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「理一分殊」在宋代的詮釋模式研究 / Research of the interpretation model of Li-I-Fen-Shu in Song dynasty

梁巧燕 Unknown Date (has links)
「理一分殊」首見於北宋程頤在答覆其弟子楊時的書信中,程頤提出此命題以說明張載《西銘》大旨。之後,宋、明、清理學家乃至現代新儒家學者,皆曾對命題展開多方面的論述與運用。觀察理學家們紛紛在自己的理路下對命題予以詮釋及應用,其中似乎各有一既定的格局,裏頭也潛存著一種詮釋性的結構,它是理學家在有意無意之間形構而成的模式。而理學家彼此之間的詮釋模式又呈現相互模取、法式的趨向,背後也都深層地預設著某種理想性的思維,其意義皆在於如何達到道德價值的體證,以求個體生命的自我轉化提昇,尋索安身立命之處為主要目標。基於此,本文以儒家價值理念為中心,認為實踐「理一分殊」能體現儒家「合內外之道」、成就儒家「天人合一」的終極關懷,並在此預設下,對各代表性理學家之間的詮釋意涵進行尋同求異。 本文取宋代為研究範圍,就理學家對命題之詮釋所賦予的不同意義深入研析、歸列並予以建模。嘗試在整體性的思維下,經由文獻處理,從詮釋的整體精神內涵、詮釋的話語以及詮釋的理路三個層面,說明自程頤、楊時、李侗到朱熹對「理一分殊」命題的詮釋情形,梳理他們之間內在的理路關聯,觀察程頤後之學者是否在詮釋上有所繼承、轉化或新造。所謂繼承義,是指理學家對前儒在「理一分殊」命題之詮釋主張及意涵上的承接與延續,其中屬於理學家自己新鑄的見解並不多;轉化義,指理學家接續、吸收了前儒之原有的詮釋規模,並在既有的義理規模上進行轉換與變化,產生新的詮釋意涵;新造義,指理學家有別於前儒的詮釋,能在闡發中融注己思,開展出全新的詮釋規模。依此,本文指出,「理一分殊」在宋代的詮釋模式可歸列為四大模式:倫理義詮釋模式、工夫義詮釋模式、本體論詮釋模式,以及宇宙論詮釋模式。 本文以為,「模式」就是一種「法」,「法」又帶有「典範」的意味。意指在某種時間長度中所形成的一套自具格局的形式脈絡,它的形態或式樣可作為標準或參照,特別強調其中蘊涵著法式、仿效的精神意態。透過模式化,我們得以辨識體認具體事物或抽象義理所包容的豐富意義,更是對一理論脈絡進行探究的始點。因此,本文預期對宋代理學家之詮釋確立一基本的典型,以證成「理一分殊」該抽象命題在歷史的流動中所含具之豐富的意義與重要的詮釋發展。

論「心」朱熹哲學中的地位與發展 / The role and development of the Mind in Chu Hsi's philosophy

黃聖傑 Unknown Date (has links)
無論從思想史或哲學觀點的進路研究宋明儒學的發展,愈深入研究,諸多線索無不顯示並指向於「心」這一重要概念。從最初「周孔」、「孔顏」至「孔孟」並稱,表明孔子由一位傳經承繼者,轉變成儒學成德之教的始者;另一方面,《孟子》的地位獲得擢昇,孟子乃是先秦儒學中首先確立心性的哲學課題,隨後在宋明儒學中視為正統,反之,荀子則被視為是別宗,但其在卻朱子思想卻扮演一重要地位。對於先秦儒學的理解有助於闡明宋明儒學內部各種不同型態的義理規模,通過孔孟之後的理學家,特別是朱子對心的詮釋,是一窺宋明儒學發展的適切入手處。 這不是意指瞭解某位理學家的哲學思想,單單掌握「心」的意義便可足夠,此「心」是指包含心及其相關概念的心性論研究,乃是宋明儒學整體的血脈精髓。勞思光先生曾經詳盡剖析「天道觀」、「本性觀」、「心性論」三者的理論效力與距孔孟原旨之遠近,這大體是無誤的。只是如果依據理論效力而判斷各家的隸屬層次和高低,這是未能深入了解宋明儒學的內部精神。借程子「論性不論氣,不備;論氣不論性,不明。」一語之衍義,心才是使天道性命貫通之落實處,性必須仰賴於心,才能明捱展現出理學中既內在又超越的特點。但若是祇言心性,缺少諸儒對天道觀、本性論的擴充,宋明理學便不可謂臻向完備圓滿。欠缺天道,性命亦無貫通的可能性。是故,正是那些致力於天道觀、本性論的儒者,擴充並豐富了聖學的不同面貌與多元性。 本文便是要進入理學家內部的思想剖析以展現此觀點,本文擇取一些有代表性儒者的立場,呈顯出「心」在不同儒者的哲學理論中之意指和地位,以及思想之間的過渡與轉變。本文主要透過哲學分析和思想史的互相參照與應用,並依據此領域中諸多當代重要學者如牟宗三、劉述先、勞思光、金春峰等人的觀點,加以進一步發展或改造,兼顧哲學和思想史的脈絡,期盼能建立一條通貫宋明儒學的線索、合理且無悖於史實的看法。我將集中討論於影響朱子思想的先秦諸子及北宋儒者,再進入朱子思想內部,最後連結到王陽明。要理解這些變化的發生,就必須把握心性之學這個通貫宋明儒學的線索,這是我最終想要達到的目標。


陳佳銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文「朱子理氣論在儒家形上體系中的定位問題」,是欲從解析朱子的理氣、太極、〈仁說〉、格物諸論,以衡定其於儒家形上學體系中的地位,並展示其說的特色與價值。 首先,對於朱子的理氣關係是否會造成「二元論」的問題,本文以為他的理與氣的是渾然一體,是二分卻非造成二元而不交通。而且,本文以為儒家的道德哲學即隱含著理氣二層的結構。以此,本文亦反對明代以來以羅整庵為首的「去實體化」的唯氣論思潮。 接著,對於朱子的太極為中心的宇宙論,本論文以為朱子是在描述一「即存有即活動」的「生生之理」。以此,即對牟宗三先生以「只存有而不活動」來詮釋朱子的「理」提出質疑。對此,本文以為朱子之所以反對言「太極便是動靜」,是在強調不可以動靜來規定太極,並非以太極本身不可動靜。 進而,本研究即指出朱子以「繼之者善」、「成之者性」,來詮釋太極的「陽動」、「陰靜」,且以其為「實理發出」至「實理內藏」,這實是在說太極之理的發用流行過程。而且,朱子把程伊川的「體用一源,顯微無間」形上學思維,應用於其太極宇宙論中,並詮釋為「體立而用行」、「先體而後用」,以及「由體達用」、「從微至著」,這即有一發用流行的意思,是以太極能呈用、顯現自身於萬事萬物之中而言。再者,朱子的「理一分殊」之說的「分」字,是有一「分出去」的動力義,即為太極之一理發用流行自身,而分殊為萬事萬物中各個太極的型態。所以,通過本文諸多論點,即能證明朱子是在強調有動力義的「生生之理」。而且,本文亦以為對於儒家哲學客觀面的生生義的掌握,是為朱子學於儒家形上體系中的最大貢獻。 在天人合一的問題方面,朱子的〈仁說〉思想實是把握了儒家哲學客觀面的「天道下貫為萬物之性」的型態,即符合於《易傳》的「乾道變化,各正性命」,以及《中庸》的「天命之謂性」的義理,他的〈仁說〉即是為代表生生之理的天地之心,貫注成人心之「仁」的「天道下貫」的型態。但是,他卻不契於儒家哲學主觀面的逆覺本心的型態,故他無法走上孟子的「盡心、知性、知天」的型態,以及明道的「只心便是天」的主觀性道德形上學的進路。以此,他只能往客觀面的形上學路徑而行,而成就其「格物」工夫所開出的天人合一之境。 此即,他是從「即物窮理」的漸教工夫開始用功,再進入「豁然貫通」的心境,即可顯發一超越的形而上之知。如此,就能從窮格事事物物中的分殊之理,而漸漸地能默識「理一」之處的「統體之太極」。而且,從他詮釋孟子的「盡心、知性、知天」的話語中,可見出他的格物之功,著實能在「心靜理明」的心靈中,去貫通心、性、天,這就是朱子系統中的天人合一型態。

從逆覺體證到理一分殊新釋----試析現代新儒學的內在發展 / From ni-chüeh-t'i-cheng to the New Interpretation of li-i-fen-shu: An Enquiry into the Inner Development of Contemporary Neo-Confucian Philosophy

張子立 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文寫作之問題意識,乃基於對儒學在現代社會角色定位與未來走向之反思。在當代,儒學雖逐漸建立作為學術理論的地位,同時也與一般民眾思想、生活漸行漸遠,這種與傳統儒學化成理想有落差的情況,對在現代仍認同儒學或以儒家自許者,成為一個不得不面對的真實問題。從逆覺體證到理一分殊新釋之理論演變,正在尋求其因應之道。此現代新儒學之內部理論發展,內容是走向日用常行化與廣義道德實踐之建立,理一分殊作為方法架構,亦具有應用在種種不同觀點的普遍意義。 首先,就理一分殊新釋而言,一切文化創造活動都屬分殊,只能「通於」、而不能「同於」理一。良知坎陷的範圍也應擴及逆覺體證的行為實踐領域。包括道德行為在內的一切人類活動,都已是理一在某個時空之具體落實,具有侷限而不再等同於無限,但雖不可等同於無限,卻又通於無限。一切人文活動都可通於理一,但因「通」的型態不同,故定位也各異。逆覺體證是「逆」或「返」於理一之「通」,重點在契接、體悟理一;其他人文活動是「順」或「發」自理一之「通」,重點在承繼或順應理一之動用,成就現實生活中的各種價值創造。既然都是「通」於而非「同」於理一,就不必強分高下而可同時並重。儒家作為成德之學的道德實踐概念內涵,就不僅限於由逆覺所體證而發之於道德行為之狹義的道德實踐,而可涵蓋一切正面價值創造活動,成為一種廣義的道德實踐。 這種廣義的道德實踐,是具有基本道德操守而同時以仁心與生生之精神為終極託付的人生態度,凡認同此態度而不斷從事正面價值創造者,不論是學者、藝術家、科學家等任何職業與身分,都是現代意義下的儒者。從事儒家思想研究工作而又同時具有以上生活態度的現代新儒學,即取得在儒學架構下的正當性與必要性。儒家的理想仍然嚮往與追求聖賢境界,卻不再是作為儒者的唯一條件,這是使逆覺體證由聖賢工夫走向日用常行化的轉向。 就廣義道德實踐的立場,內聖是指以仁心與生生精神為終極託付,外王雖主要指涉政治領域,亦可延伸至以仁心與生生為前提,而從事商業、學術、藝術等活動。這種廣義道德實踐的另一個理論效應,則是基於良知與見聞的辯證關係,以及朱子對人之有限性的警覺,將朱子與象山的先後天修養工夫同時並重,而統合於陽明的良知教之下。廣義的道德實踐是以生生之仁為出發點,有關此普遍人性之內涵,牟宗三先生指出是一種心性情合一之普遍道德主體,並以由本心自定自發律則而具現於行為之動態過程,亦即「實踐上的印證」,說明此道德主體之具體化問題。至於道德意識普遍性之證成的落實問題,則需要劉述先先生參與全球倫理運動的「共識上的印證」作補充。這是藉由存異求同的理一分殊方法,與世界各大宗教文化進行平等的對話,從中所得到的共通於各大傳統之極小式的底限共識,亦即人道與金律,可作為說明落實問題之一種可能途徑。 逆覺體證本質上是從工夫論導出哲學理論之系統。可使儒學在指引效力之外逐漸展現出解釋效力,成為一種可以在學術上掌握與論析的理論系統。理一分殊的方法論為這種走向之延續。理一作為人文學科中的規約原則,有別於經驗科學的歸納(induction),因為歸納的方式是取同略異,理一分殊秉持的是存異求同之精神。筆者即嘗試就如何順成朱子所謂「去兩短,合兩長」,以及內聖外王雙向互動之兩行,作為這種方法論應用的實例。這兩個觀點雖非理一分殊新釋之內容,卻可藉由其方法予以證成,正可說明理一分殊方法的普遍意義。 / Nowadays, the situation of Confucianism is rather dubious. It used to be the guidelines of politics and everyday life in Chinese society. However, Confucianism is now not as influential as it was before. Its practical role has given way to theoretical one. This phenomenon, for many, means the loss of the essence of Confucianism. In my opinion, the prospect of turnaround lies in the development of ni-chüeh-t'i-cheng to the New Interpretation of li-i-fen-shu. The content of this progress can be divided into three: the secularization of moral practice, the wide-ranging creation of values and a formation of methodology. At first, ni-chüeh-t'i-cheng emphasizes the request of being sages while the New Interpretation of li-i-fen-shu focuses on the obedience to rules of law and decorum. As a result, the moral practice of Contemporary Neo-Confucian Philosophy is easy for normal people to abide by. Secondly, the New Interpretation of li-i-fen-shu advocates not so much moral practice as the creation of values. Accordingly, people belonging to every walk of life are regarded as a Neo-Confucian on condition that he or she has faith in jen(humanity) and sheng-sheng(creative creativity). Taken together, these theses indicate that Contemporary Neo-Confucian Philosophy tends to lives of modern people. Finally, ni-chüeh-t'i-cheng is a kind of kung-fu-lun which doubles as a academic theory. Nevertheless, li-i-fen-shu has a facet of methodology. I manage to apply this methodology to two issues in Confucianism: the necessity of ch’u-liang-tuan, ho-liang-ch’ang by Chu-Hsi and the interaction between nei-shen and wai-wang. The significance of li-i-fen-shu will be highlighted if my analysis is justified.

程朱易之天人關係對比研究 / A comparison between I-CHING of Ch’eng and Zhu of the heaven and the humanity

楊子萱, Yang, Tze Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
「易經」是中國哲學中重要的經典。「易經」的內容蘊含豐富的智慧,後代多位學者也用畢生的心血去研究。宋代程頤與朱熹更是透過對「易經」的詮解,發揮了自己的想法。本論文希望透過研究程頤與朱熹兩人註解「易經」之異同,瞭解二人對於天人關係的看法,並且從中創造出新的見解。論文規劃總共九章,包括了第一章緒論和最後一章的結語。 第一章緒論主要說明研究動機與目的,前人研究成果,以及文獻探討、學者專著介紹。第二章「理學易中的天人一本論」則說明程朱的時代背景、師承關係。程頤和朱熹的理學可能直接來自於張載與邵雍的啟發,以及「誠」的繼承。第三章及第四章分別討論「伊川的理學及易學」以及「朱熹的理學及易學」,說明二人之理學及易學重點與重要的概念。伊川由理氣區別「形而上」和「形而下」兩個概念,這兩個概念是出自於《易傳》<繫辭上>:「形而上謂之道,形而下謂之器」。朱熹主要是由「理」與「氣」的關係說明,在程朱思想體系中,「理」乃是「道」,是形而上的;「器」是「形而下」各別具體的事物。第五章「易學脈絡下的天道觀」主要探討《易》的本體論天道觀、宇宙論。並從自然化的「天」有其規律,而瞭解其中之「理」,從「天」到「天理」,從「天理」到「理一分殊」(universality and particularity)。第六章「宋代理學與易學交錯脈絡下的朱熹仁說」主要探討外在的「理」Li,落實到「人」的身上,從易傳的「生生之德」(The Moral of Creative Creativity)到程朱的「仁者天地生物之心」(Benevolence is the Heart of the Heaven and the Earth to Produce)、「格物致知」(“The extension of knowledge through the investigation of things”, and “the attentiveness of the mind”)。程頤的工夫論是透過「涵養需用敬,進學在致知」(In cultivation one needs attentiveness;in the advancement of learning, one needs the extension of knowledge.)的方法,按照程朱學派的看法,「格物」是為了從有形之物中體認超越的「理」。由「格物」以「窮理」達到天人關係之廣大悉備之和諧(All-comprehensive Harmony)。第七章、第八章則從多元的觀點,將程朱易之天人關係以現代的方式詮釋,第七章探討程朱在「人生哲學」的異同,包括個人的修身、內聖以及家庭等層面。第八章討論程朱易在社會群體上的異同。包含政治層面、經濟層面以及教育層面等,以及第九章的結論。 / Among all Chinese philosophical works, I-Ching is one of the most important classics. It is not only abundant in wisdom, but has also inspired many scholars to devote their lives to researching into it. Two of such scholars are Ch’eng Yi and Zhu Xi in the Sung Dynasty, who based their theories on and developed their philosophical thoughts by a thorough interpretation of I-Ching. This dissertation intends to create a new insight into I-Ching by first exploring the similarities and differences between Ch’eng Yi ’s and Zhu Xi’s interpretations of I-Ching, and then delving into the two scholars’ comprehension of the relationship between the cosmos and humanity. This dissertation is divided into nine chapters, including the introduction and the conclusion. The first chapter, The Introduction, elucidates the motivation and purpose of this research, examines the research results of the antecedent scholars, explores related literatures, and provides an introduction of some predominant scholars as well as their works. Chapter Two, Haven amd men in union of I-ching of New-Confucianism, illuminates the background of Ch’eng and Zhu’s era as well as their mentor-follower relationship.The immediate stimulus for Ch’eng Yi and Zhu Xi, however, seems to be the thought of Chang Tasi and Shao Yung. To discuss Sence of truthfulness(誠). Chapter Three and Four respectively elaborate on ” Ch’eng Yi I-CHING exegesis and the formation of Neo-Confucianism” and ” Zhu Xi I-CHING exegesis and the formation of Neo-Confucianism,” illustrating the two scholars’ dominant ideas and important concepts on Neo-Confucianism and Book of Changes. Ch’eng Yi distinguishes between what is “within shapes” and what is “above shapes”. The origin of these two terms is traceable to “Appendix III ” of the Book of Changes: “ What is above shapes is called the Tao;what is within shapes us calledthe implements.” Zhu Xi maintained that all things are brought into being by the union of two universal aspects of reality: Chi(氣), sometimes translated as vital (or physical, material) force; and Li(理), sometimes translated as rational principle (or law).In the system of Ch’eng Yi and Zhu Xi, this distinction corresponds to that between the abstract and concreat in Western philosophy. The Li and Tao which is “above shapes,” or, as we say, abstract;while the “implements,” by which Ch’eng Yi and Zhu Xi mean particular things, are “within shapes,” or, as we would say, concrete. Chapter Five, TianTao (Inner Roots of ordering the world ) of I-ching, mainly expounds I-Ching’s Ontology and Cosmology, with a purpose of attaining a comprehension of Li through realizing the regularity of natural, and then moves further to understand T’ien Li(the natural law)from T’ien (heaven),and universality and particularity from T’ien Li(the natural law). Chapter Six, Song Dynasty I-Ching exegesis of Jen(humanity) of Ch’eng- Zhu school of Neo-Confucianism, mainly explicates the way people put the theory of “Li” into practice, mainly through a comprehensive understanding of the following concepts: The Moral of Creative Creativity, Ch’eng and Zhu’s philosophy of “Benevolence Is the heart of the Heaven and the Earth to Produce,” and “The extension of knowledge through the investigation of things”, and “the attentiveness of the mind”. Ch’eng Yi ‘s method of spiritual cultivation is expressed in his famous statement : “In cultivation one needs attentiveness;in the advancement of learning, one needs the extension of knowledge. ” According to the Ch’eng –Zhu school, the purpose of the “investigation of things” is to extend our knowledge of the eternal Li. Li are abstract and things are concrete. We investigate the abstract through the concrete. What we as a result come to see lies both within the eternal world and within our own nature. The more we know Li, the more our nature, ordinarily concealed by our physical endowment, become visible to us to All-comprehensive Harmony. Both Chapter Seven and Eight interpret Ch’eng’s and Zhu’s concepts of the relationship between the cosmos and humanity from modern and multiple perspectives. To be more specific, Chapter Seven elucidates the similarities and differences between the above-mentioned two scholars’ “philosophy of life,” including their speculation on a person’s self-discipline, inner sage and the aspects of family. Being sage inside and being kingly outside " is the centralized embodiment of the confucian ideal personality . its " connotation consists of high perfection of individual inner morality and achievements of administering the state well and ensuring national security as a result.Chapter Eight, on the other hand, discusses the two scholars’ similar and different arguments on communities, inclusive of political, economical and educational aspects. Lastly, Chapter Nine, the final chapter of this dissertation, offers a conclusion to this dissertation.

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