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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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部落格資訊對消費者購買行為之影響 ─聯合分析之應用 / The Impact of Blog Information to Consumer Behavior —Conjoint Analysis Applications

黃偉濤, Vong Wai Tou Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣民宿產業之部落格內容資訊為研究對象,探討價格費用狀況對於台灣民宿產業消費者對部落格內容資訊喜好程度的影響程度以及不同類型的消費者對於收費狀況與其他部落格內容資訊屬性的權衡關係。首先利用集群分析將全體樣本區隔成成本屬性導向群以及資訊追求屬性導向群,再以出生地以及職業為事前區隔變數,將全體樣本區隔成台灣族群、港澳族群、學生族群以及非學生族群,進而探討全體樣本以及各集群對於部落格內容資訊屬性的相對重視程度以及各內容資訊屬性間的權衡關係。 經由統計分析,本研究有以下主要結論: 一、 全體樣本而言其部落格內容資訊喜好順序為美食和商圈資訊>房間內配套資訊介紹>景點資訊介紹>房間主題資訊介紹>民宿外觀資訊介紹>平均一人入住一天的消費價格1000元新台幣>平均一人入住一天的消費價格1800元新台幣>平均一人入住一天的消費價格3000元新台幣。 二、 就平均一人入住一天的消費價格3000元新台幣而言,如果部落格內容資訊的組合有辦法提供其所需要的美食和商圈資訊、房間內配套資料介紹、景點資訊介紹、房間主題資訊介紹以及民宿外觀資訊介紹則有可能吸引到整體樣本群、資訊追求屬性導向群、港澳族群以及非學生族群。 三、 就平均一人入住一天的消費價格1800元新台幣而言,如果部落格內容資訊有辦法提供其所需要的美食和商圈資訊、房間內配套、景點資訊、房間主題、民宿外觀介紹則有可能吸引到成本屬性導向群以及台灣族群進行消費。針對整體樣本群、資訊追求屬性導向群、港澳族群以及非學生族群,部落格不見得需要提供全部的資訊才能夠吸引這些族群進行消費。 / In this study, the blog information from the industry of Bed & Breakfast in Taiwan would be the subject. This study is going to analysis the impact of price to the consumers’ preference about the blog information from the industry of Bed & Breakfast in Taiwan and the different type consumers’ trade-off between various price and the blog information. At first, the study will divide the whole samples into the cost oriented group and the pursuing information oriented group. After that, the study will utilize birth place and occupation as the pre-segmenting factors. The whole samples will be segmented into Taiwan group, Hong Kong and Macau group, Student group and non-Student group and then going to discuss the trade-off between various price and the blog information among the whole samples and different groups. After the statistics analysis, the main conclusions in this study are listed as below: 1. For the whole samples, the blog information of preference order is Gourmet and Shopping area>introduction of interior facility>scenery>the theme of room design>1000NT for lodging fees per night>1800NT for lodging fees per night>3000NT for lodging fees per night 2. For those Bed & Breakfast which lodging fees per night is 3000NT, the whole samples ,the pursuing information oriented group, Hong Kong and Macau group and non-student group are willing to pay 3000NT per night to lodge only if the blog can offer all the satisfied information. 3. For those Bed & Breakfast which lodging fees per night is 1800NT, the whole samples , the cost oriented group, the pursuing information oriented group, Taiwan group, Hong Kong and Macau group and non-student group are willing to pay 1800NT per night to lodge only if the blog can offer all the satisfied information.


李佳安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在瞭解台灣企業部落格之發展,應用之現況以及對企業帶來 效益之分析研究,以期能對台灣企業在部落格之導入與運用上,提供正確且宏觀 的建議。 部落格發展至今,已經成為Web2.0 時代資訊交流的重要帄台,個人的部落 格已經相當成熟,然而企業部落格的運用至今仍在持續發展中。國外企業部落格 發展至今,已經具有一定之口碑並為企業帶來正向之效益,除了提升企業的形象 外,也成為與消費者雙向溝通之管道,本研究先透過研究國外企業部落格個案, 架構式的分析其部落格特色以及成效,並整理出企業部落格所帶來的主要效益: 企業部落格為一新的公關帄台、深化顧客關係管理、提升搜尋引擎之排名、口碑 行銷效益、以及現有行銷組合之補強等五大項。 之後再透過訪談台灣具規模的企業部落格,包括功學社校長部落格、台達電 低碳部落格以及HUG 時尚水果概念館部落格,來瞭解台灣企業如何運用企業部 落格,以及部落格為台灣企業所帶來的正面效益,最後再整合國內外企業部落格 之作法,給國內企業對部落格之應用,指引出一個可行之方向。

訊息類型,身份相似性,及先驗知識對於旅遊網站所連結旅遊部落格效果之影響 / The impact of massage type, source similarity, and individual’s prior knowledge on the effectiveness of travel website

蕭富藍, Hsiao, Fulan Unknown Date (has links)
一般來說,旅遊網站是由商業機制主導,旅遊部落格則被認為是個人經驗所建構而成,當商業旅遊網站加入個人主導的旅遊部落格後,究竟是存在著對立矛盾,或是完美的結合,是本研究的焦點。因此以旅遊網站所連結的旅遊部落格「訊息類型」與「訊息來源的相似性」作為主要操弄變項。其次,為探討影響消費者影響資訊搜尋的個人因素,是否具有調節作用,因此在問卷中測量先驗知識,作為測量變項。並檢視上述變項與網友評估部落格可信度、網站態度、購買意願的交互作用。 本研究以線上實驗法來檢測旅遊部落格的訊息類型,來源專業性、及先驗知識,對於網友對旅遊網站功能的評估。屬於2(訊息類型:旅遊實用訊息/旅遊產品訊息)X2(來源相似性:高-學生 /低-領隊)雙因子設計。並測量受試者的先驗知識,作為測量變項。 研究結果顯示,旅遊實用訊息在部落格可信度、網站態度、購買意願上,皆優於旅遊產品訊息。交互作用方面,「來源相似性高」的情況下,呈現「旅遊實用訊息」有最佳效果,在「來源相似性低」的情況下,呈現「旅遊實用訊息」或「旅遊產品訊息」則無顯著差異。這意味著高來源身份相似性,可提升連結之部落格可信度及網站態度。

透過部落格發展跨文化溝通能力: 三位台灣國小學生之個案研究 / Developing intercultural communicative competence through weblogs: the case of three elementary school students

張齡云, Chang, Ling Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本個案旨在探討臺灣國小學生在參與透過部落格學習跨文化溝通的計畫後,他們跨文化溝通能力的發展以及學習英語態度的改變。 本研究方法採用質性研究,一開始先探討學生在面臨跨文化溝通學習過程中的關鍵事件,接著研究重心會放在探討當中三位學生如何和外國伙伴以及其他師生的學習歷程。研究工具主要為三位學生的訪談、部落格的學習歷程以及省思日記。Byram (2000) 跨文化溝通能力指標用來分析以及辨識學生跨文化溝通能力。 本研究發現與外國學生互動的真實學習情境的確能提升學生跨文化溝通的學習動力。然而,缺乏溝通策略也讓學生在過程中感到焦慮而不能投入學習。在另一方面,學生的焦慮也驅使他們去尋求協助以及部落格上的資源以解決問題。透過老師的鼓勵以及同儕間的學習,學生學習如何發展自己的跨文化溝通能力,藉由仿效他人的溝通歷程來學習表達自己的想法。除了學習溝通策略,學生逐漸在過程中發展跨文化意識。他們更願意檢視自己的文化並且以不同角度來思考文化議題。 透過更進一步研究當中三位學生的跨文化溝通歷程,他們在學習過程中有不同的表現。雖然他們皆對和外國伙伴交換文化以及學校生活資訊十分有興趣,但是他們的動機持續力、遇到的困難以及在過程中所扮演的角色皆有所不同。這都和學生的學習風格以及對網路使用的認知不同有關。 在英語學習態度方面,結果顯示部落格的一些功能例如非同步溝通以及多媒體的整合皆讓學生更能體驗在較無焦慮的情境下學習用英語來進行互動,並且增加他們用自己的方式表達自我。學生在部落格的情境之下,能抱持著正面的態度來與外國伙伴互動。 研究結果顯示個人的因素例如學生的背景、對網路使用的認知以及學習焦慮皆在學習者發展跨文化的過程扮演著重要的角色。因此,本研究希望透過教學現場的互動情形,提升老師對如何協助學習者,以及幫助他們整合不同資源來增加他們跨文化溝通能力的學習動機這方面的重視。 / The case study investigated the development of Taiwan elementary school students’ intercultural communicative competences and their attitude toward English learning as they participated in the intercultural communication project in the blog environment. Grounded on qualitative inquiry, an overview of critical incidents which the students met in the project was discussed. Then the investigation focused on how three of the students interacted with the international partners, local students, and instructors. The major data collection instruments were adopted including the individual interviews with the three students, and their blog entries and reflection journals. Byram’s (2000) adapted intercultural guidelines were used as the framework to identify the three students’ intercultural competences. It was found that the authentic task of communicating with the international partners was important factor which encouraged the students to get more involved in the communication. However, the lack of the communication strategies made the students feel anxious and stressed and distanced them from the intercultural communication. On the other hand, the students’ anxiety actually made them look for support and the resources on the blogs which could help them solve the difficulties. Through the instructor’s encouragement and peer learning, the students learnt how to develop intercultural communication skills and understood the benefits of learning how to reuse others’ communication process to express their own ideas. In addition to learning the strategies for intercultural communication, the students gradually developed intercultural awareness. They were more willing to reflect on their own culture and think cultural issues from different perspective. As further investigating three of the students’ intercultural communication experience, it was found that students had different performance in the project. Although gaining interest in exchanging the information of cultures and school life with international partners, the three cases’ differences were seen in their continuity of motivation, the challenges they faced, and the roles they felt comfortable to be in the intercultural communication project. Their difference are related to learners’ learning styles and their perception of internet use which benefit or stop the cultivation of their intercultural communicative competences. As for their attitude toward English learning, the results shows that the blog features like asynchronous communication and multimedia integration could help the students experience the process of using English as the medium for social interaction with less anxiety and increase their motivation for presenting life experience in their own way. The students developed positive attitude toward practicing English through communicating with international partners on the blogs. The results of the study show that personal factors, such as individual background, perception of internet use and anxiety played an important role as learners develop intercultural communication. Thus, this study suggests that more efforts should be paid to explore how to support learners and help them integrate resources in order to increase their participation in intercultural communication on the internet.

從品牌觀點探討台灣企業部落格之發展 / he Development of Corporate Blog in Taiwan from Brand Perspective

任秀芸 Unknown Date (has links)
部落格作為近年來最重要的溝通媒體之一,全球共有超過7000萬個部落格,這些部落格成為重要的訊息來源,企業應將其納入品牌經營、行銷規劃的一環。本文有鑑於此,因此希望能針對台灣企業部落格的經營現狀,進行探索性研究,做為未來相關研究的依據,並作為企業未來經營部落格的參考,提供實務上的貢獻。 本研究採用內容分析法進行研究,研究對象除了由於由BSP( blog service provider)業者提供空間和技術架設的部落格,也包括擁有獨立網址,利用架設部落格軟體自行架設之企業及個人部落格。以便利抽樣的方式抽取100筆企業部落格資料,60筆個人部落格資料進行研究。研究發現目前的台灣企業部落格大多沒有品牌知名度。研究也發現,現階段廠商尚未以企業部落格作為品牌溝通的途徑,部落格主要的應用方式是作為線上產品展示,而沒有太多品牌及行銷方面的溝通與應用,台灣企業部落格在創造品牌知名度和聯想度上的成效仍有改善的空間 因此本研究提出企業可以更投入部落格的內容經營與管理,創造部落格豐富的內涵,並充分利用部落格有其獨特的特性和功能,像是引用、文章回應、RSS訂閱、部落格串連功能,並與訪客積極互動,創造部落格的影響力。由於部落格本身就是企業品牌的傳達工具,其低成本、容易操作的特性讓企業可以利用部落格建立獨特的價值和特色,不但更容易吸引潛在顧客,也創造出與同業的差異化特色。


陳映蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
國內近年興起美感經濟以及手創商品的風潮,根據行政院青輔會在2006年的統計,文化創意產業首次擠身年輕人熱門創業行業的前三名,而這些投入創作的手創者也藉台灣各大小型的創意市集擺攤而有了讓自製作品顯露頭角的機會,並更進一步發展自創品牌並讓自製作品躍上創意市集的龍頭老大。 網路行銷工具部落格同時兼備「通路」與「媒體」功能,無論是從「功能面」、「使用面」、「傳播面」、「行銷面」或是「需求面」等不同面向探討部落格的特性,部落格的特性都可以化約為以下八大特性:「交流/互動性」、「知識累積性」、「主觀性」、「易被搜尋性」、「多媒體性」、「時間性」、「低門檻性」及「分眾性」,這些特性讓行銷資源不足的手創者可以藉由部落格作為整合行銷¬¬進行宣傳商品以及販賣商品的管道和平台,這些都是傳統行銷工具無法達到的行銷特性。 因此本研究從行銷與整合行銷的觀點探討最能代表Web 2.0精神之一的部落格,並以消費者焦點團體訪談與質化個案研究深度訪談方式初探部落格如何協助手創者進行行銷及推廣,並進行手創者運用部落格與社群交流互動、推廣宣傳品牌以及銷售販賣的描述性研究。 / Recently, aesthetics economy and hand-made products have became a trend in Taiwan society, and according to the survey of National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan in 2006, for the first time Creativity Industry became the most popular industry for youth to start their business. Moreover the Creativity Markets have provided creators both the chances and places to show their own talents, works, and established their own brands. Blog played both the place and media roles, from its function, usage, media, marketing or needs aspects to discuss the characteristics of blog, we found blog has the following eight characteristics: interaction and communication, knowledge - accumulation, subjectivity, easy for searching, multi-media, instantaneity, low-threshold and community divides. These characteristics can help hand-made creators who have inadequate marketing resources to promote and sell their products by applying these functions. Therefore, this study is based on marketing and IMC point of view and by FGD and Case study trying to find out and illustrate how blog help hand-made creators to communicate their consumers, to promote their brands and to sell their hand-made products.

圖文創作部落格使用動機、使用行為、滿意度與忠誠度之研究 / A study of the user motivation, behavior, gratification and loyalty on creative graphic blogs

黃郁珮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「使用與滿足」理論探討圖文創作部落格閱聽人使用行為,以時常造訪圖文創作部落格之網友為研究對象,本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷325份,並針對知名圖文創作部落客及圖文創作部落格的重度使用者進行深度訪談。 本研究目的在探討圖文創作部落格讀者使用動機、使用行為、滿意度、忠誠度變數之內涵。分析不同人口統計變數對使用動機、使用行為、滿意度與忠誠度之差異性。檢定使用動機、使用行為對滿意度與忠誠度之關係。經由量化分析與質化訪談對經營圖文創作部落格之部落客提出行銷建議。 研究結果顯示圖文創作部落格讀者以女性上班族為主,年齡層以21-35歲居多,教育程度以大專為最多,居住地區以北部為主。圖文創作部落格之使用動機以「休閒娛樂動機」因素最高。在使用行為方面,讀者通常每天或每3-5天就會回訪一次,可見圖文創作部落格的讀者黏著度高。在使用滿意度上整體滿意度偏高,其中以「歡愉滿意度」因素最高。在使用忠誠度上則以「再訪忠誠度」因素最高。 經過質化與量化的分析,本研究建議想經營圖文創作部落格之部落客,應多著墨於有趣、好笑、生活化及流行話題的相關內容,並提高發文頻率,藉由舉辦實體活動,結合虛擬與實體創作,達到延伸性的長久經營。 / In this study, "uses and gratifications" theory of creative graphic blog audience usage behavior. To the users frequently visit the creative graphic blog as the research object. The present study, use"questionnaire" and " interviews" to research, both quantitative and qualitative study of two kinds of ways. Sample survey questionnaire via the Internet way, 325 questionnaires were usable, and for the well-known graphic creative bloggers and fax heavy users interviews. The purpose of this study was to explore the use of creative graphic blog readers motivation, behavior, satisfaction, loyalty variables of the content.Analysis of different demographic variables on the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty of the differences. Test the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty to the relationship. By quantitative analysis and qualitative interviews with creative graphic bloggers make marketing recommendations. The results showed that creative graphic blogs for readers are women, mainly of office workers, mostly age to 21-35 years of age, educational level to college as the most northern area of residence-based. To the use of motivation is "leisure motivation" factor in the highest. The use of behavior, the reader is usually every day or every 3-5 days would be a return visit, we can see creative graphics blog readers adhesion is high. The use of satisfaction on overall satisfaction high, in which the "joy satisfaction" factor high. On the use of loyalty by "revisit loyalty" factor in the highest. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, this study suggests that wish to create a blog of business creative graphic bloggers should be more to write about interesting, funny, daily life and popular topic relevant content and increase issued a document frequency, by holding physical activity, combination of virtual and physical creativity, to achieve an extension of long-term business.

部落格行銷與顧客關係之研究 / A Study of Blog Marketing and Customer Relationship

蔡沛成, Tsai, Pei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的在於瞭解目前部落格行銷的特性與人口統計變項及代言人偏好間的關聯性,並研究部落格行銷特性與顧客關係導向的顧客關係利益與顧客關係品質間的相關性,驗證結論部落格行銷特性在【小s性感媽咪日記】是否能得到實證上支持與部落格行銷人口統計變項及代言人偏好的相關調查。本研究對經營行銷部落格提出以下三點建議:一、繼續使用、永續經營。二、設法增加訂閱人數。三、建立使用者資料庫。 / The absence of the empirical study of the importance and the correlation of blog marketing and the customer relationship aroused the practice of the research. Blog marketing attributes: abundant information, customized content, interaction and user friendly surface affect the scales of the customer relationship benefits and qualities profoundly. Managing to take the full advantages of the blog marketing, manager should use and update the blog constantly, trying to make the subscriber as mush as possible and finally end up with the set up of the user database, keep tracking of the blogger.

藝人如何利用部落格修護形象之分析:以伊能靜為例 / An Analysis of Entertainers’ Image Remedy in Blog: A Case of Yi Neng Jing

游智翔, Yu, Chih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
這個研究的主要目的有二。第一,探討台灣藝人如何使用部落格進行形象修復;第二,試圖了解當名人開始使用部落格之後,媒體、名人、與閱聽人之間互動的改變。本研究使用台灣藝人伊能靜為研究主體,並以內容分析法調查她如何在2008年發生的婚變風波中,使用部落格修復形象,以及相關的媒體報導與閱聽人反應。 研究顯示伊能靜使用bolstering, transcendence, attacking one's accuser 以及 denial 作為主要修復形象的策略。研究結果也顯示,大眾媒體並不一定將名人在部落格上發表的內容,視為事實的呈現並客觀報導。反之,媒體常將藝人的部落格內容加上自己的詮釋。因此,藝人使用部落格修復形象所做的努力,往往容易被抵消不見,當媒體早就對該事件或人物本身,設定好特定的報導框架。 / The main purpose of this research is to explore Taiwanese celebrities’ use of blogs to repair their image and the change in the interaction among media, celebrities and audiences when celebrities start to blog. In conducting this research, the researcher intends to further clarify the relationship among these three actors in the new media era, as well as understanding how celebrities attempt to repair their image in cyberspace. Yi Neng Jing (伊能靜), a Taiwanese celebrity, is chosen as the case study in this research. A content analysis is adopted as the research method to investigate the way in which she remedied her image in a blog when it was jeopardized by news of her extramarital affair in 2008. Apart from her blog content, the mass media’s coverage and audience’s response to her in a specific time segment are also analysed. The research findings show that Yi used bolstering, transcendence, attacking one’s accuser and denial as the major strategies to restore her image. These strategies are basically consistent with Benoit’s research into Hugh Grant’s case of lewd behavior (1997). The research findings also show that the mass media does not necessarily take what celebrities say as being fact and often makes its own interpretation of celebrities’ blogging texts. Thus, celebrities’ efforts to repair their image tend to be offset in a mass media framework.

部落格互動性機制使用影響因素探討─以udn部落格為例 / Exploring the influential factors of using interaction mechanism in blogs- a case study of udn blog

李皇萱 Unknown Date (has links)
具有web2.0精神的部落格誕生後,呼應其上傳、分享與建造關係的本質,互動性機制陸續增加,提供部落客連結和建立關係的可能。使用部落格,不只是為了滿足存在需求,也帶有與他人建立關係的社交需求。然而,這樣的精神和需求並未具體呈現在部落格上。部落格主要仍以部落客的發文,和瀏覽人數的跳動為主,其他各項互動性機制的使用比例很低。 為了了解部落格互動性機制使用的影響因素,本研究回溯過往研究,從新聞網站、特殊功用部落格、一般部落格和潛水族相關研究中,整理出人口變項、基本使用情形、使用動機、機制設計、社群氛圍五大方面的影響因素,並以udn部落格為研究對象,探討影響因素對互動性機制使用的解釋力。 本研究先以內容分析蒐集udn部落格上互動性機制使用比例,了解使用情形是否真的如此低落,再以內容分析和網路問卷調查了解影響部落客互動性機制使用的因素。 研究結果發現,udn部落格上互動性機制使用比例極低,使用較為頻繁的互動性機制為「瀏覽>推薦>回應>引用」。而五大面向的影響因素,人口變項和基本使用情形不具解釋力,使用動機、機制設計和互動頻繁的社群氛圍是主要影響因素。不同使用動機,使用的互動性機制有所不同;機制設計的好壞對使用與否具有顯著影響,知覺易用性對回應和留言有解釋力,而知覺有用性則對其他機制有解釋力;社群氛圍中互動頻繁的特色和推薦機制使用密切相關,udn部落格雖帶有報系政治色彩,但並不影響部落客使用互動性機制。 從互動性機制使用影響因素差異來看,udn部落客具有「喜歡互動,卻不主動」的特性,雖然具有互動頻繁的社群氛圍,但整體平台的機制設計並未體現社群概念,仍停留於靜態互動的層次。在社群網站的興起後,其互動性高、即時性強的特色,瓜分部落客使用時間,但部落格「互動性定位更加明確」,部落格從互動性較高的期待轉而被視為是書寫、論述和發表意見的空間,成為未來新的定位。 關鍵字:部落格、部落客、互動性機制、潛水族

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