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群眾外包平台的服務參與良性循環之研究 / A Study of Virtuous Cycle of Service Participation on Crowdsourcing Platforms李欣穎, Lee, Agnes H.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是探索與了解成功的群眾外包平台的經營,如何誘發和刺激群眾外包平台上產品服務提供者(供給方)以及產品服務要求者(需求方)的使用動機,使得該平台能夠維持有一個良好的運作循環、持續成長茁壯。本研究採用質性個案研究,透過少數的文獻和大量的網路、報章、媒體等個案資料,分為兩個階段進行研究。第一階段,根據蒐集的資料,(一)我們建立四種類型的群眾外包平台:資訊型、勞務型、線上和線下型、創造型;(二)找出使用者的平台服務參與之動機與平台供需平衡的經營管理之關鍵因素和概念架構圖。第二階段,我們鎖定四家在台灣的勞務型群眾外包平台,進行專家訪談,透過訪談來驗證並修改使用者平台服務參與之動機和平台良性循環之關鍵因素,更深入地了解(一)群眾外包平台上的供給者多受到內在動機的刺激,而要求者則多受到外在動機的刺激在平台上有服務參與的行為;(二)確認在經營群眾外包平台事,平台受到技術環境、策略佈局和操作機制等三個層面的多個關鍵因素影響,要讓平台朝向良好的正向運作循環經營下去,這三個重要層面的相關的關鍵因素是值得去注意和加強的。簡而言之,透過本研究,能夠幫助學界和業界的群眾外包平台的經營者都更進一步了解群眾外包平台及其成功經營的做法。 / Crowdsourcing is a phenomenon that is receiving attention both inside and outside of academia. With the rapid development of ICT and the prevalence of the Internet, the crowdsourcing platform business model has had a dynamic impact on the market. Crowdsourcing offers a good transactional environment in which to fulfill people’s needs and wants, seizing values from products and/or services that are provided and/or requested in more flexible ways to solve problems and accomplish virtually anything in recent years. However, it is important to understand why participants (on both the supply and demand sides) join platforms to provide and request products and/or services. In addition, the operation of such platforms using the power of crowds includes three dimensions – technology assistance, strategy deployment, and operational mechanisms – to constantly attract and balance the flow of crowds, to generate information flows, and to stimulate the cash flows that allow the platform to continue to grow. The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) to explore what drives people to deliver and capture values by providing and requesting products or services on crowdsourcing platforms and (2) to investigate how to manage a successful crowdsourcing platform by motivating their virtuous cycles.
This is a qualitative multiple case study. There are two phases to this research. First, based on information gathered across industries and academia, we categorized crowdsourcing platforms into four major types: Information, Labor, Online plus Offline (OplusO), and Creation. We then revealed platform participants’ motivations for service participation and developed a conceptual framework to manage a virtuous cycle of service participation on crowdsourcing platforms. Second, we focused on Labor crowdsourcing platforms in Taiwan by conducting expert interviews to verify and revise our results from the first phase. This research provides a broader view of crowdsourcing platforms and their types in academia. Providers are typically motivated more by intrinsic motivations (autonomy, safety, and trust), whereas requestors are motivated by extrinsic motivations (such as finding practical (alternative) solutions, building reputation, and creating monetary wealth) in the crowdsourcing platform context. Moreover, this research provides practitioners with realistic management references in the technology, strategy, and operational dimensions to ready the platform and to meet the demand in the market. Technology is at the beginning of adopting crowdsourcing platforms and should be scalable. Scalability of the crowdsourcing platform involves constructing an ecosystem for a good transactional environment that facilitates growth, such that strategy deployment and operational mechanisms play important roles to support.
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網路購物平台商業模式探討 / A Case Study on the Business Models of E-commerce Platforms廖鴻銘, Liao, Hung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
平台商業模式廣泛出現在各種產業中,受限於研究資源限制,本研究僅以電子商務為研究範圍,本研究選擇國內四家電子商務領導企業為個案研究對象,研究其成功的平台策略,及如何以平台為營運模式持續成長。另外,本研究也以商業模式圖(Business Model Canvas)來分析個案公司,探討其如何建立目標客戶群?如何建立營收模式?如何持續成長?最後,整合與分析其平台策略與商業模式的優劣,歸結出發展成功平台商業模式所應具備的資源與方法。本研究彙整結論如下:
關鍵字:商業模式,平台策略,電子商務,創新擴散,價值網,網路效應,賽局理論。 / The theme of this research is to study the platform business model. The main motivation is the recent study whether counseling in each industry from the SAP global enterprise customers or EMBA explored in countless cases. The finding is that a successful business has one common element which they have a good business model. And further to examine these companies, most of the researches show that more and more successful companies have a significant and fast growth through platform business model that they build up a platform to connect multi-group. They break the boundaries of competition, so lots of the traditional linear chain companies have been defeated.
Since the researcher used to start-up a company in earlier career stage. Also, although working in the global company has very good compensation compared with the local company. But always felt that work for others without profiting return and global vendor is pure performance driven with heavy pressure and dynamic change. So the researcher plans to re-start up the new business in the future. Besides, at the moment that all the Taiwan manufacture oriented companies are facing business transformation. Therefore want to take advantage of this thesis to investigate success of these platform companies. To conclude with best practice recommendations for reference once start-up a new company in the future. Also, provide reference for Taiwan companies that want to turn business transformation into platform business or start-up a new platform business.
Platform business model is widely present in a variety of industries, subject to the limitations of research resources, this study only focus on the scope of E-commerce. This study chose four domestic leading E-commerce enterprise as a case study. Aim to study its successful platform strategy, and how to continue to grow with platform business model. In addition, this study also adopt the business model canvas to analyze the cases of companies that explore how to establish the target audience?How to build up revenue stream?How to continue to grow?Finally, consolidate and analyze the merits of its platform strategy and business model. And came out the must have resources and methods to develop a successful platform business model. This study aggregated the following conclusions:
1. To find out the unmet needs between the groups, take advantage of the interactive platform to connect groups and establish mechanisms to provide value to meet the demand and create revenue.
2. To establish an complete platform ecosystem with solid mechanisms. Let the platform itself and each side of the groups become the key resource.
3. To form a growth strategy, continue to equip innovation and creativity to create new core competence for a platform to overcome the threat of competition and coverage.
Key Words:Business Model, Platform Strategy, E-Commerce, Innovation Diffusion, Value Net, Network Effect, Game Theory.
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區塊鏈數位生態系統設計之關鍵多數實現程度評量 / Estimate the Fulfillment of Critical Mass within Blockchain-Based Digital Ecosystem Design石文昕, Shih, Wen Xin Unknown Date (has links)
以現況而言,仍有許多服務無法在現實中發展或得以維持,網路效應的影響在數位環境中是極為強大且不容忽視的。我們的研究旨在由此出發衡量區塊鏈數位生態系統的成敗。我們提出的方法能使設計師基於理解關鍵多數的實現和網絡效應水平的大小,來瞭解其設計的可適應性與競爭力,這是一個數位生態系統能否突破真空的關鍵。此方法還提供如何提升設計的指南,使服務設計能更有機會地進入網路效應的爆炸階段。 / Blockchain is an infrastructure technology not only restricted to the financial industry, but also feasible and affordable to facilitating the operation of service provision with efficiency, lower construction cost, information transparency and non-falsified characteristics. By virtue of the information technology booms swiftly, the revolution which Internet brings about, accompanies with the rise of customer-dominant logic, platform thinking is no longer sufficient for the service design. Consequently, blockchain-based digital ecosystem becomes a solution of the next generation’s service design aspect which stresses on value co-creation among all the stakeholders of the ecosystem and proceeds to the same proposition. However, there are many service provisions unable to launch or sustain in reality.
The network externality of the Internet is the most powerful, indispensable and un-negligible effect in the digital environment. Our study aims to estimate and measure the success or failure of blockchain-based digital ecosystems from this perspective. We propose a method which enables blockchain-based digital ecosystem designers to comprehend with the adaptability and competitiveness of the fulfillment of the critical mass and the examination of network effect level. They are crucial to pass through the vacuum stage of ecosystem lifetime. The method also provides guides about how to improve the designs in order to have a greater opportunity to get into the explosion stage of ecosystem lifetime.
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公益組織經營模式創新與機制設計之研究 - 以比爾與梅琳達‧蓋茲基金會為例 / The Innovation in Business Model and Mechanism Design for Philanthropic Organizations - A Case Study of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation何瑞瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
「比爾與梅琳達•蓋茲基金會」(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)從成立至今,捐出超過300億美元的鉅款,資助了近8000項慈善公益專案,其範圍橫跨了全世界極貧地區,挽救無數寶貴生命,堪稱全球影響力最大的公益基金會。
從資訊軟體專業起家的Bill Gates對慈善領域並不熟悉,但卻能在短時間內利用觸媒特性,快速建立合作夥伴系統、吸納捐款與資源,充份發揮平台的正向網絡效應及鎖定效應,迅速壯大基金會規模,並高度有效率運用資源,讓每一分錢的價值發揮到最大,足以作為學習借鏡。
本研究發現,蓋茲基金會創新的觸媒平台經營模式與獨特的機制設計 -「對其目標市場及客戶客觀精確且完整深入的研究分析」、「創意的捐贈機制協助其建立強大的夥伴生態系統進而發揮平台強大的網絡效應」、「高度目標導向的專案執行並重視績效與考核」、「資源高度有效率運用且以量化為溝通的準則」、「有系統地將內隱經驗轉化為外顯知識」,以及「將企業營運經營管理與公司治理理念導入非營利組織」為其關鍵成功因素。 / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has so far donated more than 30 billion US. dollars to fund about 8,000 charitable projects, which benefit those extremely poor areas in the world and save countless lives. It may be deemed as the world's most influential philanthropic organization.
However, it is well-known that Bill Gates is not familiar with philanthropy work, but somehow he has leveraged characteristic catalyst to build the partner ecosystem efficiently to attract donations and resources; moreover, he helps the organization to fully utilize the platform’s positive network and lock-in effects to help expanding the scale of the Foundation rapidly. It is known that Gates Foundation with Gate’s leadership is good at maximizing resources’ value.
Thus this study aims to identify the business model and the mechanism design of Gates Foundation. It deeply investigates each activity from the platform’s value propositions to find out its key success factors. Meanwhile, it explores this model and how it causes impact on philanthropic industry.
This study hopes to provide advice for non-profit organizations so that they could learn from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s experiences or even mirror some of the original strategic thoughts of its mechanism designs once they decide to develop more aggressively on the philanthropy.
The study found the key success factors of Gates Foundation as bellow:
•Deep insight and complete analysis on its target markets and customers.
•Creative donation mechanisms that helps to form a strong partner ecosystem, and bring positive network effect to the platform.
•Goal-oriented project that is highly executed and emphasized on the performance evaluation.
•High efficiency on the use of resources and how its value is maximized.
•Transfer implicit experience into explicit knowledge & know-how.
•Utilize management knowledge & methodology of global enterprise and practice it in philanthropic organization.
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標準制定組織之智慧財產保護政策及競爭法問題探討 / A Study on Intellectual Property Protection Strategies and Antitrust Issues of Standard-Setting Organizations湯亦敏, Tang, Yi-min Unknown Date (has links)
本文便以上述爭議問題為出發點,討論標準制定組織所擬定之標準,特別是經過政府機關以法律規範形式採用後,是否仍該當著作權的保護客體?並將研究延伸到網路產業中標準著作權保護的適當性問題,以及針對標準這類事實編輯物的資料庫保護進行分析;其次,本文將針對一國之產業標準制定組織為研究重心,探討例如標準制定與認證中的限制競爭及獨占管制的法律問題,以及隱然成為事實標準的市場領導者涉及智慧財產權的拒絕交易紛爭等課題。然而,針對上述命題的前提要件是對標準的概念與應用有相當之瞭解,以導入標準制定組織之運作、不同層級標準制定過程之影響及其所涉及之智慧財產爭議問題研究。因此,本文將對國家標準以及行業標準制定及運用過程所涉及之著作權及競爭法問題作深入且廣泛之瞭解,以此為基礎,分析各層級標準制定體系的規範內涵,繼而詮釋一國保護行業標準之著作權與競爭法之法律規定;並提出建言作為我國標準化體系之發展、參與國際標準制定活動、標準著作權保護分析架構、事實編輯物(資料庫)保護模式、競爭法對標準與認證活動之適用以及切入拒絕交易案件等之參考。 / In a knowledge-based economy, whoever dominates rules-developing overpowers the market. Most of the standards are set by the government and private organizations; therefore, a study on standard-setting organizations is of essential value. The Government leverages its regulatory function by adopting law standards promulgated and copyrighted by non-governmental actors. Despite governmental ambitions, no one is responsible for evaluating the legitimacy of this approach ex ante and no framework exists to facilitate analysis. On the other hand, standard-developing and conformity assessment increasingly falls on the shoulders of industry associations and lead to impartiality concerns from the antitrust law perspective.
Regarding standards that are generated and controlled by private actors exposing citizens to criminal, civil and administrative sanctions, this paper contributes an analytical framework and proposes institutional mechanisms to implement it in terms of copyright. This paper extends by questioning if copyright would be an appropriate form to protect standards in the Internet industry. Then, it explores ways to protect compilation of facts and databases once they are de facto standards. Following the antitrust concerns, this paper focuses on industry standard-setting organizations within a specific territory to explore the antitrust and unfair competition problems confronting the role of the de facto standard-setters or the certification performers and the refusal to deal involving intellectual property issues.
As foundations, this paper initiates by a detailed study of concepts and applications surrounding standardization; then, it leads to how a standards is produced, how standard-developing organizations in various levels affect the market, and how the intellectual property problems involves in standardization. In conclusion, based upon in-depth coverage of copyright and antitrust predicaments facing applications of national standards and industry standards, this paper interprets how copyright and antitrust laws work to protect business standards. At the same time, it delivers suggestions for the development of our standardization system, involvement of international standard-setting activities, an analytical framework for standards in copyright, protection for compilation of facts and databases, and how antitrust laws works when it comes to non-governmental standard-setting actors.
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