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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳明穎 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣經濟不斷發展,消費行為已經由生產導向轉變為顧客為導向的市場,建材市場亦不例外,建材批發商在競爭激烈市場中,除了要提供優質且多樣化產品外,更需要注重其他服務品質之提升。本研究在研究R公司的經營模式、SWOT定位、與公司價值鏈後,認為R公司的價值鏈發展雖具有價格與物流的優勢,但深究其產業之發展模式,認為這樣的價值鏈是很容易被模仿與取代的,而且僅以低價作為競爭方式去吸引消費,所經營出來的顧客關係是相當薄弱,少有忠誠度可言,只要競爭者提出更優惠的促銷方案,R公司將會喪失大量客戶,而難以維持其優勢地位。因此,本研究目的在於找出可以創造與競爭者具有差異化的服務內容,培養消費者成為忠實顧客,為R公司建立長期的顧客關係。 本研究將以個案研究的方式,訪談實際經營建材批發業已有 36年之久的R公司,來探討建材批發業的產業特性、R公司的經營模式、其上下游間的合作方式、競爭者的分布與變化等;另外,本研究亦會訪談R公司的主要顧客,包含裝潢師傅與設計公司,以期更深入了解在建材批發產業的交易習性、購買模式、與重視哪些服務內容;在探討影響這些交易的關鍵因素後將會為R公司提出為其量身訂作的創新行銷導入建議,希望能因此成功創造更穩健的顧客忠誠,以提升R公司的長期競爭優勢;本研究在提出各項行銷導入方案後,並會為R公司設計一套成效分析衡量計畫,主要是以衡量顧客忠誠度是否提升作為指標;惟此成效衡量尚需日後行銷導入才可實際測量,誠屬本研究較為不足之限制,尚待後續研究之補足。

社群商務之熟人經濟與關係行銷 / Acquaintance Economy and Relationship Marketing of Social Commerce

謝欣芸 Unknown Date (has links)
社群商務(Social Commerce)最早在2005年在雅虎官方部落格Yahoo Search Blog首次成為一個字詞,其後十幾年變化出更多形式,包括團購、募資、購物網站的論壇、社群網站等多元形式。本研究著重於探討在社群網站上的社群商務行為。 社群網站除了友誼聯繫與資訊交流的功能外,也提供越來越多服務及平台機制,其中一項即是社群商務。依台灣網路用戶來看,超過九成的網路用戶每月都會使用Facebook,是亞太區滲透率最高的市場,因此本研究將以Facebook作為觀察社群商務的代表社群平台,觀察賣家在社群平台上進行關係行銷的方式。 依照賣家面向的顧客類型可以分成主要面向認識的人與主要面向陌生人等兩種經營社群商務模式,由於不管是認識的人或陌生人,大家在Facebook上大家都互為「好友」,因此賣家向Facebook好友銷售商品的行為稱為「熟人經濟」。本研究透過個案訪談法分析社群商務中熟人經濟之商業模式與賣方進行關係行銷的作法。 / The term social commerce was first introduced by Yahoo Search blog in 2005. Since then, the scope of social commerce has expanded to include group buying, crowdfunding, forum of online store, and social networking site. The study focuses on the activities of social commerce on social networking site. Social networking site provides more and more services besides the functions of keeping connections and sharing information, and one of them is social commerce. More than 90% of the Taiwanese internet users are Facebook monthly users, so Facebook will be the observational social platform in this study. The way that sellers do relationship marketing will be analyzed in this study. This study classifies two social commerce categories according to whether the major customers that sellers sell products are to people that the seller knew or to strangers. Owing to whether seller knew the customer before or not, they call each other “friend” on Facebook, and the behavior that sellers sell goods to friends is called “acquaintance economy.” This study analyzed the acquaintance economy and relationship marketing of social commerce through interview method.

網路推薦分紅機制之研究-以通路王合作廠商為例 / A study on online affiliate mMarketing-case study of advertisers in ichannels.

陳玉媚 Unknown Date (has links)
廣告界有句名言「我知道廣告費有一半是浪費掉了,但問題是,不知道浪費的是哪一半?」 隨著網路普及與近幾年關鍵字廣告興起,可以看出廣告主越來越要求廣告的精準與效益,網路廣告的進化過去傳統以CPM(Cost Per Thousand impressions)每千人的曝光數來計算、到CPC(Cost Per Click)以點擊數來計算如關鍵字廣告、到後來有人提出CPA(Cost Per Action),即保證績效型廣告,以實際銷售業績來計算廣告費,本論文就是在研究一家專門在做保證績效型廣告的公司,也就是通路王。 繼Web2.0被提出後,後來有人提出EC2.0的概念,強調社群的參與,而所有的成交交易均來自網友的推薦。國內前幾名的EC網站都不約而同地推出網路推薦分紅計畫:例如PChome的分紅網、Yahoo!購物中心的興奇大聯盟、博客來的AP策略聯盟。他們的目的無非是想要透過網友的推薦力量以吸引更多新顧客以及增加銷售。而這樣的機制就是所謂聯盟行銷或夥伴計畫。 聯盟行銷在國外行之多年,相關介紹或研究多以推廣者角度,說明如何在上班之外增加其他收入,方法例如可以寫文章賺錢、運用聯盟行銷賺錢等,較少著墨於網路聯盟平台與廣告主之間的合作關係。為使國內聯盟行銷能發展更成熟,本研究除列舉國內外幾家運用聯盟行銷之實例,另以個案「網路聯盟平台」業者之經營模式及其合作廠商之關係,以本研究相關文獻理論進行檢視與驗證,並選定三家廣告主以深度訪談方式進行分析。 從研究結果發現,網際網路之聯盟行銷技術,對於建立顧客關係、增加商品銷售為有幫助之作法;網路聯盟平台的推廣者是成交的關鍵,推廣者品質關係到銷售力道,因此建議通路王應加強平台推廣者的訓練與管理,以強化與廣告主的合作關係。

商業銀行零售金融關係行銷之研究 / The Relationship Marketing in Retail Banking of Commercial Banks

張瑞玲, Chang, Juei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於行銷環境與消費行為的變化、資訊科技的進步以及零售金融業務逐漸成為商業銀行的經營重心,使得植基於資料庫技術之上的關係行銷發展受到國內外商業銀行的格外重視。對擁有豐富顧客資料的商業銀行而言,由於零售金融業務面對的是廣大的消費者,若仍沿用傳統行銷手法將無法建立實質的長期競爭優勢。因此深入瞭解以資料庫技術為基礎的關係行銷發展、探究影響關係行銷發展的因素,以及分析顧客資料庫在行銷策略上的應用方式,應是現階段經營的當務之急。   本研究屬探索性研究,經由文獻探討以及對商業銀行的深度訪談後,依據理論與實務的相互驗證以及所推論的命題,歸納出以下三點結論:(1)關係行銷的發展可分為「產品關係行銷」、「顧客關係行銷」及「家庭關係行銷」等三個階段,銀行業者應積極由產品關係提昇至顧客關係,再由顧客關係提昇至家庭關係階段。(2)組織的支持與承諾、行銷組織型態、顧客資訊的整合程度以及提供金融產品與服務的能力等,是影響關係升級的重要因素。在產品關係提昇至顧客關係時,組織的支持與承諾扮演相當重要的角色;而在顧客關係升級至家庭關係時,提供完整金融產品及服務的能力,是顧客關係提昇至家庭關係的重要前提。(3)關係發展階段不同,顧客資料庫應用的深度也不同。產品關係著重在行銷作業上的應用,顧客關係則在強調輔助行銷管理決策的進行,至於到達家庭關係階段時,顧客資料庫的應用已成為整個企業策略運作的核心資源。

連鎖藥局創新服務之研究-以B連鎖藥局為例 / A study on service innovation in chain pharmacies- An example of B company

盧盈蒼 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣醫藥環境面臨重大變革,如全民健保開辦、醫藥分業實施、藥品進口自由化及藥品零售業務國際化,加上消費者教育水準之提高,在此種種因素影響下,藥局經營必須改變體質才能面對新環境、新挑戰。此外,隨著經濟環境的改善,民眾對於健康醫療相關的支出比例亦持續增加。藥局經營模式已不知不覺產生變化,由量的減少到質的提升、由被動轉為主動、由以「生病為中心」的商品組合到「健康為中心」的商品組合、由單打獨鬥到策略聯盟、由專業分工到資源整合都考驗著藥師的經營能力。 綜合上述可以發現在整體大環境改變下,傳統社區藥局經營模式已無法滿足顧客之需求,加上顧客對健康養身觀念意識之抬頭,社區藥局已逐漸定位為主動替顧客健康照護之把關者,而非僅僅是有病才拿藥之消極互動模式。尤其對長期慢性病友而言,社區藥局如何透過慢性病處方箋與醫院長期合作照護病友,以使病友用最有效率、最近距離、最少時間取得最正確安全之藥事服務,以提升附加價值;擺脫低價策略擴大市場需求,將成為社區藥局需審慎思考之新經營策略。 有鑒於此,本研究透過服務科學建立「新型態社區藥局服務創新模型與連鎖加盟經營」,以期在醫院與病友間成為有效之溝通橋樑並提升顧客健康照護之價值。接著,轉型第二階段將延續新商業模式,利用關係行銷建立「全國慢性病會員慢箋照護E-Pharmacy創新服務計畫」,協助個案公司將與其相關性之各產業資源相結合,形成牢不可破之關係行銷網,以期轉型發展成具有持續競爭力之永續經營企業,以因應產業之快速變化。 / Medical and pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan have been facing revolutionary transformations in recent years. These include the launch of National Health Insurance, dispensing separation (DS), import liberation, retail internationalization, and the elevation of consumer education levels. Under the impacts of these factors, drug store businesses have had to change accordingly to adapt to the new environment and respond to new challenges. Furthermore, with the improved financial condition of people, the proportion of budgets spent on medical- and healthcare-related services is steadily rising. The business model of a drug store has also changed. It has moved from quantity-focused management concepts to quality-focused ones, from passive-based services to active-based ones, from “illness-centered” products to “health-centered” ones, from a solitary pursuit to strategic alliances, and from division of professional work to integration of resources. The transformation poses a great challenge to the management capabilities of pharmacists. In short, under global changes and the raising of public awareness of health and health care, traditional community drug stores are far from meeting the demands of customers. From the passive business model of waiting for sick customers to walk in for their medications, community drug stores have gradually transformed to become actively involved in restoring and enhancing the health of their customers. By maintaining long-term cooperation with the hospitals that prescribe medications to their customers, community drug stores can especially help chronic patients by providing them the most efficient, shortest distance, correct and safe pharmaceutical services within the shortest time. Drug store owners should take this new business strategy into serious consideration as it allows them to offer value-added services to customers, abandon a low-pricing strategy, and expand market demand. In view of the above-mentioned, this study has set up a “New Form of Community Drug Store with Innovative Service Model and Franchise Chain Business Model” via Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME), and which aims to build an effective communication bridge between the hospital and the patient and enhance the value of healthcare services given to customers. The second phase of transformation is an extension of the new business model. In the second phase, relationship marketing is adopted to establish a “National Innovative Service Program of E-pharmacy for Chronic Patients” to assist the company in the study to integrate corresponding resources from different industries and form a strong relationship marketing network. With this program, it is hoped that the drug stores can transform and develop into sustainable ventures with sustainable competitive edges to respond to the rapid changes in the industry.

顧客關係管理中的社群行銷研究 : 以公關服務業為例 / The Analysis of Social Media Marketing in Customer Relationship Management: Case Studies of Public Relationship Service Company

龔英男 Unknown Date (has links)
社群行銷(Social Marketing)狹義指的是透過聚集網友,或品牌於社群平台上發布的行銷活動,包括:Facebook、YouTube、Instagram、Twitter等社群平台的的各種行銷;然廣義的社群行銷卻不只是有在網路上的行為,實體上只要3人以上相互之間產生了影響就能形成社團甚至組織,也能透過各種行銷活動促成某些商業目的。而顧客關係管理是行銷中最重要的一環,社群行銷的主要意涵其實正是管理好與客戶的關係、與消費者的關係,甚至是企業主與員工間的關係。 本研究針對主要針對目前主流的社群平台之行銷方式進行分析討論,並以實體活動與網路行銷成功結合的案例為輔助,且試圖以4C來印證社群行銷的效益,有助於探析社群、行銷以及顧客關係管理三者之間的相互作用;最後發現4C可用來針對行銷的不同階段提供正確的策略思考,並據以解決不同的行銷難題及危機並建立溝通模式。

非營利組織關係行銷策略與關係品質之研究 / Research on the relationship between relationship marketing strategies and relationship quality of non-profit organizations

張雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究鑒於行銷對非營利組織之重要性、文教類基金會為台灣基金會的主要類型、關係行銷的研究方興未艾、關係行銷對於非營利組織所能發揮之利益,以文教基金會或教育事務基金會為研究對象,探討其所採用的關係行銷策略、所知覺的關係行銷品質、關係行銷策略與品質之間的關係。研究者採用問卷調查法,以自編之「非營利組織關係行銷策略與關係品質調查問卷」為研究工具,以符合本研究目的之300家文教基金會或教育事務基金會為研究對象,共發出600份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,共回收453份,回收率為75.5%。。預試階段共回收123份預試問卷,正式施測共回收453份正式問卷。 本研究獲致結論如下: 一、 我國非營利組織整體關係行銷策略之運用現況仍有待改進,就各層面而言,以「建立策略」與「維繫策略」運用現況較佳,而「提升策略」運用現況較差。 二、 我國非營利組織整體關係品質介於「普通」及「經常如此」之間,就各層面而言,以「關係承諾」程度最高,「關係滿意」與「關係信賴」現況較差。 三、 「宗教背景」及「治理與領導方式」是影響基金會關係行銷策略之重要環境因素。 四、 「成立年限」與「服務項目」是影響基金會關係行銷策略與關係品質之重要環境因素。 五、 基金會成員之「年齡」及「教育程度」是影響基金會關係行銷策略之重要人口因素。 六、 基金會成員之「宗教信仰」、「職務性質」及「工作報酬」是影響基金會關係行銷策略與關係品質之重要人口因素。 七、 非營利組織關係行銷策略能正向影響關係品質。 本研究對文教類基金會提出如下建議: 一、 基金會領導者宜瞭解非營利行銷與營利導向行銷之根本性差異,並重視關係行銷對非營利組織之重要性。 二、 基金會應主動提高服務或財貨的附加價值,使「正規服務」提升至「感動服務」。 三、 基金會應重視並維護捐助者的權益,並使產品或服務符合捐助者期待,以增進捐助者對基金會的關係信賴及滿意。 四、 無論何種特性的基金會,均應重視關係行銷策略及關係品質對非營利組織之重要性,以追求組織永續競爭力。 五、 基金會宜體認到關係行銷策略的運用程度愈高,其關係品質也愈高。 六、 教育行政機關可扮演文教基金會的交流平台,提供不同性質基金會之間對話與合作的機會,進而提高基金會之關係品質。 最後,本研究分別對後續研究就研究對象、研究變項與研究方法提出建議。 / In this study, in view of the importance of marketing to non-profit organizations, cultural and educational foundations as the main types of Taiwan's foundations, relationship marketing research in the ascendant, the interests developed by relationship marketing in regard to non-profit organizations, the researcher took cultural and educational foundations or educational matters foundations as the research objects to explore the relationship marketing strategies they use, the quality of relationship marketing they perceive, and the relationship between relationship marketing strategies and quality. The researcher used questionnaire survey methods, used self-designed "the questionnaire of relationship marketing strategies and relationship quality of non-profit organizations" as a research tool, used 300 cultural and educational foundations or educational matters foundations that meet the purpose of this study as the research objects. And the researcher issued a total of 600 copies of questionnaires, excluding invalid questionnaires, and 453 copies were recovered and the recovery rate is 75.5%. A total of 123 pre-test questionnaires were Recovered at the pre-trial stage, and a total of 453 formal questionnaires were recovered at the formally measuring stage. The researchers got the following conclusions in this study: 1. The current use situations of the overall relationship marketing strategies of non-profit organizations in Taiwan are still to be improved. For each level, the current use situations of "building strategy" and "maintaining strategy" are better, but "upgrading strategy" is worse. 2. The overall relationship quality of non-profit organizations in Taiwan is between "common" and "often so". For each level, the level of "relationship commitment" is the highest, but the current statuses of "relationship satisfaction" and "relationship trust" are worse. 3. "Religious background" and "ways of management and leadership" are the important environmental factors that impact relationship marketing strategies of foundations. 4. "The fixed number of years of establishment" and "service items" are the important environmental factors that affect relationship marketing strategies and quality of relationship of foundations. 5. The "age" and "educational level" of the members of foundations are the important demographic factors that affect relationship marketing strategies of foundations. 6. The "religion," "nature of the duties," and "work remuneration" of the members of foundations are the important demographic factors that affect relationship marketing strategies and quality of relationship of foundations. 7. Relationship marketing strategies for non-profit organizations can positively affect relationship quality. This study brings up the following suggestion for cultural and educational foundations: 1. Foundation leaders should understand the fundamental differences of non-profit marketing and profit-oriented marketing and value the importance of relationship marketing for non-profit organizations. 2. Foundations should actively improve the added values of the services or currency and finances to make "regular services" upgrade to "moving services." 3. Foundations should value and maintain the interests of donors and make products or services meet the expectations of donors to enhance donors’ relationship trust and satisfaction to the foundations. 4. No matter what kind of characteristics foundations belong to, they should value the importance of relationship marketing strategies and relationship quality for non-profit organizations to pursue the sustainable competitive power of organizations. 5. Foundations should realize that if the use level of relationship marketing strategies is higher, the relationship quality will be also higher. 6. Educational administrative authorities may play the roles of exchange platforms of cultural and educational foundations to provide opportunities of conversations and cooperation between different natures of foundations and thereby increase the quality of relationship between foundations. Finally, this study respectively brings up some recommendations for research objects, research variables, and research methods of the follow-up studies.

虛擬社區顧客輪廓資料、關係行銷及其隱私權議題 / Customer profile, relationship marketing and privacy issues in virtual communities

郭恬如, TienJuKuo Unknown Date (has links)
虛擬社區即指原本各自獨立的電腦,因某種秩序或某種共通性被逐一串連,而創造出的網路上的新世界。在匿名的環境中人們更容易傾吐心聲,表達真實感受,殊不知個人隱私正點點滴滴被記錄與分析,也成了目標行銷的一大利器。本研究的主要重點,即在探討目前虛擬社區蒐集的個人資料內容與用途,同時援用相關法令以分析該關係行銷作法是否可能違反若干隱私權保護原則,以及試圖尋找關係行銷與網路隱私權的平衡點,讓廠商與消費者兩造各取所需互蒙其利。   透過對Blizzard、AOL、Geocities、Liberty Financial、Amazon等五個個案的分析,發現儘管虛擬社區分屬不同行業,提供的服務也相去甚遠,但所蒐集的顧客資料其實大同小異,唯可以蒐集目的來劃分關係行銷層次。且虛擬社區在維護方面無甚弊病,然在蒐集與利用部份,泰半違反隱私權保護原則(即蒐集限制、目的明確化、利用限制等原則)。   針對目前仍具爭議性的問題,本研究乃站在客觀的角度加以描述,並加入來自各方廣泛的討論內容;在整理分析過後,試圖提出適當建議,例如虛擬社區在資訊中介者與資訊統合者之間的定位問題,研討虛擬社區應當如何調整與第三者公司的合作關係,以及如何建立管理機制,讓關係行銷與隱私權保護能兩者得兼。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的與研究問題 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 虛擬社區 8 第二節 顧客輪廓資料與關係行銷 14 第三節 隱私權概說 17 第四節 電腦處理個人資料保護法 27 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 觀念架構 34 第二節 研究變數與衡量 36 第三節 研究設計 41 第四節 研究限制 45 第四章 個案研究 47 第一節 個案描述與分析 47 第二節 問題與討論 73 第五章 命題發展 78 第一節 個案觀察 78 第二節 命題推論 87 第六章 結論與建議 93 第一節 研究結論 93 第二節 研究建議 96 參考文獻 99

非營利組織顧客研究-以臺北市晚晴婦女協會為例 / The non-profit organization study -Warm Life Association

許文青 Unknown Date (has links)
據內政部統計資料顯示2006年臺灣有六萬四千五百四十對夫妻離婚,平均每天有一百七十七對夫妻「一拍兩散」,大約每兩對佳偶中就有一對離婚,離婚率高居亞洲第一。「婚姻問題」是目前臺灣社會中相當重要的議題,也導致因男女離婚而衍生的家庭社會問題正在不斷發生。 然身為長期提供陷入婚姻困境的婦女們,一個求助和傾訴管道的臺北市晚晴婦女協會,從2004到2007年,這四年裡每年入會新增人數卻每下愈況。 針對此狀況,本研究以消費者需求調查面向著手,了解晚晴協會內會員與非會員的服務需求、滿意度以及入會參考依據等。本研究同時認為關係行銷的概念,有助於非營利組織與包括會員與非會員的諮詢個案,保持良好且長期性關係。藉由本研究發現的結論,確立該組織與會員之間關係,提升會員對於組織的參與度以及促使非會員積極加入晚晴協會之可行性探討。 / According to the statistic released in 2006 by The Ministry of Interior, about 170 couples in Taiwan confronted marriage issue every day. In other words, one of two couples will divorce after getting married. It is also the highest rate among Asia countries. “Marriage” and “Family” relationship in Taiwan have become serious social issues nowadays. Warm Life Organization thus is set up to provide a communication and support platform to help women who are dealing with different marriage and family issues. However, this strong and well-known social functions did not drive more new membership into the organization, moreover, the total membership number between 2004 to 2007 has significantly drop down every year. The purpose of this thesis aims to discover customer needs, customer satisfaction and customer participation between organization with members and non-members. Meanwhile, this research adopts the concept of relationship marketing as a major channel to build up a long-term reliability and relationship between organization as well as members or non-members. This research further suggests possible membership maintenance methods, more membership participation opportunities and driving force to encourage new blood according to the survey result.


陳禧遲, Chen,Michael Unknown Date (has links)
一個商業展覽通常需要投入大量資源,但只能在一定的地點、一定的期間內展現,如何有效地將展覽中最重要的資源 - 顧客關係,於展覽後繼續維持與發展? 這將是展覽服務業延伸展覽價值最重要的工作。 本研究從展覽的現場活動與參觀者互動開始,從互動中收集參觀者基本資料及各別需求,運用資料採礦技術來分析參觀者資料,並將結果做為進行顧客關係行銷與形成虛擬社群的依據。不同虛擬社群形成後,本研究使用異場域碰撞的典範轉移模式,試圖從腦神經模型中推演出人與人、社群與社群之間的互動關係,建構完成一展覽服務業的顧客關係管理參考架構。 關鍵詞: 顧客關係管理、資料採礦、虛擬社群、關係行銷、 異場域碰撞

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