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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hälsoundersökning av asylsökande personer - ur ett distriktssköterskeperspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Health screening of asylum seekers -from a district nurse perspective : A qualitative interview study

Ljunggren, Hanna, Eriksson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
The Swedish health care system has in recent years been faced with a challenge in relation to the increased inflow of refugees. Under Swedish law, asylum seekers should be provided the opportunity to receive health screening to determine the risk of infection and the possible need for care, as well as information about the Swedish health care to be provided. The health screening is conducted by district nurses and nurses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the nurses' experience of conducting health screening of asylum seekers. A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was used as method of data collection. A total of eleven interviews were conducted with district nurses in two counties, in eight cities. Data from the interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. This resulted in three main themes, Health screening characteristics vary, Cultural differences affect the meeting and Challenging for the district nurse. The results showed that the district nurses' organization of and the approach to the health screenings differ.  The mental health of asylum seekers is seen by district nurses in a high degree and this is experienced problems with the care. Intercultural competence and improved communications capabilities were key elements associated with health screening of asylum seekers. The term 'health care that cannot be postponed "was considered difficult to assess and there is a risk that asylum seekers receive incongruent treatment.

Hälsoundersökningens betydelse för livsstilsförändring - en intervjustudie i företagshälsovården

Nyman, Kristina, Nilsson, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Företagssköterskan kommer ofta i kontakt med människor i samband medhälsoundersökningar med ogynnsam livsstil för sitt mående. Ökad kunskap kring detta områdekan vägleda och stödja företagssköterskan och företagshälsovården att utveckla strategier för attstödja individen till hälsa.Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie var att belysa personers upplevelse avföretagshälsovårdens hälsoundersökning som haft betydelse för livsstilsförändring.Urvalskriterierna var en genomförd hälsoundersökning hos företagshälsovården utförd avföretagssköterska och gjorda livsstilsförändringar. Analysen resulterade i två teman med fyrakategorier och åtta underkategorier. De två teman som framkom var “Att bli bemött medintresse och omtanke” och “Att få veta sin ohälsa och få en start till förändring”.Studiens resultat visade att företagssköterskans bemötande och stöd hade avgörande betydelsesamt att få kännedom om sina värden. Personerna kunde reflektera över sin hälsa som gavinsikt och beslut till att starta livsstilsförändring. Detta blev tydligt efter att personerna sågeffekterna av sina livsstilsförändringar. Det upplevdes värdefullt att göra hälsoundersökning avsamtliga deltagare och uppföljande besök ansåg alla vara av stor vikt.Förutsättningar för företagssköterskan att vara i det goda mötet i sitt hälsofrämjande arbetebehöver eftersträvas. Longitudinella studier kring personers upplevelse av företagshälsovårdenshälsoundersöknings betydelse för hållbar livsstilsförändring behövs i framtiden. / The occupational health nurse often comes into contact with clients’ unhealthy lifestyles duringa health examination. An increased knowledge in this area can guide and support theoccupational health nurse and occupational health services to develop strategies to support theindividual's health and well-being in a more efficient way.The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the person's experience of occupationalhealth services which had significance for lifestyle changes.The selection criteria consisted of completed health examination at an occupational healthcenter conducted by an occupational health nurse. Furthermore, the sample criteria alsoconsisted of changes made by the client after a health examination. The analysis resulted in twothemes with four categories and eight subcategories. The two themes that emerged was "To bemet with interest and concern," and "Getting to know one’s illness and get a starting point howto change."The results showed that the occupational health nurse’s treatment and support were crucial inorder for clients to reflect on their health and be aware of their test results, which in turnmotivated clients to make lifestyle changes. This became clear after clients experienced theeffects of their lifestyle changes. All respondents felt that it was valuable to do a healthexamination and follow-up visits were of great importance.The empirical finding suggests that additional opportunities for the occupational health nurse tobe in the good forum in the work with health promotion are needed.Furthermore, future longitudinal studies regarding clients’ experience of occupational healthexaminations are of importance to sustainable lifestyle changes.

Erfarenheter av den digitala modellen av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar / The experiences of the digital model of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme

Kanon, Elisabeth, Hultin, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I och med Sveriges vision om e-hälsa och den ökade digitaliseringen ställs högre krav på sjuksköterskor avseende mötet med patienten via olika kanaler. Befolkningen ökar över tid och allra mest ökar de som är 80 år och äldre. För att hantera denna utmaning är distriktssköterskor viktiga i och med att de arbetar med hälsorådgivning och preventivt arbete som bland annat utgörs av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar (VHU). Hälsoundersökningar har skalats ner och blivit allt mer digitaliserade. Digitalisering ger möjlighet till en jämlik vård. VHU har sedan mars 2021 påbörjat en övergång av verksamheten till en ny digital modell. Olika personalgrupper i vården rapporteras vara mindre positivt inställda till övergången till digitala arbetssätt, men efterfrågas av patienter. Motiv: Det finns inte någon studie om hur VHU-sjuksköterskor upplever att arbeta i den digitala modellen av VHU. Vår studie kan bidra med kunskap om detta och inverka på hur den fortsatta implementeringen fortskrider.  Syfte: Belysa VHU-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med den digitala modellen av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar. Metod: Individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med VHU-sjuksköterskor. Insamlad data analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Deltagarnas erfarenheter av den nya digitala modellen var i stort sett positiva. Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier: ”Utgår från patientens behov”, ”Stödjer och motverkar livsstilsförändring”, ”Smidig och tidsbesparande modell”, ”Stimulerar och utmanar VHU-sjuksköterskor arbetssätt” och ”Organisationen utmanas och förändringar krävs”. Konklusion: Resultatet av studien kan leda till förbättringsarbete inom VHU men även inom riktade hälsosamtal i övriga delar av Sverige och förhoppningsvis internationellt. Fortsatt forskning och utveckling inom ämnet behövs. / Background: Since Sweden has a vision of e-health and the increased digitization, higher demands are made on nurses regarding the meeting with the patient through different channels. The population increases over time and mostly those who are 80 years and older. To manage this challenge, district nurses are important because they work with health counseling and preventive work, which among other things consists of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme (VIP). Health examinations have been downscaled and become more digitized. Digitization provides the opportunity for equal care. Since March 2021, VIP has begun a transition to a new digital model. Different staff in healthcare are reported to be less positive about the transition to digital working methods but the methods are requested by patients. Motive: There are no study on how VIP-nurses experience working with the digital model of VIP. Our study can contribute knowledge about this and influence how the continued implementation proceeds. Aim: Highlight VIP-nurses experiences of working with the digital model of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme.  Methods: Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with VIP-nurses. Collected data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis.  Result: The participants’ experiences of the new digital model were positive in general. The analysis resulted in five categories: “Based on the patient’s needs”, “Supports and counteracts lifestyle change”, “Flexible and time-saving model”, “Stimulates and challenges VIP-nurses way of work” and “The organization is challenged and changes are needed” Conclusion: The results of the study can lead to improvement work within VIP but also within health examinations in other parts of Sweden and hopefully internationally. Continued research and development in the subject are needed.

Estimating Carbon Footprint : A quantitative analysis of greenhouse gas emission related to human behavior and diet in Västerbotten.

Sköld, Bore January 2015 (has links)
Background and objective: Researchers have been looking for a way to predict future emission rates, and come up with explanations on how to tackle the issue of global warming through changes in individual behavior for decades. The focus of these studies have, on the other hand, focused more on nutritional bases rather than cultural. This study’s objective is to provide a method, as a useful tool in further analysis on GHG-emission based on cultural behavioral factors such as socio-economic status as well as age, sex, etc. with diet as emission prediction factor. This could be a stepping stone toward future research on Co2e related to e.g. physiological factors such as BMI, blood pressure and diseases. Method: With the use of data obtained from the FFQ questionnaire within the VIP-program, combined with estimates of greenhouse gas-emission (Co2e) attributed to specific diets obtained from Röös, estimations of individual Co2e emission-levels were calculated using the software “R”. The dataset contained 159 687 observations and 152 different variables. The data was obtained from the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine at Umeå University. Portions sizes were mainly collected from the Swedish Food Composition Database. Box-plots and regression analysis were made to illustrate the main findings. Result: The result was a new dataset that could be applied to any population to estimate Co2e-emission on individual level based on an FFQ, given that the FFQ have the same structure as the one in the VIP. The variables that contributed to the highest amount of Co2e were animal products i.e. butter, milk and meat. Chicken, pork and fish were not nearly as Co2e heavy as the meat products containing beef such as “steak”, “minced meat” and “hamburgers”. The regression analysis showed that higher age had a positive effect on reducing emission, as well as being a woman. Education showed an increase in Co2e for higher education. There were some small differences among municipalities. Marital status gave a slight decrease in the regression, meaning married couples emits more than singles. Exercise showed an increase in Co2e for active individuals in the regression analysis. However, the most noticeable result were sex, yielding a relatively big decrease in Co2e-emission for women compared to men. Conclusion: People at younger ages, within the observed age groups 40-60, seemed to reduce their carbon footprint more in relation to the higher age groups over the last 20 years. Overall, the general diet-based carbon footprint in Västerbotten seems to have increased slightly during the last 17 years. A remarkable dip were noticed in 2003, however this might not have been due to any behavioral changes, since the trend broke in 2006 and instantly receded back to the normal levels. This study confirms the fact that meat and dairy products are responsible for a significant amount of the diet-based emission. This topic needs to be studied more, and with this method of applying GHG-emission measures to individual diet-based data, a gate has been opened for a new field of research.

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