Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elderly housing"" "subject:"olderly housing""
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Sheltered lives : 'being old' and 'being Chinese' in the UK in the 1990sLee, Siew Peng January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Hevlín – sídlo v krajině / Hevlín – place in the landscapeJavůrková, Terezie Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the urban structures of Hevlín, solves mainly the area of the current centre and the specific design of housing for the elderly and the medical house. After the bombardment of Hevlín at the end of World War II, an empty space was created in the urban structure, which became a square. However, its scale does not correspond to the urbanism of Hevlín, nor to the scale of human. A large space belongs to transport, parking and greenery, not to people. The aim of the work is to create a conceptual design of public spaces in the current centre of Hevlín. The aim of more detaild design of housing for the elderly and the medical house try tu interpret the attributes of a village house and at the same time reflect the current need of living.
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No description available.
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台灣高齡者居住型態選擇之研究:兼論台灣老人住宅政策 / A study of living pattern selection for the senior and the elderly housing policy in Taiwan張雅惠, Chang, Ya-hui Unknown Date (has links)
四、經本研究之調查與分析,提出老人住宅政策上之建議。在【促進民間參與老人住宅建設推動方案】上之建議為:1.住宅提供方式應兼顧市場效率與社會正義;2.提供高齡者老人住宅租金補貼3.提昇老人住宅規劃設計品質。而針對整體性的住宅政策建議為:1.加強原有住宅設施之修繕更新;2.整體都市環境之規劃反省;3.藉由社區支持力量提昇高齡者居住品質。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the need of seniors for housing is drawing much attention. The government promotes “Project of Promoting Non-Government Participation in Senior Citizen’s Housing Development” in order to increase the quantitative of seniors` houses. Although there have been a lot of literature about elderly housing in the past, this research intends to understand if the living pattern answer to the senior need.
Therefore, this research based on Gerontology and Person-environment Theory explores the influencing factors of seniors to choose different living pattern. In order to analyze the influencing factors, including the culture of filial piety, this research use not only surveying method but interviewing method. Within the conclusion, this research provides suggestions for elderly housing policy as a reference for the government.
1.This research uses multi-nominal logistic regression model to analysis the surveying data. The empirical results shows, the senior who live in the elderly housing have some obvious characteristic, including above 65 years, with high education and have a high income.
2.In the changing society, the traditional values relieve the senior effects. In the future, when the senior decide what kind of living pattern they need, they will have a more openly attitude. Therefore, by the trend of the changing society, the traditional values effects ease, and the need of taking care by myself, the pattern of elderly housing will be accepted slowing in the future.
3.There will be a need for elderly housing development in the future. In order to answer to the senior expects, it still needs government power to establish laws for disability-free space.
4.In sum, this research provides several suggestions. For the “Project of Promoting Non-Government Participation in Senior Citizen’s Housing Development”, including emphasize the justice and equity to increase elderly housing, provide rent subsidy and enhance quality of living. For the elderly housing policy, including renew for original housing, introspection for planning and use the community power well.
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Hälsa och livskvalitet inom seniorboende och äldreomsorgen med fokus på hållbart byggande / Health and quality of life in senior housing and elderly care with a focus on sustainable constructionKurkkio, Lina, Hallin, Sanna January 2024 (has links)
Befolkningen växer och människor i dagens samhälle blir äldre, detta medför att behovet av äldreomsorg ökar och kommer att öka ytterligare. En prognos visar att kognitiva sjukdomar som demens kommer att öka i takt med en ökad och åldrande befolkning om inte nya studier och metoder tas fram för att bättre förstå och kunna undvika sjukdomen. Flytten från en befintlig bostad till ett senior- eller äldreboende kan vara en stor förändring i en äldres liv. Denna övergång kan leda till att delar av livskvaliteten förändras och rutiner rubbas. Ibland kan äldre människor tänka på dessa boenden som ‘Dödens väntrum’ när en flytt blir aktuell. Där finns ett behov att undersöka hur olika boendeformer, såsom seniorboende och äldreomsorgen, kan höja livskvaliteten hos de äldre och minskar den negativa inverkan av denna övergång. Detta arbete syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur den byggda miljön påverkar äldre. Målet var att identifiera faktorer som skapar goda förutsättningar för äldres boende och undersöka möjlighet att bygga hållbart samtidigt bidra till bättre livskvalitet för de äldre. Med hjälp av intervjuer, vetenskapliga fakta och studiebesök har en mängd data och insikter om äldres boendeförhållanden och deras behov samlats in. Resultaten visar att det finns brister i dagens senior- och äldreboende och att det finns behov av att utveckla den byggda miljön. Några av de viktigaste faktorerna som identifierats inkluderar gemenskap, aktiviteter och välutformade bostäder. Dessa faktorer har visat sig ha en stor betydelse för livskvaliteten och personens välmående. Utifrån det insamlade materialet har arbetet mynnat ut i ett förslag, som bygger på en layout/design i moduler. Detta koncept tar hänsyn till individens olika behov och är flexibelt nog att anpassa sig till framtida behov. Studien visar att den omgivande miljön kan påverka en individ som inte besitter kunskap om ämnet på ett positivt eller negativt sätt. Boendemiljön är något som visat sig vara avgörande för äldres välbefinnande och är särskilt viktig när de flyttar till senior- eller äldreboenden. En anledning till att personerna valde att flytta från sin befintliga bostad var brist på ork i vardagen och att behöva planera inför framtiden. Att då komma till ett boende som värdesätter gemenskap, aktiviteter och välutformade bostäder har visat sig i studien ha en stor betydelse för livskvaliteten och personens välmående. I arbetet framkommer vikten av att samla information om vad som krävs specifikt för de olika typerna av boenden, att hitta den minsta gemensamma nämnaren. Frågan ställs till aktörer om varför inte alla boenden kan utformas efter de behov som finns för en person med en kognitiv sjukdom som demens. Enligt resultatet kan detta på ett positiv sätt bidra till att funktioner och tillgänglighetskrav möjliggörs för alla typer av människor, oavsett behov att bosätta sig på ett sådant boende. Detta utan att tillskapa ytterligare anpassningsbehov. Det resulterar i förutsättningar för att skapa ett tillgängligt byggande, då modulbyggnader blir en både långsiktig och hållbar boendeform som tar hänsyn till individens olika behov, oberoende av framtidens behov. Slutsatsen är att boendemiljön har en betydande inverkan på individen och att uppskattning och ökad livskvalitet från detaljer i den byggda miljön kan ske omedvetet. Framtida studier bör fokusera på att ytterligare undersöka dessa aspekter och hur de kan implementeras i utformningen av senior-, särskilt- och demensboende. / As the population ages, the need for elderly care is increasing, with cognitive diseases like dementia expected to rise. The transition from a current residence to a senior or elderly home can significantly disrupt routines and alter the quality of life. The present study aimed to identify factors that create good conditions for elderly living and examine which qualities are demanded, how a concept for such a building and the surrounding environment can be developed. The results revealed deficiencies in today’s senior and elderly homes, indicating a need to develop the built environment. The study proposed a layout/design in modules, a concept that considers individual needs and is flexible enough to adapt to future needs. The study shows that the living environment is crucial for the elderly’s well-being, especially the outdoor environment is something that the elderly highly valued when moving to a senior or retirement housing. In the study it has been shown that values like community, activities and well-designed housing have a significant importance for the quality of life and the person's well-being. The study suggests that all homes should consider the needs of individuals with cognitive diseases like dementia. The conclusion is that the living environment significantly impacts an individual’s well-being, and future studies should focus on these aspects.
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現代日本老人住宅產業營運模式之研究 / A study of business model analysis on today's Japanese elderly housing industry樂野鷹輝, Takaki Rakuno Unknown Date (has links)
企業的資源如何建立它的競爭優勢。 / The aging of Japan outweighs all other nations, as the country is purported to have the highest proportion of elderly citizens resulting from increase of life expectancy due to improvements in medicines and nutrition coinciding with rapid population growth after the World War II. The growing share of elderly people coinciding with changes of family structure and function, people’s lifestyle, fertility rate, and economic as well as sociocultural factors have resulted in a sharp decrease of the traditional three generation households in the last few decades. Nation’s rapid declines in mortality and fertility result in increasing public expenditure for public social welfare while decreasing tax revenue paid by working population. As a result, Japanese social welfare system needs to be restructured, and some social welfare programs need to be outsourced to external business entities to correspond to the nation’s super aging society.
In the past, Japanese institutional long-term care facilities largely served for either low-income class people or upper-income class people, and majority number of middle-income class elderly citizens had stayed at home and received family’s living supports. However, large number of today’s and future Japanese middle-income class elderly people are required to live on their own as a result of complex sociocultural factors, such as decrease number of family care taker and changing attitude toward taking care of older parents. Besides, elderly abuse problem, forced healthcare treatments, socially abandoned elderly, and fraud and dispute by elderly care service providers have been major social problems in long-term care service business industry.
In order to solve the stated problems, Japanese government restructured law and regulation standard for elderly housing business served mainly for middle-income class aged-citizens in 2011. In order to seize a great investment opportunity and public subsidies to operate business, numerous business entities from numerous types of industry have entered into the elderly housing industry.
In a short period of time since new system started, some companies gained success, while others faced problems and left the industry. This study analyzes the industry’s problems and characteristics as well as four case companies from the perspectives of business management theory. In this study, industry analysis model is based on Michael Porter’s five forces model, and case companies are analyzed using Alex Osterwalder’s business canvas model as well as Michael Porter’s SWOT analysis.
Based on the study, it is found that delivering right values to target customer groups and building key partnerships with local businesses are especially important factors to make company’s business model more effective for today’s Japanese elderly housing business. Unlike institutional care services provided for socially vulnerable groups in the past, the customer groups of elderly housing are middle-income class and have different demands toward residential services. Moreover, threat of new entrants of this industry becomes higher and industry competition is expected to be growing continuously. Besides, developing unique living support services and preventive care services can be major revenue streams of business as well as a strong competitive advantage over others. Therefore, developing services from customer’s perspective and making a long-lasting relationship become more important to operate residential service business for the elderly in today’s changing Japanese elderly customer’s demands and industry environment.
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都會區老人住宅選擇因素之研究 / A study of elderly housing selection factors in the metropolitan area.劉耀文, Liu, Yao wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議老人住宅開發業者以複合化、多樣化、小型化的開發模式興建老人住宅;建議政府應重視老人住宅出租市場,加強宣導鼓勵民眾居住老人住宅,建立老人住宅資訊平台,以活絡老人住宅出租市場,增加需求量,吸引更多優質廠商投資。在對台北縣永和市老人住宅政策之建議方面,建議老人住宅服務對象應從選擇性服務擴大到全民性服務,中興社區安養堂應轉型為多機能、複合化的老人住宅。 / In Taiwan, with the advances of medical technology, the life span of people has been extended. As a result, the population of senior people has increased dramatically; therefore, their accommodation and domiciliary care became a big issue in modern society.This research studies the middle-aged and senior people whose age over 50 and live in Yonghe City,Taipei County. Collecting data by questionnaire and using quantity methodology of Andersen model, Chi-square test, Factor Analysis, Logistic Regression and Cross Analysis to understand the factors that affect senior people to choose elderly housing.
The result shows, in term of personal decision, the factors of gender, age, healthy conditions, number of children, household income, current living pattern and ideal living pattern etc. will affect senior people to choose elderly housing. In term of limiting factors, the information of elderly housing, residence distance with relatives, a rental and type of elderly housing etc. will affect senior people’s choices. Most interviewers think composite and multifunctional elderly housing as well as cheaper charge would increase the desire to live in elderly housing. Meanwhile, the most popular elderly housing type is less than 50 apartments with medicinal facilities or educational services in the community.
This research suggests house building company should develop composite and multifunctional elderly housing in a small community for senior people. In addition, government should think seriously of elderly housing letting market by publicizing the information to encourage senior people to live in elderly housing. Once the house demand increased, it will attract more decent building companies developing more elderly housing to promote for senior people. Furthermore, this research suggests the housing policy in Yonghe City, Taipei County should broaden elderly housing service from selectivity senior people to general elderly. And the Jhong-sing Elderly Community Shelter should be transformed into composite and multifunctional elderly housing.
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