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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊慧敏 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀的社會,在全球化及資訊科技發達的環境下,資本、資訊、技術、人才、貨物與勞務的自由流動間,全球已然成為一個大市場,國與國之間已無實質的疆界,企業體面對的是世界各地的競爭者,為求生存,要能不斷的創新的技術、要在最短時間內取得有利的資源,要有即時生產的能力,企業變革速度接受考驗。 在此多變大環境下,勞工亦要重新思考自己的定位及因應之道,傳統的工作職場倫理已不復存在,工作不再是一個長久而穩定的狀態,在必須面對隨時可能失去工作的風險下,個人的生涯規畫亦要有所調整,不斷提升自我的專業知識成為企業內核心份子或是自行創業承欖企業部份工作。本研究即欲以勞資關係及人力資源的不同的角度來探究業務外包所造成的轉變及影響,並提出對政府法令面之建言 本研究發現如下: 1、在針對業務外包的調查與發現中可知,外包公司才是整個業務外包下真正具有決定權力的人,基於目前相關法令規範不足下,外包公司可以依自行需要長期的彈性運用,而不需擔負雇主相關的法定責任。影響所及,在勞工方面是年資無法累積,勞動條件及福利不如編制內員工,工作不穩定,隨時可能面臨失去工作的經濟壓力。 2、對承攬公司言在競標壓力之下,需受限於有限的工程費用,在成本考量下無法提供業務外包勞工充份的教育訓練機會及福利。對於職業災害的責任歸屬也因承攬合約中交由承包公司負責,但工作場所安全衛生不能掌控下,職業災害的責任問題亦是不能忽視的問題。 3、外包公司參與績效考核及在承攬合約中載明薪資保護條款,規定薪資下限以確保承包公司對接受業務外包勞工的勞動條件有一定水平,進行在人員運用上,對外包公言將有所助益。 4、工會的立場是基本上是不贊同,但基於會員工作量會因無承包公司人力支援而加重,所以工會的立場是反對但卻也是無法拒絕。


蔡啟輝, Tsai, Chi-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由對紙印花產業的長期觀察和記錄,以探討網路實際運作的過程,主要的目的是在瞭解中小企業外包網路各種不同的運作型態以及瞭解外包網路各種運作型態會對品質產生那些影響?在經過歸納整理之後,本研究將網路運作對品質的影響分成四個部分來討論,分別是網路的競爭、網路的合作、網路的外包管理以及網路的彈性運作;   一、在網路的競爭方面,才研究發展出以下的命題:   命題1: 價格競爭壓縮了對品質重視的公司之生存空間。   命題1-1: 外貿部門如果由小型貿易商所組成,將使得貿易商之間的競爭傾向價格競爭。   命題1-2: 接單代工生產的產業,由於無法預測和規畫長期的生產,廠商容易傾向於以價格做為爭取訂單工具;而接單型產業的外包網路內如果同業間的生產技術、生產的產品都很類似的話,價格競爭的情況將更形嚴重。   命題1-3: 多重供應商的分包型態,容易造成承包商之間的價格競爭。   命題1-4: 生產要素投入型態落後的產業,傾向於從事價格上的競爭。   命題1-5: 產業的進入障礙偏低,將促使產業的競爭趨於激烈。   二、在網路的合作方面,木研究發展出以下的命題:   命題2: 分散的網路權力,將使得個別廠商對於品質的堅持無法貫穿整個網路。   命題2-1: 多供應商的分句型態,將使發包商對個別承包商的依賴減少。   命題2-2: 廠商擁有多重的訂單來源,將會減少其對個別買主的依賴。   命題2-3: 發包商所提供給的承包商資源愈少,會導致承包商對發包商的依賴減少。   命題2-4: 個別貿易商若缺乏提供穩定需求的能力,則生產網路對它的依賴會減小;個別貿易商所能提供的企業功能及服務愈少,則生產網路對它的依賴亦會愈小。   三、在網路的外包管理方面,才研究發展出以下的命題:   命題3: 廠商對於同樣的零配件維持多重的供應來源,將會增加品質管制上的負擔。   命題4: 廠商利用同業間的互助系統將工作轉包給同業的行為,將會增加品質管制的負擔。   命題5: 外包網路中重疊分工的分工方式,會增加品質管制上的負擔。   命題6: 中小企業的層層細分工使得生產過程零碎化,將會增加品質管制上的困難。   命題7: 非制度化的外包管理,將會對品質管制產生負面的影響。   命題8: 外包網路中的轉包運作型態,容易產生錯誤的累積,使得修正錯誤的行動必須付出的代價提高。   四、在網路的彈性運作方面,本研究發展出以下的命題:   命題9: 當加班生產成為外包網路調節產能的機制,延長工作時數成為網路產能彈性的主要來源時,將對產品品質產生負面的影響。   命題10: 中小企業主把品質視為價格和交期決定之後才決定的變項,使得產品品質容易在產業競爭的過程中降低。

數據進入難民的夢想:社會責任與人道主義的業務流程外包之三方夥伴關係 / “Data Entry Refugees Dreams”: A Socially Responsible and Humanitarian Business Process Outsourcing Partnership Business Plan

柯承恩, Gonzalez, Emmanuel Escoto Unknown Date (has links)
數據進入難民的夢想:社會責任與人道主義的業務流程外包之三方夥伴關係 / Data Entry Refugees Dreams is to sign a long-term tripartite partnership agreement with Digital Divide Data (DDD) and the Thai-Burma Border Consortium (TBBC). Data Entry Refugees’ Dreams will offer data entry services to customers outside the borders of the refugee camp with no need for them to go outside of the camp thanks to the internet and communication technology. As its name states, Refugees Dreams will represent an opportunity to make the dreams of refugees come true. Its employees will be 100% refugees who are living in Mae La Refugee Camp in Mae Sot, Thailand. To be recruited, the potential employees of Data Entry Refugees Dreams will have to possess basic Computing and English skills and have already obtained a high school diploma, which are the basic academic requisites for this kind of job. Also, they will have to convince the Management Team that they deserve to work for this company and that they are striving to make their dreams come true. They will have to write and present their dreams to the recruiters. The selected candidates will be those that have a clear plan to achieve their dreams, and those whose dreams will benefit the refugee community in general. The market size of data entry services is worldwide; there are not borders or limits for this kind of industry. Customers come from all over the world. According to a 2010 report prepared by the Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO) and the accounting firm Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG), only India's IT-BPO market, which accounts for 51% of the global market shares, could be valued at as much as US $285 billion in the year 2020. Global demand for outsourcing services has been in constant rise at an average of 4.9% per annum since 2008, and is expected to continue until 2020, if not more. There is gross potential for a productive skilled work force, especially those at very low cost. The partnership with Digital Divide Data (DDD), will not only give Refugees’ Dream access to technology, equipment, experience and training but will also give access to a huge range of customers that choose DDD among other outsourcing companies because they want to make a difference and have identified that job creation is a good contribution to the solution to poverty and lack of development in some countries. TBBC will have a supporting role, in the sense that they will manage the budget of Refugees Dreams, will give management and legal support, and will manage the grants that will be possible thanks to the revenues generated by Refugees Dreams. Refugees Dreams will offer to its partners not only the access to a qualified, low cost, and in need of humanitarian assistance workforce, but also the accomplishment of their common goal of helping and assisting disadvantaged people By doing this, DDD will expand its social impact to a humanitarian impact since unlike its employees in Cambodia and Laos, refugees have no freedom of movement or transit in Thailand, or legal documents to apply for jobs. They have to remain within the borders of the camp where the humanitarian conditions are harsh; there is not enough food, medicine, education and opportunities. They are 100% dependent on humanitarian aid. The revenue that will be generated by Refugees Dreams will also benefit the other member of the tripartite agreement, the TBBC, because it will also support the efforts of TBBC in developing the refugee community of Mae La, which is part of their main objectives. The TBBC will manage the revenues obtained by the partnership to be distributed in the form of grants to the refugees who at the same time will receive training about entrepreneurship and savings from TBBC, as already implemented by their Entrepreneurship and saving project. Giving jobs to the refugees would have not only a social, but also a humanitarian impact which is recognized worldwide. With jobs, they not only gain economic independence, they gain dignity and the psychological effect of being productive and having a purpose in their life. They will also have a hope of change in their situation, since by receiving grants they will strive to see their dreams come true. Refugees Dreams is seeking seed capital of 113,650 USD, mostly to guarantee enough cash to assume the investment of equipment and the training required to start operations. Running cost cash expenditures are not required because the company will generate enough cash from the first month of operations to assume those payments. Refugees Dream projects a gross surplus of 425,211 USD in year one, representing a net surplus of USD 175,135 and an accumulated net income of USD 900, 035 after year five, with a NPV of USD 409,852.54 a payback within one year and an IRR of 175.51%. By establishing Data Entry Refugees Dreams, not only the 100 employees that are planned to be hired will be benefited. Take into consideration the Entrepreneurship Development, Grant and Savings project implemented by the Thailand Burma Border Consortium (TBBC) which grants USD 80.00 to each selected and trained refugee to start their own business. With the surplus of USD 175,135 Refugees Dreams would benefit 2,189 refugee families in the first year and as consequence motivate the development of their community. With the 179,063 USD of net income projected for year two, another 2238 refugee’ families would be benefited. By the end of year 5, the accumulated number of direct beneficiaries would amount to a total of 11, 350 families and a total of 22,700 indirect beneficiaries, summing 34,050 potential beneficiaries which represent more than 60% of the total refugee population of Mae La. Realizing the dreams of the refugees living in Mae La Camp is the main purpose of Refugees Dreams and that is how the success and impact will be measured. The number of dreams started will be the indicators, but the ones that will be achieved will represent the accomplishments and the fulfilment of Refugees Dreams’ Mission.

臺北市政府文化局委外館所績效管理制度之研究 / Managing the Performance of Outsourcing Art and Cultural Facilities: The Case of Taipei City Government

吳芳儀, Wu, Fang Yi Unknown Date (has links)
現今政府業務委外情形愈趨普遍,在諸多學術研究中皆提及委外服務品質的維持有賴監督管理,然委外關係不同於以往政府組織單打獨鬥,在公私協力互動的模式下政府應如何進行績效管理,成為研究主題。本研究藉由次級資料分析與質化訪談的方式,對臺北市政府文化局委外館所績效管理制度進行分析,次級資料包含學術文獻、研究資料、實務相關紀錄報告等,質化訪談對象則選擇與本研究相關之四大群體進行深度訪談:政府機關人員、行政輔導專案辦公室人員、委外藝文館所經營管理人員與營運督導委員會委員,其中委外藝文館所經營管理人員是選擇館所中規模差異較大的兩大類型:視覺藝術與類博物館(名人故居)進行訪問,以相類似的訪談題綱,訪談不同類別之對象,得出各方對現存績效管理制度之看法與意見。研究架構依循績效管理的四大基本流程:策略目標設定、績效指標建立、績效資訊蒐集與績效資訊運用,依據學理與質化訪談之結果,說明臺北市政府是否針對委外館所建立有效績效管理機制,就各個流程深入探討,了解在委外關係下臺北市政府文化局如何與承攬契約之組織合作以達到績效管理目的。 研究發現臺北市政府文化局已針對委外館所建立穩定的績效管理機制,館所經營單位普遍認同且具有績效管理之概念,與文化局取得共識,惟上述四個績效管理流程中仍有部分內容應予以修正。此外,針對兩類規模差異大的館所進行研究後,發現除了在績效指標的選定上各館所間有所不同,其餘制度流程都是使用同一套績效管理機制,並沒有太大的差異。未來政府在人力與資源緊縮的情況下,應會持續朝向小而美的型態邁進,可預期會有越來越多操槳性質的業務委外,對此,政府應當做好掌舵之角色,具備主導與管理能力,並設定良好的績效管理制度,在委外彈性與監督管理間取得平衡,才能在頻繁的公私協力互動關係下仍穩定帶動國家發展,不致迷失方向。


宋國璋 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的持續發展,全球資訊電子業的產值與其對人們生活的貢獻也不斷提昇,而資訊電子業的蓬勃發展和技術的不斷更新,也使得產品的生命週期持續縮短。為了因應市場的快速變化,許多資訊電子業品牌原廠開始將非核心價值的製造活動外包,以取得較低的成本與較佳的靈活度。許多專業製造代工廠商也因此應運而生,如SCI、Solectron..等EMS(Electronics Manufacturing Service:係指專業的資訊電子業製造商,本身並不涉入產品設計。EMS廠商的產品設計,元件的選用,及生產製造的規格皆遵照品牌原廠的原始設計,本身僅從事產品的生產與製造。)及其它專業製造代工廠商,以自建廠房或是向品牌原廠購入工廠的方式,建立龐大的產能,並提供品牌原廠全球製造及交貨的垂直分工服務。   在科技及產業環境日趨成熟,及新科技的不斷開發之下,資訊電子產品的主流也由辦公室用走向家庭及個人用的消費性電子產品,而複雜的系統與功能,及全球化的趨勢,也使產品的開發由以往的品牌原廠內部垂直整合解構。全球化也使得資訊電子業各個產品之間必需透過一定的協調機制,以確保各產品間,以及產品於不同地理位置的系統相容性。透過協調機制的產生,與因應產品的多樣性與上市時程(Time-To-Market)的市場需求,品牌原廠的外包策略也產生了改變,由原先的單純委外生產製造(Original Equipment Manufacturer ,OEM:係指資訊電子業製造商如EMS及其它從事相同活動的廠商,或指品牌顧客將產品委外代工給專業生產製造廠商的行為,OEM廠商的製造商品牌不會出現在品牌顧客的產品外觀上。),升級到委外產品設計與製造(Original Design Manufacturer, ODM:係指資訊電子業設計製造商,具有提供產品設計,產品軟、硬體元件的選用,及生產製造服務的能力(名詞)。或指品牌顧客將產品委託給資訊電子業設計製造商,以進行產品的設計及生產製造的行為(動詞)。ODM的製造商品牌不會出現在產品上。),以擴大產品研發資源,增加產品的種類及上市速度(Time-to-market)的競爭力。ODM廠商與品牌原廠之間是能力互補基礎下的結合,由於合作係在創造垂直分工的效益,互惠的目標則在增加各自在彼此產業中的水平競爭力。ODM廠商對產業的影響力來自於提供有競爭力的產品能力,並可透過ODM業務的承接,形成全球產能的佔有率,並透過規模與範疇經濟的追求,提高品牌原廠的依賴程度(陳振祥與李吉仁,1997)。   品牌原廠可以藉由委外設計製造代工的事業模式(Business Model)而將其經營的風險與固定資產支出,也就是交易成本理論的專屬性資產的風險,轉嫁到ODM供應商的身上。對ODM廠商而言,加入ODM的事業模式也就承接了這個轉嫁的風險,同時又增加了被品牌原廠轉單的關係風險,因此,會力圖降低與規避這個風險,並提高品牌原廠的轉換成本與對本身的依賴,以求取事業的長期穩定性。本研究首先將探討ODM的外部環境條件,亦即,在品牌原廠與代工廠商皆有意願從事ODM合作模式的假設之下,什麼樣的產業及科技的外部環境條件,會讓廠商認為風險是可控制的,並願意投入成為ODM供應廠商。透過文獻探討及產業分析,本研究指出長期穩定的ODM合作模式需要以下的外部必要環境條件: (1)該產業處於產品生命週期的成熟期 (2)該產業並非由品牌原廠垂直整合,而有獨立的主要系統元件供應商提供產品與服務 (3)該產業有明確、公開而統一的產業標準(通用的產品規格、測試與認證的標準與機制)   在品牌原廠委外代工由OEM轉變為ODM的過程中,顧客與供應商間的關係產生了極大的變化。此外“品牌原廠-供應商”的對偶(Diode)關係,因ODM廠商的加入而發展成為發展為“品牌原廠-ODM廠商-供應商”的三元關係(Triad)。這個三元關係其實是三個相關的對偶關係(“品牌原廠-ODM廠商”、“ODM廠商-供應商”、及“品牌原廠-供應商”)的組合,許多的研究已分析了“品牌原廠-ODM廠商”的對偶關係,本研究則加入供應商的觀點,以更完整的角度來探討ODM合作模式。在ODM的合作模式中,產品設計及軟、硬體主要元件選擇的決策權力開始分散,不再被品牌原廠單獨控制,而會由ODM廠商與品牌原廠作某種程度的分享。而元件的決策者與使用者又未必是同一個體(不論元件選擇的決策模式如何動態變化,ODM廠商都是實際上的元件使用者),此外,每個成員可以參予多個網路關係,而同一個個體於不同的網路關係中可能擁有不同的決策權力,也使得一個單純的顧客與供應商間的關係複雜化。對供應商而言,不論“顧客-供應商”的關係如何變化,最終目的都是使得本身的產品被使用,因此,必需了解這個關係,並明確定義出元件的決策者,及角色的動態變化,成為行銷的依據。而在從事產品研發時,ODM廠商所面對的情境是不同於品牌原廠的內部團隊的,分析及了解這個情境的變化,並提供適當的解決方案(Solutions)給顧客廠商,就成為供應商產品規劃的重點。 透過以上的研究及分析,本文的研究的目的在於對ODM合作模式做更完整的研究,並以供應商觀點提出一個供應商的行銷策略的建議,包括了(1)關係:透過與品牌原廠及ODM廠商的關係行銷及與顧客廠商的長期產品規劃,以強化三位體關係的穩固、(2)整合:透過內╱外部垂直整合,以協助顧客廠商及時上市(Time-To-Matke) 、(3)差異化:透過產品組合的彈性,提供顧客廠商多樣化的選擇,並建立差異化。亦即,供應商如何透過這三個角度,形成一個宏觀的角度及思維,提供適當的產品組合以滿足品牌原廠委外ODM代工的目的,並協助ODM廠商滿足品牌原廠的需求,而確保這個三位體共同成功。 / With the continuing breakthrough and development, The Information Technology Industry has been keep enhancing its importance and contribution to our life. Due to the fast growing and changing market demand, the life cycle of IT product keep shrinking, and many Branding company in this industry started to out-source the non core-compentecy value activities, to change for lower cost and better agility. Those manufacturing house like SCI, Solectron… etc started to engaged into the EMS business segment (Electronics Manufacturing Service, the dedicated manufacturing house. EMS only focus on production, and follow the specification from the Branding company in terms of product design, compoment selection and production specification) by either building its own facility or thru acquisition from the branding company, thus, build-up a huge manufacturing capabity around the world to provide professional manufacturing service. In accordance to the maturity of technology and industry environment, and also the new generation technology development, the mainstream of IT product has been expanding from office area to home and personal appliance. And, the trend of globalization and the complication of system and function also helped to the dis-integration of completely in-house product development by the same company. Globalization also enhanced a universal coordination mechanism to snsure the compatibility in-between different product and geographical location. Thanks to the universal coordination mechanism, globalization, and dynamics of the market, the out-sourcing strategy hand also enhanced from OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer, with similar definition of EMS) to ODM(Original Design Manufacturer, when the service not only including pure manufacturing, but also the product design, component selection and decision) , in order to expand the resource pool of product development, and thus enhance the product development cycle time (Time-to-market) and also the product offering. The ODM engagement is in the base of complementary between the branding company and the ODM house. Thru the cooperation, vertical dis-integration of value activities has been created, thus, enhance the competitiveness of both parties in its segment. The value of ODM house is to provide competitive design and manufacturing capability, and to increase the reliance of the branding company thru its economy scale (Chen and Lee, 1997). The branding company can, however, transfer the operation risk and the investment of fix asset to ODM house, thru the ODM business model. Therefore, it can transfer the risk of the propriterary asset under the transaction cost theory to the ODM house. For the ODM house, entering into ODM business model represent it is carrying this transferred risk, and with addition risk of order transfer to different ODM house from the branding company. Therefore, the ODM house will try its best to reduce this risk and creating a transfer cost of the branding companyi in order for long business stability. This research will first study the exterior environment condition of the ODM business model. Meaning, under the assumption of a strong wiliness from both the branding company and the ODM house, what kind of exterior industry and technology condition will make the parties conclude that the business risk are under control and willing to take action and entering into the execution. Thru the bibliography research, this research concluded the necessary exterior conditions of a long term and stable ODM business engagement are : (1) Such industry are in the mature phase of its life cycle (2) Such industry are not being integrated completely by the branding company, and full of independent main component suppliers to provide component and service (3) Such industry has a clear, public and universal industry standard, including product spec, and the mechanism for product testing and certification The “customer-supplier” relation has changed during the migration from OEM to ODM business model. This diode relation has actually changing into a “triad” relation (“branding company – ODM house – supplier”) as the ODM house has joined the loop This triad relation is actually a comination of three diode (“branding company – ODM house”,”ODM house – supplier”, “branding company – supplier”). There were many research in the past addressing the diode of “branding company – ODM house”, this research will counting into the view point of the supplier, for a more completed ODM business model analysis. In the ODM business model, the decision power of product design and component selection has been expanded from the branding company to the ODM house or a join decision. However, this time the decision maker and the user of main component may be different (In any case of component decision maker, the actual user are always the ODM house). In addition, each party can participate into multiple networks, and one party may be owning different level of ruling power in different network, these has all contributed to a complicated relation. For the supplier, first it is vital to understand the change of business model, defining the ultimate component selection decision maker, and the dynamics of each role, so as to define an associated marketing strategy. Second, the ODM house are actually facing a very different environment and scenario of product development, comparing to the in-house product development team of the branding company. A good understating of this environment and scenario change are also necessay to help the supplier for product and solution planning. The objective of this research, is to study the ODM business model, and to generate a marketing strategy for the supplier including the focus of (1) Relation : Thru the relation marketing and good roadmap alignment with the branding company and the ODM house, to enhance the triad relation and its robustness. (2) Integration : Thru inter/outer integration to help the customer for time-to-market (3) Differentiation : Thru the flexibility of product combination to give multiple choice to the customer, and thus help to build up differentiation. In conclusion, from the three angle above, the supplier can make a suitable product offering in according to the ODM business model. And to support the ODM business model and also push for a “win – win – win” situation.


黃文彥 Unknown Date (has links)
Google用16.5億美金併購Youtube、新聞集團(News Corp)以5.8億美金買下MySpace、Facebook估計市值達150億美金。Web2.0一詞,代表著只要超低成本加上一點點運氣,就可獲得超高報酬,因此引爆了一陣不亞於2001年網路泡沫化的Web2.0創業熱潮。 然而當所有創業家都希望引發「網路效應」(Network),讓使用者「一傳十、十傳百」地拉朋友加入的時候,事實卻證明大多數網站甚至連第一批使用者都得不到就已經被市場淘汰。而曾經獲得第一批使用者並且引起熱潮的網站,也有可能遭遇到更嚴重的「跨越鴻溝」問題。對於一個有獲利壓力的網站來說,若無法成功跨越鴻溝,吸引到更大量的使用者,將難以達成最終的獲利目標。 除此之外,由於進入障礙低,模仿速度快,競爭者爭相模仿市場上取得初步成功的先進者,導致一點一滴地瓜分掉原本的使用者。因此在Web2.0產業中的競爭優勢應該不單純地來自於功能上的創新或是智慧財產權的保護,而必須從其他方面來取得競爭優勢,進而獲利。 因此本研究的研究問題有四: 一、缺乏人力與資金等資源的Web2.0網站,如何吸引到第一批使用者來上傳內容? 二、Web2.0網站在競爭對手能夠快速複製的環境之下,如何創造模仿者學不走的競爭優勢? 三、群眾外包的Web2.0網站,從早期使用者邁向主流大眾時,會否遭遇到創新擴散理論中「跨越鴻溝」的問題?又該如何跨越? 四、Web2.0網站的獲利策略為何? 在比較成功跨越鴻溝Digg與Threadless,以及落入鴻溝的HEMiDEMi之後,本研究發現:(一)在創業初期,創業家需成為社群中的一份子,甚至身為社群 中創造者或連結者的角色。才能夠設計出適當的語言與情境,並發揮號召力吸引整個社群的加入。並且聽取第一批使用者的意見,共同演化出各種新功能與規則。(二)應該訂定明確的規則,以維持社群內的秩序;並且提供各種增進效率、維持產出品質的工具,讓使用者更有效率地進行傳播與創作。(三)Web2.0網站在提高忠誠的階段,可以透過增加獨特的新功能,以及與使用者進行對話,將使用者留在自己的平台上,以擺脫競爭者的模仿。(四)Web2.0的鴻溝成因與Moore所提出的鴻溝並不相同。而希望跨越鴻溝,則必須保有核心使用者的變遷權力,透過誘因與規則的調整,在不知不覺之間吸引較接近大眾口味的創造者與群眾,而讓原本非主流的使用者們漸漸退出。(五)獲利策略在於將生產過程轉變成消費過程(降低成本)、提高消費者的愉悅或是節省時間(提高價值)、並善用消費者累積的消費經驗及人力資本,以持續提升消費者的體驗(提高忠誠度)。

內製外包網路策略之研究-以台灣主機板工業為研究對象 / outsourcing network strategy research about mainboard

邱紹群, Chiu, Shao Chan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究第一階段乃是研究者嘗試運用網路組織之概念,針對網路組織定義、特性、興起、形成動機、類型與策略進行文獻探討,並建立網路組織之基本架構。然後再運用此架構,進一步針對外包之特性,建立起外包網路組織之架構。而第二階段研究者便選擇自身欲探討的「主機板工業」進行次級資料的收集、問卷之設計與郵寄,最後並進行部份的訪談,以進行「內製外包」理念的實證研究。   本研究的目的有四:1.收集、分析主機板產業中,廠商在各個「價值活動」中,「自製」、「外包」的現況。2.從主機板產業的「自製」、「外包」現況中,找出「外包」對象的類型。3.找出主機板產業中,引發其「外包」行為的動機。4.整合廠商對於「外包對象」的選擇與「外包動機」,確定此產業中所採行的「外包策略」。   本研究乃以台灣主機板工業的所有廠商為研究對象,並採用問卷郵寄、收集與訪談互相搭配的方法,進行問卷的結果分析。其結論如下:   1.主機板產業中,「機板銷售」、「售後服務」、「應用設計」與「機板測試」等價值活動附加價值較高。因此,主機板廠商比較傾向自製。   2.主機板產業中,「母板設計」、「應用設計」、「製程設計」、「機板組裝」、「機板測試」等價值活動容易影響產品的品質與時效。因此,主機板廠商比較傾向選擇與「固定廠商」合作。至於零組件採購方面,比較傾向採「固定與變動廠商」互相搭配的方式,以保持經營的彈性。   3.主機板產業中,對於外包的動機,則依不同的經營考量與不同的價值活動而有所不同。   4.主機板產業中,對於外包策略的選擇,係以「聯盟策略」與「權變策略」為主。

虛擬群聚平台之研究─以文化創意產業為例 / The research of virtual clustering platform─A study of creative cultural industry

吳杰翰 Unknown Date (has links)
「虛擬群聚」(Virtual Clustering),是透過跨組織間的電子化,以整合性網路相互連接,形成一個泛地區性、資訊交流迅速、企業互補且競爭的產業網絡。虛擬群聚的概念帶給整個產業合作、企業競爭與經營方式上重大改變。 在虛擬群聚的環境中,藉由群眾外包(Crowdsourcing)的方式,能讓群聚內的個人或組織、使用者與市場間建構出更為緊密的互動關係。 本研究以文創產業虛擬群聚平台建置者作為研究主軸,採用個案的內容分析法,以專家推薦的方式,總計蒐集了國內外總共42個文創虛擬平台。以群眾外包的概念,歸納出在不同的虛擬群聚類型與文創產業價值活動之下,平台建置者管理方式與經營要素。本研究建議平台建置者經營網站前,需針對自身平台目的與定位進行全盤的考量,進而找出最適合的經營方式。 / The definition of Virtual Clustering is that industry network is linked by cross-organizational integrated internet, which results in fast information sharing and unique competitiveness. The concept of virtual clustering may changes the way of operating business. In the environmental of virtual clustering, users, content providers and web builders may have closer interactions by crowdsourcing. The Study aims at creative cultural industry and focuses on the analysis of interactions modes among the users, content providers and web builders. The study contains 42 real cases and adopts content analysis approach to propose some useful suggestions for web builders. Web builders may have to seriously consider their own position and purpose before the business.

群眾外包平台的服務參與良性循環之研究 / A Study of Virtuous Cycle of Service Participation on Crowdsourcing Platforms

李欣穎, Lee, Agnes H.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資通訊的快速發展,使得我們進入一個雲端、社群以及行動的時代,人們利用網際網路便捷的特性,創建各式平台,有效地把大家串聯在一起,從個人、企業、社區、政府到國家。近年來,不論學界或業界人們大量運用群眾外包這個概念,在網路上展開平台革命,用更有彈性的方式來解決各種問題和完成任何事情。然而這種靠著群眾力量而運作的平台,除了現有的外在技術環境(科技)以及引人入勝的產品服務(核心價值),更重要的是有快速應變的配套措施(策略佈局與操作機制),才能夠促使群眾外包平台不斷地隨著人流的成長,產生豐富的資訊流,進而帶動金流,讓平台得以持續壯大。 本研究的主要目的是探索與了解成功的群眾外包平台的經營,如何誘發和刺激群眾外包平台上產品服務提供者(供給方)以及產品服務要求者(需求方)的使用動機,使得該平台能夠維持有一個良好的運作循環、持續成長茁壯。本研究採用質性個案研究,透過少數的文獻和大量的網路、報章、媒體等個案資料,分為兩個階段進行研究。第一階段,根據蒐集的資料,(一)我們建立四種類型的群眾外包平台:資訊型、勞務型、線上和線下型、創造型;(二)找出使用者的平台服務參與之動機與平台供需平衡的經營管理之關鍵因素和概念架構圖。第二階段,我們鎖定四家在台灣的勞務型群眾外包平台,進行專家訪談,透過訪談來驗證並修改使用者平台服務參與之動機和平台良性循環之關鍵因素,更深入地了解(一)群眾外包平台上的供給者多受到內在動機的刺激,而要求者則多受到外在動機的刺激在平台上有服務參與的行為;(二)確認在經營群眾外包平台事,平台受到技術環境、策略佈局和操作機制等三個層面的多個關鍵因素影響,要讓平台朝向良好的正向運作循環經營下去,這三個重要層面的相關的關鍵因素是值得去注意和加強的。簡而言之,透過本研究,能夠幫助學界和業界的群眾外包平台的經營者都更進一步了解群眾外包平台及其成功經營的做法。 / Crowdsourcing is a phenomenon that is receiving attention both inside and outside of academia. With the rapid development of ICT and the prevalence of the Internet, the crowdsourcing platform business model has had a dynamic impact on the market. Crowdsourcing offers a good transactional environment in which to fulfill people’s needs and wants, seizing values from products and/or services that are provided and/or requested in more flexible ways to solve problems and accomplish virtually anything in recent years. However, it is important to understand why participants (on both the supply and demand sides) join platforms to provide and request products and/or services. In addition, the operation of such platforms using the power of crowds includes three dimensions – technology assistance, strategy deployment, and operational mechanisms – to constantly attract and balance the flow of crowds, to generate information flows, and to stimulate the cash flows that allow the platform to continue to grow. The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) to explore what drives people to deliver and capture values by providing and requesting products or services on crowdsourcing platforms and (2) to investigate how to manage a successful crowdsourcing platform by motivating their virtuous cycles. This is a qualitative multiple case study. There are two phases to this research. First, based on information gathered across industries and academia, we categorized crowdsourcing platforms into four major types: Information, Labor, Online plus Offline (OplusO), and Creation. We then revealed platform participants’ motivations for service participation and developed a conceptual framework to manage a virtuous cycle of service participation on crowdsourcing platforms. Second, we focused on Labor crowdsourcing platforms in Taiwan by conducting expert interviews to verify and revise our results from the first phase. This research provides a broader view of crowdsourcing platforms and their types in academia. Providers are typically motivated more by intrinsic motivations (autonomy, safety, and trust), whereas requestors are motivated by extrinsic motivations (such as finding practical (alternative) solutions, building reputation, and creating monetary wealth) in the crowdsourcing platform context. Moreover, this research provides practitioners with realistic management references in the technology, strategy, and operational dimensions to ready the platform and to meet the demand in the market. Technology is at the beginning of adopting crowdsourcing platforms and should be scalable. Scalability of the crowdsourcing platform involves constructing an ecosystem for a good transactional environment that facilitates growth, such that strategy deployment and operational mechanisms play important roles to support.

多語系個人飲食攝影註記典藏系統輔以群眾外包 / Multilingual Personal Dietary Photograph Annotation System with The Assistance of Crowdsourcing

林睦叡, Lin, Mu Rui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究於個人數位註釋應用程式iPARIS上,建立影像標籤註釋之功能,稱為iPARIS-PLUS。它提供不同於以往文字註釋的新方法,讓使用者可以有另一種選擇,也同時解決在面臨多國語系時的註釋問題,並有效的降低記錄所花費之時間。iPARIS-Plus能讓使用者保有在行動裝置上紀實之便利性的同時,也能兼顧記錄的完整性,讓人們不再將記錄視為一種麻煩。除此之外,我們透過群眾外包的力量將用於註釋的影像標籤轉換為文字後儲存於資料庫中,解決原先因多國語系註釋問題讓使用者無法輸入文字,導致資料庫缺少該筆資料而造成資料空缺。在評估方面,受測者認為影像標籤註釋之方法可以有效的解決多國語系註釋之問題,以及有效節省在行動裝置上打字之時間,更加強了記錄的便利性與完整性,同時也帶來不同以往的新鮮感。而我們藉由群眾外包得到良好的解析率,並且從歷程記錄中發現群眾外包於運作上,越多專業之群眾並不一定帶來越好的成果,只仰賴少部分專業之群眾提供貢獻,反而能減少問題產生,進而得到較好之結果。 / In this study, we created the function of image tags annotating in the application, iPARIS-Plus. It provided a new method of annotation which is different from the text annotations, therefore, users could have another choice. This function could solve the problem of multilingual annotation and reduce the time effectively when users take for the record. iPARIS-Plus allows users to retain the convenience of recording on their mobile device, at the same time, it also considers the integrity of the records, so let people will no longer feel recording is a trouble. In addition, we converted the image tags that used to annotate into text through the crowdsourcing system to solve the problem which users couldn’t enter text because of the multilingual annotation, it resulted in a lack of databases. In the evaluation, users argued that the image tags annotation method could solve the problem of multilingual annotation effectively, as well as saving the time they typing on their moblie devices, even more it can enhance the integrity and convenience of records. We got a good resolution rate of converting the image tags into text by crowdsourcing system and found that more professional crowds do not bring better results. On the contrary, we could rely on a few of professional crowds to reduce the problems, then got a better results.

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