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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


余意 Unknown Date (has links)
現今的台灣單身女性主體正面臨一場震盪轉變,將她們問題化與歧視化的論述依然存在,不過隨著她們在人數和消費上展現的驚人實力,另一股為她們平反的嶄新論述儼然已經發酵。《慾望城市》在此時登台顯得格外特別,因為它彰顯的正是某種平反之聲,在台灣女性觀眾群中引發極大迴響。事實上,近來許多電視劇或電影都在呈現類似主題,大眾媒體不斷聲稱再現與代理這群女性的主體和感覺,卻看不到本地女性如何在自我經驗上發出聲音。本研究希望藉由她們對《慾望城市》以及對自我詮釋的相互對應下,描繪出這群獨特女性閱聽人的主體輪廓。 / Nowadays the subjectivity of Taiwanese single woman is in the change. Although the discrimination discourse that constrains woman still exists, a new discourse is developing due to the increasing number of single women and their astonishing consumption ability. The coincidence of Sex and the City being on TV in Taiwan at this time is quite extraordinary because the drama itself reveals the new discourse popular among Taiwanese woman audience. In fact, recently many TV dramas or movies around the world all focus on this subject. Mass media constantly claims that it shows and represents the subjectivity and feeling of this group of women, but the point is what Taiwanese women think based on their own experiences is unknown. Thus, this thesis tries to portray these women’s subjectivity by examining how their interpretation of Sex and the City correlates with the way they view themselves.

非營利組織部落格閱聽人之研究--以使用與回饋為焦點 / On the audience of non-profit blogs: focusing on their usage and feedback

宋旼諴, Sung, Min Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來部落格興起,迅速形成一股風潮。部落格互動性高、進入門檻低,為缺乏高額行銷、宣傳預算的商業/非商業行為者提供了成本極低的新興宣傳管道,許多資訊化程度較高的非營利組織已開始選擇部落格作為其宣傳、發佈訊息或溝通的工具。 / 本研究以現有非營利組織部落格傳播研究為基礎,往閱聽人端延伸,探討非營利組織部落格閱聽人的使用與回饋行為,試圖描繪非營利組織部落格的閱聽人輪廓,提供非營利組織作為宣傳策略的參考。 / 研究發現,非營利組織部落格瀏覽者從動機、使用到回饋,整個過程呈現出環環相扣的因果關係,同時,每一個環節都受到瀏覽者的個人特質、周圍環境及其本身對公益事務(特定議題)或部落格此媒體工具的認知、態度、關注程度、過去經驗及…等多重因子形成的脈絡所影響。此外,「使用」和「回饋」中間還存在一個相當重要的環節:瀏覽者在接收非營利組織部落格的資訊刺激後,會因人而異,產生大小程度不一反應──包含對真實的認知、對訊息的共鳴或感動,進而轉化為行動欲望──,當此正面反應愈強,該瀏覽者便愈傾向做出進一步的回饋行動。 / 閱聽人瀏覽非營利組織部落格是一個動態的系列過程,充滿著各種影響因素,難以量化評估其效果或成敗。但從閱聽人的反應來看,非營利組織應可放心發展「部落格」此一媒體工具,省去架設網站的高金錢與技術成本,改以低成本、技術門檻低的部落格,將組織宣傳的人力物力集中在致力於「豐富內容」上,而不用再浪費時間學習網頁技術或尋找技術人才。同時,非營利組織也要善加利用部落格串聯的動能,可與使命相近的其他組織聯合舉辦活動或互相張貼串聯標籤,並以設計精美的標籤來鼓勵瀏覽者張貼在個人部落格上,擴展組織的宣傳觸角。


陳政佑 Unknown Date (has links)
「選秀節目」風潮近幾年來再度席捲台灣,也成功地進入部分網路閱聽人的生活之中,成為一種習以為常的收視經驗,然而,近期節目收視率的滑落並無法斷然宣告網路閱聽人對「選秀節目」失去興趣,為求貼切地理解其動態的收視經驗,本研究從「日常生活理論」面向切入網路閱聽人之選秀節目收視經驗,研究選秀節目如何在網路閱聽人的生活中佔據特定的空間/時間,並結合相關的閱聽人研究,從「主動閱聽人」、「接收分析」面向,歸納出網路閱聽人結合網路使用所具有的「非同步收視」、「強調互動參與感」、「兼具傳播者身分」之收視特質,形構其動態的日常收視形式,並構成收視實踐模式之基礎,藉以詮釋屬於個體微觀的收視實踐戰術。 本研究以台大批踢踢實業坊【SuperStarAve】BBS板作為研究個案,嘗試運用「網路民族誌」(Netnography)-結合網路文本分析、參與觀察、線上訪談之研究方法,試圖描述網路閱聽人日常生活中的選秀節目收視經驗。研究結論指出,網路閱聽人藉由個人與生活脈絡協商、配置的「戰術」,與節目產製「策略」相對地收視著「超級星光大道」,本研究認為,其日常收視經驗需考量個人所處的生活脈絡與網路傳播情境所造成的收視變動性,並因個人對節目「真誠性」的解讀而變動對「超級星光大道」的日常收視形式;藉網路使用之便,重新組配收看節目之生活空間與時間,也各自建置個人迂迴的收視戰術-兼具反制與延伸之意義。是以,網路閱聽人之選秀節目日常收視經驗乃成為動態的過程,從中展現如de Certeau所指游擊式的收視「戰術」,藉以反制節目產製策略,從中找尋獲致個人收視愉悅與意義之機會。 / Recently, “Talent TV Show “ has become such a popular program genre in Taiwan. This study aims to understand how Internet audiences combine heterogeneous elements of their lives. de Certeau’s theory of everyday practices will be applied to serve as the analytical framework, and concretely describe the modalities of watching TV and the formalities of interpret practices. This is a case study that makes use of the research methodology of Netnography to analyze BBS “ SuperStarAve ”. And the main argument of this study shows what Internet audiences’ tactics of watching TV are. Internet audiences alternate different media tactically to fit in with their life arrangements, and they make a detour to interpret the authenticity of the program. In addition, Internet audiences contemplate to seek for opportunities of establishing the trajectory of watching TV to pleasure themselves. As a result, it can be concluded that the feature of diversity existing among individual Internet audiences shapes the movement of the everyday experience of watching TV.

聽其所見,觀其所聞:以眼動探討口語與場景互動的跨感官理解歷程 / Look while listeng : using eye movements to investigate the interaction between spoken language and visual scene during cross-modal comprehension

游婉雲, Yu, Wan-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在人類溝通及語言使用行為中,口語和場景是構成人類跨感官理解歷程的兩項重要成分。究竟兩類資訊如何共同改變理解歷程仍待檢驗。本論文旨在探問四項研究問題:一,過去文獻對理解期間的視覺注意力運作提出兩類觀點。階層取徑主張口語優先並決定視覺表徵的處理,互動取徑則認為口語和視覺表徵可獨立影響視覺注意力。二,口語可促進指涉物體的凝視行為,然口語指涉效果是否受作業目標影響的本質仍不清楚。三,以複雜場景作為視覺情境,探討視覺複雜性和語義一致性表徵如何影響理解歷程。四,檢驗視覺刺激的預覽時間如何改變口語和場景表徵因素對理解歷程的影響。   本論文透過一系列視覺情境典範實驗探討以上研究問題。在每ㄧ項嘗試次中,參與者在聆聽中文語句期間同時觀看包含包含兩項物體的圖片:一為鑲嵌在一致(例如:原野)、不一致(例如:天空)和空白背景的口語指涉目標物體(例如:老虎),另一項則為口語未指涉且與背景一致的非目標物體(例如:禿鷹)。其次,四項實驗直交地操弄「作業目標」(「口語理解作業」或「場景理解作業」)和「預覽時間」(「一秒預覽」或「無預覽」)因素。   實驗結果發現:一,無論作業目標為何,所有實驗皆出現穩定的口語指涉效果。二,場景的視覺複雜性和語義一致性表徵不僅可獨立引導物體凝視行為,也可和口語共同決定理解期間的視覺注意力運作。三,作業目標對口語指涉效果及場景一致性效果產生差異化的調節作用。四,預覽時間有效促進口語理解作業的口語指涉效果,場景理解作業則不受影響。   整體而言,本論文的實驗證據支持互動取徑觀點。換言之,在跨感官理解的過程中,人類認知運作可透過協調語言、視覺和記憶等次系統,快速整合口語和場景所提供的物理和語義表徵,並依據當下情境動態地改變人類對外在世界的感官經驗。 / In human communication and language use, both speech and scene constitute the cross-modal comprehension process. However, how these two elements combine to affect human comprehension process has not yet been fully resolved. Four research questions will be examined. First, two approaches can account for the comprehension process: the hierarchical approach asserts speech plays the main part whereas the visual feature has only a supporting role, while the interactive approach states that both speech and visual feature combine to determine the comprehension process. Second, despite the speech can cause the spoken reference effect on having more fixations on its visual referent, the nature of this effect is still unclear. Third, most past studies adopted simple object array as visual context, little is known about the impact of real world scenes on the comprehension process. Fourth, whether the preview time could alter the influence of speech and scene on comprehension will be tested. A series of visual world paradigm experiments were conducted. Factors of task demand (speech comprehension vs. scene comprehension) and preview time (1-second vs. none) were orthogonally manipulated in four experiments. In each trial, participants listened to a spoken sentence in Chinese while viewing a picture with two critical objects: one is the mentioned target object (e.g., tiger), which was embedded in either a consistent, inconsistent or blank background; the other is an unmentioned non-target object (e.g., eagle) that was always consistent with its background. Several findings were found. First, the reliable spoken reference effect were shown regardless of the task demand was given. Second, the visual complexity and scene consistency not only can individually guide fixations on objects, but can work together with the speech to determine the visual attention during comprehension. Third, task demand could differently modulate the spoken reference and scene consistency effect, respectively. Fourth, preview time significantly enhances the spoken reference effect in the speech comprehension task, whereas no impact was observed in the scene comprehension task. These evidence supported the view of interactive approach. In conclusion, human’s different cognitive systems, including language, vision and memory, can interact with each other and cause the moment to moment experience of how we understand the complex world around us.

服務貿易總協定規範下之視聽服務業 / Audiovisual services under General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)

陳秋玉, Chen, Chiou Yuh Unknown Date (has links)

串流式音訊分類於智慧家庭之應用 / Streaming audio classification for smart home environments

溫景堯, Wen, Jing Yao Unknown Date (has links)
聽覺與視覺同為人類最重要的感官。計算式聽覺場景分析(Computation Auditory Scene Analysis, CASA)透過聽覺心理學中對於人耳特性與心理感知的關連性,定義了一個可能的方向,讓電腦聽覺更為貼近人類感知。本研究目的在於應用聽覺心理學之原則,以影像處理與圖型辨識技術,設計音訊增益、切割、描述等對應之處理,透過相似度計算方式實現智慧家庭之環境中的即時音訊分類。 本研究分為三部分,第一部分為音訊處理,將環境中的聲音轉換成電腦可處理與強化之訊號;第二部分透過CASA原則設計影像處理,以冀於影像上達成音訊處理之結果,並以影像特徵加以描述音訊事件;第三部分定義影像特徵之距離,以K個最近鄰點(K-Nearest Neighbor, KNN)技術針對智慧家庭環境常見之音訊事件,實現即時辨識與分類。實驗結果顯示本論文所提出的音訊分類方法有著不錯的效果,對八種家庭環境常見的聲音辨識正確率可達80-90%,而在雜訊或其他聲音干擾的情況下,辨識結果也維持在70%左右。 / Human receive sounds such as language and music through audition. Therefore, audition and vision are viewed as the two most important aspects of human perception. Computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) defined a possible direction to close the gap between computerized audition and human perception using the correlation between features of ears and mental perception in psychology of hearing. In this research, we develop and integrate methods for real-time streaming audio classification based on the principles of psychology of hearing as well as techniques in pattern recognition. There are three major parts in this research. The first is audio processing, translating sounds into information that can be enhanced by computers; the second part uses the principles of CASA to design a framework for audio signal description and event detection by means of computer vision and image processing techniques; the third part defines the distance of image feature vectors and uses K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier to accomplish audio recognition and classification in real-time. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is quite effective, achieving an overall recognition rate of 80-90% for 8 types of audio input. The performance degrades only slightly in the presence of noise and other interferences.

刑事證據開示之研究—以日本法為例 / Criminal discovery a syudy-base on Japannese law

高永珍 Unknown Date (has links)
本文所探討關於當事人間訴訟資料相互揭示之「證據開示」制度,其正如同我國現行刑事訴訟法第33條規範之「被告閱卷權」般,因刑事程序中,若被告不知檢察官欲以證明其有罪之訴訟資料內容,是無法無法提出正確的防禦或辯護策略,故為了建立當事人得公平地互為有效攻擊、防禦之場合,本應使被告享有充分的訴訟資訊取得權,以保障被告訴訟權能之適正行使,是「證據開示」、「被告閱卷權」二者雖存在於不同訴訟制度架構下而異其名稱,惟二者其實具備同樣的憲法價值與核心概念,換言之,二者可說均係導源於被告憲法上訴訟權之保障,藉由其權利主體地位之落實,衍生出刑事被告於訴訟程序中,應享有聽審權與武器平等原則之權利,而其最終的目的,即在於使被告得受公平審判,實現其憲法上之訴訟權。是本文將從「證據開示在刑事訴訟構造中之定位」,探究「證據開示」之內涵、與其他訴訟制度間之關係,並探知「證據開示」之核心價值,建立該制度在憲法上之地位。 而我國現行刑事訴訟法,雖乍見下似乎並無本文所探討當事人間「證據開示」制度存在之空間,惟觀察我國司法改革脈絡,認為職權進行主義在我國多年運作結果已偏離公平法院之理想,法院、檢察官及辯護人三方面關係嚴重失衡,被告訴訟權益未能獲得有效保障,因此,為了重建公平刑事審判制度,而倡言引進「起訴狀一本主義」成為我國司法改革之一明顯趨勢,而本文亦採行相同的立場,建議未來修法方向應仿效日本刑事司法,廢除「卷證併送」,將現行的起訴制度改為起訴狀一本主義,以排除預斷、活化詰問制度與傳聞法則、正確釐清院檢權責並淡化職權調查,實踐我國刑事訴訟法第163條所歸諸之立法意旨,確保公平法院建立,始較符合我國追求公平審判之憲法價值。則慮及將來一旦正式修法引進「起訴狀一本主義」制度,將造成被告及其辯護人無法依現行法,藉由向法院閱卷而充分閱覽檢察官起訴之卷證資料,故在將來改採行「起訴狀一本主義」制度之時,勢必須要思考在卷證不併送下,被告方面將如何取得檢察官所擁有之訴訟資料,而同時建構我國當事人間互為揭示證據資料之「證據開示」制度,以作為「起訴狀一本主義」之必要配套措施。 而日本在近代刑事訴訟法制之發展上,在二次大戰後,模仿美國刑事訴訟法制度,改採行當事人主義,當時為使審判與偵查絕緣,切斷偵查與審判接續性,在刑事訴訟起訴程序中採取「起訴狀一本主義」之制度,並至2005年11月1日施行新「證據開示」規定等背景,均可認日本相關之法制係供我國未來法律修正不可或缺之參考素材,故本文將詳細介紹日本新證據開示規定,說明日本所謂「階段性個別開示制度」,即三階段式之證據開示規定,期能藉由研究日本刑事「證據開示」法制,提供我國將來立法之他山之石,若我國刑事司法未來走向從職權主義制度過渡到當事人進行主義時,冀得藉由拙文對於此「證據開示」制度之理論基礎、日本實務演進與立法制度,以及價值核心理念之探討,俾供將來修法參考,而建立更接近於公平審判之刑事司法。

不同教學模式對於台中市國中生的聽力及閱讀理解之研究 / A study of the effects of different teaching modes on junior high school students' listening and reading comprehension

張心瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討三種不同的教學模式對於92位較低成就的國中學生的聽力及閱讀理解的影響,採取量化及質性並行的研究。實驗的自變項為三種事前教學輔助,分別為:一、獨立回答學習單的問題;二、老師給予單字及背景知識的教學;三、學生分成小組回答問題,而依變項為學生在聽力及閱讀理解測驗所得的成績。本實驗除了以聽力及閱讀理解測驗驗證事前教學模式的功效,也以學習態度問卷收集相關的資料。教學流程為學生接受15分鐘的教學輔助,然後收聽30分鐘英語學習雜誌,學生接受10次教學,實驗進行十週。實驗結果發現三組學生經歷不同教學模式後,他們的閱讀成績有顯著的差異,其中「學生分成小組回答問題」對閱讀能力幫助最大,而「獨立回答學習單的問題」優於「老師給予單字及背景知識的教學」。另外,「學生分成小組回答問題」能有效提昇聽力及閱讀成績,「學生獨立回答學習單的問題」也對學生的聽力及閱讀有幫助,但未達顯著水準。本研究建議老師在教學前,將學生分為小組討論並回答學習內容相關的問題,以提升學生的學習及理解力。 / The present study aimed to examine the effects of three different kinds of teaching modes on the listening and reading comprehension of 92 less-proficient junior high school students in Taiwan. Comprehension tests and questionnaires were employed to collect related data, which were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The independent variables were the three different kinds of teaching modes; the dependent variables were students’ scores on the listening and reading comprehension tests. There were three experimental classes learned in three kinds of modes for 15 minutes before they listened to a 30-minute English learning magazine’s teaching program. One class read a worksheet and finished the tasks on their own. Another received vocabulary and background knowledge instruction from the researcher. The other class discussed in small groups and answered pre-questions. The experiment took 10 class periods in 10 consecutive weeks. The results are found that the teaching mode including a) studying the handouts and completing the tasks in the individual mode, and b) small group discussion to answer pre-questions are beneficial to lower-proficient EFL junior high school students’ listening and reading comprehension. The latter pre-activity exalted reading comprehension to a significant level, and it also contributed to significant improvement in both listening and reading comprehension. However, receiving vocabulary and background knowledge instructions in a teacher-centered class did not effectively facilitate the participants’ performance. To sum up, the results showed that teachers could ask students to have small group discussion on pre-questions of extra-curriculum learning materials in regular class periods to enhance their listening and reading comprehension.

科普訊息的接收與理解──以大學生接收奈米資訊為例 / Audience’s reception and understanding of popular science: A preliminary case study of university students' reception on nanoscience information

趙又慈, Chao, Yu Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
科學概念若能有效地普及於社會大眾,可以加速跨領域知識的整合創新、提高國家的創新經濟產能,並促進社會間的對話與發展想像。因此「科學普及」(以下簡稱「科普」)是全球許多國家推動知識工程的基礎。 所謂「科普」,是把科學研究的結果用一種比較含糊的轉譯方式提供給大眾,目的在於對公眾進行教育(educate)、說服(persuade)與溝通(communicate),讓大眾能學習理解科學的內涵(learned)、具有科學思辨的能力(competent)並能夠以科學精神參與社會事務(function-in-society);傳播媒介則是科普最好的載具。然而,科普的工作一直都有傳播內容過於生硬難懂、望之生畏的困境,無法真正達到普及的效果;學者們認為主要包含科普內容文本、讀者理解以及科學家參與推廣等層面的問題。 本文藉由量化的研究方法初探「科普讀物的圖文呈現形式」在傳播效果上對讀者「認知資訊負荷」、「態度」及「理解」的影響。同時,將讀者的「涉入感」與「先備知識」納入變項,探究讀者「涉入感」與「先備知識」的差異對於科普讀物傳播效果的影響程度。 研究者以「奈米保養化妝品」為實驗科普訊息主題,針對臺灣大學及淡江大學合計507 名的大學生,進行不同形式的科普讀物訊息實驗,並以問卷量測受試者對科普訊息主題的涉入感、先備知識,以及閱讀實驗科普訊息之後,對該訊息內容的認知資訊負荷、態度及理解程度。經過資料整理及統計分析,得到本次實驗相關結果與發現如下: 一、 本次實驗中的科普訊息使用不同圖文呈現形式,但在依變項的傳播效果上並沒有顯著的差異,顯示科普訊息的文字與圖像其實可以各自獨立。 二、 科普訊息的涉入感及先備知識均高度影響閱讀科普訊息時的認知資訊負荷、態度與理解程度;認知資訊負荷較小的科普文本,其傳播效果較好。 三、 不同性別的閱聽人,在閱讀科普訊息的認知資訊負荷、態度及理解程度上均沒有顯著的差異,打破一般認為女性不擅長科學的刻版印象。 四、 理工背景學生在閱讀科普訊息時的認知資訊負荷明顯較小,在理解程度及態度上較非理工背景的學生表現僅為稍佳。 此外,本研究發現,新世代的資訊使用行為可能受網路閱讀行為的影響,因此對科普訊息的取用方式,已轉向使用篇幅短、取用彈性大的訊息內容服務;傳統科普傳播講究循序漸近、結構完整的知識傳遞方式,如何因應新世代的資訊使用行為而調整,是未來所有科普傳播工作者思考創新發展的重要方向。 / Popular science, sometimes called science popularization or literature of science, is to transfer and translate the concepts or results of scientific researches to the public in a comparatively vague manner. It aims at educating, persuading and communicating, so that the public could be learned in understanding science, be competent in scientific thinking and be able to function in the society with a scientific spirit. The mass media is absolutely the best channel for popular science. However, most contents of popular science are very difficult to understand, and this has put popular science in a dilemma and couldn’t be “popularized” at all. Scholars believe there’re three main factors influencing the achievement of popular science: the content design, the comprehension of readers, and the participation of scientists. This article based on quantitative methods attempts to make a preliminary inquiry into the communication effect of popular science reading materials with different presentation of graphs. The audience’s “cognitive loading”, “attitude” and “understanding of the science concepts” are observed and their “sense of involvement” and “prior knowledge “ are taken into account as variables. The experiments were conducted at 2 universities in Taiwan in June, 2010. There’re 507 students exposed to 3 different types of nanoscience reading. The result indicates: 1) The communication effect of popular science’s texts and pictures could be independent from each other. 2) Audience’s sense of involvement and prior knowledge both significantly influence their cognitive load, attitude and comprehension. 3) Audience of different genders shows no significant difference in understanding popular science messages.

道德及公民教育科應用多謀體教學之研究 / Research in applying multi-media in teaching of moral and civic education

葉惠瑜 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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