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The incidence and economic burden of hospital acquired infections occurring in surgical patientsPlowman, Rosalind Mary January 2004 (has links)
Background: Approximately 9% of patients in hospital have a hospital acquired infection (HAl). These infections place a burden on the health sector, patients and carers. Objectives: To assess the incidence of, and independent risk factors for HAls occurring in adult surgical patients; to assess the impact of these infections on the hospital sector; and to show how this information may be used to assess the potential benefits of prevention. Design: A prospective survey of the incidence of HAl was conducted. Resources used by both infected and uninfected patients were recorded and costed. Generalised linear modelling techniques were used to estimate the impact of HAl on the observed variation in costs. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine independent risk factors for HAI. Setting: A district general hospital in England SubJects: 2469 adult patients admitted to five surgical specialties between April 1994 and May 1995. Results: 7.5% (95% Cl: 6.4, 8.6) acquired one or more HAls that presented during the in-patient period. The incidence, economic impact and independent risk factors varied with site of infection. On average HAls increased hospital costs by a factor of 2.3 (95% Cl: 2.0, 3.0), equivalent to an additional £2,254 (95% Cl: £1,738, £2,770) per case and increased length of stay by a factor of 2.1 (95% Cl: 1.8, 2.5), equivalent to an extra 7.8 days (95% Cl: 5.7, 10.0) per case. The estimates represent the average gross benefits of prevention. Net benefits depend on the cost and effectiveness of prevention activities. Estimates of the gross benefits of a 15% reduction in infection rates and a framework for assessing the net benefits of prevention are presented. Conclusion: The study provides an estimate of HAl by specialty and site for surgical patients. It calculates the burden on the hospital sector and shows the benefits that might accrue if HAl rates were reduced.
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Complicações e fatores de risco na terapia intravenosa com o cateter intravenoso periférico com sistema fechado de infusãoLind, Jolline January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Mitzy Tannia Reichembach Danski / Coorientadora: Profª. Drª. Luana Lenzi Emilio de Farias / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem. Defesa: Curitiba, 01/12/2016 / Inclui referências : f.99-107 / Área de concentração: Prática profissional / Resumo: A terapia intravenosa (TIV) é prática amplamente empregada pela enfermagem, desenvolvida mediante a utilização de diversas tecnologias, entre as quais se cita o cateter intravenoso periférico com sistema fechado de infusão. Contudo, o paciente submetido à TIV se torna suscetível à ocorrência de complicações relacionadas ao uso e manuseio do cateter intravenoso periférico (CIP). Realizou-se pesquisa clínica com delineamento do tipo coorte observacional prospectiva, no período compreendido entre fevereiro de 2015 e novembro de 2016, com o objetivo de determinar a incidência de complicações relacionadas ao uso do cateter intravenoso periférico com sistema fechado de infusão em pacientes adultos hospitalizados, bem como identificar os fatores de risco associados ao seu desenvolvimento. A amostra final foi constituída por 90 participantes internados em unidade de clínica médica de um hospital universitário da cidade de Curitiba-PR, sendo analisado apenas um CIP por paciente. Os dados foram coletados mediante instrumento próprio contendo variáveis referentes ao paciente (sociodemográficas e clínicas), ao CIP e à observação diária dos cateteres até sua retirada. A incidência de complicações relacionadas ao uso do cateter foi de 55,6%. As três complicações mais frequentes foram a flebite (16,7%), a tração (13,3%) e a infiltração (11,1%). Os fatores de risco que aumentaram as chances de desenvolvimento de complicações na análise univariada foram: sexo feminino (p=0,005), maior tempo de internação (p=0,000) e o método de infusão por bomba infusora (p=0,014). As variáveis que permaneceram no modelo final de regressão logística indicam que a cada dia de internação aumenta em 17,4% a razão de chance (OR) para a ocorrência de complicação. De forma semelhante, a cada comorbidade adicional do paciente amplia em 51,3% a OR para complicação. A utilização de antimicrobianos aumenta em 5,1 e o método de infusão por bomba infusora acresce em 29,97 a OR para complicação. Nesta pesquisa, foram fatores de risco para a flebite, a permanência hospitalar em um período de 11 a 21 dias (p=0,031) e o método de infusão por bomba infusora (p=0,017). Para a complicação infiltração foram fatores de risco o tempo de internação de 11 a 21 dias e o de 22 a 32 dias (p=0,005). Não foram encontrados fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de tração. Conclui-se que as complicações locais, apesar de previníveis, são o motivo principal de interrupção da TIV. Entende-se que o conhecimento e a identificação de fatores que apresentam relações diretas com a ocorrência de complicações auxiliam na melhora da prática clínica de enfermagem e no planejamento da TIV, ao reduzir as taxas de complicações, tempo de permanência hospitalar e custos de cuidados de saúde. Palavras-chaves: Enfermagem. Pesquisa em Enfermagem Clínica. Cateterismo periférico. Complicações. Tecnologia. / Abstract: Intravenous therapy (IVT) is a practice widely used by nursing, developed through the use of various technologies, among which cites the peripheral intravenous catheter with closed infusion system. However, the patient put through IVT become susceptible to complications related to the use and handling of the peripheral intravenous catheter (PIC). It has performed clinical research with prospective observational cohort delineation, between February 2015 and November 2016, aiming to determinate incidence of complications related to the use of peripheral intravenous catheter with closed infusion system in adults, as well as to identify risk factors associated to their development. The final sample has constituted by 90 intern patients in a clinical unit of a university hospital in the city of Curitiba-PR, as being analyzed only one PIC per patient. Data has collected by the aid of own instrument containing variables referring to the patient (sociodemographic and clinical), to the PIC and to the daily observation of the catheters until its removal. Incidence of complications related to catheter use was 55,6%. Three most frequent complications were phlebitis (16,7%), accidental removal (13,3%) and infiltration (11,1%). Risk factors which have risen chances of complications in univariate analysis were: female (p=0,005), the longer hospital stay (p=0,000) and infusion pump method (p=0,014). Variables which remain in the final model of logistic regression indicate that each day of hospitalization rises 17,4% odds ratio (OR) for complication occurrence. Similarly, every additional comorbidity that patients present has risen 51,3% OR for complication. Antimicrobial uses rises 5,1 and infusion pump method rises 29,97 OR for complication. In this research, risk factors for phlebitis were, hospitalization period between 11 and 21 days (p=0,031) and infusion pump method (p=0,017). Infiltration risk factors were hospitalization period between 11 and 21 days and 22 and 32 days (p=0,005). It has not found risk factors related to accidental removal. It has concluded that local complications, even though preventable, are the main reason for IVT interruption. It is understood that acknowledge and identification of factors which present direct relations to the complication occurrences helps improving the clinical practice of nursing and the IVT planning, by reducing complications rates, hospitalization period and health care costs. Key words: Nursing. Clinical Nursing Research. Peripheral Catheterization. Complications. Technology.
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Fatores de risco associados à infecção em cateter venoso central para hemodiáliseSchwanke, Alessandra Amaral January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Mitzy T. R. Danski / Coorientadora: Profª. Drª. Leticia Pontes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem. Defesa: Curitiba, 09/12/2016 / Inclui referências : f.74-78 / Resumo: O cateter venoso central (CVC) é uma tecnologia dura amplamente utilizada em diversas situações clínicas de emergência e uma alternativa para pacientes que necessitam de hemodiálise (HD) que não possuem acesso vascular permanente. Embora, ainda muito utilizado para a HD, o CVC oferece algumas desvantagens, incluindo o risco para infecção da corrente sanguínea (ICS). A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral avaliar fatores de risco para infecção da corrente sanguínea associada ao uso de cateter venoso central (CVC) de curta permanência para hemodiálise. Os objetivos específicos são identificar as ações realizadas pela equipe de saúde na inserção, manipulação e manutenção do CVC para HD e mensurar a incidência de infecção da corrente sanguínea, associada ao uso de CVC para HD. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com delineamento do tipo coorte prospectiva, com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvida em um hospital de ensino na cidade de Curitiba/PR, nas unidades de Nefrologia, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) e Centro de Terapia Semi-intensiva (CTSI). A pesquisa foi realizada com dois grupos de participantes: grupo 1 com profissionais que realizam a inserção, manipulação e manutenção do CVC e o grupo 2 com pacientes que foram submetidos à inserção de CVC para HD. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de observação diária, direta e sistemática das ações de cuidados com o CVC. Utilizou-se um instrumento pré-elaborado do tipo checklist, e todos os procedimentos que envolviam o cateter desde a sua inserção, manipulação durante a HD e trocas de curativo, foram avaliados. Entre as ações de inserção foram observadas a degermação da pele, higiene das mãos e uso de barreira de precaução máxima. Na manutenção e manipulação foram observadas a higiene das mãos, o aspecto do sítio de inserção e as trocas de curativo. A amostra final foi composta por 69 pacientes que fizeram uso de 88 cateteres. Predominaram pacientes do sexo masculino (69,6%), com média de idade de 54,57 (± 15,9) anos, que estiveram internados em sua maioria no CTSI (39,1%). As variáveis sociodemográficas não apresentaram significância estatística com a ocorrência de infecção. Entre as variáveis clínicas, o tempo de internação foi significativo, mostrando que a permanência hospitalar por mais de 60 dias aumenta o risco de infecção em 7,13 vezes (p=0,0208). Os cateteres inseridos em veia femoral esquerda apresentaram risco 10,67 vezes maior de desenvolver infecção do que nos demais sítios de inserção (p=0,0383). Quanto às variáveis relacionadas à manipulação do CVC, pode-se observar que a higiene das mãos foi menos realizada no final da hemodiálise do que no início, da mesma forma que a fricção das mãos com álcool 70%. A troca do curativo com intervalo inferior a 24h aumentou o risco de infecção em 5,33 vezes (p=0,035). Conclui-se que os fatores de risco não estiveram relacionados com as práticas inadequadas dos profissionais, mas uma reavaliação dessas práticas poderão ter resultados positivos na melhoria do cuidado e consequentemente na redução dos índices de infecção. Palavras-chave: Enfermagem baseada em evidência. Cateterismo venoso central. Infecções relacionadas a cateter. Hemodiálise. / Abstract: The central venous catheter (CVC) is a hard technology widely used in various clinical emergencies and an alternative for patients that need hemodialysis (HD), but do not have permanent vascular access. Although it is still widely used for HD, the CVC offers some drawbacks, among which is the risk of bloodstream infection (BSI). The present research aims to evaluate risk factors for bloodstream infection associated with the use of short term CVC for HD. The specific objectives are to identify the actions carried out by the health team in the insertion, manipulation and maintenance of CVC for HD, and to measure the incidence of bloodstream infection associated with the use of CVC. It is a study with delineation of prospective cohort type and quantitative approach, developed in a teaching hospital in Curitiba in the state of Paraná, Brazil, in units of Nephrology, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Center of Semi-Intensive Therapy (CSIT). The research had two groups of participant - group 1: professionals who performed the insertion, manipulation and maintenance of the CVC and, group 2: patients who were submitted to the insertion of CVC for HD. The data collection occurred under daily direct systematic observation of the CVC. A pre-established checklist was used, and all the procedures that involved the catheter - from its insertion, manipulation during the HD to the bandage changing - were evaluated. Among the insertion actions observed were skin antisepsis, asepsis of hands and the use of maximum precautionary barrier. During the maintenance and manipulation processes, the asepsis of hands, the appearance of the place of insertion and the bandage changing were observed. The final sample was composed of 69 patients, who used 88 catheters. Male patients (69,6%) were predominant, at an average age of 54,57 (± 15,90) years, most of which had been hospitalized in the CSIT (39,1%). The socio-demographic variables showed no statistical relevance with the occurrence of infection. Among the clinical variables, the time of hospitalization was significant, showing that the stay in hospital for more than 60 days increases the risk of infection in 7,13 times (p=0,0208). The catheters inserted in left femoral showed greater risk in 10,67 times of developing infection than in the other insertion places (p=0,0383). As for the variables related to the manipulation of the CVC, it was possible to observe that the asepsis of hands was less practiced at the end of the HD than in the beginning, so as the friction of hands with alcohol 70%. The bandage changing performed with less than 24 hours interval increased the risk of infection in 5,33 times (p=0,035). It is concluded that the risk factors were not related to the inadequate practices of the professionals, but a reassessment of these practices could have positive results in the improvement of care and consequently in the reduction of infection rates. Keywords: Evidence-based nursing; Central Venous Catheterization; Catheter-related infections; Hemodialysis.
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Comprendre et contrôler la transmission des bactéries multirésistantes par l'analyse et la modélisation des réseaux d’interactions interindividuelles en milieu hospitalier / Understanding and controlling the spread of multi-resistant bacteria by analyzing and modeling interindividual interactions networks in hospital settingsDuval, Audrey 12 November 2019 (has links)
Les infections associées aux soins représentent un enjeu majeur de santé publique dans le monde. Les bactéries multirésistantes (BMR) sont responsables d’une grande partie de ces infections. Mieux comprendre leur dissémination dans les établissements de soins est indispensable pour élaborer des mesures de contrôle et de prévention.L’objectif de cette thèse est d’utiliser des données détaillées sur les réseaux de contacts interindividuels, couplées à des méthodes de modélisation mathématique, pour étudier la dissémination des BMR à l’hôpital afin d’améliorer leur contrôle. Pour répondre à cette problématique, les données de l’étude i-Bird ont été analysées. Cette étude prospective longitudinale a eu lieu dans l’hôpital maritime de Berck-sur-Mer durant 4 mois en 2009. Pendant cette période, les interactions de proximités entre tous les individus de l’hôpital ont été enregistrées chaque jour grâce à des capteurs RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices) et des prélèvements microbiologiques ont été récoltés chaque semaineDans un premier temps, la structure des contacts interindividuels au sein de et entre les différentes catégories d’individus (patient, aide-soignant, infirmier, …) a été analysée. Cette première étude a souligné l’importance des contacts patient-patient en établissement de longue durée. De plus, certaines catégories de personnel hospitalier ont été identifiées comme de potentiels super-propagateurs, tel que les brancardiers et les médecins.Dans un deuxième temps, le rôle du réseau de contacts dans la dissémination de deux espèces (E. coli et K. pneumoniae) d’entérobactéries résistantes aux béta-lactamines à spectre étendue (BLSE) a été étudié. Cette étude a montré que le réseau d’interactions de proximités était suffisant pour expliquer la propagation des KP-BLSE. En revanche, il n’était pas suffisant pour retracer la dissémination des EC-BLSE.La dernière partie de la thèse a été consacrée au développement d’un modèle individu-centré de transmission de BMR à l’hôpital modélisant explicitement les contacts interindividuels. Ce modèle permet d’évaluer l’effet de mesures de contrôle ciblant la structure du réseau de contacts. A titre d’application, les données de l’étude i-Bird ont été utilisées pour simuler la transmission de Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline (SARM) durant les 4 mois de l’étude. La simulation de procédures de cohorting du personnel dans l’hôpital de Berck-sur-Mer suggère que la mise en place de telles mesures permet de réduire l’acquisition de SARM chez les patients.Cette thèse combine analyse de réseaux, épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses et modélisation dynamique. Elle apporte une meilleure compréhension de la diffusion et du contrôle des BMR dans les hôpitaux de longue durée. De plus, elle apporte un outil innovant, visant à être développé, pour la compréhension et le contrôle de la dissémination des BMR à travers les contacts en milieu hospitalier. / Healthcare-associated infections represent a huge public health issue worldwide. Multidrug resistant bacteria (MDR) are a major cause of these infections. Hence, better understanding their transmission routes in hospital settings is crucial to design efficient control measures.The purpose of this thesis is to use detailed data on interindividual contact networks, associated with mathematical modelling methods, to study MDR spread in hospitals and improve their control. To this end, data collected during the i-Bird study was used. This longitudinal prospective study took place at the Berck-sur-Mer hospital during 4 months in 2009. Close proximity interactions were recorded by the use of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices) sensors everyday. Meanwhile, microbiological swabs were collected weekly.In a first part, interindividual contact patterns within and between each individual categories (patients, nurses, hospital porters, etc.) were analyzed. This first study notably underlined the importance of patient-to-patient contacts in long-term care facilities (LTCF). Moreover, some hospital staff categories, such as hospital porters and physicians, were identified as potential superspreaders based on their contact patterns.In a second part, we investigated the impact of the contact network on the spread of two species of Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) Enterobacteriaceae (E. coli and K. pneumoniae). This work showed that the contact network was an important driver of ESBL-K. pneumoniae dynamics, but not of ESBL-E. coli dynamics over the i-Bird study.The last part of the thesis was dedicated to the development of an agent-based model of MDR spread in hospital settings that explicitly formalizes detailed interindividual contacts. This model allows to assess control measures focused on contact patterns. The model was applied to the i-Bird data; we simulated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) transmission during the 4-month study over the reported contact network. Using our simations, we evaluated measures associated with hospital staff cohorting and showed it can lead to reduce the MRSA acquisition=.This thesis combines network analysis, epidemiology of infectious diseases and dynamic modeling. It allows a better understanding of MDR spread and control in LTCF. Moreover, it brings an innovative tool, intended to be developed, to understand and control BMR spread through contact networks in hospital settings.
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La recherche-action au service de l’examen périodique de santé senior / The action research, assistance in setting up a periodical health examination for the elderlyVannier-Nitenberg, Christiane 18 October 2013 (has links)
La longévité est un enjeu majeur des prochaines décennies. La conséquence de cette longévité est l’émergence des maladies chroniques. Il est aujourd’hui admis que le vieillissement individuel est fortement influencé par des variables biologiques, psychologiques, environnementales et sociales. La prévention commence à la naissance pour se poursuivre tout au long de la vie. C’est pourquoi, une consultation de prévention à des moments clés du parcours de vie notamment au moment de la retraite est largement conseillée. Notre travail de doctorat a consisté, grâce à la mise en place de plusieurs recherches-actions dans les Centres d’examens de santé de l’Assurance maladie, à documenter par la preuve scientifique, démarche qui rejoint celle de l’Evidence-Based Medecine, la construction d’un examen périodique de santé dédié aux séniors. Les recherches-actions ont concerné trois problématiques de santé publique des personnes âgées que sont la chute, les troubles cognitifs et la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge. Chaque recherche-action a apporté sa contribution à la construction de cet examen de santé senior : une meilleure connaissance des caractéristiques des chuteurs avec élaboration d’un score prédictif de chute et de stratégies de prise en charge de ce risque, des outils simples de repérage des troubles cognitifs légers, un dépistage de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge via la télémédecine. D’autres thématiques de santé seront à explorer mais les Centres d’examens de santé se positionnent d’ores et déjà, comme des acteurs déterminants de la prise en charge des populations vieillissantes / The increase of life expectancy is a major issue to face in the decades to come. A consequence of this increasing life expectancy is the emergence of chronic diseases. It is now acknowledged that individual ageing is strongly influence by biological, psychological, environmental and social variables. Prevention begins at birth and continues throughout life. It is for this reason, that a prevention consultation at certain key moments in life, such as at retirement, is strongly advised. Our doctorate work consisted of documenting the setup of periodic health examinations dedicated to seniors. This was supported by scientific proof provided by carrying out many action researches in the Health Examination centres of French Health Insurance, an approach similar to ‘Evidence Based Medicine’. The action researches were directed towards three main public health issues amongst the elderly which include falling, memory cognitive impairment and macular degeneration related to age. Each action research contributed to the establishment of this health examination for seniors. Indeed, now there is a better recognition of characteristics amongst seniors who have suffered falls thanks to the development of a tool which gives a predictive score a falling, and in turn action strategies. In addition, there is a tool to spot and identify mild cognitive impairment and screening for macular degeneration related to age through the use of telemedicine. Other health topics will need to be explored but French Health Examination Centres already position themselves as responsible decisive actors for the ageing population
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Multiple exposures and co-exposures to chemical neurotoxic agents and intense physical constraints among male blue-collar workers in the agriculture, manufacturing, and construction sectors in France / Multi-expositions et co-exposition aux agents neurotoxiques chimiques et contraintes physiques intenses chez les ouvriers hommes dans les secteurs de l'agriculture, de l'industrie manufacturière, et de la construction en France.Nguyen, Thi-Hai-Yen 07 July 2017 (has links)
Les effets délétères sur la santé de certaines expositions professionnelles, prises indépendamment, ont été observés dans un large nombre d’études. Pourtant, la prévalence et l'impact de multi-exposition ou co-exposition à des diverses nuisances ont plus rarement été explorée, malgré le caractère ubiquitaire de nombreuses nuisances. Par conséquent, l’étude de multi-exposition/co-exposition dans le cadre professionnel est considérée comme un enjeu majeur de la recherche épidémiologique en santé au travail. Une revue systématique de la littérature concernant le secteur de l’agriculture a été réalisé en s'appuyant sur le titre, le résumé, et le texte intégral des 36.404 articles originaux grâce à 5 bases de données reconnues et 2 sources de données nord-américaines complémentaires. Les résultats des 15 articles inclus suggèrent que l’exposition aux multiples chimiques est significativement associée au risque de maladies respiratoires, de cancers, de dommages sur l’ADN et les cytogénétiques. L’exposition aux multiples physiques a été associée à une augmentation du risque de perte d'audition, tandis que la co-exposition aux facteurs physiques et biomécaniques a été associée à un risque accru de troubles musculo-squelettiques. Aucune étude n'a exploré la co-exposition professionnelle à des facteurs chimiques et physiques, ainsi qu'à la co-exposition professionnelle à des facteurs chimiques et biomécaniques. Les résultats de cette revue de la littérature indiquent la nécessité l’évaluer la prévalence de l’exposition professionnel à des multiples nuisances en France. Les multiple/co-expositions aux agents neurotoxiques chimiques(ANCs) et aux contraintes physiques intenses (CPIs) ont ainsi été analysées chez 5587 hommes ouvriers français des secteurs de l'agriculture, de l’industrie manufacturière, et de la construction à partir de l’enquête nationale transversale SUMER 2010. Environ 6% des ouvriers étaient co-exposés aux ANCs et CPIs dans les trois secteurs étudiés (p = 0,29). La multi-exposition aux CPIs était plus nettement plus fréquente (35%, p <0,001) que la multi-exposition aux ANCs (2%, p <0,001) chez les hommes de trois secteurs. Ces recherches mettent en évidence la nécessité de conduire davantage d’études liées à multi-exposition/coexposition professionnelle. Elles seront essentielles pour améliorer la sécurité au travail et permettre la surveillance et la prévention risques et des maladies professionnelles. / A wide range of studies has demonstrated the relationships between diverse types of occupational exposures,taken independently, and adverse health outcomes. Yet, the prevalence and impact of multiple occupational exposures or co-exposures have rarely been explored despite the ubiquity of numerous hazards. Therefore, multiple occupational exposures/co-exposures and their impact on health are considered as a major challenge of epidemiologic research inthe occupational health and safety area. A systematic review concerning the agriculture sector was carried out based on the titles, abstracts and fulltexts screening of 36,404 initial articles from 5 well-known databases and 2 North American complementary sources. The findings from the 15 papers finally included suggested that multiple chemical exposures were significantly associated with an increased risk of respiratory diseases, cancers, DNA and cytogenetic damages. Multiple physical exposures were shown to increase the risk of hearing loss while co-exposures to physical and biomechanical hazardswere associated with an increased risk of musculoskeletal disorders. However, no studies included in the systematic review explored either occupational co-exposures to both physical and chemical factors or occupational co-exposures to biomechanical and chemical factors.The results described in the systematic review raised the necessity to conduct further studies multipleoccupational exposures and co-exposures among workers. Therefore, multiple occupational exposures and coexposures’ prevalences to chemical neurotoxic agents (CNAs) and intense physical constraints (IPCs) were examined among 5,587 French male blue-collar workers (BCWs) in the agriculture, manufacturing, and construction sectors based on the cross-sectional and national SUMER 2010 survey. About 6% of male BCWs were co-exposed to IPCs andCNAs in these three sectors (p=0.29). Multiple exposures to IPCs was predominantly observed (35%, p <0.001), while multiple exposures to CNAs was much lower (2%, p <0.001) among male BCWs in three sectors.The findings highlight the necessity to carry out further studies on multiple occupational exposures/coexposures to diverse hazards and their impact on workers’ health. These further researches are required to improve occupational safety and the efficiency of health care surveillance and occupational disease prevention.
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