一覽表……………………………………………………………96 表2-2:美國最高法院三重審查基準一覽表…………………………………………………………106 表3-1:Bowers v. Hardwick案判決意見一覽表………………………………………………………136 表4-1:Baehr v. Lewin案判決意見一覽表……………………………………………………………189 表4-2:Baehr v. Miike案判決意見一覽表……………………………………………………………193 表4-3:種族、性別與性傾向歧視之類推過程一覽表………………………………………………194 表4-4:司法院大法官有關性別平等解釋案要旨……………………………………………………232 / "Lesbian and gay rights are human rights!" Is this just a political slogan to be chanted outsides legislatures? Is this just a fairytale, or are there legal arguments to support the claim that the right to be free from sexual orientation discrimination is a human right? In particular, can national constitutions and international human right treaties be interpreted as prohibiting discrimination against same-sex sexual activity ("sodomy"), gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual individuals, and same-sex couples? In this thesis, the author attempts to answer these questions by examining of these most commonly used arguments in favour of such an interpretation: sexual orientation is an "immutable status", sexual orientation is a "fundamental choice" or part of "privacy", sexual orientation discrimination is sex discrimination and "sexual orientation discrimination". However, the core argument is always "Equal Protection". Chapter I explains the motives of research, the goals to be achieved, the methods to be used, and the structure of this thesis. Chapter II investigates what and how to build the basic theories to justify the claim that lesbians and gay men, as well as heterosexuals, shall be equally protected under the constitution. Because this issue is largely invisible or marginalised in academic debate, the author first provides an invaluable exploration of sociology, sociobiology, and sexual science, in order to break up the stereotypes of lesbians and gay men. According to the theory of Equal Protection, the author concluded that "sexual orientation discrimination" deserved the strict or heightened scrutiny, i.e., either the discrimination achieves the compelling or overriding governmental interest, necessarily and narrowly tailored, or it should be hold unconstitutional. Applying the basic theories, then the author devoted two chapters to specific issues, particularly, and focused on sodomy law and same-sex marriage. Chapter III examines the constitutionality of sodomy law. According to the "Harm Principle", the author doesn't think that sexual activities between consenting adults should be criminalized. Although sodomy law is plainly neutral, i.e., applicable for men and women, homosexual and heterosexual individuals, the author found that, in practice, sodomy law always criminalize lesbian and gay men. The author also discussed relevant articles of Taiwan's Penal Code, especially the newly revised articles of sex crime-crime of "disturbing sexual autonomy". Chapter IV scrutinizes the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. The author first analyzed why people are always reluctant to recognize the same-sex marriage, and reiterate the so-called "slippery slope" arguments. The judiciary around the world never decided clearly that lesbians and gay men could legally wed, until the Hawaii Supreme Court held the Hawaii Revised Statutes §572-1 unconstitutional. Inspiringly by a recent development that the Canada Supreme Court declared positively the word "spouse" does not exclusively mean the combination of a man and a woman. This is , in indeed, a milestone in rhetoric. According to the "per se rule", the author also strongly criticized the "Defense of Marriage Act"(DOMA), and claimed that DOMA should be held unconstitutional. After comparing the institutions substantially protected same-sex couples, i.e., "registered partnership" or "domestic partnership", the author concluded such institutions as phase work. However, the final task is to make lesbians and gay men legally wed, just like "human being in love". Chapter V summarized the findings and suggested measures for further improvement. The author hopes to remind domestic gay organizations of the importance to use judicial approach solving the issue of equal protection for lesbian and gay men. After bloody wars and tragic disasters, why people can not learn to treat "others" as "selves"? Some day, lesbians and gay men can walk hand in hand with one's love in bright sunshine. Wish is not a dream. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Queer; Equal Protection; Review Standards; Same-Sex Marriage; Sodomy; Privacy; Liberalism; Economic Analysis of Law; Social Constructionalism; Defense of Marriage Act.

國外醫學畢業生應國家醫師考試法律問題之研究—以國人取得波蘭醫學院學位為例 / The legal issues of foreign medical graduates attending the national medical license examination-a study based on examinees with polish medical degrees

黃鶴翔, Huang, Ho Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
外國醫學生(包括波蘭醫學生)是教育部總額管制下的一個漏洞,開放外國醫學生來台行醫,是否違背教育部「總額管制」的目的?這些外國醫學畢業生,他們的學習場所並無接受國家的監督(醫學院評鑑、教學醫院評鑑),國我如何保證這些國外醫學畢業生的學習成果和國內的醫學畢業生水平相當(亦即須符合「大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法」第八條規定:「國外學歷…修業期限、修習課程,應與國內同級同類學校規定相當。」之要求)?除了學歷的採認之外,「實習期滿成績及格」的認定在本案中是關鍵,因為由前述的爭執歷史過程中,皆未有相關外國醫學學歷的爭執,大家的爭議之處都是「實習問題」。 所以,選擇「國外醫學畢業生應國家醫師考試法律問題之研究—以國人取得波蘭醫學院畢業證書為例」這個題目作為研究的對象,將使吾人學習到: 1. 什麼職業算是「專門職業及技術人員」,「醫師」這個職業算是「專門職業及技術人員」之一種嗎?「醫師專技」的工作權和一般的工作權有何不同? 2. 我國針對「本國」、「外國」、「大陸地區」的醫學學歷的審查和採認有不同的標準嗎? 我國負責學歷採認的政府機關和其法源依據是甚麼? 如果有不同的採認標準,則對持外國醫學學歷的應國家醫師考試的應考人而言,會有甚麼影響? 3. 考選部據「考選部醫師牙醫師審議委員會」之決議做成的「暫准報名,緩發及格證書」的行政行為,其法律性質為何? 因為有部份應考人在簽完此份行政契約之後,卻又在考試過後向台灣高等法院聲請假處分,所以有關「實習期滿成績及格」之認定所產生的爭議,在本文中會隨同「信賴保護原則」,「不確定法律概念之適用」等相關議題一起討論。 4. 從比較法的觀點,我們會思考國內現有的國家醫師考照制度,和美國、日本、韓國的國家醫師考照制度,以及美國、日本、韓國對於持外國醫學學歷者到他們國家去參加國家醫師考試的時候,外國人需準備何種學歷證件去做學歷審查,將會面對何種考試去採認他們的學歷、資格。 由以上的研究,我們發現:「實習期滿成績及格」的認定隨著考選部醫審會的調查結果,在不同時期有不同的認定標準,本文肯定最終提出凡「以國外學歷報考者,須繳驗國內醫療機構出具之實習期滿成績及格證明」的決定,而非僅適用在波蘭醫學畢業生。醫學生招生總額管制本文也肯任有其存在的必要性,但是對於管制的醫學生招生總數和法源依據有再檢討的必要。

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