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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業進行製造服務化並發展創新服務之研究-知識管理的觀點 / Servitization and Service Innovation of Manufacturing Firms: The Perspective of Knowledge Management

謝宗澔 Unknown Date (has links)
以製造產品為主要獲利手段的企業面臨商品陷阱(Commodity Trap)困境,即製造活動全球轉移導致的低成本競爭、網路資訊流通導致的產品週期縮短及顧客對客製化需求的增加,這些趨勢使其競爭環境更加困難。為脫離商品陷阱現象,服務化已成趨勢。 製造服務化( Servitization )一詞,強調原本以製造產品為主的企業,從顧客為主(Customer-focus)的角度,整合服務至其核心產品,以滿足顧客的需求,並提升其附加價值。其過程通常伴隨著企業往價值鏈上、下游提供延伸服務、企業與顧客親合度的提升及企業從「產品導向」轉變為「服務導向」。 企業於製造服務化過程中如何發展新服務並持續創新為其核心議題。因此本研究架構整合「服務創新」與「知識管理」之理論。以Den Hertog (2010)提出的「服務創新」模型為研究基礎,以探討其新服務發展之內涵。並透過「知識管理」之:知識吸收、知識整合、知識創造,以探討企業如何學習發展新服務所需之能耐。 過去雖然已有許多製造服務化相關之研究,但是對於製造服務化與知識管理連結之研究並不多,且無探討服務創新之因果關係的相關研究。本研究以此作為研究缺口,以「服務創新與製造服務化」、「服務傳遞系統」、「知識管理」三構面,透過多重個案研究法,以訪談及次級資料蒐集研究資料並進行分析,研究我國三間企業製造服務化之發展過程,得到以下研究結論。 結論一: 企業進行製造服務化,會整合自身之能力,與外界資源,以發展新服務。在跨入門檻較低的部分,通常會採用自行學習法;在跨入門檻較高的部分,則會尋求新商業夥伴合作的方式。 結論二: 企業進行製造服務化並發展服務創新時,會透過軟體科技的導入以促進創意發展並提升溝通效率。 結論三: 企業進行製造服務化並發展服務創新時,其新服務概念的內涵會受到企業文化的影響。 結論四: 企業進行製造服務化並發展服務創新時,在知識吸收上,會以吸收:市場競爭、行銷與銷售、人力資源管理、新商業夥伴等知識為主。在知識整合上,則會以市場知識與技術知識的整合以及市場知識面各因子間的整合為重心。在知識創造上,會強調透過「實驗」的方式,來發展未來更符合消費者的服務。 結論五: 企業進行製造服務化並發展服務創新時,其新服務概念會受到知識吸收的來源與知識吸收的機制影響。其新顧客互動會受到技術知識與市場知識的整合或者市場知識與市場知識的整合影響。 / Companies that sell products as their primary means of making profit face the dilemma of Commodity Trap. Commodity Trap means low cost caused by global shift in manufacturing activity, shorter product life cycle due to development of internet and increased demand for customization. Those trend make it more difficult for companies to survive in the competitive environment. In order to be out of Commodity Trap, servitization has become a trend. Servitization is the innovation of an company's capabilities and processes to shift from selling products to selling integrated products and services in term of customer-focus that enhance its added value. It follows company’s development of application service and value chain shift to it’s upstream or downstream, closer relationship with their customers and transformation from product oriented to service oriented. The core issue for a company in process of servitization is how to develop new service and keep innovative. So, this research’s structure integrated theories in service innovation area and knowledge management area. Used Den Hertog (2010) model of service innovation as base to discuss the connotation of new service development. To explore how companies learned to develop the capability to provide new service, this research separated knowledge management theories into knowledge absorption, knowledge integration and knowledge creation. Although there have been many studies related to servitization in the past, there are not much research on the links between servitization and knowledge management. This study uses this as a research gap, and uses service innovation and servitization, service delivery system and knowledge management as three research facets. Through multi-case study method. Collecting and analysis data by interview and secondary data . Researched the servitization process of three local companies and got the following research findings. The research findings include: 1.In the process of servitization, companies will integrate it’s self capability and external resource to develop new service. In the part that have lower barriers to entry, companies usually choose self-learning. In the part that have higher barriers to entry, companies usually seek new business partners. 2. In the process of servitization, companies will implement software to facilitate innovation efficiency and improve communication efficiency. 3. In the process of servitization, companies’ connotation of their new service concept will be influenced by their corporate culture. 4. In the process of servitization, companies’ knowledge absorption will focus on marketing competition, marketing and sales, human resource , business company and so on. In knowledge integration part, companies will focus on integrating marketing knowledge and technology knowledge or integrating each marketing knowledge factors. In knowledge creation part, companies will focus on experiment to develop new services that are correspond to customer’s requirement. 5. In the process of servitization, companies’ new service concept will be influenced by their resources and mechanisms of knowledge absorption. Their New Client Interface will be influenced by their integration of technology knowledge and marketing knowledge or marketing knowledge and marketing knowledge.

服務業者在銀髮族服務創新測試階段的組織學習機制之探討 / Exploring Organizational Learning Mechanisms of Senior Citizen's Service Innovation in Testing Stage

金雅蘭, Chin,Ya-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內廠商生產線的外移,許多產業已發展至成熟的階段,各種企業經營都越來越倚重以服務為基礎的商業運作,服務業的生產與規模日益成長,大部分服務性質的工作已囊括在各類經濟活動中,根據主計處統計2013年台灣服務業占GDP比重約68.29%,顯見發展服務創新活動對於國家經濟成長而言之重要性,服務創新已成為當前相關服務業者重要投入的新興領域。 由於服務創新角色與地位重要性日趨提昇,相關的服務與創新活動不斷的推陳出新加上科技的進步,醫療水準的提高,使得人類的壽命能不斷地延長,人口老化已成為全球皆關注的現象。然面對於科技發達,高齡者越來越長壽,老年人口增加的情況下,卻少有人探討有關服務創新之議題,且又以銀髮族研究在服務創新上仍有待釐清。 當前各個國家都同時面臨了人口老化與服務業成長幅度快速的攀升,對於銀髮族服務廠商而言需要不斷的學習與調整以創造競爭力,其中服務創新「測試階段」雖然在服務業服務創新流程中扮演著重要的角色,但目前在服務業中服務測試階段的研究,不論是新產品開發流程亦或是新服務開發流程,對於測試階段的構面與內容都是相較於其他階段的研究較為缺乏。 鑑於此,本研究方法上採取個案研究法,並以中國銀髮族服務業者進行深入的個案研究,本研究採取「理論取樣」方法,選取中國人口老齡化程度最高的地區之一北京市銀髮族人口密集度最高作為主要的研究場域,針對銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試階段之流程以及測試過程中的組織學習與調整為核心的敘事研究,並就服務創新測試階段、組織學習及銀髮族服務創新進行相關學理文獻的彙整及個案的訪談進行研究。 本研究得到的主要結論,包含:(1)銀髮族服務業者服務創新測試的過程依序分為四個階段,包含:形成期、風暴期、規範期、穩定期,並在服務創新測試不同的階段中展現不同的摸索特徵、內容與過程;(2)服務業者在服務創新測試階段的組織學習上,除了會考量服務本身的學習與調整之外,也會考量服務創新流程方面的學習與調整;(3)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試的不同階段中,不同的服務人力涉入程度之服務業者會採不同的學習方式,以提升測試中服務的績效;(4) 銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試階段的過程中,會考量服務人力涉入需求的不同,而選擇不同專精程度的團隊組成與服務內容;(5)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新的測試過程中,會在不同的測試階段中設置不同的關卡類型;(6)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試的不同階段中,會透過不同的傳遞方式來提供服務,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果;(7)在服務創新的測試過程中,銀髮族服務業者會就不同的服務內容與特性(顧客化程度與資訊化程度),選擇不同的溝通方式,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果;(8)在服務創新測試階段中,銀髮族服務業者會就不同的銀髮族群特性(社會化程度、互動化程度),採取不同的溝通方式,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果。 本研究在學術上的主要貢獻,包括:(1)本研究特別就服務創新的測試來探討,彌補了服務創新領域相關研究上的不足;(2)本研究特別針對銀髮族服務業者來探討,彌補了服務創新領域相關研究上的不足;(3)本研究特別從組織學習的理論切入,彌補了過往服務創新研究在此議題上的不足;(4)本研究提出組織學習機制的概念作為銀髮族服務創新的切入點。 本研究最後並提出服務創新測試階段的組織學習機制相關的實務意涵及後續研究建議,進一步地提出服務創新測試四階段模式、服務創新測試作為、組織學習機制,提供服務創新測試階段組織學習過程的影響因素做為服務業者進行服務創新測試管理與提升測試階段的學習成效時的參考依據。而對於未來有意願投入或開發銀髮族服務業相關服務的創新團隊,本研究亦提供銀髮族服務創新測試階段之組織學習機制的整體性架構的空間。 / With the continuous development of service industries, many industries have bundled with service roles to improve their business and economic activities. The industry for senior service has grown rapidly and has become a market target industry due to the increase in prolonged lives and a healthy aging population. This service industry has become a phenomenon worldwide, and Taiwan currently ranks second in aging populations among Asian countries. Taiwan’s senior service industry is an emerging industry, the majority of which is supported by smaller companies. Therefore, little researching has been done on the innovative services handling this quickly growing aging population. Furthermore, service innovation remains immature within senior sectors. This opportunity continues to be an interesting topic for all business sectors, but little research has scrutinized the relationship and meaning in service innovations for seniors. Currently, countries around the world are facing the rapid rise of aging populations and service industry growth, which requires constant learning and adjustment in order to create competitive power. While the “testing stage” of service innovation plays an important role in the service innovation process, the research on service testing stage, whether about the new product development process or the service development process, for the testing stage of the structure and content compared to other stages is scarce. Therefore, in this research, we adopt the case study method and recruit people from the Chinese elderly service industry to carry out a thorough case study. In particular, this study adopts the “theoretical sampling” method to determine one of the most aging areas in China, with the highest population density in Beijing being the main research field. In this study, we focus on the service innovation test stage’s process in the senior citizen industry, as well as the organization study and narrative research in the testing process, the core of which involves organizational learning and adjustment. Such organizational learning and service innovation for the elderly are both examined in this study through relevant academic literature and case interviews. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The process of service innovation testing of the senior citizen industry is divided into four stages: formation period, storm period, normative period, and stable period, all of which have different characteristics, content, and processes; 2. In the service innovation testing stage of organizational learning, in addition to considering the study and adjustment of the service itself, the study and adjustment of the service innovation process shall also be considered; 3. In the different stages of service innovation testing, the service providers adopt different ways of learning to improve the performance of the service being tested; 4. In the process of service innovation testing, the senior-citizen service providers will consider the manpower requirements involved in different service patterns and choose different team compositions and service contents accordingly; 5. In the process of service innovation testing, different types of tasks are established at different test stages; 6. In the different stages of service innovation testing, services are provided through different communication methods to enhance the organizational learning effect in the testing service process; 7. In the process of testing service innovation, the service provider acts according to the differences in the service content and characteristics (customizing degree and information level) and chooses different methods of communication to improve the effectiveness of organizational learning; 8. In the service innovation testing stage, senior citizen service providers adopt different communication methods to improve the organizational learning effect in the process of testing services for the different characteristics of the senior citizen group (socialization degree and interactivity degree). This study aims to make the following contributions in the academic field: 1. This study discusses specifically the testing of service innovation, which complements the lack of relevant research in the field of service innovation; 2. Focus on the service providers for senior citizens also makes up for deficiencies in the field of services innovation; 3. Use of organizational learning theory as the leverage point supplements the insufficient research on service innovation in the past; 4. This study proposes the concept of organizational learning mechanism as an entry point for senior-citizen service innovation. Based on this study’s results, we propose some practical implications of the organizational learning mechanism in the service innovation testing stage, as well as some follow-up research suggestions. Furthermore, we put forward the four-stage model of service innovation testing and the organizational learning mechanism and provide the influential factors of the organizational learning process as a reference for service providers to innovate test management and improve the learning effectiveness of the testing stage. In the future, the industry will have to invest in or develop services related to the service of the innovative team. This study also provides the family service innovation testing stage of the organizational learning mechanism for the overall framework of space.


劉詩平 Unknown Date (has links)
我國經濟發展早期建立於價格低廉且素質高的勞力密集生產,政府的出口導向貿易政策,促使台灣成為製造業為發展重心的經濟型態,台灣經濟成長動力來源遂以製造部門為主,但在面對全球知識經濟發展的競爭壓力下,謀求轉型升級成為亟欲探討的課題。另外,全球化的發展趨勢下,開發中國家擁有大量的廉價勞力,在比較利益的原則之下,使得台灣長期以來依賴製造與出口為經濟重心的發展模式受到了相當程度的影響。因此在製造部門為了維持企業競爭優勢而將工廠外移的隱憂下,台灣如何以知識密集服務業造就下一波經濟成長的動力,此為亟欲探討的課題。 服務業占我國經濟結構比重已超過三分之二,但是我國服務業之整體知識密集度仍有提升的空間。長期以來我們對於創新的認知大多集中於製造業的範圍,忽略了服務業創新與創新過程中服務所扮演的重要角色,因此,我國對於研發與創新的理解也須跳脫硬體和製造的層次。 本研究由服務系統與創新構面的角度切入,探討選取個案中的服務創新因子,並歸類出其創新驅動的形式。研究問題如下: 1.創新服務核心技術應用在服務系統發展的關鍵點為何? 2.知識密集服務業的創新成果與服務創新之間有哪些重要的構面?構面之間的互動對創新成果的影響為何? 3.知識密集服務業的創新驅動可能因子有哪幾種形式? 本研究以個案訪談及蒐集次及資料為主要分析來源,本研究選取對象,以策略性服務業科專計畫中,工研院能資所開發的全溫層保鮮系統服務為主,其中包括工研院能資所開發技術的過程,以及大榮貨運、台灣宅配通、中華郵政三家移轉服務系統的宅配業者。而本研究主要結論如下: 1.知識密集服務業創新服務技術發展的關鍵,在於與服務業者的共同開發合作。 2.服務創新構面中新服務觀念、新交付系統、新顧客介面等三構面會影響服務創新的成果,服務創新構面需互相配合。 3.服務創新構面中技術選擇不具關鍵性,服務決定技術,而非技術決定服務,但技術採用可加速新服務創新的實行。 4.服務創新驅動因子來自供應商、服務業者、客戶端。不同創新驅動因子有不同創新驅動形式,如客戶導向的創新驅動、供應商支配的創新驅動、服務業者的創新驅動與共同合作開發的創新驅動。 5.技術層次與對服務的認知決定服務創新驅動的形式。


任思翰 Unknown Date (has links)
全球已經進入知識經濟時代,未來對於教育的需求會越來越大。從產業的觀點來看MBA教育,由於需求的增加,未來產業規模將會不斷地擴張,行政院預估在2008年將達到4000億之多。另外,參考國外的經驗,以美國為例,教育的商業化使美國的教育產業在市場機制中不斷提升品質,使美國的MBA教育執世界之牛耳。另外美國科學局所發表「2002年科學與工程指標」(Science and Engineering Indicators-2002)中有關知識服務業的統計,教育服務產值名列第五大知識服務業,高達5000億美金。 隨著全球化的發展,跨國管理教育服務的規模也慢慢增加,台灣如果要擴展大學的規模以及國際化程度,跨國的發展是不可避免的趨勢。本文特別針對跨國管理教育服務的提供者做研究,以服務創新的角度去看這些個案的發展過程,做為台灣未來發展的參考。 一、 對台灣管理教育服務提供者建議 (1)台灣管理教育之國際化發展應先確立明確的目標顧客、自我定位與一致性的品質確認機制 (2)結合國內資源或是尋求各國聯盟以強化面對國際競爭時的競爭力 二、 對政府的建議 (1)應考量國際情勢適度開放法規限制,開放學位學程的遠距教學比例,配合監督教學品質,讓國內之教育機構在服務創新的過程中有更大的彈性。 (2)國內大學的財源、營運方式給予更多自主性,可以運用更多不同的資源提高競爭力。

台灣生活實驗室與使用者共同創造之研究 / A research about the co-creation between living labs and users in Taiwan

劉國翔 Unknown Date (has links)
生活實驗室(Living Lab)是一種以使用者為中心(User-centric)的研究方法,設立於一多元脈絡(Multi-context)的真實(Real)生活情境中,使所有利益關係人(Stakeholders)主動(Active)參與共同創造(Co-creation),透過使用者需求研究,測試、驗證新產品服務原型、系統、以及商業模式,並持續給予產品服務提供者回饋,以提供複雜問題的解決方案,創造有價的創新產品服務。   本研究選定台灣的四間生活實驗室為研究對象,包括:資策會Living Lab Taiwan、台大INSIGHT Center、交大Eco-City、以及成大TOUCH Center;本研採用Gulliksen等人(2009)所提出的生活實驗室共創原則,並結合Voss(1992)提出的服務創新流程為本研究之研究架構,藉此研究生活實驗室,在不同時期下,與使用者共同創造之達成度,並對分析所見結果的成因,研究結論概述於下: 一、採用本研究所提出的「結合創新服務流程之使用者共創原則」架構,可呈現生活實驗室共創原則,分析各時期是否達成要求,適合做為分析生活實驗室在共創運作上的操作準則。 二、根據本研究分析,資策會Living Lab Taiwan,相較台灣其他三間生活實驗室,與使用者共創的達成度最高。其設立真實生活實驗室場域,並自行開發商業驗證方法論;其他生活實驗室則尚無建立。 三、台灣各生活實驗室在「概念期」與「發展期」尚位涉足。因各生活實驗室仍屬於技術本位,未真正以使用者需求為出發,仍是由產品服務提供者自己的想法進行發展。

餐飲業之數位轉型與服務創新策略之研究: 以W個案公司為例 / The research on the digital transformation and service innovation strategy of the catering industry: take W case study company as an example

鄭榮輝, Cheng, Jung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
國內的餐飲業發展迅速、日新月異,各種風味特色、各種經營方式、各種組織結構的餐飲業星羅密佈。國內擁有博大精深的飲食文化和市場基礎,因此餐飲業就成了最為活躍而且最完全競爭的產業。目前,越來越多的餐飲業正在朝向著規模化的方向發展,跨地區發展的連鎖餐飲企業集團逐漸佔據主導的地位。隨著業務的迅速發展,規模龐大的連鎖餐飲業不斷地面臨了管理分支機構所帶來的經營成本、涵蓋範圍、標準化生產和服務管理等方面的巨大壓力。因此,連鎖餐飲業迫切需要一種異地安全互聯的經營管理方案,上傳財務資料,而且要將辦公資料和財務資料分離開來,並設法降低管理費用。同時,面對餐飲產業管理效率低落、決策欠缺系統化,以及供應鏈最佳化的問題、對外部市場的快速反應問題等,需要建立可以搭載IT (Information Technology) 系統的數位化系統,加強內部資訊的共享性、時效性、透明度,深化企業的內部管理,提升管理效率,從而最大程度地達到內部和外部資源的最佳利用,不斷地提升市場競爭力。 本研究在回顧國內連鎖餐飲業的發展現況和所存在的問題,以及數位轉型與服務創新在連鎖餐飲業的應用現狀之基礎上,分析了連鎖餐飲業價值鏈的架構和特色,闡明了國內連鎖餐飲業發展數位轉型與服務創新策略的可行性和必要性,提出了適合國內連鎖餐飲業發展的數位轉型與服務創新模式,並設計出了個案連鎖餐飲企業發展數位策略的整體規劃和執行方案。最後,本研究在對個案連鎖餐飲公司做SWOT 分析的基礎上,重點研究了個案公司數位轉型與服務創新的應用情況,並給出了針對其缺點的改進建議。 / The catering trade industry of Taiwan is developing vigorously with new, special-flavored catering trade enterprises of varying operation modes and organization structures spreading all over the country. As Taiwan owns a profound and deep catering trade culture and market base, the catering trade industry has become the most competitive industry in Taiwan. More and more catering trade enterprises are developing in large scale. Cross territorial chain catering trade enterprises are gradually leading the market. With the rapid development of catering trade business, large-scaled chain catering trade enterprises are facing a huge amount of pressure of operating cost, covering range, standardized manufacturing and information security resulting from managing the branches. Thus, the chain catering trade enterprises are in urgent need of an operating management scheme of cross territorial and security inter-connected to upload financial data. Meanwhile, the scheme should also be able to separate the administrative data and finance data. Considering the catering trade industry is in a situation of low managing efficiency, unscientific decision-making, internal optimization of supply chain and agile response to the external market, it needs an digital system that is able to build on MIS to reinforce the sharing and efficiency of internal information, deepen the internal management, upgrade managing efficiency. In this way, the chain catering trade enterprises can make full use of internal and external resources so as to improve the market response. On the base of reviewing the present situation, problems and digital application status in Taiwan’s chain catering trade enterprises, this paper Analyzed the form and feature of the value chain of the chain catering trade industry, clarified the feasibility and need of applying digitalization in chain catering trade enterprises, put forward the digital modes that are suit for the chain catering trade enterprises of Taiwan, devised a whole program and implementation of applying digitalization for Taiwan’s chain catering trade enterprises. At last, on the basis of SWOT analysis analyze and study the case study company, this research mainly analyze the digital application of the case study company and put forward to the suggestions accordingly.

跨國科技製造業分公司銷售策略與服務創新之研究-以A公司台灣分公司為例 / The Research of Sales Strategy and Service Innovation for the Branch of Transnational Enterprise

林秀明, Lin, Hsiu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界經濟的快速變遷,企業全球化已是不可不進行的企業經營走向。對於跨國科技業而言,它們在世界各地皆面臨產品同質化日趨嚴重的競爭,服務作為產品的價值延伸已經成為各企業爭取消費者的重要策略,並成為跨國科技業在當地分公司實行差異化不可或缺的工具。然而服務創新的研究時間不長,且主要集中在服務業或知識密集服務業,在台灣也有針對專業代工進行服務創新之論述,但科技業的服務創新相對而言仍屬附屬。本研究透過創新經營模式與新服務概念、新服務交付系統、新顧客介面及技術選擇的服務創新四構面之架構,並透過企業與專案層級的實例,針對跨國科技業分公司銷售策略與服務創新以質性方法與個案實例進行研究與分析。結論發現跨國科技業分公司基於服務創新的銷售策略,針對當地市場的產業特性,進行最完善的銷售,期許對跨國科技業分公司策略之擬定與服務創新之推動有所裨益,達到「以服務傳遞價值,以價值創造銷售」的主要目的。 / With the rapid change in the world, enterprise globalization is the inevitable trend. As to the transnational technology industry, the companies face to the serious product competition with the same functions. Therefore, the service providing has become the important strategy to expand product value in order to refine the sales. However, the research period in service innovation is relatively short, and also most of researches are focus on service industry and KIBS (Knowledge Intensive Business Services). In Taiwan, there are some papers mentioning the ODM and OEM service research but still belong to subsidiary. In this study, qualitative research and case study method were applied to analysis the sales strategy and service innovation of transnational enterprise by the combination of Innovation Business Model and Four Dimensions of Service Innovation. Besides, in order to collect the needed data, the data triangulation was applied in this study, including the in-depth interview and the collection of secondary data. The results shows that the sales strategy based on service innovation and local environment will precede the better sales. The findings in this study will reach the “Use service to provide value, and use value creates sales” goal.

地方政府服務創新政策評估:以新北市新店區跨區服務為例 / Policy Evaluation of Local Government Service Innovation: A Case Study of Cross-District Service in Xindian District,New Taipei City

鄧素如 Unknown Date (has links)
由於社會環境的急劇變遷,公部門扮演之角色,不若往昔僅僅處於被動服務態勢,主動出擊已成為必要作為。且地方政府各項服務措施與人民日常洽公辦理之事務息息相關,因此為了符合民眾期待進而感動民眾,各地方政府不僅意識到「服務」與「創新」的重要性,也不斷地藉由各類創新以及便民措施的精進,來提高民眾對於政府的信賴,「服務創新」因而成為地方政府展現積極作為的一個代表性象徵。 而政府資源「取之於民,用之於民」,任何政策的推動不應因為大部份民眾的漠視與無考量成本與公共利益的旨向,而貿然推動缺乏照顧弱勢的福利政策。故本文以服務創新文獻以及政策評估之相關理論為基礎,評估新北市政府於102年推動「跨區服務」政策產生之副作用為何,藉以提出短、中長期之政策建議。採用之評估模型則以Vedung之副作用模型(side-effect model)為基礎,結合Dunn所提出之評估的標準形式,即效能性、效率性、充分性、公平性、回應性、適當性等面向,從政策規劃端、政策執行端與政策接收端(含受益者與其利害關係人)三類別為分析面向,從深度訪談與描述性統計角度,探討該政策在人力、成本與服務上所產生之可預期與非預期之副作用。 / Due to rapid change of social environment, the public sector no longer plays a passive role in service delivery. It is essential for it to take a more active role. It is especially true for local governments, as their functions are closely related to the people’s daily lives. In order to meet the expectations of the people and get them moved, various local governments are not only aware of the importance of "service" and "innovation", but also continue to formulate various innovation and convenience measures to enhance the people's trust to the government. "Service innovation" has become a symbol to show an activism of local governments. Government resources come from the people, so they should be used for the people. We should not take no account of cost and public interest in figuring out a welfare policy for the disadvantaged. Therefore, this thesis makes use of the literature of service innovation and the theory of policy evaluation to assess the side effects generated by the "cross-district service" policy initiated by the New Taipei City Government in 2013, in order to suggest some short-, medium- and long-term recommendations. The evaluation model this thesis adopts is based on Vedung’s side effects model accompanied with Dunn’s evaluation criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, fairness, responsiveness and appropriateness. The analytical dimensions are composed of the points of policy planning, policy implementation and policy receiving (including beneficiaries and other stakeholders). Through in-depth interviews along with descriptive statistical analysis, it explores anticipated and unanticipated side effects of the policy generated in terms of manpower, cost and service.

台灣馬光醫療網創新營運模式分析 / A Case Study on the Innovative Business Model Analysis of Ma-Kuang Healthcare Group,Taiwan

邱幼妮 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣醫療制度從早期的自費,經歷了公保、勞保、1995年開始實施的健保制度,直到目前的總額預算制。在醫療資源趨近飽和,健保財務吃緊的狀況下,醫療服務業面臨高度競爭,中醫面臨著競爭激烈、大餅被分食的大環境。故如何有計劃的形成差異化,即早全面性的研擬方針,長遠規劃經營方向及創新策略,為經營者必須嚴肅面對之課題。 個案醫療網立基於台灣,成立於1991年,主要深耕於高高屏,目前台灣有15間分院及生技公司。新加坡區成立於1999年,於新加坡擁有23間中醫診所;目前積極拓展大陸市場。台灣區於1995健保制度設立至今,共新增13家中醫院所,2011 年成立20週年。台灣員工近400位,其中包含70位專業中醫師。雖然在台灣,有種種不利的競爭情況,但其績效表現在中醫界卻是令人刮目相看。 本研究主要探討個案醫療網之創新營運模式分析,採個案研究法,透過與個案執行長之深度訪談,並在過程中佐以與主題相關實證文獻、文件及檔案紀錄等多重證據來源,並參與活動時的觀察,相互印證,探究個案之主要創新營運模式。 研究結果顯示,馬光初期因看到中醫產業的機會與需求而採用連鎖策略。連鎖所產生的成本優勢,為馬光連鎖醫療網的早期競爭優勢之一。但因醫療產業的特殊性,健保制度規定收費一致的情況下,馬光逐漸建構新的優勢,透過管理活動的展開,不斷進行核心價值文化深植、組織管理變革、服務流程創新;這些皆有別於傳統中醫院所的特徵及核心技術範圍,形成差異化的競爭力。 醫療院所若未來有意朝向展店成長策略時,經由個案經驗顯示,首先應對產業結構尤其醫療保險政策及給付制度詳加了解;於核心價值文化、專業SOP及整體管理中心、獎懲、、等制度應早作系統性建檔及規劃;並儘早依院所發展特色形成差異化。

不動產產業網路服務策略行銷4C之探討—以V公司為例 / The study of strategic marketing's 4C in real estate industry web services - V company as an example

鄭弘杰, Cheng, Hung-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
不動產產業近年來持續蓬勃發展,關於不動產相關的服務,亦成為各家不動產同行的兵家必爭之地。如何以好的服務創新,激發潛在買家對於特定建案的興趣,進而促成交易,帶動不動產業者之營運績效,可謂本研究之一大要點。   而資訊科技的日新月異,更是服務創新之一大契機。過去的不動產服務,往往必須以實體界面提供;然而,若是透過資訊平台進行服務提供,那可望有機會提供更完整且更加及時的服務,而且伴隨網際網路的威力,可以讓服務更加無所不在。每年我國不動產成交數量成千上萬,但是仿間資訊並不一定能完全滿足需要,買家和賣家之間存在資訊不對稱,是故,利用資訊系統進行服務創新降低資訊不對稱極具商機。   本研究透過學者邱志聖於2001年所提出的策略4C理論架構,使用V公司作為個案研究的案例,探討不動產產業利用網際網路提供服務創新的議題,希望能對不動產產業之產學界有所助益。 / Real estate industry continues to flourish in recent years, and services related to real estate industry have also become a battleground of firms in that industry. How to utilize better service innovation to inspire potential buyers' interest in specific building cases, to prompt trading, and to boost operating performance of those industries are all major points in this study.   The rapid changes in information technology can also be regarded as one of the great opportunity for service innovation. In the past, the real estate services often base on physical interface; however, through the information platform, it is more likely to provide a more timely service.Moreover, the power of the Internet has made service more ubiquitous. The volume of China's real estate transactions mounts tens of thousands each year, but the information in the market place does not fully meet the needs. Information asymmetry exists between buyers and sellers, therefore,using of information system to improve services innovation and to reduce information asymmetry can be regarded as a profitable niche.   This study, through the strategy 4C theoretical framework proposed by a scholar Jyh-Shen Chiou in 2001, using V Company as a case study, explores the issue of real estate industry's usage of the Internet to provide service innovation, in hopes that the results will be helpful for the real estate industry and the academia.

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