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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


何孋軒 Unknown Date (has links)
企業管理者在擬定策略時專注於如何打敗對手以獲取勝利,甚至忽略策略真正的本質─為創造顧客價值,將策略著重於瓜分現有領土而無法跳脫已知市場,鮮少能秉持著哥倫布發現新大陸的精神去探索未知市場空間,因此藍海策略就是這種不同於以往策略的新概念。 Kim 與 Mauborgne(2005)提出藍海策略並提供一套分析工具協助企業構思藍海,藉由策略草圖(strategy canvas)分析已知市場的競爭型態以及六大跳脫已知市場的思考方式與「消除─減少─提升─創造」四種行動架構來創造新價值曲線。本研究發現此論點僅著重分析外部環境的方式,卻未適當地檢視自身資源可能會影響到藍海策略的實現。Wernerfelt(1995)認為策略制訂時要將資源基礎觀點納入考慮,否則此策略將不會是最好的,故本研究以此缺口為研究方向。 本研究藉由資源基礎理論之觀點提出一個二維架構,並由個案研究法探索企業進入藍海的途徑,分別印證五種可能進入藍海的路徑圖。並且本研究在研究過程中也發現各企業在不同的情境下選擇進入藍海的方式也將有所不同,故歸納出不同路徑圖的適用情境,提供各公司的策略擬定者選擇合適的藍海進入途徑及更瞭解該策略行動的優、缺點,能更有系統地檢視其所擁有的資源特性是否足以使該企業在正確的路徑上或使用情境是否吻合,此分析能使企業的策略擬定者及早發現不足之處,因而提出修正方案,成功地邁向藍海。


陳若齡, Chen, Jo-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
自殺事件的報導在近年引起重視,主要是因為不少國外研究發現,自殺報導可能引起模仿效應,它會為易受影響、有自殺傾向的個人,提供真實的生活模式。根據再現理論,媒體在報導自殺事件、解釋自殺成因時,往往不可能反映真實,而當媒體所再現的是一幅扭曲的自殺圖像時,這些新聞報導不但無法幫助讀者真正瞭解自殺成因和防治方法,反而可能對某些有自殺傾向的人們提供模仿的途徑。 因此本研究分別從「新聞報導特色」、「新聞處理方式」、「訊息傳遞類型」,探究國內四家主要報紙自殺事件的報導,旨在瞭解:一、報紙如何報導自殺新聞,呈現的內容為何?;二、報紙新聞如何再現自殺,建構了何種自殺「真實」?三、報紙報導自殺時,究竟應該扮演什麼角色? 透過內容分析法,本研究發現,四報在新聞報導特色上有:一、選擇性報導自殺;二、強調特殊自殺類型;三、為自殺者貼上道德標籤;四、簡化且聳動的報導。在新聞處理方式上則顯示:一、討論及配合說明自殺問題的相關新聞不足;二、自殺新聞所在版面及位置過於顯著;三、近半數的自殺新聞都會搭配照片,呈現方式以特寫和中景為主,內容以「無自殺者現場」和「自殺現場之自殺者」較多。在資訊傳遞類型部分顯示:一、自殺防治資訊不足;二、缺乏對自殺問題的深度討論。另外比較四家報紙發現,以《蘋果日報》和另外三報差異較大,雖然傳遞不理想的自殺訊息比例較高,卻也比其他三報更常傳遞有助於防治自殺的訊息,但綜合來說《蘋果日報》的自殺頭條、照片數量和面積都較另外三報多出許多,且好採用特寫及自殺者在自殺現場的聳動照片。 本研究發現提醒新聞實務工作者,自殺新聞可以具有感染模仿效應,因此在新聞價值取捨間,應從道德層面去思考,減少不必要的自殺過程和手法描述,不要重複且持續報導自殺事件,也不要過度渲染美化名人自殺,要盡可能去反思既有報導方式所帶來的社會影響,設法提供多元且有助減少類似自殺發生的資訊,不要將自殺事件視為一般社會新聞來報導,發揮媒體的社會責任。

目標理解影響嬰兒的動作模仿 / Goal understanding influences infants' imitation of actions

王維屏, Wang, Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
目標解讀在許多不同的模仿理論中均受到重視,並被認為是模仿學習中的關鍵。其中,目標導向的模仿理論認為在模仿過程裡,觀察者會將動作要素以階層關係重組為主要目標和次要目標,在資源有限的情況下,次要目標在模仿中容易被忽略,只重現主要目標。本研究修訂過去研究嬰兒目標導向模仿之作業,探索示範中的動作方向及口語提示線索如何影響嬰兒的目標導向模仿。在實驗1中,嬰兒看到示範者以跳躍或滑行的動作方式將玩偶移動至桌面或盒子裡,結果發現嬰兒會在沒有盒子的情境中模仿不同的動作方式,並在有盒子的情境裡模仿示範者的位置選擇。實驗2修訂實驗1的程序,延後呈現運動方向提示目標的時間,結果發現移動路徑的改變會使嬰兒在有盒子情境裡模仿位置選擇的正確性下降。實驗3在示範開始前加入口語提示協助嬰兒區辨目標位置,並使用與實驗2相同的移動路徑,結果發現口語提示無法增加有盒子情境位置選擇的正確性,反而使無盒子情境中模仿動作方式的表現減少。嬰兒的模仿行為不能完全用目標導向模仿理論中目標的階層排序解釋,示範情境、溝通互動以及語言等不同線索皆可能影響嬰兒推理目標的方式,改變模仿的傾向。 / The goal-directed theory of imitation claims that infants imitate an action by decomposing it into separate and hierarchically organized goals. When resources are limited, infants ignore less important goals to reproduce main goals. The evidence of this theory is that infants prefer to imitate action outcomes over styles when an external goal was present. In contrast, infants take action styles as major goals when there was no observable outcome. In this research, we investigated how movement direction and verbal information influence the goal-directed imitation process. In Experiment 1, we replicated the goal-choice imitation task used in previous research. 18-month-old infants observed an adult moving a toy animal in different action styles (slide or hop) into one of the two boxes (box condition) or onto the table (no-box condition).The results showed that infants imitated the action styles in no-box condition and matched the location choice in box condition. In Experiment 2, we modify the task by delaying the timing of movement direction cue for goal choice. Infants imitated the box choices less accurately after observing the modified demonstration. In Experiment 3, we verbalized the actor’s goal to investigate whether the goal choice errors in Experiment 2 are due to the lack of goal salience. We found no increase for the accuracy of matching location in the box condition but a decrease for the imitation of action styles in the no-box condition. In addition to the tendency to imitate different goals in different conditions, the study suggests important roles of movement direction and verbal cues in infants’ goal-directed imitation.

著作重製權侵害之理論與實務 / Theories and Practice of Reproduction Right infringement

朱家毅 Unknown Date (has links)

嬰兒的選擇性模仿:動作-效果整合或目的推理? / Selective imitation in infancy: Ideomotor theory or teleological reasoning?

楊悅如, Yang, Yueh Ju Unknown Date (has links)
選擇性模仿是指嬰兒在不同情境中選擇性地模仿他人的行為,為當今發展心理學備受矚目的議題。在Gergely、Bekkering與Király(2002)著名的研究中,當實驗者的雙手自由放在桌上,示範以額頭碰盒子開燈,嬰兒偏好模仿此新奇動作;但當實驗者雙手緊抓毛毯示範相同的動作則未發現嬰兒有顯著的模仿偏好。有些研究者認嬰兒可以透過目的推理理解他人的意圖,並認為模仿是建立在對意圖的解讀之上;相反地,動作-效果整合理論則認為動作本身的執行困難度與動作-效果連結的穩定性才是影響嬰兒選擇性模仿的主因。 為了解決兩者長久以來對於嬰兒模仿的爭議,本研究修訂Gergely等人(2002)的光盒研究派典,將焦點放在過去一直未受到重視的因果效能概念,降低示範動作的因果效能,嬰兒在實驗過程中會發現示範動作不是每次都能成功讓光盒發亮,藉此釐清目的推理論與動作-效果整合理論對嬰兒選擇性模仿的解釋適當性。實驗1的結果重製了Gergely等人(2002)的實驗結果,實驗2A與實驗2B皆發現18個月大的嬰兒在因果效能較低的情境中很少會模仿示範動作,顯示嬰兒的模仿行為較符合動作-效果整合理論的觀點,主要是受到動作執行的困難度與動作-效果聯結的穩定性的影響。 / Selective imitation refers to a phenomenon which infants differentially imitate the demonstrated action in different contexts. Recently, it has also become a popular research topic in developmental psychology. Gergely, Bekkering and Király (2002) uncovered a classic example of selective imitation. They found that infants tend to imitate the action of touching a light box with their forehead when they saw a model perform the action with her hands placed on the table, but not when her hands were restricted by a blanket. Some researchers claim that infants can interpret others’ intention through teleological reasoning, and they consider infants’ imitation is based on decoding of intentionality. Conversely, ideomotor theory argues that imitation depends on difficulty of the action execution and the stability of link between action and its effect. To address the long-standing dispute with infants’ imitation, we revised the paradigm in Gergely et al. (2002) and focused on the concept of causal efficacy which had been long ignored in the past. Infant would find that the demonstrated action, sometimes won’t turn on the light during the experimentation. In experiment 1, we replicated the results obtained in Gergely et al. (2002). Experiment 2A and 2B both found that 18-month-old infants rarely imitated the demonstrated action when the causal efficacy was relatively low. These results are closer to the ideomotor approach viewpoint of imitation, and it reveals that infants’ imitation depends on difficulty of the action execution and the stability of link between action and effect.

遊戲尚未結束:喬叟《坎特伯里故事集》中的遊戲元素 / The Game Is Not Over: The Elements of Play in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

吳哲硯, Wu, Che-yen Unknown Date (has links)
在《坎特伯里故事集》中,喬叟曾多次直接指出或間接暗示旅程中的故事競賽為一遊戲。然而,對此文本的研究文獻,卻鮮少從遊戲觀點切入分析。即便有,也多是從語言角度,來處理文本中各角色間的口語遊戲,或喬叟本人的文字遊戲,離真正的遊戲本身,似還有一段距離。有鑑於此,我試著以惠欽格及凱洛斯對遊戲的論述,做為理論框架,來分析《坎特伯里故事集》中的遊戲元素。我首先將找出證據,來證明整個朝聖之旅符合遊戲的定義,然後以其中三個故事為例,來分析四種遊戲範疇。本論文將分為五章,在第一章,我先說明遊戲長期以來被人忽視的地位,接著我將引入惠辛格及凱洛斯的論述。惠辛格提出遊戲的概念、定義,及功能;凱洛斯作為惠辛格在遊戲論述領域中的繼承人,則將惠辛格的成就,加以推展及補充,並將遊戲定義為四個範疇:競爭、機會、模仿、暈眩。所有的遊戲都可被歸納為這四類。在第一章的後半部,我將逐一從文本中,找出證據,來證明《坎特伯里故事集》在在都符合遊戲的定義。在第二章,我將討論<騎士的故事>中競爭與機會之運作。在第三章中,我將從模仿的層面來分析<赦罪修士的故事>。在第四章中,我將從暈眩的角度來看<修女院教士的故事>。在第五章中,我將總結前四章的要點,然後探討文學作為遊戲的可能性。最末,從遊戲的往復特性來看,我將主張《坎特伯里》遊戲尚未結束,它是遊戲昇華為藝術的最佳範本。 / In many places of The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer points out that this story-telling contest would be a game. However, researches on this text have scarcely been done from the perspective of game. In view of this, I try to apply Jonah Huizinga and Roger Caillois’ concepts of game as the main theoretical framework to The Canterbury Tales. In this thesis, I justify the pilgrimage as a big game first and then discuss the elements of play in three tales respectively. The thesis is divided into five chapters. In chapter one, I recount the subordinate position of game first and then introduce Huizinga and Caillois’ discourses. Huizinga comes up with the concept, definition, and function of game; Caillois modifies Huizinga’s notions and then categorizes games into four kinds: agon, alea, mimicry, and ilinx. In the following part of chapter one, I prove that The Canterbury Tales as a whole matches the notion of a game. In chapter two, I discuss the exercises of agon and alea in The Knight’s Tale. In chapter three, I analyze The Pardoner’s Tale from the aspect of mimicry. In chapter four, I see The Nun’s Priest’s Tale from the perspective of ilinx. In chapter five, I summarize the previous chapters first, and then explore the possibility of literature as the game. I argue that the game of The Canterbury Tales is not over and that it is the sublimation form of game into art.

自閉症類兒童模仿能力之研究 / A Study of Imitative Performance in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

李承哲 Unknown Date (has links)
過去累積許多關於自閉症類兒童模仿的研究;其中,Lyons等人(2011)提出自動化因果編錄(ACE)是相當重要的理論。ACE認為自閉症類兒童之所以重演缺乏目標的動作,是因為部件相連作業呈現的外觀連續性,令自閉症類兒童較易將缺乏目標的動作視為導致目標動作前的必要動作。於是本研究的目的在於驗證自閉症類兒童的動作重演表現是否符合自動化因果編錄理論的預測:當部件分離時,自閉症類兒童無法推論缺乏目標的動作是否有出現的必要,於是動作重演將減少。本研究邀請24名自閉症類兒童,以及配對心理年齡30個月大的21名發展遲緩兒童與24名一般發展兒童,將部件相連與部件分離作業當作組內的操弄變項,並另外施測無意義物體動作作業,將帶有目標的有關動作、缺乏目標的無關動作與無意義物體動作三者當作依變項,比較三組兒童的動作重演表現。結果發現:一、自閉症類兒童在有關動作前重演的無關動作並沒有在部件分離作業中較少,此結果不支持ACE理論。二、自閉症類兒童能夠重演無關動作,不易重演無意義物體動作,或許是因為自閉症類兒童可以重演物體本身提供的動作屬性,然而抑制已形成的習慣有困難。三、自閉症類兒童重演有關動作與無意義物體動作的表現較另二組差,兩者正相關,而無關動作的重演表現與另二組無異,也許是因為無意義物體動作與有關動作的相似度較高,皆可被視為示範動作中的主要目標動作,而無關動作較屬於次要的動作;換句話說,或許自閉症類兒童的困難在於重演主要目標的動作,但是重演次要動作的困難則不明顯。整體而言,本研究對於早期自閉症類兒童的社會學習障礙提出可能的觀點。 / Research showed distinctive imitative pattern in children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs), and one of the possible explanations is automatic causal encoding (ACE; Lyons et al, 2011). In ACE’s view, connective parts of task facilitate ASDs to copy actions without goals, which are seen as necessary to occur before copying actions with goals. Present research is to examine ACE theory in ASDs: when parts of the task separate, ASDs cannot infer the necessity of actions with goals to copy, and behaviors copying reduce. 69 children at mental age 30 months (24 ASDs, 21 developmental delay, and 24 normal development) enrolled our experiment, which was composed of connective parts of task, separate parts of task, and meaningless object movement task, with related actions (related to goal), unrelated actions(unrelated to goal), and meaningless object movements served as dependent variables. Several findings arose. First, copying behaviors of unrelated actions prior to related actions did not decline in separate parts of task, which disapprove ACE theory. Second, irrelevant actions copying was unimpaired in ASDs, while meaningless object movements copying seemed difficult for ASDs, which may due to ASDs’ ability to copy object properties of actions, but inability to inhibit habituated routines. Third, ASDs copied related actions and meaningless object movements less than the other groups, and the two actions were positively correlated, while unrelated actions copying showed no difficulty. This demonstrates that related actions and meaningless object movements are both actions with primary goals, while unrelated actions are subordinate actions; namely, one possible difficulty for ASDs to copy is actions with primary goal, while copying subordinate actions seems unimpaired. In sum, present research provides perspectives on ASDs’ impairments with social learning.

影響企業服務創新的因素與服務創新對企業績效表現的影響-以台灣銀行業為例 / The determinations of service innovation and how service innovation affect firm’s performance in Taiwan’s bank industry

沈哲緒, Shen, Che Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
創新是否能有助於企業成長與績效提升從過去以來一直是各文獻致力於探討的議題,隨著近年來服務業在各國產值比重有明顯上升的趨勢,許多學者更開始把較無型、較屬於服務業的創新從創新中獨立出來,並稱之為「服務創新」。每家企業的服務創新程度都會隨著企業內部資源與外部環境因素的不同而有所差異,因此本研究將著重在探討企業內外部有哪些因素可能會影響企業發展服務創新,以及在發展服務創新後是否真的能對企業績效表現有著正面的影響。 本研究透過質化的方法對四家台灣的銀行進行深入的訪談,從訪談結果和過去文獻中找出許多影響企業服務創新的因素,這些因素可以被歸納為資源基礎理論所稱的資源,企業透過強化這些內外部的資源將將可在市場上獲得競爭優勢,進而獲得較多的利潤。歸納結果後本研究做出以下論述:就企業內部資源而言(1)企業策略、組織資源與企業網絡、企業風險忍受程度、領導、市場導向皆對企業發展服務創有正面的幫助。(2)資訊科技整合平台應用在銀行業對於服務創新的幫助並不大。(3)就外部因素而言,政府因素、競爭對手模仿創新的能力將不利於企業發展服務創新。(4)企業發展服務創新將可提升整體企業形象與客戶忠誠度,這些都會促使企業績效成長。   最後,本研究根據訪談結果與次級資料發現企業內部因素中的組織資源與企業網絡是目前台灣銀行業要發展服務創新致勝的重要關鍵。此外,就企業外部因素來說,台灣目前銀行業的外部環境是不是很有利於服務創新發展,銀行應與政府主管機關多溝通協調,以改善發展環境。 / Whether innovation can affect firm’s performance is an important issue from past literature review. Since service industry become higher share in GDP in many countries, Scholars has departed service innovation from innovation. Every firms have different service innovation level because of different inner and outside resources. Therefore, this research will emphasize on discussing what kind of factors might affect firm to develop service innovation, and whether service innovation can really contribute to firm’s performance. In this research I collect many factors which might affect firms to develop service innovation from deep interviews four banks in Taiwan and past literature review. With those factors, firms can create competitive advantage and earn more profit. And I sort out few proposition as below: (1) If one firm do well at Company Strategy , Network of organizations , Leadership , Risk Tolerance , Market Orientation, then it will develop service innovation better than others firms. (2) IT Integration is not an important factor for developing service innovation in Taiwan’s bank industry. (3) Government Regulation , Competitor Imitate will make disadvantage for developing service innovation. (4) Service innovation will lead better Company Image and Customer Loyalty. Finally, according to the result from interviews and secondary data, I find that Network of organizations is the most important element for bank to get advantage in service innovation. And banks should be more emphasize on reduce disadvantage from external factors.

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