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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The competition strategy research of Taiwan cloud computing industry

Lin, Yi-Chun 16 August 2010 (has links)
To say cloud computing is a brand new technology or industry development trend, I would prefer to say Cloud computer is the result of commercial business model revolution. The growth of Global information technology industry in recent years have been exhausted, the PC industry in the past, Intel and Microsoft, the Wintel architecture, across the world which exclusive more than 80% of market share. Each year the new products launches, all consumers must pay the bill without exception! However, when Microsoft introduced the new Vista operating system, the sales doesn¡¦t pan out as expectation. The consumers finally decide to penalize steadily increasing selling price. Meanwhile Intel also takes action to provide low-cost processor solutions to response to market needs and rescue declining rate of the market share. When global network coverage gets matured, the era of high-speed network is coming and human life will make a significant change because the business opportunities occur from the Internet. From the message propagation, interpersonal interaction and even food and lifestyle all hook up with the network; this huge business opportunity happens and it is appetizing! In recent years, ¡§Service" becomes the central idea of industry reconstruction. Cloud computing in fact is to serve as a starting point and the resulting value. "Cloud computing" has no "unified" specifications or definition right now, this study attempts to present to a limited data collected and discussed, with five force analysis, competitive analysis, management theory, explained the future of "possible" to become a huge business opportunity for the industry, and the feasibility to Taiwan in the light of the direction. The conclusions of this study are summarized as below: (1)Cloud computing has large business opportunity in the future (2)Taiwan Cloud computing businees opportunity can have 2 portions: one for hardware adding value, another for product reasearch (3)Taiwan has advantage to work with China for Cloud computing market (4)Taiwan government Cloud computing policy can study from Japan or Korea (5)Taiwan government Cloud computing policy can be a favor for local market

The dynamics analysis model for competitive strategy of IC paking industry

Hsu, Chih-Hsing 14 August 2003 (has links)
The object of the research in this thesis was semiconductor industry downstream process ~ IC Packing industry. Taiwan¡¦s IC Packing capacity has been on the top of worldwide, production technical ability also developed continuously caused by new entrants. New entrants not only bring cluster effects of capacity but also bring more pressure of competition between the IC Packing domain. But in this domain, companies seem to be similar to each other through imitation. When companies become alike it also mean that profit become more lean than before, that will impact seriously on Taiwan¡¦s IC Packing industry whose main capacity are used for no brand consignment. In this thesis, it trying to study objectively of competitive advantages and strategies with some aspects from domain industry, customers, competitor and the objected company in this study. Through the thesis with systematic and mathematical process, studied by documents, questionnaire and inquire of the person in charge to get a simplified mathematics model ~ Innovation Matrix, it can use for getting an objective and comparable strategy analysis. Besides that, in order to study forwards about the Innovation Matrix, this research identified the dynamic of causal relationship by ¡§System Thinking¡¨ about cause-effect-feedback of variances in the Innovation Matrix. Finally, to make this mathematics model ~ Innovation Matrix to become a dynamic model ~ ¡§The dynamics of competitive strategy analysis model¡¨. ¡§S Company¡¨ was the object in this research, trying to find out the interaction of ¡§S company¡¨ and its inner operation process even its hidden structure, in order to create a dynamic of causal relationship model. It¡¦s looking at ¡§S Company¡¨ from a systematic thinking to instead of linear thinking at event. Finally, to prove this ¡§The dynamics of competitive strategy analysis model¡¨ with actual performance figures between ¡§S Company¡¨ and its competitor, then submitted the leverage solution of ¡§S Company¡¨.

台北市私立幼兒園市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之關係研究 / A Relation Study of Market Orientation, Core Competence and Quality of Private Preschool in Taipei City

鍾玉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用分層隨意抽樣的量化問卷調查方法,以台北市立案之私立幼兒園之園長為對象,以三成作抽樣比例,先以電話聯絡園所,經園所同意後,再採郵寄問卷方式,輔以電話催收,共選取173所私立幼兒園。研究工具包括下列四部份:1.幼兒園組織特性調查表;2.研究者(2011)編製之市場導向量表;3.研究者(2011)編製之核心競爭能力量表及4.徐聯恩、劉蓁(2006)發展之幼兒園品質量表。 研究結論有五: 1. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力均在中高程度,其覺知之幼兒園品質亦多屬於中高程度。 2. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質不會因幼兒園園長專業背景及幼兒園經營型態等組織特性而呈現差異存在,但會因其餘組織特性(園長年齡、園長教育程度、園長幼教服務總年資、任職本園年資、任職本園園長年資、幼兒園成立歷史、幼兒園規模、幼兒園生師比)之不同而存在差異。 3. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之間具有顯著正相關。 4. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向及核心競爭能力可以預測幼兒園品質。 5. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向可藉由核心競爭能力的完全中介作用,間接正向影響幼兒園品質。 / This study adopts questionnaire survey method. A total of 173 usable questionnaires were collected from 173 administrators of private preschools in Taipei City. The measurement tools are fourfold: 1. preschool organization characteristics; 2. Chung (2011) market orientation scale; 3. Chung (2011) core competition scale and 4. Hsu and Liu (2006) preschool quality scale. The main conclusions of this study are fivefold: 1. Administrators of private preschools in Taipei City have high perception towards market orientation, core competition and quality of preschool. 2. Within Taipei City private preschools there are no significant differences, neither due to the administrator’s professional background nor the type of preschool. There are however, significant differences due to other organizational characteristics such as the administrator’s age, their level of education and administrative experience, the perpetuation and size of the school, and the student to teacher ratio. 3. Significant positive correlation existed among market orientation, core competition and quality of private preschool in Taipei City. 4. Market orientation and core competition can predict quality of private preschool in Taipei City. 5. Core competition did have the significant mediated effects of market orientation on quality of preschool.

企業經營策略之個案研究 - 以致綺國際有限公司為例 / The Case Study of the Enterpreneur Operational Strategy - Take Everfame International Co. As an Example

林英俊, Lin,Yin Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將探討已處於穩定發展階段的個案企業,如何在競爭環境中設計定位出與製造服務業之客製化策略互相配合的策略,有效地將營運策略、擴大企業實力與規模經濟相互整合,從而尋求提高技術水準、工人素質、產品品質的有效途徑。本研究將做出整合企業內部核心競爭力的分析、競爭優勢在產品市場的表現、競爭劣勢、機會與威脅的分析比較,並篩選與執行適合本個案公司特色的營運策略,從而取得競爭優勢,獲得經營業績。 本研究從個案公司內外部競爭優劣勢分析及企業現階段的發展特色之中,篩選出與企業自身發展相配合的差異化策略,即客戶服務的差異化,使個案公司能比競爭對手更有效率地為買方提供更有附加價值的差異化產品、能夠有效做出產品品質的差異化、能將知識管理與人力資源管理有效地整合在一起,而使得人力資源管理成為了真正“策略管理”的核心,從而有效形成與營運策略互相吻合的動態組織結構。 本研究首先從三個維度(策略維度、文化維度、學習和創新維度),系統地對公司內部管理情況加以深入地分析,來研究所亟須解決的重要問題。本研究從策略維度研究企業的策略目標、組織結構、內部工作流程、內部資訊溝通、人力資源的開發與評估以及公司的制度建構;從文化維度來研究企業核心價值觀的確立,並運用深層思維的價值觀來打造企業不敗的竅門;從學習和創新的維度來研究建構出學習型組織對企業營運的重要意義。 本研究之重點由個案公司簡介及個案研究與分析所組成。個案公司簡介部分描述了致綺國際有限公司成立二十多年來的公司沿革、經營理念、公司定位、公司策略、策略執行、公司組織架構、 深圳公司組織架構、主要產品、美国BERGQUIST產品、主要客户、生產能力、銷售額、品質政策、品質目標、绝缘片產品作業流程、導熱片產品作業流程、品質控制流程圖、個案公司之終極學習標的:Brady公司簡介與經營歷程及經營績效,其中重點介紹了致勝深圳電器配件廠的經營方式與管理改善計劃。 個案公司簡介主要分四部分來加以闡述:一、致綺國際有限公司之公司沿革簡介,包括致綺國際有限公司各地公司之分佈及公司組織架構,致綺國際有限公司所生產之主要產品類別及銷售額等。二、深圳致勝電器配件廠組織架構之介紹。三、深圳致勝電器配件廠之生產系統及管理。四、從銷售情形、庫存狀況、毛利率及競爭優勢等構面闡述了致綺國際有限公司最近之營運績效。 個案研究與分析部分主要從管理持續改善的全方位角度,分析了致綺國際有限公司未來經營成功的關鍵性績效指標(Key Performance Index,KPI)如下:一、提升工程作業能力,以主動、迅速、正確,服務內外部客戶。二、持續提升生產效率,以正確(Q)、低成本(C)、迅速(D)之優勢來滿足客戶的需求。三、強化組織架構權責、人員培訓體系,以建立優質人力資源。四、強化資材供應與管理能力,以適質、適量、適價優勢提升競爭力。五、精實品質管理系統,以降低客戶抱怨。六、員工生活品質優化,以降低員工流動率。七、提高核心競爭優勢。八、強化企業文化與價值。九、強化企業領導模式。十、 強化產品資訊與客戶支援解決方案。十一、強化個案公司之市場目標。十二、有效強化管理、彈性應變與工程執行能力。十三、以客為尊,提高客戶滿意度,策略方向聚焦與定位於行銷服務業。十四、高素質的材料有效地支援了產品、元件及其他資產。十五、確保運用適當的員工,適時適地來強化安全性。十六、緊縮與裁撤不必要之間接部門,全面緊縮成本。十七、聚焦於利基市場及新產品,重新定位利基策略。十八、將公司的總管理處、研發設計、業務、財務儘量維持駐在地深圳。 / This thesis analyzes the corporate strategy of the case company Everfame International Co., Ltd, which becomes customized at a steady development stage gradually .How to propose a good corporate strategy according to the competitive environment and the company’s real status is the first priority of the case company. The key point is how to improve the quality level of the technology and production. It thoroughly is a critical issue for combining corporation strategy with building up the strength of the case company. This article combines company’s internal core competitiveness. It contains competitive strength、 competitive weakness、 opportunities and threats. The suitable strategy must be adaptive to the company’s real characteristic and strengthen to improve the company’s operational performance. A differentiation strategy is focused on the development of a product or service that offers unique attributes that are valued by customers, and the customers perceive to be better and different from the products of the competitive rivals. The value added by the uniqueness of the product may allow the case company to charge a premium price for it. The case company expects that the higher price will be more than covering the extra costs incurred in offering the unique product and service. Therefore, Using the above core competency, The case company can combine the unique domain knowledge and excellent human resource management to construct a dynamic and flexible organization , and focused on catching up the economic scale of their ultimate target: rolemodel company Brady as the long term visional mindset of The case company.

IC設計產業創新服務營運之研究 – 以山寨產品之案例分析 / An innovation service model study of IC design industry – cases study over Shanzhai products

王德仁 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣半導體產值已佔全球半導體產值的百分之二十,而臺灣IC設計產值亦已佔全球第二位之重要位置,然而現今在全世界之市場、產品定義、及產品規範都掌控於歐美世界大廠之手,臺灣IC設計產業如何擺脫低價競爭之厄運,甚至有時就算低價競爭,也無法在歐美IC設計大廠已攤平開發成本下,在價格上取得任何優勢;因此在原有臺灣IC設計產業舊有之經營模式,大陸山寨市場提供一個絕佳從資通訊產業上、中、下游之產業鏈重組之模式,臺灣IC設計產業因此在經營模式上必須找出一可以創造產業鏈上、中、下游多贏之經營模式。山寨手機是目前相當成功的一個案例,也創造出一個華人市場特有的手機產業鏈模式,因此此一成功案例也成為目前臺灣IC設計產業最想複製並找出其中致勝之道。 本研究主要探討之問題有四:晶片設計產業,在擴散其核心競爭力時,往往是跨產業別之新的開始,應考量之要點為何? 為切入成熟市場,新的晶片設計公司從”邊陲市場”切入該產業時,產品需提供何種差異化?需提供何種服務並如何取捨? 晶片設計公司原本為腦力密集產業,強調是小而美;然而面對現今山寨產品之風行,山寨系統廠將營運重心轉往銷售及量產管理,則晶片設計公司在組織上如何因應此種產業分工之改變? 晶片設計公司之核心能耐擴展,在山寨市場所需具備之條件為何? 本研究主要藉由策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素三個構面做為主要分析架構。由三主要架構再細分各架構之變項,在策略與組織中,共有企業經營團隊、核心競爭優勢、組織架構、及網絡定位等變項;在技術能力中,則有過去所累積之產品開發經驗、內部知識傳遞之效率、外部可利用之資源網絡、產品開發管理制度、組織學習能耐及企業之知識管理系統等變項;在市場因素中,則有市場需求之變化、產品行銷、產業合作網絡、及政策因素。 本研究所獲得之研究發現則針對於策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素此三構面分別描述如下: 一、 在IC產業擴展產業別時,穩扎穩打以鞏固進入產業核心競爭力之根基為企業領導者之主要任務,因此循序漸進為較適當之策略展開作法。 二、 IC設計公司為對客戶提供更多的服務,且面對新的挑戰時,從現有組織分出一獨立組織,或是在公司內部創造出新的組織結構,以便重新定義新流程或定義新的工作型態。 三、 當IC設計產業為因應山寨產業之生態,若需跨足原先IT產業分工中,屬於品牌廠所需負責之工作時,因財務之負擔,必須審慎以對。 四、 企業以”邊陲進入”之模式切入成熟產業,若在硬體平台相類似下,僅以低成本之差異,但無法取得消費者在其他產品特性方面之認同,則將難以形成產品認同。 五、 企業在跨入其他產業時,利用購併之方式快速取得核心技術,重新定義新任務所需之流程及價值觀為首要任務。 六、 技術追隨者在進入市場時,選擇以”邊陲市場”進入為一正確之選擇,然而利用”五力分析”分析市場競爭者之動態,隨時調整本身策略為更重要之功課。 / According to the market report, 20% market share of world wide semiconductor market is supplied by Taiwan’s companies, and the total market share of Taiwan’s IC design house is ranked as second within world wide IC design companies. But until now, all of the product definition and product specification are dominated by USA or Europe companies. Even to offer the price competition strategy to the target market, sometimes Taiwan’s IC design house also cannot break even by the traditional quickly follower business model. China market offers a good market, which is different with the traditional business model, to re-organize the business chain, and we called it as “Shanzhai” market. Taiwan’s IC design company could define a new business supply chain to win back some market share within the mature market. “Shanzhai” mobile phone market is a successful case, and it also create a special business supply chain within Chinese countries. Based on this successful case, other Taiwan’s IC design companies also want to analyze and find out the successful business model. Within this research, there are four questions should be covered, and shown as below.  Within the IC design industry, what’s kind of consideration should be discussed when it try to expand it’s core competition?  When a new IC design company want to cut in a mature market, what’s kind of service should be considered except the product differentiation?  IC design house is a high technology company and focus on small size but with high quality engineers. If IC design companies tried to target on servicing the “Shanzhai” market, they how to re-organize the traditional organization to meet the different models with small quantities business models.  To expand the IC design house core competition for servicing “Shanzhai” market, what’s kind of conditions should be prepared? Within this research, it consists and discussed from three dimensions which are strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors. Under the three dimensions, there are some detailed key factors should be covered. Under the strategy and organization, it should cover company management team, core competition analysis, organization structure, and the position within the supply chain. Under the technology capability, it should cover the product development experience, the knowledge communication efficiency internally, the learning capability of new technology, and knowledge management system. Under the market factor, it should cover the analysis of market demanding, market promotion, business cooperation, and policy consideration. By the three dimensions(strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors), this research have the following finding. 1. When the IC design company expand it’s core business, it is better to expand the core business sequentially as it’s strategy. 2. In order to provide more new services other than traditional services of IC design company, the IC design house is much better to organize a new supporting organization or re-organize a new section to support to re-define the working SOP or define a new working model. 3. In order to service the “Shanzhai” market, the IC design company may involve the service of traditional brand name company’s business. The financial burden is a critical issue should be considered at first. 4. When the IC design house tried to step into a mature market as technology follower, it should try to find other differentiation point other than lower price only. 5. When the IC design house try to merge other IC design company for quickly step into a new market, the first priority is to re-define the new working SOP and target task for new group. 6. The technology follower select a second/or third priority market as their target market is a correct selection. But the most important is to adjust the own strategy dynamically according to competitor’s status.

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