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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

予欲無言,「道」何言哉? ——對海德格晚期語言思想的探討 / A Discussion on the Later Heidegger’s Thought of Language

梁曉涵, Liang, Xiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討中晚期海德格的語言思想。主要分為兩部分:首先,從論述一種「現象學的語言」出發,探討一種前暴力、前表達、前表象、前概念化的語言如何可能。其次,從論述一種「語言的現象學」出發,探討海德格晚期之語言思想與現象學突破之間的關係。 / This thesis aims to discuss later Heidegger's thinking from language. It mainly divided into two parts. Firstly, starting from the “language from phenomenology”, we intend to quest that, how could a pre-violent, pre-expressing, pre-representing and pre-conceptualized language be possible. Furthermore, starting from the “phenomenology from language”, we attempt to inquire the relationship between later Heidegger’s thinking from language and the breakthrough of phenomenology.


黃文鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著行政任務之多元化,政府的職責不僅消極地保障人民權益不受違法侵害,並積極推動重大公共建設,提供人民生活上之照顧,為達成前述任務,政府必須擬定計畫,合理分配有限資源。由於性質重要且達一定規模之重大公共建設,於開發過程中,常事涉不同利益關係人及不同行政機關之權限,在計畫未公布實施前,應經計畫擬定、聽證舉行及計畫裁決等程序後,始可妥善有效實施。此種確定計畫程序之作用,在於藉由程序之參與,廣納各方意見,期考慮更為周詳,使最終確定之計畫內容合理妥善可行,俾於具體實施時可順利進行;並提高行政效率,建立民眾對公共政策良好之觀感及信賴,達成公部門推動政策之目標。 我國現行規範行政計畫之法制,僅有行政程序法第163、164條區區2條文,其中164條中心理念,緣自德國計畫確定程序之引進,就一定地區土地之特定利用或重大公共設施之設置,所為之計畫設計及規劃程序。在德國計畫確定程序不僅法規範完善,且行之有年,在程序集中及減少日後爭訟之層面,具有一定效果。法務部雖於2001年3月基於行政程序法第164條第2項之授權而嘗試訂定「行政計畫擬訂、確定、修訂及廢棄程序辦法草案」,就計畫之擬定、聽證程序之進行、計畫之確定等相關程序為詳細規範,賦予最終之確定計畫裁決一定之法律效力,以期達到程序集中的效果,然本辦法草案迄今仍未完成立法付之實施,無法發揮實質功效。 本研究之目的,在探討國家推動重大公共建設時,所面臨的最大挑戰-如何作出令人信服之決策,此緣於權力來源之正當性、決策內容與程序之合理性外;亦須思考公部門對於私部門或環保團體之不信任、民眾過於追逐開發行為所產生之暴利期待、環境與經濟之連動性及國家中長程之發展方向與目標等人文議題,並參考國外案例,融合本國風土人文予以克服與解決。另試圖將行政計畫確定程序運用在臺北市廣慈開發案,以行政程序所追求之民主、效能及公開之原則,解決其所面臨之困難。

廣播聽眾媒介使用與滿足之研究-以警察廣播電臺為例 / Radio Listener’s Media Use and Gratification- Example of the Police Broadcasting Service

信立君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從「使用與滿足」理論,以警察廣播電臺為探討的對象,研究聽眾願意主動提供路況資訊的使用動機與滿足程度。 警察廣播電臺為公營廣播媒體,節目內容以治安交通等公共服務為主。警廣自1971年設立第一座交通專業電臺臺北臺,以電話接收聽眾提供路況;於1996年率先啟用智慧型電話系統,將全省免付費路況提供專線統一為0800000123,受理來自全省各地聽眾提供即時路況。近年來,路況報導為廣播閱聽眾收聽廣播的重要因素之一,且從幾次重大的意外災害發生後,警廣很快的從聽眾提供的資訊掌握災情,聽眾主動提供的資訊發揮了功能。 本研究以量化研究方式,採用問卷調查法。研究結果發現,聽眾願意主動提供路況的動機,分別為「分享參與」、「資訊守望」、「人際連絡」、「尋求解決困難的方法」以及「個人化需求」等五個構面。並且想知道即時的路況是聽眾收聽警廣最主要的動機。 關鍵詞:使用與滿足、主動的閱聽人、廣播、路況報導 / Radio Listener’s Media Use and Gratification- Example of the Police Broadcasting Service Abstract This study employs 「uses and gratifications」theory to investigate motivations for actively providing road condition information and resulting gratification among listeners of Police Broadcasting Service. Police Broadcasting Service is a public radio station with program content chiefly comprising public service matters connected with law and order and transportation. Since it established Taiwan's first specialized traffic station—Taipei Station—in 1971, Police Broadcasting Service has received telephone reports of road conditions from listeners. The station launched the 0800000123 smart phone system—Taiwan's first—in 1996, to provide a Taiwan-wide toll-free road condition hotline to accept real-time road condition reports from listeners throughout Taiwan. In recent years, the station's road reports have become one of the most important factors causing the public to listen to the station. Furthermore, after several major accidents that occurred in the past, Police Broadcasting Service quickly gained a picture of the situation from information provided by listeners, showing that the voluntary provision of information by listeners is very effective. This study employed a quantitative research approach and used the questionnaire survey method. The study's findings indicated that listeners' motivations for actively providing road information included the five aspects of 「shared participation」, 「information watchman」, 「interpersonal contact」,「looking for means of solving problems」, and 「individual needs」. Furthermore, wishing to hear real-time road conditions constitutes listeners' chief motivation for listening to Police Broadcasting Service. Keywords: uses and gratifications、active audience、listeners、radio station、road condition report


呂懿婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從「網路上發表有關廣告論述文章」的現象出發,將BBS站廣告版網友的發言視為「閱聽人發表對廣告看法」的場所,分別運用不同的研究方法針對使用者、文本以及與BBS情境使用特性相關的三大方面加以歸類,並著重解釋使用者與文本、使用者與BBS、文本與BBS之間兩兩相互影響的現象。 研究發現,BBS站廣告版作為一個抒發意見的新媒體管道,它的內容是十分多元的,從文本環境來看,可以分成閱聽人意見的討論(包括詢問、感覺、心得、意見、批評等五種不同類型)與廣告本身(包括廣告演員、內容、現象、結構等分類的討論)以及學界概念、業界環境的討論等幾個重要的議題,同時,精華區的設置也提供了廣告版文章的歷史記錄和文章分類樣貌。本研究並提出《BBS廣告版的「閱聽人意見回饋」模式》來解釋BBS上廣告文本與閱聽人這樣的互動行為:當(when)受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人有廣告觀看經驗並有所想法,並有使用廣告版(接近性)的狀況下的的時候,他們就會發表對廣告的相關看法。在此條件下(under conditions),假如受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人與廣告有相當的關連性,那麼她們會對討論廣告有較為多元的想法,並且對自己意見發表的行為較為積極,這樣的意見回饋形式,呈現了閱聽人對於廣告多種想法的表達,有別於既有廣告批評或消費者研究將受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人視為缺乏主動性的研究立場,也劃分出另一個有別於傳統效果模式的意見回饋管道。

電話監聽中偶然發現之證據使用禁止 —以德國刑事訴訟法為中心

郭靜儒 Unknown Date (has links)

注意聽弱化音:針對台灣國中生的混合性教學實驗 / Listening for Reduced Sounds in English: A Classroom Mixed-Method Study in a Taiwanese Junior High School

孟志龍, Marsh, Shervin Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
本教學實驗旨在探討如何教導國中生認識英語弱化音。筆者身為英語母語人士經常看到即使有十年或二十年學習經驗的英語學習者,仍舊無法完整了解母語人士講述的內容,原因就是弱化音與連音所造成的困擾,本研究藉著教導學生具備相關辨識能力,希望了解學生對這樣學習的成果與反應。 研究首先施行前測,取得比較基準,接著設計並在課堂實施了七個節次的教學,包括四堂連音、三堂弱化母音。課後再施行後測。前後測比較之下並無顯著統計差異。但是針對學生所作的問卷調查發現,學生覺得學到了聽力技巧與能力有所進步。此外協同教師在訪談中也表示,此教學對學生的聽力技巧與能力有所助益。 根據本次研究經驗,筆者提出教學建議,認為教授國中生弱化音與連音確有必要,也期待這樣的教學應該盡早提供,而非等到高中或大學,以免為時已晚。 / This study looks at teaching reduced sounds to junior high school students. It started with the premise that even people who have studied English for ten or twelve years still cannot understand online materials spoken by native speakers of English. The reduced sounds and linked sounds baffle them. This study investigated the student reaction to hearing reduced vowels. A pretest was administered to establish a baseline. Four contractions and three reduced vowels were presented in the lessons. Then a post-test was given. The statistics showed no measurable change between pretest and post-test scores. However there are other ways to measure progress. In the survey given with the post-test, a number of students responded that they felt they had learned listening skills, and that their listening comprehension had improved. There were also interviews with co-teachers. These interviews also bore out that teachers felt the students’ listening comprehension had improved. The writer, as an active participant in the study, feels that teaching reduced sounds in junior high school is worthwhile. One should present more reduced sounds and linked words early on, and not wait until senior high school or university.

大學生修習商用英語聽力訓練之學習需求及聽力策略探討—以國立政治大學商學院為例 / Needs Analysis and Listening Strategies Training of English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes in Colleges -- A Case Study in College of Commerce, NCCU

陳佳琦, Chen, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的在於調查大學生修習「商用英語聽力訓練」之動機及需求,並對教師的教學活動及學習者之策略習得進行深入探討。該課程係以專業英語(English for Specific Purposes)之理論為依據,設計為應用於商業場合之課程。本研究以國立政治大學商學院學生為受試者進行個案研究,藉以探討「商用英語聽力訓練」課程現況及可供改進之方向。 受試者修習「商用英語聽力訓練」之動機與需求係由期初、期末兩次問卷填答得知,並經由英語程度不同之學習者反映出其不同之學習需求,可提供授課教師作為規畫課程及選擇教材時之參考重點,藉以提高學習者之學習興趣,達到有效學習的目標。 本論文的另一重點在於「商用英語聽力訓練」中聽力策略之訓練與習得,聽力策略的分類乃依Oxford(1990)提出之理論為根據,探討有助於該課程之聽力策略及技巧為何。本研究藉由二十八小時之課堂觀察,進而分析授課教師如何進行策略訓練;另外,經由問卷、測驗兩方法測知受試者對於該課程中策略訓練的反應及策略習得之實際情況。由此結果歸納出可提高學生學習效果的聽力策略。 由以上的研究結果,本論文針對於學習需求及策略訓練方法歸納出改進「商用英語聽力訓練」課程之具體建議,以期日後對相關課程之學習者及授課教師都能有所助益。 / This thesis aims to explore the current situation of an “English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes” in college and to provide suggestions for further improvement. This study focuses on two aspects:one is the motivations and needs analysis of the students who take this course; the other is the training and acquiring of listening strategies in this course. This course is based on the theory of “English for Specific Purposes” and is designed for Business majors. All the subjects of this research are sophomores and seniors of the College of Commerce at NCCU. The subjects’motivations and needs are investigated through a questionnaire survey at the beginning and the end of the semester. This research reveals the different motivations and needs for efficient and less-efficient learners. The results may provide some helpful perspectives to assist teachers in selecting effective teaching materials and designing appropriate courses. The other emphasis of this study is on the training and acquiring of listening strategies in this course. The definitions and categories of listening strategies are based on Oxford’s theory (1990). The author sits in on the classes for 28 hours to observe and record the actual teaching and learning situations. In addition, both questionnaires and tests (pre-test & post-test) are utilized to examine the actual strategies the subjects employ. With reference to the results of the observation, questionnaires and tests, the author presents the most effective listening strategies of this course. Based on the conclusions of this thesis, some possible applications are proposed for an “English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes”. The author hopes these suggestions can enhance the development of relevant courses in the future.

我國公民投票審議委員會運作之研究 / The research on the operation of the referendum review commission of the Executive Yuan in Taiwan

江佳娜 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究行政院下全國性公民投票審議委員會(下簡稱「審議委員會」)之運作;審議委員會依據公民投票法(下簡稱「公投法」)創設至本文2012年4月完稿截止,共經歷兩屆任期,已召開16次正式會議,並對12次人民提出之全國性公民投票案做成認定是否合於法律規定之決議;審議委員會係我國公投立法者特殊之創見,也是公投法立法過程中政黨協商之產物,因此,自第一屆審議委員會組成以來,其運作便無法擺脫政治爭議問題,即便第二屆審議委員會已依據大法官釋字645號解釋確立其合乎我國憲法之行政地位,有關審議委員會存廢之爭論仍沒有間斷過。 為探求審議委員會存廢爭議之答案,本文從靜態的制度面向及動態的實務面向加以研究,審議委員會運作之「價值」;本文以我國憲政權力分立制度為論述之基準,先從我國有關公民投票及行政程序之法律、制度變遷角度,探討審議委員會、乃至於包括審議委員會、中央選舉委員會及行政院訴願審議委員會在內之「行政上全國性公民投票審議機制」,其創設之合憲性,但主要上,本文還欲藉由審議委員會開會之實務案例研究,即歸納審議委員會16次正式會議過程之爭點,深入審議委員會的運作核心-如何審議人民提出之全國性公民投票提案。 本文認為,審議委員會不應貿然以公投法修法廢除之,只要審議委員會在審議過程中展現其「獨立性」,則現階段我國公民票制度之落實,仍有審議委員會發揮「協助人民有意義的行使創制、複決權」及「過濾人民提出之全國性公民投票提案」功能的必要,且可供公投法修正方向之鑑借;本文僅屬「初探」之研究,隨著審議委員會及有關其運作之司法實務經驗增加,相信審議委員會存廢之爭論亦會趨明朗。 關鍵詞:行政院公民投票審議委員會、大法官釋字645號解釋、中央選舉委員會、行政院訴願審議委員會、行政獨立性 / This paper is about a research of the operation of Referendum Review Commission of Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as “the Referendum Commission"). Until April 2012 the Referendum Commission has held 16 formal meetings and has reviewed 12 proposals for national referendum to determine whether those proposals meet the relevant provisions in the Referendum Act. Due to the fact that the establishment of the Referendum Commission is the result of negotiations between political parties, the operation of the Referendum Commission constantly causes controversy and the argument that the Referendum Commission should be abolished never ends even though the Judical Yuan Interpretation No. 645 has confirmed that the establishment of the Referendum Commission does not contradict the Constitutional of the Rupublic of China This paper discusses the basis of separation of powers in our constitutional system, starting with reviwing relevant laws and systems in respect of referedum and administrative procedures. Furthermore, the constitutionality of the establishment of relevant referendum review mechanism is examined, including the Referendum Commission, Central Election Commission and the Petitions and Appeals Committee of the Executive Yuan. This article also summarizes the issues raised in the 16th formal meeting of the Referendum Commission. This paper is of the opinion that the Referendum Commission should not be rashly abolished by amending the Referendum Act as long as the Referendum Commission is able to maintain its independancy in the process of exmination and that the existance of the Referendum Commission is necessary as it could assist people to exercise their tights of initiative and referendum and could ensure the smooth operation of the Referendum Act.


李茂政, Li, Mao-Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,對大眾傳播有興趣的研究者集中注意力於傳播過程中認知和資訊獲取的階段 。他們把大眾媒介在閱聽人之間影響認知改變的功能稱為「話題設定」 (Agenda-Set ting) 。六十八年九月十日台大醫院成功的分割了連體嬰張忠仁、張忠義。這個事件 可以說是全由新聞介發動與論所促成的,各媒介驚人地發揮傳播的功能,使這件原本 對社會沒有什么影響性的事件,成為大眾關心的事情。根據「話題設定」功能理論, 它實在是一個很好的研究題材。 本論文共一冊,約七萬字,其章節如下:第一章緒論、第一節前言;第二節媒介效果 研究的演變;第三節話題設定功能理論的產生、第四節話題設定功能研究實例、第五 節朝向話題設定的理論之建立、第六節問題研究之緣起。第二章研究假設與研究方法 ;第一節研究目的及論題 (issue)對本研究的適用性;第二節問題假設;第三節研究 方法 (第一項問卷製作、第二項抽樣與調查) 。第三章資料處理及假設之徵實、第一 節基本資料之統計及分析;第二節問題之假設與統計資料之分析;第三節主要發現。 第四章結論、第一節結果分析與解釋;第二節媒介功能的正常運作;第三節忠仁忠義 別來無恙?第四節本研究之限制及建議。附錄一連體嬰分割事件大事記;附錄二調查 問卷;附錄三參考書目。


張玉佩, Yupei Chang Unknown Date (has links)
閱聽人抗拒主流意識形態的批判能力﹐一直是閱聽人研究領域的重要議題。但是﹐現存閱聽人研究典範卻無法提出適切的討論框架﹐接收分析典範因時代變遷而使其概念模式難以適用﹐新典範如觀展/表演典範卻不關心閱聽人的抗拒問題。因此﹐本研究以閱聽人的思辨能力指稱閱聽人藉由與媒介影像互動、進而返回自我主體思考的能動性﹐試圖建構適合當代複雜媒介景象之閱聽人思辨能力的理論框架。 為了強調思考過程重於思考結果﹐本研究引入政治哲學家鄂蘭的哲學體系﹐視閱聽人的思辨能力為流動變化的過程﹐並以其提出之想像操作機制、普遍可溝通性、想像式巡訪與無家感思考狀態作為研究觀察的參考框架。於實際經驗資料蒐集分析方面﹐本研究持續觀察四年(1998年至2002年)閱聽人於《村上春樹的網路森林》發表循環文本共1,815篇﹐並從鄂蘭的哲學體系出發﹐試圖描繪閱聽人思辨進行的歷程。 研究首先發現﹐閱聽人研究應當將「閱聽人」的概念回歸到「人」的本質基礎﹐承認閱聽人並非單一、純粹、高同質性的群體﹐並重視其多元、混雜、糾結、交錯的身分認同。再者﹐閱聽人進行思辨時﹐其抗拒解構的對象不只是媒介文本蘊藏的意識形態﹐尚且包括長期自我人生經驗形成的默識與價值體系﹐因此﹐閱聽人思辨能力的呈現是綿延不斷的自我摧毀過程﹐是無所依傍與無家感心靈狀態的保持﹐唯有藉由闡述自我思考結果、與他人辯駁溝通的過程等持續的自我鍛鍊﹐才得以培育養成。

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