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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳映樺 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著人口高齡化的趨勢與社會型態的變遷,以健康、自主老人為目標市場的老人居住安養需求日益增加。此外,「老人住宅」為我國積極推動服務業發展項目之一。政府不但於民國92年底陸續頒佈了「老人住宅綜合管理要點」等規範,並透過政策獎勵積極推動民間市場投入。近年來,建築業、醫療產業、壽險業等企業集團紛紛看好老人居住安養市場,相繼投入退休養生/銀髮社區/老人住宅之市場中。 過去有關老人居住安養議題的研究多針對社會福利、老人需求與建築空間設計等。然,面對老人多元需求與日益激烈競爭環境,如何透過服務模式的創新來提供差異化服務商品與如何經營運作,成為重要的課題。本研究希望透過深入個案訪談,了解我國新興照顧服務業-老人住宅之創新服務模式與做法,希望能有助於不論是政府、非營利機構或私人企業投入經營規劃老人住宅服務,以及開創新興照顧服務業之參考。 本研究以Hertog & Bilderbeek(1998)提出的服務創新四構面模型作為研究的基礎,針對「潤福生活新象」、「長庚養生文化村」、「翠柏新村」與「兆如老人安養護中心」四個研究個案經營者進行訪談,來了解我國老人住宅之服務創新。 本研究結果發現:1.在安養、養護、到長期照護服務的提供上,個案間各有不同的整合程度,加上不同目標顧客的選擇,有不同的策略定位與營運範疇。2.不同的策略定位與服務理念,產生出不同的服務概念,並在服務創新的「服務概念」、「客戶介面」、「服務交付系統」與「技術選擇」四構面,有不同程度的創新。3.老人住宅所提供的服務包括:「基本服務」,以及依照組織資源及特性的不同所提供差異化「創新服務」。4.服務介面的設計,必須同時考慮硬體上與軟體上的溝通介面,且軟體較硬體來的重要。5.服務交付系統設計由過去傳統養老院的「管理」老人,轉為以「服務」老人為中心,強調老人的自由與自主性。6.創新服務的設計與提供,應具備相關領域的產業知識、市場知識,以及人力資源管理。7.新創新服務模式成功推行,必需搭配適當有效的行銷策略、服務產品分配策略與組織發展策略將三構面互相的搭配整合。並於文末提出老人住宅經營管理、行銷與新興服務模式之建議。 / As aging population increases and society evolves, the demand of housing and caring service for the healthy and independent senior increase day by day. In addition, “Elderly Housing” is promoted as one of the development projects of service industry for our country. In recent years, building, medical and life insurance industry etc. are optimizing that market potential and investing in providing elderly housing service. The researches relevant to elderly housing were almost focused on social welfare, elder's need and architectural design etc. However, in the face of more competitive environment and various elderly demands, how to conduct service innovation and how to operate differential serves successfully become the critical issues. The purpose of the thesis was to study and find out “how the elderly housings conduct service innovation” . The thesis used “4 dimensional model of service innovation”(Hertog & Bilderbeek, 1998)as the study framework and through deeply interview with the directors of four elderly housing cases. Then may they contribute to future organizations ( no matter non-profit or profit organization) planning and managing of elderly house. The thesis concludes were as follows:(1) Each study case had different target market and strategy. Innovation service of elderly housing mostly occur in “new service concept”, “new client interface”, and “new service delivery system” dimensions ; seldom in “technological options dimension”. (2)The elderly housing provide not only “basic service” but also differential “creative service”, according to organize resource and competence.(3)The client interface consider both hardware and software. Software is more important than hardware.(4)The service delivery system of elderly housing is more “customer focus”.(5) Offering of innovative service should possess “business intelligence”, “market intelligence”, and “human resource management”.(6)Successful service providing are linked by marketing, distribution, and organization development. And the thesis made suggestions in the end.

社會變遷下高齡者樂活住宅模式之研究 / A study on the LOHAS elderdy housing under social chang‏e

陳玉偵 Unknown Date (has links)
社會變遷快速地牽動著國人的生活、消費方式與價值觀,目前我國已是高齡化社會,在人口結構快速少子化、家庭模式對高齡者照顧不足,傳統「養兒防老」觀念逐漸淡化,取而代之是高齡者對老年生活品質的愈益要求與及早安排。 由於家庭不再為老人居住歸附,市場上陸續興起提供高齡者生活照護服務之老人住宅,惟於「國人觀念保守」、「高昂入居費用」、「社會隔離、交通不便」等因素阻礙,多數老人住宅仍難獲得消費者青睞,未來如何使大眾能妥切安排老年居住與經濟生活將為重要課題。因此,本研究欲瞭解個人於年老居住生活之需求,探究結合「年金屋保單」及「機構定居或旅居式生活」概念設計之高齡者樂活住宅模式基礎架構的市場可行性。藉由訪談壽險從業人員與問卷調查台北市40至49歲之中年民眾的看法,推估新世代銀髮族於老年居住型態選擇的趨勢並參酌壽險人員之評估建議,進而提出「高齡者樂活住宅模式」,讓消費者可選擇保險結合老年安居之處的合適保單,與未來壽險業從事商業年金保險結合樂活住宅商品之規劃、行銷設計參考。最後提出個人、壽險業者、政府於面對或提供高齡者多樣化居住型態時所需應有態度與作為建議,期結合民眾與企業、政府之努力,共同建構高齡者的樂活安居環境,以因應社會變遷之浪潮。茲綜合本研究結論與建議如下: 一、 問卷調查台北市中年受訪者有88.43%比例認為高齡者樂活住宅模式基礎架構將成為未來趨勢之ㄧ,69.42%能接受此養老模式,其中傾向選擇入住樂活住宅則有60.33%。另外不論是老人或樂活住宅,受訪者均重視其所提供的醫療服務完善,與價位收費是否合理並能負擔。 二、 訪談壽險人員認為結合老人住宅的年金商品可提升競爭力,但創新商品風險較大,故仍持觀望態度。若所屬集團具備相關資源背景,推出意願及可行性相對較高。而外在市場環境與政策誘因亦會促使壽險業者開發或投資於此。 三、 未來消費者可能於面對多樣化年金屋保單的行銷情況下,需先衡量自身狀況,審慎評估並妥善規劃貫徹之。多方比較投保資訊,以避免後續交易糾紛。 四、 針對壽險業者未來推出樂活住宅模式時,建議設計能符合大眾負擔生活價位、兼顧保戶權益之保障、提供全方位養老保障的保險商品、建構多元化行銷策略、加強專業人才的培育與調整員工激勵制度。 五、 建議政府宣導民眾及早理財規劃老年生活、適度放寬壽險業資金運用等限制、增加壽險業者跨足樂活住宅的誘因,但對於業者仍須有監督機制。

台灣高齡者居住型態選擇之研究:兼論台灣老人住宅政策 / A study of living pattern selection for the senior and the elderly housing policy in Taiwan

張雅惠, Chang, Ya-hui Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已於1993年邁入高齡化社會,65歲以上老年人口增加趨勢日益明顯;伴隨著高齡化現象加劇,衍生許多層面之衝擊,如醫療、人力、經濟、消費型態等;為因應日漸增加高齡人口之居住需求,政府乃於2004年核定【促進民間參與老人住宅建設推動方案】,獎勵民間參與老人住宅之興建。過去雖有相關研究針對老人住宅進行探討,然在政策施行之初,是否上述方案所獎勵之居住型態符合高齡者之選擇?遂引起本研究之動機。 爰此,欲瞭解影響高齡者選擇不同居住型態之因素,本研究以高齡學理論及「個人-環境」理論做分析基礎,探討個人老化後與環境之互動影響,並歸結至影響高齡者選擇不同居住型態的因素。研究方法上,除利用問卷調查進行統計分析外,亦透過訪談方式補充無法量化之影響因素,包括傳統社會觀念下三代同堂與安土重遷之影響。研究結果中,除了可探究影響高齡者選擇不同居住型態的因素外,亦可分析此方案所獎勵之老人住宅是否會成為台灣高齡者之居住選擇型態,而研究結果亦回饋做成老人住宅政策上之修正建議。茲將本研究結果與建議臚列如下: 一、藉由多項式羅吉特模型分析社經人口變數對居住型態之影響,發現現況居住老人集合式住宅的高齡者,具有教育程度為高中(職)以上、年齡為六十五歲以上且所得為三萬元以上的顯著特性。 二、在社會變遷下,傳統觀念的影響有減輕的現象,高齡者在面對居住型態選擇時,有更開放多元的思考,而未來的高齡者相較於過去世代將更健康、更富有、有更高的教育程度、要求更好的生活品質,因此台灣老人集合式住宅型態在未來將具有市場性。而且高齡者也將隨著年齡增加、自我照顧需求增加、傳統觀念影響式微、少子化顯著影響下,逐漸地選擇此種居住型態。 三、未來的社會對於老人集合式住宅仍有其開發上之需求;此外,亦需藉由政府之力量,規範新建房屋無障礙空間設計,以符合高齡者對政策之期望。 四、經本研究之調查與分析,提出老人住宅政策上之建議。在【促進民間參與老人住宅建設推動方案】上之建議為:1.住宅提供方式應兼顧市場效率與社會正義;2.提供高齡者老人住宅租金補貼3.提昇老人住宅規劃設計品質。而針對整體性的住宅政策建議為:1.加強原有住宅設施之修繕更新;2.整體都市環境之規劃反省;3.藉由社區支持力量提昇高齡者居住品質。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the need of seniors for housing is drawing much attention. The government promotes “Project of Promoting Non-Government Participation in Senior Citizen’s Housing Development” in order to increase the quantitative of seniors` houses. Although there have been a lot of literature about elderly housing in the past, this research intends to understand if the living pattern answer to the senior need. Therefore, this research based on Gerontology and Person-environment Theory explores the influencing factors of seniors to choose different living pattern. In order to analyze the influencing factors, including the culture of filial piety, this research use not only surveying method but interviewing method. Within the conclusion, this research provides suggestions for elderly housing policy as a reference for the government. 1.This research uses multi-nominal logistic regression model to analysis the surveying data. The empirical results shows, the senior who live in the elderly housing have some obvious characteristic, including above 65 years, with high education and have a high income. 2.In the changing society, the traditional values relieve the senior effects. In the future, when the senior decide what kind of living pattern they need, they will have a more openly attitude. Therefore, by the trend of the changing society, the traditional values effects ease, and the need of taking care by myself, the pattern of elderly housing will be accepted slowing in the future. 3.There will be a need for elderly housing development in the future. In order to answer to the senior expects, it still needs government power to establish laws for disability-free space. 4.In sum, this research provides several suggestions. For the “Project of Promoting Non-Government Participation in Senior Citizen’s Housing Development”, including emphasize the justice and equity to increase elderly housing, provide rent subsidy and enhance quality of living. For the elderly housing policy, including renew for original housing, introspection for planning and use the community power well.

民間參與高齡者住宅設施政策及法令之研究分析 / Studies of private participation policy and laws in aged housing facilities

張育瑞, Chang, Yu Jui Unknown Date (has links)
當今各先進國家均正經歷人口結構老化的社會變遷課題,我國已於1993年邁入高齡化社會,政府面對人口老化所需解決的便是建構適合老人安居之住宅與居住環境。惟政府總體預算以及人力資源均屬有限,因此如何引進民間投資來減少政府財政負擔及提昇整體老人福利服務之績效與品質,已成為一大課題。本文以老人住宅及老人福利機構為研究對象,探討民間參與高齡者住宅設施的關鍵因素,並參照日本PFI事業模式的發展經驗後,提供後續執行之建議。 本研究主要目的有以下三點,一、我國現況分析:老人住宅及老人福利機構相關法規分析、民間參與老人住宅及老人福利機構推動現況分析;二、日本現況分析:老人住宅及老人福利機構相關法規分析、民間參與老人住宅及老人福利機構推動現況分析;三、民間參與老人住宅及老人福利機構之課題研析,並擬定其建議對策。 在民間參與老人住宅方面,原為依老人福利法設置之社會福利設施,得依促參法辦理,現已納入住宅法中社會住宅之一環,住宅法甫於2011年底公告,並將於2012年底施行,惟相關子法尚未制定,故整體配套措施及後續推動仍有待觀察。 在民間參與老人福利機構方面,除於老人福利法中即有獎勵民間興辦之相關配套措施外,亦得在經中央目的事業主管機關認定後適用促參法辦理之。惟因老人福利機構之興辦較不具自償性,故在民間參與之推動上較為困難。 本文就我國民間參與老人住宅及老人福利機構方面提出相關課題分析,並參酌日本之相關法規及案例,研擬建議對策,以供參考。

Factors Affecting the Evaluation Criteria of Independent Living Units by Seniors / 影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅要素之分析

黃惠敏, Huang,Chloe Unknown Date (has links)
台灣隨著高齡人口逐年增加,銀髮市場漸受矚目,高級安養住宅的興起即是一例。儘管銀髮安養住宅陸續於一九九0年代中期推出,但是個案數量不多,成功經營者更是屈指可數。本研究藉由調查台北銀髮族的看法,以分析影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅之要素。 藉由調查潛在顧客的意見,本研究首先分析人口變數對安養住宅評估標準的影響,接著分析高齡者遷移決策之影響要素與評估標準之間的關係。最後,本研究探索消費者的評估標準與其價值偏好之關係。 本研究提出影響消費者行為的要素,並提供行銷建議供安養住宅業者參考。研究發現65至74歲的銀髮族對所有評估要素的要求,較其他高齡者低,因此對於提供活躍的生活形態和醫療服務的安養住宅而言,這群人最具潛力成為最佳顧客來源。大部分高齡者選擇在熟悉的土地上頤養天年,大台北地區成為最受歡迎的退休居所選擇。在入住保證金方面,由於擔心財務風險與業者的職業道德,多數年長者寧可每月支付較高的管理費,以替代高額的保證金要求。服務品質為競爭優勢的來源。業者設計產品時,應著重於提供優質服務,而非一味追求硬體設施。研究發現認知差異是影響老年人移居安養住宅的主要因素之一,業者應該加強宣傳安養住宅的產品概念,扭轉市場上普遍認為只有老病纏身者才需入住安養住宅的想法。此外,業者行銷時,應該同時增加目標顧客及其子女對產品的瞭解,使其將安養住宅列為退休居所的選擇之一。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the market for seniors is drawing much attention. The recent emergence of the upscale senior housing market is a case in point. Although the independent living communities for healthy seniors have been around since the mid-90s, there have been only a few notable selections and among them even fewer success stories. This research intends to examine the purchasing decisions surrounding high-end independent living communities by surveying the older residents of Taipei. From the perspective of potential customers, this research first examines how demographic variables affect the evaluation criteria of consumers for independent living communities, and then examines the relationship between the influencing factors motivating the decision of seniors to move to independent living communities and the evaluation criteria. Finally, the relationship between the evaluation criteria of consumers and their specific value preferences is determined. The research findings identify factors influencing consumer behavior and derive marketing recommendations for senior housing providers. The seniors between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four are less concerned than other age groups about all evaluation factors, and can be the best customers for independent living communities that provide both opportunities for an active life style and healthcare services. Most seniors prefer to remain in a familiar place, and therefore the greater Taipei area is the most popular location. Since entrance deposits involve financial risks and moral concerns, seniors would rather pay higher monthly fees. The type of services offered provides the competitive advantage. Developers should emphasize services rather than environmental conditions in designing its product. Given that perceptual differences are one of the major obstacles preventing seniors from moving to independent living communities, the concept of independent living communities should be promoted further to alter the perceptions of seniors that independent living communities are solely for the sick and frail. Marketers should attempt to increase the product awareness of both its target customers and their children to help them view senior housing communities as a viable living arrangement.


周柏宏 Unknown Date (has links)

老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之研究-以長庚養生文化村為例 / Public Space Planning for Senior Housing-An Example of CHANG GUNG SILVER VILLAGE

廖佳展, Liao, Chia Chan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已於1993年邁入高齡化社會,因社會結構及傳統觀念的改變,高齡者逐漸重視自己退休後的個人生活,而選擇獨自或與配偶一起入住專為高齡者規劃設計之老人住宅的比例也逐年攀升;為有效促進高齡者從事對身心有益的休閒及社交活動,老人住宅應該配合提供安全、適當的日常活動公共空間及設施來支持。因此,老人住宅的公共空間規劃與設計就顯得相當重要。究竟老人住宅之公共空間是否可以真正滿足高齡者的使用需求?是否可促使高齡者積極使用?正是目前規劃、興建或改善老人住宅的重要課題之一,亦為本研究所欲探討之主要動機。 本研究運用資料調查、實地觀察、深入訪談及問卷調查等多元調查與評估方法,並選擇擁有多樣室內、室外之公共設施及共用空間的「長庚養生文化村」作為研究案例,分別針對「公共服務設施」、「室內休閒設施」、「戶外活動空間」及「共用服務空間」等4類公共空間進行使用及規劃等議題之探討,即藉由老人住宅用後評估,深入探討高齡者對於所居住的老人住宅現有公共空間規劃的滿意程度,探究高齡者對於老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之真實反應與感受;並依據評估分析成果,提出老人住宅公共空間之規劃原則建議,以供未來興建高齡者安居住宅之公共空間規劃參考。本研究結果及建議如下: 一、高齡者對公共空間需求滿意度以戶外森林步道及健康中心最高,以健康為主軸的休閒性設施仍為未來規劃重點。 二、老人住宅公共空間滿意度與「教育程度」、「身體狀況」、「子女探訪情形」等三項因素有關。 三、目前老人住宅公共空間議題,關心度低,容易被忽視及犧牲。 四、老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之主要議題包括: (一)餐廳為入住老人住宅之高齡者社交活動的重要空間,也是假日與探訪家人聚餐的重要場所,而餐廳的寬敞、舒適程度,及社交機會之提供,是高齡者關心的議題之一。 (二)設置報紙的交誼廳使用率較高,而設有書報的交誼廳,其照明及管理等議題必須加強考慮。 (三)中央式的走廊,因為通風及採光較不佳,降低了高齡者的社交機會。 (四)活動量大的活動休閒空間(如籃球場、桌球室等)僅能供探訪家人使用,效用不大,未符合高齡者需求。 五、規劃適合每一位高齡者的居住空間,建議朝向「通用設計原則」來進行規劃設計。 六、老人住宅基本生活之公共空間(如交誼室、洗衣室等),應配合生活單元作可及性高的簇群式配置,以增加高齡者使用機會;至於提供全部高齡者共同使用之休閒空間(如學習教室、娛樂室、會議室等),建議集中配置,以方便管理。 / Taiwanese society has become an aging society since 1993. Due to changes in societal structure and traditional concepts, phenomenon such as aging people started to emphasize more on their personal life after retirement and increasing ratio of aging population, either single or with domestic partner, move into specially designed retirement apartment have brought up to attention. In order to effectively encourage aging resident to exercise beneficial recreation and socialization activities, safe and proper common activity areas in retirement apartments are necessary and thus, the design and planning of the common recreation areas has become an essential issue. Questions regarding whether the retirement apartments will fully satisfy the needs of their aging resident and whether the aging residents actively utilizing those facilities are two of the most essential regards for planning, building, and improving retirement apartments; this is also the motivation for conducting this research. Our research focuses four main issues regarding as utilization and planning of public area such as “public service facility”, “in-door recreation facility”, “out-door activity space”, and “shared service space” in Chang Gung Health and Culture Village which possesses varieties of in-door and out-door public facilities and public areas; the research itself is conducted by data investigation, on-site observation, detailed interview, and paper-based survey to insightfully investigate the degree of satisfaction of aging residents toward existing planning of shared area and real feeling and reaction toward existing planning of public area. Suggestions for planning of shared areas, as results from analysis of conducted surveys, are provided for the reference of future planning of shared areas in aging resident village. The suggestions are as followed: 1.Out-door forest trails and healthcare centers are the two types of facilities that are listed among the highest degree of satisfaction by aging people. Health-oriented recreation facilities are still regarded as the most essential element in future planning of retirement apartment construction. 2.The degree of satisfaction in retirement apartment is directly associated to three factors which include “degree of education received”, “physical condition of the aging person”, and “the frequency of family visits.” 3.The current issues for public area in retirement apartments are low degree of attention and easily neglected or sacrificed. 4.Issues regarding the planning of public areas in retirement apartments includes: A.Cafeteria is one of the most important socializing space for aging residents in retirement apartment and an important space for family visits. Degree of comfortableness and spaciousness of cafeteria and whether the cafeteria offers socializing opportunities to aging residents are the two main concerns of aging residents. B.Utilization degrees in lobbies that provide newspaper are higher than lobbies that do not provide newspaper. The lighting and management of such lobbies are needed to be emphasized. C.Socialization opportunities decrease due to the facts that lighting and aeration in central hallway are not quite satisfactory. D.Recreation areas that involve physical activities such as basketball and table tennis are only for family members that visit the aging resident and are not satisfactory to the demand of aging residents. 5.Plan the resident area for each aging resident by utilizing principles of universal design is suggested. 6.The public space of retirement apartment for daily live, such as social room or laundering room, shall be disposed fitting Cluster of Living Style for accessibility to increase the using of the elderly; As for the common space of leisure for all elderly, Such as learning room, recreation room, conference room, it is suggested be allocated together for the convenience of management.

現代日本老人住宅產業營運模式之研究 / A study of business model analysis on today's Japanese elderly housing industry

樂野鷹輝, Takaki Rakuno Unknown Date (has links)
日本是世界上屈指可數的長壽國,面對快速老化、少子化與人口減少的國家。日本政府為解決急速高齡化趨勢下所衍生之老人長期照護問題而推動居家照護的政策。 結果日本的老人公寓產業急速成長,但有些企業成功,有些企業失敗。 下列是本研究的目的: 瞭解現代日本老人公寓企業的商業模式如何創造高齡者的價值。 分析產業環境因素如何影響企業的經營。 企業的資源如何建立它的競爭優勢。 / The aging of Japan outweighs all other nations, as the country is purported to have the highest proportion of elderly citizens resulting from increase of life expectancy due to improvements in medicines and nutrition coinciding with rapid population growth after the World War II. The growing share of elderly people coinciding with changes of family structure and function, people’s lifestyle, fertility rate, and economic as well as sociocultural factors have resulted in a sharp decrease of the traditional three generation households in the last few decades. Nation’s rapid declines in mortality and fertility result in increasing public expenditure for public social welfare while decreasing tax revenue paid by working population. As a result, Japanese social welfare system needs to be restructured, and some social welfare programs need to be outsourced to external business entities to correspond to the nation’s super aging society. In the past, Japanese institutional long-term care facilities largely served for either low-income class people or upper-income class people, and majority number of middle-income class elderly citizens had stayed at home and received family’s living supports. However, large number of today’s and future Japanese middle-income class elderly people are required to live on their own as a result of complex sociocultural factors, such as decrease number of family care taker and changing attitude toward taking care of older parents. Besides, elderly abuse problem, forced healthcare treatments, socially abandoned elderly, and fraud and dispute by elderly care service providers have been major social problems in long-term care service business industry. In order to solve the stated problems, Japanese government restructured law and regulation standard for elderly housing business served mainly for middle-income class aged-citizens in 2011. In order to seize a great investment opportunity and public subsidies to operate business, numerous business entities from numerous types of industry have entered into the elderly housing industry. In a short period of time since new system started, some companies gained success, while others faced problems and left the industry. This study analyzes the industry’s problems and characteristics as well as four case companies from the perspectives of business management theory. In this study, industry analysis model is based on Michael Porter’s five forces model, and case companies are analyzed using Alex Osterwalder’s business canvas model as well as Michael Porter’s SWOT analysis. Based on the study, it is found that delivering right values to target customer groups and building key partnerships with local businesses are especially important factors to make company’s business model more effective for today’s Japanese elderly housing business. Unlike institutional care services provided for socially vulnerable groups in the past, the customer groups of elderly housing are middle-income class and have different demands toward residential services. Moreover, threat of new entrants of this industry becomes higher and industry competition is expected to be growing continuously. Besides, developing unique living support services and preventive care services can be major revenue streams of business as well as a strong competitive advantage over others. Therefore, developing services from customer’s perspective and making a long-lasting relationship become more important to operate residential service business for the elderly in today’s changing Japanese elderly customer’s demands and industry environment.

都會區老人住宅選擇因素之研究 / A study of elderly housing selection factors in the metropolitan area.

劉耀文, Liu, Yao wen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區由於國民平均壽命延長,加速了人口結構轉型、老人人口快速增加,因此衍生許多老人居住安養之課題。為探討影響都會區民眾選擇老人住宅之因素,本研究以台北縣永和市為研究範圍。透過問卷調查收集所需資料,以安德遜服務使用行為模式之個人因素及影響服務使用之限制因素為基礎,透過卡方檢定、因子分析、羅吉特迴歸分析及交叉分析等量化分析方法,實證影響台北縣永和市50歲以上人中、老年人選擇老人住宅服務的相關因素。 本研究結果發現,在個人決定方面,性別、年齡、健康情況、現有子女數、家庭總收入、目前居住型態及理想居住型態等變項對入住老人住宅之意願有顯著影響。在限制因素方面,老人住宅之資訊、可近性、租金及老人住宅類型等變項對入住老人住宅之意願有顯著影響。大部份受訪者認為複合化、多機能的老人住宅及降低收費最能提高入住老人住宅之意願。另最廣為受訪者接受之老人住宅類型為規模在50戶以內、與醫療保健設施或社會教育設施以分棟型態複合開發之老人住宅。 本研究建議老人住宅開發業者以複合化、多樣化、小型化的開發模式興建老人住宅;建議政府應重視老人住宅出租市場,加強宣導鼓勵民眾居住老人住宅,建立老人住宅資訊平台,以活絡老人住宅出租市場,增加需求量,吸引更多優質廠商投資。在對台北縣永和市老人住宅政策之建議方面,建議老人住宅服務對象應從選擇性服務擴大到全民性服務,中興社區安養堂應轉型為多機能、複合化的老人住宅。 / In Taiwan, with the advances of medical technology, the life span of people has been extended. As a result, the population of senior people has increased dramatically; therefore, their accommodation and domiciliary care became a big issue in modern society.This research studies the middle-aged and senior people whose age over 50 and live in Yonghe City,Taipei County. Collecting data by questionnaire and using quantity methodology of Andersen model, Chi-square test, Factor Analysis, Logistic Regression and Cross Analysis to understand the factors that affect senior people to choose elderly housing. The result shows, in term of personal decision, the factors of gender, age, healthy conditions, number of children, household income, current living pattern and ideal living pattern etc. will affect senior people to choose elderly housing. In term of limiting factors, the information of elderly housing, residence distance with relatives, a rental and type of elderly housing etc. will affect senior people’s choices. Most interviewers think composite and multifunctional elderly housing as well as cheaper charge would increase the desire to live in elderly housing. Meanwhile, the most popular elderly housing type is less than 50 apartments with medicinal facilities or educational services in the community. This research suggests house building company should develop composite and multifunctional elderly housing in a small community for senior people. In addition, government should think seriously of elderly housing letting market by publicizing the information to encourage senior people to live in elderly housing. Once the house demand increased, it will attract more decent building companies developing more elderly housing to promote for senior people. Furthermore, this research suggests the housing policy in Yonghe City, Taipei County should broaden elderly housing service from selectivity senior people to general elderly. And the Jhong-sing Elderly Community Shelter should be transformed into composite and multifunctional elderly housing.

老人居住安排-居住安排轉換、年歲增長與居住安排、居住安排滿意改變之探討 / The Living Arrangements of the Elderly: An Analysis of Living Arrangement Transitions, Aging and Living Arrangement, and Changes in Satisfaction with Living Arrangements

張桂霖, Chang, Guey Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文首先介紹臺灣老人的居住安排基本概況。接著,以交換理論與家庭價值觀,分析居住安排的轉換。同時,從經濟因素與需要因素的推拉作用以及家庭價值觀與交換理論,分析老人「移與子女居」和「子女回居」。再接著,應用相同樣本探討年歲增長與居住安排的關係,分析一群老人從初老經過中老到老老三個階段的居住安排。最後,以人與環境一致模式、基本生活需求滿足假說,分析老人居住安排滿意與否的改變。 以往討論老人居住安排的轉換,大多以家庭價值觀解釋,強調感情因素,當老人有最大需要時,例如,健康惡化或從有偶變成無偶,更可能發生轉換為與子女同住。但現代化社會,經濟因素轉趨重要,可能需要以交換理論補強。因此,本論文使用我國行政院衛生署與密西根大學合作之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」縱斷面調查資料,進行老人居住安排轉換的分析研究,觀察居住安排轉換行為,以檢視這兩種觀點對於居住安排轉換的解釋力。又,以往的相關研究大多以靜態變數為解釋變數,本論文貢獻主要在於以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的變化-為解釋變數,檢視其對老人居住安排轉換的影響。結果發現:以家庭價值觀或以交換理論解釋老人居住安排的轉換,都獲得部分支持;但沒有足夠的證據支持健康惡化或從有偶變無偶是影響老人轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素;相反地,與交換理論相關的重大經濟決策權的改變變得比較重要,造成更可能發生轉換為不與子女同住或與子女同住。隱含著家庭價值觀對老人居住安排轉換的影響逐漸式微,而交換理論的影響力則越來越強,可彌補以家庭價值觀解釋之不足。 本論文亦使用縱斷面調查資料,以相關變數前後期的變化為解釋變數,檢視臺灣老人從不與子女同住變成「移與子女居」及「子女回居」的影響因素。結果隱含老人正向經濟因素的轉變更可能發生「子女回居」,需要因素及負向經濟因素的轉變則更可能發生「移與子女居」,而且沒有證據足認健康狀況轉差是影響轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素。 有別於以往許多老人居住安排的文獻常將65歲以上的人當作一個群體,或有的橫斷面研究使用不同樣本,抑或即使以縱斷面研究亦使用不同樣本,進行老化研究,本論文利用相同樣本縱斷面研究分析老年人在初老、中老、老老階段的居住安排,回答「隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例是呈U型或直線下降的關係?」、「老化對居住安排有何影響?」的問題。研究結果顯示隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例呈直線下降。本論文發現一些因素在某階段有顯著影響,而在其他階段未發現有顯著影響,此即與老化有關;除此,對三個階段的居住安排均發生顯著影響的因素,其影響程度亦隨著年齡的增長而有不同,均為預測老人各階段居住安排決定的良好指標。 本論文為檢視究竟何因素影響老人居住安排滿意與否之改變,使用縱斷面調查資料,應用人與環境一致和基本生活需求滿足之理論基礎,以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的改變-為解釋變數,檢視其影響。結果發現:以人與環境一致或基本生活需求滿足,解釋居住安排滿意與否之改變,都獲得部分支持,同時,「愛屋及烏」假說亦獲得支持。顯示居住安排滿意與否之改變,主要歸因於環境與個體間之一致及合適與否。 總結而言,老人隨著年歲增長,居住安排從滿意變為不滿意者的比例增加,健康狀況亦呈直線下降,但不與子女同住的比例遞增,與子女同住的居住安排則呈直線下降,許多影響因素已顯示老人由家庭照護的傳統價值日漸式微。無論老人採行何種居住安排,理應以提高居住安排滿意度,提昇老人福祉為依歸。此際,除了由政府提出有效對策以為改善之外,老人宜自求多福,例如,改善居住環境、移居良好醫療環境,家庭重大決策放手由子女承擔,多多參與社交性或拜訪親友、鄰居的活動,快樂邁向成功老化。 / This dissertation, firstly, introduces the basic overview of living arrangements of the elderly in Taiwan. Then, it analyzes the transitions in living arrangements among elderly of family values and exchange theory, meanwhile, it also analyzes “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” from needs factors and economic factors as well as family values and exchange theory. Then, it uses a panel study to examine the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Finally, it applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content to analyze the changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. The value placed on family was often used to explain the influence on living arrangements transitions in previous literature. Yet economic factors have become important in modern society, therefore we need to use exchange theory to strengthen the explanation on transitions. This dissertation, therefore, attempts to compare these two explanations through analyzing transitions, and to examine the effects of these two viewpoints on transitions. Using a longitudinal data source, the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, produced by the Department of Health (Taiwan) and the University of Michigan, a binomial logit model is used to observe the behavior of transitions. The contribution of this dissertation mainly lies in taking the dynamic variables, the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the influence on the transitions. Empirical results show that both family value and exchange theory cause the living arrangements transitions, but lack evidence to prove that a senior’s health deterioration or the loss of a spouse was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Contrarily, transitions of living arrangements are more likely to occur when a senior changes her/his role as the economic decision-maker into the non economic decision-maker of the household or vice versa. That implies the influence of family values on transitions is decreasing, and the influence of exchange theory is increasing. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source and takes the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up as independent variables to examine what factors are associated with “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” among those living apart from children at baseline of Taiwanese seniors. Empirical results imply that “returning to the nest” is more likely to occur when a senior’s positive economic factors are changed; while “moving to be with children” is more likely to occur when a senior’s needs factors and negative economic factors are changed, and lacking evidence to prove that health deterioration was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Most previous research on elderly living arrangements examined all people aged 65 and over as a whole. Some cross-sectional studies on aging employed different samples, as did some longitudinal studies. This dissertation examines the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old in Taiwan. A panel study was used to answer the following questions: Is the proportion of coresidence with increased age U-shaped or decreased linearly? What influence does aging have on living arrangements? Analytical results show that the proportion of coresidence decreased linearly among the same samples for the young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Empirical results show that some factors were significant at some stages, while not significant at other stages, that is, they were affected by aging. Additionally, some factors related to living arrangements for all three age groups, and their effects differed with increased age. All of them are good indicators in predicting the determinants of elderly living arrangements for the three groups. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source, applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content, and takes the dynamic variables, the changes in related variables between the baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the determinants of changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. Empirical results indicate that both person-environment congruence and basic-needs content partially cause changes in satisfaction with living arrangements, and the “love me, love my dog” hypothesis is also fulfilled. This dissertation suggests that changes in satisfaction with living arrangements are mainly attributed to the congruence or fit between the environment and the individual. Summarily, the proportion of dissatisfaction with living arrangements increases as age increases, the condition of health worsened linearly and the proportion of living with children is decreased with increased age, many factors have been implied the influence of traditional values on family care is decreasing. No matter what kind of living arrangement the elderly adopted, they should improve the living arrangement satisfaction, and enhance the welfare. At this time, beyond the improvements through effective measures of the government, the elderly should fend for themselves by improving the living environment, moving to a good medical environment, transferring the power of decision-making to children, and more involving in sociability or visiting relatives, friends and neighbors. And then they achieve successful aging happily.

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