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一貫道的天命觀--以寶光崇正道場為例 / The concept of I-kuan Tao Heavenly Mandate—a case study of Bao-guang-chung-jeng Branch王承祺, Wang, Cheng Chi Unknown Date (has links)
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一貫道常州組來台灣發展歷程鍾權煌 Unknown Date (has links)
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生命教育的自覺與實踐-以Bunun與一貫道信仰在台東的邂逅為例 / Self-Awareness and Practice of Life Education-Encounter between Taitung’s Bunun and the I-Kuan Tao faith as example温毓禎 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣南島語族近百年來受到外來因素影響,而產生不小變化。其中之一,便 是從傳統文化信仰改宗為西洋之基督宗教,這種集體改宗的現象,發生在戰後的 1960年代由為顯著。雖然如此,但這並不能涵蓋所有原住民族的不同信仰與臺灣宗教的多元複雜,以及隱藏在人的歷史性和體驗背後更為基礎的東西,是所有人 類生命共同相屬,思考生命意義並且期望實現意義的作為。
研究者認為以 Bunun 與一貫道信仰在台東的邂逅為例,揭示當代 Bunun 生 命教育的自覺與實踐是值得探討的。因此,本文主要研究目的為: 闡述當代 Bunun 其扎根於社會脈絡下,自我生命價值與文化精神的再創造,這是關乎於「人」 心靈的渴求與生命終極關懷的教育議題﹔以田野調查及個案深度訪談作為研究方式,藉由田野調查了解台東布農族群其信仰一貫道之社會脈絡與現況,並透過個 案深度訪談了解當代 Bunun 跨越多重文化信仰對其所象徵的意義為何,又一貫道蘊含之生命/靈性道義藉文化轉譯是如何獲得族群信仰認同﹔另外曾經在一貫道中「求道」又回到原宗教信仰者,是如何看待宗教與生命間的關係。
研究結果顯示當代 Bunun 對生命的終極關懷主要可歸納於三大面向。一是 對於「靈性」當家作主,原初我為生命真主人的企求﹔二是認為尊重生命的根本, 即從身、心、靈做起﹔三是以「家」為踐道之起點,「地球生態」永續發展為宇 宙公民之責任。 / Taiwan’s Austronesian have been influenced by extrinsic factors for the past century and have produced some changes. One of them is conversion from traditional cultural beliefs to western Christianity, this phenomenon of collective conversion occurred more prominently in post-war 1960’s. However, this does not extend totally to all the diverse beliefs of the indigenous people and to the multiplicity of religions in complex Taiwan, as well as those underlying historical and experimental nature of human beings. Humans commonly, think of the meaning of life and how to achieve this expectation.
The author of this study believes the Taitung’s Bunun traditional culture and their belief in I-Kuan Tao’s encounter, for example, reveals the awareness and the practice of contemporary Bunun’s life education are worth exploring. Therefore, the main points of this study are expounds the contemporary Bunun who is rooted in the following social context and recreates the value of self-life and cultural spirit, which is related to the educational assertion of the "human" mind and the ultimate concern of life. On the basis of field work and in-depth interviews, used as methods of research and through field investigation of the Taitung's Bunun people's belief in I-Kuan Tao, the social context and situation; and through in-depth case interviews, to fathom the contemporary Bunun, across the multiple cultural beliefs, on the significance of symbols consistent with life and spiritual moral righteousness and how this can be translated into a faith recognized by the ethnic group. In addition, in the same way, what is the meaning of life if the "Tao seekers" were to return to their original religious faith?
The research results show that contemporary Bununs ultimate concern for life can be summed up into three aspects, one is to be the master of "spirituality" , and be my own original master; second, is the respect for fundamental life, that is beginning from the body, mind and spirit; third, is the "home" as the starting point of the practice of Tao, the responsibility of the citizens of the Universe for "Earth's ecological" sustainable development.
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踏不死的道種:台灣一貫道遭禁與復振 / Indestructible “Dao Orthodoxy”: the prohibition and revitalization of I-Kuan-Tao in Taiwan陳韋辰, Chen, Wei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以一貫道這個源自中國的救度宗教傳統,傳到台灣發展的歷程,以及其所展現的宗教思想與實踐,著重於組織發展、教義與倫理、以及宗教與政治社會脈絡的對話,並透過梳理這個過程,成為進一步理解一貫道宗教實踐特色的基礎。一貫道曾在台灣曾遭禁三十餘載(1951-1987),但其信仰並未熄滅,在戒嚴與遭禁的情境下生存下來,發展至今成為頗具規模的宗教。在遭禁下與解禁後的發展,一貫道的宗教實踐有越趨儒教化、強調道德教化的趨勢,本文認為這個取向是特定歷史過程與文化脈絡交織下的產物,並伴隨著政治機會結構而逐漸浮現。因此本文以「道德政治」(moral politics)作為觀察一貫道宗教實踐的顯微鏡,試圖掌握一貫道實踐中道德的策略性與展演性,看到信眾如何透過詮釋道德、運用道德符號與實踐道德的方法,達到延續宗教組織、獲得宗教實踐的正當性、擴大宗教社群、推廣一貫道的宗教品牌等效果。本研究主要以一貫道的一個分支基礎忠恕為主要案例,同時參考不同組線分支的案例,以期本研究有更寬廣的視野。 / The task of the thesis is trying to interpret and analyze the praxis of a salvationist religion I-Kuan-Tao (一貫道, also written as ‘Yiguandao’) in Taiwan which originates from China and inherits the tradition of “Chinese Sectarianism”, and concentrates on the transformation of I-Kuan-Tao’s religious organization, doctrine and ethics, and dialogue with the context of the political society. I-Kuan-Tao had been prohibited by Kuomintang from 1951 to 1987, but the belief continued growing under the banned situation and Martial Law, and developed into a thrived religion after it gained legal status. The praxis of I-Kuan-Tao orientates Confucianism and emphasizes the significance of moral, which is a product of characteristic historical process, cultural contexts, and the political opportunities.
The thesis develops the concept “moral politics” to describe the performance and strategy of moral in religious praxis of I-Kuan-Tao. I consider that “moral” as a maneuverable symbolic capital which further helps us to comprehend the dialectical relationship between those factors. Therefore, it will demonstrate how believers maintain and reproduce I-Kuan-Tao community, gain the legitimacy of religious praxis, promote the brand of religion and subsequently utilize their agency. The thesis focuses on Jichu Zhongshu(基礎忠恕) branch as the main case, and also compares with other branches for a broader view.
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救渡宗教在當代社會中的傳承與演變——以一貫道為例 / The Inherited and Transition of the Contemporary Salvationist Religion: A Case from Yi Guan Dao蕭維毅 Unknown Date (has links)
一貫道在臺灣的傳道環境與過去在中國時已有相當大的改變,除了政治經濟環境的改變之外,民眾的知識水平與社會連帶也與過往大不相同,這些原因都促使當代台灣的一貫道,發展出了有別於在中國時的宣道與辦道方式。本研究從教義、組織與宗教倫理實踐三個面相來探討,臺灣一貫道如何轉變承襲自中國傳統文化中救度宗教的特質,使其更能適應當代社會。而戰後受到一貫道與當局的政教關係與當時傳道背景的影響,臺灣一貫道約分為十八個支線,各自有其發展特色。在無法窮盡所有臺灣一貫道的個案情況之下,以在當代較常參與公共事務的兩個組線——發一組與寶光組),作為調查訪談的田野。研究結果顯示,當代一貫道朝向更入世化與制度化轉型,使教義從追求彼世的極樂,轉而更著重於此世的關注。而在天命領導制度的傳承上,則更加的制度化一改救贖恩寵源自於一人的傳統。而在宗教倫理的實踐上,除了更貼近儒家的淑世行動之外,更朝公共宗教的特質發展。總而言之,一貫道在當代社會之中,逐漸捨去巫術、情感性與人格化的特質,而朝更理性、除魅與入世的方向發展。 / How to adapt the complicated and quickly changing world for the traditional religion? It is the major concern for those religions in the contemporary world. This dissertation will use the Yi Guan Dao (一貫道) as the empirical source to discuss such question. Because of the transition of the political economic environment, the improvement of the knowledge level of individual and the change of social solidarity, the missionary condition of Yi Guan Dao in Taiwan has lots of difference compared to the condition when Yi Guan Dao in China, forcing the missionary of Yi Guan Dao to change their way of missions and preach in Taiwan. This dissertation will use three factors, which are doctrine, religious organization and the practice of religious ethics, to discuss how the Yi Guan Dao transferring its character inherit from the Chinese Salvationist religion to make it much suitable for the modern society in Taiwan. Due to the social and political context after world war II, there are 18 Sect of Yi Guan Dao in Taiwan, however, this dissertation will choose the most representative two (Fa Yi Sect and Bao-Guang Sec) as the field of fieldwork. The research result shows that the contemporary Yi Guan Dao has transferred to more engaged and institutionalized than they used to be. In this vein, their doctrine has transferred from focusing on the bliss of afterlife to put more attention on this life; In their inherited of the leading system of Mandate of Heaven, it becomes more institutionalized than used to, which focusing on the traditions that the redemption grace is originated from the only one. In their practice of religious ethics, besides more close to the idea of refining of the world from the Confucianism, they also have the characteristic of public religion. In general, the Yi Guan Dao in the contemporary society, they losing their character of witchcraft, affectivity, and anthropomorphization, becoming more rationalized, more disenchantment and more engaged to the secular world.
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以宗教市場理論分析解嚴前後的台灣政教關係-以長老教會與一貫道為例 / An Investigation on the Political-Religious Relationship in Taiwan Before and After the Lifting of Martial Law in Terms of Religious Market Theory- the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and the Yiguandao as the Two Examples王博賢, Wang, Po-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
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一貫道信徒傳播媒介使用與認知何穎怡, He, Ying-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 研究動機與目的 一貫道乃台灣少數秘密宗教之一,本研究要探討此一特殊
第二章 文獻探討 本研究理論架構俱重媒介使用與認知,國外已有針對特殊團體所
第三章 研究方法 本研究使用問卷調查蒐集資料,採立意取義法,分南、此、鄉村
第四章 資料分析 本研究採用電腦分析ヾ信徒媒介使用情形ゝ信徒媒介認知情形ゞ
第五章 結論與建議。
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王覺一生平及其《理數合解》理天之研究 / A study of the Life of Wang Juei Yi and the concept of "Lii Tian " in His"Lii Shuh Her Jiee"鍾雲鶯, Jong, Yun-Ing Unknown Date (has links)
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從《皇 訓子十誡》談一貫道的修行實踐 / A study on the cultivation and practice of I-Kuan Tao basic on《Ten commandments of Huang Mu teaching the sons》王延平 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採取的研究方法包括文本分析、田野調查與問卷調查。先從《皇 訓子十誡》訓文本中提出一貫道的修行觀,並從中歸納一貫道信仰的核心價值為無生老 的概念,由此概念才能推展出其他的修行觀。再從田野調查中觀察一貫道的宗教實踐,分為宗教儀式、個人修辦與社會公益三類。最後則以問卷調查分析的方式來探討修行觀與宗教實踐的關聯性,從寶光崇正道場中對特定族群做不分年齡、性別、學歷的抽樣調查,分析結果發現,宗教實踐確實和修行觀有所關聯,而影響最多的選項為「行功了愿」的修行觀,這也和研究觀察的發現相符,但其內在的觀念仍是無生老 。
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宗教倫理秩序的整合關係:以一貫道寶光崇正奠禮為例 / The integrated ties of religious ethics order- focased on i-kuan tao bao guang chong zheng’s laying ceremony張佳梅, Chang, Chia Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從一貫道內部經典與外界研究的文獻整理,來分析有關宗教儀禮的教義與實踐,另外,從各組線的訪問與田野調查比較其奠禮的發展過程與理念基礎。此研究首先探討一貫道教義的基本觀念,再對應理天倫理與道場倫理的互動關係,然後對奠禮儀式的人事安排、流程與意涵加以剖析,最後與民間奠禮做一比較,可觀察一貫道禮儀在禮俗上,經過吸收與轉化後對社會的貢獻程度。總結,一貫道奠禮可以說明宗教倫理對失序的家庭倫理有支持、整合的功效。 / Religious ethic is constituted as a frame of moral philosophy that centered by religious beliefs. In the beliefs of I-Kuan Tao, Tao members’ death lead their families fall into a instable status; therefore, religious ethic is seeking to a situation of providing flatliner a ultimate concern, which means after death, the spirit will go back to “Li Tian” - Heaven. For those Tao members who face their families’ death, Tao ethic could offer the support not only on substance but also spirit side, so it improves the ethical relationship in the shore world, and link up all people more closer.
This thesis was done via researching from inside scripture of I-Kuan Tao and outside studies from relative scholars to analyze about creed and practice of religious ritual. In addition, the thesis was also completed by doing interview and fieldwork of other branch of I-Kuan Tao on the development of the laying ceremony. The thesis started with the basic concept of I-Kuan Tao’s dogma, and then correspond the interactive relation between Heaven ethic and temple ethic. Subsequently analyze the ritual of laying ceremony of personnel arrangement and procedure and significance. Finally the thesis show the comparison of I-Kuan Tao laying ceremony and folk type to show I-Kuan Tao’s way has contributed to the society. In conclusion, I-Kuan Tao’s laying ceremony can interpret that religious ethic the function of supporting and integration for the domestic disorder.
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