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以創新擴散觀點探討政策實踐過程-公糧檢驗管理個案研究閻安琪 Unknown Date (has links)
「創新」在目前競爭激烈的知識經濟時代中,可說是決定勝負之加分關鍵所在,「創新(Innovation) 」是企業型政府的主要核心價值,並強調理念設計與務實執行雙重層面之積極作為。
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探討智慧卡產業中電子貨幣的創新擴散模式林正立, Lin, Tseng-Li Unknown Date (has links)
實務上的電子貨幣,本論文選擇了國內目前存在的五個電子貨幣做探討,即金資電子錢、捷運悠遊卡、Mondex電子現金、百視達加值卡以及東元數碼通,並且加上香港甚為成功的「八達通卡」和行之有年的「VISA信用卡」,以其特性和現行運作狀況做一探討,而理論上的「擴散理論」則從四個構面進行分析與比較,分別是外部環境、擴散因子、擴散管道和擴散族群,最後研究發現提出了電子貨幣的特性、擴散特徵的比較、四構面的分析、保齡球道理論以及未來電子貨幣面臨的問題等,嘗試從多個角度看此電子貨幣產業。 / The diffusion model and theory always was an important topics at marketing field,and the Electric cash(E-cash) was a new industry and payment tool at Taiwan local market,this thesis combined the diffusion theory and practical E-cash to research their relationship and some topics.
This thesis try to investigate the growth of e-cash,include the five kinds of currently e-cash at Taiwan,such as Mondex、MRT yo-yo card、FISC e-cash、Blockbuster value-add card, and NETS. Survey the diffusion of distinguish at customers,the model of each different products the same or not. The furthermore,this thesis still try to establish the common diffusion model of E-cash.
The main of object of this thesis are:
1. The Characteristic of E-cash.
2. The advantage of e-cash compare to traditional cash.
3. The Influence of product reformation,diffusion channels and environment on the diffusion of divisive customers.
4. The Bowling theory and niche market.
5. The future problem of E-cash to be met.
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公私部門的早期市場接受者對於LED創新決策過程比較 / The comparison of LED innovative decision between the early market of public and private department凌銜佑 Unknown Date (has links)
而根據文獻得知這兩種應用被執行的時間相差了大約十年之久,所以希望能瞭解為何這當中的時間相差如此之久,而當公私部門開始採用時,其創新擴散是否有不連續之地方,以及在整個創新決策過程當中,公私部門之間的異同為何。本研究之研究問題如下:1. 為何LED在應用於交通號誌燈與筆記型電腦背光源之時間點相差約十年之久?2. 在LED的創新擴散中是否有不連續的情況發生於技術狂熱者與高瞻遠矚者之間? 3. 公私部門的早期市場接受者在創新決策過程中各階段的異同為何?
最後,本研究得到的結論為:1. 同一創新技術應用於不同產品或方向上時會受到技術的成熟度之差異而有採用時間的先後順序;此外,公部門的早期市場接受者較不在乎成本上的差異,只要創新在使用上符合其需求,自然可以透過募款或編列預算等方式開始執行,無私部門盈虧之壓力。2. 鴻溝不一定只存在高瞻遠矚者與早期大眾之間,台灣的LED交通號誌燈之技術狂熱者與高瞻遠矚者間存在著長達五年的裂口,且透過上層的統一執行可以縮短鴻溝的時間。 3. 整體來說,公部門比私部門更因為缺乏技術背景之人才,而使其在決策過程中遇到較多的問題與困難,然若單就同一類別的部門之技術狂熱者與高瞻遠矚者來相比的話,前者符合Moore所言之特性,技術狂熱者是一群較有遠景與熱情的使用單位,他們面對不確定性時擁有較大的勇氣去迎接挑戰。
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OLED產業的式微與再起歷程之研究-複雜理論的觀點張惟淳 Unknown Date (has links)
CRT從1940年代開始就主宰著整個電視機的市場,開啟顯示技術的發展,到了二十一世紀,人類為追求高品質、更貼近人性化的生活,顯示器已從傳統的陰極射線管(CRT)進入平面顯示器(FPD)時代。在最新的平面顯示技術OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode有機發光二極體)問世後,此平面顯示新技術更是吸引了產業及學術界的關注,進而從事開發與研究。
3.產業環境如同處於混沌邊緣(the edge of chaos),一種介於有序與無序、現況與創新、穩定與轉型之間的狀態;而OLED產業就在這混沌邊緣不斷演化成長。
11.政府的角色對於一個新興產業的發展,具有降低進入障礙,提高產業體制內自由度的助益。 / From the beginning of the 1940s, CRT was the key to the entire TV market. When the 21th era began, mankind were in pursuit of high-quality, closer to human life, so it changed from traditional display of the cathode ray tube (CRT) to the flat panel display (FPD) era. As the latest flat panel display technology OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode Organic Light Emitting Diode) was first published, this flat panel display was a new technology which has attracted the concern of industry and academia, and then engaged in the development and research.
Nevertheless the production value of OLED was lower than the well-known forecast agent like DisplaySearch predicted, hence many international companies in the 2006 ended OLED business sector. However, this downward trend stopped in 2007, and it began to take-off. OLED panels in 2008,its annual growth rate of output was even higher than the overall flat-panel displays, making the whole industry seemed to be prosperous again.
From the above description of industrial development, the study of the past for OLED research, the focus was often on the OLED industry development strategy or on the analysis of critical success factors for OLED. To explore the development of research rarely written. Therefore, this paper is to study the rise and fall of OLED industry, using the way of case study.
This study first try to understand some relevant theories which are about industry development, including the "industry analysis", "diffusion theory", "complexity theory" and other related theories, and finally combined "the complex dynamic process of innovation " with some factors of industry analysis and the time factor, to describe the development of OLED. Finishing this study comes out some findings such as following:
In the course of industrial development, the positive and negative driving forces which affect the growth of industry, will determine the ultimate performance of industry.
The industry, in the process of diffusion , which showed more obvious self-organization than the others will get more satisfactory results.
There are still some other findings in the thesis, I hope the study of the cause and effect about OLED industry will be useful for practical reference.
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臺北市市民健康卡社會行銷策略之研究:創新擴散觀點鄭百卿 Unknown Date (has links)
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創新擴散模式對高級中學教師科技接受模式影響之研究 / Research on the Effect of Diffusion of Innovation Model to Technology Acceptance Model by Teachers in High Schools蘇麗美, Su, Li Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討創新擴散模式對高級中學教師科技接受模式影響之研究,分析臺北市公私立高中教師在不同背景變項下,知覺創新擴散與科技接受的差異情形,檢視創新擴散的五大認知屬性對科技接受模式的線性關係,並根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市50 所公私立高中教師為抽樣對象,共寄發問卷780 份,回收513份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷461 份,回收率65.7%。本研究採用以IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 和 LISREL 8.80 統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論:
最後依據上述研究結論,提出推動創新科技融入教學之具體建議,以做為高級中學行政參考運用。 / This research aims to study the effect of innovation diffusion model and technology acceptance model by teachers in high schools, along with the relevance between the two models. This study analyzed the differences of the models with different variables among high school teachers, and discussed the linearity among five cognitive attributes of innovation diffusion and technology acceptance model. Based on the results, suggestions are proposed for the relevant authorities as reference.
To achieve the aim of the research, the study adopted questionnaires to survey,with the teachers of Taipei city’s high schools as the target population. A total of 780 questionnaires were distributed, and 461 effective samples were retrieved. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 and LISREL 8.80. The results are as follows:
1.The levels of the subjects’ perception on innovation diffusion model and technology acceptance model are both medium-high.
2.The high school teachers hold that the attribute of relative advantage is the most influential in the innovation diffusion.
3.The high school teachers believe that usefulness is the most influential factor in technology acceptance model.
4.There is a gap between teachers’ perceiving innovation diffusion and accepting technology and their action.
5.Gender, rage, educational background, and years of service in high school make no significant difference in the teachers’ perception of innovation diffusion and technology acceptance.
6.Positions, hours of in-service training, courses they teach, proportions of using innovative technology, and information literacy of the teachers make significant differences in diffusing innovation and accepting technology.
7.The model constructed in this study is testified and supported by structural equation modeling test. Innovation diffusion model has a significant positive impact.
8.The comparative advantages, complexity and observability of diffusion of innovation model have positive and significant effects on perceived availability in technology acceptance model. The complexity, observability and triability have positive and significant effects on perceived usefulness.
Based on the above results, concrete suggestions on integrating innovative technology into teaching are proposed as a reference for the administration in high schools.
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結合TAM與TPB模型探討虛擬網站對醫療科技之推廣效果官千羽, Kuan, Lianne Unknown Date (has links)
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創新擴散理論之應用─以財政部財政資訊共享服務平台為例 / The Application of Innovation Diffusion Theory: A Case Study of Open Data Platform of Ministry of Finance霍達 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,推動財政資訊共享服務平台的主要工作與困境包括溝通策略、法律規範、分工方式、業務單位的抗拒與資料的價值。財資中心在政策規劃面、組織管理面以及法律規範面仍有改進空間,包括改變同仁的觀念態度、提出明確的評估報告、團隊成員的代表性、訂定行政規則以及與相關單位共商修法議題。未來有意推動相關政策的機關,除了前述財資中心應該改進之處,尚須注意組織文化以及公民參與的部分,讓政策推動的阻力降至最低。 / Open government data (OGD) can brings great economic benefit and promotes more openness in government, it has become one of the most important issues in e-Government around the world. An open data policy was enacted by the Executive Yuan at the end of 2013, both central and local governments should gradually release their possessed data to the public. In the context of open data policy, Fiscal Information Agency, MOF tries to establish an open data platform of Ministry of Finance. However, the open data policy in Taiwan is still in a stage of sprouting, it is an innovation policy and brand new notion to many governments, the objective of this research is to analyze what obstacles does Fiscal Information Agency, MOF meet when promoting the open data platform of Ministry of Finance, and how could this experience be learned.
First of all, the research introduces the literatures about open data. Secondly, quoting the Innovation Diffusion Theory as the conceptual framework and conducting interviews. The analysis about the works and obstacles is individually based on the phase of agenda setting, matching, redefining/restructuring, clarifying and routinizing.
The results show the main work and obstacles including the strategy of communication, legal norms, division of labor, resistance of agency and the value of data. There are still areas of improvement for Fiscal Information Agency, MOF, such as changing the concept of colleagues, providing a tangible report about open data and the representativeness of group. The lessons from this study are expected to provide insights to the Taiwan government when it tries to engage the open data policy.
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破壞性創新技術的擴散模式- 以E-ink反射式顯示技術為例 / Diffusion model of a disruptive innovation technology-A case study of E-ink reflective display technology周志豪, Chou, Chinhao Unknown Date (has links)
2007年11月全球網路書局巨擘Amazon正式宣布進軍電子書事業,發表一款名為「Kindle」的電子書以及相關營運服務,旋即造成搶購風潮。 此電子書使用E-ink公司研發的電子墨顯示技術,讓使用者的使用彷彿覺得是閱讀印刷物,而電子墨技術已存在四十餘年,最早發明於Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,此技術以使用黑白的電子墨形成可反射環境光顯示方式,有別於主流使用於筆記型電腦或桌上監視器的彩色顯示器,電子書以採反射式,能在有環境照明時清晰可視,不須要一般顯示器的背光源,所以有較低的耗電,同時也可以有較輕與薄的設計。 此差異化的顯示技術與產品定位讓E-ink創新技術花費將近十年均只有極小衆的需求,直到2008年才見有起飛的成長。
本論文透過分析E-ink個案之創新技術擴散歷程,並佐證先前相關創新技術擴散理論之文獻,闡述擴散模式、影響因素、與創新採用過程來明瞭E-ink創新擴散的驅動力。 E-ink創新技術之應用與其他創新技術的最大差異,它不僅是個破壞式創新技術,它的應用是需要改變採用者使用方式。 此類的創新技術不像其他大多數的創新技術是新增使用方式或察覺不出使用方式須改變。 所以研究其技術擴散歷程可幫助我們明瞭此類較不易擴散的創新技術如何能加速其市場擴散。此研究同時比較應用E-ink電子墨顯示技術的電子書與其他新技術與產品市場擴散之差異,包括應用高密度積體電路記憶體設計與製造技術的數位音訊播放器(MP3 player)、應用薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器技術的大尺寸液晶平面電視與應用投射式電容觸控技術的平板電腦。
本研究我們發現,E-ink創新技術的應用驅動採用者改變其以往的使用方式,而此驅動力的來源就是使用創新技術的新產品價值主張。 在此個案中更進一步發現擴散模式的兩股驅動力可改變產品擴散市場的強度,首先是技術發展達到產品可滿足客戶最低的價值主張期望,第二是此價值主張讓使用者選擇此新技術帶來創新產品的需求滿足。 延伸觀察使用方式改變的擴散主要為兩個因素的函數,一為內部推動力- 包括新技術的技術發展力、供應力。另一為外部拉引力- 包括市場對產品價值主張的吸引力、其他創新技術使用的協同效果、銷售模式與經營模式對產品的推廣能力。
創新技術是一個高科技公司維持營運與成長的重要資產,但如何能將創新技術應用於產品成功的擴散市場,若能掌握重要的驅動因子,方可將此資產較快速地轉變為倍數的財源。 本研究分析改變使用方式的破壞性創新E-ink電子墨顯示技術的擴散模式,發現初期的擴散以內部技術力與供應能力驅動為主,建議企業在此時期應思考如何應用創新技術定位產品,同時定位於最核心的價值位置建立商業模式。 在此能力逐漸增強之後,其擴散則以外部市場吸引力驅動為主,必須在市場推出所謂「殺手級應用」產品,即應用此破壞性創新技術突顯差異的產品價值主張,而能跨越採用者鴻溝。 同時建議企業在此時應著力於產品開發策略,市場推出的產品必須滿足多層次採用者不同的需求,適當的規劃產品直到技術漸趨成熟而衰退。 / It has became one of the most popular consumer electronics since Amazon, the world leading bookstore, announced to enter eBook business and launched a reading device, called “Kindle” in November 2007. This eBook device applies a simple electronic ink display technology from E-ink and let readers to view the display just like to view a printed book. This electronic ink display have been developed more than 40 years and invented in Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. This technology applies dark and white electronic ink which could reflect ambient light to display black and white image on the screen. The display don't need a backlight as conventional LCD screens, and can also be viewed under sunlight as printed paper. In the same time, it has a less power consumption and could have a slim and light design for easy carry. But, it has spent more than 10 years to only gain a small population of customers to use this differentiating display and product which apply this E-ink innovative technology. After Amazon launched “Kindle” in late 2007, we observed this technology fast diffuse to the mass market.
This thesis is to study a diffusion model of E-ink disruptive technology. Review prior articles of technology diffusion theory, model of innovation diffusion, factors of innovation diffusion and adoption of innovation to understand driving forces of E-ink technology diffusion. The major difference of E-ink technology from others is to require changing the user usage method when it appy to an electroic paper. It is not only a disruptive change, but requires changing user usage experience. Most of other new technologies are to add new or be easy usage, won’t feel a change of usage method and experience. Research the diffusion model of this disruptive technology help us to understand how we could expedite this type of new technology to the market. In this study, we also compare other similar applications of new technologies, such as MP3 player which apply high density of integrated circuit memory design and manufacturing; Large sized TFT LCD TV which using TFT LCD technology; and Tablet computer which adopt capacitive touch technology. To compare those technologies market diffusion with E-ink display technology.
We have found the driving force to adopt E-ink technology and make change of user usage is the value proposition of products which adapt this innovative technology. Furthermore, we conclude two driving forces to enhance diffuse into mass market. First one is to meet the minimum expectations of the value proposition from this new technology. Second is to meet the needs of users who select this new technology. In addition to, it observed two important factors to change usage adoption, one is internal push force, and the other is external pull force. Internal push forces include technology development; and capability of supply chain. External pull forces include market attraction of product value propositions; synergy for using other technologies in the products; sales and business models to promote products.
Innovative technology is an important asset to sustain company growth in a high- tech company. But how it could successfully apply the innovative technology to a product and diffuse into the market? It is important to know key driving forces, so this asset is able to turn into cash for continuous funding new innovation. This study analyzes the diffusion model of a disruptive E-ink display technology. We have found early diffusion forces are depended on technology and supply chain capability. It suggests company to focus how to initiate the product position with technology capability for meeting expectation of value proposition. In the mean time, it needs to build the supply chain infrastructure to position core value of new technology. Once company has built the technology capability, diffusion forces move to market pull. It starts to launch a “killer application” product to apply this technology and underline differentiating product value proposition, so it is able to cross the “chasm”. It also suggests company to adjust strategy on product development and requires having a broader product portfolio to meet a variety of customer needs. Finally, plan product development for mainstream applications utill technology is gradually slowdown.
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從價值創新觀點分析Facebook的成功經營策略 / Study on facebook’s successful business strategy on value innovation perspective徐偉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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