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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


龔文亮 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,產、官、學界逐漸重視民眾健康資訊的管理與應用,加上消費者自主意識的提高,促使醫院加速進行醫療資訊化,以提升醫療品質及效率,同時滿足就醫者對醫療相關資訊與決策支援的需求。此外,網際網路技術的快速發展、健康保健觀念及醫療資訊政策普及化所帶來的影響,也使得提供線上即時、個人化、智慧型的健檢決策支援系統,成為了一個關鍵的研究與實務應用課題。目前大多數的健康檢查中心因主、客觀的限制,只能提供就醫者套餐式健檢組合,供就醫者作為健康檢查參考。依醫者雖可選擇健檢服務客製化模式,就個人需要或喜好增減檢查項目,但仍無法滿足個人化健檢服務需求,亦即得到專業推薦且符合個人差異與需要的個人化健檢組合方案。再者,過去的健檢系統除缺乏個人化健檢推薦功能,對於個人保健建議及後續就醫服務等亦缺乏整合性服務。而以往醫療資訊化過程中,因缺乏醫療資訊標準格式之發展,也限制醫療資訊在院所間之交換與流通,造成整合性醫療服務的困難。面對上述醫療資訊不對稱及個人化保健與醫療系統支援環境缺乏的困難,整合資料、模式及知識技術的個人化智慧型健檢決策支援系統,成為一個可行且重要的解決方法。由於此課題在文獻上缺乏具體成果,本研究的目的即在提出一個全球資訊網環境中個人化智慧型健檢決策支援系統 (Personalized Intelligent Decision Support System for Health Examination, PIDSSHE)的架構及流程,系統功能著重於個人化健檢、保健及醫療等方案的推薦,以及智慧型輔助診斷和即時性醫療資訊交換等。本論文也將提出系統發展方法並建置原型系統,以驗證架構、流程及方法的可行性與效益。 / In recent years, the health industry, the government as well as the academic area pay more attention to the people’s health information management and applications. Due to the promotion of consumer health information, the proliferation of Internet, the awareness of healthcare, and the policy of mdical care information, how to provide online personalized intelligent healthcare decision support systems becomes an critical academic and applied research issue. Most health exam centers only offer health exam packages to the patients due to subjective or objective restrictions. Even the patients may customize their health exams by adding or dropping certain health exam items, it does not meet the needs of personalized health exam recommendation based on individual differences and personal needs. Moreover, there are no integrated services for follow-up personalized clinical care recommendations. The exchanges of medical information between hospitals are limited due to the lacks of medical information exchange standards. In turn, it leads to the gaps of integrated medical services. Facing the medical information assymetry and the difficulties of current medical supporting environment, an intelligent decision support system for personalized healthcare based on the integration of data, models, and knowledge is a feasible and important solution. To fill the research gaps, our research proposes a web-based intelligent decision support system for personalized health care. To fill the research gaps, our research is to propose the system architecture and processes of a Web-based intelligent decision support systems for personalized healthcare. We also illustrate our system development methodology as well as our prototype to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of our system architecture, processes and methodology.

健康服務產業創新服務之研究-以健檢中心為例 / Innovative service of health industry: a study on health examination institutions.

郭育成, Kuo, Yuh Chen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區生活型態與人口結構的急遽變遷、老年人口快速增長、疾病型態改變、國民所得提高、醫療支出持續增加以及政府民間對預防醫學的重視,「預防醫學」之風氣逐漸形成,也帶動台灣健檢產業像雨後春筍般蓬勃發展。   本研究透過個案研究的方式,使用Betz(1987)的創新類型及Gobeli & Brown(1993)的創新過程兩種不同的創新理論,對7家專業健檢中心及2家醫院附設健檢中心,進行現況分析,分類並歸納出各個案的創新特性及差異,提出可能產生的問題因應策略。   研究發現,不同本質健檢機構的創新靈活度就會有很大的差距; 在開創階段重視形象塑立、業務開發,及硬體投資多於強調本業-「健康服務」,.在「商品開發力」方面朝分「主題式商品」、「檢驗設備」、「擴展市場」及「異業服務」四類,以主題式商品居多,其次為強化檢驗設備,健檢市場發展成熟,為因應醫療環境的改變,更擅於利用「應變元素」避險佈局。   根據研究結果,建議健檢中心仍應先著重於預防醫學專業及檢驗技術,定義能契合顧客價值的創新性產品,執行一套內隱的系統制度,其創新的核心靈魂是回歸到「健康」、對生命的尊重,提供顧客永難忘懷的服務,才是撼動人心的競爭優勢。 / During the past decades, the change of life style and growing of aging population in Taiwan have leaded to a great alteration of disease patterns. As the Gross Domestic Product increased in this country, the global medical expenditure increased year by year. Due to the widely accepted concept of “prevention is better than cure”, the importance of health examination is becoming more and more significant. Thus, the number of health examination institutions in Taiwan is growing rapidly. In this research, cases studies using two innovation theories including “Types of Innovation” (Betz, 1987) and “Innovation Process” (Gobeli and Brown, 1993) were implemented. Current situations of seven health screening clinics and the health screening center of two hospitals in Taipei metropolitan area were analyzed, re-classified, and compared to identify the distinct innovation characteristics in different health examination institutions. The problems that might happen in these institutions were disclosed and their resolutions were tried to found. This study discovered that there is a great difference in innovation flexibility between health examination institutions of different nature. In the initial stage of these institutions, most of them focused on image-shaping, business development and hardware investment rather than on the fundamental medical services itself (i.e. health examination). There were four ways used to strengthen product development: theme product, investment on instrument facilities, market expansion and strategic alliance. Among them, theme product was the most popular and investment on instrument facilities, the second popular method used. As health examination market was well grown, these institutions were skilled in using there reality-confronting ability to face the competitive healthcare market. According to our results, we suggest the health examination institutions still need to focus on their basic competence: preventive medicine, and health care technology. In addition, they should be able to develop a tacit system to define innovative products that match customers’ value. The core of innovation in this industry should begin from “health”. By having respect to human life and creating the health and empathy business model, health examination institutions can provide the value co-created with customers and thus, maintain competition advantage.

從中醫諮詢的應用程式導入探討自我健康管理 —以X中醫診所為例 / Implementing Traditional Chinese Medicine's Self-Help System through Records of Chinese Medical Advisory - A Case Study of Chinese Medicine Clinics

宋文英 Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀國內的疾病預防多數是健康檢查為主要的方法,目的在於及早發現疾病的發生,便可及早進行治療,但從健康管理的角度來看,健康檢查的行為仍屬於被動的行為,畢竟民眾開始發現不舒服時,才會想到就醫或健康檢查,然而不舒服的感覺發生時,可能是疾病已成形的時候。根據中醫的理論,疾病的形成與發展與個人的體質有關,具有偏頗體質的民眾罹患疾病的風險更高於其他人,另個人食物的偏好亦是會影響個人體質的管道。因此,為能做好提早預防的準備,中醫健檢的概念則被開啟,藉由中醫諮詢健檢應用程將中醫門診諮詢的過程與自我健康檢視的步驟相互結合,提供適當的自我健康管理的建議,目的在於將被動的健檢行為變成主動的行為,讓民眾可以更及早的瞭解自我健康狀況,真正達到及早治療的目的。 本研究根據分析方法的應用,探討中醫諮詢健檢應用程式的可行性與創新的經營模式,其研究發現如下: 一、 45歲以上的中醫門診數呈現逐年成長的趨勢; 二、 提升自我健康管理是中醫諮詢健檢應用程式的價值主張; 三、 維持顧客關係是中醫診所導入健檢應用程式的重要經營方向; 四、 中醫健檢具有發展潛力。

老屋健檢之政策分析 / The Policy Analysis of the Old Building Inspection Plan

廖珮君, Liao, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
健康檢查有益於疾病預防及促進健康,同理而言,透過老屋健檢檢視居住安全,有助於居民選擇合適的療法防止建物持續劣化。2016年2月6日高雄美濃地震引發大眾對於建物安全的關注,根據統計顯示臺北市住宅屋齡超過20年占總量78.51%,總樓層數5層以下占總量54.36%,顯示臺北市建物以老舊公寓為主,潛藏公共安全的風險,對老舊建物進行健檢顯得迫切且必要。2013年臺北市以人體健康檢查概念首創老屋健檢計畫,健檢對居民後續行動的影響及其政策成效乃本文焦點。 本文以2013和2014年臺北市老屋健檢申請案件及屋齡20年以上之公寓大廈社區為調查樣本,從個體面探討老屋健檢對居民改善環境意願的影響以及健檢與否導致後續行動之機率差異,並就總體面估計政策之成本效益。研究結果顯示,曾參與健檢者有意改善環境之機率較高,居民在建物設備及外牆安全健檢結果越差時,將增加改造環境的可能性;就總體面來說,現行政策投入少量成本即獲得可觀效益,顯示老屋健檢政策應持續執行。 / Physical examination is beneficial to disease prevention and health promotion. By the old building inspection plan, residents can inspect building environment, prevent the deterioration of the building, and cure disease in an appropriate way. 0206 earthquake caused many deaths, which has aroused the widespread social concern on building safety. According to the official statistics, there are 885,340 housing units in Taipei, about 78.51% of which are over 20 years old, about 54.36% of which are five-storey building or below. It is indicated that older building threaten public safety in Taipei. Hence, it is necessary and urgent to inspect ageing building. The old building inspection plan was held in 2013, which are a Taiwan's first policy. The objectives of this paper are to inspect whether the old building inspection can influence the aspiration of residents improve the building environment, and to examine the effects of the old building inspection plan. The samples of the study include: (1) the ageing buildings which have been involved in the old building inspection plan from 2013 to 2014;(2) the condominiums of 20 years old or above. At first, this paper aims to examine the effects of the old building inspection plan on residents' willingness, then discuss the probability on environment improving before and after joining the program. Finally, we calculate the effectiveness of policy. Empirical results demonstrate that residents who have been involved the plan are more willing to improve the environment. Building equipment and exterior walls performance are worse, residents are more willing to transform the environment. Finally, tremendous effect could be obtained by adding little cost under the support of current policy. It clearly showed that the old building inspection plan should be consistently carried on.

陸客來臺管理之研究-以自由行與健檢醫美為例 / The Study of Management for Mainland Tourists –Take an Individual Travel & Health and Medical Cosmetology as an Example

陳雅琪, Chen, Ya Chi Unknown Date (has links)
2010年隨著國際觀光旅遊與景氣復甦,全球國際觀光客成長率已由負轉正,並自2011年起觀光業已逐漸走出陰霾,尤其以亞洲地區恢復力道最為強勁,且兩岸間之旅遊亦然。日本長久以來為來臺旅客之主要來源國,但自2010年起,中國大陸旅客來臺人數首度超越日本旅客,成為來臺觀光最大客源。在逐步開放陸客自由行與健檢醫美的版圖後,不僅帶動了臺灣地區相關產業發展,更擴大了其他的周邊效益,成功的開啟來臺旅遊的新市場。然而,有鑑於兩岸間特殊之政治關係與歷史背景,在搭上這波陸客市場商機的順風車同時,仍須留意與掌控陸客來臺之動機與行蹤,對陸客來臺之管理做到密切監控,並多方督導各部會與情治單位之保防與情蒐工作,加強職業敏感度以慎防國安漏洞。 本文要探究我國在開放陸客來臺觀光自由行與健檢醫美上具有哪些政策,並從相關政策中探討哪些法規成為陸客自由行與健檢醫美之法規漏洞,以提出如何控管陸客來臺之相關作為;從對我國利害關係點出發,分析陸客來臺後對於我國之政治、經濟、社會以及對普羅大眾帶來之效益與影響,最後提出建議與結論。

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