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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊德勝 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於消費者行為及行銷環境隨著電腦通訊科技的發展而有重大的改變,其中又以網際網路的應用對兩者的影響尤其顯著;過去的行銷活動及消費者行為均在實體環境中進行,而網際網路創造了虛擬的交易環境;過去所依賴的通路似乎在彈指間被取代了,而過去賴以經營的顧客關係是否已不再重要了?關係行銷在網路的虛擬環境中是否仍然適用或是更重要,其執行是否更困難或更容易呢?這是一個值得探討的問題。 本研究屬於探索性的研究,藉由對國內外相關文獻的探討、發掘企業在網際網路從事關係行銷與傳統實體環境所從事的關係行銷的主要作法,並進一步對國內企業進行實証研究,以了解在網際網路的虛擬環境中關係行銷是如何進行,與實體環境作法的差異。 經由文獻探討以及對實際個案公司經驗的研究分析,本研究發現以傳統實體環境為主的企業成為一混合傳統與網際網路交易的企業時,對關係行銷的推行仍舊是以人為主要的中介。而一個獨立於實體環境企業之外,以網際網路為其交易模式的企業,其關係行銷的推行則是透過網路為媒介,由研究中發現純網路下單的企業與顧客的互動頻率較高、而顧客的交易頻率也較高,每次交易金額也較大;對虛擬社群的經營成效也較佳,所以推論網際網路有助關係行銷的推行,尤以一個新企業體採用網際網路的效果較佳。 網際網路科技將更加的普及,未來的行銷環境將是以虛擬環境為主,而在此虛擬環境中如何脫穎而出,如何留住顧客以建立長期關係,對未來企業經營將有重大影響,是一值得研究的議題。


李大有 Unknown Date (has links)


石中天 Unknown Date (has links)
網路媒體由於先天條件之利,以往大眾傳播媒體無法獲得的資訊,現在則可利用電腦資料庫技術,依據閱聽人的習慣與需求來制定關係行銷的各種做法,以達成所追求的一對一行銷服務。本研究觀察網路娛樂媒體經營者對關係行銷的認知、經營者對運用關係行銷作為長久經營的承諾、經營者在不同關係行銷層次中所處的位置、關係行銷如何在網路媒體經營中呈現,繼而分析哪些類型的關係行銷模式實際操作及運用效果最佳、以及是否有可提供其他經營者參考的成功關係行銷運用模式。   研究歸納出網路娛樂媒體採取關係行銷策略時之思考步驟:   一、了解自己:   對於網站經營者來說,如果希望利用網友的資料供電子商務之用,則在獲得網友資料之前,應該先釐清網站本身的定位,了解網站所提供的服務到底是希望什麼樣的網友來使用,而這些網友是如何被其網站所滿足。   二、持續與網友的互動:   業者建立資料庫,而這些資料庫也確定是有用的。資料庫必須能了解網友需求的資訊與服務,同時也可以提供這些資訊與服務給其鎖定的消費群。應該開始主動的將提供對網友有用的資訊與服務,以互動的方式爭取網友的信任與接受。   三、讓價值與價格相符:   網路媒體經營者除了新聞內容外,還必須在附加價值上面加強,使得價值等於、甚至超過價格。藉由關係行銷建立客戶忠誠度,就是使價值提昇的重要工具。


宋國璋 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的持續發展,全球資訊電子業的產值與其對人們生活的貢獻也不斷提昇,而資訊電子業的蓬勃發展和技術的不斷更新,也使得產品的生命週期持續縮短。為了因應市場的快速變化,許多資訊電子業品牌原廠開始將非核心價值的製造活動外包,以取得較低的成本與較佳的靈活度。許多專業製造代工廠商也因此應運而生,如SCI、Solectron..等EMS(Electronics Manufacturing Service:係指專業的資訊電子業製造商,本身並不涉入產品設計。EMS廠商的產品設計,元件的選用,及生產製造的規格皆遵照品牌原廠的原始設計,本身僅從事產品的生產與製造。)及其它專業製造代工廠商,以自建廠房或是向品牌原廠購入工廠的方式,建立龐大的產能,並提供品牌原廠全球製造及交貨的垂直分工服務。   在科技及產業環境日趨成熟,及新科技的不斷開發之下,資訊電子產品的主流也由辦公室用走向家庭及個人用的消費性電子產品,而複雜的系統與功能,及全球化的趨勢,也使產品的開發由以往的品牌原廠內部垂直整合解構。全球化也使得資訊電子業各個產品之間必需透過一定的協調機制,以確保各產品間,以及產品於不同地理位置的系統相容性。透過協調機制的產生,與因應產品的多樣性與上市時程(Time-To-Market)的市場需求,品牌原廠的外包策略也產生了改變,由原先的單純委外生產製造(Original Equipment Manufacturer ,OEM:係指資訊電子業製造商如EMS及其它從事相同活動的廠商,或指品牌顧客將產品委外代工給專業生產製造廠商的行為,OEM廠商的製造商品牌不會出現在品牌顧客的產品外觀上。),升級到委外產品設計與製造(Original Design Manufacturer, ODM:係指資訊電子業設計製造商,具有提供產品設計,產品軟、硬體元件的選用,及生產製造服務的能力(名詞)。或指品牌顧客將產品委託給資訊電子業設計製造商,以進行產品的設計及生產製造的行為(動詞)。ODM的製造商品牌不會出現在產品上。),以擴大產品研發資源,增加產品的種類及上市速度(Time-to-market)的競爭力。ODM廠商與品牌原廠之間是能力互補基礎下的結合,由於合作係在創造垂直分工的效益,互惠的目標則在增加各自在彼此產業中的水平競爭力。ODM廠商對產業的影響力來自於提供有競爭力的產品能力,並可透過ODM業務的承接,形成全球產能的佔有率,並透過規模與範疇經濟的追求,提高品牌原廠的依賴程度(陳振祥與李吉仁,1997)。   品牌原廠可以藉由委外設計製造代工的事業模式(Business Model)而將其經營的風險與固定資產支出,也就是交易成本理論的專屬性資產的風險,轉嫁到ODM供應商的身上。對ODM廠商而言,加入ODM的事業模式也就承接了這個轉嫁的風險,同時又增加了被品牌原廠轉單的關係風險,因此,會力圖降低與規避這個風險,並提高品牌原廠的轉換成本與對本身的依賴,以求取事業的長期穩定性。本研究首先將探討ODM的外部環境條件,亦即,在品牌原廠與代工廠商皆有意願從事ODM合作模式的假設之下,什麼樣的產業及科技的外部環境條件,會讓廠商認為風險是可控制的,並願意投入成為ODM供應廠商。透過文獻探討及產業分析,本研究指出長期穩定的ODM合作模式需要以下的外部必要環境條件: (1)該產業處於產品生命週期的成熟期 (2)該產業並非由品牌原廠垂直整合,而有獨立的主要系統元件供應商提供產品與服務 (3)該產業有明確、公開而統一的產業標準(通用的產品規格、測試與認證的標準與機制)   在品牌原廠委外代工由OEM轉變為ODM的過程中,顧客與供應商間的關係產生了極大的變化。此外“品牌原廠-供應商”的對偶(Diode)關係,因ODM廠商的加入而發展成為發展為“品牌原廠-ODM廠商-供應商”的三元關係(Triad)。這個三元關係其實是三個相關的對偶關係(“品牌原廠-ODM廠商”、“ODM廠商-供應商”、及“品牌原廠-供應商”)的組合,許多的研究已分析了“品牌原廠-ODM廠商”的對偶關係,本研究則加入供應商的觀點,以更完整的角度來探討ODM合作模式。在ODM的合作模式中,產品設計及軟、硬體主要元件選擇的決策權力開始分散,不再被品牌原廠單獨控制,而會由ODM廠商與品牌原廠作某種程度的分享。而元件的決策者與使用者又未必是同一個體(不論元件選擇的決策模式如何動態變化,ODM廠商都是實際上的元件使用者),此外,每個成員可以參予多個網路關係,而同一個個體於不同的網路關係中可能擁有不同的決策權力,也使得一個單純的顧客與供應商間的關係複雜化。對供應商而言,不論“顧客-供應商”的關係如何變化,最終目的都是使得本身的產品被使用,因此,必需了解這個關係,並明確定義出元件的決策者,及角色的動態變化,成為行銷的依據。而在從事產品研發時,ODM廠商所面對的情境是不同於品牌原廠的內部團隊的,分析及了解這個情境的變化,並提供適當的解決方案(Solutions)給顧客廠商,就成為供應商產品規劃的重點。 透過以上的研究及分析,本文的研究的目的在於對ODM合作模式做更完整的研究,並以供應商觀點提出一個供應商的行銷策略的建議,包括了(1)關係:透過與品牌原廠及ODM廠商的關係行銷及與顧客廠商的長期產品規劃,以強化三位體關係的穩固、(2)整合:透過內╱外部垂直整合,以協助顧客廠商及時上市(Time-To-Matke) 、(3)差異化:透過產品組合的彈性,提供顧客廠商多樣化的選擇,並建立差異化。亦即,供應商如何透過這三個角度,形成一個宏觀的角度及思維,提供適當的產品組合以滿足品牌原廠委外ODM代工的目的,並協助ODM廠商滿足品牌原廠的需求,而確保這個三位體共同成功。 / With the continuing breakthrough and development, The Information Technology Industry has been keep enhancing its importance and contribution to our life. Due to the fast growing and changing market demand, the life cycle of IT product keep shrinking, and many Branding company in this industry started to out-source the non core-compentecy value activities, to change for lower cost and better agility. Those manufacturing house like SCI, Solectron… etc started to engaged into the EMS business segment (Electronics Manufacturing Service, the dedicated manufacturing house. EMS only focus on production, and follow the specification from the Branding company in terms of product design, compoment selection and production specification) by either building its own facility or thru acquisition from the branding company, thus, build-up a huge manufacturing capabity around the world to provide professional manufacturing service. In accordance to the maturity of technology and industry environment, and also the new generation technology development, the mainstream of IT product has been expanding from office area to home and personal appliance. And, the trend of globalization and the complication of system and function also helped to the dis-integration of completely in-house product development by the same company. Globalization also enhanced a universal coordination mechanism to snsure the compatibility in-between different product and geographical location. Thanks to the universal coordination mechanism, globalization, and dynamics of the market, the out-sourcing strategy hand also enhanced from OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer, with similar definition of EMS) to ODM(Original Design Manufacturer, when the service not only including pure manufacturing, but also the product design, component selection and decision) , in order to expand the resource pool of product development, and thus enhance the product development cycle time (Time-to-market) and also the product offering. The ODM engagement is in the base of complementary between the branding company and the ODM house. Thru the cooperation, vertical dis-integration of value activities has been created, thus, enhance the competitiveness of both parties in its segment. The value of ODM house is to provide competitive design and manufacturing capability, and to increase the reliance of the branding company thru its economy scale (Chen and Lee, 1997). The branding company can, however, transfer the operation risk and the investment of fix asset to ODM house, thru the ODM business model. Therefore, it can transfer the risk of the propriterary asset under the transaction cost theory to the ODM house. For the ODM house, entering into ODM business model represent it is carrying this transferred risk, and with addition risk of order transfer to different ODM house from the branding company. Therefore, the ODM house will try its best to reduce this risk and creating a transfer cost of the branding companyi in order for long business stability. This research will first study the exterior environment condition of the ODM business model. Meaning, under the assumption of a strong wiliness from both the branding company and the ODM house, what kind of exterior industry and technology condition will make the parties conclude that the business risk are under control and willing to take action and entering into the execution. Thru the bibliography research, this research concluded the necessary exterior conditions of a long term and stable ODM business engagement are : (1) Such industry are in the mature phase of its life cycle (2) Such industry are not being integrated completely by the branding company, and full of independent main component suppliers to provide component and service (3) Such industry has a clear, public and universal industry standard, including product spec, and the mechanism for product testing and certification The “customer-supplier” relation has changed during the migration from OEM to ODM business model. This diode relation has actually changing into a “triad” relation (“branding company – ODM house – supplier”) as the ODM house has joined the loop This triad relation is actually a comination of three diode (“branding company – ODM house”,”ODM house – supplier”, “branding company – supplier”). There were many research in the past addressing the diode of “branding company – ODM house”, this research will counting into the view point of the supplier, for a more completed ODM business model analysis. In the ODM business model, the decision power of product design and component selection has been expanded from the branding company to the ODM house or a join decision. However, this time the decision maker and the user of main component may be different (In any case of component decision maker, the actual user are always the ODM house). In addition, each party can participate into multiple networks, and one party may be owning different level of ruling power in different network, these has all contributed to a complicated relation. For the supplier, first it is vital to understand the change of business model, defining the ultimate component selection decision maker, and the dynamics of each role, so as to define an associated marketing strategy. Second, the ODM house are actually facing a very different environment and scenario of product development, comparing to the in-house product development team of the branding company. A good understating of this environment and scenario change are also necessay to help the supplier for product and solution planning. The objective of this research, is to study the ODM business model, and to generate a marketing strategy for the supplier including the focus of (1) Relation : Thru the relation marketing and good roadmap alignment with the branding company and the ODM house, to enhance the triad relation and its robustness. (2) Integration : Thru inter/outer integration to help the customer for time-to-market (3) Differentiation : Thru the flexibility of product combination to give multiple choice to the customer, and thus help to build up differentiation. In conclusion, from the three angle above, the supplier can make a suitable product offering in according to the ODM business model. And to support the ODM business model and also push for a “win – win – win” situation.

部落格行銷與顧客關係之研究 / A Study of Blog Marketing and Customer Relationship

蔡沛成, Tsai, Pei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的在於瞭解目前部落格行銷的特性與人口統計變項及代言人偏好間的關聯性,並研究部落格行銷特性與顧客關係導向的顧客關係利益與顧客關係品質間的相關性,驗證結論部落格行銷特性在【小s性感媽咪日記】是否能得到實證上支持與部落格行銷人口統計變項及代言人偏好的相關調查。本研究對經營行銷部落格提出以下三點建議:一、繼續使用、永續經營。二、設法增加訂閱人數。三、建立使用者資料庫。 / The absence of the empirical study of the importance and the correlation of blog marketing and the customer relationship aroused the practice of the research. Blog marketing attributes: abundant information, customized content, interaction and user friendly surface affect the scales of the customer relationship benefits and qualities profoundly. Managing to take the full advantages of the blog marketing, manager should use and update the blog constantly, trying to make the subscriber as mush as possible and finally end up with the set up of the user database, keep tracking of the blogger.


林家琪 Unknown Date (has links)
具有跨產業消費性能的聯合積點卡,已是未來卡片運用功能的依歸,也是國內各家業者爭相投資的方向,目前國內雖然已經有國泰集團、統一集團、新光集團等大企業爭相宣佈有跨足聯合積點產業的訊息,但因為步伐的不同與評估標準的差異,目前仍處規劃期,由遠東集團投資鼎鼎聯合行銷所領軍的「快樂購聯合積點卡」94年率先以領頭羊之姿,成功的打入台灣消費市場,並以發卡量四百三十萬的驚人數字(2006, 鼎鼎聯合行銷),坐穩聯合積點卡龍頭的位置。 本研究僅以「快樂購聯合積點卡」為研究對象,並以關係管理觀點去分析聯合積點卡在台灣推行的現況與方式,分析此類卡片所提供的服務方式與顧客之間在忠誠度、滿意度的關係,進而提出建議改善方案。 為探討聯合積點卡的優缺點與使用狀況,研究分別使用了深度訪談法與問卷調查法,並以鼎鼎聯合行銷各部門的專案負責人、及擁有快樂購卡片的卡友做研究調查對象,問卷總計發出346份,有效問卷為330份,回收率達97%,資料分析採用Cronbach’s σ 信度分析、描述性分析、相關性分析、及卡友的生活型態因素分析。 研究結果顯示,大部分的卡友對聯合積點卡的整體忠誠度與滿意度是高的,且申辦使用快樂購卡的卡友,並沒有明顯的年齡、教育、職業、收入等分別,卡友對快樂購聯合積點卡,多持正面的回應與肯定,支持卡友持續使用快樂購聯合積點卡的主因為快樂購卡可跨通路消費及紅利累點的服務機制。 / The function of united point-collection is a future trend with cross-industry consuming performance. It is also the direction of investment among enterprises in the whole country. Although the famous enterprises such as Cathay Group, Uni-President Group and SKIS Group have been released the message of united point-collection, it is still in the planning stage due to difference in evaluation standard. DDIM (DingDing Integrated Marketing Service Co.), which is founded by Far Eastern Group, issued “HAPPYGO” card successfully to occupy consuming market in Taiwan during 2005. Now the total amount of cards is about 4.3 million (2006, DDIM), and it is also the number one in this field. This research focus on the “HAPPYGO” card as the study case, and analysis the status and promotion methods of the united point-collection card in Taiwan through the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) view. The main idea is to analysis the relationships between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction in this sort of card, then make the recommendations to improve the program. To discovery the usage condition and pros and cons of HAPPYGO card, the research used deep interview and questionnaires as the method, and it includes project managers in DDIM and HAPPYGO cardholders as the interview samples. 346 questionnaires were collected, and 330 questionnaires were valid. The valid response rate is 97%. The data analysis adapted Cronbach’s α reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and cardholder VALS to verify the research. The result of the research indicates that most of the cardholders are satisfy with the HAPPYGO card loyalty program. For HAPPYGO card applicants, there is no obvious difference in age, education, occupation and salary level. Research found that cardholders have positive responses and attitudes with HAPPYGO card. The main reason for cardholders to use HAPPYGO card continuously is that it provides collecting and accumulating cross-industry point services.


李佳安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在瞭解台灣企業部落格之發展,應用之現況以及對企業帶來 效益之分析研究,以期能對台灣企業在部落格之導入與運用上,提供正確且宏觀 的建議。 部落格發展至今,已經成為Web2.0 時代資訊交流的重要帄台,個人的部落 格已經相當成熟,然而企業部落格的運用至今仍在持續發展中。國外企業部落格 發展至今,已經具有一定之口碑並為企業帶來正向之效益,除了提升企業的形象 外,也成為與消費者雙向溝通之管道,本研究先透過研究國外企業部落格個案, 架構式的分析其部落格特色以及成效,並整理出企業部落格所帶來的主要效益: 企業部落格為一新的公關帄台、深化顧客關係管理、提升搜尋引擎之排名、口碑 行銷效益、以及現有行銷組合之補強等五大項。 之後再透過訪談台灣具規模的企業部落格,包括功學社校長部落格、台達電 低碳部落格以及HUG 時尚水果概念館部落格,來瞭解台灣企業如何運用企業部 落格,以及部落格為台灣企業所帶來的正面效益,最後再整合國內外企業部落格 之作法,給國內企業對部落格之應用,指引出一個可行之方向。


王立仲 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於學界與實務界發現開發新客戶之成本約為維持舊客戶之五倍,故當關係行銷之理念由Berry在1983年提出後,關係行銷就廣為學界與實務界所研究。但是因為關係行銷之做法與傳統行銷之做法有許多的不同,故若實務界在實施關係行銷時未針對關係行銷之特性與做法而在服務體系上進行適當的調整,將使得關係行銷無法如達到預期之成效。 本研究利用服務行銷之理念,來規劃一適合關係行實施之服務體係。本研究主要的研究產業共有三類:汽車銷售業、百貨業、與健診業。在研究過各個案公司與相關文獻中所記載之其他服務業公司在關係行銷之做法後,本研究將目前關係行銷之做法歸納為五類:單純財規務結合、個人╱家庭財務結合、個人╱家庭社交結合、財務性結構結合、與服務性結構結合等。其中單純財務結合之重點在資料庫的建立;個人╱家庭財務結合之重點在於資料庫之分析;個人╱家庭社交結合之重點在於關係經理之管理;財務性結構結合之重點在於會員制度之設計;服務性結構結合之重點在於服務品質之確保與服務內容之規劃。最後,針對每一關係行銷之做法,本研究分別提出其服務體系之架構,以做為實務界之參考。


曾才宏, Tzeng, Tsai-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
身處在一九九0年代的消費者,擁有比以往更多的購物管道,而且消費者 每一天都要接受來自種類愈來愈多的訊息轟炸.面對如此多的訊息使得消 費者愈來愈難加以選擇,因此製造商必須更費心力才有可能建立一新的品 牌.同時Pine , Peppers & Rogers (1995)也指出,如果經理人決定要和 顧客建立學習關係應考慮資訊、生產/運輸、組織、及評估策略.故本篇 論文將重點擺在資訊策略這一要素上,探討不同的關係作法是否會對應一 組不同的資訊技術,而每一組不同的資訊組合又是由那些資訊技術所構成 .為了達成以上之研究動機,本研究擬定如下的研究目的:一.依個案中 描述各公司在關係行銷上不同之作法,提出一分類架構.二.透過此一分 類架構,描述出各不同分類如欲達成關係行銷的目的(提高顧客佔有率)所 需的資訊技術.

企業利用FACEBOOK平台經營粉絲專頁社群之研究 / The enterprises operate the virtual community by using FACEBOOK fans page.

吳富傑 Unknown Date (has links)
2009年到2010年,最紅的網站就是FACEBOOK,截至10年6月,全球使用FACEBOOK的人數已經超過了4.5億。根據互動行銷機構Rosetta 2010年1月的研究,全球百大零售商有五成九在FACEBOOK擁有官方粉絲專頁。而根據FACEBOOK官方統計,目前共有一百六十萬個粉絲專頁,由七十多萬個公司團體經營。 FACEBOOK引發風潮的原因在於FACEBOOK改寫了企業對於網路行銷的認知,之前企業是利用搜尋引擎、網路廣告、電子郵件或是部落格等,但是FACEBOOK不一樣的地方在於讓企業變成了消費者的朋友。FACEBOOK成功的複製使用者真實人際關係到網路平台上,因此成了獨特的發展利基。每個網路使用者最初關心的事物,是以本身為圓心,再慢慢擴展到朋友,最後才是整個網路世界。因此,企業利用FACEBOOK平台用朋友的角色,持續對消費者說明其經營理念,行銷其商品的優勢,與消費者建立長久的關係。本研究就是在討論企業如何經營FACEBOOK粉絲專頁的方法以及追求的目標。 本研究的研究問題有三:1.企業成立FACEBOOK粉絲專頁的原因為何?2.企業如何經營粉絲專頁?如何增加粉絲專頁的會員數,與粉絲建立起信任感?如何管理粉絲專頁產生的資產?3.企業成立FACEBOOK粉絲專頁獲得效益為何? 透過深度訪談三家經營粉絲專頁的企業,並配合相關的次級資料蒐集與整理,本研究獲得以下主要結論:1. 粉絲專頁經營者舉辦的活動與訊息內容會影響粉絲團成員的加入與退出。2. 粉絲專頁經營者訊息的寫法與內容同等重要,會影響粉絲分享的動力。3. 粉絲專頁裡與粉絲相關的訊息容易引起互動,吸引粉絲來回應。4. 粉絲專頁經營者利用FACEBOOK為企業帶入了新的消費者,建立品牌。5. 粉絲專頁讓企業更了解顧客想法,和顧客建立起長期、良好的關係。 / From 2009 to 2010, the most popular website is FACEBOOK. The total FACEBOOK users are more than four hundred and fifty million. Base on official statistics, there are one million and six hundred thousand fans pages in FACEBOOK. They are operated by seventy hundred thousand companies. FACEBOOK is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers. The company develops technologies that facilitate the sharing of information through the social graph, the digital mapping of people's real-world social connections. Anyone can sign up for FACEBOOK and interact with the people they know in a trusted environment. FACEBOOK fans page is a development platform that enables companies and engineers to deeply integrate with the FACEBOOK website and gain access to millions of users through the social graph. FACEBOOK is a part of millions of people’s lives all around the world providing unparalleled distribution potential for applications and the opportunity to build a business that is highly relevant to people’s lives. This study tries to find how to operate FACEBOOK fans pages and companies’ objectives. The study aims to investigate the following questions: 1. What is the reason for company want to establish fans page on FACEBOOK. 2. How does the company operate fans page? How do they increase their members? How do they manage fans page’s assets? 3. What is the result of company’s fans page? Through interviewed three fans page operator in Taiwan and applied secondary data analysis, the preliminary research finding include: 1. The fans page operator’s message and activity will affect fans page’s amount. 2. The tone and content of message will affect fans’ motive to share. 3. The related messages arouse fans’ attention. They tend to interact this messages. 4. The fans page can attract new consumers. And the company can establish their brand. 5. The fans page let the company understand the customer’s thought. And the company can maintain long-term relationship with customer.

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