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影響中老年人養老準備之因素探討 / Elderly Preparation for Retired Life溫雅媜 Unknown Date (has links)
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探討我國老人住宅之服務創新陳映樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Hertog & Bilderbeek(1998)提出的服務創新四構面模型作為研究的基礎,針對「潤福生活新象」、「長庚養生文化村」、「翠柏新村」與「兆如老人安養護中心」四個研究個案經營者進行訪談,來了解我國老人住宅之服務創新。
本研究結果發現:1.在安養、養護、到長期照護服務的提供上,個案間各有不同的整合程度,加上不同目標顧客的選擇,有不同的策略定位與營運範疇。2.不同的策略定位與服務理念,產生出不同的服務概念,並在服務創新的「服務概念」、「客戶介面」、「服務交付系統」與「技術選擇」四構面,有不同程度的創新。3.老人住宅所提供的服務包括:「基本服務」,以及依照組織資源及特性的不同所提供差異化「創新服務」。4.服務介面的設計,必須同時考慮硬體上與軟體上的溝通介面,且軟體較硬體來的重要。5.服務交付系統設計由過去傳統養老院的「管理」老人,轉為以「服務」老人為中心,強調老人的自由與自主性。6.創新服務的設計與提供,應具備相關領域的產業知識、市場知識,以及人力資源管理。7.新創新服務模式成功推行,必需搭配適當有效的行銷策略、服務產品分配策略與組織發展策略將三構面互相的搭配整合。並於文末提出老人住宅經營管理、行銷與新興服務模式之建議。 / As aging population increases and society evolves, the demand of housing and caring service for the healthy and independent senior increase day by day. In addition, “Elderly Housing” is promoted as one of the development projects of service industry for our country. In recent years, building, medical and life insurance industry etc. are optimizing that market potential and investing in providing elderly housing service.
The researches relevant to elderly housing were almost focused on social welfare, elder's need and architectural design etc. However, in the face of more competitive environment and various elderly demands, how to conduct service innovation and how to operate differential serves successfully become the critical issues.
The purpose of the thesis was to study and find out “how the elderly housings conduct service innovation” . The thesis used “4 dimensional model of service innovation”(Hertog & Bilderbeek, 1998)as the study framework and through deeply interview with the directors of four elderly housing cases. Then may they contribute to future organizations ( no matter non-profit or profit organization) planning and managing of elderly house.
The thesis concludes were as follows:(1) Each study case had different target market and strategy. Innovation service of elderly housing mostly occur in “new service concept”, “new client interface”, and “new service delivery system” dimensions ; seldom in “technological options dimension”. (2)The elderly housing provide not only “basic service” but also differential “creative service”, according to organize resource and competence.(3)The client interface consider both hardware and software. Software is more important than hardware.(4)The service delivery system of elderly housing is more “customer focus”.(5) Offering of innovative service should possess “business intelligence”, “market intelligence”, and “human resource management”.(6)Successful service providing are linked by marketing, distribution, and organization development. And the thesis made suggestions in the end.
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大學生參與老人服務性社團之經驗探討 / Exploring the experiences of youth volunteers involved in service for elderly楊伊伊 Unknown Date (has links)
五、本研究依據結果提出幾個建議:(1)針對學校的建議:鼓勵校方可透過辦理代間服務學習課程及老化體驗,並加強課外活動組的角色,以推動更多大學生加入服務性社團;(2)針對安養機構的建議:促進安養機構長者的活力老化,以及讓安養機構展現家的元素;(3)針對政策的建議:提供長者活到「活到老,學到老」的環境,並完善經濟安全體系。 / In recent years, the youth to join the volunteer service has become a trend. With gradually aging society, youth service providers are playing an important role. This is to explore the experience of University students from researchers at the University to nursing home services. At the same time to find out why students are willing to join the ranks of the service for the elderly and what the effects are after joining services.
The following are the research questions: (1) What motivates the students to join service club for the elderly? (2) What are the attitudes of the involved University students towards the elderly community? (3) What level of knowledge the University students have about life in old age? (4) What are impacts for the students in terms of the value of life and the attitudes towards the elderly following their experience of the service the elderly?
This research used a qualitative research method, and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The research interviews with a total of nine University students from Tamkang University, Hao Ran Guardian Angel Club. Five of them are female and four of them are male. In between them they have the experience of providing the services of one to three years. Most students involved since their first year in University and most of them have stable attendance rate. Six of the students brought up or live with their grandparents. Three out of the six students have not been under the care of their grandparents. However they have the experience of close relationship with their grandparents.
The results of the research are as follows:
A. The motivation of university students to join in the services for the elderly: The motivation of the students involved in services for the elderly service club can be divided into two levels: The reasons for students to participate in community service and in the services targeting the elderly. The reason for students to participate in the community service include: (1) Involve in activity that contributing to the society, (2) The influence their peers, and (3) The accessibility of opportunity. The reasons for students to chose the elderly as their servicing targets include: (1) Familiar with the servicing targets, and (2) Personal life experience.
B. University student’s attitudes toward the elderly: Students have raised three observation points with regarding to the elderly physiological characteristics: (1) Elderly change of physical appearance and sensory system, (2) Degradation of the physical function of the elderly, and (3) Elderly reduced ability to move. Students have raised four observation points with regarding to the elderly psychological characteristics: (1) Images of healthy elderly: Able take good care of their own lives, to maintain an optimistic attitude, willingness to interact with others and has the ability to self troubleshooting negative emotions, (2) Elderly learning ability: Students believe that the elderly have the ability to learn, and if presented an opportunity to learn, the elders themselves have a high degree of willingness to learn. Patience and guidance during teaching process have a direct impact to elderly learning ability, (3) The elderly personalities are passive, indifference, self-centred, talkative, enthusiastic and strong, (4) The elderly are pessimistic and cynical, need others caring.
C. University student’s awareness of life in old age: (1) Family perspective: The elderly are significance in both the actual and spiritual life. They are a symbol of the complete family, the centre of family cohesion, the supporting role of advice and sharing the responsibility in parenting, (2) Social perspective: The elderly are the symbol of heritage, experience sharing and the role model. But some students believe that the elderly consume social resources became the social burden, (3) Economic perspective: Students observed that the elderly living in nursing home has the ability to maintain basic living expenses, but the financial situation of the elderly living in the community are divided by two extremes of poverty and wealth, and (4) Living perspective: Students not only believe that the living environment for the elderly must be quiet, safe, vibrant and with easy access design, they also put forward their views that nursing homes have a different feeling of home, life regularization, the lack of freedom of choice and family members caring became a rarity.
D. Effect of University students involve in services for the elderly: First, services for the elderly affecting college students' attitudes toward the elderly, they become more willing to care for the elderly, and more respect for the elderly, treating the elderly with more generosity, recognise the ability of the elderly, better understanding of the needs of the elderly, and even express their feeling to the elderly after providing the service. Secondly, the experience of the university student services for the elderly also have an impact to their view on the value of life: (1) Personal values: A reflection on the meaning of happiness, to enhance self-confidence and acquired the wisdom of life, (2) Social values: Emphasis on the family's sense of security and appreciate the importance of friendship, (3) Competence values: Discover the importance of persuasive eloquence, and (4) Moral values: The concept of service, appreciate the sincere attitude and treating the elderly more care and love.
E. With the data and information collected above, this research proposed a few suggestions: (1) Suggestion for the school: To encourage the school upon intergenerational service-learning courses and the elderly service experience. Strengthen the role of the curricular activities and to push for more students to join a service clubs, (2) Recommendations for nursing homes: Promote vitality of the elderly activities and to inject the elements of home in nursing homes, and (3) Recommendations for policy: To provide the elderly the adequate learning environment, and to improve the economic security system for the elderly.
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臺北市立浩然敬老院功能與績效探討黃孟偉 Unknown Date (has links)
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中韓兩國老人福利政策之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Welfare Policy for the Aged in R.O.C. and R.O.K.金場健, Kim, Chang Geon Unknown Date (has links)
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民間參與高齡者住宅設施政策及法令之研究分析 / Studies of private participation policy and laws in aged housing facilities張育瑞, Chang, Yu Jui Unknown Date (has links)
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Factors Affecting the Evaluation Criteria of Independent Living Units by Seniors / 影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅要素之分析黃惠敏, Huang,Chloe Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出影響消費者行為的要素,並提供行銷建議供安養住宅業者參考。研究發現65至74歲的銀髮族對所有評估要素的要求,較其他高齡者低,因此對於提供活躍的生活形態和醫療服務的安養住宅而言,這群人最具潛力成為最佳顧客來源。大部分高齡者選擇在熟悉的土地上頤養天年,大台北地區成為最受歡迎的退休居所選擇。在入住保證金方面,由於擔心財務風險與業者的職業道德,多數年長者寧可每月支付較高的管理費,以替代高額的保證金要求。服務品質為競爭優勢的來源。業者設計產品時,應著重於提供優質服務,而非一味追求硬體設施。研究發現認知差異是影響老年人移居安養住宅的主要因素之一,業者應該加強宣傳安養住宅的產品概念,扭轉市場上普遍認為只有老病纏身者才需入住安養住宅的想法。此外,業者行銷時,應該同時增加目標顧客及其子女對產品的瞭解,使其將安養住宅列為退休居所的選擇之一。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the market for seniors is drawing much attention. The recent emergence of the upscale senior housing market is a case in point. Although the independent living communities for healthy seniors have been around since the mid-90s, there have been only a few notable selections and among them even fewer success stories. This research intends to examine the purchasing decisions surrounding high-end independent living communities by surveying the older residents of Taipei.
From the perspective of potential customers, this research first examines how demographic variables affect the evaluation criteria of consumers for independent living communities, and then examines the relationship between the influencing factors motivating the decision of seniors to move to independent living communities and the evaluation criteria. Finally, the relationship between the evaluation criteria of consumers and their specific value preferences is determined.
The research findings identify factors influencing consumer behavior and derive marketing recommendations for senior housing providers. The seniors between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four are less concerned than other age groups about all evaluation factors, and can be the best customers for independent living communities that provide both opportunities for an active life style and healthcare services. Most seniors prefer to remain in a familiar place, and therefore the greater Taipei area is the most popular location. Since entrance deposits involve financial risks and moral concerns, seniors would rather pay higher monthly fees. The type of services offered provides the competitive advantage. Developers should emphasize services rather than environmental conditions in designing its product. Given that perceptual differences are one of the major obstacles preventing seniors from moving to independent living communities, the concept of independent living communities should be promoted further to alter the perceptions of seniors that independent living communities are solely for the sick and frail. Marketers should attempt to increase the product awareness of both its target customers and their children to help them view senior housing communities as a viable living arrangement.
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樂齡人工智慧服務平台策略 / Strategies of the aged AI service platform胡佩蘭, Hu, Pei-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
在客觀驗證目標族群樣貌後,因應多元而分散的特性,以及現今尚未成型的樂齡市場環境下,「樂齡服務平台」的商業模式必將面對足以開疆闢土、滿足需求的核心競爭力建構問題。是而考量樂齡族群的需求特色及痛點外,亦檢視個人的專業、經驗與人脈、資源範圍,遂鎖定可同時滿足多方條件考量的「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」科技運用,成為「樂齡人工智慧服務平台」構想起源。
由於現今台灣對於人工智慧「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」技術甚為陌生,再加上技術功能範疇複雜,故將藉由本篇論文探討研究的過程,鎖定此人工智慧平台之初步策略,客觀分析樂齡需求痛點,對照研究所得之「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」功能特色與運用限制是否得以滿足,並檢視平台本身建置「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」的能力是否足夠面對競爭,進而評估「樂齡人工智慧服務平台」核心競爭力與發展初步策略的適切性及完整度。
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老人的分布狀況與居住安排選擇-「在地老化」探討 / The distribution of the elderly and the living arrangments of elderly choose-to discuss 「aging in place」陳亮言 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要假設為,老年人的健康狀況和年齡為最主要影響老人分布狀況不同的因素,使得在年輕老人的分布狀況是分散,而越到老老人階段時,其分布情形越趨於集中在台北、台中和高雄的趨勢;之後再依據三個老人群體的地理分布狀況,來推斷各群體老人因為受到年齡增長以及健康狀況衰退的關係不但分布情形改變,其居住安排的選擇也跟著變動,最主要是往都市地區與子女同住。從研究結果以及參照Litwak和Longino (1988)所歸納出的老人三階段遷徙,證實了健康狀況影響了老人分布狀況,是從分散逐漸往都市地區集中的趨勢,而老人分布情形的改變主要可能是為了往都市地區尋求子女的協助幫忙,因而與其同住。「在地老化」主要強調的是老人應在其社區中自然老化,然而依據本研究結果,台灣老人的分布以及居住安排的慣性上是與「在地老化」概念有所衝突的,因此在未來政府在推廣「在地老化」上是必須要注意且克服這樣的情況。
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澳門老年人生活保障政策與建議陳秀霞 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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