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產品開發流程、顧客參與與顧客滿意度之研究林佳弘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採問卷調查與深度訪談方式進行研究,問卷調查方面,共取得180份有效問卷,並運用敘述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、相關分析與迴歸分析,將資料進行統計分析及獲得假設驗證;深度訪談方面,藉由訪談專業人士,探索筆記型電腦廠商對於線材廠商之觀點。
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社群媒體平台之內容發展策略分析 / Understanding Content Development on Social Network Sites莊英杰, Chuang, Ying Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
透過本研究,我們不僅發現互動與情緒元素可以對於顧客參與帶來正向的影響,並且也證實顧客參與於粉絲專頁上,對於公司而言是有利益的。這些發現可以改善公司對於內容特色上的了解,以及知道如何有效去刺激顧客參與於社群網站。 / The number of enterprises that use social network sites (SNS) has increased dramatically in recent decades. Companies consider SNS to be another channel for increasing brand and product exposure and acquiring or retaining customers. Many companies attempt to leverage social networks by providing various forms of content to attract views and interact with customers. How to reach and attract the maximum number of customers remains a significant question for all types of businesses. Managing content development involves various dimensions, including determining what to present to viewers, what type of content customers prefer, and when the appropriate time is to post new content. To enhance the understanding of content strategy, this study aims to address ways to stimulate customer engagement by developing SNS content.
Based on the use and gratification framework, this study focuses on the spectrum of strategies for satisfying users through content development. By employing a review of academic research and practical cases, this study identifies factors that can influence the intensity of content popularity and users’ behavior on SNS. The four components of content development are vividness, interactivity, richness, and emotiveness. This study tests the level of influence of each factor using data from brand fan pages of famous magazines.
Through the research, we not only find that the interactivity and emotiveness factors would positively affect customer engagement but also verify that the intensity of customer engagement on the brand fans page is beneficial to companies. The findings can improve companies’ understanding of the attributes of quality content and how to stimulate customer engagement on SNS.
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品牌合作活動為基礎的顧客參與服務平台:以搜尋引擎優化之觀點 / Brand Alliance-Based Campaign in Customer Engagement Site: A Search Engine Optimizing Perspective楊維正, Wei-Cheng Yang Unknown Date (has links)
在這個新媒體服務竄起的時代,許多中小型商家卻難以充分利用新媒體在顧客生命週期(customer life cycle)管理的過程中提升顧客參與行為。而在所有新媒體當中,搜尋引擎又被認為是獲取和發展新顧客最有效的方式之一。因此本研究在搜尋引擎的基礎上提出了一個藉由合作營銷活動最大化顧客參與的新架構。
我們利用在顧客參與平台上建構反向鏈結以及長尾關鍵字服務來實現我們的架構。通過針對中小型商家和顧客的控制實驗,我們驗證了該架構的可用性和效果。我們發現兩種服務對於增進網路能見度以及搜尋精準度都有明顯的提升。而高網路能見度及高搜尋精準度可以幫助中小型商家提升顧客參與行為,不論是在顧客參與平台或是其官方網站。因此本研究認為中小型商家可以利用顧客參與平台上的服務來建立合作營銷活動,以促進顧客參與行為。在這個過程中,不僅有利於顧客對於品牌態度的建立也有助於其轉變為中小型商家忠實顧客的可能性。 / Facing the fast-changing trend of service economy upon new media, most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) don’t have the capability to utilize new media to stimulate customer engagement behavior (CEB) through customer life cycle (acquisition, development, and retention). In all the new media, search engine is the most helpful way on acquiring and developing new customers, thus we propose a new framework based on search engine to maximizing the CEB through brand alliance-based campaign (which is a popular marketing strategy for SMEs to acquire new customers).
According to our framework, the study implements two search engine services including inlink building service and long tail keyword service on engagement site. With conducting controlled experiments toward SMEs and customers, we testify our system by SMEs and the effects of services toward the customers. We find that inlink building service and long tail keyword service increase both on high search targetability and web visibility for customers. With high web visibility and search targeatbiliy, CEB can be stimulated on engagement site and also target sites of SMEs. Thus we conclude that SMEs can use brand alliance-based campaign with our services as a trigger to stimulate CEB. With increment on engagement behavior, customer’s brand attitudes then increase and in the end become loyal customers to the SMEs.
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最大化顧客參與行為於推薦平台: 以品牌合作角度塑造達人知識 / Maximizing Customer Engagement Behavior through Recommender System: Framing Maven Knowledge with Brand Alliance Perspective巫承安, Wu, Cheng An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中,我們根據達人在社群化推薦平台中具有重要的影響力的觀點,以促進重塑達人知識來改變原有達人的行為和態度,藉此影響所有一般使用者在社群化推薦平台的顧客參與行為。我們提出新的架構和系統來幫助中小型商家在推薦平台上影響更多的推薦達人,獲得更多的顧客參與。我們建立商家參與後台來幫助中小型商家可以洞悉達人的行為,我們也建立了重新塑造資訊的系統,提供達人所需要的訊息文章,藉此來改變達人的知識和行為。此研究發現,達人的行為會受到娛樂型、知識型和激勵型的文章訊息影響行為,一般使用者也會受到達人行為影響。此外我們藉由品牌合作角度來幫助得到更多的顧客參與行為,我們發現中小型商家可以在社群化推薦平台獲得顧客參與且建立一個正向機制循環。 / With the highly dynamic trend of service economy, the firms are increasingly to co-create value with brand alliance to advance their competition advantage. On the other hand, with the massive information on the new media, the referrals provided by recommender systems in combination with social media have significantly impact on customer behavior. In light of these trends, the markers and firms should aim to increase the customer engagement behavior (CEB) which goes beyond the traditional transactions including purchase and non-purchase behavior on social recommenders.
In this research, we focus on the role of mavens who are powerful influencers on the social recommender. We propose a new conceptual framework for facilitating to impact the maven’s knowledge and behavior and increase the CEB on the social recommender for Small/Middle Enterprise (SME). We establish the SME support engagement site for increasing the CEB on social recommender and framing knowledge context to influence maven for achieving the insight of the maven’s behavior. As the result of research, we discover that maven engagement behavior would be influenced by the entertainment, information and incentive types in context from the brand alliance perspective and the non-maven are willing to be affected by maven behavior. Moreover, with this discovery, the SME can increase the customer engagement behavior on the social recommender
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顧客參與的價值創造與前因之研究-以婚紗攝影為例 / The value creation of customer participation and its antecedents: the case of wedding photography賴勁含, Lai, Jing Harn Unknown Date (has links)
現今服務業的在產業的比重已經越來越高,而服務業生產與消費不可分割的特性導致了顧客參與成為服務流程中不可避免的一件事情。Bitner, Faranda, Hubbert, and Zeithaml (1997)亦認為顧客在服務流程中扮演服務品質、價值與滿意度的貢獻者。本研究整合各學者對顧客參與服務流程的價值創造觀點,並加入顧客參與前因之探討,發展成一個整合的模型。透過對婚紗攝影顧客的問卷調查,得以驗證本研究模型之理論。
本研究結果證實了Chan, Yim, and Lam (2010)的觀點,發現顧客參與並無法直接對顧客滿意度產生影響,而是需要透過服務品質的提升與關係的建立,才能進一步提高顧客之滿意度。並發現產品客製化、顧客控制以及經驗價值對於顧客滿意度的提升則不顯著,顯示即使是對顧客有利的價值創造,亦不見得能轉換為顧客滿意度。最後,本研究在顧客參與前因的部分,發現顧客知覺支持不僅對於顧客參與有增強的作用,並且會直接影響到顧客滿意度。顧客自我效能感對於顧客參與也有好的預測效果。顧客角色明確在理論中對於顧客參與有正面之影響,在本研究中的效果卻不顯著。
本研究根據研究結果對高顧客參與類型的服務廠商提出以下幾點建議。首先,企業應將顧客視為服務品質、價值與滿意度的貢獻者。第二,服務廠商在資源分配上,應著重資源於服務品質的提升以及與顧客建立關係上。第三,服務廠商在服務生產開始之前能夠提供越完整的資訊越好,適時地在顧客參與過程中給予激勵,並且展現對顧客的重視,都有助於顧客參與程度的提升。最後,服務人員在服務流程中扮演重要的角色,服務廠商在人才的培育上應不遺餘力。 / The proportion of the service sector in the industry today has become increasingly high. And because the production and consumption of many services are inseparable, customer participation in the service process is an inevitable issue. Bitner, Faranda, Hubbert, and Zeithaml (1997) also consider that customers play roles in the service delivery system as contributors to their own satisfaction and the quality and value which they receive. This study integrates views of the value creation of customer participation in the service process from past researches. Using data collected from customers who bought wedding photography services, this study examines how customer participation drives customer satisfaction through customer values; moreover, this study examines the antecedents of customer participation.
The result shows that customer participation does not cause customer satisfaction directly, but rather through the upgrading of service quality and relationship building, which supports the view of Chan, Yim, and Lam (2010). The study also finds that product customization, customer control, and experience value do not have significant help for increasing customer satisfaction. At the part of antecedents of customer participation, the study shows: (1) perceived support for customers not only enhances the level of customer participation, and has a direct impact on customer satisfaction; (2) customer self-efficacy is a good predictor of customer participation behavior. The effect of customer role clarity for customer participation is not significant in this study, but we should still consider the effect to be positive due to past researches.
The findings have several implications for firms that need high level of customer participation. First, companies should not see customers only as productive resources, but as contributors to service quality, customer value and customer satisfaction. Second, service firms should allocate resources to focus on enhancing service quality and building relationships with customers. Third, the service firms should provide as complete information as possible before the service production starts, encourage customers during the service process, and let the customer feel valued, in order to increase the degree of customer participation. Finally, the service personnel play an important role in the process of service delivery, so that service firms should spare no effort to nurture service talents.
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藉內省意見領袖優化社群媒體B2C2C 網路口碑行銷影響力 / Optimizing B2C2C eWOM Likelihood in Social Media through the Introvert Leaders黃志騰, Huang, Chih Teng Unknown Date (has links)
在社群網路發展蓬勃的時代,各企業都要求行銷人員尋求在社群網路曝光最大化的方法。企業也渴望透過培養忠實顧客得到穩定的顧客關係;換句話說,企業無意識地在顧客參與度的方面進行著墨。除此之外,企業習慣於藉著整合(聯合)性行銷來增加企業曝光度以及減少行銷成本;但僅止於與利益關係夥伴的行銷而喪失了更進一步培養顧客關係的機會。在我們的研究中,我們發展了原創性的概念性架構去幫助企業完成三項目標:優化口碑行銷之可能性、發展顧客參與度、以及加強與合作夥伴整合性行銷的效益。本研究設計了顧客參與平台,提供企業以協助企業管理粉絲專頁、發展顧客參與度以及挑選適合的合作夥伴以進行整合性行銷。我們研究發現,內省意見領袖之顧客參與度與文章型態以及內容有顯著關係,他們較容易受到知識性文章內容所吸引;而一般Facebook使用者也容易因朋友分享文章而有更高度閱讀的意願。我們也藉由這些發現針對兩間企業進行聯合行銷的個案研討,成功提高其B2C2C在Facebook上的口碑行銷廣度和顧客參與深度。 / In view of the explosive growth of social network, businesses want their marketers to find ways to be more ad exposure. Furthermore, businesses desire to get loyal customer for sustainable customer relationship; in other words, businesses are interested in developing customer engagement, even if they do not realize that they are so. Besides, businesses used to increase their brand exposure and decrease marketing cost through integrated marketing, but merely cooperating with stakeholders lost opportunity to further cultivate customer relations. In this study, we develop an original conceptual framework to assist business to complete three objectives: locally optimizing eWOM likelihood, developing customer engagement, and enhancing effectiveness of integrated marketing with cooperation stakeholder. We design an engagement site to help businesses choose their cooperation stakeholders, manage their fan page and further engage their customers on their fan page through our services provided on engagement site. Our finding includes the insights of the significant engagement degree between the informative content article and introvert leaders, the introvert leader to arouse their friends’ interest by the article, the method to enhance B2C2C eWOM through the introvert leaders and the practices of cooperating campaign between two businesses on Facebook.
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