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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林盈志 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化競爭的影響下,製造業與服務業的產業界限日漸模糊,為獲致更長久的競爭優勢,許多製造業者紛紛跨足服務領域,思考以差異化的服務,創造滿足顧客多變需求的附加價值。故推動服務創新,已是企業不得不正視的課題。然而,服務的無形性,使得新服務無法如實體產品般可精確拆解其組成;且新服務通常不涉及複雜的技術或高額的投資,往往推出不久後競爭對手即可輕易模仿,在難有專利權的保護下,企業進行服務創新時,可能比發展產品創新面臨更多艱難險阻。 芬蘭國家技術處Tekes認為服務創新含有可複製的元素,可於其他環境或案例中重複被驗證。本研究基於此觀點,首度打破國內企業推動服務創新相關文獻僅專注某產業的研究範疇,將研究的產業別擴及房屋仲介業、餐飲業、金融服務業與資訊服務業,並以《天下雜誌》主辦的「卓越服務獎」得獎企業為個案企業,深入訪談企業進行某特定服務創新專案的開發過程,以探討推動服務創新時的考量因素,企圖解構服務創新的本質。 本研究以Hertog and Bilderbeek的服務創新四構面模型為基礎,訪談分屬四個不同產業的個案企業,分析其服務創新專案的建構與執行過程。本研究依服務創新的構思設計、核心知識與系統連結三大主題,將研究結果歸納為13項研究命題,並提出研究發現與實務建議,供業界發展服務創新時參考運用。


郭淑宜 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來資通訊科技蓬勃發展,消費行為也伴隨著世代交替,迅速朝電子化交易方向前進。未來服務業者如果要獲得消費者青睞,勢必要掌握此趨勢以提供具競爭力之電子化服務網路。順應此潮流並結合開放式創新之服務思維,保險產業之商業活動模式也有必要與時俱進。今秉此理念,特以服務為主軸來舖陳電子保險之營運創新。 以服務為導向之電子保險,將為保險業引進業務拓展利器、導入產業正向競爭並帶動少紙化之環保節能意識。本研究將探討務實可行之電子保險整體方案,以規劃保戶及業務服務人員網路自主交易之電子保險服務平台,並同時適用於多元行銷通路、多元商品及利害關係人。業務服務人員可透過電子化的服務平台,來取代傳統採取紙本或親訪的服務模式,讓保險業務的推動亦注入新科技,優化保險服務環境。 行動商務與雲端化服務是目前資通訊科技主流,主要特性是滿足與創造客戶需求,創新商業模式與服務也多根基於此。服務創新也代表企業經營者的思維已經提升到「想要賺錢唯有靠服務」的層次,企業愈是願意在服務上投入成本,愈能在不景氣中逆勢成長。本研究提供一具體的學理依據來支撐所需之論述,將隨選隨需服務之創新思維及關鍵接觸點之服務循環架構融入保險業的組織營運當中,達到緊密互動、安全便利及競爭力提升之營運目標。目前台灣正積極發展行動支付及第三方支付的業務,保險業者可以透過與銀行或資通訊業者之異業合作或策略聯盟,來強化電子保險金流之安全及便利性。 論及電子保險之營運服務,調查國內外使用需求,證明此潮流勢不可擋。依國外經驗,在保戶申請網路投保的身分認證方面,是以信任為主,再以投保後的回訪確認為輔;在保險監理方面,著重利害關係人權益的保障,賦予保險公司取得更多保戶個人資訊的機會。保險公司於規劃本項服務,可同時導入企業作業流程管理機制來整合傳統與電子保險之營運流程,以發揮服務綜效並完善內部控制。 依壽險業推動電子化之現況,目前積極發展行動投保服務,已有保險業者獲准實施。有關監理之現況,主管機關對電子商務保險採取漸進、分段式開放之監理政策。雖然已頒佈電子保險商務相關法規,並核准販售簡易型商品,惟受限於電子簽章法令規範及消費者使用意願,因此現今電子保險商務行銷通路遲未能普及化。 電子保險之創新服務,乃以保單生命週期程序來規劃各項服務功能,在各關鍵接觸點上,藉由一條完整的電子保險服務網,串接形成資料流及金流,各截點互相勾稽,形成安全的資料保護機制。提供保戶自主或由業務服務人員協同的網路作業環境,且可以選擇與傳統保險服務功能交叉運用。電子保險之所以能夠建立利害關係人彼此間之信賴感,並促進其普及運用,乃歸因於各種資料庫或知識庫均由保險公司依其營運策略及需求所整合產出,資料有其完整及正確性,也較容易取信於使用者。同時,藉由資訊科技之自主運用,以滿足消費者「知」的權利,並降低資訊不對稱之狀況。本研究結合資通訊及金融產業的行動化科技設備,提案數項創新服務功能及其營運管理措施,供保險業者參考。 對潛在保戶之創新服務流程,保險公司設計與潛在保戶之專屬保險資訊互動平台,讓消費者了解保險的重要性及其需求所在。對行銷或招攬服務人員之創新服務流程,運用已發展成熟之電子輔訓工具,落實訓練及管理,以發揮督導及監控的功能。對新保戶之創新服務流程,規劃電子投保服務管道,將「主動投保」與「招攬及協同投保」均納入電子投保研究範疇,採漸進且務實的程序來達到完全電子化目標;至於行動投保服務,期盼主管機關能夠在業者兼顧業務、服務、法令及內控之下,廣開善門。對舊保戶之創新服務流程,為因應理賠外來紙本文件的多樣及複雜性,目前已經有保險業者推出行動理賠的創新服務,雖尚在萌芽階段,若輔以增加內控及風險管理機制,相信短期內得以成熟普及。 在電子保險之創新服務當中,資通訊及金融產業之行動化科技設備之防弊或即時警示功能,需要獲得相對的進步才能滿足企業的風險考量。依電子保險之營運特性,建構商業模式,以符合經營階層投資本項服務之目標。依電子保險之服務特性,管理階層於訂定創新服務流程之導入計畫當中,需審慎評估投資、成本及預算事項。 在保險監理方面,建請主管機關適時檢視電子保險相關法規或建立專案專審之常態機制,來協助保險業者推動本項服務。責成保險公司落實業務招攬、核保及理賠之管理;妥善保存電子資料,並提供保戶查閱之服務;增訂電子保險資料勾稽或帳務核對之自行查核事項。 以服務為導向之電子保險概念及架構,可供規劃創新服務管理模式之參考。期待各利害關係人能夠秉持誠信原則,共同營造虛擬網路環境的信賴感,並藉由產官學界的努力研究,讓保險服務得以享受資通訊科技所帶來之效益。

健康服務產業創新服務之研究-以健檢中心為例 / Innovative service of health industry: a study on health examination institutions.

郭育成, Kuo, Yuh Chen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區生活型態與人口結構的急遽變遷、老年人口快速增長、疾病型態改變、國民所得提高、醫療支出持續增加以及政府民間對預防醫學的重視,「預防醫學」之風氣逐漸形成,也帶動台灣健檢產業像雨後春筍般蓬勃發展。   本研究透過個案研究的方式,使用Betz(1987)的創新類型及Gobeli & Brown(1993)的創新過程兩種不同的創新理論,對7家專業健檢中心及2家醫院附設健檢中心,進行現況分析,分類並歸納出各個案的創新特性及差異,提出可能產生的問題因應策略。   研究發現,不同本質健檢機構的創新靈活度就會有很大的差距; 在開創階段重視形象塑立、業務開發,及硬體投資多於強調本業-「健康服務」,.在「商品開發力」方面朝分「主題式商品」、「檢驗設備」、「擴展市場」及「異業服務」四類,以主題式商品居多,其次為強化檢驗設備,健檢市場發展成熟,為因應醫療環境的改變,更擅於利用「應變元素」避險佈局。   根據研究結果,建議健檢中心仍應先著重於預防醫學專業及檢驗技術,定義能契合顧客價值的創新性產品,執行一套內隱的系統制度,其創新的核心靈魂是回歸到「健康」、對生命的尊重,提供顧客永難忘懷的服務,才是撼動人心的競爭優勢。 / During the past decades, the change of life style and growing of aging population in Taiwan have leaded to a great alteration of disease patterns. As the Gross Domestic Product increased in this country, the global medical expenditure increased year by year. Due to the widely accepted concept of “prevention is better than cure”, the importance of health examination is becoming more and more significant. Thus, the number of health examination institutions in Taiwan is growing rapidly. In this research, cases studies using two innovation theories including “Types of Innovation” (Betz, 1987) and “Innovation Process” (Gobeli and Brown, 1993) were implemented. Current situations of seven health screening clinics and the health screening center of two hospitals in Taipei metropolitan area were analyzed, re-classified, and compared to identify the distinct innovation characteristics in different health examination institutions. The problems that might happen in these institutions were disclosed and their resolutions were tried to found. This study discovered that there is a great difference in innovation flexibility between health examination institutions of different nature. In the initial stage of these institutions, most of them focused on image-shaping, business development and hardware investment rather than on the fundamental medical services itself (i.e. health examination). There were four ways used to strengthen product development: theme product, investment on instrument facilities, market expansion and strategic alliance. Among them, theme product was the most popular and investment on instrument facilities, the second popular method used. As health examination market was well grown, these institutions were skilled in using there reality-confronting ability to face the competitive healthcare market. According to our results, we suggest the health examination institutions still need to focus on their basic competence: preventive medicine, and health care technology. In addition, they should be able to develop a tacit system to define innovative products that match customers’ value. The core of innovation in this industry should begin from “health”. By having respect to human life and creating the health and empathy business model, health examination institutions can provide the value co-created with customers and thus, maintain competition advantage.


劉詩平 Unknown Date (has links)
我國經濟發展早期建立於價格低廉且素質高的勞力密集生產,政府的出口導向貿易政策,促使台灣成為製造業為發展重心的經濟型態,台灣經濟成長動力來源遂以製造部門為主,但在面對全球知識經濟發展的競爭壓力下,謀求轉型升級成為亟欲探討的課題。另外,全球化的發展趨勢下,開發中國家擁有大量的廉價勞力,在比較利益的原則之下,使得台灣長期以來依賴製造與出口為經濟重心的發展模式受到了相當程度的影響。因此在製造部門為了維持企業競爭優勢而將工廠外移的隱憂下,台灣如何以知識密集服務業造就下一波經濟成長的動力,此為亟欲探討的課題。 服務業占我國經濟結構比重已超過三分之二,但是我國服務業之整體知識密集度仍有提升的空間。長期以來我們對於創新的認知大多集中於製造業的範圍,忽略了服務業創新與創新過程中服務所扮演的重要角色,因此,我國對於研發與創新的理解也須跳脫硬體和製造的層次。 本研究由服務系統與創新構面的角度切入,探討選取個案中的服務創新因子,並歸類出其創新驅動的形式。研究問題如下: 1.創新服務核心技術應用在服務系統發展的關鍵點為何? 2.知識密集服務業的創新成果與服務創新之間有哪些重要的構面?構面之間的互動對創新成果的影響為何? 3.知識密集服務業的創新驅動可能因子有哪幾種形式? 本研究以個案訪談及蒐集次及資料為主要分析來源,本研究選取對象,以策略性服務業科專計畫中,工研院能資所開發的全溫層保鮮系統服務為主,其中包括工研院能資所開發技術的過程,以及大榮貨運、台灣宅配通、中華郵政三家移轉服務系統的宅配業者。而本研究主要結論如下: 1.知識密集服務業創新服務技術發展的關鍵,在於與服務業者的共同開發合作。 2.服務創新構面中新服務觀念、新交付系統、新顧客介面等三構面會影響服務創新的成果,服務創新構面需互相配合。 3.服務創新構面中技術選擇不具關鍵性,服務決定技術,而非技術決定服務,但技術採用可加速新服務創新的實行。 4.服務創新驅動因子來自供應商、服務業者、客戶端。不同創新驅動因子有不同創新驅動形式,如客戶導向的創新驅動、供應商支配的創新驅動、服務業者的創新驅動與共同合作開發的創新驅動。 5.技術層次與對服務的認知決定服務創新驅動的形式。

以創新服務模式探討PChome 24小時購物 / The exploratory study of PChome 24hours online shopping by using innovative service model

許純瑜, Hsu, Chelsea Chun-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
為了追求顧客高滿意度是服務業不斷努力的目標,經營電子商店的廠商紛紛絞盡腦汁,以迎合顧客需求,PChome有別於其它業者在網路購物市場找到利基,2007年1月改以強調「速度」新服務概念推出24小時送達的購物服務,由大幅成長的月營收表現可得知此服務被消費者廣為接受。此外PChome 24小時購物更榮獲97年度經濟部「產業創新成果表揚」的產業製程/流程創新獎。因此PChome為何成立24小時購物,且如何規劃設計流程,將此創新服務透過什麼方式傳遞給顧客,為亟欲探討的課題。 本研究以Hertog & Bilderbeek(1998)提出的服務創新四構面模型作為研究的基礎,探討PChome 24小時購物的創新服務,本研究問題如下: 1.PChome推出24小時購物專區的動機為何? 2.PChome 24小時購物的創新服務與創新成果可由那些構面來觀察? 3.PChome 24小時購物的技術選擇構面與其它構面的關係為何? 4.PChome 24小時購物在創新服務之經營運作成功經營的關鍵為何? 研究結論如下: 一、PChome 24小時購物精準掌握消費者需求產出新服務概念,解決顧客下訂單之後等太久的困擾,為顧客創造價值才是創新的根本。 二、PChome 24小時購物的「新服務概念」、「新客戶介面」、「新服務傳遞系統」、「技術選擇」四構面都有相當的創新。 1. PChome 24小時購物服務的內容與特色鮮明,鎖定需要快速收到貨的目標族群,在網路購物市場找到獨特利基優勢。 2. PChome 24小時購物在新客戶介面提供「容易操作」、「容易查詢」商流服務介面,有助於創新服務的表現。 3. PChome 24小時購物設計三個新流程- -(1)商品選購、(2)成立倉儲物流中心集中管理商品、(3)宅配送達,來處理商流、金流、物流、資訊流。 4. PChome 24小時購物的核心技術策略,成功開發「快速供貨管理系統」及「硬碟式倉儲管理儲存模式」二個IT系統,成功作到資訊即時整合,讓訂單零時差、出貨零時差、庫存零時差,為技術選擇關鍵。 三、「技術選擇」在PChome 24小時購物創新服務的扮演不可或缺的關鍵性角色,技術決定服務,支撐「新服務概念」「新服務傳遞系統」、「新客戶介面」其它三構面。 四、PChome 24小時購物的行銷、分配、及組織發展策略奏效,連結新服務概念、新客戶介面、新服務傳遞系統,成功推行創新服務。 1. PChome 的行銷策略鎖定需要迅速收到貨的目標市場,提供多樣產品選擇,強化24小時購物品牌形象。 2. PChome 整合統一速達的宅配,提供24小時購物服務,與為分配策略重要的一環。 3. PChome 24小時購物的組織發展策略,在組織資源及能耐已有足夠的能力規劃及經營管理此創新服務。 五、PChome 降低消費者交易成本,縮短交易流程及時間,加速消費者採納24小時購物。

電子娛樂器材之創新經營模式-以銀髮族之運動需求為目標市場 / An innovative business model of electronic entertainment kiosk - based on the exercise demand of senior.

蔡孟宏, Tsai, Meng Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本創新找出三種現有的電子遊樂機來滿足高齡使用者對於復健運動產品的需求。這三種產品可針對高齡使用者的平衡度、手部及腳部進行運動復健,讓高齡使用者在復健運動的同時仍能享受到電子遊戲的娛樂性。因此,本創新為現有的電子遊戲機找到不一樣的行銷市場。現有電子遊戲機的主要市場是青少年,但本創新是以高齡使用者為主,以老人安養機構為主要採購者,讓既有的產品重新定位、找到新市場。 本創新從機台、廠商、老人安養機構以及高齡使用者四方面提出不一樣的服務模式,以供廠商以及老人安養機構參考。本創新特別針對老人安養機構的特性及財務狀況提出三種不一樣的經營獲利模式,透過不一樣的營利模式面對不一樣的狀況,讓電子遊戲廠商以及老人安養機構能夠有所交集,創造出一個前所未見的新市場。 / This innovation business model discovers three electronic entertainment kiosks in the market which meet the demands of senior. These products can be used for the rehabilitation of senior, including balance, hand movement, and foot exercise, allowing users be entertained when they engage in their rehabilitation. This innovation business model explores a different market for electronic entertainment kiosks. The main market for electronic entertainment kiosks is usually junior, but this model discovers a market for senior user, which the nursing agencies are major buyers. In this case, the product function and purpose is redefined, allowing it to target a new market with a different position. This research proposes a service business model for manufacturers and nursing agencies from four dimensions: electronic entertainment kiosks, manufacturers, nursing agencies and senior users. Also, it points out three profitable methods that will fit the situation of nursing agency characteristics and financial situation. Each method is designed for a different situation, allowing video game makers intersect with nursing agencies, which will create a brand new market.

大中華地區跨域實境事業之創新經營模式─以KTV產業為例 / An Innovative Business Model of Across Area Service - A Case Study of KTV Industry

李旗川 Unknown Date (has links)
在大中華地區,與親朋好友至實體店面KTV唱歌是極為常見的娛樂方式,但近年來至外地念書以及至外地工作的情形屢見不鮮,因此要與親友齊聚一堂、共同歡唱實屬不易。本研究的目的乃是要提出一種創新服務的經營模式,藉由現有攝影、投影和軟體技術的組合與改良,搭配空間情境的塑造,打破地域的限制,滿足不同地區親友與網友跨地域聚會歡唱的需求。 為了找出可行的商業模式,本研究透過實地訪查臺北、北京、深圳以及雲南等地的實體店面KTV,以比較各地經營模式與服務內容的差異性;並透過實際嘗試使用線上KTV網站,以了解目前線上KTV的營運模式與優缺點;更透過訪談各類潛在消費者以及問卷調查與分析,來確認目標客群並評估目標市場的大小。本研究從調查中發現,此種跨域實境的服務除了可以滿足各地親友互相聯繫的需求外,還可滿足商業溝通、愛唱歌者媒合以及陌生網友聯誼等需求。本研究針對這四種需求的目標客群,設計不同的行銷計畫與收費方式,並提出階段性的事業發展計畫。 / In the Greater China region, singing at KTV with friends and family members is a very common entertainment. Studying and working outside the hometown has become very popular recently, so if you want to sing and gather with family and friends it may be quite difficult. The purpose of this study is to propose an innovative service business model, by combining and improving the existing photography, projection and software technology. The purpose will be achieved by shaping space scenarios, creating innovative goods and services that can break the geographical restrictions, and will give people opportunity to gather together. In order to find the viable business model, in this study I will compare differences between business model and services in KTVs in Taipei, Beijing, Guangzhou and Yunnan. I will try to use the online KTV site to learn the operating mode, pros and cons of online KTV, interview potential consumers, use the questionnaire survey, and then evaluate the size of the target market, identifying target customers and a viable business model. After being verified and amended repeatedly, this service will not only satisfy the demand of those, who want to gather with relatives and friends, but will also satisfy the demand of commercial communication, matching the people who love singing, and will also satisfy the activities of unfamiliar netizens. In this study, according to the demand for these four target customers, different marketing plans and charging methods will be designed, and phased development plan will be proposed.

服務業科技化跨業合作歷程之研究— 以健康照護新服務開發聯盟為例 / An empirical study of cross-industrial collaboration process within IT enabled services—Two examples of new services in health care development alliances

梁煥煒, Liang, Huan Wei Unknown Date (has links)
科技與創新,為當前服務業最關心的兩個成長驅動引擎,也是競爭的主要利器。政府為刺激產業創新與升級,研擬「ITeS科技化服務業旗艦計畫」,將「健康照護」納入五大推廣策略主軸內,鼓勵異業合作,期以科技與創新來開創新興服務產業,提升我國經濟成長與競爭的優勢。 為瞭解服務業科技化異業之間如何進行合作,本研究以質性研究的方式,採訪兩個申請技術處「創新科技應用與服務計畫」的健康照護聯盟參與者,一聯盟為「創新數位遊戲復健服務先期計畫」,另一為「遠距健康照護U-Care建置計畫」,藉兩種不同類型的個案,來瞭解是什麼原因影響聯盟的合作成效? 本研究透過系統開發專案研究的幾個觀點進行辯證,包括重視科技物件與營運績效的「物件觀點」、多元利益與政治因素驅動的「社會互動觀點」、思維習慣與限制的Orlikowski與Gash(1994)「科技思維框架觀點」,以及意義建構與詮釋的Weick(1988)「意會觀點」進行跨個案之間合作成效的辯證。 研究發現,新服務跨業聯盟可以「合作意會」(Collaborative sensemaking)做為增進營運順暢的一種有效策略。包括導意(Sensegiving)、需意(Sensedemanding)與意解(Sensebreaking)的運用,採用象徵人物與服務物件做為意會媒介,以非正式活動促進夥伴意會與共識,探詢與參與工作脈絡來主動尋找意會脈絡,其中,工程師透過駐點參與及對護理人員服務痛點的體會,轉變思維框架,化解不同領域與組織背景帶來的衝突,更是文中深富意涵的部分。此外,合作參與者也可以「情感基礎」、「工作脈絡的瞭解」、「領域團體的接觸」與「組織策略與代理人動機的結合」四種策略,深化合作意會,並做為檢視成員涉入合作程度的指標。此外,多元合作意義的塑造,也是間接促進合作意會的有效方式。 其次,本研究也歸納服務業科技化常見的合作問題,如在執行層次,創新應用皆在科技人,服務人缺乏科技與服務應用的想像,而科技人則因服務的動態特質,而添增系統開發模稜兩可的情境;聯盟層次,發現多元利益常使參與者失焦營運重點,忽略對服務對象的關懷。 由於新服務與健康照護的人本關懷與社會互動實驗特性,本研究主張以合作意會做為跨業合作的策略,也提醒惟合作成員能重視與肯定每位聯盟參與者的價值,以及關心服務對象的生活需求與痛點,才能跳脫物件利益的陷阱,提升對人性的敏感層次,以設計出深具社會意義與可行的商業模式。本研究最後提出幾個學術意涵,也對醫療機構、廠商、研發法人機構與政策提出實務意涵,並對健康照護服務業科技化的社會意涵提出看法,重思意會的哲學意涵。 / ICT and innovation are the two most mentioned engines and powerful weapons for the growth of the service currently. In order to upgrade the industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs conducted “IT enable Service Program” and made “Health care” being the five main strategies, and more, encouraged organizations using technology and innovation to improve the growth and competition of econonmics through cross-indusrial collaboration. To know how the cross-industrail firms cooperate with each other in ITeS process, this study used qualitative research approach interviewing 21 participators within two health care alliances which worked “Innovative Technology Applications and Services Program” hold by Department of Industrial Technology, one alliance conducted “Innovative Digital-game enable Physical Rehabilitation Pilot Plan”, the other conduct “Remote Health Care U-Care Establishment Plan”. Base on the two different kind cases, this study explored what affacts influenced alliance work deeply? This study adopted dialectic method to probe the effect of ICT development program in cross-cases analysis, the theoris embraced “Artifact lens” which focused technology artifact and operating performance, “Social interaction lens” which actions drived from multi-interests and poltics intentions, “Technology frames lens” which developed by Orlikowski and Gash (1994) and “Sensemaking lens” which proposed by Weick(1988). Respectively, this study found that the “Collaborative sensemaking” strategy was an effective way to promote the operation in new service cross-industrial alliances, including sensegiving, sensedemanding and sensebreaking exercises, taking symbolic person and service artifacts in sensemaking media, using informal activities to enhance particators’ sensemaking and common consensus, asking and participating work context to find the sensemaking conext. Especially, the technologiest could transfer his frame of reference by stationed at the partner’s firm and realized the pain point beyond nursing staff’s service, so that the conflicts which arised from the different field and organizational context could be resolved. Besides, participators also could use flour strategies, “Friendship”, “Working context”, “Contacting with social groups” and “Integration of partner firm’s development strategy and agent’s motivation”, to deep collaborative sensemaking, and be the indexs to examine the extent which participators involve the cooperation. And more, the shaping of multi-collaborative meanings, was also an effective way to improve collaborative sensemaking indirectly. Besides, this study also found the problems occurred in the ITeS alliances. For example, in working level, the innovative applications often created by the technologists, not service person; second, due to the dynamic characteristic of service, technologists would face equivocal situations during developing systems. In alliance level, multi-interests often enabled participators deviating from the main mission in plan operation, partners maight also ignore concerns the ultimate customers. Due to the characteristics of humanistic care and social interaction experiment of new service and health care, this study argued that the collaborative sensemaking could be a useful strategy to improve crosss-industrail cooperation. And more, this study also suggested the partners in the alliance should respect and confirm each participators’ value, and concerned the ultimate customers’ life need and pain point, so that they could jump across the artiftact-interest traps, promote the sense level to human nature, and designed rich social meanings and workable business models. Finally, this study proposed some research and practice implications, and advocated the social implications about the health care in ITeS.

IC設計產業創新服務營運之研究 – 以山寨產品之案例分析 / An innovation service model study of IC design industry – cases study over Shanzhai products

王德仁 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣半導體產值已佔全球半導體產值的百分之二十,而臺灣IC設計產值亦已佔全球第二位之重要位置,然而現今在全世界之市場、產品定義、及產品規範都掌控於歐美世界大廠之手,臺灣IC設計產業如何擺脫低價競爭之厄運,甚至有時就算低價競爭,也無法在歐美IC設計大廠已攤平開發成本下,在價格上取得任何優勢;因此在原有臺灣IC設計產業舊有之經營模式,大陸山寨市場提供一個絕佳從資通訊產業上、中、下游之產業鏈重組之模式,臺灣IC設計產業因此在經營模式上必須找出一可以創造產業鏈上、中、下游多贏之經營模式。山寨手機是目前相當成功的一個案例,也創造出一個華人市場特有的手機產業鏈模式,因此此一成功案例也成為目前臺灣IC設計產業最想複製並找出其中致勝之道。 本研究主要探討之問題有四:晶片設計產業,在擴散其核心競爭力時,往往是跨產業別之新的開始,應考量之要點為何? 為切入成熟市場,新的晶片設計公司從”邊陲市場”切入該產業時,產品需提供何種差異化?需提供何種服務並如何取捨? 晶片設計公司原本為腦力密集產業,強調是小而美;然而面對現今山寨產品之風行,山寨系統廠將營運重心轉往銷售及量產管理,則晶片設計公司在組織上如何因應此種產業分工之改變? 晶片設計公司之核心能耐擴展,在山寨市場所需具備之條件為何? 本研究主要藉由策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素三個構面做為主要分析架構。由三主要架構再細分各架構之變項,在策略與組織中,共有企業經營團隊、核心競爭優勢、組織架構、及網絡定位等變項;在技術能力中,則有過去所累積之產品開發經驗、內部知識傳遞之效率、外部可利用之資源網絡、產品開發管理制度、組織學習能耐及企業之知識管理系統等變項;在市場因素中,則有市場需求之變化、產品行銷、產業合作網絡、及政策因素。 本研究所獲得之研究發現則針對於策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素此三構面分別描述如下: 一、 在IC產業擴展產業別時,穩扎穩打以鞏固進入產業核心競爭力之根基為企業領導者之主要任務,因此循序漸進為較適當之策略展開作法。 二、 IC設計公司為對客戶提供更多的服務,且面對新的挑戰時,從現有組織分出一獨立組織,或是在公司內部創造出新的組織結構,以便重新定義新流程或定義新的工作型態。 三、 當IC設計產業為因應山寨產業之生態,若需跨足原先IT產業分工中,屬於品牌廠所需負責之工作時,因財務之負擔,必須審慎以對。 四、 企業以”邊陲進入”之模式切入成熟產業,若在硬體平台相類似下,僅以低成本之差異,但無法取得消費者在其他產品特性方面之認同,則將難以形成產品認同。 五、 企業在跨入其他產業時,利用購併之方式快速取得核心技術,重新定義新任務所需之流程及價值觀為首要任務。 六、 技術追隨者在進入市場時,選擇以”邊陲市場”進入為一正確之選擇,然而利用”五力分析”分析市場競爭者之動態,隨時調整本身策略為更重要之功課。 / According to the market report, 20% market share of world wide semiconductor market is supplied by Taiwan’s companies, and the total market share of Taiwan’s IC design house is ranked as second within world wide IC design companies. But until now, all of the product definition and product specification are dominated by USA or Europe companies. Even to offer the price competition strategy to the target market, sometimes Taiwan’s IC design house also cannot break even by the traditional quickly follower business model. China market offers a good market, which is different with the traditional business model, to re-organize the business chain, and we called it as “Shanzhai” market. Taiwan’s IC design company could define a new business supply chain to win back some market share within the mature market. “Shanzhai” mobile phone market is a successful case, and it also create a special business supply chain within Chinese countries. Based on this successful case, other Taiwan’s IC design companies also want to analyze and find out the successful business model. Within this research, there are four questions should be covered, and shown as below.  Within the IC design industry, what’s kind of consideration should be discussed when it try to expand it’s core competition?  When a new IC design company want to cut in a mature market, what’s kind of service should be considered except the product differentiation?  IC design house is a high technology company and focus on small size but with high quality engineers. If IC design companies tried to target on servicing the “Shanzhai” market, they how to re-organize the traditional organization to meet the different models with small quantities business models.  To expand the IC design house core competition for servicing “Shanzhai” market, what’s kind of conditions should be prepared? Within this research, it consists and discussed from three dimensions which are strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors. Under the three dimensions, there are some detailed key factors should be covered. Under the strategy and organization, it should cover company management team, core competition analysis, organization structure, and the position within the supply chain. Under the technology capability, it should cover the product development experience, the knowledge communication efficiency internally, the learning capability of new technology, and knowledge management system. Under the market factor, it should cover the analysis of market demanding, market promotion, business cooperation, and policy consideration. By the three dimensions(strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors), this research have the following finding. 1. When the IC design company expand it’s core business, it is better to expand the core business sequentially as it’s strategy. 2. In order to provide more new services other than traditional services of IC design company, the IC design house is much better to organize a new supporting organization or re-organize a new section to support to re-define the working SOP or define a new working model. 3. In order to service the “Shanzhai” market, the IC design company may involve the service of traditional brand name company’s business. The financial burden is a critical issue should be considered at first. 4. When the IC design house tried to step into a mature market as technology follower, it should try to find other differentiation point other than lower price only. 5. When the IC design house try to merge other IC design company for quickly step into a new market, the first priority is to re-define the new working SOP and target task for new group. 6. The technology follower select a second/or third priority market as their target market is a correct selection. But the most important is to adjust the own strategy dynamically according to competitor’s status.

海運承攬運送業導入新服務模式發展之探討- 以A公司為例 / The Exploration on the Introduction of New Service Model Development – A Case Study of Ocean Freight Forwarder Company A

蔣懷德, Chiang, Huai-Te Unknown Date (has links)
海運承攬運送業在進入跨境電商蓬勃發展的年代,貨物才積越來越小,單票貨量逐漸萎縮,貨物價值越來越高,並且在船公司與空運公司分食國際運輸的大餅後,海運承攬運送業的生存空間已經被極度壓縮到了難以生存的處境。 民國102年推出了「海運快遞貨物通關辦法」,讓海運承攬運送業看見了一線生機,這個辦法在推出時是以台北港與福建平潭之間的快速貨輪為運具所立的辦法,這條專有航線原本的用意在於將台灣的產品利用海運快遞的方式,經過福建平潭進入大陸地區,但是在2016年新政府上台後,因為兩岸關係急凍,福建平潭單方面以各種理由延遲了所有海運快遞的通關時間,讓這項原本稱做為海運快遞的專線,變的一點都不快。 但是通關辦法已經存在,本研究將以A公司的專長「廣東省-基隆」這條航線為例,建立在台灣法源基礎的範圍內,利用海運快遞這個通關模式,將原本不合法的假海運快遞(雜貨櫃),用符合法令規範的方式來運輸與通關,建立新服務發展(NSD)為研究架構,再以品質機能展開(QFD)的品質屋來做為研究方法,建立新服務發展模型,A公司能在既有的基礎上開創出一條全新的服務與道路。 / Freight forwarders in the vigorous development of the cross-border electricity supplier's goods to accumulate more and more small, single ticket volume shrinking, the value of the goods is more and more high, and the ship company and the Airborne Inc eating pie international transport, shipping industry living space has been compressed to the difficult survival situation. In 2013, launched the "customs clearance to express cargo shipping, freight forwarders to see this approach in the launch of a slim chance of survival, is a fast ship between Taipei port and Fujian Pingtan for transportation have made this way, originally designed for exclusive route, the Gulf of products using maritime express way after Fujian, Pingtan into the mainland, but in 2016 after the new government came to power, because of cross-strait relations frozen, Fujian Pingtan unilaterally for various reasons to delay all shipping Express customs clearance, make this originally called for the sea transport express line, a little change is not fast. But the clearance measures already exist, this study will use the A company's expertise "in Guangdong Province - Keelung" this route as an example, based on the scope of legal basis in Taiwan, using the express shipping and customs, originally illegal fake courier shipping (grocery cabinet), by coincidence to standard way to transport with the establishment of customs clearance, new service development (NSD) as the research framework with quality function deployment (QFD) of the house of quality as the research methods, the establishment of new service development model, A company can create a new service and road in the existing infrastructure.

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