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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


廖春霖, Liao, Chun-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
與過去的購買行為相比較,本文強調人(意見領袖)的購買行為。 第一章:導論。本章說明研究問題、目的,與假設及研究之產品。 第二章:文敵探討及研究架構。本章說明意見領袖的定義及過去研究發現有關意見領 袖的重疊現象、特徵、及本文的莧念架構。 第三章:研究設計。本章說明問卷設計、抽樣理論及分析所使用之工具。 第四章:意見領袖的重疊現象。本章探討意見領袖是否因產品叩不同而有重疊現象。 第五章:意見領袖的共同特徵。本章探討意見領袖在心理變項及人口統計變項上是否 具有共同的特徵。 第六章:意見領袖的購買行為分析。本章探討意見領袖與非意見領袖在購買行為上是 否具有差異。 第七章:結論與建議。


藍夏萍, Lan, Hsia Ping Unknown Date (has links)
著眼於全球生態與環境急速惡化之困境,環保政策成為各國政府傾力推動與執行的核心政策。企圖經由政策規劃與有效執行,達成教育社會大眾、進行社會行為變遷、保護全球生態的終極目標。環保署於2002年開始推動的限制使用塑膠袋政策即為一例。然而,限用政策通動力時至今,於2004年級2005年宣告部分政策停止執行。事實證明,限用政策之推廣與擴散受到阻礙。本研究為了尋求受阻原因,針對台北市文山區模範鄰里進行深度訪談研究,以及個案分析研究,希冀釐清限用政策執行障礙。 本研究針對政策行銷推廣擴散之面向,結合社會學研究方案中之創新擴散模式,以及政策行銷推廣模式,發現意見領袖之傳播途徑唯一有效影響社會大眾行為習慣之管道。歸納分析Everett M. Rogers曾進行的四個成功個案,發現有效之政策推廣及執行必須長期宣導、採行非強制性政策規劃與推廣、取得意見領袖高度認同、運用實際經驗影響與溝通模式,方能有效影響社會大眾,成功進行社會行為變遷,以利各項新政策運作執行。   本研究針對社區鄰里範圍內之研究分析得知,台北市政府進行限用政策推廣過程,未能妥適運用意見領袖傳播管道,同時礙於社會系絡與文化之差異,無法完全依循個案分析所歸納之各項成功運作因素,可能因此而導致限用政策未能達成預期目標。其中癥結包含:由上而下政策規畫可能無法運用由下而上之政策執行;限用政策未能取得意見領袖認同;政策宣導推廣時程可能過不足;強制規範性之政策規範可能引發反彈等等。因此,限用政策雖然應用了意見領袖的推廣宣導途徑,但是可能基於上述因素而導致政策推廣僅能達成部分預期目標。未來若能針對受阻因素適度修正,加強政策宣導與推廣工作,責各項環保政策可望能順利執行。 / Environmental Protection Policies play the magnificent role in the field of public policy since the environmental pollutions are getting worse and worse in the 21st Century. Environmental Protection Administration, Expectative Yuan (ROC) Taiwan had implemented the Forbidden to Use the Plastic Bag Policy since 2002 in order to protect the nature environment in Taiwan. However, part of this policy had been stop since 2004. There must some problems happened to make this policy incomplete, and this is also the research question. This research discovers that the Opinion-Leadership Communication Model, which is from the combination of the diffusion of innovations and public policy marketing, could be the most efficient communication path between the government and the public to implement the public policy. Through the further analysis of four successful cases adapted by Everett M. Rogers, there are several important elements, including long time to diffuse, no restricted policy, trust from the opinion leader, and experienced influence model, can make the policy implementation successful. The research findings offer the reasonable repressions for the fail of the Forbidden to Use of Plastic Bag. First of all, the policy marketing time is too short. Secondly, most of the local opinion leaders could not really understand this policy or even trust it. Thirdly, the bottom-up policy implementation model does not work with the top-down policy formation. Finally, the main purpose of this policy is to trigger the social change of the green shopping behavior, and the restricted policy implementation could not only fail, but also get more misunderstandings or complains from the public. The proper modifications shall direct a right way for this policy.

藉內省意見領袖優化社群媒體B2C2C 網路口碑行銷影響力 / Optimizing B2C2C eWOM Likelihood in Social Media through the Introvert Leaders

黃志騰, Huang, Chih Teng Unknown Date (has links)
在社群網路發展蓬勃的時代,各企業都要求行銷人員尋求在社群網路曝光最大化的方法。企業也渴望透過培養忠實顧客得到穩定的顧客關係;換句話說,企業無意識地在顧客參與度的方面進行著墨。除此之外,企業習慣於藉著整合(聯合)性行銷來增加企業曝光度以及減少行銷成本;但僅止於與利益關係夥伴的行銷而喪失了更進一步培養顧客關係的機會。在我們的研究中,我們發展了原創性的概念性架構去幫助企業完成三項目標:優化口碑行銷之可能性、發展顧客參與度、以及加強與合作夥伴整合性行銷的效益。本研究設計了顧客參與平台,提供企業以協助企業管理粉絲專頁、發展顧客參與度以及挑選適合的合作夥伴以進行整合性行銷。我們研究發現,內省意見領袖之顧客參與度與文章型態以及內容有顯著關係,他們較容易受到知識性文章內容所吸引;而一般Facebook使用者也容易因朋友分享文章而有更高度閱讀的意願。我們也藉由這些發現針對兩間企業進行聯合行銷的個案研討,成功提高其B2C2C在Facebook上的口碑行銷廣度和顧客參與深度。 / In view of the explosive growth of social network, businesses want their marketers to find ways to be more ad exposure. Furthermore, businesses desire to get loyal customer for sustainable customer relationship; in other words, businesses are interested in developing customer engagement, even if they do not realize that they are so. Besides, businesses used to increase their brand exposure and decrease marketing cost through integrated marketing, but merely cooperating with stakeholders lost opportunity to further cultivate customer relations. In this study, we develop an original conceptual framework to assist business to complete three objectives: locally optimizing eWOM likelihood, developing customer engagement, and enhancing effectiveness of integrated marketing with cooperation stakeholder. We design an engagement site to help businesses choose their cooperation stakeholders, manage their fan page and further engage their customers on their fan page through our services provided on engagement site. Our finding includes the insights of the significant engagement degree between the informative content article and introvert leaders, the introvert leader to arouse their friends’ interest by the article, the method to enhance B2C2C eWOM through the introvert leaders and the practices of cooperating campaign between two businesses on Facebook.

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