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性別、年級與智慧功能的關係戴禮明 Unknown Date (has links)
就性別差異而言,男生在語文和圖形創造思考方面的總分皆優於女生,其中尤以語文部份的獨創性(P< .01),和圖形部份的變通性與獨創性(P< .005)得分差異最為顯著;就年級差異而言,語文部份的四項得分都有顯著的差異,換言之,語文創造思考的得分是隨年級增加而增高的,而圖形部份的總分和流暢性分數則未有顯著的年級差異,唯變通性、獨創性和精進性三項得分都有年級差異;至於年級與性別的交互作用在圖形部份並不顯著,而語文部份在流暢性、變通性和總分三方面的交互作用均已顯著,發現圖形部份的性別差異主要是在高一男女兩組之間,而年級的差異顯著表現於男生三組,卻非女生三組之間。
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資訊科技對智慧資本之影響─以銀行業為例林宜賢 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 銀行業最重視之智慧資本指標,前四項依重要性排列為「風險管理」、「行銷能力」、「對顧客需求之了解」與「經營團隊之領導力」,與高科技產業所重視者不盡相同。
二、 在資訊科技對智慧資本之影響方面,若以智慧資本系統模型為觀點,則資訊科技僅對智慧資本中間變項有正面的助益,而受資訊科技影響最大的指標分別是「風險管理」、「品質管理」、「作業缺失率」、「市場反應力」、「公司很能掌握新機會開發」、「行銷能力」、「對顧客需求的了解」與「產品研發能力」。
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智慧型裝置影響顧客採購音響之消費行為研究 / The Research On Stereo Audio Consumer Behavior Of Smart Device User林川宇 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 不同年齡對購買預算無明顯差異,約5,000元上下;
二、 除了音效品質之外,售後服務及外觀造型為第二主要考量;
三、 網路評論為最有效之行銷方式;
四、 針對不同休閒活動型態,設計不同特性產品,增高民眾需求度;
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企業智慧資本報導模式之建構-以某智慧型手持設備公司為例吳奇岳, Wu, Chi Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
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以專利案件為中心論智慧財產案件審理法 / Intellectual property case adjudication act洪陸麟 Unknown Date (has links)
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策略性智慧資本內部報導之個案研究康莊 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:智慧資本、策略、平衡計分卡、策略性智慧資本、智慧資本內部報導。 / In the era of knowledge-based economy, sharing and exchanging knowledge has become extremely convenient and fast due to the progress and popularity of information technology and such situation has continued to shorten the distance of competitive advantages and differences among enterprises. It is very likely that an enterprise will lose its competitive advantage within a very short time because of the growth of its competitors. When enterprises are facing such keen competitive environment with limited resources, how they may utilize those resources effectively and maximize their outcomes in order to achieve the goal of constant profits and growth for the enterprises has become a critical management issue that each organization faces today.
Therefore, intellectual capital is the key factor for enterprises to continuously maintain their competitive advantages in the era of knowledge economy. This study plans to look closely into an over-the-counter electronic company in the country to discuss how an enterprise may locate its core value and competitive power – intellectual capital under the condition of limited resources and through consultation of its internal managerial mechanism to establish a set of “Report on Intellectual Capital and Managerial Mechanism” to create and accumulate what “strategic intellectual capital” an enterprise requires and to further modify and set up its “enterprise strategy” to enhance the quality of the strategy and its reliability of fulfilling the enterprise strategy.
This study adopts case study method and is assisted with questionnaire survey analysis in order to obtain more objective information. The purpose of this study is to bring the case company’s current core competitive advantage into discussion to establish its future development strategy, and through the theory and conceptual framework of “Balance Score Card” and “Intellectual Capital” to construct its internal report mechanism in terms of the strategic intellectual capital. The research conclusion is as follows:
1) A company’s future development strategy may be planned through the analytical framework of the strategy forming system.
2) Through the theoretical framework of “Balance Score Card” and “Intellectual Capital” and the statistical analysis of questionnaire, the items of strategic intellectual capital that a company requires for achieving its future development strategy may be confirmed.
3) In order for information users to understand that there is close relationship between the contents of company’s intellectual capital report and its strategy, the report contents must include major descriptions on company’s future development strategy to help achieve the company’s strategic goal.
Keywords: Intellectual capital, Strategy, Balance Score Card, Strategic intellectual capital, Internal intellectual capital
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代工與自有品牌下策略性智慧資本之個案研究 / A case study of the strategic intellectual capital between ODM and OBM楊淳惠 Unknown Date (has links)
三、採取不同策略之兩個案公司,由於所欲累積之策略性智慧資本各有異同,因此所採取的管理制度有相同處亦有不同處。 / Intellectual capital — the internal system, human resources, innovation and intangible assets — is the new source of competitive advantage in the information age. The source of corporate competitive advantage is no longer the tangible assets of companies.
However, enterprises should have clear objects and strategies to response the environment to ensure its position in the market. I addition, enterprise also should have a management system to create and accumulate strategic intellectual capitals which required.
This study adopts case study method and is assisted with questionnaire survey analysis in order to obtain more objective information. This study takes two technology enterprise as the object company to discuss what is the strategic intellectual capitals and their management system and what difference between them in the mode of OEM and OBM. According to the result of case analysis, the research claims three conclusions in response to the research questions. Meanwhile, we also propose some relevant suggestions, and state research limitation and direction in future.
1. In the mode of OEM and OBM, the enterprise focus on some same and difference intellectual capitals.
2. In the mode of OEM and OBM, the strategic intellectual capitals are closely related with their strategy.
3. The two companies take different strategies so the management system also different.
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從SoLoMo探討智慧旅遊的服務創新 / Explore the SoLoMo trend bring services innovation to Traditional Tourism Industry彭曼清 Unknown Date (has links)
旅遊,在人類社會中,隨著各項科技的提升與經濟條件的改善,已經進展到每年有七分之一的人在旅遊,龐大的商機,使得全球旅遊產業的GDP高達9%,但是,我們回想一下自己的旅遊經驗,就會發現旅遊產業都還在使用非常傳統的方式提供服務,這一點讓研究者產生高度好奇心,特別是在2011年SoLoMo趨勢被提出後,旅遊這個傳統產業的發展將在SoLoMo趨勢下產生甚麼樣的變化呢?今日大家隨時都能在網路上、手機上取得便利的旅遊資訊查詢,這個現象將對旅遊產業帶來甚麼樣的影響?旅遊產業面對旅遊者的改變,勢將導致的服務創新又會有甚麼現象出現,以及為達成服務創新,會產出甚麼對業者、從業人員、消費者的價值? 旅遊業能否繼續保有其資訊落差的優勢,傳統封閉的產業風格在消費者至上的現代觀念下能否有所突破,尤其是當我們在社群網路的推波助瀾下真的可以跨越業者的營利心態而進入共創時代,旅遊業該以甚麼核心價值作為其經營know-how…,這些都影響著旅遊產業的發展。
台灣在2009年有「愛台十二建設」,中國在2011年有「十二五計畫」,兩個重要計畫中都針對SoLoMo環境的旅遊服務需要提出創新作法,研究者有幸躬逢其盛參與兩岸兩大計畫的落實過程中,透過台灣與中國大陸兩地、兩個旅遊專案的內涵,以實務經驗為佐證探討兩岸智慧旅遊發展的服務創新價值。雖然這份研究是在智慧旅遊發展之初所做,但已可從中嗅出未來十年華人世界裡智慧旅遊的發展趨勢。 / Following the technological advances and economic condition improvements in the human society, tourism has become an activity that annual one-seventh of the population is participating in. The immense business opportunity has allowed global tourism industry to contribute over 9% of the global GDP. However, as we reflect back upon our tourism experiences, it is not difficult to find that the tourism industry still operates in rather traditional methods of providing services. This draws the researchers’ attention, especially after the publication of the SoLoMo trend. What kind of changes and impacts would the SoLoMo trend bring to the Traditional Tourism Industry? Today, most of the population can have access to tourist inquires via the internet or the smartphone at any given time, yet how will this phenomenon impact the tourism industry? The changes in the consumers’ behaviors will surely motivate changes in the tourism industry, but how will service innovation reflect in return? Further, how will the changes in service innovation impact the values of the companies, employees and consumers? Can the tourism industry still retain its information advantage over its consumers and continue to survive in today’s consumer-first society? How would the tourism industry’s conventional industry structure be affected by the convenience of social media and the development into an era of co-creation? What core values should the tourism industry regard as important elements in its know-how? All of the above questions concern the development of the tourism industry.
Both Taiwan and China has shown interest in bringing innovation reflecting on the SoLoMo trend through their national plans including the “i-Taiwan 12 Projects”(2009) and the “Twelfth Five-Year Guideline”(2011). The researcher has been involved in the implementation of both plans, and hopes to analyze the smart tourism development’s service innovation values between the two political entities through practical experiences and understanding of both plan’s implications. Although this research is completed at the beginning of smart tourism developments, it can still provide an insight to the smart tourism developments trends of the Greater China Region for the next decade.
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台商母公司智慧資本與大陸子公司經營績效關係之研究許文德 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,母公司「員工附加價值成長率」與子公司經營績效有顯著正相關。母公司「研發費用成長率」與子公司經營績效之關係,皆發現有遞延效果。在電子業,對子公司的研發效益出現在第二年及第三年;在非電子業,對子公司的研發效益出現在第三年。母公司「專利權」與子公司經營績效呈現顯著正相關。 / In the effects of globalization, many enterprises establish the subsidiary around the world to combine their unique advantages with local resources to create the maximum profits. With abundant manpower, large market, and various tax incentives, China attracts business from all around the world to make investment in mainland China in recent years. Taiwan’s enterprises also follow this trend too.
This study, in the viewpoint of the intellectual capital, intends to discuss that: Can the intellectual capital accumulated in Taiwan enterprises bring the overseas subsidiaries operating on the edge and influence the performance of the overseas subsidiaries? The study uses the mainland’s Taiwan enterprises as an example to discuss the relationship between the intellectual capital of Taiwan business’s parent company and the performance of mainland China subsidiaries.
The empirical results show that: “the growth rate of value added employee” of parent company was positively correlated with the performance of subsidiaries. "The growth rate of R&D" of Parent company and the performance of subsidiaries were found to have delayed effect. In the electronics industry, the benefits of R&D appear in the second year and third year; in the non-electronics industries, the benefits of R&D emerge in the third year. "Patents" of Parent company was significantly related with the performance of subsidiaries.
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智慧型車輛網路中傳遞即時資訊之具有負載及位置輔助的路徑選擇 / Traffic Aware Location Aided Routing (TALAR) for Real Time Information Transmission over Intelligent Vehicular System郭穎生, Kuo,Ying-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
為了要改善系統效能跟減少delay時間,我們選擇地理位置相關的路由協定LAR來減少flooding封包。LAR是一種reactive的路由協定且它使用地理位置來減少flooding的overhead,然而LAR並沒有把壅塞的情況考慮進去,因為這是一個減少delay的重要因素。所以我們提出一個新的方案,叫做Traffic Aware Location Aided Routing (TALAR) 來改善壅塞的情況。我們也考量使用AP的優點、像較大的傳輸範圍以及固定的傳輸範圍,來更有效的找出路由路徑。
我們使用QUALNET simulation來評量,結果顯示delay時間有明顯改善,所以認為他的確有助於這個高速智慧型車輛的系統。 / The growth of inter-vehicle communication is exploding. An intelligent vehicular system (IVS) can help users in vehicles to get information more conveniently. The requirements from users and investment of car manufacture drive vehicle communication to become reality. Many applications and services are in demand over this new technology. Some architecture and routing methods have been developed, however, they may not suitable for IVS due to its high mobility and variable environment. Therefore, we try to find out a good routing solution for this system.
In order to improve the performance and decrease delay, here we select geographic routing LAR (Location-Aided Routing) to reduce the flooding overhead. LAR is a reactive routing and it utilizes location information to reduce the flooding overhead. However, it seems not to take congestion into account which is an important factor for reducing delay. We propose a new scheme, called Traffic Aware Location Aided Routing (TALAR) to improve the congestion situation. We also use the AP’s advantageous properties such as extended transmission range and stability to help routing paths getting more efficient.
We evaluate the performance via QUALNET simulations, and the results show the improvement of delay time. In the high mobility vehicular systems, it does help to construct an Intelligent Vehicular System.
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