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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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影響民眾使用行動銀行之關鍵因素探討 / A Study of Key Factors Affecting Consumers’ Intention to Use Mobile Banking

譚嘉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的為找出影響民眾使用行動銀行使用意願的關鍵因素。本研究之研究模型以創新擴散理論為基礎架構,同時納入加值服務、移轉障礙、品牌熟悉度、信任以及服務品質,用以探討民眾使用行動銀行的態度以及意願。本研究並將所提出之研究模型進行實證分析,研究對象為台灣地區的民眾,包括實際以及具高度潛力的行動銀行未來使用者,共回收730份有效問卷,其中446份有行動銀行使用經驗,另外284份則無。本研究模型變數包含相對優越性、複雜性、相容性、加值服務、人際關係、轉換成本、替代方案吸引力、品牌熟悉度、信任、服務品質、態度、使用意願以及正向口碑。本研究使用LISREL 8.7進行結構方程模式分析,將回收之樣本依照行動銀行使用經驗的有無個別分析其結果,分析結果顯示,針對有行動銀行使用經驗的民眾,相對優越性、加值服務、信任、服務品質與民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著正相關;而轉換成本則對民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著負相關;此外,民眾對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正相關,民眾的使用意願更與其正向口碑有顯著正相關。針對沒有行動銀行使用經驗的民眾,相容性、加值服務與民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著正相關;而人際關係與替代方案吸引力則對民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著負相關;此外,民眾對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正相關。 不同於以往的研究,本研究針對台灣地區之行動銀行應用程式進行討論,並且納入了許多從未被應用在行動銀行的因素,包含加值服務、移轉障礙、正向口碑等變數,是一篇十分創新的研究。本研究之研究結果可作為日後學術研究之參考,亦可作為銀行推廣行動銀行時的實務參考。

從社會網絡看組織創新-以台灣電視產業為例 / The Study of Organizational Innovation Based on Social Network Theory in Taiwan Television Industry

王雅君 Unknown Date (has links)
在高度競爭的企業環境中,要能夠因應環境的變化、強化自身競爭力,「創新」是重要的途徑之一。也因此,「組織創新」的相關研究,包含創新的內容(產品創新、服務創新、商業模式創新等)、創新的模式、創新導入等研究主題,多年來,已經累積相當豐碩的成果。   我們可以說,在管理學研究的領域當中,「組織創新」已經自成一個完整的範疇。然而,儘管過去的研究成果斐然,但隨著網路世代的來臨與全球化趨勢,企業所面臨的挑戰更大,未來等待詮釋解答的課題將方興未艾。   本研究的關切焦點集中在媒體產業的「創新擴散」,其原因在於數位匯流(digital Convergence )趨勢對媒體產業造成的衝擊,在「質」與「量」的層面上,相較於其他產業所面臨的變革壓力,都是有過之而無不及。   所謂「數位匯流」,源於近年來數位傳輸與壓縮技術快速發展,帶動了影視產業數位化(Digital)的趨勢。而各類型影音內容載具(PC、手機、平板電腦)數位傳輸的能力不斷強化的結果,造成數位影音內容均可在不同載具上傳輸播放,也因而原本在電視、電信、網際網路等不同訊息載台傳輸的內容,因為一同趨向數位化的演變,使得這些不同傳輸管道的內容形成匯流化(convergence)的結果,因而過去壁壘分明的產業,以模糊分隔界線,快速的整合一個全新的生態系統(eco system)。以多元性的內容製作,結合多樣化的傳播與接收載具,顛覆以往的電視傳播產業的生態與收視市場。   媒體產業面臨如此的衝擊,電視媒體經營者等於是在同一時間承受「技術創新」、「服務創新」和「經營模式創新」的三大壓力。而傳統電視台從過去壟斷電視收視市場,穩坐市場主流。直到二十年前開始受到有線電視的挑戰。如今,到了數位匯流時代,卻仍以過去相對較無彈性的組織型態,來面對高度變動與不確定性的全新市場與產業的競爭,所以,不管是在自身條件上、或是客觀的環境上,台灣的無線與有線電視台媒體都面臨極大的壓力。   由網路科技的快速發展,所帶動的數位匯流之產業創新,閱聽人獲取資訊與接收影音的行為改變,導致傳統電視台的廣告收入銳減,雖相關領域的業者所關注的是新的商業模式,營收與收入產值從何而來如何能彌補逐漸流失的傳統廣告收入。我們深知,經營企業並沒有成功方程式,尤其是這一波全球化的產業變革風潮,變化之快,改變之大,更是難以掌握。雖然,國外已有發展出新的營收模式,如Google以搜尋及演算技術所發展的關鍵字廣告與Adence等多邊平台營收模式,又如大陸的眾多視頻網發展成熟會員付費模式,及相關的不同載具與通路的內容重組及加值運用,但能否持續的產生可觀的收入,尚待時間的觀察與考驗。但因企業要發展出新的營收模式,須考慮到企業本身的資源、能力條件、服務與產品等研發能力,各企業的條件不同,所發展出的營運模式皆會相差甚大,變數甚多。且數位匯流發展趨勢尚屬進行式的階段,目前尚未有堪稱有成功的商業模式。雖此以議題是大家所關切的目標,因變數太多,不在本論文的研究範圍。   本研究是聚焦在企業內的組織流程中,是否存在一種「將組織創新所需的外部資訊傳遞到組織末稍」的傳遞流程。因為,在數位匯流時代,外部知識或訊息變動速度快,電視台經營階層如何採納外部知識與訊息做成決策,而做成決策之後又如何在組織內進行擴散,將決策與相關背景傳遞到組織基層,這對於組織創新的成敗,對於因應數位化的成敗,具有關鍵的影響。   回到企業內的經營與管理,經營者之所以難以決策或執行創新構想,大都是缺乏適切的管道系統性取得對公司有益的訊息,或是未充分了解那些有用的創新構想,更遑論進一步的發展與應用。 本研究延伸Whelan等人的理論(Whelan, E., Parise, S., Jasper de Valk and Rick Aalbers, 2011),形成組織創新傳遞流程,並以此檢視目前台灣電視台創新無法落實的原因,從組織結構,資源分配流程與內部連結溝通機制,來了解創新無法落實的原因,是否缺乏這兩種機制。   本研究認為這兩種機制是創新落實的大企業在組織內應存在的必要條件。變動通常伴隨著機會與風險,在競爭劇烈與高度變化的媒體產業環境中,誰能最快掌握這一波數位化浪潮下的創新思維,導入外部創新內容與內部組織傳遞流程,建立並培養關鍵核心能力與機制,整合內外有價值或有用的信息與資源,誰將會是未來數位匯流產業戰場上的新贏家。   電視媒體產業中的數位匯流的趨勢,本研究定義為「數位匯流」為這個世代重大的創新事務。換言之,未來台灣的電視業者,其永續經營的關鍵將會是取決於,誰能夠在這波數位產業浪潮下,具備快速吸納內外部創新技術與能力,將相關的人才與資源有效配置與運用,並精確地於組織內進行「創新導入與擴散」,才是快速變動下之產業競爭最核心關鍵能力。   本研究以國內重要的電視媒體為研究對象,透過對特定電視媒體裡,位居數位化創新導入關鍵位置的核心決策人物進行訪談,以組織創新管理與組織內部溝通網絡的角度,觀察一個組織在面臨創新變革的壓力下,影響外衍性創新導入的變數。   同時,透過對關鍵人物的訪談,本研究整理了台灣不同電視媒體內部的組織流程與核心角色的功能與型態,恰可比較出上述兩大機制在不同台灣電視媒體落實的程度,與因應數位匯流變革以及相關組織績效形成相關性。

從複雜理論觀點探討MOOCs創新擴散之動態歷程 / Exploring the Dynamic Diffusion Process of MOOCs From a Complexity Theory Perspective

許映庭 Unknown Date (has links)
MOOCs實現了高等教育的跨國性、大量性與開放性,成功將世界各地的學習者、教學者與相關機構帶進全球網絡,為全球知識與傳播提供一個全新的平台。這場由世界頂尖大學所引發的MOOCs風暴,短時間內便席捲全球,在高等教育界掀起一陣波瀾。《紐約時報》甚至將MOOCs形容成一場「校園海嘯」,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度,衝擊高等教育的百年現場。 然而,究竟這場MOOCs風暴是如何一路延燒到世界各地?不同階段的影響因素又有何不同?為了釐清這些問題,本研究利用複雜理論「系統性」與「動態性」的觀點,探討MOOCs創新擴散之動態歷程,分析相關因素如何影響各個階段的歷程演變,以及因素之間互動後所產生的回饋關係。 本研究採用歷史研究法,並參考王美雅(2005)的創新擴散之動態模型,做為研究架構之基礎,探討MOOCs各階段擴散歷程之初始狀態、演化與正向回饋效果以及自我組織的現象。 研究結果發現,MOOCs的擴散事實上是一個自我組織的過程。在MOOCs擴散過程中,以「創新者的網路位置」與「理解創新的難易程度」兩項變數的影響尤其顯著。而各項變數之間不僅擁有正向回饋效果,亦存在著負向回饋效果,進而影響MOOCs的擴散與演化。 / MOOCs successfully brought global students, educators, and related organization into a global network, forming a platform for global diffusion of knowledge. Started by top universities around the globe, MOOCs’ forces have swept around the globe in a short amount of time, creating ripples in the higher education web. The New York Times describes MOOCs as a “Campus Tsunami,” sweeping through the sectors of higher education. How did this “Campus Tsunami” sweep around the globe? What are the factors that affect its dynamic diffusion process? In order to clarify these questions, this study employs the systematic and dynamic point of view of the complex theory to analyze how the factors influence each of MOOCs diffusion stages and what effects the factors create after interaction. This study employs the historical study method and Mei Ya, Wang’s (2005) dynamic innovation diffusion model as the fundamental structure to explore the initial conditions, evolution and positive reinforcements, and self-organization of each diffusion stage. The results demonstrate that MOOCs’ diffusion is based on self-organization. Within the seven factors, innovator networks and the difficulties in understanding innovation are the foremost influential factors. During MOOCs diffusion stages, the different factors interact with each other, producing both positive reinforcements and negative reinforcements, thus influencing MOOCs continuous diffusion and development.

臺北都會區1999專線之研究:創新擴散的觀點 / The Study Of Hotline1999 in Taipei Metropolitan Aare:Perspective of Innovations Diffusion

林詩兒, Lin,Shih Erh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著創新時代來臨,政府透過創新的政策推動藉以滿足民眾最新的需求或與民眾產生更好的互動方式,政府部門的創新力近年來亦成提升政府服務品質的關鍵,同時透過政府間對創新政策的相互仿效,形成E.M.Rogers所提出的「創新擴散」(diffusion of innovations)效應。         臺北市政府即以美國紐約市「311專線」政策為藍本,於2005年啟用「1999專線」至2014年1月,其後有高雄市及新北市等共17個縣市陸續採用,顯見1999專線於政策擴散的效應,並直接影響各地方政府間及政府與民眾間的互動關係。因此本研究透過四個構面去分析:(1)我國1999專線政策於地方政府間擴散情形;(2)創新先驅者臺北市政府變遷代理人於傳佈各階段所扮演的角色;(3)臺北都會區創新決策過程;(4)臺北都會區創新政策擴散的後果。為探究臺北都會區從啟用至執行1999專線的情形,本研究透過文獻內容分析法、次級資料法與質化深度訪談法進行資料的統整與分析。經由創新擴散理論為架構,探析地方政府間擴散學習的效應及影響組織創新決策的過程,以作為其他縣市的參考。   本研究結果發現:(1)創新性分數較高多為直轄市或與創新先驅者鄰近之都會區、擴散型態呈現各式曲線分佈;(2)變遷代理人於擴散各階段扮演不同角色;(3)臺北都會區具有實施動機較高、相對優勢較高、政府網絡關係較高、組織內部資源與規模較高等創新優勢;(4)影響民眾知曉度主要為意見領袖;影響民眾滿意度主要因素為是否能滿足民眾的需求。本研究建議如下:(1)建置地方政府創新政策知識庫;(2)建立縣市創新政策交流機制;(3)建議中央鼓勵我國縣市全面實施。 / As the age of innovation comes, the government satisfies the public’s latest needs and builds a better way to interact with the public by carrying out innovative policies. Besides, innovation had played a key role in increasing governmental service quality for the past few years. Meanwhile, through mutual imitation of innovation between governments, the diffusion of innovations, pointed out by E.M.Rogers, was formed.   Based on New York City’s Hotline 133, Hotline 1999 was launched in Taipei by Taipei City Government in 2005, and was then adopted by totally 17 cities and counties one after another until January 2014, including Kaohsiung and New Taipei City, which showed the effect of Hotline 1999’s policy diffusion, and the significant impact to the relation between local governments and among governments and the public. Thus Hotline 1999 project was analyzed by 4 aspects in this study: 1. The diffusion condition of Hotline 1999 on local governments, 2. The roles played by Change agent of Taipei City government, as an innovation pioneer, in each stage of diffusion, 3. Innovation policy decision process in the metropolitan areas of Taipei, and 4. The consequences of the above said diffusion. To discuss the whole process of Hotline 1999 from the very beginning to implementing, the data will be complied and analyzed though document analysis, secondary data analysis, and In-Depth Interviews. Besides, through Innovation Diffusion Theory as the framework, we discuss the learning effect of local governments and the process of innovation policy decision that influenced organizations for the further reference to other cities and counties.   The research findings include the following: 1. Directly Controlled Cities and the metropolis that neighbor on innovators score higher in innovativeness, 2. Change Agent played different roles as problem locators and innovation satisfaction, etc, 3. Taipei’s metropolitan areas have several innovation advantages: incentive to implement, relative advantage, stronger network among governments, and abundant resources and bigger scope, and 4. Public’s awareness was raised mainly by opinion leader, and degree of satisfaction depends on whether public needs are met. The suggestions are as follows : 1. Build a knowledge base for local government innovation policies, 2. Provide a mechanism for exchange of innovation policies, and 3. Central government should encourage the entire nation to implement the project.


蔡明謙 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來關於組織創新的討論已逐漸獲得各界的青睞,特別是在高度競爭的知識經濟時代下,各國企業體無不視創新為獲取競爭優勢的關鍵。我國中央政府多年來為因應目前世界趨勢變遷及取得國家競爭的優勢,亦致力於公部門的行政革新及政府再造的希望工程。惟綜觀當前國內對於創新管理的認知及討論,仍多是大量著重在以「研發」為導向的單一面向思考邏輯,對於以多元系統化思考為導向的論述則較為缺乏,特別是對於公部門自身組織創新能量的開發以及公部門創新個案的研析探討,似尚未予以高度關切。假若公部門能挹注更多心力和資源在自身組織創新作為的開發上,並加以組織化、系統化地循環創發產出,相信對於各級政府在施政困境上的突破,必然是會有所裨益的。   臺北市作為臺灣的首善之區,可謂是臺灣與世界接軌的重要窗口,自然無法自外於追求創新的時代趨勢之下。綜觀臺北市近年來的各方面施政績效,當中就屬「垃圾減量政策」所引領的環保革命風潮最具標竿性,其象徵的意義不僅是北市府施政魄力的展現,在另一方面更是市府及全體市民創新能量的匯聚。臺北市政府透過此些計畫和政策的相繼施行,策略性地扭轉了市民對垃圾處理的傳統觀念、成功地促使市民培養起減少垃圾產出量及勤做分類回收的生活習慣和環保意識,最後更串聯結合起公部門、環保團體、社區和市民等多方面的努力和能量,成功地達成「垃圾減量」及「資源回收」的施政目標。   臺北市此方面的成功經驗相當值得其他縣市政府師法學習,基此本研究對於臺北市垃圾減量政策的組織創新分析便置焦在「組織面的影響因素」及「執行面的策略思考」等兩個層次的議題研究上。關於組織面上影響因素的分析,即援用先前學者的主張,著重探討臺北市垃圾減量政策在組織結構、人員、文化、學習及激勵等五大構面的佈建和推展情形,藉此分析政府部門在推展創新政策時,其組織內部任務編組及配套計畫等方面,可以效法學習或強化改進的作法及方向。至於在組織創新執行面上的策略思考議題,則是跳脫以往部分學者所採取階段論式的分析,而主要將研究重點聚焦於組織創新執行過程中,具關鍵影響力的「創新方案本身的特質」、「創新方案傳播管道」及「外在環境因素的干擾」等影響變項上來加以析探。


藍夏萍, Lan, Hsia Ping Unknown Date (has links)
著眼於全球生態與環境急速惡化之困境,環保政策成為各國政府傾力推動與執行的核心政策。企圖經由政策規劃與有效執行,達成教育社會大眾、進行社會行為變遷、保護全球生態的終極目標。環保署於2002年開始推動的限制使用塑膠袋政策即為一例。然而,限用政策通動力時至今,於2004年級2005年宣告部分政策停止執行。事實證明,限用政策之推廣與擴散受到阻礙。本研究為了尋求受阻原因,針對台北市文山區模範鄰里進行深度訪談研究,以及個案分析研究,希冀釐清限用政策執行障礙。 本研究針對政策行銷推廣擴散之面向,結合社會學研究方案中之創新擴散模式,以及政策行銷推廣模式,發現意見領袖之傳播途徑唯一有效影響社會大眾行為習慣之管道。歸納分析Everett M. Rogers曾進行的四個成功個案,發現有效之政策推廣及執行必須長期宣導、採行非強制性政策規劃與推廣、取得意見領袖高度認同、運用實際經驗影響與溝通模式,方能有效影響社會大眾,成功進行社會行為變遷,以利各項新政策運作執行。   本研究針對社區鄰里範圍內之研究分析得知,台北市政府進行限用政策推廣過程,未能妥適運用意見領袖傳播管道,同時礙於社會系絡與文化之差異,無法完全依循個案分析所歸納之各項成功運作因素,可能因此而導致限用政策未能達成預期目標。其中癥結包含:由上而下政策規畫可能無法運用由下而上之政策執行;限用政策未能取得意見領袖認同;政策宣導推廣時程可能過不足;強制規範性之政策規範可能引發反彈等等。因此,限用政策雖然應用了意見領袖的推廣宣導途徑,但是可能基於上述因素而導致政策推廣僅能達成部分預期目標。未來若能針對受阻因素適度修正,加強政策宣導與推廣工作,責各項環保政策可望能順利執行。 / Environmental Protection Policies play the magnificent role in the field of public policy since the environmental pollutions are getting worse and worse in the 21st Century. Environmental Protection Administration, Expectative Yuan (ROC) Taiwan had implemented the Forbidden to Use the Plastic Bag Policy since 2002 in order to protect the nature environment in Taiwan. However, part of this policy had been stop since 2004. There must some problems happened to make this policy incomplete, and this is also the research question. This research discovers that the Opinion-Leadership Communication Model, which is from the combination of the diffusion of innovations and public policy marketing, could be the most efficient communication path between the government and the public to implement the public policy. Through the further analysis of four successful cases adapted by Everett M. Rogers, there are several important elements, including long time to diffuse, no restricted policy, trust from the opinion leader, and experienced influence model, can make the policy implementation successful. The research findings offer the reasonable repressions for the fail of the Forbidden to Use of Plastic Bag. First of all, the policy marketing time is too short. Secondly, most of the local opinion leaders could not really understand this policy or even trust it. Thirdly, the bottom-up policy implementation model does not work with the top-down policy formation. Finally, the main purpose of this policy is to trigger the social change of the green shopping behavior, and the restricted policy implementation could not only fail, but also get more misunderstandings or complains from the public. The proper modifications shall direct a right way for this policy.

e-Health 2.0發展策略分析:科技政策觀點 / Strategic Analysis of e-Health 2.0 Development: Technology Policy Perspective

王復中, Wang, Fuchung Unknown Date (has links)
e-Health(電子化健康)透過資訊與通訊科技的使用,得以用較低的成本,將不同的健康照護服務加以整合,減少使用者接受服務時的障礙,並協助服務的遞送、改變服務的面貌。現今,由於消費者意識的抬頭以及網路資訊的普及,e-Health的使用者逐漸由醫療人員轉變為一般大眾,並由病人擴大到一般的健康者,其功能也由生病後的醫療照護延伸至生病前的健康促進,內容則包括了有形與無形的健康資訊服務,並以主動參與及知識分享為運作核心。透過這些的新觀念的引入,e-Health已產生本質上的改變,未來的科技將以更積極有效的方式,幫助民眾及早取得可信賴的健康資訊,提升健康資訊素養,進而對健康價值的觀念產生轉變,強化自我健康照護能力,本研究中將這個現象或過程稱之為e-Health 2.0。e-Health 2.0與過去的e-Health(或稱為e-Health 1.0)最大的不同,在於e-Health是以病人為主,並強調資訊科技可以運用在生病的過程中,提供診斷、治療與照護上的幫助,而e-Health 2.0則是藉由資訊科技,特別是Web 2.0,協助健康的民眾透過社會網絡(Social Network)及虛擬社群,主動參與其個人的健康管理,並透過個人健康資訊素養的提升,進而促使社群、服務提供者、產業以及政府機構改變健康照護思維的現象或過程。 醫療新科技的不斷進展以及人口老化、民眾對健康日益重視等社會環境多重影響下,世界各國在醫療上的支出均不斷地成長。透過資訊與通訊科技的快速發展,健康照護服務已產生重大的變革,因此,多數國家開始發展與建立國家e-Health政策,並期望透過政策的規劃及制定,因應未來環境與民眾的需求,提供前瞻、低成本高品質的服務,達到提升國家整體健康照顧系統能力的目標。然而,e-Health 2.0現象方興未艾,其影響與範圍雖大但卻缺乏有系統的評估,故本研究透過文獻回顧、次級資料分析及專家深度訪談,建構出e-Health 2.0的定義、內涵與決定因子,並進行發展策略分析,評估未來環境可能發生的情況及其中的影響層次,整理政策制定時有用的資訊,協助公私部門決策及因應,最後,也歸納提出具體可行暨可管理的短中長期目標,供後續研究與實務應用時參考。 / E-Healh is a revolution to drive the radical change in health care services delivery. In spite of using the information and communication technologies, e-Health could integrate the different health care services into a customer-oriented service delivery system and benefit the different stakeholders. However, the mind set of e-Health is gradually changed as the services and applications extend from patients to healthy people. In order to provide better services and applications, e-Health needs to focus on not only supporting proper and trusted health care services but consolidating the value of prevention and health promotion. Internet developments that brought us sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Wikipedia are now set to revolutionize health care. The idea of web 2.0 is now driving far-reaching changes in healthcare systems, a trend it terms e-health 2.0. Compared with e-Health which is mainly aimed at patients’ medical care services, e-Health 2.0 is a process or phenomenon of paradigm shift by means of that health information diffusion and social networking to improve the citizens’ health literacy in order to redefine the value of health care among stakeholders. Meanwhile, medical expenditure grows up continually as a result of the new technologies, aging population and social environment in many countries. The financial pressure of medical care already impacted national health care services policy so that governments are developing their national e-Health policy to fit the future need. The goal of e-Health policy is a reengineering process of health care to provide proactive, low cost and high quality services. As the e-Health 2.0 can reduce the gap among stakeholders and speed up the social change, it is a truly important role in the reengineering process. Our study based on literature review, secondary data analysis and in-deepth interview with expertise to construct the definition, content and factors of e-Health 2.0. According to the strategic analysis of e-Health 2.0 development, the study proposed several important goals and suggestions. They can be used as a template or guideline for such evaluation by researcher and practicer both before, during and after the implementation of e-Health 2.0.

探索企業導入服務導向架構(SOA)影響因素之研究 / Factors affecting the adoption of Service Oriented Architecture in enterprises: an exploratory study

李盈儒, Lee, Ying-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
(略) / Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm is an emerging architectural blueprint which enables flexible process-oriented application systems. While more and more enterprises plan to adopt SOA to increase reusability and flexibility of their business processes, the readiness of this technology becomes important to enterprises. However, previous SOA studies focus mainly on the technical issues but ignore the organizational or managerial issues. To fill this gap, this research aims to explore the factors of adopting SOA. Developed upon institutional theory and diffusion of innovation theory, we not only consider the technical factors with SOA adoption, but also pay attention to factors related with organizations and IT innovations. Furthermore, a content analysis of online Webs, blogs, and forums is taken to verify our research framework, and research findings indicate the relative advantage of SOA, compatibility of SOA, the characteristics of decision makers, culture, IT capability, and SOA socioeconomic characteristics are the most important drivers for SOA adoption. The contribution is summarized in two folds: (1) enterprises can use this framework as a reference to diagnose their organization conditions and then make a decision to adopting SOA; and (2) researchers can develop their study upon the constructs of this framework.

應用消費價值理論分析小筆電的消費者行為 / Applying consumption value theory to analysis consumer behavior of the netbook

潘彥廷 Unknown Date (has links)
自2007年Eee PC刮出一陣小筆電的旋風,由07年一直紅到09年,這段過程中爭議不斷,很多廠商當作是金融海嘯下的神兵利器,也有很多廠商認為是讓筆電產業變紅海的致命毒藥;而眼前看到的事實包括07連續兩年亞馬遜網路賣場的熱賣,與華碩在08年第四季因庫存過多導致的首次虧損等,這些狀況更讓人覺得是霧裡看花,究竟小筆電的產業趨勢會如何發展,廠商又該如何制定競爭策略與規劃產品發展呢?本研究的目的就是要藉由研究小筆電的消費者行為,進而發掘小筆電的產業趨勢,並協助廠商制定競爭策略並規劃產品發展。 本研究以Sheth的消費價值(Consumption Value)模式為基礎,再配合消費者行為區隔(Segmentation)與Kotler產品屬性理論中的核心利益(Core Benefit)與基本產品(Basic Product)發展為本研究的研究架構,調查方式是以線上問卷的便利取樣法調查小筆電的潛在顧客,研究方法則先由因素分析找出樣本的消費價值,再藉由多變量分析以了解消費者的購買行為間消費價值的差異,藉以判斷不同購買時期、不同購買行為的消費者在數量與消費價值的趨勢,最後再檢定消費價值與產品屬性的相關系數來判斷該如何根據消費價值調整核心利益的發展方向與基本產品的規格,並配合檢定結果和敘述統計來分析小筆電的產業趨勢。 本研究透過實證分析得到以下的發現: 1. 四項消費行為在性別、年齡層、職業類型、年收入間至少有一項具有差異。 2. 消費者整體而言,較認同小筆電帶來的功能性價值與情境性價值 3. 四項市場區隔至少有一項消費價值具有顯著差異 4. 以調查的時間點來說,不同時期的已購者與未購者間的情境性價值有顯著差異,代表已購者受情境性因素決定購買小筆電。 5. 以調查的時間點來說,有意願在未來不同時期購買小筆電的消費者與沒有意願的消費者在社會性、情感性、情境性價值有顯著差異,代表未來影響消費者購買小筆電的因素以非功能性價值居多。 6. 已購者占有意願購買者的增加與已購者有六成比例不願意再次購買都意味著小筆電市場有可能逐漸成熟甚至衰退,廠商須重視情境性與情感性價值。 7. 有意願消費者的購買預算中位數落在一萬到一萬五千元之間,此價位購買者的新奇性價值顯著較高,而更高價位消費者的玩家專業性價值顯著較高。 8. 消費價值在消費者的各品牌偏好間無顯著差異。 9. 各消費價值與核心利益間至少有一項顯著相關,有意願購買的消費者最期待的核心利益是輕便可攜與價廉物美。 10. 各消費價值僅三項跟基本產品的升級意願有顯著相關,有意願購買的消費者最願意付費的產品屬性是品牌、處理器與電池。 / After Eee PC announced in 2007, the netbook blow a tornado until now. In this period, many people applauded and believe the netbook will be hot continuously. But, many people thought the netbook will fades gradually. The manufacturers had two different opinion, too. Many of them regarded the netbooks are sharp weapon under the financial crisis. Another though the netbooks were fatal toxicant and made the notebook industry became red sea. These opinions were confused. Beside these opinions, many facts made forecasting the trend of the netbook more difficult. We knew the netbook won the 2007 and 2008 best-sellings in Amazon online store. But we knew ASUS showed the first loss in 2008 Q4 because of excessively stock of netbook, either. All facts were just like fog, let us cannot figure out the netbook industry tendency. Therefore this research is to discover the netbook industry tendency and to help the manufacturer plan competition strategy and the product development. This research is based on the conceptual framework composed by the Sheth(1991) consumption value pattern as foundation, the consumer behavior segmentation theory and Koteler(2006) product attribute theory. We adopt on-line questionnaire to survey potential customer by convenient sampling method in this research. We use the factor analysis to find out consumption value, use MANOVA, ANOVA, Scheffe and Tamhan analysis to understand market trendancy among different periods and different consumer behaviors. Finally, we examine correlation coefficient between the consumption value and the product attribute to find the clue of product roadmap. This research obtains following findings: 1. Four consumer behaviors show at least one difference among sex, age, job and salary. 2. As for the whole, the consumers agree the functional value and the conditional value of the netbook. 3. Four segment approachs show at least one difference among seven consumer values. 4. The consumers who buy the netbook in the different period show remarkable difference in the conditional value. 5. The consumers who will purchase the netbooks in the future different time and those who won’t buy show remarkable difference among the social value, the emotional value and the conditional value. 6. Repeat buyer will become the majority of buyers in the future. And 60% buyer won’t purchase the netbook again. That mean the netbook market has the possibility become mature market even to decline gradually in the future. The manufacturers must focus on the conditional value and the emotional value. 7. The budget of the consumers who are willing to purchase fall on NT 10,000 to 14,999 dollars , whose epistemic value is remarkablly higher than others. The higher budget (NT$15,000 ~ NT$24,999) consumers’ player and perfessional value is remarkablly higher than others. 8. These consumers who perfer different brands show no difference among consumption values. 9. Consumer prefer convenient and cheap among six core benefits of the netbook. Each consumption value has at least a remarkable correlation with a core benefit. 10. Consumers prefer better brand, CPU and battery among ten basic product attributes of the netbook. Only three consumption values show the remarkable correlation with the basic product. Keywords: netbook, consumption value, consumer behavior, product attribute, segmentation, product life cycle, industrial tendency, innovation diffusion

從創新擴散模型分析台灣能源技術服務業(ESCO)的發展 / Using "Diffusion of Innovation" theory to analyze the development of ESCO business in Taiwan

林恭平, Lin, Kung Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在當前全球受到全球暖化所帶來許許多多氣候異常現象,造成人類生命財產安全的嚴重影響,世界各國莫不致力於節能減碳,開發再生能源來取代目前的石化燃料。 美國在1970年代能源危機期間所提出的ESCO(Energy Service Company) 的概念,如今又獲得各國的青睞。 台灣於引進此一新的概念也有十年之久,在業界也一直不斷有專家,技術人員不斷的投入努力,經濟部能源局近年來也不斷的倡導節能服務的好處,甚至還推動一些補貼措施。 本研究主要是以Everett M. Rogers的創新擴散模型為理論基礎,研究台灣ESCO產業為何無法如高科技消費性電子產品般很快速的擴散到社會每一個角落,有哪些因素阻礙了台灣ESCO產業的發展。 本研究主要得到的結論如下,阻礙台灣ESCO產業擴散的因素可從三個構面來分析,第一個構面為創新擴散構面,Rogers所提出的五種創新認知屬性對於台灣ESCO產業的擴散都有一定程度的影響。另外在溝通管道上所採用的B2B行銷方式對於客戶決策也會影響擴散的速度。至於時間因素,本研究認為五年是比較恰當的觀察台灣ESCO產業發展的觀察期間。第二個構面可以從台灣獨特的經濟特質來說明,台灣以中小企業為主的經濟環境無法如歐美般有Super-ESCO規模的公司,這也導致了客戶信賴度以及未能產生以服務為導向的ESCO能源服務,台灣若還是以設備買賣為主要ESCO產業的商業模式,是會阻礙此產業的發展。第三個構面為政府的角色,台灣政府在投入ESCO產業的資源及推動此產業發展的企圖心不若美國政府。 本研究經研究結論後,提出具體的建議: 一、 要加速此產業的創新擴散就必須加強 Rogers創新擴散模型中的可觀察性屬性。 二、 跨越產業鴻溝的重點在於讓早期採用者滿意ESCO的方案。運用保齡球道理論,讓早期採用者所形成的利基市場對於ESCO節能服務能夠滿意,產生具示範效果的成功案例,才能伺機擴張至其他的利基市場,最後形成龍捲風暴,順利跨越此產業的鴻溝。。 三、 本研究對於台灣ESCO產業的發展的看法是審慎保守的。台灣ESCO產業的發展絕不是短短幾年就可以看到成效,本研究建議以五年為一個觀察期。目前以中小企業為主的ESCO業者必須要儘快的建立自己的優勢,儘早建立口碑,未來才有機會生存。 / Global warming is the most seriously problem we are facing in 21th century. All the countries devoted to reduce the carbon emission in order to minimize the impact of climate change. The business model of ESCO (Energy Service Company), which has been created in US during 1970 energy crisis, now has been advocated worldwide. The ESCO business model has been introduced into Taiwan for more than 10 years. There are many talent people, specialist engaged in this business. Taiwan government has also promoted ESCO some subsidies. However, even the society put a lot of efforts to develop ESCO business, why this business cannot spread out as consumer electronics? This thesis adopts the theory of “Diffusion of innovation” from Everett M. Rogers, 1962. The main purpose of this study is to find out why ESCO service business model cannot diffuse like other high-tech products. Are there any obstacles slow down the development of this industry? This thesis comes to the conclusion of three faces, which can significantly influence the development of ESCO business in Taiwan. The first face based on the diffusion of innovation theory, the five attributes of innovation defined by Rogers will affect the development of ESCO industry in Taiwan. Of course, the B2B marketing approach will delay the propagation of the ESCO industry. Moreover, this study suggest that 5 years watching window should be appropriate to monitor the development of the ESCO industry in Taiwan. The second face is the Taiwan unique economics environment. The ESCO industry in Taiwan is formed mostly by Middle-small size enterprises. In comparison with US, there is no Super-ESCO company exists in Taiwan. This study found out the truth that the client is not confident on middle-small size company to provide ESCO service. The common business model of ESCO industry in Taiwan is still focusing on selling the energy efficient product instead of providing energy service to the client. The study believes that this kind of business model will severely impact the development of this industry. The third face of the conclusion is the government role in Taiwan. The study found out that Taiwan government didn’t allocate enough resources to assist developing ESCO business. This thesis not only indicated the obstacles to slow down the ESCO business in Taiwan but also provide some constructive initiatives. 1. We have to concentrate on the visible attributes in diffusion of innovation theory for ESCO industry. 2. In order to cross the chasm, ESCO has to satisfy the early adapters in the beginning. They can also build up the bowling pin model to keep the existing niche market and explore the adjacent niche market when the opportunity comes. Thus, ESCO can create tornado period and cross the chasm in the industry. 3. The study is conservative about the development of Taiwan ESCO industry. We suggest that 5 years watching window should be proper to monitor the development of Taiwan ESCO industry. The ESCO companies in Taiwan should establish their strengths the sooner the better in order to survive for the future severe market competition.

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