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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


扈小潔, 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.


蔡明興, CAI,MING-XING Unknown Date (has links)
諺語是口頭上廣泛流傳的一種現成而固定的句子。文心雕龍書記篇云:「文辭鄙俚莫 過於諺」。諺語基本上是根植於口語,用辭一般比較平易,故具有簡潔生動、通俗易 懂的特點。 蒙古諺語,浩如煙海,然見諸於書面文獻者,十分零散,而彙集成冊者,亦不多見。 故於蒐集資料之時,遭遇到不少困難。集成專書者,如內蒙古語言文學歷史研究所圖 書室所藏的:諺海 (諸種譬喻之海)( )、( )、諺語集( )、民間諺語( ):外蒙出版的專書則僅有 ( 1966)一書。這一點是撰寫本篇論文時所要面對的最大挑戰。幸而有機會赴日 ,得地利之便,及友人之協助,否則是連下筆者不可能的。 本篇論文擬以現在常用的蒙古諺為主,尤其是與動物有關的諺語,從語言方面,來分 析蒙古諺語,並試著解釋其文化意義。 蒙古為遊牧民族,逐水草而居,蒙古諺語受到生活環境的影響,而自成一格,其中以 有關動物的諺語,廣泛地運用於日常生活,最引人注目,也最易於突顯其特色。此乃 本篇論文之所以選擇許多這一部分諺語的原因。 限於學力,本篇論文只能算是習作,只希望能達到簡單介紹現代蒙古諺語之目的。

The Study of Cooperative Learning in the EFL Conversation Classroom in Commercial Vocational High School

呂素卿, Lu Su-ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討合作學習對商職學生英語口語表達能力的成效及商職學生對合作學習應用在英語會話課的看法。研究對象為商職二年級兩班學生共八十名,其中一班為實驗組41人,授以學生小組成就區分法(STAD), 小組遊戲競賽法(TGT), 及共同學習法(LT)三種合作學習法;另一班為控制組39人,授以傳統授課法。兩組所使用的教材相同,由研究者安排教學活動並親自授課。教學實驗為期一個學期。資料蒐集方式包括兩次學期成就測驗為前、後測,問卷調查表、及訪談。資料分析方式為量化的描述性統計及質化的內容分析法。歸納研究結果摘述如下: 一.實驗組學生在後測表現上明顯優於控制組學生,且達到統計的顯著差異。 二.從個別子項目來看,實驗組學生在文法項目與控制組學生相較下,並未有顯著差異外,其餘項目表現明顯高於控制組學生。 三.由問卷及訪談來看,合作學習對學生學習動機、學習態度、人際關係、及減輕學習焦慮均有助益。 四.針對合作學習應用在本研究中所發現的一些缺點和困難,提出討論以求因應策略。 根據上述研究結果,提出教學上涵義的探討,及對未來研究提出建議。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate how commercial vocational high school students perceive cooperative learning in terms of English oral performance, learning attitudes, social development and lowering of anxiety in speaking English. There were totally 80 students involved in this study. The experimental group was taught in cooperative learning for one semester with the methods of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD), Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT), Learning Together (LT). The control group was taught in the traditional instruction. This study collected data from oral tasks, scores of pretest and posttest, questionnaire, and student interview to achieve methodological triangulation. The reliability and validity of the collected data were ensured by combining both qualitative and quantitative methods. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to analyze the data. The major findings of this study suggested that cooperative learning helped significantly to enhance the commercial vocational high school students' English oral performance , learning attitudes, social development and lowering of anxiety in speaking English. Besides, the problems of cooperative learning that emerged in students' responses and the researcher's observation was stated in the conclusion. The study suggested that cooperative learning be integrated into the vocational high school English instruction in Taiwan. Pedagogical implications for the application of cooperative learning in EFL teaching were proposed. Finally, suggestions for future studies were recommended.

探索演講比賽的挑戰與收穫─以一所台灣的高中為例 / Exploring the challenges and personal growth from speech contests : a case of a senior high school in Taiwan

黃毓培, Huang, Yu-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨從台灣高中生的觀點探討準備英語演講的過程中所遇到的挑戰與其相關對策以及個人成長收穫。本研究採取質性個案研究,研究對象為兩位有不同語言程度的台灣高一學生。分析資料由多重管道蒐集,包含與學生的半結構式訪談,練習時的觀察記錄以及其他相關文件,最後經由對比原始資料得出研究結果。 研究結果顯示,兩位研究對象所面臨的挑戰可分成四大類,分別為單句內的問題、跨句間的問題、口語表達與演說焦慮,其中又以口語表達與演說焦慮為兩大首要挑戰。以語言焦慮而言,焦慮的確對口說有負面影響,然而,它也能對於學習者的表現有正面的影響,如能促使學習者更認真面對比賽。此外,焦慮程度也與語言熟練度有關,擁有較高語言程度的學習者傾向擁有較低程度的焦慮。以口語表達的挑戰而言,兩位學習者所面臨的挑戰皆是與非語言方面的困難,例如站姿、手勢、聲音與面部表情等。此外,學生的個人收穫分別如下所列:(一) 開拓眼界的經驗;(二) 成就感;(三) 其他同儕的認同感;(四)自我實現。研究者根據這些發現,提出相關教學建議及未來研究方向,以期對未來有興趣參與英語演講的師生更多建設性的研究貢獻。 / This study aims to examine what challenges would be confronted, how those challenges were dealt with and what personal growth reaped during the process of preparing for an English speech contest from the perspectives of high school students in Taiwan. A qualitative research method was employed in this case study. Two first-year high school students with different proficiency levels were invited to be the participants of this study. Data were collected through multiple sources, including semi-structured interviews with students, observations of each practice, and other related artifacts. Data were analyzed by constant comparative method. The results showed that the challenges the two participants faced could be divided into four categories, including the intra-sentence level challenges, inter-sentence level challenges, oral delivery and anxiety. Among these challenges, the top two challenges they faced were anxiety and oral delivery. In terms of language anxiety, anxiety did have debilitating effects on speaking; however, it can also have some facilitating influence on learner’s performance such as compelling the participant to face the contest more seriously. Also, the degrees of anxiety have to do with language proficiency. Learners with higher proficiency tended to have lower degree of anxiety. As for the challenges in oral delivery, what the two participants faced is associated with other non-linguistic aspects of speaking, such as posture, gesture, and voice and facial expression. In addition, the personal growth gained from such experience can be listed as below: (a) horizons-broadening experience, (b) a sense of achievement, (c) a sense of recognition from his peers, and (d) a sense of self-actualization. Based on the findings, pedagogical suggestions and direction for future research are provided. It is hoped more insights could be offered to both instructors and students who are interested in taking part in English speech contests.

粤語會話話輪替換信號 = The turn-shifting signals in spoken Cantonese

梁慧敏, 01 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

香港粤語音變的個案式硏究 : 以-ng音變為-n為例

譚詠儀, 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

重覆閱讀與非重覆閱讀對國小學童口語閱讀流暢度之效益研究 / The effect of repeated reading and non-repeated reading on EFL elementary school students' oral reading fluency

林虹伶, Lin, Hung Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解並比較重覆閱讀及非重覆閱讀對於國小四年級學童的口語閱讀流暢度的影響。本研究以台灣北部某國小四年級中的兩個班級為研究對象,共為59人。此閱讀能力相近的兩個班級經隨機分派指定為重覆閱讀組及非重覆閱讀組。在為期16週,每週一節的實驗教學中,重覆閱讀組以重覆閱讀法每週閱讀同一本英文讀本,而非重覆閱讀組以非重覆閱讀法每週閱讀兩本讀本。兩組皆於教學前及教學後接受口語閱讀測驗,以了解接受不同教學法的學童在口語閱讀速度及正確性是否有差異。測驗所得的資料以成對樣本t檢定及獨立樣本t檢定分析進行統計分析。 研究結果顯示重覆閱讀與非重覆閱讀皆能顯著提升研究對象的口語閱讀速度及正確性。此外,非重覆閱讀與重覆閱讀對於受試學童的口語閱讀流暢度顯示相似的成效。此研究結果盼能提供教學者彈性的運用此兩種閱讀教學法並更加重視口語閱讀流暢性的重要。 / The study aims to examine and compare the effect of assisted repeated reading (RR) and non-repeated reading (Non-RR) approaches on EFL young learners' oral reading rate and accuracy rate. Two classes with homogenous reading level consisting of 59 fourth graders were selected from one elementary school in northern Taiwan and were randomly assigned to two groups, the RR and Non-RR group. During the 16-week instruction, one period of class per week, the RR group practiced reading aloud on one reader with assisted repeated reading approach, whereas the Non-RR group practiced reading aloud on two readers with assisted non-repeated reading approach each class. The data collected from the pretest and posttest assessing the participants’ oral reading rate and accuracy rate were analyzed by paired samples t-tests and independent samples t-tests. The results revealed that the RR and Non-RR groups performed equivalent growth on their reading rate and accuracy rate with significant improvement. It is hoped that the findings provide a deeper understanding on the effect of assisted repeated reading and non-repeated reading on EFL young learners’ oral reading fluency and are applied in classrooms.

目標理解影響嬰兒的動作模仿 / Goal understanding influences infants' imitation of actions

王維屏, Wang, Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
目標解讀在許多不同的模仿理論中均受到重視,並被認為是模仿學習中的關鍵。其中,目標導向的模仿理論認為在模仿過程裡,觀察者會將動作要素以階層關係重組為主要目標和次要目標,在資源有限的情況下,次要目標在模仿中容易被忽略,只重現主要目標。本研究修訂過去研究嬰兒目標導向模仿之作業,探索示範中的動作方向及口語提示線索如何影響嬰兒的目標導向模仿。在實驗1中,嬰兒看到示範者以跳躍或滑行的動作方式將玩偶移動至桌面或盒子裡,結果發現嬰兒會在沒有盒子的情境中模仿不同的動作方式,並在有盒子的情境裡模仿示範者的位置選擇。實驗2修訂實驗1的程序,延後呈現運動方向提示目標的時間,結果發現移動路徑的改變會使嬰兒在有盒子情境裡模仿位置選擇的正確性下降。實驗3在示範開始前加入口語提示協助嬰兒區辨目標位置,並使用與實驗2相同的移動路徑,結果發現口語提示無法增加有盒子情境位置選擇的正確性,反而使無盒子情境中模仿動作方式的表現減少。嬰兒的模仿行為不能完全用目標導向模仿理論中目標的階層排序解釋,示範情境、溝通互動以及語言等不同線索皆可能影響嬰兒推理目標的方式,改變模仿的傾向。 / The goal-directed theory of imitation claims that infants imitate an action by decomposing it into separate and hierarchically organized goals. When resources are limited, infants ignore less important goals to reproduce main goals. The evidence of this theory is that infants prefer to imitate action outcomes over styles when an external goal was present. In contrast, infants take action styles as major goals when there was no observable outcome. In this research, we investigated how movement direction and verbal information influence the goal-directed imitation process. In Experiment 1, we replicated the goal-choice imitation task used in previous research. 18-month-old infants observed an adult moving a toy animal in different action styles (slide or hop) into one of the two boxes (box condition) or onto the table (no-box condition).The results showed that infants imitated the action styles in no-box condition and matched the location choice in box condition. In Experiment 2, we modify the task by delaying the timing of movement direction cue for goal choice. Infants imitated the box choices less accurately after observing the modified demonstration. In Experiment 3, we verbalized the actor’s goal to investigate whether the goal choice errors in Experiment 2 are due to the lack of goal salience. We found no increase for the accuracy of matching location in the box condition but a decrease for the imitation of action styles in the no-box condition. In addition to the tendency to imitate different goals in different conditions, the study suggests important roles of movement direction and verbal cues in infants’ goal-directed imitation.


許文華 Unknown Date (has links)

聲調在中文口語字彙觸接的時序處理:眼動研究之證據 / Temporal processing of lexical tone in lexical access of Chinese spoken characters: an eyetracking study

許媛媜, Syu, Yuan Jhen Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討中文聲調在口語字彙觸接過程中所扮演的角色。實驗一藉由眼動實驗中的Visual World Paradigm作業,觀察中文聲調影響口語字彙辨識的時序歷程。受試者在聽到指導語和目標字之後,用滑鼠在螢幕上點選聽到的目標字,例如,螢幕上出現的字包含一個目標字:「摸」、一個競爭字(與目標字只有聲調相同:「挖」或是與目標字只有音段相同:「抹」),以及兩個聲調與音段和目標字完全不同的無關字:「怒」、「菊」。為了觀察目標字、競爭字及無關字在口語字彙處理時的競爭,我們會計算各個字彙的凝視比例。實驗一中由於聲調與目標字相同的競爭字與目標字的第一個音段就開始產生差異,因此未觀察到聲調早期介入的影響。實驗二透過與實驗一相同的實驗程序及方法,操弄目標字和競爭字中聲調和前兩個音段(Cohort)的異同以探測更早期的聲調影響。螢幕呈現包含一個目標字「湯」、一個競爭字(前兩個音段和聲調皆與目標字相同:「胎」,或是只有前兩個音段相同但聲調與目標字不同:「泰」),以及兩個聲調與音段和目標字完全不同的無關字「剖」、「痕」。結果顯示,聲調在語音訊息前兩個音段時就會產生影響,也就是聲調的影響在語音結束前即有作用。再者,本文發現聲調無法單獨且獨立地對於語音辨識產生影響,此看法與聲調表徵需以“toneme” node獨立地存在於the modified TRACE model的看法不盡相同 (Malins & Joanisse, 2010; Ye & Connine, 1999; Zhao, Guo, Zhou, & Shu, 2011)。 / The present study aims to examine the role of tonal information during Mandarin Chinese spoken character recognition. Two eye-tracking experiments were conducted with the visual world paradigm, which participants heard a Chinese monosyllabic character and used a mouse to click on the corresponding character in a visual array of 4 characters on the screen. Experiment 1 manipulated the relationship between the spoken target characters and written characters on the screen, including a target (e.g., /mɔ1/‘touch’), a tonal competitor (the tone was the same as target except segment: e.g., /wa1/‘dig’) or a segmental competitor (the segmental structure was the same with the target except tone: e.g., /mɔ3/ ‘wipe’), and two unrelated distractors (the segments and tone were different from target: e.g., /nu4/ ‘anger’, and /tɕy2/ ‘chrysanthemum’). The fixation proportions on target, competitors and the unrelated distractors were computed during the unfolding of the auditory target stimuli. The results showed tonal difference was detected before the end of auditory stream. However, no early involvement of tonal information was found, which may due to the tonal competitor and target shared no segment from the first phoneme. In order to examine the earlier tonal processing, Experiment 2 manipulated two types of cohort competitors sharing the initial two segments with the target (e.g., /tʰɑŋ1/ “soup”), a cohort-tone competitor, e.g., /tʰaj1/ “fetus” (both tone and initial two segments are the same with target) and a cohort-only competitor e.g., /tʰaj4/ “peaceful” (initial two segments is the same with the target but with different tone). Result showed that tone affected spoken character recognition while processing the two initial segments. In addition, tone could not affect spoken character processing independently, which might be inconsistent with the assumption that tone is a separate level of representation, called “toneme” node, in the modified TRACE model (Malins & Joanisse, 2010; Ye & Connine, 1999; Zhao et al., 2011).

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