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林聖勇 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣的服務業蓬勃發展,民國98年服務業產值佔國民國民生產毛額之比重逾七成,服務業人口佔全國總就業人口比例也接近六成,服務業日趨競爭;隨著台灣經濟環境的進步,國人的所得與生活水準逐漸上升,加上周休二日制度的實施,國人開始越來越重視生活品質,交互影響之下,國內服務業者不斷採取服務創新的方式,來滿足消費者的需求,也提升自身的競爭力,期能夠在競爭激烈的服務業中脫穎而出,因此本研究之目的,是希望能透過跨產業之服務創新個案研究,來探討服務創新之本質與企業運用服務創新之緣由與影響,找出跨產業服務創新之共通性,最後將研究方法與結果,提供有志於採取服務創新以提升競爭力之企業參考。 本文對書店產業的誠品書店、KTV產業的錢櫃與好樂迪集團、餐飲業的王品集團與婚紗產業等進行個案研究,首先將這四個產業之特性以產業消費特性架構進行分類,接著利用次級資料分析個別所採用的服務創新,最後發現服務創新中的服務觀念是最普遍被採取的模式。而在企業採取服務創新之後,不僅會對所屬產業產生革命性的影響,並且能夠發揮所屬產業特性上之優勢並彌補劣勢,來提升企業的競爭力,幫助其海外市場的經營,使其在激烈的競爭中脫穎而出。


曾鳳秋 Unknown Date (has links)
資策會「2009台灣觀光休閒業資訊科技投資現況與趨勢」報告指出,台灣飯店業者在2008年資訊支出成長達17.5%,2009年更一舉增加至50.8%,年增幅至為明顯,此亦顯示出飯店業者即使面臨外在大環境不佳,仍願意砸下重金投資於IT上。追溯背後的驅動因素,即是飯店業者為創造差異化的服務與品牌形象,才於近幾年來開始推出各式各樣的IT服務。 在競爭日趨激烈的今日,飯店業者若想要維持與既有顧客之關係並更進一步吸引新顧客,發展服務創新已是未來的趨勢。而能夠同時提供增加顧客價值與企業價值之服務的創新企業,也才得以繼續維持其競爭優勢,進而自我開創另一片藍海,在新的市場中生存下來。 儘管服務創新對飯店產業來說是非常重要的發展方向,然回顧過去文獻,飯店產業的服務創新乏人探討。因此,本研究參考Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之服務創新四構面作為本研究之研究架構,並以日月潭雲品酒店「數位飯店及虛擬管家建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其發展服務創新的過程與模式,以及探討服務創新各構面與發展活動會對服務創新的成果產生哪些影響。 本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.創新服務應保持彈性,隨時調整以貼近顧客需求。 2.新客戶介面必須以「方便操作」為原則,並將介面加以有效整合,若能主動提供加值服務,亦能增加產品銷售機會。 3.高層核心主管對發展服務創新的支持與承諾,是專案能否成功推出的關鍵。 4.員工教育訓練可採循序漸進的方式,再將新服務逐一推出市場,如此也會降低員工對新服務的陌生與不安感。 5.藉由資訊科技的輔助,做為員工教育訓練的教材,能快速讓員工的技能豐富化,並增加其工作成就感。 6.企業應不斷地將服務精緻化,構築競爭者的模仿障礙,而若將成功案例推廣至集團其他據點,亦可發揮規模經濟的效益,降低整體平均建置成本。 / The expenditure for information technology in Taiwan’s hotel industry increased 17.5% in 2008, and further on to 50.8% in 2009. The scope of this increment is very conspicuous and reveals that even in the face of difficult times, the hotel operators are still willing to invest large amount of money in IT. The main reason driving the operators to start offering a variety of IT services is they want to enhance their brand’s image in consumers’ minds by adding more value-added services to their already extensive portfolio. In a market where the competition is becoming more intense every year, it is a major challenge for the hotel operators to retain regular customers while attracting new ones. Hence developing new service innovations is seen as a way to increase customer value and simultaneously help the hotels maintain its competitive advantages. However, despite the importance of service innovations to the hospitality industry, there are barely any studies conducted on it. Therefore this paper aims to look deeper into this subject, using the service innovation model by Bilderbeek & Hertog as a starting basis. This paper centers on a pre-chosen establishment, FLEUR DE CHINE HOTEL, using the method of case study. Assisted by second hand data, the study attempts to analyze the service innovation development process of the hotel and also determine how the various related activities influenced the final innovation results, so that areas for further improvement can be identified. The study concludes that: 1.Service innovation should be flexible, so it can adapt well and quickly to the customer’s needs. 2.The new client interface must be based on “operating conveniently” and integrate all other interfaces effectively. If it is able to provide additional service smoothly, it can also increase the chance of sales. 3.The support of the executives is a key factor for the success of developing new service innovation. 4.When introducing a new service, it should be done step by step, so that it’s easier for the employees to follow up and reduce their uneasiness. 5.With the assistance of IT, it can improve employees’ skills and enhance their sense of mutual achievement. 6.A company should enrich and refine their services continuously and proactively. If a company is able to propagate a project’s success to other departments or branches, it can also bring other economic benefits and reduce the overall operational cost.


林盈志 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化競爭的影響下,製造業與服務業的產業界限日漸模糊,為獲致更長久的競爭優勢,許多製造業者紛紛跨足服務領域,思考以差異化的服務,創造滿足顧客多變需求的附加價值。故推動服務創新,已是企業不得不正視的課題。然而,服務的無形性,使得新服務無法如實體產品般可精確拆解其組成;且新服務通常不涉及複雜的技術或高額的投資,往往推出不久後競爭對手即可輕易模仿,在難有專利權的保護下,企業進行服務創新時,可能比發展產品創新面臨更多艱難險阻。 芬蘭國家技術處Tekes認為服務創新含有可複製的元素,可於其他環境或案例中重複被驗證。本研究基於此觀點,首度打破國內企業推動服務創新相關文獻僅專注某產業的研究範疇,將研究的產業別擴及房屋仲介業、餐飲業、金融服務業與資訊服務業,並以《天下雜誌》主辦的「卓越服務獎」得獎企業為個案企業,深入訪談企業進行某特定服務創新專案的開發過程,以探討推動服務創新時的考量因素,企圖解構服務創新的本質。 本研究以Hertog and Bilderbeek的服務創新四構面模型為基礎,訪談分屬四個不同產業的個案企業,分析其服務創新專案的建構與執行過程。本研究依服務創新的構思設計、核心知識與系統連結三大主題,將研究結果歸納為13項研究命題,並提出研究發現與實務建議,供業界發展服務創新時參考運用。


陳炳宏, Chen, Ping Hung Unknown Date (has links)
金融服務業是匯聚民間儲蓄與企業投資的重要管道,更是國家的經濟櫥窗與支持產業發展的經濟命脈。面對市場競爭日趨激烈的經營環境,金融服務業者想要靠過去的成功基礎來維持企業生存將愈來愈困難;為了維持本身的競爭優勢,企業必需不斷的構思新的構想、推出新的金融商品與服務以滿足顧客的需求。 企業在創新服務的發展過程中,會不斷的累積競爭優勢。Dave & Dale (1991)的研究指出,未來競爭優勢將會集中在組織核心能耐的發展。Leonard (1992)也談到,企業雖可以透過新產品與服務開發專案來更新或改變組織核心能耐,但原有的組織核心能耐在專案發展的過程中亦會成為其資源或限制,而管理者需全力發展組織核心能耐,以呈現出組織的最佳實務來達到成功地競爭。 本研究在探訪文獻後發現,雖然已經有相當多的研究探討了企業發展創新服務的過程與考量,並提出成功推動服務創新的建議。然而卻沒有更深入的討論服務創新專案的發展內涵以及服務創新專案與組織的核心能耐之間的關係。 綜合以上分析,本研究將建構金融服務業創新服務發展內涵,並將研究觸角深入組織核心能耐在創新服務發展前後的變化情況,探討創新服務與組織核心能耐的關聯,以期能對金融服務業者的服務創新模式與核心能耐有更深入的了解。 / 本研究的研究結論如下: 1.金融服務業要善用與顧客的「被動」接觸點,進行「主動」加值服務,以降低創新概念推行時顧客的抗拒力。 2.創新服務除了要顧及外部顧客的需求,也要注重內部員工對於新概念的接受度,利用正式或非正式的方式將組織價值觀做適度的轉換。 3.金融服務業的創新服務需要有跨部門的專案團隊來帶領各創新構面之發展,其中又以客戶服務/客戶經營相關的部門為主要的專案規劃者。 4.在服務創新推出前進行內部試運或實驗,並先行檢驗服務流程的缺失,不僅可以使員工觀察該創新的施行過程,也可增加服務傳遞系統的穩定度。 5.顧客溝通介面需保留服務的彈性,並以使用者的觀點進行友善設計。 6.技術選擇不一定要採用最先進的資訊科技,只要能與創新服務的內容結合,發揮出合適的效用,即可使創新服務順利進行。 7.金融服務業在創新服務推出前,可藉由各種方式如CRM技術、問卷訪談,深入地探詢市場知識,並回饋於顧客介面的設計上。 8.人力資源管理知識是所有知識構面中最重要的環節,金融業創新服務提供者必須在管理目標、教育制度與激勵措施上進行符合該創新服務目的之調整。 9.金融服務業的教育訓練多由內部自行培訓,包含設立內部實體與虛擬的教育訓練網;少部分則導入外部顧問公司與國外同業經驗。 10.激勵措施要與創新服務概念有所連動,如採行浮動薪資制度與銷售獎金制度,以提高員工進行創新服務之意願。 11.對欲推行服務創新的金融服務業者而言,原有的實體系統、員工知識與技能、通常為其資源;管理系統則可能為其資源或限制;而組織價值觀則可能成為創新服務的最大限制。 12.金融服務業者推行的服務創新通常會創造出新的實體系統、員工知識與技能和組織價值觀;而會就原有的管理系統進行調整與創造。

製造業廠商推動服務化之研究--核心能耐的觀點 / Servitization of manufacturing firms: the perspective of core competence

粘旭良 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球邁入服務經濟時代的發展趨勢下,服務創新成為產業新興的熱門課題。過去以製造業為主體的台灣企業,也意識到產值和毛利不斷被壓縮,以及製造業和服務業的界線日趨模糊的現象。為了獲取長久的競爭優勢,不少製造業者已體認到,過去在成本、技術與品質上的領先已無法提高產業附加價值,因此必須向價值鏈兩端延伸,利用創新服務來為產品增加附加價值,而這也成為現今製造業的致勝關鍵。 過去文獻對於服務創新的議題已有不少研究,主要是在探討企業發展創新服務的過程與策略考量,或是研究服務創新的發展模式,抑或是服務創新專案。此外, 關於製造業推動服務化方面,只有少數在探討產業轉型及經營策略與模式,但更少有探討製造業服務化發展內涵之個案研究。因此本研究利用深入訪談的個案研究法,針對推動服務化發展的製造業廠商,探討其服務創新概念如何產生與服務創新的內涵,並輔以核心能耐的觀點,來探討製造業服務化專案的推動與組織核心能耐建構之關係,以提供未來有意推動服務化發展的台灣製造業廠商作為參考。 本研究的結論如下: 1.製造業廠商在和客戶接觸的過程中,會根據本身對內外部環境背景知識的了解,「主動」創造客戶的需求,提供差異化的加值服務,並建立與客戶間的夥伴關係。 2.製造業廠商推動服務化時,在服務範疇上會考慮往供應鏈上下游延伸,以及發揮本身的優勢功能;在作法上則會以提供客戶「一次購足」與「完整解決方案」的服務為主。 3.製造業廠商在推動服務化的發展方案時,會進行跨部門的組織運作,並且透過教育訓練和跨域合作的方式,培養員工新的專業知識與技能。 4.製造業廠商推動服務化時,若本身的事業知識越豐富,則越能洞悉產業的發展趨勢,此外,若是其擁有更完整的市場知識,則有助於提出創新的服務概念。 5.製造業廠商推動服務化時,不管是創造新的實體系統,或就原有的實體系統進行整合與建構,都會強調資通訊科技的輔助效果。而企業對於技術知識的掌握度越高,則越有助於服務創新的發展。 6.製造業廠商推動服務化時,會以「創新」作為組織新的價值觀與企業文化。 關鍵字:製造業服務化、服務創新、核心能耐 / In the trend of global development of service economy, service innovation has become an emerging hot topic of industries. Taiwanese companies, the main part of which are manufacturing industries in the past, also realize the phenomenon that the income and gross margin are deceasing, and the difference between manufacturing and service industries has become blurred. In order to gain long-term competitive advantages, some manufacturing firms has noticed that being in the lead of cost, skill and quality during the past is unable to enhance the value-added of industries. Therefore, they think it is a must to extend their activities to both ends of the value chain, and then to gain value-added on products by using service. However, this has become the key to success for present-day manufacturing industry. In the past, most researches related to service innovation mainly focus on the process and strategic level of innovative service development, the developing model of service innovation, or projects on service innovation. Besides, regarding the servitization of manufacturing firms, only a small number of studies focus on investigating the transformation of industry and operational strategy and models, but there are fewer case studies on servicizing development of manufacturing industry. Therefore, this study focuses on the intension of service innovation of servicizing manufacturing firms by means of thorough interview and case study. Besides, this study is auxiliary by the perspective of core competence to explore the relationship between servitization of manufacturing firms and the construction of organizational core competence, and aims to provide a reference for Taiwanese manufacturing firms which purpose to develop servitization in the future. The preliminary research findings include: 1.Manufacturing firms will “positively” create customers’ need during contact with customers in terms of their background knowledge of internal and external environments, provide differential value-added service, and develop partnership with customers. 2.Manufacturing firms will consider extending their service to the up- and down-stream of supply chain, or bring their superior function into service development when driving the development of servitization. And the way they do is to provide their customers with service of “One-stop Shopping” and “Total Solution” via front- and back-end systems and service providers. 3.Manufacturing firms will proceed on trans-departmental organizational operation when driving the development of servitization. And they train their employees to have professional knowledge and skills through educational training and interdisciplinary collaboration to drive the service innovation. 4.The more industrial knowledge the manufacturing firms have, the more insights into the industrial trend they have. Besides, it will be help to bring up ideas about innovative service if companies know well about their markets. 5.When manufacturing firms drive the servitization, no matter what to create a new physical system or integrate the original physical systems to a new one, the auxiliary effect of ICT is emphasized. And the more technical knowledge they have, the more chances of innovative service development they will find. 6.“Innovation” is regarded as a new value and enterprise culture when manufacturing firms drive the development of servitization. Keywords: Servitization of Manufacturing, Service Innovation, Core Competence

運用製造服務化建構加值服務創新模式之研究─以製造商為例 / Study of adopting servitization of manufacturing to build up services innovation value adding model for manufacturing firms

陳萬來, Chen, Wan Lai Unknown Date (has links)
勞力成本驟升與新興市場崛起,使得台灣傳統製造業面臨成本劣勢而漸失代工競爭力,加上顧客需求的不斷變化與產品及服務日益同質,更形成產業邊界的模糊化,更造成製造業服務化成為目前傳統製造業轉型的主要方向。儘管如此,雖然製造服務化已為傳統製造業轉型最重要的議題之一,然回顧過去文獻可以發現,實務界在面對如何建構製造服務化上,明顯缺乏明確的模式可以參考。 本研究旨在探討製造服務化與加值服務創新模式之建構,並分析製造服務化對廠商進行加值服務創新績效的影響,透過回顧過去製造服務化與加值服務創新之相關文獻,以建構製造服務化與加值服務創新之理論模型,並藉由個案研究法,深入剖析國內一家成功由傳統製造業轉型製造服務化並在加值服務創新作為上有顯著績效之標竿廠商,以瞭解該公司在製造服務化的推動邏輯及在推動製造服務化後,對公司在產品力與服務力的提升情形,並瞭解該公司在加值服務創新的具體思維,藉以提出製造服務化的建構模式及製造服務化對加值創新服務之影響,冀對業者在未來發展製造服務化策略時,提供轉型或發展模式之參考。 結果發現,製造服務化之內涵包含有客製化、價值化,以及整合化三個構面,企業可藉由資源建構、能力形塑,以及機制建置等三個面向來有效落實製造服務化之工作,而加值服務創新之模式建構上,企業可依循服務情境設計、功能制定、流程藍圖展開、規格產出之服務模式建構之方式來加以推動。最後,本研究個案分析結果指出,製造業者之製造服務化程度會正向影響廠商的產品力與服務力,而提升加值服務創新之績效。

服務創新策略在公益活動上之應用~以扶輪自行車隊為例 / The application of the innovative strategies on public service activities - the case for rotary cycling team

徐進龍 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於天災、人禍頻傳造成的傷害,致使民眾的痛苦指數呈現直線攀升,例如美國次貸風暴釀成全球經濟危機、日本大海嘯造成成千上萬的民眾陷入困境、洪水肆虐造成農業與經濟的衰退等。基此,公益活動的發起將有助於安穩民眾的情緒,進而恢復國家或企業的競爭力。   有鑑於此,本研究欲透過服務創新的應用,對公益活動所呈現的影響進行探討,故藉由量化及質化問卷調查蒐整資料,且輔以檢定、交叉分析、歸納分析、文獻探討等方法,據以瞭解服務創新之實質效益。研究結果發現有超過半數的隊員認為,扶輪自行車隊之公益活動的成效是值得發揚,且公益活動具有較深的影響程度,另從訪談中,可以體會扶輪自行車隊所參與的公益活動,所創造的成效是具有影響力,最後發現扶輪自行車隊的服務創新,不僅可以提昇扶輪形象外,更值得將此一文,引進企業組織中,藉以啟發更多人投入公益活動。

增進親密關係之創新服務經營模式 / Innovative Business Model of Aidlove Service for enhancing intimacy

陳靜萱 Unknown Date (has links)
現今社會離婚現象普及化讓一般大眾對於婚姻一詞重新定義,也威脅到當前愛情跟婚姻的行為模式。最近所盛行的新型態的軟體,像是:Beetalk人們可以輕而易舉的利用此類的交友軟體在線上找尋自己的對象,在這些交友軟體興起所造成的影響讓男女對於感情的維繫變得導向結果論發展,也因此形成一種速食愛情的現象,也造成許多一夜情的情況發生,這跟過去婚姻所代表的永恆定義形成了強大的衝擊。 許多年輕男女變得更加不重視維繫長期性的感情關係,隨著許多交友軟體的數量增長也讓許多年輕男女視為這是正常的感情發展現象產生了許多謬誤,為了解決上述所提之社會問題,本研究了提出一項創新的經營模式以app模式來增進已經互相產生承諾的男女。為了能夠提供符合男女心理需求之服務,本研究透過創新提案的制定經過市場需求分析,調查目前台灣男女主要的感情心理需求以及活動內容的接受意願,並藉由專家訪談、消費者的深度訪談,加以驗證其實際需求與創新服務之可行性。最後提出一個能滿足社會需求並能讓服務參與者共同獲益的解決方案,並針對問卷調查結果所發現之目標客群研擬創新經營模式的營運計畫。 / Divorce is getting more and more common in Taiwanese society. This phenomenon also threatens those who are currently living in a relationship or a marriage. With modern age tools, such as apps like "Beetalk", people can find partners online, with ease. The concept behind "Beetalk" however, does not manifest in creating real and meaningful relationships, rather mostly one night affair. Many young men are becoming ingorant or uninterested in long term relationships. The popularity of dating apps is causing an advent of confusion for the meaning of love. To remedy this social problem, I propose an app-based service to enhance the intimacy between two committed lovers. This innovative business model is based on thorough analysis of academic theories and empirical studies, including expert interview, focus group discussion, and consumer behavior survey.


陳映樺 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著人口高齡化的趨勢與社會型態的變遷,以健康、自主老人為目標市場的老人居住安養需求日益增加。此外,「老人住宅」為我國積極推動服務業發展項目之一。政府不但於民國92年底陸續頒佈了「老人住宅綜合管理要點」等規範,並透過政策獎勵積極推動民間市場投入。近年來,建築業、醫療產業、壽險業等企業集團紛紛看好老人居住安養市場,相繼投入退休養生/銀髮社區/老人住宅之市場中。 過去有關老人居住安養議題的研究多針對社會福利、老人需求與建築空間設計等。然,面對老人多元需求與日益激烈競爭環境,如何透過服務模式的創新來提供差異化服務商品與如何經營運作,成為重要的課題。本研究希望透過深入個案訪談,了解我國新興照顧服務業-老人住宅之創新服務模式與做法,希望能有助於不論是政府、非營利機構或私人企業投入經營規劃老人住宅服務,以及開創新興照顧服務業之參考。 本研究以Hertog & Bilderbeek(1998)提出的服務創新四構面模型作為研究的基礎,針對「潤福生活新象」、「長庚養生文化村」、「翠柏新村」與「兆如老人安養護中心」四個研究個案經營者進行訪談,來了解我國老人住宅之服務創新。 本研究結果發現:1.在安養、養護、到長期照護服務的提供上,個案間各有不同的整合程度,加上不同目標顧客的選擇,有不同的策略定位與營運範疇。2.不同的策略定位與服務理念,產生出不同的服務概念,並在服務創新的「服務概念」、「客戶介面」、「服務交付系統」與「技術選擇」四構面,有不同程度的創新。3.老人住宅所提供的服務包括:「基本服務」,以及依照組織資源及特性的不同所提供差異化「創新服務」。4.服務介面的設計,必須同時考慮硬體上與軟體上的溝通介面,且軟體較硬體來的重要。5.服務交付系統設計由過去傳統養老院的「管理」老人,轉為以「服務」老人為中心,強調老人的自由與自主性。6.創新服務的設計與提供,應具備相關領域的產業知識、市場知識,以及人力資源管理。7.新創新服務模式成功推行,必需搭配適當有效的行銷策略、服務產品分配策略與組織發展策略將三構面互相的搭配整合。並於文末提出老人住宅經營管理、行銷與新興服務模式之建議。 / As aging population increases and society evolves, the demand of housing and caring service for the healthy and independent senior increase day by day. In addition, “Elderly Housing” is promoted as one of the development projects of service industry for our country. In recent years, building, medical and life insurance industry etc. are optimizing that market potential and investing in providing elderly housing service. The researches relevant to elderly housing were almost focused on social welfare, elder's need and architectural design etc. However, in the face of more competitive environment and various elderly demands, how to conduct service innovation and how to operate differential serves successfully become the critical issues. The purpose of the thesis was to study and find out “how the elderly housings conduct service innovation” . The thesis used “4 dimensional model of service innovation”(Hertog & Bilderbeek, 1998)as the study framework and through deeply interview with the directors of four elderly housing cases. Then may they contribute to future organizations ( no matter non-profit or profit organization) planning and managing of elderly house. The thesis concludes were as follows:(1) Each study case had different target market and strategy. Innovation service of elderly housing mostly occur in “new service concept”, “new client interface”, and “new service delivery system” dimensions ; seldom in “technological options dimension”. (2)The elderly housing provide not only “basic service” but also differential “creative service”, according to organize resource and competence.(3)The client interface consider both hardware and software. Software is more important than hardware.(4)The service delivery system of elderly housing is more “customer focus”.(5) Offering of innovative service should possess “business intelligence”, “market intelligence”, and “human resource management”.(6)Successful service providing are linked by marketing, distribution, and organization development. And the thesis made suggestions in the end.

科技服務導入鞋品零售之應用策略探討 - 以個案公司為例 / A case study on the application strategy of IT service implementation in footwear industry

郭欣怡 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代腳步、消費者生活水準的提升,鞋子的消費意義,從原先保護雙腳的功能,逐漸演變成時尚及品味的象徵,在此過程中,企業必須迎合顧客觀念,不斷地重新定義銷售概念,創造持續性之成長動力。而台灣整體鞋品零售市場面臨了材料與結構科技發展的階段性發展瓶頸,加上資訊流通速度加快,使得各大品牌都能輕易取得相近的設計與材料資源,致使商品同質性越來越高。為了突破這樣的市場現況,唯有結合最新科技與公司既有之各項優勢,並提供最新的科技服務銷售流程,重新定義鞋品零售的流程與概念,才能創造全新的顧客價值以及擴大與競爭者的距離。 本研究採個案分析法,首先針對個案公司內、外部環境加以分析,找出經營上的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,並利用SWOT分析法加以研擬可行之經營策略。本研究建議個案公司可以透過E-fitting系統之導入,進一步延伸出「顧問式行銷、足部醫療、電子商務、博物館、品牌併購」之策略計畫方向。E-fitting系統之導入可以有以下之特性,簡述如下: (一) 滿足合腳、個人化與保健三大需求,為消費者創造更高的商品價值。 (二) 建構包含「體驗、參與感與客製鞋品」的感性知識型經濟與消費趨勢。 (三) 提升門市服務之效能、品質、專業度,進而提升個案公司之品牌形象。 (四) 推動網路購物平台之發展,降低退、換貨的成本及顧客困擾。 (五) 直接面對顧客,察覺需求,提高產品開發之預測準確性與速度。 (六) 建立實體與虛擬雙通路,擴大顧客介面及族群範圍。 (七) 系統化之服務架構、方法與知識,利於國際複製。 / As the improvement of people’s living standards, the meaning of footwear to customers has been shifted from protective moving tools to a symbol of fashion and taste. During this evolving process, companies must meet the customer needs by continuing redefine the sale concepts of footwear, thus create a sustaining growth curve. In the case of Taiwan’s footwear retailing industry, the companies are facing the bottlenecks in the material and technical development. Also due to the fast flow of information, major brands of footwear can easily obtain and use similar resources and materials, the result is that the footwear in the market has become very identical and lack of differences. In order to break this situation, one of the solutions is to combine the latest technology and the core advantages of the company, and to construct a new service process with this innovated technology. By redefining the sale process and concepts of footwear retailing industry, the company can create a new value to customers and distance the gap between competitors. This thesis adopts the case study method. First of all the study analyzes the internal/external environment, followed by the SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and finally developed several possible strategies. This study suggests that the case company can adopt the E-fitting system, and further develop the strategies of consultant marketing, foot care, e-commerce, museums, and brand acquisitions. The main strategy of E-fitting system has the following characteristics: 1. Meet the major needs of fitting well with feet, personalization, and health care, providing customers with higher product value. 2. Construct a perceptual knowledge-based economy and consumption trends, including experience, participation and customization. 3. Increase the service efficiency, quality, and degree of profession in the store, thus increase the brand image of the case company. 4. Promote the development of online shopping platform, and to decrease the cost of exchange and return of footwear sold. 5. Recognize the needs of customers when directly contacted, thus improve the predictive accuracy and speed of development. 6. Establish the dual distribution channels, broaden the scope of customer group. 7. Systematize the framework, methods and knowledge of service, thus increase the possibility of international replication.

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