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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

態度對新聞閱讀之影響 / Attitude and News Reading

張文強, Chang, Wen Chaing Unknown Date (has links)
讀者看新聞,看到了什麼?一直是學者關心的問題。許多研究發現,讀者對新聞事件的先前態度,可能是一項影響他們看新聞的重要因素。讀者會受到先前態度的影響,使他們處理新聞的方式並不相同。也就是說,先前態度不同的讀者,所回憶的新聞、對新聞事件的歸因及對該則新聞立場評估,可能會有所不同。   本研究以一則國民黨與民進黨黨工,互毆的新聞為研究主題,探討先前態度不同的讀者看新聞時,看到的東西是否有所不同。本研究採實驗法進行研究,請國民黨與民進黨黨工,回憶他們看到的新聞,對事件歸因,並評估該則新聞的報導立場,探討先前態度可能造成的影響。   研究發現,先前態度會影響讀者對新聞的回憶與歸因,但似乎不會影響對新聞立場的評估。接下來,進一步說明研究結果:   一、先前態度會影響新聞事件的回憶。讀者會主動添加一些新聞中未曾提及,但與先前態度一致的資訊,對新聞進行詮釋,使他們所回憶的新聞與原來的新聞有所不同,但與先前態度一致。   我們同時發現,先前態度不會影響讀者對既有資訊的記憶。也就是說,讀者會記得新聞中與自己先前態度一致、或不一致的資訊,並不會記得較多與態度一致的資訊。   二、先前態度會影響讀者對新聞事件的歸因,會將衝突原因歸咎於對方。國民黨黨工認為民進黨要負責,民進黨黨工卻會要求國民黨負責。   三、先前態度不會影響讀者對新聞立場的評估。無論是國民黨或是民進黨黨工都會認為,該則新聞沒有偏袒國民黨,或偏袒民進黨的情形,報導立場中立。

收視率之有效解讀與應用研究 —以科普傳播影片、節目與新聞為例

郭俞彣, Kuit, Yee Wen Unknown Date (has links)

論媒體勞動:閱聽人、記者與記者後備軍 / A Treatise on Media Labour: Audience, Journalists and Reserve Army of Journalists

蕭肇君, Hsiao, Chao-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣報業經營不善、新聞質量江河日下,基層新聞從業人員飽受雙重壓力-外有社會各界的針砭與責難,內臨管理階層的壓逼,乃至於解職。本研究認為,前述現象的形成,成因眾多,然而媒體「勞動」乃是價值產生的泉源,卻未曾得到管理階層正視,應是相當重要的因素之一。本文因此透過「閱聽人商品」的辨析,指出生產價值者並非閱聽人之勞動之後,轉進有關價值的真正來源,也就是「記者」的勞動,以及「記者後備軍」之「勞動」,次第分析。透過對這三類主體的「媒體勞動」之分析,研究者希冀本論文-(一)藉由相關理論的比對與整理,從勞動的角度,初步建立理解資本體制的商營媒介之概念架構;(二)論稱「報業危機」的根本原因在於報業主採取了不利於「生產性勞動」的生產策略;(三)經由個案觀察,對做為未來記者的「記者後備軍」(學生)進行探索式觀察,以作為日後探論本領域其他「非典型勞動」的基礎。 / In recent years, Taiwanese newspaper industry has suffered from substaintial financial losses, and consequently its quality deteriorated. As such, the newsworkers faced double-bounded pressusures- there have been acute criticisms from the society, and there is enforced worsening of working conditions, for many instances that they are made redundant. There might be various reasons responsible for the phenomenon above, however, the researcher contends that the most important factor is the management does not take the media "labour" as the real source of the value. Therefore, this article kept the audience out of the valorization by discerning the "audience commodity", and pointed out that the fountain of value might only be the labour power those journalists and the "reserve-army-of-journalsit" provided. By analizing the three categories of the "media labor", the author hopes this dissertation-(1) to build up a primary concept framework from the stand of "labor" to understand the media biz in capitalism by theoretical comparison, (2) to argue that the fundemental cause for the press crisis is the press owner took strategies in disadvantage of "productive labor", and (3) to offer a basis to explore the other "informal labor" in this field by an observation toward a group of " reserve army of journalist", who are students currently served for press for chances to be journalists in the future.

應用戲劇教學於高中英語聽講課之行動研究 / Action Research on Drama-Assisted High School English's Listening and Speaking Instruction

蘇婷, Su, Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在臺灣,教授高中英語聽講課的老師常要苦思尋索如何選用教材與方法以引起學生的學習動機。研究者發現一些老師偶爾會在課堂中運用戲劇技巧,例如角色扮演以誘發學生的學習興趣。是以引發研究者的研究動機:嘗試應用一套有系統、有效又完整的「戲劇教學法」順利推進課程。 是以,研究者採用國立政治大學英國語文學系教師研究團隊在政大實小所進行的英語戲劇教學模式,在英語聽講課進行一學期的實驗教學行動研究。亟盼透過本研究成果提供不熟悉戲劇教學或擔心戲劇教學費時的英語教師們,一種非傳統式的英語聽講課。 本研究採質性研究,研究對象為32名高中一年級學生,研究者依上述教學研究模式設計15週的教學活動,研究資料採集研究者的上課觀察、錄影、學生回饋單、三份問卷、學生公演錄影及後測,加以分析整理出研究結果。 研究結果發現97%的學生喜歡此種戲劇實驗教學,特別是經過戲劇教學中劇本創作和不斷的演練、.及公演,學生的學習動機、語言能力、創造力及其它技能如布景服裝設計也因而增進。而此種課程可融合「語言教學」、「多元智慧」及「合作學習」等教學方法,提升學生的學習動機及語言能力,並可激發學生在戲劇表演及英語表達應用上的創造力。值得推廣。 / In Taiwan, English listening and speaking classes often trouble many English teachers with having to choose proper teaching materials or class activities to motivate students. The researcher observed some current teachers occasionally used some dramatic techniques, such as role play to elevate students’ interest. This motivated the present researcher to employ a more comprehensive and systematic drama teaching strategy in this course. Therefore, the researcher applied the model that was conducted in National Chengchi University Experimental Elementary School by a team of researchers at the English Department of the National Chengchi University to do this experimental drama teaching. The present research aims to provide the English teachers who are not good at drama teaching or view drama teaching as time consuming with a favorable, non-traditional method in the listening and speaking course. The participants included in this research were 32 students of the 10th grade. The researcher designed a 15-week course activities based on the NCCU model. A qualitative research method was utilized in this research. Data from the researcher’s observation, videotaping, students’ reflection, three questionnaires, students’ work, the formal performance videotaping and a post test were collected and analyzed to assess the effects of this action research. The findings indicated 97% of students liked this experimental drama teaching. Especially, through script creation, rehearsals and the formal performance, students’ learning motivation, four skills of language learning, creativity and other skills such as property and costume designs, were elevated. This course can integrate language learning, multiple intelligence theory, and cooperative learning theories to motivate and strengthen students’ proficiency and creativity in using English as a second language. Drama teaching in listening and speaking course is worthy of recommendation. .


忻雅蕾 Unknown Date (has links)
不管是無線或有線電視台,漸漸重視運動節目這一塊版圖,原因除了台灣職業棒球的回溫,籃球球員清新的形象吸引不少年輕閱聽人之外,人們日漸重視利用工作之餘的時間,來從事舒解身心的休閒活動。根據2003年東方消費者行銷資料庫的資料可以發現,觀看電視轉播比賽的閱聽人有50.5%,且從2000年到2003年,觀賞電視運動轉播的民眾有漸增的趨勢,觀賞運動競賽已轉變為民眾休閒生活中消遣娛樂、調劑身心、紓解壓力的重要管道之一,好比國內職業棒球成為民眾相當關注的對象,特別是經由大眾傳播媒體的報導,更使得職業運動成為民眾閒暇之餘談論的話題。 本研究假設人格特質是影響閱聽人觀賞運動傳播的主要變項之一,研究結果也證實刺激尋求人格與開放性人格在娛樂消遣、球員(隊)支持、媒體呈現、社交認同與衝突暴力觀賞動機較為強烈,觀賞的情感反應也比較明顯,也就是說若將閱聽人依照人格來區分,的確特定人格特質的閱聽人觀賞運動的機率較高。 影響閱聽人成為運動閱聽人最主要是觀賞動機,尤其是偏向球員(隊)支持動機的閱聽人,越容易成為運動閱聽人,電視媒體使用也是成為運動閱聽人的影響變項之一,週末時觀賞運動時間越多的閱聽人,越容易成為運動閱聽人。 本研究結果發現居家觀賞的閱聽人,不論是正面情感或負面情感的反應都比在pub或戶外廣場來的強烈。觀賞籃球的閱聽人多數都會群體觀賞,觀賞時最能夠引起談論與吼叫反應,相較之下,觀賞棒球與網球比賽的閱聽人則冷靜許多。 綜觀本研究的人格特質與運動觀賞現象之相關性可知,具有刺激尋求及開放人格特質的大學生,比較喜歡觀賞運動節目,而刺激尋求人格特質越強烈,越容易成為棒球迷或籃球迷,偏向開放性人格、嚴謹人格特質的大學生也容易成為籃球迷。此與前人之研究刺激尋求人格其運動觀賞的傾向較高。

英文聽力字彙與聽寫練習題輔助出題系統之研究 / Computer-Assisted Item Generation for Listening Cloze and Dictation Practice in English

黃上銘, Huang, Shang-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
以Web為基礎的語言測驗(Web-based language test)目前多為靜態網頁或是互動性低的動態網頁,如何提昇測驗系統的互動性,仍有待探討。目前已有學者利用自然語言處理技術來自動產生試題,並分析學生的作答錯誤。然而,相關研究仍多著重於字彙測驗與文法評量上。本研究針對聽力測驗,發展一套線上練習系統,並運用自然語言處理技術來自動產生聽力選擇題,以及分析學生的聽寫錯誤。我們分析語料庫中的詞彙,將發音相近的單字歸為一類,系統要產生聽力選擇題時,即從單字所屬的群組中,隨機挑選其他發音相近的單字當作誘答選項。而在分析聽寫錯誤方面,我們從語尾變化、拼字、拼音三種層次來分析學生的作答;系統批改完後,會按照學生的錯誤類型,提供不同種類的練習。本練習系統共有聽寫測驗、單字聽力選擇題、單字組聽力選擇題三種題型。系統可以輔助教師大量地編製試題與測驗,並輔助批改學生的作答。學生則可透過網路來接受測驗,並針對自己的弱點單字來作練習。 / Most Web-based language tests are presently static pages or dynamic pages with low interactivity. How to enhance the interactivity of the test systems is still under development. Today some researchers have utilized natural language processing techniques for automatic item generation and intelligent error analysis of students’ answers. However, most known research works put more emphases on vocabulary tests and grammar correction. In this paper, we propose a Web-based practice system for English dictation and listening cloze. We use natural language processing techniques to automatically generate multiple-choice item and analyze students’ dictation errors. First, we analyze the words in the corpus and group them based on the similarity of the phones. When the system generates multiple-choice items, it will search the matched cluster and randomly pick other words with similar phones. Second, we analyze students’ dictation from three aspects: inflected form, spelling errors and phoneme structures. After analyzing students’ answers, the system will provide different practice items according to the error types. Our practice system has three item types: one for dictation and two for multiple-choice listening cloze. The system can assist teachers in authoring items and grading the test results. Students can take the test through the Internet and practice on their weak words.

How to Improve Low-Achievers' Listening Abilities─Using PE students as An Example / 如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力─以體育生為例

黃永蓮, Huang,, Yung-lien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力,除了研究何種聽力教材符合低學習成就者認知上的需求之外,並在英聽課從情意因素著手,引起低學習成就者學習動機,而且英聽課程設計也融入多元智慧,從外在成績的提昇激勵低學習成就者內發性地自主學習動機。 本研究以14位高三體育生為研究對象,研究時間持續一學期從2003年9月到2004年1月,研究工具以日記方式由學生記錄聽英文歌曲以及英文文章段落的課後心得。資料分析取自學生日記。 本研究結果如下:〈一〉淺顯易懂與學生日常生活相關而且包括學生先前學過的生字、片語、句型的英文歌曲以及文章段落有益於增進低學習成就者英聽能力。〈二〉愉快而且充滿互助的教室氣氛減少英文學習的焦慮,維持低學習成就者自尊,增加低學習成就者自信,引起學習動機。〈三〉融入六種多元智慧〈語文智慧、音樂智慧、視覺空間智慧、肢體-動覺智慧、人際智慧、內省智慧〉的英聽課程以聽前(pre-listening)、聽時(while-listening)、聽後(post-listening)三階段可有效的加強低學習成就者英聽能力。〈四〉外在的獎賞可激勵低學習成就者內發性自主學習。 / This research investigated how to improve low achievers’ listening ability, using PE students as the subject of the study. The purpose was (a) to investigate what kind of listening materials meet low achievers’ cognitive needs; (b) to motivate low achievers in listening course affectively; (c) to apply MI theory into listening curriculum development for low achievers; (d) to trigger low achievers extrinsically and intrinsically in English class. A total of 14 high school PE seniors in Taipei County in Taiwan participated in the study. The research period lasted for a semester from September 2003 to January 2004. Journals on listening to songs and listening to passages were employed as instruments. Data for the research were collected from students’ journals. The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) Comprehensible English songs and English passages related to learners’ daily life, including lexis, phrases, and sentence patterns they previously learned were especially beneficial for low achievers to improve their listening ability. (2) A pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere enables low achievers to reduce language learning anxiety and maintain low achievers’ self-esteem. (3) Courses integrating six intelligences (i.e. verbal/linguistic, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences) were designed into three stages; i.e. pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening in the listening treatment, and proved to be effective. (4) Low achievers were inspired by extrinsic rewards and intrinsic factors. Better grades and positive feedback inspired low achievers’ extrinsic motivation. Besides, intrinsic motivation derived from comprehensible input and listening to English songs. The findings of the study suggest that low achievers’ listening ability can be effectively improved as long as listening materials are carefully designed to suit students’ needs.

聽障網路使用者之傳播研究 / The communication study of the internet users with hearing-impairment

吳宗蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究對象為「聽障網路使用者」。探討之主題為:一、聽障網路使用者之傳播工具使用偏好概況;二、聽障網路使用者使用網路獲取資訊之情形;三、聽障網路使用者以網路與他人互動溝通之情形;四、網路傳播對聽障者社會參與之影響。 研究設計方面,先以質化的參與觀察及深度訪談法進行前導性研究,再以量化的網頁及書面問卷進行調查研究。最後共回收307份有效樣本,進行統計分析。 綜合質化及量化研究的結果,對目前聽障傳播政策有以下建議: (一)考量不同的聽障特質,選擇適合的傳播方式 (二)電視節目加設字幕 (三)補助聽障者之簡訊及寬頻費用 (四)善用網路服務聽障市民 (五)加強社會教育、宣導「聽障傳播權」概念 (六)落實聽障傳播權法規之執行 關鍵字:聽障、聾、重聽、傳播、網路、手語、社會參與、電視字幕 / This research is to investigate communicational behavior and preference of the people with hearing-impairment, and to investigate how the people with hearing-impairment use Internet to communicate with others and to access information. This research also aims at finding out how the Internet affects social participation of people with hearing-impairment. In order to gather excessive amount of data, participant observation and in-depth interviews were used as pilot study in this research. After pilot study, a sample data about 307 people with hearing-impairment was collected via web survey and general survey. Based on the findings of this research, there are the following suggestions: 1.In order to achieve better communication effect, the government should use different communication channels when communicating to different type of people with hearing-impairment. 2.Add captions to all television programs. 3.Grant people with hearing-impairment subsidy to purchase SMS services from mobile phone companies and to purchase broadband network services. 4.0ffer services via Internet to people with hearing-impairment. 5.Propagate the communication rights of people with hearing-impairment by social education. 6.Enforce correlative rules to assure the communication rights of people with hearing-impairment. Key words: hearing-impairment, deaf, hard of hearing, communication. Internet, sign language, social participation, captions

四位台灣國中生之聽力策略個案研究 / A Case Study on Four Junior High School Students' Experiences in Developing EFL Listening Strategies

張立宛, Chang,Li Wan Unknown Date (has links)
本個案研究旨在探討實施聽力策略教學對四位台灣國中生的影響與衝擊。 不同於以往傳統認知取向的策略教學,本文採用維高斯基(Vygotsky)社會文化取向理論來分析學生的學習;相信策略教學與學習應該考量到學生與外界環境及人際間的互動,而非只探討教學本身的成效。因此本研究在個案對策略學習及自主學習的觀感和態度上多所著墨。文獻回顧內容則涵蓋聽力策略的理論及聽力策略教學實施情形及成效的研究。   本研究對象針對37位八年級的學生實施為期18週的聽力教學。但重心放在四位個案身上。研究方法採用質化的學生訪談及學生學習日記的分析輔以量化的聽力策略問卷。實施的步驟分為準備期、診斷期、教學期、練習期、及評估期。在教學開始前,學生們先通過全民英檢初級的聽力測試以評估其聽力能力並篩選個案。然後,實施聽力策略問卷調查以觀察學生平時使用的策略。之後,學生們接受六項聽力策略的教導,包含:猜測、分類、類推、記筆記、選擇性專注、及詢問。在教學實施期間,個案被要求寫學習日記,記錄對所學策略的感想及使用情形。學習日記及訪談是分析個案學習情形的主要資料。 第四章則著重於探討四位個案的家庭背景,學校表現,及對自主學習的態度和想法。目的是希望完整呈現四位個案不同的人格及學習特質,及之所以他們會如此學習的原因。第五章記錄了研究的兩樣重大發現: 1. 聽力能力較高的同學顯然比聽力較弱的學生更能夠有效率的交互使用「由上而下」 及「由下而上」的聽力策略。而聽力較弱的同學則傾向於過度依靠直接翻譯」策略。 2. 原本一向被傳統認知學習策略所忽略的情意方面的因素,反而似乎是影響學生策略學習的主因。這些情意方面的因素包括了:學生如何控制自己的脾氣,學習態度,及情緒。更重要的是,學生似乎都傾向於需要找到生命中的重要他人,並依靠這些較有能力的大人來提供他們踏出學習第一步時必要的安全感,知識,能力,方法及學習的動力。 因此,本研究的發現,回應了維高斯基的社會文化取向理論。唯有先透過人際間的互動與學習,才有可能回歸自我,反求諸己,達到內省與自發的境界。本研究希望能藉由教育現場的真實互動情形,喚醒策略學習及教學研究者對社會文化取向的學習理論,以及學生情意態度影響學習成效的重視。 / The purpose of this case study was to investigate four Taiwanese junior high school learners’ listening strategy use when receiving listening strategy instruction. Different from conventional quantitative SLA strategy studies, this present qualitative case study, adopting sociocultural perspectives, grounded on the conception that the issues of strategy learning should not be understood only in terms of direct instruction and its effectiveness. Instead, exploring the learning processes in which learners and the external environment are necessary. Therefore, this case study focused on the discussion of four learners’ attitude toward learning and their perspectives toward listening strategy instruction. The participants of this study were 37 students in a Taiwanese junior high school in the Taipei city. Yet, the focus was on four cases, Natalie, Tom, Jasmine and Jin Pin. Three major data collection instruments were adopted including the quantitative questionnaire, qualitative interviews and learning journals kept by the four cases. The instructional procedure was divided into five stages-- preparation, diagnosis, instruction, practice, and evaluation. A sample GEPT listening comprehension test was given to the students to pretest their proficiency in the diagnosis stage. Then the instruction on six listening strategies--guessing, grouping, inferencing, note-taking, selective attention, and asking for clarification was provided for 18 weeks. The Listening Comprehension Strategy Questionnaire based on Wang (2000) was conducted to identify the learners’ listening strategy use. Their learning journals were evaluated to explore their ongoing problems and perceptions toward learning the strategies. In Chapter Four, the profiles of the four cases were illustrated including their family background, school performance, and attitude toward learning autonomously to give a full picture of their learning habits. In Chapter Five, major findings are summarized. First, the case study echoed the previous finding that more skillful listeners seem to use both the ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ strategies more effectively while less skillful listeners rely too much on direct translation. Second, some salient issues previously not emphasized were found including learners’ affective concerns and their ability to control emotions, turned out to powerfully influence the learners’ learning. The learners needed to be assisted first by some adult surrogates and their significant others and to gain enough guidance, assurance, sense of security and control over the emotions before they can move on to self-regulated learning. If not, their learning tends to be subject to their own emotions, which are mostly controlled by the interaction between the learners and the external environment or the others. This finding consisted with the sociocultural perspective in that learning is a collaborative process between the learners and their social contexts. Only through interaction with others can learners achieve a new level of autonomy. To foster learner autonomy, strategy training needs to account for a more interactive view of learning. It also suggests that more efforts should be paid to explore the impact of learners’ affective and social concerns on their language learning toward autonomy.

電腦輔助英語歌曲聽力學習任務之研究 / A Study of Computer-Assisted Song Listening Tasks for EFL Students

陳慧珠, Chen, Hui-chu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為一教學實驗之研究,探討如何運用以電腦科技為媒介設計創新的學習環境,激勵台灣技專院校英語低成就學生之學習動機,增進其英語聽力能力。本研究以英語歌曲作為提升學習興趣的動源,電腦輔助學習任務為提供好玩有趣學習過程的憑藉;如此,學生可由愉悅聽歌、趣味活動中實作學習並達成學習任務目標。本論文並探索英語歌曲聽力電腦輔助學習任務對學生聽力字彙與知覺能力之影響,並了解學生對教學設計之歌曲聽力學習任務之評估。由學生在全民英檢聽力、英語母音知覺測驗、及歌曲單字聽力各方面的成績進步,顯示本實驗教學能有效改善低成就學生英語字彙與聽力學。根據相關與變異數分析結果,對學習任務評估越滿意的學生英語歌曲單字聽力成績進步越大。因此,本研究所設計之英語歌曲聽力學習任務能激發學生運用電腦與相關軟體學習編輯聲音影片,來了解英語 聲音與意義的連結、訓練養成辨識斷句的知覺聽力。此教學設計融入聽力教學、任務型學習、電腦輔助學習;且以設計研究方法觀點記錄理論基礎探討、教學資源運用、英語聽力課程中歌曲時間排練及歌曲切割之投影片簡報、歌曲對嘴表演影片製作學習任務之設計執行,提供其他英語教師作為電腦輔助聽力學習活動設計之參考。 / This study is an instructional experiment on how an innovative learning environment is constructed to motivate and improve English learning of the low-achievers at Taiwanese polytechnic colleges. Thus, this research employs English popular songs as a motivator and computer-assisted task design as a mediator for the students to do listening and play with the song materials. This instructional design provides these students with concrete task experiential learning and the pursuit for goal-oriented success, along with joyful song listening and playful task activities. This research also investigates the effects of these song listening tasks on the improvement of listening vocabulary and perceptual skills of the participants as well as their appraisals toward the designed tasks: time-rehearsing, segmenting, and lip-syncing. The effects of these song listening tasks are consolidated from the participants’ improved listening test scores from the elementary GEPT Listening Test, the Perception of Spoken English Test, and the Target Lexical Listening Test, their enhanced learning motivation and involved task performance, and their affirmed appraisals about their task fondness and the task usefulness. Furthermore, this study documents the design, implementation, and evaluation of such a song listening task-based syllabus in a digital language lab, which demonstrates an integration of second language (L2) listening instruction, task-based learning and teaching (TBLT), and computer assisted language learning (CALL). The design-based research (DBR) perspectives are also adopted to explain the role of the computer-mediated context to the innovative task construction; in addition, the task features which facilitate listening skills development and stimulate learning experience are identified by the appraisal components of song fondness and easiness, task playfulness and easiness, and task usefulness. Thus, the designed listening tasks can be shared and applied to other similar learning contexts.

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