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迎接璀璨第三齡─中、高齡者智慧與樂活程度關係之研究 / The wonderful third age -The relationship between wisdom and the involvement of lohas for middle-aged and older adults鐘巧如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究統計方法為描述性統計、Cronbach’s α 信度係數、因素分析、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等方法進行分析討論後,獲致研究發現,並據此得出以下結論:
一、 中高齡者智慧的內涵包括反思、情感調節、豐富多樣的經驗、利益平衡。
二、 中高齡者樂活程度內涵包括環保永續、身體安康、自我成長、理性消費、關懷平等。
三、 中高齡者年齡與智慧無關;年齡亦與樂活程度無關。
四、 已經退休之中高齡者在智慧、情感調節、身體安康、理性消費得分均較高。
五、 社會參與經驗程度與智慧、樂活程度呈現正相關。
六、 研究所學歷之中高齡者在反思、情感調節比國中以下學歷得分較高;研究所學歷者,在樂活程度的理性消費、自我成長的表現顯著高於國中以下者。
七、 中高齡者智慧的四因素,與樂活程度五因素呈現正相關,智慧越高,也會有比較高的樂活程度。
八、 越能反思、利益平衡、見多識廣的中高齡者,其樂活程度越高;並且,反思智慧在預測樂活程度過程中扮演重要的角色。
上述研究結果與建議供中高齡者、政府單位及未來研究參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to probe into the relationship between
wisdom and the involvement of LOHAS for middle-aged and older adults. A survey was conducted by using the wisdom and the involvement of LOHAS for middle-aged and older adults Questionnaire in this study. 313 effective questionnaires were distributed in Taiwan.
The data obtained was analyzed by the statics methods including descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s α coefficient analysis, confirmative factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, tukey‘ posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression. The major findings were shown as below:
1. Essential factors of the wisdom for middle-aged and older adults include reflection, emotion-regulation, diversified experience, and the benefits balance.
2. Essential factors of the involvement of LOHAS for middle-aged and older adults include environmental protection, health, self-growth, rational consumption, equal care.
3. The higher the age, the wisdom is not higher. The higher the age, the involvement of LOHAS is not also higher.
4. The retired middle-aged and older adults have higher rating in the wisdom, emotional regulation, health, rational consumption.
5. A positive correlation is shown between the experience level of social participation and wisdom. A positive correlation is shown between the experience level of social participation and the involvement of LOHAS.
6. College graduates among the elderly in the reflection, emotional regulation, rational consumption, self-growth are higher than the Education beyond junior high school.
7. A positive correlation is shown between wisdom and the involvement of LOHAS for middle-aged and older adults. For middle-aged and older adults, the higher their wisdom is, the stronger their involvement of LOHAS.
8. The more reflection, diversified experience, the benefits balance for middle-aged and older adults, the higher the degree of their involvement of LOHAS. Besides, reflection plays an important role when predicting the extent of LOHAS involvement.
Based on the research results, the researcher proposes some suggestions for middle-aged and older adults ,government, and further studies.
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我國高齡教育推動模式之研究 / A Study of Implementation Model for Elder Education in Taiwan李志遠 Unknown Date (has links)
根據內政部人口統計資料顯示,我國在1993年65歲以上人口占全國總人口數的7.1%,已達到聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)所訂的高齡化社會(aging society)7%的指標,另2009年12月老年人口數已達245萬7,648人,占全國總人口數10.6%,續創歷年新高。在人口老化已是全球普遍的現象時,未來高齡人口只會逐年增加,實有必要關注此一族群,在邁向高齡期的過程中,所引發的需求及其面臨的挑戰。因此,人口高齡化必然是當前重要的議題,而高齡教育更是值得探討的課題。本研究旨在瞭解我國高齡教育推動現況,並討論我國高齡教育政策、法令建置與經費情形及各類高齡教育學習資源之統整機制,並研析我國創新高齡教育實施方式之可能性,進而對當前政府推動高齡教育所面臨之困境提出策進建議。
本研究經由相關理論文獻探討及深度訪談的綜合分析,研究發現國內高齡教育傳統上由社會行政部門主導,且高齡教育機構種類多元豐富;晚近,教育行政部門開始介入,繼而訂頒老人教育政策白皮書,宣示政府高度重視高齡教育政策,2007年修正老人福利法並明定高齡教育係由教育行政主管部門主政,至此,國內高齡教育由社會福利取向轉至教育取向時代。此外,國內高齡教育仍面臨政策執行、法令及預算、實務推動及學術研究與人才培育等問題尚待克服。另外先進國家推動高齡教育之經驗,在心態上、經費補助、資源整合、行銷推廣及協助措施等面向頗值得我國學習、參考之處。研究最後建議教育主管機關未來應依據老人政策白皮書七項政策目標、十一項執行策略,研訂各項實施計畫,另提供八項具體建議供教育主管機關未來推動高齡教育政策時參考。 / According to the Ministry of the Interior census statistics, in 1993, 7.1% of the population was above the age of 65, surpassing the UNESCO defined 7% benchmark for an aging society. By December 2009, this population group has reached 2.45 million people, a record breaking 10.6% of the total population. The trend of population aging has become a global phenomenon, making it necessary to focus on the needs of this growing demographic and understand the challenges they face reaching venerable age. Consequently, the issues surrounding an aging population has become increasingly important, and the topic on the elder education requires in-depth analysis and discussion. This research aims to understand the current progress on the implementation of elder education, and discusses the governing polices, established laws, budget situation, and resource integration mechanisms. Further analysis demonstrates the possibility of innovating elder education practices and provides strategic recommendations to resolve current implementation challenges.
Analysis of literatures, theories, and interviews showed that elder education was traditionally spearheaded by social agencies and has in place a wide variety of educational establishments and facilities. Following the amendment of the Senior Citizens’ Welfare Act in 2007 and the issuance of the White Paper on Senior Education Policy, the government has demonstrated its commitment to elder education by allowing educational agencies to assume the leading role. Elder education has since shifted from a form of social welfare to an education-oriented policy. Despite recent progress, elder education still faces the challenges of policy implementation, legislative hurdles, budget funding, practical applications, academic research, and talent building. Learning from the experiences of developed nations, Taiwan can gain from the aspects of attitude, budget support, resource integration, marketing, and assistance programs. This research suggests the educational agencies in charge to develop future implementation plans according to Item 7 (Policy Goals) and Item 11 (Implementation Strategy) of the White Paper on Senior Education Policy, and provides eight specific recommendations for future references.
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台灣高齡者居住型態選擇之研究:兼論台灣老人住宅政策 / A study of living pattern selection for the senior and the elderly housing policy in Taiwan張雅惠, Chang, Ya-hui Unknown Date (has links)
四、經本研究之調查與分析,提出老人住宅政策上之建議。在【促進民間參與老人住宅建設推動方案】上之建議為:1.住宅提供方式應兼顧市場效率與社會正義;2.提供高齡者老人住宅租金補貼3.提昇老人住宅規劃設計品質。而針對整體性的住宅政策建議為:1.加強原有住宅設施之修繕更新;2.整體都市環境之規劃反省;3.藉由社區支持力量提昇高齡者居住品質。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the need of seniors for housing is drawing much attention. The government promotes “Project of Promoting Non-Government Participation in Senior Citizen’s Housing Development” in order to increase the quantitative of seniors` houses. Although there have been a lot of literature about elderly housing in the past, this research intends to understand if the living pattern answer to the senior need.
Therefore, this research based on Gerontology and Person-environment Theory explores the influencing factors of seniors to choose different living pattern. In order to analyze the influencing factors, including the culture of filial piety, this research use not only surveying method but interviewing method. Within the conclusion, this research provides suggestions for elderly housing policy as a reference for the government.
1.This research uses multi-nominal logistic regression model to analysis the surveying data. The empirical results shows, the senior who live in the elderly housing have some obvious characteristic, including above 65 years, with high education and have a high income.
2.In the changing society, the traditional values relieve the senior effects. In the future, when the senior decide what kind of living pattern they need, they will have a more openly attitude. Therefore, by the trend of the changing society, the traditional values effects ease, and the need of taking care by myself, the pattern of elderly housing will be accepted slowing in the future.
3.There will be a need for elderly housing development in the future. In order to answer to the senior expects, it still needs government power to establish laws for disability-free space.
4.In sum, this research provides several suggestions. For the “Project of Promoting Non-Government Participation in Senior Citizen’s Housing Development”, including emphasize the justice and equity to increase elderly housing, provide rent subsidy and enhance quality of living. For the elderly housing policy, including renew for original housing, introspection for planning and use the community power well.
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中年的轉折-中高齡工作者勞動參與轉變及退休意向之分析 / The Transition in Middle Age - The Analysis on Labor Force Participation Changes and Retirement Conations of Older Wokers魏海帆, Wei, Hai Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過衛生福利部國民健康署所進行的「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列」2003年第五主波調查資料以及2007年第六主波調查資料進行分析,主要分析可分為三個部分:第一部份係分析中高齡者2003年至2007年勞動參與的情形,研究對象為2003年50歲至64歲到2007年時為54至68歲的中高齡者,共2,207位;第二部分則分析影響中高齡工作者勞動參與轉變的因素,研究對象為2003年50歲至64歲有工作的中高齡者,分析的樣本數共1,194位;最後,主要係分析影響中高齡工作者的退休意向的因素,研究對象針對2007年54歲至68歲有工作的中高齡者進行分析,有效樣本數為1,017位。本研究使用SPSS 20.0統計軟體,以描述性統計、卡方檢定、簡單迴歸分析和邏輯迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。綜合研究主要發現,可得到以下結論:
依據本研究發現,研究者提出四點建議,作為未來擬定相關中高齡就業政策之參考:一、學習日本制定「中高齡者雇用法」,延長我國退休年限,並善用過渡性工作的概念,減少中高齡工作者在65歲之前退出勞動市場。二、設立中高齡人才中心,培養中高齡者的第二專長,提供多元的就業管道,並降低年齡歧視的刻板印象。三、經濟安全保障是中高齡者最關注之部分,應促進個人在退休前做好財務規劃,讓中高齡者退休後有穩定的經濟來源。四、培養個人的嗜好及興趣,並辦理退休準備教育的課程或方案,為個人退休後生活做好準備。 / Aging population has been a severe challenge for many countries in the world, it’s not only lets seniors increasing in the country but also faces the problems in aging labor force and labor shortage. From the situation in Taiwan older labor force participation , many of the workers will exit the labor market gradually. In comparison with each country in the world, the older labor force participation in our country is slightly low; thus, it is more important how to appropriately handle older labor force. This study start from the perspective of life course, and view the individual labor force participation as the continual course, and everyone’s employment pathway is different, someone in older will choose to retire, and someone continues to work in the labor market; therefore, this study hopes to understand the factor to affect the changes in the older workers continue to participate in the labor market or exit it and individual’s retirement conations in the future. There are four purposes in this study. First, to understand the situation in older labor force participation, and then discuss the conditions in older workers’ work styles, occupations, industries, and the changes in employee and employers identification from 2003 to 2007. Second, to analyze the factor to affect older workers continue to participate or exit the labor market from 2003 to 2007. Third, to discuss the circumstances in the older workers’ retire conations in current labor market. Last, according to the suggestions from the study results, providing the social workers and policy-makers a reference to draw up a policy concerned to older employment.
This study analyzes through the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare’s “Survey of the older in Taiwan” in 2003 the fifth wave survey information and 2007 the sixth wave survey information, and can divide into three parts. The first part analyzes the situations in older labor participation from 2003 to 2007 and the subjects are the older from 50-64 years old in 2003 to 54-68 years old in 2007, and total 2,207 people. The second part analyzes the factors to influence the changes in older workers’ labor force participation, and the subjects are the older who were 50-64 years old, and total 1,194 people. The last part analyzes the factors to influence the retire conations to older workers, and the subjects are concerned to 54-68 years older who have jobs, and the valid samples are 1,017 people. This study uses the statistic software, SPSS 20.0, and analyzes with some statistic methods like Descriptive Statistic, Chi-square Test, Simple Linear Regression and Logistic Regression Analysis.
According to research results, we acquires following conclusions. First, during 2003-2007, the older workers gradually exit the labor market. In contrast, the 897 elder workers who choose to obtain employment fluctuate in large amount in occupation, and in small in work style. Second, the factor to influence the changes in older workers’ labor force participation include the older age, sex, marriage, self-heath condition, employee and employer identification in 2003, and the transition in self-health condition and senior economic guarantee during 2003-2007. Third, the factor to influence the retire conations to older workers include the older self-economy condition, the amount of pension in 2007.
According to the study results , I come up with four suggestions to make references for drawing up older employment policy in the future. First, to emulate Japan to enact “Law Concerning Stabilization of Employment of Older Persons”, extending the retire age in our country, and make good use of the concept of transitional job so as to decrease the number of older workers to exit the labor market. Second, to establish the older human resource center , cultivating their second specialty, providing a diverse employment channels with the view to decreasing the stereotype in age discrimination. Third, economic safety guarantee is the most concerned part of all, and we should facilitate each individual to make good financial plan so that the older may have stable economic sources after retirement. Last, to cultivate individual’s hobbies and interests and transact the courses or projects of retire preparation education for the purpose of make perfect ready for retired life.
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感恩、生命回憶形式對高齡者幸福感的影響 / The Effect on Older Adults' Well-being of Gratitude and Types of Life Reminiscence陳貽照, Chen, Yi Chao Unknown Date (has links)
綜合上述兩個研究的結果,研究者認為,感恩及正向回憶形式對高齡者是否能有較佳的幸福感確實有一定程度的影響,且若能引導高齡者多注意其日常生活中值得感恩的事情或是正向事件,將能使其感受到更多的正向情緒,也有助於幸福感的提升。換言之,即使到了老年階段,只要用對了方法,要擁有幸福快樂的銀髮生涯其實並不難! / This research, adopting positive emotion, negative emotion, and life satisfaction as the criteria of subjective well-being, tried to examine the effects of grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence on successful aging.
In study1, the researcher proposed that grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence, among other life situation variables which changed with age (e.g., health condition, functions of daily life, economic status, and social activities), could predict the well-being of the elderly. Three hundred and thirty five participants who are over the age of 55 were surveyed in groups or individually. The results were as predicted, grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence could predict the well-being of the elderly, even after controlling for some basic life situation variables, they still could explain 6.0% and 9.6% of variance respectively. The mediation effects were also examined and results indicated that, (1) "the positive type of reminiscence” could completely mediate the effects of grateful disposition on positive and negative emotion, but only partially mediated the effects of grateful disposition on life satisfaction; (2) “grateful emotion” completely mediated the effect of grateful disposition on positive emotion, and partially mediated the effect of grateful disposition on life satisfaction, but did not mediate the effect of grateful disposition on negative emotion. Furthermore, these two mediator variables, the positive type of reminiscence and grateful emotion, had its own specific mediating effect, and could not replace each other.
In Study 2, an experiment was conducted to examine the causal relationship between grateful emotion and well-being of the elderly. Seventy five elders who actively participated in life-long education classes were recruited. They were assigned to one of four different experimental conditions and received different instructions. The first condition was called the daily gratitude condition and participants were told to write down the grateful experience from their current daily lives. The second condition was called the life gratitude condition and participants were asked to recall the grateful events from their past. Participants in the third condition were told to write down their daily important events. In the last condition, which is also the control condition, participants were asked to fill up questionnaires only. The results indicated that, after seven weeks of writing, the elderly in the daily gratitude condition had significant more positive emotion than those who in the control condition. However, the effect was quite short-lived and it disappeared one month later after the writing manipulation. The results also indicated that writing down grateful events from the past did not enhance the subjective well-being, the elderly in the condition showed neither significantly higher positive emotion nor higher life satisfaction than those who in the control condition. It might be because these events were too far away to elicit the present emotion and feeling effectively. In addition, the result also revealed an interesting finding about the daily important events group. The elderly in this condition showed same degree of positive emotion and well-being as those who in the daily gratitude condition. It might be due to the fact that the elders who were asked to write down important daily events did record more positive events than negative events.
In summary, it can be concluded that, gratitude and the positive type of reminiscence did have impact on the well-being of the elderly. We can successfully promote the elders’ well-being by leading them to savor their daily grateful events. We believe, even stepping into elderhood, people are still capable of pursuing their own well-being and can live a good life, if only they choose the right way!
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Factors Affecting the Evaluation Criteria of Independent Living Units by Seniors / 影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅要素之分析黃惠敏, Huang,Chloe Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出影響消費者行為的要素,並提供行銷建議供安養住宅業者參考。研究發現65至74歲的銀髮族對所有評估要素的要求,較其他高齡者低,因此對於提供活躍的生活形態和醫療服務的安養住宅而言,這群人最具潛力成為最佳顧客來源。大部分高齡者選擇在熟悉的土地上頤養天年,大台北地區成為最受歡迎的退休居所選擇。在入住保證金方面,由於擔心財務風險與業者的職業道德,多數年長者寧可每月支付較高的管理費,以替代高額的保證金要求。服務品質為競爭優勢的來源。業者設計產品時,應著重於提供優質服務,而非一味追求硬體設施。研究發現認知差異是影響老年人移居安養住宅的主要因素之一,業者應該加強宣傳安養住宅的產品概念,扭轉市場上普遍認為只有老病纏身者才需入住安養住宅的想法。此外,業者行銷時,應該同時增加目標顧客及其子女對產品的瞭解,使其將安養住宅列為退休居所的選擇之一。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the market for seniors is drawing much attention. The recent emergence of the upscale senior housing market is a case in point. Although the independent living communities for healthy seniors have been around since the mid-90s, there have been only a few notable selections and among them even fewer success stories. This research intends to examine the purchasing decisions surrounding high-end independent living communities by surveying the older residents of Taipei.
From the perspective of potential customers, this research first examines how demographic variables affect the evaluation criteria of consumers for independent living communities, and then examines the relationship between the influencing factors motivating the decision of seniors to move to independent living communities and the evaluation criteria. Finally, the relationship between the evaluation criteria of consumers and their specific value preferences is determined.
The research findings identify factors influencing consumer behavior and derive marketing recommendations for senior housing providers. The seniors between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four are less concerned than other age groups about all evaluation factors, and can be the best customers for independent living communities that provide both opportunities for an active life style and healthcare services. Most seniors prefer to remain in a familiar place, and therefore the greater Taipei area is the most popular location. Since entrance deposits involve financial risks and moral concerns, seniors would rather pay higher monthly fees. The type of services offered provides the competitive advantage. Developers should emphasize services rather than environmental conditions in designing its product. Given that perceptual differences are one of the major obstacles preventing seniors from moving to independent living communities, the concept of independent living communities should be promoted further to alter the perceptions of seniors that independent living communities are solely for the sick and frail. Marketers should attempt to increase the product awareness of both its target customers and their children to help them view senior housing communities as a viable living arrangement.
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高齡者社團參與類型、參與程度與生活滿意度關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Association Participation Types, Participation Degree and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly傅嘉瑜, Fu, Chia-yu Unknown Date (has links)
根據上述研究結論,本研究分別就政府機關、辦理老人社會參與相關機構及高齡者本身提供以下建議:一、對政府機關之建議:(一)健全老人經濟及健康之福利服務;(二)透過社會教育的方式,向老人宣導社會參與對老化調適的好處;(三)廣設老人活動中心,鼓勵並協助老人組成社團;(四)營造高齡者社會參與的無障礙環境。二、對辦理老人社會參與相關機構之建議:(一)排除機構障礙,增加高齡者社會參與的機會;(二)提供多元的社會參與類型,並注重活動進行的品質。三、對高齡者本身之建議:(一)破除意向障礙,積極從事社會參與;(二)從事退休準備,以擁有健康、滿意的老年生活。 / Due to the rapid aging of population and the prolongation of life expectancy, people pay more and more attention on elders’ retirement life. According to the characteristics of modern society, such as elders’ health, increase of economic resources and the obsolescence family support system, encouraging elders to have social participation becomes an important issue of elderly welfare. How is elders’ social participations in Taiwan? What are the key factors of elders’ social participations? Could social participation increase their life satisfactions? Which of the social participation is the main factor that influences life satisfactions? Above are the targets of this study. At first, we probe into life satisfactions, social participation meanings, related factors, and research from bibliography, and we take social gerontology as the theoretical base of this study.
This study conducted a secondary data analysis based on the data from 1999 Survey of Health and Living Status of the Middle Aged and the Elderly in Taiwan, provided by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, R.O.C. (Taiwan). The study subjects were elders over 65 years old, and the number of valid samples was 2890. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test(X2), Independent-Samples t-test, point biserial correlation, the Pearson product-moment correlation, logistic regression analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. Based on the main findings of this study, we have the following conclusions:
1.Elders have needs of social participation.
2.“The elderly group” is elders’ favorite social participation target.
3.Intention obstacle is the main reason hindering elders’ social participation.
4.Elders’ social participation is related to life satisfaction.
5.The most critical factor in social participation which influences life satisfaction is “participation degree”.
6.The factors influencing elders’ social participation are gender, age, educational level, economic status, health status and residential locations.
7.The factors affecting elders’ life satisfaction are educational level, economic status, health status, marital status, residential arrangement and social participation.
8.The factors affecting the life satisfaction of the elderly who has social participation are educational level, economic status, health status, residential arrangement and participation degree.
According to the above conclusions, this study proposes the following suggestions for the governments, institutions dealing with elders’ social participation and elders:
1. Suggestions for the governments:
(1) Complete elderly economic and healthy welfare services.
(2) Promoting the advantage of social participation on aging accommodation to elders by social education.
(3) Constructing elderly community centers, encouraging and helping elders to establish the associations.
(4) Constructing the barrier-free environment for elders’ social participation.
2. Suggestions for the institutions dealing with elders’ social participation:
(1) Eliminating the obstacles of the institutions to increase probability of elders’ social participation.
(2) Providing diverse types of social participation and focusing more on the quality of the activities.
3. Suggestions for elders:
(1) Overcoming the intention obstacles to have more social participation.
(2) Being prepared for the retirement to have healthy and satisfying elderly life.
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退休公務人員休閒生活、生涯規劃與生活適應之研究-以考試院暨所屬機關為例 / A Study on Retired Civil Servants’ Leisure Life, Plan for Life, and Accommodation of Life-An example of the Examination Yuan and its subordinate agencies祝康玲 Unknown Date (has links)
五、建立退休人力資料庫,以期借重退休人員長才及經驗、增進機關與退休人員互動機制,多加關懷退休人員。 / Since the quality of medical and health care in Taiwan has being improved, life expectancy has gradually risen and population aging is getting serious. Furthermore, because of the concept of early retirement, retirees have longer life of leisure and 20-30 years of aged life. Therefore, the life of Civil Servants’ leisure, life plan and accommodation of life will influence the quality of retirement life. Facing rapidly aging society, initiating a golden retirement life becomes even more important and is worth to be studied.
This study adopted the method of In-depth interview. The objects of study are all retired from The Examination Yuan and its subordinate agencies. Invited 12 interviewees who were retired civil servants with different genders and job positions to understand their life of leisure, life plan and l accommodation of ife . This study has the following findings.
1.Diversified leisure and LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability): After releasing the pressure as well as getting more leisure time, most of retired civil servants participate in diversified leisure activities by interest, and live a LOHAS life.
2.Scientific and technological progress, as well as new leisure activities: Surfing the internet, biking, extension education, and traveling become the most popular activities after retirement.
3.Traveling together and new leisure style: Traveling together during low seasons or on weekdays to save money and enjoy higher quality tourism becomes a new lifestyle.
4.Leisure activities and colorful life: Leisure activities become the life focus of most retirees, and engage them frequently in leisure activities to delay aging.
5.Changing concept and initiating a golden life: Life is dynamic and is a circulative circle which consists of learning, working, leisure and retirement. Retirement is the origin of another golden life.
6.Benefit from the family support: Getting support from family and friends can enrich one’s retirement life.
7.High medical expenses due to aging: Retirement pension is the major income. Therefore, unexpected medical expenses become an economic burden.
8.A good retirement plan can make a satisfactory life: Retiree who has a good retirement plan has higher satisfaction.
9.Limited understanding of care policy: Retirees are keen to understand the care policy.
10.Difficult to adjust oneself to new conditions because of not coming down off one’s high horse: Easy to worry about retirement life because retirees have not changed mind and learned the basic living skills.
11. Recognize aging and live with meaning: “Death is the beginning of another birth”. Be nice to yourself. With positive thinking, healthy lifestyle, and composed mind, retirees can accommodate themselves easily to retirement life. Enjoy oneself thoroughly even in death without regret to live with dignity and meaning.
In light of above findings, this study propounds the following to retirees and the authorities concerned for references.
1. Before retirement, retirees shall cultivate hobbies to enliven spice to retirement life, change attitude and forget the last job positions and titles, make a good retirement plan and prepare for retirement to adapt quickly to the retirement life.
2. Catering to the need of retirees, the proper authorities shall promote the opportunities for them to participate in leisure activities, and arrange seminars to enhance their comprehension.
3. Build senior villages for retirees. Offer the opportunities for re-employment, volunteer work, and extension education.
4. Set up the internet platform to provide the information regarding the basic necessities of life (food, clothing, housing and transportation) for retirees, and circulate the information of retirement care.
5. Build the data bank of human resource to utilize retirees’ abilities and experience, build up the interaction mechanism between organs and retirees, and show more concern for retirees.
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高齡志工傳統性別角色的再製:以台南市志工為例 / A study of reproduction of the gender role among elder volunteers: the case of volunteers in Tainan蕭郁蓁, Hsiao, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在人口漸趨高齡化的社會中,高齡議題逐漸受到學術研究與政策實務界的關注,本研究則關心高齡志願服務場域的性別隔離現象。本研究企圖從性別的角度出發,探討高齡人口參與志工服務的經驗,探究傳統性別秩序是否在高齡志工領域中產生影響力,進而形成高齡志工領域中性別角色的再製。既有文獻多以女性志工為分析對象,鮮見男性志工的研究資料,因此本研究以台南市醫院志工與社區巡守隊志工為例,透過立意取樣蒐集來自男/女性高齡志工之深度訪談資料,嘗試分析高齡志願服務場域中是否存在水平與垂直之性別隔離現象,並探究其成因,旨在顯示傳統性別秩序是如何影響高齡志工領域性別秩序的建構。研究結果發現,不論是在以女性志工為主的醫院或者以男性志工為主的巡守隊,皆存在水平與垂直性別隔離現象。水平性別隔離現象顯示出男/女性志工或者出於己意或由服務單位所安排,男性志工多集中於體力、應變性質強、具保衛意義的工作上;而女性志工則多集中在情感關懷、家務勞動性質、溝通聯繫等相對單純的任務。水平性別隔離的成因和職場性別隔離之成因相仿,男性多被認為具有理想的勞動身體,以及豐富的社會經驗及膽識;女性則多被認為是需要受到保護、適合單純工作性質的族群。垂直性別隔離的現象尤為明顯;本研究發現,志工隊隊長一職由男性擔任居多,女性主要因為顧慮家庭及質疑自我能力而對領導職務產生退卻的態度而甚少擔任志工隊長。本研究結論為高齡志工領域中的確出現傳統性別分工秩序的再製。 / Ageing is a pressing issue in many societies that has attracted attentions from the academic circle and policy makers. Extensive studies have been conducted to discuss the issue from various perspectives. Few studies discuss from the gender perspective. With the case of volunteers in Tainan City and drawing upon theories about gender segregation, this study aims to critically examine the phenomenon of vertical and horizontal gender segregation in the field of elder voluntary services. Through literature review and in-depth interviews with 17 elder volunteers, female and male, from a hospital and community patrol team, this study seeks to answer the following questions: does gender segregation, vertical as well as horizontal, exist in the field of elder volunteering services? If it does, what are the main factors that contribute to the existence/ reproduction of the traditional gendered division of labour in this field? It is found that both vertical and horizontal gender segregation does exist. Female elder volunteers tend to take up those jobs that are thought to be ‘women’s jobs’ in hospital and community patrol team whilst male elder volunteers tend to do those jobs that are considered as suitable for men. Besides, both in the hospital and community patrol team, men are more confident than women to serve as leaders.
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老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之研究-以長庚養生文化村為例 / Public Space Planning for Senior Housing-An Example of CHANG GUNG SILVER VILLAGE廖佳展, Liao, Chia Chan Unknown Date (has links)
六、老人住宅基本生活之公共空間(如交誼室、洗衣室等),應配合生活單元作可及性高的簇群式配置,以增加高齡者使用機會;至於提供全部高齡者共同使用之休閒空間(如學習教室、娛樂室、會議室等),建議集中配置,以方便管理。 / Taiwanese society has become an aging society since 1993. Due to changes in societal structure and traditional concepts, phenomenon such as aging people started to emphasize more on their personal life after retirement and increasing ratio of aging population, either single or with domestic partner, move into specially designed retirement apartment have brought up to attention. In order to effectively encourage aging resident to exercise beneficial recreation and socialization activities, safe and proper common activity areas in retirement apartments are necessary and thus, the design and planning of the common recreation areas has become an essential issue. Questions regarding whether the retirement apartments will fully satisfy the needs of their aging resident and whether the aging residents actively utilizing those facilities are two of the most essential regards for planning, building, and improving retirement apartments; this is also the motivation for conducting this research.
Our research focuses four main issues regarding as utilization and planning of public area such as “public service facility”, “in-door recreation facility”, “out-door activity space”, and “shared service space” in Chang Gung Health and Culture Village which possesses varieties of in-door and out-door public facilities and public areas; the research itself is conducted by data investigation, on-site observation, detailed interview, and paper-based survey to insightfully investigate the degree of satisfaction of aging residents toward existing planning of shared area and real feeling and reaction toward existing planning of public area. Suggestions for planning of shared areas, as results from analysis of conducted surveys, are provided for the reference of future planning of shared areas in aging resident village. The suggestions are as followed:
1.Out-door forest trails and healthcare centers are the two types of facilities that are listed among the highest degree of satisfaction by aging people. Health-oriented recreation facilities are still regarded as the most essential element in future planning of retirement apartment construction.
2.The degree of satisfaction in retirement apartment is directly associated to three factors which include “degree of education received”, “physical condition of the aging person”, and “the frequency of family visits.”
3.The current issues for public area in retirement apartments are low degree of attention and easily neglected or sacrificed.
4.Issues regarding the planning of public areas in retirement apartments includes:
A.Cafeteria is one of the most important socializing space for aging residents in retirement apartment and an important space for family visits. Degree of comfortableness and spaciousness of cafeteria and whether the cafeteria offers socializing opportunities to aging residents are the two main concerns of aging residents.
B.Utilization degrees in lobbies that provide newspaper are higher than lobbies that do not provide newspaper. The lighting and management of such lobbies are needed to be emphasized.
C.Socialization opportunities decrease due to the facts that lighting and aeration in central hallway are not quite satisfactory.
D.Recreation areas that involve physical activities such as basketball and table tennis are only for family members that visit the aging resident and are not satisfactory to the demand of aging residents.
5.Plan the resident area for each aging resident by utilizing principles of universal design is suggested.
6.The public space of retirement apartment for daily live, such as social room or laundering room, shall be disposed fitting Cluster of Living Style for accessibility to increase the using of the elderly; As for the common space of leisure for all elderly, Such as learning room, recreation room, conference room, it is suggested be allocated together for the convenience of management.
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